DIY mirror decoration. Mirror wall in the interior

It is important that the mirrors on opposite walls do not reflect themselves, otherwise you risk getting not only an aesthetic cacophony, but also a psychological one. It is unlikely that you will feel comfortable if your personality is upset, every time you walk along such a corridor. Opposite the mirror you can hang it in the same frame photograph loved one, and now he will become twice as loved.

Light scattering

To create muting, you can screw in light bulbs less power, and replace standard mirrors with matte ones or with a textured amalgam to resemble polished metal. As an alternative, polished aluminum, copper or even silver will work. dishes. Great option for modern.

Broken reflections and crooked mirrors in the interior

Another idea for a mirrored hallway design for people with a sense of humor. Make custom curved mirrors and decorate one of the free walls with them (can be in the form of appliqués or one size, lined up in a row). Even the gloomiest mood on Monday morning will be replaced by a cheerful mood with such a variety of author's grimaces and sizes.

Mirrors on the ceiling

Mirror ceiling inserts are a fairly popular interior decor option. A room with such a ceiling becomes visually much more spacious and brighter. Mirror mirrors are particularly popular ceilings in family bedrooms. We will leave the purpose of such decor for independent study.

Luxurious view of house plants

Is home gardening one of your hobbies? Don't be lazy to turn 3-4 pots of begonias on a balcony shelf in a real blooming front garden. A mirror surface attached to the back will multiply your green leaves tenfold.

Mirror panel

Fragility is the main disadvantage of a mirror surface. If you need to install a mirror sheet large area, there is a way out to divide the surface into several parts. A mirror panel can consist of both geometrically regular figures (divided into squares or stripes) and chaotic “splinters”. Moreover, the distances between the dividing lines can be minimal and with a small spread.

Sconces, floor lamps and mirrors

Your living room will turn into a hall for special ceremonies if you hang sconces or install floor lamp on a long leg in front of a narrow 30-40 cm strip of mirror (can be at the level of a floor lamp or the entire height of the wall).


Miniature mirror mosaic is appropriate in the decor textured wall(for example, when finishing decorative plaster) rooms of small dimensions. Catching a reflected ray of light, no matter from what source, mirror surfaces will visually fill the room with light and sparkle with playful reflections. This technique is also appropriate when decorating apron in a small kitchen. Instead of decorative tiles You can use a mirror insert of the same size with matting or geometric division.

Mirrored wardrobe

Closet with mirrored facades is always a win-win option for a small bedroom. To ensure that the facade does not seem too ordinary and boring, additional matting with patterns that repeat the wall decor will provide a balanced image of the finished interior.

With the help of a mirrored wardrobe you can easily and effortlessly increase the space of a small room

Designers of all times have vied with one another to claim that a mirror wall is a way to visually enlarge a small space. Indeed, this innocent “deception” served only this purpose for many decades - people simply placed a cast reflective sheet on a piece of the wall of the living room, hallway or bathroom. Today, technology allows apartment and house owners to create their own designs and realize their wildest fantasies.

A modern mirror wall in the interior is produced not only as a solid canvas, but also as a tile, mosaic, panels, panels and even wallpaper film. Particularly popular are decorative elements - stickers (mirror stickers) and interesting ideas, such as mirror clocks or figures. Photos of designer decor simply amaze with the breadth of imagination and execution options. But how not to get lost in all the diversity and choose the appropriate decorative element? Designers give several useful tips when decorating, how to correctly correlate the mirror and the appearance of the room without making typical mistakes.

