DIY curtains for the kitchen: decorate your interior yourself. Elegant decor from old tulle

Everything gets boring sooner or later. Especially if you see it every day. No, we are, of course, not talking about precious spouses. But a shower curtain is easy. If the time has come to update the “interior” of the bathroom, but you still can’t throw out a good curtain, then there’s no need.

It will also come in handy at home and in the country. And at first glance you wouldn’t think how useful this thing is!

Your shower curtain should be changed at least every few months. A humid environment in the bathroom is not Better conditions for storage. But this does not mean at all that a vinyl or nylon curtain will not be useful for something else and should go to a landfill. Due to the density and moisture resistance of the material, as well as ease of washing, the shower curtain can be used for other useful purposes. For example:

1.Protect the floors in your home during renovations

Have you decided to paint the walls or re-glue the wallpaper? Great idea. But so that you don’t have to replace the parquet as well, be sure to lay the floors. A vinyl curtain is perfect for this purpose: it has a large coverage area and is easy to clean.

2.Make a “curtain” for a children’s play

Matinees happen, so why not do everything “professionally”? For example, to let young talents feel like real artists. What's a theater without a curtain? Even if it’s made from a shower curtain.

3.Sew cases for storing clothes and swimsuits

With such covers, moths will definitely not get to your favorite sweater, and you can throw your swimsuit and swimming trunks in your backpack right after the beach and not be afraid of wet spots.

4.Replace the seat upholstery of old chairs

It’s convenient, it’s not afraid of stains, and if you do manage to get it dirty, this upholstery is easy to clean. And the old chairs will look much more modern.

5.Make a picnic mat

Simply carefully cut off the tape with fastenings. Well, who with sewing machine You can also make a more advanced version, which turns into a bag with comfortable handles.

6. Make up the pet’s “sleeping area”

This kind of bedding is much easier to wash than a mattress or an old blanket, which often serves as a bed for four-legged animals. And it doesn't absorb smell. Even if your beloved dog goes to bed immediately after a walk in the rain.

7.And protect the person’s sleeping place

Minor troubles happen. And if there is a child in the house who is just learning the complex “science” of the potty, or someone suffers from bladder problems, a nylon bedding under the sheet will come in very handy. In any case, the mattress will survive.

8.Make a children's pool on the beach or backyard

Summer and private pool- a recipe for children's happiness. And you can even set it up in a hole at the dacha by covering it with waterproof vinyl and filling it with water from a hose.

9.Protect country furniture from moisture

To ensure that outdoor furniture is not afraid of moisture, it should be covered with shower curtains at night. Or you can even sew cute covers for pillows and seats from durable nylon.

10.Make table napkins

You don’t even need to sew: you just need to confidently work with scissors and cut a couple of even rectangles from the curtain. These napkins are quite resistant to heat, and they are also very easy to clean.

11.Make an apron for hairdressing experiments and children's creativity

So that you don’t have to spend a long time washing any type of paint from your clothes.

12.If you are tired of cleaning the floor every time after feeding your baby...

... place an old shower curtain under the chair. It’s okay, we all once ate not too carefully.

13.Allow children to draw on the floor and walls

Yes, even on the ceiling! The main thing is to first cover them with a thick transparent curtain. This is how some mothers control the creative rebellion of their children.

No one is surprised that just yesterday fashionable and modern curtains today they are becoming a relic. But don’t throw away strong fabric just because it’s out of fashion or faded a little in the sun. By showing imagination and resourcefulness, you can remake old curtains in such a way that you get new decor for the interior of your home or cottage.

Renewing old curtains

How to give new life to old fabrics

First, you need to understand the type of fabric from which the curtains that have gone out of use were sewn.


This is a dense silk fabric with an ornament made with silver or gold threads. Fibers made from alloys of these metals are sometimes used. During the production process, thread with gold is wound onto linen, cotton or silk weft. Natural brocade is an expensive fabric, so in residential premises they often use imitation, which visually differs little from the original.

