Hypocyrta is a bright decoration for a cozy home. A detailed description of the correct placement of the hypocyrt. Basic rules of care

Hypocyrta belongs to the family Gesnerievs, which includes about twelve types.

The plant was brought from South America. The leaves are dark green, pointed, with reverse side having a purple tint.

The foliage of the plant serves as a moisture store in case there is no water in the soil.

When flowering, peculiar flowers appear at the bases of the leaves: swollen and tube-like. The height of the plant depends on its type: semi-erect ones reach a height of 60 cm, and creeping ones - 15 cm.

This flower grows well together with other species of the Gesneriaceae family.

Types and photos

The most common are hypocyrta Monetary and Hypocyrta naked.


Hypocyrta coin refers To hanging types plants. It has rounded and fleshy short leaves, hairy stems and reddish flowers with a recurving yellow corolla. Hypocyrta coinata loses all its leaves after flowering. Below in the photo we can see what the coin hypocyrta looks like:


Hypocyrta naked refers to semi-ampelous plant species, having glossy leaves in the shape of an ellipse and 4 cm long. The flowers are orange, swollen downwards. After flowering, the leaves do not fall off. In the photo below we can see what a naked hypocyrta looks like:

Home care

Care after purchase

For a purchased plant, it is best to choose a place with bright lighting, but away from the scorching sun in summer, as the leaves are prone to burns. IN winter period the plant also needs good lighting, albeit artificial. When ventilating the room in which the flower is placed, you should protect it from the cold air in winter.


The plant begins to bloom since spring and ending at the beginning autumn. Immediately after flowering, the shoots should be cut back by a third, ensuring better tillering and numerous flowering. It is on young shoots that flowers appear.


When it's hot she loves abundant watering, by mid-autumn it is gradually reduced. In winter, water less often. The water should be lukewarm.


Plants are selected for planting loose soil consisting of equal portions of humus, peat, leaf soil and sand. You can also purchase ready-made soils for Saintpaulias.


Transplant Hypocyrtus can once every couple of years in the spring, as it is slow growing. It is necessary to add drainage to the bottom of the container to prevent rotting of the roots. You need to choose a pot that is not too voluminous, since the roots of the flower are small.


In summer, it is better to provide the flower with good humidity by spraying the area around it. You can place a container with water and pebbles near the hypocyrta.

During the period of activity, it is advisable to fertilize the plant with mineral preparations intended for indoor flowering vegetation. In winter, there is no need to feed the flower, thereby ensuring its peace.


For reproduction use cutting method. To do this, shoots with five nodes are cut and the lower leaves are removed. They are placed in water or a wet mixture of peat and sand. Cover the cuttings planted in the substrate with a transparent glass container. Can be covered with a bag or film. Spray and ventilate every day. After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in small pots. If this is a coin hypocyrta, it is better to plant three seedlings in a pot at once, so the plant will have a beautiful appearance.

Hypocyrtha glabra is planted one seedling at a time, as it is more bushy. To enhance the pomp, the top is pinched.


Hypocyrta does not like drafts and temperature changes at all. In summer it is better to keep it at 22-25 degrees, in winter - at 12-15 degrees.


Both summer and winter need good bright light, and it should be shaded in sunny days.

Benefits and harms

The flower is used as decorative flower. The plant is very original, especially during the flowering period.

Diseases and pests

Hypocyrta is prone to damage from gray rot and powdery mildew.

For treatment, the affected shoots should be removed and treated with a solution of a fungicidal drug.

It is better to temporarily reduce the watering procedure to a minimum.

The flower is susceptible to attack by aphids, scale insects and whiteflies.

The plant should be treated with a special preparation against pests.

Hypocyrta also needs to be placed in a cool place, since aphids most often appear when the air is too dry.

Excessive humidity and cold air leads to the fall of buds and foliage. Yellowing of the leaves indicates too much light or dry air. Excessive amounts of fertilizer also lead to yellowing and changes in shade.

