What are the differences between simple tiles (tiles) and porcelain stoneware. Which is better for the floor - porcelain stoneware or tiles?

Today many are faced with the problem of choice finishing material when finishing the floor. So, many people think that it is better to buy ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware. This article will discuss the difference between ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware. We will highlight the main advantages and identify the disadvantages of these finishing materials.

Ceramic tiles - features

Tile is a common and popular material for surface cladding. Natural ingredients are used in production, such as:

  • Spar.
  • Clay.
  • Quartz sand.
  • Kaolin.

The raw materials are ground and mixed in dry form in specified proportions. Ready mixture baked in special ovens to form ceramic tiles. Additionally, glaze, enamel and colored designs are applied.

Unlike porcelain stoneware, tiles are mainly installed in rooms with less traffic. But there are some types of tiles adapted to the conditions in which porcelain stoneware is used. As a rule, such material has a higher strength class.

Although ceramic tiles are a durable and moisture-resistant material, their structure is highly porous and in some situations this has a negative effect. To understand the differences ceramic tiles from porcelain stoneware, let's look at the features of the latter.

Porcelain tiles - features

In principle, porcelain tiles are made from the same materials as tiles. The difference between porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles is that the proportions of the materials used change significantly. The main element is granite chips. The product receives all its positive characteristics during the baking process.

Unlike tile production, the temperature inside the oven is much higher. As a result, all components are not easily baked, but soldered together. Also served high pressure. As a result, the water-repellent properties increase and the porosity of the material decreases.

Advantages of porcelain tiles over ceramic tiles:

  • Strength. Porcelain tiles can withstand much greater loads. Even due to mechanical impact, the formation of chips, cracks, scratches and other defects on the surface of the coating is very low.
  • Water absorption coefficient. Porcelain tile has minimal porosity; as a result, it practically does not allow moisture to pass through its structure.
  • Wear resistance. After many years, the surface of porcelain stoneware practically does not change its appearance. It is also not susceptible to scratches and abrasions.
  • Thermality. This is one of the main features of porcelain stoneware. In addition to being frost-resistant, it is also resistant to fire. In the event of a fire in the room, this coating can withstand high temperatures.
  • Chemical resistance. Porcelain tiles are resistant to various chemicals, which differ in varying degrees of aggressiveness. Absolutely no traces of acids, alkalis, solvents or other compounds remain on the surface.
  • Environmental resistance. If the surface of the tiled surface is exposed to ultra-violet rays, then it does not change color. Dust, precipitation and other impacts environment do not provide negative impact on the material.

Comparison of two materials

Ceramic tiles are considered an older material and were previously primarily used for floor finishing. Porcelain tiles appeared much later.

In the table we invite you to compare how tiles differ from porcelain stoneware:

CharacteristicsPorcelain tilesCeramic tile
ProductionA higher temperature and a powerful press are required to remove excess porosity.The tile production process is carried out under more gentle conditions. The process of firing and temperature pressing also occurs.
Manufacturing materialsA large amount of sand and granite chips. Marble chips can also be added additionally.The base uses clay, sand and other natural ingredients.
PropertiesLow abrasion. High wear resistance.High washability. Low wear resistance.
Application areaFinishing walls and floors in high-traffic areas, such as shopping centers, offices and similar premises. Also used for finishing outdoor surfaces.Mainly for finishing interior living spaces for finishing walls and floors. Modern products have an attractive design, which allows you to create ensembles on the surface bright colors and images.
So, if you have to choose tiles or porcelain tiles, then be sure to start from the area of ​​use. Choosing ceramic tiles means saving money and beautifully finishing the floor/wall surface. Choosing porcelain stoneware requires large financial investments due to the high cost of the material.

Expert advice! If you need to finish the surface outdoors, then it is better not to save money and purchase porcelain tiles. If finishing is planned in the bathroom or kitchen, then tiles will be an excellent solution.

What to choose

The choice in favor of one material or another directly depends on specific conditions.