It’s a pity to throw away such products, so every housewife can renew old curtains by giving them new life. The easiest way is to make new curtains from old ones.

In addition, the fabric is used to make bedspreads, chair covers, and complement the composition with brocade pillows stuffed with batting. A nuance: when sewing up a pillow, the cotton wool is knocked to the opposite end, and then distributed evenly.


Linen fabric is made from flax skins, resulting in a smooth fabric that is pleasant to the touch.

Can be sewn beautiful curtains from old curtains. In the case of brocade, it is preferable to choose the Roman version. To do this, prepare materials:

  • old curtains;
  • threads matching the color;
  • sewing machine;
  • braid;
  • strip for cornice.

Roman curtains

To alter curtains for the kitchen, the simplest sewing skills are enough. The main thing is to make the correct calculation of the fabric during the work, as well as evenly distribute the folds. Sewing instructions are taken from specialized sites that show a step-by-step algorithm.

You can use old curtains to create a rigid lambrequin or tiebacks for other curtains that match the style. New watches are also made from worn-out material. rustic style. To do this, cover the dial with linen cloth, after first removing the hands with numbers. After the fabric is evenly stretched and secured at the back, all the fittings are reinserted into the grooves. The rustic clock is ready!

Old linen curtains are an excellent source of material for making tablecloths or table napkins. And if you apply decorative embroidery to the fabric pulled into the frame, you get a panel for the bedroom or hallway.


Synthetic fabric is obtained from inorganic compounds or synthetic and natural polymers of organic origin.

Synthetics are wear-resistant, so they are ideal for upholstering the backs and seats of old chairs. To alter curtains, first take measurements taking into account the overlap, then cut out the parts and, after preliminary fitting, sew them from the inside out if they are made in the form of covers. But it’s easier and more convenient to work if pieces cut from old synthetic curtains are glued to the base with interior glue or nailed with a stapler.


Tulle is considered a type of synthetic fabric. After prolonged use, it turns yellow or gray, as a result of which it is replaced with a new one. But there is always the opportunity to use an old tulle curtain to make the interior more cozy and aesthetically pleasing. First, the fabrics are returned to their original color using bleach. To do this, use a strong saline solution, blue or white.

Decors are made from ready-to-use material flower pots, decorations for frames on old photos. If they decorate Vacation home or a dacha - baskets or pillows are decorated with tulle. For a pillow you will need a base stuffed with batting or holofiber and openwork material folded several times. The tulle pillowcase is sewn inside out, placed over the pillow, and then carefully sewn by hand.

Old tulle is used to decorate tablecloths: it looks especially beautiful outdoors in the garden.

Decor from old tulle

Ideas for old curtains

By turning on imagination and creative thinking, they can “reanimate” even the oldest curtains lying in the chest. To realize the idea, you need simple sewing skills and a little patience.


It happens that many small pieces from old curtains have accumulated, and they are all different in style, texture and color. In this case, they make patchwork curtains for the kitchen. Assembled from pieces, they become the most striking and exclusive design element that attracts attention. As a result, you get nice DIY curtains from old curtains: the pride of the hostess and the surprise of the guests.

Tip: if you wash all the pieces before work and iron them well with a steamer, the fabric will not shrink or fade during use.

Practical options for sewing curtains or bedspreads in patchwork style are:

  1. Cotton fabric.

They are easy to care for and can easily withstand frequent washing, which is so important in the case of a kitchen.


Heavy brocade or old silk makes aesthetically pleasing lampshades for old lamps. Often the frame of the lamp remains the same, and a washed and ironed piece of old fabric is pulled over it.

It is important to ensure that the lamp does not touch the fabric, otherwise this will lead to yellowing of the fabric at the point of contact or the appearance of a burnt hole.

Stuffed Toys

What else can be made from old curtains? Yes, anything! They even sew homemade soft toys for children.