When watering with low-temperature water or lack of regularity in watering, brownish spots appear on the hypocyrtus. If the plant blooms poorly or does not bloom at all, this means that the soil is depleted, there is not enough light, or the temperature is not suitable. Also, the plant does not bloom if the old shoots have not been cut off.


Hypocyrta can increasingly be found in cultivation, since the plant has a long flowering period and has distinctive bright flower buds.

The leaves are also very attractive thanks to their glossy surface and shape.

The flower grows well indoors and does not require effort to grow.

Among indoor plants there are many exotic ones. One of them is a tropical guest of Hypocyrtus. The plant is very decorative, has excellent health and is capable of all year round looks nice. We will learn how to grow hypocyrta at home, how to properly care for the plant, and get acquainted with the description of the flower.

Hypocyrta - delicate exotic ical flower, which has become popular due to its external decorative effect. It is found naturally in the jungles of South America, and in our climate it can only be cultivated at home.

And if in nature the flower grows, reaching 70 cm in height, then at home its maximum is 20-25 cm. In addition to the usual ones, there are also hanging varieties - also very decorative, their hanging shoots can reach 60 cm in length.

The plant is popularly called “goldfish” for the similarity of the flowers with bright tropical fish. Translated from Latin, the name of the flower means “thickened at the bottom” due to the rather massive base of the stem.

Hypocyrtus flowers have a bright, positive color - red, orange. But the leaves are also quite decorative - fleshy, multiple, bright green. In addition, the shape of the leaves is also beautiful - regular oval. Photo of the plant on our website.


Two varieties of the plant are grown at home:

  • Hypocyrta coinata;
  • Hypocyrta naked.

The coin variety has straight stems without lateral shoots. Due to this, the plant does not look too lush, and they usually plant several of them in a pot at a time. Outwardly it resembles a money tree: with its fleshy green leaves and overall structure. Blooms with red-orange flowers. After flowering, the plant enters a period of rest, which it needs.

Naked hypocyrta is a more lush, bushy plant, although also with straight stems. Its leaves are bright green and have a beautiful glossy surface. The foliage of the plant never turns yellow, maintaining its beautiful green tint throughout life.

Condition requirements

Let's find out what conditions of detention need to be provided for hypocyrta for its long and decorative flowering and excellent health.

Lighting and location selection

Hypocyrta requires abundant but diffused light. Direct sunlight should not fall on the leaves, as it can lead to burns. However, it is not suitable to keep the plant in the shade either - in the absence of normal lighting, hypocyrta refuses to bloom.

The best choice is windows in the apartment from the southwest or southeast. Well, if the hypocyrta is ampelous, place it in a hanging flowerpot so that enough light also falls on it.

If in summer there is enough natural light, then in winter, when it gets dark early, this is a problem. To create normal conditions in the hypocyrte winter time, artificial lighting sources should be used.


Cool draft air is harmful tropical plant, so it’s better to keep it away from drafts. It is not advisable to place a flower in a room with a running air conditioner or fan. When frozen, hypocyrta loses all its decorative effect and can completely shed its leaves.

Air humidity

This indicator is important for hypocyrta, since in nature it grows in the rather humid tropical forests of the Amazon. It is not advisable to keep it next to radiators - in winter, heating radiators dry out the air, which adversely affects the plant.

The need for moist air is especially great during the period active growth and flowering. It is therefore recommended to regularly spray the air around the flower with a spray bottle, and also place the pot on a tray with wet pebbles/expanded clay.


It is necessary to grow hypocyrta without sudden temperature changes - and this is the main requirement regarding air temperature. In summer, it is recommended to keep the plant at a temperature of +20-25 degrees, in winter at +14-16 degrees. Hypocyrta glabra is kept in winter at a lower temperature than coinage +12-14 degrees.


If you are going to purchase ready-made soil, choose a mixture for violets - it will suit Hypocyrta optimally. When preparing it yourself, you need to mix the following components in equal parts:

  • leaf soil;
  • humus;
  • river sand;
  • peat.


Let's learn how to care for the tropical beauty Hypocyrta at home so that it pleases the eye and does not get sick.