Of course, porcelain tiles have more advantages over ceramic tiles, but it is important to consider the following factors:

  1. Type of specific room.
  2. Anticipated surface loads.
  3. Prevailing temperature regime.
  4. Potential for damage.
  5. The style of the room.

All this must be taken into account without fail. If you understand that under existing conditions there is no need to overpay, then buy tiles. As an option, you can purchase premium ceramic material. However, the final cost will be in the area where porcelain tiles were purchased.

Disadvantages of porcelain stoneware - are there any?

You may get the impression that this material is perfect and devoid of any shortcomings. But this is a wrong opinion. For the sake of objectivity, it is worth noting that this finishing material has few shortcomings, but they still exist. Porcelain tiles have high level thermal conductivity.

That is, if there is a warm floor under the laid tiles, then your feet will be warm. If not, then the floor will be quite cold (tiles also have this drawback).

Another drawback is the highly slippery surface. If moisture gets on the surface, there is a risk of falling and injury. For this reason, it is not recommended to lay porcelain tiles on the floor in wet rooms.


High cost is another obvious disadvantage. However, this disadvantage can be considered relative, because the cost is completely offset high quality and durability of the material.

How to choose high-quality porcelain tiles - useful tips

Suppose you have given your preference to a more durable material and have allocated a considerable budget for this, because porcelain stoneware differs significantly in price from tiles.

In this case, you want to purchase a quality product. There are several useful tips, considering which you can do quality choice and the money will not be wasted:

  • It is almost impossible to visually understand whether the product in front of you is of high quality or not. Therefore, you can choose by weight. The weight of each tile is indicated on the packaging. High-quality tiles have a thickness of 8–8.5 mm. Its weight must be at least 18.5 kg. If the weight does not match, it means the manufacturer has saved money and you are looking at low-quality tiles.
  • Technological recesses (dimensions) on the reverse side. As a rule, these are squares with a small depth with sides of 20 mm. If the squares are deep, you have a low-quality product.
  • Color matching. All material of one batch/series must have only one tone. If the company/manufacturer is good, high-quality color calibration will be provided.

Bottom line

Main differences and comparison of properties of ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware - video

So, we have discussed with you the main points of how porcelain tiles differ from ceramic tiles. Another important advice– choose a reliable supplier of building materials, this will guarantee that you will purchase tiles for surface cladding of the highest quality.

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Ceramic tile cladding is so common today that it’s hard to imagine home renovations without its use. Therefore, having planned a renovation, we inevitably face the choice of materials that meet the operating conditions and our idea of ​​\u200b\u200besthetics. Moreover, if the selected materials have some reasonable excess of positive characteristics, there is nothing wrong with that.

Given the variety of types of finishing ceramics offered by manufacturers, a natural question arises, what is the best way to tile a particular room. To answer this question, let's consider the characteristics of common finishing materials - porcelain stoneware (gres) and ceramic tiles, their differences, advantages and disadvantages.

What do porcelain tiles and ceramic tiles have in common?

Both of these types of finishing materials are made from a mixture of sand, clay and minerals. This is where the similarity ends, since the proportions of the components and manufacturing technologies of these materials have significant differences, which determines the difference in their technical characteristics.

The source of the advantages of porcelain stoneware lies in the peculiarities of its manufacturing technology

The main component of the composition of porcelain stoneware is granite chips, but the unique strength characteristics of the material are achieved not only by including solid components in the composition, but also by baking this mixture in an oven, which is heated to more high temperature than when firing ceramic tiles. Therefore, it is not firing that occurs, but thermal soldering of the components, enhanced by simultaneous pressing of the material with high pressure.

Porcelain tiles, despite their strength, are quite fragile, and a targeted blow with a heavy object can damage tiles even of considerable thickness.

What is the difference between porcelain stoneware and tiles?

  • waterproof and frost-resistant;
  • fire resistance;
  • strength and abrasion resistance
  • resistance to direct sunlight;
  • chemical resistance.