Parents, having prepared everything necessary for work and interested the child, spend several hours with the whole family, immersed in an amazing creative process. This makes the family united and gives pleasant memories. And besides, the baby gets a new bear or hare: albeit unsightly, but made with all his heart.


You can make artificial flowers from old satin or silk, which are then used as decor for curtains, pillows, and tiebacks.

To do this, they use the Kazanshi technique, master classes for which can be found on the Internet. Following step by step instructions, amazing things are made from square pieces of old curtains delicate flowers or petals.

Fashion elements

Fashionistas are savvy and get unique designer products:

  • bags;
  • scarves;
  • earrings.


For this they use decorative fabrics for curtains that receive a “second wind” after treatment. Old curtains are a great way to spend quality time and also develop your creative vision.

Textile window decoration is such a complex issue that you don’t even know how to approach it. You need to choose a color, pattern, fabric, come up with a style, buy the required number of meters, send it for sewing, hang it... And even manage not to spend a fortune on all this.

The main thing is to decide on the color of the fabric and texture.

You will need

pencil or chalk
tape measure or measuring tape
beads, lace and other decorative elements as desired


The most important thing is to do correct measurements window. Next, decide on the length and style of the curtains. Consider the fact that the curtain is attached to the cornice above the window, so add another 20-25 centimeters. They also occupy another part of the wall on the sides. Therefore, in terms of width, you need to add at least another 25 centimeters on each side. Well, of course, don’t forget to add 2-3 centimeters on each side to finish the edge. These are measurements for a straight curtain; if there is drapery, then you need to take this fact into account.

Now start cutting. To sew a simple curtain, you can draw with chalk directly on the wrong side of the fabric. Exactly cut off the necessary part of it and iron it.

From each side edge of the curtain, fold the fabric to the wrong side 2 times, first 1 cm, then 2 cm. Iron and machine stitch close to the inner fold line.

Cut a piece of braid equal to the width of the curtain + an allowance of 2.5 centimeters on each edge. On the wrong side, place the braid in the center along the top edge of the curtain and pin it with pins, stepping back 1 centimeter from the fold line. Then pin the bottom edge of the braid. Pull the ends of the cords from the front side of the braid and do not tie. Fold the braid inward 2.5 centimeters. To avoid wrinkles, sew seams along the top and bottom edges of the braid in the same direction. Then sew it from the sides, without touching the free ends of the cords on the front side.

Instead of braid, you can sew loops. it’s even more interesting and stylish.

Use different elements for decoration: buttons, beads, belts, flowers...

We also bring to your attention several interesting samples. You just need to fill in your measurements.

Some ideas for inspiration

Good for a summer house.

Interesting option for kitchen.

Don't rush to throw away your old curtains. They can be shortened, thereby giving the room a completely different look.

An unusual solution.

A good option for the living room.

The perfect combination.

So fresh!

It looks very rich.

Simple straight curtains, but the harmonious combination of colors immediately made the room more stylish and cozy.

Beautiful lambrequin for the kitchen

In order to sew this lambrequin (here the length of the cornice is 1.8 m), we need: a veil of two colors, bias tape and eyelets - 11 pieces.

Step 1:(I will show step by step production lambrequin on paper - I hope, that everything will be clear to you) And so: Take a veil (colors of your choice) of these sizes and process both blanks with bias tape.

Step 2: Place the veil (color A) right side up on the front side of the veil (color B) and sew both pieces along the top edge.

Step 3: After we have secured both parts of our lambrequin along the top edge, we process the top edge with an overlock or zigzag stitch. We bend 5 cm of the top edge to the wrong side and machine stitch it. (This is the view from the wrong side).

