What is illumination formula and unit. Calculation of room illumination in domestic conditions: the right tactics. For calculation you will need

Light is necessary for a person to live normally. It affects almost all aspects of his life, mental state and physiology. If lighting standards are met, the room is pleasant to be in, fatigue occurs more slowly during work. Otherwise, the mood quickly deteriorates, and other signs of the negative impact of the “wrong” light on the eyes and nervous system appear.

What is illumination

Many people confuse illumination with the brightness of lamps, but this is wrong. The same lighting fixture can create different light levels, depending on the area of ​​the room, the height of the lamp, its angle of inclination.

Brightness, or luminous flux, is measured in lumens. This indicator is on the packaging of the lighting device, but, unfortunately, it is not always reliable. Therefore, to choose energy saving lamp It makes sense to take a compact RADEX LUPIN light meter with you to the store. The same device will help measure the illumination of your workplace and rooms at home. The parameter reflects the number of lumens luminous flux, which falls on 1 sq. m of surface. It is very important to prevent non-compliance with established standards.

What are the dangers of too little or too much lighting?

It is known that employees of some shopping centers often complain of watery eyes, fatigue and redness of the eyes. The reason is too bright lighting. On the one hand, it helps buyers get a better look at the product. On the other hand, it harms the health of the visual apparatus of workers who are under such lighting all day long.

When checking light level inspectors make orders only if the indicators do not reach the lower limits of the norm. This is because if the light is too dim, working conditions worsen. A person has difficulty doing work, his eyes get tired quickly, and myopia or farsightedness appears.

However, not only dim, but also excessively bright light is harmful to the visual apparatus. Consequences of prolonged stay in a room with too much light:

  • Irritation and redness of the mucous membrane (conjunctiva).
  • Feeling of dryness and “powdery” eyes.
  • The appearance of irritability.
  • Feeling of general discomfort.
  • Nervous overexcitation.

It follows from this: it is necessary to monitor not only compliance lighting standards, but also in the absence of a significant excess of the established values.

How measure illumination on one's own

Each of us can provide ourselves comfortable conditions work and rest. In particular, by creating adequate lighting. To do this, you need to install devices that produce light of normal brightness.

Check if it meets the standard light level your room or workplace, will help lux meter RADEX LUPIN. With this device you can always determine the brightness of light in any room. The measurement is simple. Place the light meter on the control surface with the photosensor pointing upward. The parameter value will be displayed on the device monitor in lux (lx).

The RADEX LUPIN lux meter provides correct information, unlike many other models. The error of its measurements does not exceed 10%. The accuracy of the device is ensured by corrective filters that block ultraviolet and infrared rays that are not perceived by the human eye. Since the spectrum of some light sources contains both, illuminance measurement without filters it turns out inaccurate. The RADEX LUPIN lux meter meets the requirements of GOST. Its spectral sensitivity is the same as that of the human eye, so it provides complete, reliable information about the light environment.

Briefly about lighting standards

Lighting in which a person maintains working capacity for a long time and does not notice an unreasonable deterioration in well-being or mood is considered normal. For control lighting standards The Chief State Doctor of the Russian Federation approved special sanitary rules and regulations. The document establishes clear requirements for lighting in premises for various purposes.

Standards for some of them (in suites):

  • Bathrooms, bathrooms - 50.
  • Sleeping quarters - 100.
  • Living rooms and kitchens - 150.
  • Gyms - 200.
  • Game rooms kindergartens - 200.
  • Office rooms - 300.
  • Classrooms - 300.
  • Library premises - 400
  • Doctors' offices and treatment rooms - 500.
  • Trading rooms - 500.

The highest requirements are set for premises in which work of the highest precision is carried out. For example, for jewelry, engraving and watchmaking workshops, the illumination level should be 3000 lux. The lighting of storerooms, basements, attics, passage corridors and other rooms with short stays of people (20-30 lux) can be relatively dim.