During the flowering period, which lasts from spring to late autumn, hypocyrthus should be watered quite often and abundantly. However, overwatering should not be allowed, since in excessively wet conditions the roots of the plant begin to rot. In the fall, watering is gradually reduced, and from mid-October to February, the soil in the pot with the plant is sometimes sprayed.

For irrigation, only settled soft water, warm or room temperature. Cool, and even more so cold water Watering hypocyrta is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to rotting of the roots.


During the period of active growing season in the warm season, hypocyrta needs additional nutrition. The frequency of fertilizing is once every 10 days along with watering.


To ensure that the hypocyrta survives the winter safely, it is pruned before sending the plant to rest. The procedure is aimed at the formation of new shoots and more lush flowering hypocyrts in the next growing season. The fact is that flower buds plants are established only on new shoots - this is a feature of hypocyrta.

Each shoot is shortened by about one third.

Rest period

Hypocyrta overwinters from October to the end of February. The dormant period is very important for the plant, as it provides it with rest and prepares it for the next season. The flower needs to be watered less often in winter - no more than once every three to four weeks, and should be kept in a cool room.


Since the flower grows quite slowly and has a not very branched root system, it does not need frequent replanting. An adult hypocyrta is transplanted once every 2-3 years, making sure to change the substrate in the pot with each transplant.

The procedure is carried out in the spring before the start of the growing season. You should not take a much larger pot than the previous one, since in a large container the plant will direct all its forces to the formation of greenery, forgetting about flowering.

Whenever you repot, make sure that the new pot has drainage holes. And at the bottom of the container it is necessary to lay a layer of expanded clay before laying out the soil. These measures will provide the flower optimal conditions and protect it from stagnation of moisture in the soil

Many people grow flowers in their gardens and apartments. We have the opportunity to breed a huge number of plants thanks to enthusiasts who at one time brought crop seeds from South American countries. This is where, for example, the famous petunia comes from. Less known to gardeners is the South American hypocyrta. If you are one of them, read this article: it will tell you about the features of caring for hypocyrta at home.

General information about the hypocyrt plant

Hypocyrta belongs to the Gesneriaceae family. This genus of flowers grows in natural conditions wildlife mainly in the humid South American tropical forests. It is represented by several life forms: herbaceous plants, shrubs and subshrubs, as well as epiphytes. to his unusual name Hypocyrta owes its name to the botanist, anthropologist and physician Karl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, who studied the Brazilian flora. He gave the name to the plant, focusing on the shape of the reproductive organs of the latter: the corolla of the flower has a greatly enlarged lower part. The name “hypocyrtus” comes from two Greek words: “hyro” - under and “kyrtos” - curved. Many people see the similarity of the shape of the flower with lips pressed together for a kiss.

The reproductive organs of Hypocyrtus are colored yellow or orange.. They develop in the summer in the axils of the leaves, which, by the way, also determine the decorative effect. South American plant. For vegetative organs hypocyrtae are characterized by a variety of shapes - from round to obovate, pointed tip, fleshy. The leaves can be smooth or pubescent, light green above, and the lower part lilac color. The height of the hypocyrta in semi-erect species is in the range of 40-60 cm, in exotics with creeping shoots - 10-15 cm.

Varieties of hypocyrt culture

The genus Hypocyrtus has, according to some sources, 10, according to others - 12 species. However, only two are suitable for breeding at home.

Hypocyrta coin is an ampelous plant. Its distinctive features:

  • fleshy, slightly pubescent, round, light green leaves, only 2 cm in length;
  • short petioles of leaf blades;
  • fuzzy stems;
  • weakly branching shoots;
  • red flowers with a yellow tip of the corolla.

This species usually sheds its leaves at the end of the flowering period.

Hypocyrta naked- is an evergreen epiphytic semi-ampelic plant. This beauty can be recognized by: juicy, smooth, glossy, elliptical leaves of a rich green hue up to 4 cm long; low-branching shoots; flowers with corollas formed by fused orange petals and a characteristic swelling in the lower part. The foliage of the crop remains in place after flowering.