Mirrors and rooms

  • In the living room . If you put a cast mirror wall, wallpaper film with the effect of a mirror or panel in the living room, you will probably feel dizzy or experience some disorientation in space (psychologists have noted such moments more than once). This method is best left for the hallway or bathroom; in the living room it is only suitable for filling niches, or using the canvas as a false window. It also doesn’t make sense to tile the wall; mosaics won’t do either. The best option will mirror panel or fancy stickers. If you still want large mirrors It is in the living room that designers suggest using a fun solution - to decorate a large, simple design on the wall and cover it with mirror film, trim off the excess and hide it under decorative finishing along the edging. A large mirror clock looks especially beautiful in the living room.
  • In the hall. Hallway design it just assumes the maximum area of ​​mirror panels, film or canvas. But this does not mean that all walls should be a solid mirror; the psyche can react specifically to such a decision. In order not to be visually disoriented in space, many owners tile the hallway wall.
  • In the bathroom. As in the hallway, one of the walls in the bathroom can be safely made mirrored. And it doesn’t matter at all - these will be panels, big mirror or film, the main thing is that the surface does not deteriorate from moisture and is resistant to its effects. And yet, the most popular option for the bathroom has been and will be mirror tiles, plain or mosaic.
  • IN . Unlike the living room, a design in the bedroom that involves mirror panels or cast film attached to the wall like wallpaper is considered not only appropriate, but can also bring some piquant moments to the room. family life. However, even here you can show more imagination, for example, paste a series of stickers in the shape of hearts or a large custom-made sticker - a picture. mirror clock or panel. Photos of decorative elements in bedroom design today are truly amazing in their variety.
  • In the kitchen . Unlike the hallway, bathroom or bedroom, you should not do it in the kitchen. big wall from mirror panels, film or large tiles; in photos of kitchens, it is more common not to see a wall - a mirror, but a partial design decorative elements. Here we use dangerous objects, such as knives, or interact with high temperatures while cooking on the stove. With a large mirror wall, involuntary disorientation in space can occur, and there is a high probability of getting hurt or burned, especially if the panels or large tiles are in the field of view. In the kitchen would be better suited a design that includes decorative elements: a panel, a sticker (it can be either one large or several small ones), or small pieces of tiles - a mosaic.

How to use mirrored walls in the interior

Mirrors, in addition to their main duties - to reflect a person’s appearance, help him take care of himself, thereby improving his mood (the fair sex especially like to spin in front of mirrors), also play the role of original decoration interior Being a necessary piece of furniture where people undress and dress (hallway, Walk-in closet), carry out hygienic procedures (bathroom), a mirror is also appropriate in other rooms of the apartment, fulfilling, in addition to the main one, an equally important mission: decorative. Correctly installed mirrors will help correct the shortcomings of the room, make it lighter and more spacious, that is, turn a gloomy, dark room into a bright room. A beautiful figurine, vase or painting, repeated in a mirror, will double the number of things that decorate your home.

You definitely need to know the special rules that will help make your home visually more spacious and brighter, because if you use mirrors incorrectly, there is a risk of ruining the design of the room space.

You should understand in more detail how to use mirrors in the interior for your benefit.

Stylish mirrors in the interior

Mirror walls in the interior. Details and facts

A mirror wall is a vertical surface, the area of ​​which is finished with a material that reflects light. In one case, mirrors cover the entire wall with a whole material, in another - these can be elements that exist separately from each other. To fasten mirrors, glue, clamps or a frame are used.

What is a wall of mirrors in the interior of a room? This:

  • an ensemble of mirrors that can be either framed or without it;
  • a wall with mirror tiles, panels or wallpaper;
  • wardrobes with doors entirely covered with mirrors;
  • various furniture that includes mirror material in its design.

To decorate rooms, mirrors that are not quite familiar to the average person are used. Their surface is not always smooth or clean; there are corrugated surfaces or with a sandblasted pattern. Lovers of retro and vintage will like “antique” mirrors (with an aged effect), and those who prefer high-tech and laconicism will like mirrors without frames, making the surface uniform.

Modern designer stores offer customers not only standard glass mirrors, but also acrylic, a flexible material.

The mirror perfectly complements the interior

An optical illusion or a good decision?

Designers use the property of mirrors to visually make the space wider and much lighter, which will be of interest primarily to those who live in small homes or with rooms as narrow as pencil cases. Then a wall completely covered with a mirror will help, as if by magic, to visually add additional square meters to the room.

If a mirror in the interior is placed in such a way that it reflects the window, a small and dark room will become completely different: spacious and bright.