Step 4: Turn our lambrequin with the front side up. Iron and make marks for installing the eyelets. From the top edge we retreat down 1 cm. Find the center and trace the inner side of the eyelets. Then install the eyelets to the left and right of the center. The distance between the centers of the eyelets is 40 cm. I hope you know how to install the eyelets correctly. (For those who will be doing this for the first time, I advise you to watch a master class on installing eyelets on the same site) After all the eyelets are installed, take the bias tape, fold it in half and sew it together. From it we will make ties with which we will attach our lambrequin to the cornice. How many meters you need it, you will determine for yourself. We cut the sewn bias tape into equal parts - a total of 11 pieces are needed (according to the length you will determine yourself) The ends need to be slightly singed so as not to fray. Now each piece of bias tape needs to be placed in a grommet and tied with a loose loop on a round cornice. And so on all the grommets, making the loops the same size. Then you straighten our lambrequin with your hands, maintaining the same distance between the loops. That's all!! !I wish you all success.

Many years ago, in the south of France, in the small provincial town of Tulle, sewing masters created a unique fabric, which was named after the city. A modern living room or bedroom is simply unthinkable without an elegant curtain, the material for which is airy tulle.
Tulle in the interior

The first step is to decide what type of tulle you need. There are a huge variety of types of this fabric, but the main types are distinguished: organza, veil, mesh and muslin. Natural tulle will serve you faithfully for many years, but the fabric will wrinkle and lose color from exposure to bright sunlight.

Therefore, it is better to purchase tulle made from polyester fabric. It allows you to make the curtains more resistant to fading, and will also help ensure that the material does not lose its original shape after washing. A very important characteristic of tulle is its throughput.

For example, the mesh does not prevent the free passage of air flows through it, but is an accumulator of dust particles. Therefore, it needs frequent washing. Organza, on the contrary, does not allow air to pass through well, but at the same time practically does not collect dust on its surface.
How to hang tulle beautifully

Don’t think that you need to hang narrow short tulle on a small window. On the contrary, if you decorate it on both sides with sufficiently voluminous curtains made of this material, the window will sparkle in a new way.
If the walls are in poor condition, there is no need to make repairs. Use tulle different colors and textures, it turns out very original.

You can also stick strips of tulle on the walls. It looks very nice.

If there are several windows on one wall, do not hang a separate curtain for each. This greatly simplifies and reduces the cost. It is better to hang wide tulle on the entire wall.

If, on the contrary, you are the happy owner of a window on the entire wall, then decorate it with separate tulle. This is more practical and also gives a certain zest.

Using tulle you can add color accents to a boring interior or simply balance the colors.

Even if the window is protected from prying eyes with regular blinds, you can supplement it with tulle. It will immediately become more attractive.

Short tulle curtains are suitable when you don’t want to draw attention to the windows.

Using several layers of tulle, you can easily do without bulky curtains.

Dividing a room into zones using tulle is a real pleasure. Looks incredible!

Lace curtains are fraught with mystery.

The tulle canopy looks amazing! Agree, sleeping on such a bed is much more pleasant!

You can also decorate your bathtub with tulle. How beautiful it looks!

And a few more ideas for inspiration.

Now you know that with the help of tulle curtains you can change your interior beyond recognition. In addition, it is much cheaper than buying wallpaper, paintings, figurines and others. The home always looks fresh and expensive.

While designing the interior of your home, you carefully selected curtains to match it. However, some time has passed and the old curtains are no longer pleasing to the eye. I want something new, but they still look good and the fabric is good. We will tell you how to update old curtains: photo ideas will help you visually in this process.

Tired of old curtains?


If you know how to sew at least a little, you can sew curtains with your own hands. An old product, with the help of simple techniques, will turn into a unique thing in the interior of your room.

Every woman, of course, has a lot in her closet that can be used to update the product. Let's not waste money stupidly, but try to improve what we already have. We will help you with this.


Sew decorative ribbon or braid onto the top of the curtain. In this way, you can confirm an already existing direction or completely change the style.

Strict style

If you consider yourself a business person, you can go the strict route:

  • Choose an original cord that matches the tone of your curtain or a completely contrasting one (it depends on your taste and imagination), and wind roses from it;
  • And if you can weave something original from this cord, the curtain will look chic and at the same time strict, as shown in the photo.