Growing hypocyrta at home

Like any tropical flower, our heroine makes specific claims to the quality of the factors environment. It is necessary to take into account many nuances if you want your beauty to delight you with her decorative appearance for a long time.

  • Lighting.
    Hypocyrta prefers bright, diffused light. To do this, it is necessary to shade the plant from the sun in summer and spring-summer. In winter, the crop should also be provided good lighting, maybe artificial.
  • Temperature regime.
    Exotic flower feels best in the warm season at a temperature of 20-25°, in the cold season - 12-14° (G. naked) and 14-16° (G. mint). The plant hates heat, sudden temperature fluctuations and drafts.
  • Air humidity.
    In the summer, the hypocyrta needs to be provided with high environmental humidity, since it is accustomed to a tropical climate. You should humidify the air around it or place the flower pot in a tray filled with wet pebbles.
  • Soil and containers for planting.
    Hypocyrta is planted in a medium-sized container, taking into account the fact that root system the culture does not grow too much as the flower develops. A drainage layer of sand and small pebbles is placed at the bottom of the pot. The soil is formed from peat, river sand and leaf soil, ratio 1:1:1. Store-bought soil mixture for Saintpaulias works well for these purposes.

Caring for hypocyrta at home

Since hypocyrta loves high air humidity, it should be watered as often as possible. This applies to the summer period. In the fall, the water supply to the plants is reduced, and in the winter it is completely reduced to a minimum - as long as the soil in the pot does not dry out. Hypocyrtas use water for irrigation at room temperature.

During the growing season from April to August, add mineral fertilizers for flowering indoor plants by watering them with a solution. Feeding is done every week, stopping in October.

Once every few years, the hypocyrta needs a transplant. It is carried out in the spring, and rarely because the South American beauty grows quite slowly. The requirements for drainage, soil quality and container size are the same as when planting a crop.

At the end of the development of the reproductive organs (late September - early October), which, by the way, begins in March, the plant stems are cut to 1/3 of their height. Regularly carried out this event makes possible much more luxuriant flowering and the formation of a neat bush.

Hypocyrta is propagated by cuttings. The material for obtaining new plants is cut in the spring - these are shoots with 4-5 nodes with the lower leaves removed. Prepared cuttings should be placed in a moistened mixture of sand and peat or water. In the first option, the top of the shoots must be covered with glass. The temperature in the greenhouse is maintained within 22-24° and ventilated periodically. Rooted cuttings are planted in small containers with earth mixture, and shoots of hypocyrta naked - one at a time, and hypocyrta mint - 3-4 pcs. in a pot.

Hypocyrta: difficulties and secrets of success

Alas, exotic plants do not ignore either insects or diseases. The first to appear on the plant are scale insects, whiteflies, and spider mites. However, they are easy to get rid of by applying an appropriate insecticide. In winter, as a result of keeping the flower warm, do not be surprised by the appearance of aphids on the hypocyrt. This pest can be eliminated by moving the exotic plant to a cooler place and reducing watering.

List of probable hypocyrta diseases: gray mold and powdery mildew. Their presence on the plant is diagnosed by the appearance of light brown dry spots on the stems and a white coating on the leaves. In this case, remove the affected parts of the crop, stop spraying and treat the exotic fungicide.

If you observe curling and yellowing of the leaves, then the light intensity of the plant should be reduced. If the color of the leaf blades fades, do the same, plus limit fertilizing and increase air humidity. The fall of vegetative organs and buds occurs due to stagnation of water in the soil and hypothermia of the exotic plant. Is the plant not blooming? Think about increasing the fertility of the soil in a pot with a flower, wintering it cooler and pruning it in a timely manner. You have to be careful with hypocyrta!

If you are a little dreamy, then in the image of yellow or orange Hypocyrtus flowers you can see lips stretched out for a kiss, or you can see an offended chick with a pouting beak. This low-branched epiphyte was first discovered and described by the German botanist Martius, who gave it a name that literally means “swollen from below,” assigning it to the Gesneriev family. Today, the flower is gaining popularity as a houseplant, despite the fact that this delicate exotic is quite capricious, and caring for it at home requires some knowledge and skills.

