Renovating a long narrow kitchen. Narrow kitchen design: ridding the room of carpal tunnel syndrome

Long and narrow kitchens are often found in block standard houses. From the point of view of design and functionality, arranging such a room is not an easy task. But this does not mean that the owners of such rooms are doomed to “non-functionality”, inconvenience and the need to squeeze between furniture and appliances. The design of a small narrow kitchen requires a special approach to arrangement; in this article we will give you some interesting ideas.

Narrow long kitchen - design, photos and interesting ideas

When designing a narrow, long kitchen, it is important not to overload it and try to correct the proportions. Fortunately, there are at least several ways to organize a kitchen with such architecture.

Let's start with the most radical ones. If you don’t see any other way out, you can decide to demolish or move the wall or make a niche or opening in it. As a result we get fashionable interior, which will have an open kitchen combined with a living room.

If the open kitchen does not correspond to your ideas about this room, or it is not possible to demolish the wall, then you have to look for other solutions. We can keep the wall, but significantly expand the entrance area, in which case you will have free access to the room. You can put it in the doorway: traditional doors take up too much space, and sliding doors hide in the wall when opened. A glass door to the balcony will provide additional light.

Narrow and long kitchen: letter “G” or letter “P”

Depending on the width of the room, cabinets can be installed in accordance with a pattern similar to the letters “P” or “G”, that is, cabinets can be located on one side, including the area under the window, or on both sides.

How to choose the right option for placing furniture in a narrow and long kitchen? The width of the room should be taken into account:

  • if the room width is up to 180 cm, it is recommended to install cabinets along one wall;
  • with a width of 240 cm we have slightly more options.

It is extremely important to leave at least 120 cm of free space in the central part, otherwise the use of the space, especially by a large number of family members, will be inconvenient.

A narrow and long kitchen in the shape of the letter U allows you to obtain optically more favorable ratios than furniture along the wall. At the same time, we can plan an even distribution of furniture and necessary equipment and get a lot of storage space and a fairly large working sector. But there is one here important point. We often place furniture from top to bottom, so the interior becomes very congested. Therefore, it is better to harmoniously distribute the cabinets and alternate them with open shelves on which you can place some dishes or spice jars.

Translucent glazed doors and railings on which you can hang kitchen utensils also help us with this.

The most simple solutions are the best. Sometimes, shifting the focus away from the size and proportions of a room is as simple as choosing the right colors. In a narrow kitchen you should avoid dark colors, because they optically make the room smaller. Of course, light colors are best.

Some optical effects can bring mirrors into the interior located on the wall or on the side walls of cabinets.

The most successful colors for small rooms are:

  • white,
  • beige,
  • various shades of gray,
  • yellow,
  • blue.

On the contrary, on the narrowest wall we can place an interesting drawing, painting or graphic. On a free wall, you can stick photo wallpaper with a perspective, which will visually increase the space.

Shiny furniture fronts are also a good option for a narrow kitchen. They, like a mirror, will reflect interior details and play up the space, making the room visually larger. Therefore, it is worth thinking about which furniture is best for you, analyzing other factors. You can read about this in the article about which one to choose.

It is also advisable to make sure that the kitchen countertop is in the same shade as the floor; the consistency of this decision will give harmonious look narrow kitchen.

A key point, no less important than choosing the color of the kitchen walls, is the choice of lighting. With this shape of the room, natural light usually comes through one small window, installed in a narrow wall at the back of the room. Therefore, away from the window, twilight may dominate. It is very important to light this wall.

In addition to the main lamp, it is necessary to illuminate the tabletop; a very convenient solution would be. It is necessary to evenly illuminate all the main sectors of the room, including the cabinets.

Where can you find room for a table in a long and narrow kitchen? If you are a fan of the traditional approach to the dining room, then you can have a folding one, which can be enlarged in case of guests visiting, and Everyday life it will be compact and not take up much space.

Here you can also use other original and non-standard solutions, for example, a table that folds away from the wall, or pulls out from the kitchen wall. We can place chairs under the window or convert a window sill into a table by placing a tabletop on it. Thus, we get a comfortable place for breakfast for two or three people.

The tabletop must be calculated taking into account the fact that one person will need 60 cm. In the case of a tabletop under the window, you can choose a table slightly higher than the standard one, in the form of a bar counter and bar stools for it. With a table by the window, we do not lose work space, since it can become an extension of the countertop of the kitchen itself. If you don’t want to waste your work surface by the window, then the bar counter can be made in another place in the kitchen.