This option is suitable for romantics and sensual owners:

  • Sew bows from satin ribbon or shiny braid. The color can be applied a tone lighter or darker than your curtains;
  • Bows will look good in the living room. Here it is better to use silk scarves that have been lying in your closet for a long time;
  • In the living room, curtains with bows will create a festive atmosphere. By the way, it is in this room that friends and family gather.


This option will give the room some formality. Ties can be made from scraps of any fabric, or you can use unwanted ties if you have enough. Sew a ribbon onto the top edge of the curtain to attach the ties to.


Curtains can be decorated with buttons of different shapes, sizes and colors. Such products are suitable for a children's room. If you can arrange the buttons in a special order or lay out a design, the product will look very original and cute.

By the way, this is another reason to communicate with your child, who can be interested in this exciting work. This method is simple and together you can do it quickly, as shown in the photo.


Sometimes you keep large scarves in your wardrobe that were left over from your mother and even your grandmother. The things are beautiful and it would be a shame to throw them away. You can throw such a scarf on top of the curtains diagonally. The product will take on a lush appearance.

Painting on fabric

If you have absolutely no idea about sewing, you can use paint to create a masterpiece from ordinary curtains, decorating them with any design. Buy special paints that you can use to paint on fabric, choose a design and create:

  • If you can’t draw by hand, make a stencil, preferably from a waterproof material;
  • After the internal details of the design are cut out, we attach the stencil to the material;
  • Then, using a small piece of foam, apply paint to the open parts of the design;
  • Do not dilute the paint too thin, otherwise it will leak under the template, as shown in the photo.


The fabric from which your curtains are made can be used to sew two swags. They need to be hooked onto the cornice. Light fabric, such as a veil, is also suitable for swag.

Lambrequin with tassels

A lambrequin with tassels will look very beautiful and solemn. Choose a suitable fabric of the same width as your curtain, two tassels and a decorative ribbon.

The upper part of the product can be assembled and sewn to the top of the curtains. You will get lush folds that will become bright decoration your updated curtains, as shown in the video.

Let's sum it up

Is it worth getting rid of old curtains if they are still strong and look like new? By choosing the right shades of fabrics and using one of the proposed options, you can successfully update your old curtains and add a special charm to them. Do not doubt, your imagination and work will definitely bring excellent results. Your guests will be delighted with your piece of art and will want you to share the idea.

Every housewife wants to make her home cozy, and everyone understands that beautiful textiles should fit into the interior, adjust daylight and blend in with other items.

You will have to decide on the quality of the fabric, pattern, color, think over the style, find and buy the required amount of material, order tailoring and not spend a lot of time and money on it.

Are you completely new to sewing? Then start with a simple model for the garden or kitchen, but first of all decide what fabric you will sew them from. The following photos will give you ideas.

For small window choose a light material or a combination of two fabrics.

Big panoramic window French curtains will adequately decorate. To ensure that they lay in beautiful, flowing waves and do not move under their own weight, choose lightweight fabrics, such as voile, tulle or organza.

Don't rush to throw away old curtains. They can be altered, decorated with beautiful accessories, and they will serve for many more years. The main thing here is to show resourcefulness and imagination.

Sew curtains from leftover fabric and the window at your dacha will sparkle different colors. Cut out the shreds same size A stencil will help. Before making a continuous fabric, iron them well.

Fits perfectly into a country house or kitchen interior pleated models with ties or loops.

Curtains with ruffles, fringes or piping often look great. Additional items make textiles rich and elegant. The main thing here is not to overdo it.

Curtains with a DIY pattern

How to make patterns for sewing curtains yourself? From scrap materials, you will need leftover wallpaper, a meter ruler, a pencil, chalk or soap.

After you decide on the style and choose the material, feel free to get to work. You can cut simple curtains right away.

The technology of sewing complex models requires precise calculations, which must be transferred to the pattern and then to the fabric.