General description with photo

A more accurate systematization of Hypocyrta was made by Professor Schrader, who included this South American culture in the genus Nematanthus, abolishing the genus of the same name. Its species diversity includes epiphytes, semi-epiphytic vines, and even shrubs and subshrubs.

The leaf blade of Hypocyrta is rounded, short, obovate, with a slight point. The leaf surface is often smooth and glossy, but there are species with pubescence. The back side of the leaf has a purple tint. Flowering occurs in early summer, buds form at the base of the leaf, in the axils. The formed flower has an asymmetrical shape with a significant downward deflection. Erect species grow up to 50-60 cm, and those that produce creeping vines usually do not rise higher than 10-15 cm.

Plant healer

Hypocyrta is credited with the special property of stimulating the growth of other plants. If some domestic specimen has become “decayed” or cannot recover from an illness, it is worth placing it next to the “kiss of summer” and it will begin to grow again. The same applies to people on whom the plant influences in a positive way, taking away negative emotions and giving peace and tranquility. However, all this only works with healthy and full of vitality specimens.

Types of hypocyrta with photos

With all the natural diversity in indoor floriculture The following two varieties are most widespread.

The species belongs to the ampelous species, in nature it is an epiphyte capable of obtaining food from the air and precipitation. The shoots branch very weakly, the alternately arranged leaves are rounded, fleshy, up to 2 cm long, resembling leaves " money tree", which is why they got their name. On a surface sheet plate there is slight pubescence. The buds are bright red, the elongated corolla is yellow. After flowering ends, the leaves of this indoor plant crumble and it goes into a seasonal state of dormancy.

A variety of semi-ampeloid shape. Like all representatives of the genus, it is characterized by weak branching, practically not producing lateral shoots. In contrast to the light shade of coin-type leaves, it has dark, rich foliage with a smooth, shiny surface without pubescence. But the main difference is the absence of a dormant period with the shedding of leaves; the plant is an evergreen. Axillary flowers are collected in 1-3 buds, the peduncles are short. The waxy petals of their corollas are connected like a spherical lantern with a small hole at the top, bent outward.

In addition to these two common types, there are also lesser known ones, but also worthy of attention.

It has dark green, glossy, diamond-shaped foliage on short petioles. Shoots are upright, weakly branched. Characterized by long flowering, which stretches throughout summer season. The flowers are decorated with stripes of a terracotta shade.

This species has varieties of two colors - with yellow and red buds. It is grown as a hanging crop thanks to its creeping shoots with small glossy leaves. The flowers are also very small, literally miniature in size.

Currently deserves special attention and the love of flower growers, is allocated as a separate species. The shoots are semi-ampeloid and lodge only when they are of considerable length. It is distinguished by large leaves with a pointed tip. Elongated peduncles lift scarlet flowers above the main green mass, which looks very decorative.

Valued for its variegated foliage in two shades of green. In this case, lighter stripes (sometimes almost white) run either along the central vein or along the edge.

Home care

Due to its tropical origin Hypocyrta has its own vagaries and makes quite stringent requirements for growing conditions.


For all its love for bright light, the flower prefers diffused lighting without bright direct scorching rays in summer time. For evergreen species, light is also needed in winter, but it is quite sufficient if the daylight hours are artificially extended. The coin variety can spend the winter in a less lit place, and will still feel even more rested.


Summer and winter periods should have significant differences in temperature content, and the changes should not be sharp and instantaneous. Late autumn is a period of adaptation to winter dormancy, which in relation to temperature regime necessary for any variety of this crop.

Air humidity

During intensive growth Hypocyrta requires high humidity environment. This can be achieved by standard measures - frequent and regular moistening from a spray bottle or installing a tray with wet sphagnum, expanded clay, etc.


In hot weather, increased watering is required; in spring and autumn, the soil is moistened as the top layer dries out; in winter, the need is sharply reduced, but the earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out completely. Winter mode Watering also depends on the hypocyrta variety; evergreen species will require a little more moisture.