surface density of luminous flux incident on a unit surface. The unit of O. in the SI system is lux (lx). One lux corresponds to a luminous flux density of one lumen, evenly distributed over an area of ​​1 m2. The functions of the visual analyzer, which affect the quality of information perception, largely depend on O.: visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, speed of distinguishing details, stability of clear vision. For example, visual acuity increases as O. increases to approximately 100 lux; with a further increase in O., visual acuity remains virtually unchanged. The magnitude of O. has a significant impact on the brightness of objects and their contrast with respect to the background. Irrational lighting (weak lighting, insufficient contrast of objects on the working background, uneven distribution of brightness - shadows, shine, etc.) adversely affects the quality of information reception by the operator and negatively affects human vision. At unfavorable conditions lighting may disrupt the functions of the c. n. With. and the development of fatigue, as a result of which a person’s performance decreases. The choice of the type of lighting is also of great importance: artificial or natural, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages (see Interior of the control room). The required amount of O. at the workplace depends on the nature of the work performed in terms of the degree of accuracy (high, medium, low accuracy, rough), smallest sizes object of observation, contrast of the object of observation, type of lighting (artificial or natural). To select the O. value, one should be guided by specially developed O. standards for working surfaces in production premises. For example, when working on computer peripheral devices, office-type equipment, the recommended O. value is from 500 to 1000 lux, when working with measuring instruments, testing and checking electronic equipment, solving surveillance problems - from 300 to 500 lux, when repair work for instrumental purposes - from 1000 to 2000 lux, when making recordings - from 500 to 700 lux. O.'s measurement can be carried out by direct and indirect methods. In the first case, lux meters (type Yu-16, Yu-17) are used for this purpose - portable small-sized devices consisting of a light receiver (selenium photocell), an attachment (absorber) and a recording device. In the second case (with artificial lighting), the total average specific power of all light sources in the room is determined (W/m2), which is multiplied by coefficient B, which shows how much lux the specific power of the light sources provides. Its magnitude depends on the type of sources. For incandescent lamps it is 2 - 2.5, for fluorescent lamps, whose light output is higher, it is from 2.4 to 3.0.

All professional electricians are familiar with the concept of calculating room illumination. This operation must be carried out for every room in the house. It is definitely the foundation of lighting in general.

In our article today, we will try to understand a number of issues related to this procedure. Amateur electricians do not understand much, so we explain everything to the smallest detail.

The calculation of lighting in both residential and industrial premises must be carried out with high accuracy. The state of human health and a comfortable pastime in this room directly depend on these indicators.

If the room has insufficient or excessive illumination, this factor will play a role on the psychological state of a person, and will also bring some consequences for the visual organ. To avoid such troubles, this process must be planned.

We determine the calculation of illumination for a living space

For this method, it is necessary to perform a number of preliminary actions, for example, calculate the number of lighting fixtures per room, and let’s start with this:

  • For this we need a formula, where

N is the number of lighting fixtures;

E - indicator of lighting values ​​in a horizontal position, measured in Lux;

S is the area of ​​the room in which the calculation is carried out;

Kr is a reserve coefficient characterizing the excess level of illumination. It is provided in case of failure of a certain number of lamps;

U is a coefficient that determines the possibility of using the device;

n is the number of light bulbs that the lighting fixture contains;

Fl is the light emission of one light bulb, Lm.

  • Next we need to find the room index using the formula:

To make accurate calculations, you need to measure the height of the lamp and the height of the proposed zone for which the illumination is being calculated, the values ​​a and b are the lengths of the walls, which also need to be determined;

Auxiliary methods for determining room illumination

In addition to the basic mathematical method of determining the lighting level for the required area, there are more simplified options, which are also regularly used at home.

Calculation by power density . This tactic is quite simple, since all the reference data is available. Among the shortcomings, the only thing that can be highlighted is that the calculation is obtained with a large excess. To determine the specific power value, you need to multiply the number of lamps by the power of each of them separately, then divide the resulting expression by the area of ​​the room. In this way, the required lamp power value is obtained, from which their number can be easily determined.

Calculation using a prototype. This method is quite simple, since all the data is available in tables typical for typical premises. This option is convenient for domestic conditions. There is no point in using calculations of a more professional type for everyday life.

Spot illumination calculation. Using this calculation, it is possible to obtain a value for each individual point in the room. However, this type of calculation requires lengthy preparation: it is necessary to have a room plan with markings of lamps, according to which you should select a point that serves as a calculation point. This option is complex and is used for difficult conditions or with design features of wall or ceiling surfaces.

Important! In order to simplify your task and find the exact value of illumination, you need to collect all the data and use a calculator that determines the level of lighting in the rooms.

Factors influencing workplace illumination?

For each separate room There are certain requirements that determine a number of factors that must be taken into account. At this stage, we will consider how to calculate illumination for working area or office.

Each type of activity should be equipped with an optimal level of luminous flux, and it does not matter whether you are working at a computer or at a production machine. Before ensuring sufficient comfort at your place of work, you must take into account the following factors:

  • sufficiency of light and its uniformity;
  • required brightness;
  • glare or glare effect is not allowed;
  • correct contrast and color range of light;
  • no light pulsation.

In addition to the listed factors, due attention must be paid to quantitative and qualitative criteria. Let's turn to qualitative criteria.

  1. Direct fading is a set of objects or surfaces that brightly reflect light, while causing discomfort to human vision. This disadvantage can be eliminated by increasing the height of the lamps, installing diffusers on the light source and reducing the power of each bulb.
  2. Reflected fading occurs when individual surfaces in a room have an increased reflectance. Due to this factor, a person can see a mirror or bright spot of light, and this quite interferes and irritates the vision. To eliminate this factor, it is necessary to properly organize the lighting, following the calculations using the formula.
  3. High contrast. This factor is also not favorable. For example, if the surface of the work area has a contrast similar to the luminous flux, in such cases some details will be indistinguishable to the human eye.