We offer several samples. Substitute your measurements and you will get decent window decorations.

Pattern of an asymmetrical crossover.

Asymmetrical curtains for the kitchen.

Symmetrical swag for models with lambrequins.

If you have a non-standard window, then a pattern with a bevel will come in handy.

If you do not have a large table, then it is better to do the cutting on the floor.

Double-sided curtains have recently come into fashion.

How to lengthen curtains correctly? There are several ways. If 10 centimeters are missing, then you can sew on loops. Choose a material that matches the texture.

You can also sew a frill to the bottom of the curtain.

When the curtains need to be lengthened by 20-30 cm, you can sew in a transverse insert. The fabric should be a contrasting color, then no one will guess that you lengthened them.

Here are some more samples.

DIY curtains step by step instructions

How to sew simple curtains for the kitchen or room? The main thing is to take the measurements correctly and prepare the fabric. Measure the length of the cornice and multiply it by a factor of 1.3. This will be the width. Add 6 cm to the hems. Decide on the length and add 15 cm for the design of the upper and lower parts.

To sew curtains for the kitchen or cottage, you don’t need to make patterns. Wet the cloth warm water, dry it and iron it. Then your curtains will not shrink or become deformed after the first wash.

From available materials you can make beautiful decor and clamps. Use:

  • buttons;
  • tapes, belts, ropes;
  • braid, fringe;
  • beads;
  • soft toys, etc.

If you need to hem curtains, then choose one of three methods.

  1. Blind stitch by hand.
  2. Machine stitching.
  3. Special adhesive tape.

To ensure that the stitching lies evenly and the fabric does not warp, fold it and iron it.

DIY Roman blinds: master class. Video

They can decorate a window in any room. They are equally beautiful in the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom.

You will need:

  • material and lining;
  • wooden or metal pins 2-3 cm shorter than the width (7 pcs.);
  • adhesive tape along the width of the curtain;
  • soap or chalk;
  • sewing machine;
  • threads to match, needle, safety pins;
  • three cords that are three times longer;
  • weighting material, hanging bar;
  • hooks and nails.

Measure the window opening. Add 10 cm on the sides and 15 cm on the top and bottom allowances.

Fold the bottom of the curtain and stitch so that the weighting can be inserted.

From the wrong side, sew the pockets into which the slats need to be inserted.

Then hand sew the rings through which you thread the cords in one direction.

On window frame install the bar and attach the adhesive tape to it.

Fix the finished curtains on the window and lower them. Now you need to equalize the tension of all the cords, tie them into knots and hide them behind the rings.

More detailed information look here.

This master class will help you make beautiful, even folds on curtains.

Original do-it-yourself curtain options

Every housewife can sew beautiful, original curtains. The main thing is patience, desire and the presence of a sewing machine.

For beginning craftswomen, we offer samples of the most unusual options.

To sew them you will need very little fabric. They are in harmony with modern interiors and perfectly protect the premises from sunlight.

They are attached to a window opening or to glass. Measure the width and length, allow 5 cm on the side and 15 cm on the bottom. Transfer the data onto the fabric and cut out an even sheet. Hem the edges. You will get an even rectangle. Sew a weighting material into the lower part on which the textile will be wound. Sew garters on top. They can be made from contrasting braid, ribbons, etc.

If you want to decorate a window with something out of the ordinary, then use your imagination and don’t be afraid to experiment. You can make curtains from beads and seed beads. You can easily find a pattern diagram on the Internet using cross stitch patterns. You will have to put in a lot of effort, but when the sun hits such a masterpiece, the space will shine and sparkle with bright colors.

Or maybe you will like models made from ribbons? All elements are sewn to the curtain tape at the top.

Take some time and make unusual curtains from leftover fabric. Shredded textiles add warmth to the room and perform all of their functions perfectly.

You can also sew beautiful models from reaper or chintz.

Modern muslin curtains add lightness and sophistication. They can be combined with curtains or with threads of different colors.