The design of the rooms depends on the dimensions of the space. The design of a narrow kitchen must combine beauty and functionality. You should carefully choose furniture items and decorations for decoration. appearance.

Finishing materials are the ideal choice

The future interior depends on how the finishing is selected. If you choose the right materials for renovation, you can visually expand the space. Light colors are suitable for the surface of the walls. It doesn’t matter whether it’s wallpaper or paint, but thanks to delicate shades, a small narrow kitchen will become best place in the house.

Wallpaper with patterns or ornaments will allow you to make a bright accent splash. Canvases with vertical stripes look good in small spaces. The area near the dining table can be covered with photo wallpaper, thereby dividing the room into separate zones.

Panoramic images will help to visually enlarge the space. This method is considered the most popular and effective today. In general, the choice of coatings is very diverse. You can purchase wallpaper with the image picturesque area or night city. Such tricks add originality to a narrow and long kitchen.

Any material can serve as a floor covering. Regardless of the appearance of the material, the main thing is strength and reliability. Best to use ceramic tiles. This method is considered the most popular among specialists and consumers. In their opinion, flooring can make the room more spacious if placed in a diagonal direction.

The color scheme of materials, both for the walls and for the floor, should be in harmony with each other. If you use laminate, it means lay it perpendicular to the main wall. If you choose a dark-colored material, you can visually raise the ceiling.

Light-colored laminate goes well with beige furniture. Narrow kitchens with a window, especially when it is large, are less demanding, because the opening becomes an accent in the space.

Interior layout of a narrow long kitchen

A thoughtful choice of furniture and its arrangement will create comfortable interior narrow kitchen. Modern headsets And Appliances will help you use wisely square meters. Install a sink or countertop near the window. You can put a washing machine or dishwasher in this place.

To add some space near the wall, take care to move the radiator and put it under the windowsill. Use the corner niche with a headset. This way the central part of the room will remain free.

Kitchen utensils will find their place in wall cabinets and shelves. Often, owners of unusual kitchens use sliding structures as furniture. Such tables or shelves save space.

You can install a bar counter - it won’t take up much space, and the chairs can easily be hidden under the tabletop. Sometimes owners buy a narrow sofa for the kitchen and place it near the table along the wall.

In general, compact furniture should be used for such non-standard rooms. When creating a style, pay attention Special attention kitchen table. There is no need to purchase large items that take up extra space.

Plastic table rectangular shape or a glass structure will help the room look free and relaxed. As for chairs, they should not block the passage in the kitchen.

You need to select items that can easily slide under the table. These can be small stools without backs or benches. Careful planning of a narrow kitchen will help visually increase the space, and the room will become comfortable regardless of the availability of square meters.

Expert advice on how to create a comfortable and beautiful narrow kitchen

To prevent the kitchen from seeming too narrow or long, you need to follow a few simple recommendations. They will help you adjust the space.

The mirror surface will make the room wider. It is recommended to place this item on a long wall. If you decide on such a trick, then the mirror should be large.

The unused wall is highlighted with finishing material. It is desirable that the covering be unusual, for example, a panel, fresco, mosaic or canvas with an original image.

The visual perception of space will help to adjust the lighting. Therefore, in addition to the usual chandelier, you need to use additional light sources. This method is suitable for working area. Choose hanging lamps or kitchen sconces, the main thing is that they match the same style.

A long narrow kitchen will look much better if the window opening is designed correctly. Use light curtains, Roman shades or blinds in pastel shades.

Furniture items with transparent inserts will create the illusion of weightlessness and lightness.

As for cabinets and cabinets, opening their doors should not interfere with moving around the room. For narrow passages, purchase items with mechanisms. For example, a wardrobe will help save extra square meters in a small room.

Straight narrow kitchens with a balcony are great, but what to do with the doorway. To exit you need to install a glass door. Thus, the interior of the room will become weightless and, of course, more spacious.

The kitchen set is placed along one wall so that it does not occupy another, near which the home owners can arrange a dining area.

Do not use a large number of wall cabinets. The upper structures will make the design of the room heavy, but it is in the kitchen with a cup of coffee that you will have to get ready for a new day.