Waterproof and frost-resistant

A special technology for manufacturing porcelain tiles allows us to obtain a material with minimal porosity, which ensures high water resistance of the tiles. The low coefficient of water absorption (less than 1%) of porcelain stoneware also ensures its frost resistance and makes it suitable for cladding exterior surfaces.

Porcelain tiles will not bounce off the base due to changes in size caused by temperature fluctuations, while ceramic tiles, due to their high water absorption coefficient, are of little use for exterior finishing.

Fire resistance

When facing internal surfaces, the frost resistance of porcelain stoneware is not required, but this material also has fireproof properties, which makes it possible to clad the outside of fireplaces and Russian stoves, which are becoming increasingly popular in the construction of houses in rural areas. A wall lined with porcelain tiles will prevent the spread of fire to adjacent rooms in the event of a fire. Ceramic tiles with identical characteristics are close in price to porcelain tiles, but differ for the worse in a number of other properties.

Durability and abrasion resistance

In terms of strength characteristics, porcelain tiles are many times superior to ceramic tiles. In the absence of voids under the cladding, gres can withstand loads of several hundred kilograms per square centimeter. The material is resistant to the formation of chips and cracks from accidental impacts from household utensils, which the glaze of ceramic tiles is afraid of.

Porcelain tile is resistant to abrasion, the appearance of individual scratches on it is practically excluded, and unlikely chips from heavy objects falling on the floor can be ground off and smoothed with a grinder and dry cutter without compromising the aesthetics of the finish. The floor of rooms with high traffic, lined with porcelain stoneware, will not lose its color texture even in places of recesses from many years of abrasion, since the tiles are painted throughout their entire thickness.

Ceramics in such situations will require time-consuming and painstaking spot repairs.

Resistance to direct sunlight

Under prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, porcelain tile cladding does not lose the brightness of its color, while the behavior of the ceramic glaze under such operating conditions is unpredictable - the ceramic glaze can become covered with a fine network of hairline cracks, which, as an antique effect, is not always beneficial to the aesthetics of the finish.

Chemical resistance

Porcelain tiles are resistant to impact chemical substances any degree of aggressiveness, while ceramic tiles have 5 classes of chemical resistance, from zero to absolutely resistant. Chemical reagents, getting on the surface of porcelain stoneware, do not leave behind even stains that differ in color. This allows the use of porcelain stoneware even for flooring production premises chemical industry enterprises.

Porcelain stoneware finishes do not require maintenance; it is enough to periodically wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth or use detergents to ensure cleanliness and aesthetics. The material has a huge range of colors, tones and textures to suit every taste, allowing you to design the room in accordance with the chosen style.

Negative nuances when choosing porcelain stoneware

The high strength characteristics of porcelain stoneware determine its greater specific gravity than ceramic tiles. This imposes certain restrictions on the material of the bases planned for finishing.

To increase the load-bearing capacity, plasterboard surfaces for cladding with porcelain stoneware are pre-reinforced with steel or plastic reinforcement.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of porcelain stoneware is high, which means that floors finished with it will be cold without heating. However, ceramics also have this disadvantage.

The process of laying porcelain tiles, due to its strength, differs from finishing tiles in the complexity of cutting and adjusting the material, so the tool used for these purposes must be more advanced than the tool for cutting tiles. But due to the price, such a tool is not available to every amateur finisher, and the process of cutting and precise fitting of porcelain tiles requires skill.

Comparison results

Considering higher than that of tiles, specifications gres, its price is higher than the cost of conventional ceramics. Therefore, when choosing a finishing material, you should evaluate the degree to which it is necessary to use porcelain stoneware in the cladding. In certain cases, for example, for finishing floors in public buildings with high cross-country ability, the gres will be out of competition. In most situations, it is advisable to choose ceramic tiles with similar technical characteristics, which are not cheaper than porcelain stoneware, but will eliminate the complexity of the installation process.

Various facing materials have much in common. But meanwhile, each of them has its own area of ​​application.