To avoid discomfort from the “abundance of mirrors”, it will be enough to place mirror blocks on the entire surface of the wall behind the back of a sofa or chair, which will also help expand the room and neutralize the frequent and therefore irritating contact of your reflection with your eyes.

Mirror interior - photo

Interesting details. Complementing the mirrored interior

Mirrors in the interior

Large and bright rooms need mirrors no less. The mirror here, first of all, becomes a decoration of the interior, its “highlight”, gives a certain sophistication, elegance, and adds luxury. To create such an atmosphere, sticker mirrors or ordinary ones, but always in frames, are perfect.

Unusual, avant-garde forms and decorations in the form of drawings or ornaments are in fashion. You also need to know one rule: in this way it is worth decorating rooms with a minimum amount of furniture, with walls in soothing colors, otherwise, otherwise, the reflections of many shelves, sofas and armchairs can cause an uncomfortable feeling of incomprehensible irritation.

Effective separation with mirror walls

Mirrors can be used not only as a solid sheet, but also as individual elements. The separation effect smoothes out the irritating effect of reflection, without losing the ability to enlarge and brighten the space. The distances for such crushing are different. They can be equal in size to the border of mirrors (suitable for rooms with a small area), wide mirrors at a narrow distance from each other look aesthetically pleasing (for a large room) and vice versa (a large distance between narrow mirrors highlights the pastel tone walls).

By adopting one of the proposed methods, the apartment owner will create an effective, non-standard and bold design for his home, for example:

  • reflection of light rays at different angles and in different directions, like many small prisms;
  • combination of different reliefs, shapes and textures;
  • eccentricity and originality of both the home and the owner.

Mirrors on the wall: undesirable areas

When decorating rooms with mirrored walls, the main thing is to stop in time and not to overdo it: taste and moderation are important in everything. And there are areas in the apartment in which mirrored walls are not only undesirable, but simply not appropriate. For example:

  1. Mirrored doors of the wardrobe, which stands near the wall in a narrow, long and dark room, will reflect the opposite wall, creating the effect of a narrow tunnel filled with furniture.
  2. The bed or desk should not be reflected in the mirror; this may interfere with the work process or a restful sleep.
  3. A combined bathroom, and even a small one, is also not suitable for placing a mirror surface there: firstly, your reflection sitting on the toilet is not a wonderful sight, secondly, in a damp room you will have to constantly wipe the mirrors from drips, thirdly , in a small bathroom, even a whole mirror wall will not help and will not make the space visually wider.
  4. A wall of mirrors opposite a similar one is a terrible solution. It will work out endless tunnel reflections, from which your nerves will begin to play havoc.

The role and significance of mirrors in the bathroom, kitchen, hallway, living room and bedroom

Mirror walls in the bathroom interior

Mirrored walls seem to be made for spacious, well-lit bathrooms, so you should plan the placement of lamps in advance. Instead of the usual mirror from the bathroom set above the sink, you can make a composition of mirror tiles. A wall completely covered with mirrors in front of a cubicle or bathroom is a good find, but in front of the toilet - no, no, and no again. And of course, you should take good care of the cleanliness and shine of mirrors, wipe them from drips and drops; this is not difficult to do, fortunately, there is now a huge selection of products for mirrors and glass.

Bathroom with mirror wall
Ideal interior, complemented by mirrors

Mirror walls in the kitchen interior

Mirrored walls are suitable for modern, newfangled kitchens that combine laconicism, the cool shine of chrome parts, a lot of light and air. They are perfect for decorating a dining room, the only thing is that mirror blocks need to be placed at the top of the wall, where they will not reflect, and therefore irritate people. And, as mentioned above, the mirror can be hung so that it reflects the window, this trick will add light.

Kitchen with mirror wall Mirror walls in the kitchen

Mirror walls in the hallway interior

In hallways with a mirror design, you should be careful and avoid mirrors opposite each other to avoid creating an unnerving mirror maze. It is advisable to dilute the interior of the hallway with a few mirrored details, no more, and to brighten it, hang lamps near the mirrors. For those who have a huge, spacious hallway, you don’t have to think twice about decorating the wall from top to bottom with mirror finishing. A sliding wardrobe will also fit perfectly in the hallway. Mirror ceiling It will appeal to originals and aesthetes; it will increase the space and increase the amount of light from the lamps, which is extremely important in such a room. + .