Distract guests from the unusual shape of the room with bright accessories and decorative elements. Use unusual pictures Wall Clock or flower pots, the main thing is to match the theme with the chosen design.

In our article you can see a selection of photos of a narrow kitchen. And remember the right one design solution, finishing materials and pieces of furniture will help make an unusual room an attractive, cozy corner. Use your imagination and consult with your relatives. Good luck!

Photo of a narrow kitchen

What should be the design of a long kitchen? This is the question faced by everyone who has functional room non-standard shape.

It’s not difficult to find ready-made projects; we also have examples on our website; they will help you understand some of the nuances in creating functionality and comfort in such kitchens.

Custom kitchen space

Leave awkward dimensions or combine two spaces?

Of course, in this situation the only thing that comes to mind is correct solution– connect the kitchen with the dining room, combining two different spaces.

But this option has a lot of additional disadvantages.

  • Firstly, the necessary isolation disappears, odors spread faster throughout the apartment, absorbing into the furniture upholstery and into outerwear which hangs in the hallway.
  • Secondly, in a combined room it is always necessary to maintain perfect order, sometimes this is impossible due to the special busyness of modern man.
  • Thirdly, such redevelopment is not always possible, it is tedious, more expensive, so many prefer to put up with the proposed situation and are looking for other ways that allow them to competently manage the space and visually correct the shortcomings of the room’s shape.

Where to begin

Not every average person knows how to furnish long kitchens, how to decorate them, and find the right compromise between aesthetics and functionality. Designers advise taking your time in this matter and starting with careful consideration of this issue.

It is necessary to clearly decide and write down on a sheet of paper a list of what should appear in a non-standard room: what utensils, what furniture, what accessories.

Next, you need to understand for yourself once and for all that the interior of a long kitchen should not consist of bulky furniture. The set should be miniature, compact and roomy. It is advisable to choose ergonomic objects, transformers, capable of simultaneously performing several important functions.

Goes to selection finishing materials, a long kitchen is decorated, as a rule, only in light colors that can add air and spaciousness to the space.

No wallpaper with large patterns, only small patterns, soft and warm shades, allowing the use of combined textures. This is the only way the kitchen will seem cozy and spacious.

Cool colors will also help to visually enlarge the room; light blue, soft pink, gray mouse color will do the job perfectly, but will slightly reduce the tactile warmth of the room. Well, many take such a step, wanting to get away from the oppressive feeling of a very confined space.

  1. All work surfaces, despite being cramped, are best placed along two long walls. To do this, you need to choose sets with small countertops, upper shelves It’s better to make them open, or hide them under mirrored facades.
  1. To save space, it is better to choose sliding wardrobes, or sets, the doors of which open not to the side, but upward. Such furniture will not interfere with movement around the room. There are special finishing materials that reflect light and scatter it, thereby also visually changing the space. It is important to give preference to them if you want to create a comfortable interior.
  1. The length of the kitchen itself plays a big role; if the end wall remains unoccupied, it is useful to place a decorative emphasis on it. Look at the photo to see how you can beat it. A bright openwork tile will look good, which will then duplicate the finishing of the apron.

  1. A floor-length mirror or transparent French doors to the balcony would look great instead. They will help create a completely different perspective that will completely break the incorrect geometry of the room.
  1. A narrow, long room can be divided with a decorative arch, thereby highlighting a dining and work area. Opposite the entrance wall you can hang an art object that will distract attention. It can be any bright painting or stained glass window made by yourself.
  1. Designers know how else to “play” with space. They advise choosing the floor covering that you especially like. And no matter what its price, in such a room you can fork out for anything. And if the renovation budget is limited, then you can easily get by with a rug on which a repeating geometric pattern is placed.
  1. It is he who will attract views, distract from cramped spaces and increase the proportional ratio of the width, height and length of the room.

It was already mentioned above that unnecessary decorative techniques are useless in a narrow space. That's true, but don't worry about style.

There is plenty to choose from. A modern, bright kitchen-gallery and a glamorous, glossy set look great in a long room.

If possible, it is better to completely abandon the upper cabinets, but actively use original design hoods for the kitchen. IN in this case, a functional item will easily become a beautiful central art object of the interior.

It’s easy to organize a relaxation corner using the space under the window. A small sofa with a dining table placed next to it would be perfect for the end wall. It's nice to have breakfast by the window, enjoying the rays of the sun that is just waking up.