Neither in summer nor in winter should hypocyrta be watered with cold water! It is completely contraindicated for this southern plant.

Soil substrate

From ready-made compositions It is preferable to choose soil for violets. When preparing the substrate yourself, it is recommended to take equal parts of humus, sand, high-moor peat and leaf soil.


Feeding coincides in time with the period of intensive growth. Concentrated liquid is recommended mineral complex, intended for flowering plants. In autumn and winter, fertilizing is not carried out for good rest flower.

The culture is slow-growing and therefore does not require annual replanting. Typically, such a need arises every 2-3 years. The container chosen is small, with a small allowance for root growth. An important requirement is the presence of several or one large drainage hole. When filling the pot, it is necessary to provide a wide drainage layer of coarse material; there must be voids in the pot. The plant is an epiphyte, so its roots also need air.


Hypocyrta is a plant that does not grow independently, and therefore the growth of lateral shoots for compact appearance has to be stimulated artificially. To do this in the fall, before dormancy, it is necessary to prune the shoots, shortening them by about a third. This will also stimulate the formation of buds, since their formation occurs only on young shoots.


The easiest way to get a new plant is from cuttings taken from a mature specimen. Cuttings should have up to 4-5 internodes; they should be cut during the period of active growth. Lower leaves they are removed and the cutting is placed in water, perlite or loose soil substrate. Rooting of the shoot occurs in comfortable conditions according to the usual rules of crop care.

The seed propagation method is also available, the scheme of which is traditional.

Pests and diseases

Hypocyrta is most often attacked by aphids, mealybug and whitefly. It is also possible to attack the scale insect and spider mite. If you carefully examine the plant, signs of insects become obvious - the presence of thin cobwebs, dry or brown spots, mucus, loss of general tone. Some pests are visible to the naked eye. At the first stages of infection, ethyl alcohol, soap solution, or moderate hot shower(the hand should tolerate the temperature calmly). If there are a lot of insects and signs of their activity are obvious, it is necessary to use chemicals appropriate purpose.

Diseases are caused by violation of the rules of care, most often this is a discrepancy between air temperature and watering. The colder the room, the more infrequent watering should be. High humidity and cold air can provoke gray rot or the appearance of powdery mildew. Unhealthy shoots need to be cut off and the plant treated with a fungicidal solution. If the rot has affected the roots, a replantation with a complete revision of the root system is required.

Possible problems and their elimination

  • Brown spots on the leaves - watering with cold water or insect damage.
  • Hypocyrta does not bloom - there can be many reasons. Pruning was not done, which is why young shoots did not grow, the soil was too poor, there was not enough light, and there was no dormant period.
  • Buds and leaves fall - the specimen is flooded against the backdrop of the cold air of the visit. Not to be confused with leaf shedding before dormancy in pubescent varieties!
  • The leaves turn yellow and bend - too much exposure to sunlight; you need to diffuse the light, for example, stick tracing paper on the window.

Hypocyrta is an epiphytic, beautifully flowering semi-shrub plant, which is successfully grown when cared for at home and is valued all over the world for its decorative foliage and bright and abundant long-lasting flowering.

General information

Many species of Hypocyrtus are grown as hanging plants, although erect species are also present. Flowers can be compared to lips that are pursed for a kiss or to a goldfish.

Usually in summer or early autumn these beautiful plants bloom when grown at home, where they do not require any special conditions in care.

The genus Hypocyrta includes about 12 subshrubs that belong to the Gesneriev family. In translation, the name of the genus sounds like this: “swollen from below,” which comes from the formation of the words “hypo” - bottom and “cyrtos” - swollen, curved, most likely formed due to the appearance of the flower. In the wild, they are most often found in tropical areas of America.

Many species of this plant grow in natural conditions as epiphytes on trees in tropical forests. The leaf cover is dark green in color of various shapes, from obovate to elliptical, smooth or pubescent, sometimes pointed with lilac shade the bottom side is a kind of reservoir for collecting water in case of lack of moisture.