Popular material

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of products intended for cladding buildings for various purposes. Porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles are especially popular.

Ceramic tiles are often called tiles. In construction stores today you can see this material in various shades and textures. Therefore, designers often use ceramic tiles to decorate buildings.

Porcelain tiles are also particularly popular. Some people believe that there is no difference between it and ceramic tiles, but this is not true. Although the technical characteristics and components of these materials are almost identical. But how to do it right choice? What is the difference between ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware? It is necessary to know all the nuances of the use and properties of the finishing materials in question in order to make the right choice.

What is the difference?

Ceramic tiles are most often used for tiling surfaces in rooms with high humidity, for example, in the bathroom or kitchen. The tiles are not afraid of water and are quite easy to care for. The main components for making ceramic tiles: sand, clay, and other minerals. The fossils are pressed and fired in a special oven.

Porcelain tiles are made from the same components.

Red or white clay is the main material for making facing materials. It is subsequently fired in a kiln. Compared to tiles, porcelain stoneware contains more kaolin and fewer impurities.

Tile is often used for wall cladding, because it is a fairly fragile material. But for flooring, porcelain stoneware is preferable, because it is characterized by less porosity, and therefore a high strength index.

To understand the difference between ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware, you need to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of each material.

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles have proven themselves to be excellent. This is a reliable material for cladding walls and floors in rooms with high traffic and high humidity. All dirt can be quickly and easily removed. Therefore, many people use this material when constructing a porch, kitchen apron and even public toilets. can be used to finish the floor in the hallway. Ceramic tiles are an ideal facing material that will help create a unique and attractive interior in any room.

Main advantages:

  • Light weight.
  • Long service life.
  • High moisture resistance.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Reasonable price.
  • A variety of colors and textures of the material.

The disadvantage of tile is its fragility. This material can also change its color over time; tiles are prone to fading.

Advantages and disadvantages of porcelain stoneware

Porcelain stoneware is a facing tile made under high pressure and press. This material exactly imitates the surface of natural stone.

Clay, mineral pigments, spar, and quartz sand are used for production. They are thoroughly mixed in a certain proportion, then sent under a press with further firing of the ingredients.

What is the difference between ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware? The main difference is the low porosity of the surface. Thanks to this, the material becomes impact-resistant and highly durable. Sometimes manufacturers coat the surface with glaze and polish it.

The main advantages of porcelain stoneware include:

  • Long service life.
  • High strength, impact resistance.
  • Resistant to temperature changes.
  • Wear resistance.
  • Color uniformity.
  • Similarity to natural stone.

Where is the best place to use ceramic tiles?

Glazed and glossy does not have high strength. Over time, due to mechanical damage, tiles lose their attractive appearance. In addition, when abraded, the surface becomes slippery. Therefore, it is better not to use the material as flooring for the kitchen and bathroom. For these purposes, it is better to give preference to matte products. Such tiles are not afraid of impacts and do not lose their attractiveness over time.

How does porcelain stoneware differ from First of all, in that this material is most often used for wall cladding. It can be mounted both on regular walls and on drywall. Secondly, tiles are characterized by a wide variety of textures and colors. Pigment for coloring is often added to the enamel composition. Thanks to this, you can create a unique interior of your home.

The disadvantages of this material should also be taken into account. There are several of them. First of all - a lot of weight. This material is quite difficult to process; its cost is much higher than tiles. Designers often cannot realize all their fantasies, because the decorative solutions of the material are limited.

Where is porcelain tile used?

What is the first used for the floor? After all, it is ideal for finishing both interior and exterior spaces. It is actively used as a floor covering for terraces, gazebos, balconies, and loggias. The use of such material will help radically change appearance any room.

Thanks to its properties, porcelain stoneware flooring is very comfortable in summer period. After all, he is always cool. Its thermal conductivity characteristics are such that it is pleasant to walk on it barefoot in the heat.