Ceiling and lighting

  1. In a narrow room, you cannot use suspended structures that hide the height of the ceiling. Works great for expanding space mirror ceiling. The contrast of dark and light finishing materials that highlight the main work areas looks good. There is a detailed video that can tell you how you can visually expand the space.
  1. After watching it, everyone will find something useful for themselves, something that can be used in their apartment. Light will also help to adjust the space.
  1. The lighting for such a room is also chosen unusual. It is best to illuminate all work surfaces by installing spotlights directly into the lower shelves hanging cabinets. Central lighting will not be enough with just one chandelier; it will be much more appropriate and effective fluorescent lamps, mounted along the entire length of the ceiling.

Note! In a narrow kitchen there should be perfect order and clear organization. Bright, catchy accessories that distract attention are welcome. These could be fresh flowers in pots, unusual paintings, vases, bright kitchen utensils.

The tables are also elongated; instead of chairs, benches are welcome.

Generalization on the topic

Finally, I would like to note that the given instructions do not pretend to be a panacea, it is only general recommendations, but they say that a long, elongated room still needs to be decorated in light colors, furniture is placed along one of the walls or in parallel rows. It's worth it to easily sacrifice items that aren't needed.

If your house has an elongated, narrow kitchen, then there is no need to despair, because such a rectangular kitchen is not a death sentence. Using some tricks, you can easily fix all the existing shortcomings of the kitchen, changing it beyond recognition. You will learn how to properly design a narrow kitchen in this article.

Narrow kitchen interior

When thinking about the design of a rectangular and narrow kitchen, remember that not only zoning is important here, but also proper lighting, the right choice of furniture, as well as the design of the ceiling, floor and walls.

Wall decoration

The best option When decorating the walls, use paint or wallpaper in pastel colors. Walls of cream, peach, sky blue, milk or white.

You can also cover all the walls with wallpaper, but it will be better if vertical stripes wallpaper will alternate with painted areas.

If you want with some kind of pattern, it is best to choose a small pattern that will be located linearly.

In order to make a very long kitchen room more comfortable, you can “break up” the atmosphere with the help of a large bright painting located on one of the walls. Or you can cover one wall with photo wallpaper with some kind of panoramic image, which will expand the space.


When developing the design of a narrow kitchen, you can use various options lighting. A very important role in such a kitchen is, of course, played by the window, which in no case should be curtained. thick curtains. If the window is wide enough, then you can hang transparent and light curtains, and if it is narrow, then you can use Roman blinds.

In a long and narrow kitchen, the ceiling should not be in the center of the room. It will look best above the dining area.

A lamp that is made in the form of a single ceiling panel is ideal, as it can not only fill the kitchen with diffuse, soft light, but also add depth to the room with its glossy surface, reminiscent of a mirror.

In addition, you can use the option with several hanging lamps that can replace the ceiling chandelier. With the help of such lamps you can easily solve the issue of zoning a room.

For the work area, it is necessary to use additional lighting, which can be built-in lamps or a regular LED strip.

Should not be built-in ceiling lamps placed along an elongated wall, as this solution will contribute to a “tunnel” perception. The best option is to arrange the lamps in two squares, highlighting separate zones in the kitchen.

With the help of several lighting options, you can easily create cozy corners in the kitchen, illuminating only the work area or eating area if desired.


When choosing the design of a rectangular narrow kitchen, an important role is played by the choice of material with which the floor will be finished. For the kitchen floor, you can use tiles, which are best placed diagonally to make a narrow kitchen seem wider.

If you decide, it is better to do it perpendicular to the long wall. For a narrow kitchen, you need to choose either the most similar color to the general color scheme, or the most contrasting floor color.

With the help of dark floors you can add height to the room, but light ones can give the kitchen more comfort and light, and will also look harmonious with light furniture.


Having a reflective surface, they are great for the design of a long and narrow kitchen. The lower the ceiling is, the lighter it should be. If you have high ceilings in the kitchen, then you can beat them with linear patterns or stained glass designs that will help you zoning the room.

If there is too low ceiling, it’s better to just paint it white, as the tension structure will only enhance its earthiness.

Proper division into zones

When arranging the work area, you need to remember the “rule of the triangle” - the cutting table, stove and sink should be located very compactly, as if on the vertices of a triangle. This solution will allow you to achieve maximum ergonomics and convenience from the kitchen.