The development of flowers occurs in the axils of the leaves, which appear swollen and tubular. Under natural conditions, a hypocyrt plant usually reaches 40-60 centimeters, but when cultivated in room conditions it grows no more than 20-30 centimeters. Plants bloom very well at home in summer or early autumn.

Types of hypocyrthus flower

It grows wild in Brazil as an epiphytic evergreen shrub, reaching up to 20-25 centimeters in height, with a slightly branched stem part. The leaves are short-petioled, opposite, elliptical in shape, dark green in color, glabrous with a glossy sheen, reaching up to 3 centimeters in length and 1.5 centimeters in width.

The flowers are bright orange in color, collected in inflorescences of 1 to 3 pieces, which are located in the axils of the leaves on a short peduncle. The petals of the corolla are fused with a spherical swollen tube of yellow-orange color, which is curved towards the bottom with a tiny bend.

In the wild, it is most often found in Guatemala and Costa Rica, being a more miniature species compared to the naked one, but also an epiphytic plant with few branching shoots. The leaves are light green in color and ovoid or round in shape, fleshy, crenate along the edge, reaching up to 2 centimeters in length.

The stem part and leaf cover are softly pubescent. The flowers are bright red with a light yellow limb, which become almost black in the throat. At the end of the flowering period this type sheds leaf cover.

Hypocyrta care at home

The hypocyrt plant does not require special care rules, but still feels better in the fresh air in the summer, and for abundant flowering Needs frequent pruning and cool wintering.

The hypocyrtus flower is quite light-loving and refuses to bloom in shady conditions, but it should be protected from direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves may turn yellow, lose their shine, and burn spots may appear.

Since the plant is epiphytic, it is extremely demanding on air humidity, for this reason it feels best in a bright bathroom or on kitchen window. Hypocyrta content in winter near heating devices It is highly not recommended; the plant is also provided with good lighting during this period.

In summer, it is necessary to provide the plant with a suitable temperature of 20 to 25 degrees, and in winter, the temperature drops to 12-16 degrees.

During the summer, abundant watering is required for the hypocyrt, which is reduced from October to February, but at the same time not allowing the soil to dry out. Use only soft, settled water at room temperature.

The plant needs high air humidity throughout the summer; for this reason, it is better to moisten it by spraying or placing the dishes with the flower on wet jackdaw or expanded clay.

The flower needs to be replanted annually in a not too voluminous pot. spring period. The soil is light and loose from: 3 parts of leaf soil, 1 part of peat soil and ½ part of sand, preferably river sand, you can also add chopped bark or pieces of charcoal to the substrate.

Fertilizers are applied at weekly intervals from April to August; the rest of the time the plant is not fed.

Hypocyrta reproduction

The plant is propagated in spring and summer using cuttings. How planting material, select the tips of shoots that do not have flowers, but have 4-5 nodes.

They need to remove the two lower leaves, then root them in a damp mixture of sand and peat and cover them with perforated polyethylene and place them in a warm and bright place. Already rooted cuttings need to be planted several pieces into pots and identified permanent place a habitat.

Diseases and pests

  • When enough warm conditions kept in winter, the plant can easily be infested by aphids.
  • If a cobweb appears on the underside, and the leaf itself turns yellow, this is a sign that the plant is damaged by spider mites.
  • Hypocyrta can be damaged by whiteflies, a sign of this is the flight of small white midges; it can be dealt with by spraying the plant with warm water.
  • Appeared on the leaf cover white coating, this powdery mildew can occur due to improper care and maintenance, in case of this disease, remove the infected areas, stop watering and treat the plant with a fungicide.
  • Leaves and buds fall off, this happens due to waterlogging of the soil and hypothermia of the plant.
  • The castings turn yellow and crowd or lose color, possibly due to too much light. Loss of foliage color can also occur due to large quantity fertilizers or insufficiently humid air.
  • appear on the leaves brown spots, may occur due to irregular watering or watering with too cold water.
  • Weak flowering can occur for several reasons: too poor soil, insufficient lighting, very dry indoor air. In addition, weak flowering can occur due to lack of pruning or too warm keeping in winter.