The threads are attached to the base border, as in the next photo.

Macrame curtains are still popular. This is a real masterpiece, showing that the housewife has extraordinary taste and can do labor-intensive work with her own hands.

You will learn how to weave macrame correctly from the following video.

Have you sewn and hung beautiful curtains, but do you feel like something is missing? The situation can be corrected by original curtain holders.

Clamps can be:

  • Velcro;
  • on magnets.

Automatic sliding and sliding curtains usually do not require tiebacks, just like weighted roller blinds.

A few more examples of unusual pickups.

What other curtains can you sew yourself?

Interior openings may also need curtains that will retain heat and add coziness. Choose Greek or London curtains. The first ones are distinguished by smooth shapes, lightness natural material And light colors. Characteristic antique patterns are sure to be present.

The Greek style is the severity of clear lines. To avoid having to constantly adjust the folds, sew a thick curtain tape to the top.

Due to its simplicity, no pattern is required. Apply measurements to the fabric, finish the edges and drape neat waves.

Photo - 78 London curtains

The French marquise is distinguished by an abundance of lace, emphasizing the richness and solemnity of the interior.

The fabric is gathered into vertical scallops, which adds elegance and splendor. The difficulty in making such curtains lies in correct calculations. All folds must be perfectly even. Choose a thin material, such as voile, organza, silk or cambric. In the photo you see a pattern for French curtains with lambrequins and drapes.

Keep in mind that this window design must be mounted on reliable wooden or metal cornices. The string is not suitable for these curtains. It will sag quickly.

So, the simplest curtains in a rustic or country style are easy to sew without any special skills. This window decoration is great for a cottage or kitchen.

If you have chosen a complex style of curtains and doubt that you can sew them yourself, then contact the specialists from the ThisDom portal. They will help you choose a fabric that fits into the overall design concept of the room, and will sew it of any complexity.

Curtain ideas

Textiles for windows can be very different. Many designers believe that the simpler the better. Smooth, classic curtains made of natural material will never go out of style.

Sew two-color curtains and they will become the highlight of the interior.

Selecting curtain rods

You don't know how to hang curtains? Focus on the cornice and fastenings. A wooden stick can be painted. You won’t find a bright cornice on sale, so buy paint and a brush. See what can happen.

Remember that lightweight fabrics can be hung on a string cornice. Heavy models require wooden or metal curtain rods.

Photo - 88 With lambrequins

Sewing curtains with eyelets: master class. Video

We present to your attention detailed instructions for sewing curtains with eyelets. Eyelets are rings that are attached to the top of window textiles. They are strung on a cornice, and they create smooth, beautiful waves.

Rings can be made of wood, iron or plastic in a regular, round shape of different diameters, or they can be decorative.

Choose the options yourself. They must match the color of the fabric or pattern.

If the room or kitchen faces north and there is not enough sunlight, then sew curtains from light, light fabric.

And vice versa, if the room is on the sunny, south side, then buy thicker fabric.

So, take the material, lay it out on a large table or floor. Measure the length of the cornice and multiply this figure by 1.5. This will be the width of your curtains. Then decide on the length, add 20 cm for hems and processing of the upper part. Buy a special eyelet tape in advance. It is glued with a hot iron so that the top is rigid, holds its shape and forms the desired drape. Then sew the hems.

Attach one eyelet and trace the inner outline. The more often you do this, the smaller the wrinkles will be. The distances between the eyelets must be the same.

Sun protection for terrace windows should be reliable and easy to use.

Choose modern blackout fabrics that do not transmit light, do not fade, do not deform, do not get dirty and repel water.

If you need to increase the rigidity of the material, then use a bandeau. It happens:

  • on an adhesive basis and glued with an iron;
  • on self-adhesive film.

Bando allows you to make a rigid lambrequin of any shape. You can sew combined sliding curtains with folds under it, and your window will look rich, emphasizing the ideal taste of the hostess.