A wide and long window sill can take over the functions of a desktop, especially if the window is located at the far wall of the kitchen.

Using a long horizontal panel, you can visually expand the far wall, thereby obtaining a fully functional work area. In addition, you can also use the lower part of the wall - the space under the window sill can be turned into very convenient cabinets.

It is also convenient to place the work area along one of the walls. It will be good decision for a narrow kitchen measuring 2x4 meters or more. But this requires specially designed furniture - special narrow cabinets with a shallow depth, which is compensated by the height of the cabinets, a stove in which all 4 burners are located in one line, not a square, and a narrow sink.

Design Features

Kitchens with a small area

If a miniature kitchen is adjacent to a balcony, then it must be used. On the balcony you can instead simple window install a stained glass window that will help hide all the shortcomings of a small room and fill the kitchen with special light.

Instead of balcony door can fit perfectly into a refrigerator, or can be decorated under general style kitchens. With this solution, one zone will automatically move to the balcony.

It is better to arrange a dining area on the balcony so as not to have to worry about extending communications and pipes there. If this doesn’t scare you, then you can move the sink and stove onto the balcony, and leave the kitchen space for the dining area.

If the entrance to the kitchen is located on a long wall, then you can demolish the doorway in order to combine beautiful arch kitchen and adjacent room.

You can also move the entrance from the end wall to the long one, which will help hide the elongation of the room and cut out extra centimeters.

The smaller your kitchen is, the fewer small things it should have - souvenirs, pyramids, plates, figurines and other accessories. Such little things will clutter the kitchen, taking away the already small area of ​​the room.

It is necessary to begin the design of such a kitchen by highlighting the center. A refrigerator is perfect for the role of a “separator.” It can be decorated in an original way so that it fits into the overall style as much as possible and does not resemble a block of ice installed in the middle of the kitchen.

On the sides of the refrigerator you can place two zones - in the first you should install a work table, stove, oven and sink, and the second will make an excellent dining area that can accommodate a folding dining table, a flat-screen TV and a small sofa.

In addition, the design of a kitchen of this size can be equipped with folding chairs and a transformable table, so that, if necessary, the work area can quickly turn into a cozy corner for relaxation.

Remember that horizontal lines make the room wider, and vertical lines make the room tall, so when designing a narrow kitchen, try to place tall pieces of furniture along the elongated walls.

The walls can be decorated with paintings placed in elongated frames. But the end walls must be marked with horizontal lines - or short curtains, a wide window sill.

Choice of colors

When planning the design of a long and narrow kitchen. It is necessary to pay special attention to the selected color scheme. The smaller the room, the lighter colors you should choose.

It will look ridiculous in a small kitchen if the color of the furniture or walls is cold, as well as a large number of large drawings. Therefore, it is best to opt for pastel colors, and you can add brightness with the help of several accessories in rich, rich colors.

This also applies to furniture. In a rectangular, narrow kitchen, furniture in cream, silver-blue and peach colors will look best.

There is another win-win and simply magnificent option - choose a more saturated color for the lower cabinets, and as light as possible for the upper ones.

If your kitchen is small and narrow, this does not mean that you need to give up bright furniture. Especially if you don't like the coldness of white. With this option, the ceiling, floor and walls must be done in light colors, and for furniture choose warm colors: light red, sunny yellow, coral and juicy orange.

A rectangular, elongated and long kitchen requires, first of all, to be given a square shape. This can be achieved by highlighting a wall - one long wall should be decorated with plates, various small pictures in funny frames and other accessories. This design will steal the length of the wall and break it up.

To change the perspective, you can not cover the entire wall with wallpaper, but use it alternating with painted sections of the wall. The wall seems to shrink, but at the same time the volume of the room becomes larger, as wallpaper inserts or small objects add depth.

If you have enough space to store a variety of kitchen utensils, then it is better not to use wall cabinets. On one side of the kitchen you can place a hood, and on the other side you can place several open shelves.


When choosing furniture for a narrow kitchen, you need to focus on the area of ​​the room. In a very small kitchen, you should only place the furniture you might need for cooking, and the dining area will need to be moved into the living room.

Built-in furniture and appliances are a real treasure for a rectangular narrow kitchen, as it is more functional and takes up little space. In addition, many objects are not visible, which creates a feeling of truly free space.