Hallway with a mirror wall

Mirror walls in the living room interior

This room is intended for relaxation and receiving guests, which means the interior design in it should be light, bright, and fresh. Here you can let your imagination run wild. Whether it will be a whole mirror wall or fragments, ornaments, mosaics - everything is appropriate. Mirrors in rich baguettes or frames with beautiful ornaments - great idea. Reflective finishes can be used on cabinet sides or coffee table surfaces, doors and cabinets.

Living room with mirrored walls
Another living room option with a mirror on the wall

Mirror walls in the bedroom interior

A mirrored wall will add luxury, elegance, and a touch of chic and aristocracy to this room. Due to the reflective elements, the bedroom will acquire a more mysterious and intimate atmosphere. Playing with lighting and illumination, coupled with mirrors, will allow you to give unexpected angles to the refraction of the beam. Most often, mirrors are placed on the ceiling or above the bed. Also the mirror perfect solution For dressing table or dressing table. More

A mirror wall in the interior can not only visually double the space, but also create a play of light. As a rule, mirrored walls are created using several large mirrors or small mirrors cut into tiles.

Alternatively, a mirror wall can be used to decorate the doors of a wardrobe or wardrobe. In the photo above, the mirrors are located on the doors of a huge closet. Despite its size, the cabinet looks quite miniature and sophisticated, reflecting the entire space of the room. One gets the feeling that this is no longer a small room, but a whole hall.

Another option is mirror tiles with a beveled edge. Such tiles will look great when laid using the classic method and laid diagonally. A mirrored wall can be placed in a niche or on a small wall.

You can decorate the joints of mirrors using decorative plaster moldings (photo above). They will create volume and will look very expensive.

The easiest way to make a mirror wall with your own hands. Several not very large mirrors of the same size must be connected and secured using mirror clamps. Such fasteners can be purchased at any hardware store. They can look like small buttons with a diameter of up to 4 centimeters, decorated to look like wood or metal.

Place flowers on a shelf next to the mirror as in the photo above, this will significantly increase the amount of greenery in the room.

A mirror in the bathroom is a must. But instead of the usual small mirror in the bathroom, you can make a whole mirror wall. This will increase the space of the bathroom, but for ours this is so important.

The mirror wall can be placed on the side of the washbasin, but then you will have to duplicate a small mirror above the sink.

An ideal option would be a mirror wall behind the sink (photo above). The lower shelves and cabinets will cover the reflection of the floor, which will smooth out the effect of mirroring the space.

A mirrored wall in the bedroom looks beautiful and modern. But Feng Shui traditions do not recommend hanging large mirrors in the bedroom. Indeed, many people feel uncomfortable and even sleep poorly if there is a mirrored wall in the room. Well, if you are still firmly convinced that you want just such an interior, experiment by placing a huge mirror on the side of the bed for a few nights.

The best option would be a mirrored wall behind the head of the bed. You will feel much more comfortable waking up in a room without mirrors, and when you enter the room, all the beauty will be in sight.

Another option for placing a mirror wall in the bedroom is a mirrored wardrobe. A sliding wardrobe with mirrored doors will serve not only a decorative role. It is also a huge storage space.

The cabinet can be supplemented with huge mirrors or decorated with additional crossbars that divide the mirrors into squares or rectangles.

Even more unusual option placement of huge mirrors in the interior - mirrored ceiling. A mirrored ceiling will only create the feeling of a huge space and at the same time you will not constantly see your reflection. This option is suitable for those who prefer high ceilings, but live in a standard apartment.

With the help of glass cabinet doors you can significantly expand the corridor or any narrow room, placing mirrors along the longest wall.

For those who like more creative options - decorative mirrors of various shapes, angles and sizes.

Mirror wall in the interior: tips

Think about the light. A mirrored wall can double the lighting by half. Place the lamps so that they are reflected in the mirror. Such an unusual play of light will create a wonderful atmosphere.