Which tile is better - ceramic or porcelain stoneware as a floor covering? Of course, the second option. After all, porcelain stoneware is not afraid of mechanical damage and various impacts. Due to its wear resistance and impact resistance, it can be used in the kitchen and bathroom. After all, unforeseen situations most often occur in such rooms.

This material is resistant to high humidity, various contaminants are easily removed from its surface.

Many people, before their first renovation in their life, ask the question: “Porcelain tiles and ceramic tiles - what’s the difference”? The main difference is high strength. That is why porcelain stoneware is most often used as flooring, but tiles are used for wall cladding.

Comparison of facing materials by characteristics

What is the difference between ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware? Of course, physical properties. Porcelain tiles are characterized by a low rate of water absorption due to minimal porosity. Therefore, it can often be seen on the market, and accordingly, lining external surfaces with this material is possible. But tiles are often sold only in hardware stores, and can only be used indoors.

Porcelain tiles have a denser texture. Therefore, it can be used in areas of intense mechanical impact. By breaking off a small piece of tile, you can see the color of the original product under the glaze layer. But if you break off a piece of porcelain stoneware, you will not be able to see the same picture. After all, the top layer is identical to the internal contents. Thanks to this, porcelain tiles can be installed in places where people often walk. The material will remain as good as new for a long time, without changing its shape, color or texture.

Price issue

When entering a hardware store, every buyer will immediately notice the difference in cost. Tile is characterized by a lower price. And this is not surprising. After all, having chosen a more durable, high-quality and wear-resistant material, the buyer will pay the appropriate amount.

For example, installing ceramic tile flooring in public areas is not a profitable investment. After all, in a short time the surface will lose its original appearance. There will be a need to make repairs again and spend money.

Choosing flooring For country house, it is better to give preference to a more durable material. How to distinguish porcelain tiles from ceramic tiles externally? First of all - this minimum set color solutions, its restrained colors. It perfectly imitates the surface of natural stone.


As you can see, there is a difference between ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware. It would seem that they are identical building materials, which are made from almost the same components. But no. Remember that each type of finishing material has its own purpose, which is determined by its advantages and disadvantages. Be careful and good luck with your repair!

When choosing a wear-resistant coating for a floor surface, the consumer hesitates between: tiles, porcelain stoneware and other materials. That is why we should talk in more detail about the conditions of choice floor tiles.

The myth that special components are used to create porcelain stoneware products has long been dispelled.

The composition of the building materials is practically the same - the same:

  1. Clay.
  2. Quartz sand.
  3. Kaolin.
  4. Feldspar.

The only difference is in the manufacturing process. The difference is that porcelain stoneware is fired at the highest temperature conditions up to 1300 O C, and also applies greater press pressure, approximately 450 kg. The manufacturing technology also explains the technological properties of the materials: porcelain stoneware not only sinteres, its ingredients literally melt, and the highest pressure does not allow the formation of micropores, as in tiles. It is this difference that explains the long service life of the material laid outdoors. Moisture does not penetrate inside, the building material does not collapse from the inside at low temperatures. Cladding the walls of buildings with porcelain stoneware also guarantees a long service life, as does using it to finish steps.

Porcelain tiles or ceramic tiles: which is better?

For many people, it does not matter that granite ceramics are resistant to frost, because they select building materials for interior design office space, salon, apartment or cottage.

But porcelain tiles for flooring have many undeniable advantages:

  1. Wear resistance. Despite the high traffic stone tiles retains aesthetics for many years. It is even used for finishing in factories.
  2. High strength. Porcelain tiles can cope with loads of hundreds of kilograms per cm 2 (subject to highly professional cladding).
  3. The building material is resistant to cracking, which is typical for tiles.
  4. Almost no stains appear on the surface of the building material, it is moisture resistant (has a water absorption of less than 1%), and is resistant to aggressive environments.
  5. Porcelain tiles do not require complex maintenance; it is enough to carry out wet cleaning from time to time.
  6. The building material has a large selection of colors and textures to suit every taste, which will fit perfectly into the interior.
  7. High-quality porcelain stoneware has clear edges without curvature, which makes it possible to create a minimum of seams when arranging the floor surface, achieving uniformity of the coating.