There are four options for furniture arrangement:

  1. Arranged in one row, using only one wall. For a small kitchen, this layout is ideal, where it is simply impossible to install a dining table in any other way. A free wall can be decorated with a bright art object or a large mirror.
  2. Arrangement in two rows. The furniture in this option is located along the long walls, and the end walls remain free. This option is far from the best, but it is better to use it in a long and narrow kitchen, which has a large square area.
  3. An L-shaped arrangement is considered an excellent solution for a rectangular kitchen. With this arrangement, you can use a wall with a window so that one long wall remained free.
  4. For a kitchen with a large square area, you can use a U-shaped arrangement. In this case, the kitchen will turn out to be very cozy, but without a dining area. Therefore, you can use this solution in a private home or in big apartment, which has a separate dining room.

The more weightless and lighter the furniture appears, the better it will be, so pay attention to the material that was used to create the furniture. For example, it is better if the work surfaces and doors are glossy.

It is better to use sliding doors rather than hinged ones so that they do not take up space and you can install necessary items near them, such as a toaster or coffee maker.

Folding chairs and tables, folding bar counters and various retractable tabletops can be a real boon for a small narrow kitchen. Such devices can appear only at the right moment, and the rest of the time they can be removed and not clutter up the space.

Decor elements

For the design of a long and narrow kitchen, Scandinavian is best suited, country style or minimalism, as they are characterized by the absence of sharp corners and soft colors.

Also, the design of a rectangular narrow kitchen can be designed in a high-tech style, since in this case there is no need to hide communications that will be used as decorative elements if painted in a metallic color. In addition, it implies the use of transparent and glass surfaces, and this is a mandatory requirement in a narrow kitchen.

On a free wall you can place open shelves on which indoor flowers, various souvenirs and other small things will be located.

But there is no need to clutter the room; you should use only a few accessories, which with their unusual shape and bright color will give your kitchen even more originality.

A spare wall can be turned into a green corner by placing your favorite violets or cacti on open shelving. In this case, walls and furniture should be neutral tones.

To create a spacious room, you need to use a large mirror, which should be placed above dining table or opposite the window. If such a solution may seem pretentious to you, then you can get by with a few mirror inserts on furniture fronts or an apron.

An excellent find for a narrow kitchen would be bright bar stools installed instead of stools. They don't take up much space and can add color to the kitchen.

As can be seen from the above, competent design of a long and narrow kitchen can make it practical, ergonomically correct and as elegant as possible.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Any kitchen can be turned into a kind of island of comfort, where it will be convenient for both household members and the hostess.

A narrow kitchen, a photo of which can be seen in a fashion magazine, can also be made in ordinary apartment. To do this, you don’t have to have a huge budget - it’s enough to approach the design process with imagination and avoid common mistakes.

The kitchen is a so-called “high-use place.” Something is prepared on it every day, and most families gather on it to eat. If the kitchen is large, standard rectangular or square in shape, there will be no problems with it. But if it is narrow, then this is one big problem.

It’s harder to turn around in a narrow space, it doesn’t look very nice, and it can cause an unpleasant feeling, close to claustrophobia. In particularly advanced cases, problems may arise with the placement of the working area relative to the dining area - in very narrow kitchens it is difficult to find a place for the latter.

It’s hard to compensate for all this - you’ll have to use everything available tools, starting with finishing and ending with decorative items, so that the defect does not catch the eye.

Stage one: finishing

The color of the walls, floor and ceiling determines how spacious and cozy kitchen will look like the results. The type of coating on the walls will determine whether they will appear too close. How the tiles are laid on the floor - or what pattern is on the linoleum - determines whether the room will seem to go on forever.


Let's start with the basics - the floor. When choosing what to cover it with in a narrow kitchen, you need to consider two points. The first is practical, since ease of use is more important than beauty.

In the kitchen, where people constantly walk around, where there is a fire and something spills or falls from the table to the floor, the coating should be as stable as possible. Most often this is:

If the apartment has only one room, there is no balcony, and the kitchenette is small, the best solution will make a bar counter - this and working surface, and a table.

If you don’t like the counter, you can buy a folding table and, when it’s time to write, place it anywhere in the apartment.


Considered a classic for a narrow kitchen glass table- it looks beautiful and does not seem bulky. Just make sure that the glass is strong enough so that you can use it without fear of damaging it.