Do not place massive furniture near the wall; remember, everything you bring into a room with a mirror wall will be doubled in size.

A mirrored wall in the interior of an apartment or house looks great, the main thing is to choose the right place and decor.

Until recently, the purpose of a mirror was only to allow a person to evaluate his appearance.

However, over the past few years, designers have begun to use it as one of the main elements for interior decoration.

And although today there are many models on the market that can fit perfectly into any design, they are not able to make it individual.

That is why apartment owners increasingly prefer decorating mirrors with their own hands, which guarantees a unique and inimitable product.

But this is not true at all, because in reality you will need not such expensive materials. They can be successfully replaced with commonly available and cheap materials, with the help of which you can create your own unique mirror decor that emphasizes the individuality of the owner.

Decorating a room with mirrors

Just a few years ago it was customary to use mirrors only in bathrooms, but now in homes modern man they are installed in almost all rooms.

And if previously there was only one purpose, now it directly depends on the location of the product. Designers note that apartment owners with small rooms should be more careful about mirrors.

This is due to the fact that correctly positioned mirror structures can visually enlarge a room, making it more spacious and bright.

In addition, we should not forget that the decor with mirrors in the interior looks quite interesting and modern.

To do this, you do not necessarily need the help of a professional, since with a sufficiently developed imagination, you can decorate the structure yourself.

In this case, you will need to follow 7 rules:

When decorating with mirrors, you should purchase designs of the same size. It is preferable that they be small size, it is better to avoid purchasing bulky items.

  • If you decide to get creative and purchase mirrors with an irregular shape, then you should abandon the idea of ​​placing them in a frame.
  • When decorating an oval mirror, place it in a beautiful frame.
  • Select frames of the same type to achieve unity of the entire composition.
  • For mirror designs different sizes Be sure to use the same frames.
  • If you decide to create a composition from mirrors, you should not use more than five models.
  • When choosing frames, always remember that they should be in harmony with overall design premises.

Many owners small apartments mirrors attract people with their ability to visually increase the area of ​​a room. But it is important to remember that achieving such an effect will not be easy.

Here you can’t buy one mirror; you will need more than 6 products. Their shape should be different, as well as their size. It is best to use three-dimensional products with modeling elements as frames.

It is also necessary to take care in advance about the correct lighting, which, reflected in the mirrors, will expand the free space of the room. This will be very useful in the bathroom, since it is often quite modest in size.

To decorate a bathroom mirror, you can use several small mirrors framed with frames with different designs.

For those who prefer variety modern styles far from the classics, original “crooked” mirror designs are suitable. Designers suggest placing them on one of the walls of the room, creating fancy applications.

In addition, they can also be arranged in the shape of a square or rectangle. This will brighten the room and make it more lively. IN in this case It is best to make the decor of the frame on the mirror simple and elegant so as not to disturb the overall composition.

If you still decide to use a large mirror, then it should be installed above the sofa or fireplace. At the same time, it is important to remember that to combine this design with others it is absolutely not recommended.

New life for old mirrors!

In order to create a trendy decoration for a mirror structure, it is absolutely not necessary to purchase a new product.

Surely you have more than one old mirror stored in your house that has not been used for a long time. Pay attention to the decor of the mirror, the master class of which is presented below.

The used product was stored in a closet for many years and the owners had no plans to use it, however, this did not stop the master from breathing new life into it.

When working with an old product, you need to perform several simple manipulations that will help restore it to its original appearance:

  • Make sure in advance that the coating has been removed from the surface of the frame you are using, as in the photo of the mirror decor provided below. You can erase it with a special liquid, which is sold in building materials stores.
  • Before covering the product with glue, it is necessary to apply a primer, which will serve as the basis for the glue.
  • After the primer has been completed, you can begin to coat the mirror with glue. It should be applied to places that will be used for decoration.

Please note that the decor of a round mirror can be made more original by using a frame made of metal rulers arranged in the shape of the sun.

Photo of the original decor of mirrors in the interior