Does the material have disadvantages? The number of advantages of porcelain stoneware is great, but it would be unfair not to talk about the disadvantages. The floor surface made of it is quite cold, and insulation cannot be done (although a ceramic floor is also cold). A heated floor will help eliminate this drawback.

Cost and rules for choosing ceramic porcelain tiles

The building material has a slightly higher price than ceramic tiles, but its properties are better. The cost is a relative disadvantage; the advantages are many times greater.

There are quite a lot of product manufacturers; on the market you may find not only Italian (considered the highest quality), but also:

  • Turkish;
  • Baltic;
  • Greek;
  • Belarusian material.

How to choose a good building material that will be durable and beautiful? In Italy alone there are more than 300 brands, but not every manufacturer can boast of the high quality of the porcelain tiles they create. The material must be created using technology, starting from mixing the mixture, coloring it, maintaining the temperature to using a powerful press. It is almost impossible to determine the quality of building materials by eye.

Experts give advice:

  1. Buy by weight. You should find out the weight of each product (usually indicated in the catalog and on the packaging). High-quality tiles, the thickness of which is 8-8.5 mm, should weigh at least 18.5 kg.
  2. Companies that have saved on quality can be seen immediately. Dimensions of technological recesses with reverse side should be in the form of squares with a side of up to 2 cm. Deep large squares indicate low quality building materials.
  3. Color calibration. Tiles from the same collection should match as much as possible in color. Good company ensures a high-quality caliber of tiles created, which means that other parameters can also be counted on to match.

If all the above criteria are met, this is a good product; you can take it and place it in the kitchen, bathroom or other room. Metal granite is used even outdoors.

What is the difference between tile and tile

Ceramic tiles (tiles, tile) is a very popular type of building material for finishing. Ceramic tiles are made from a mixture of clay/sand/minerals, fired and glazed.

Glaze makes it possible to get tiles:

  • Any color;
  • Textures;
  • Invoices;
  • With different designs;
  • With various ornaments;
  • Glossy or matte.

Porcelain tile (porcelain) is a general name for ceramic building materials with a low level of moisture absorption and frost resistance. The composition of the raw materials for creating products is almost the same as for making porcelain, but the appearance of the tiles is similar to stone. Porcelain tiles are created using a dry press method and fired once - such tiles are pressed under the highest pressure and fired at significant temperature conditions, in comparison with ceramic tiles.

The resulting products have high performance qualities. They are included in the highest group in terms of wear resistance.

Classic unglazed porcelain tiles have a granular, granular structure throughout the entire depth of the product, like natural stone, but does not crack, does not have foreign inclusions or cavities. In terms of resistance to temperature changes, porcelain stoneware is also superior a natural stone, since it is dense and homogeneous.

The surface of unglazed porcelain stoneware can be:

  1. Unpolished.
  2. Semi-polished.
  3. Polished.
  4. Embossed.

Polished material is more expensive. It is used for finishing rooms with high traffic (offices, shopping centers, airports) and can be used for exterior finishing buildings. Glazed porcelain tiles also have the highest technical standards. characteristics, but more varied in design.

Unglazed or glazed single-fired tiles with a dense base or clinker are created by extrusion (pressing through a special mold) or, sometimes, by pressing. Clinker is fired at high temperatures, so it is wear-resistant and frost-resistant. In addition, clinker is resistant to aggressive environments, does not absorb moisture and is easy to clean. Extrusion makes it possible to produce tiles the most complex geometry. The clearest example is pool material.

Signs: what is the difference between porcelain tiles and ceramic tiles (video)

It is clear that for each type of work the material must be selected individually, so if you do not have construction skills, it is better to trust the professionals, then the repair will last for many years and will delight others and the owners of the house with an attractive appearance.