Note! For the purpose of good vision and distinction of objects in the workplace, it is necessary that the surface of the illuminated area and the luminous flux have a different contrast.

  1. Shadow. Required complete absence falling shadows, for example, from parts of the human body and objects installed in the work area. It is believed that such shadows are harmful because they reduce vision. In addition, they distort the contrast of details important for vision. To eliminate this criterion, it is important to place the lighting on that side of the surface so that even with the maximum tilt of a person, shadows do not form.
  2. Light saturation. It is important here not to confuse the level of illumination of the working area and the light saturation of the entire room. These two characteristics are in this case are considered compatible. To avoid under-saturation, it is necessary to install unfocused lighting, as well as decorate walls and ceiling surface light coatings.

What is lighting pulsation and how to determine its level?

Today there is no lighting device that would produce a uniform luminous flux, and this does not at all indicate any defect in the device. Such a phenomenon, if present, cannot be noticed, but this does not reduce its danger to human vision.

The pulsation coefficient represents a certain change that occurs in the time of emission of the light flux that falls on the surface. To calculate this value, you should subtract the minimum value for the same time from the maximum illumination value for a certain period of time, and multiply the resulting value by 100%. The resulting number is expressed as a percentage.

Attention! There are a number of specific standards that are regulated by law regarding lighting pulsation. There are specific restrictions for each individual room.

In places where essential work tasks and operations are performed, this value should not exceed 20%. In public and administrative buildings, a pulsation value not exceeding 5% is provided.

Is it possible to measure the pulsation of light?

As it turned out, it is impossible to visually determine the state of pulsation of the light flux; therefore, it is necessary to use special equipment. Such devices include an illumination meter, a device for determining the brightness of light, and a device that indicates the exact value of the pulsation coefficient. Thanks to such devices, the following is achieved:

  • exact value of room illumination;
  • the brightness of devices transmitting is calculated artificial light;
  • the pulsation of the light flux wave is determined;
  • The pulsation of monitors of various electronic devices is clarified.

Based on the calculation results, the following values ​​are identified: the pulsation coefficient of LED lamps is 100%; less pulsation is produced by incandescent lamps and “housekeepers” - 25%. When choosing expensive lamps for residential lighting, you cannot guarantee that the pulsation coefficient will be harmless.

Lighting standards for premises according to SNIP

The current document, which to this day regulates the pulsation coefficient and illumination indicators for premises, is the set of rules (SP), legalized in 2015. The latest version of SNIP 05/23/95 clarifies all criteria relating to electrical efficiency and safety.

Let's look at the table of standards from SNIP that residential premises must have.

Using table values, you can easily determine the required values ​​for each room in a residential building.

How to calculate the illumination rate in Lumens: not the traditional method

According to statistics, this method is considered the most accurate compared to others given, but it is used only in exceptional cases. In order to use this determination tactic, we need to take the total area of ​​the measured room, multiply this value by the normalized illumination indicator for 1 square meter. m, as a result we obtain the strength of light radiation necessary for the entire room as a whole.

Attention! All regulatory values ​​regarding lighting standards for residential premises can be found in SNIP documents.

Lighting devices differ in design, physical properties and technical characteristics. The parameters of lighting devices raise many questions and disputes, especially the unit of illumination measurement. It is often confused with other concepts, such as luminous intensity or brightness. In addition, many consumers buy lighting, focusing on the value of the total, without taking into account heat and light losses.

What is illumination

The concept of illumination is closely related to the amount of luminous flux measured in laboratories using special equipment. The illumination itself can be determined independently, and its value is taken into account by the relevant SNiPs. To calculate this parameter, use the luminous flux, measured in lumens, which is in relation to the area of ​​the illuminated surface. It should hit the surface at a 90 degree angle. Illumination is measured in special units - lux (lx).

The amount of light flux has a direct impact on the physical and psychological state of a person. Too little lighting depresses the brain, and too bright, on the contrary, has a stimulating effect on brain processes. Such a negative effect causes premature wear and tear of the body and has a detrimental effect on the organs of vision.

Therefore, when drawing up a lighting design and placement of lighting devices, a safety factor must be used that takes into account the likely drop in illumination during operation. Gradually, optical components wear out and become dirty, which leads to a decrease in the brightness of artificial light. In addition, the natural light factor decreases as the reflective properties of surrounding objects gradually change.

Illumination is primarily measured at the workplace. At the same time, sound vibrations are determined, the degree of contamination, electromagnetic and even gamma radiation are taken into account. The measurement results allow you to create the most optimal conditions labor, in accordance with sanitary standards and rules.

In what units is illumination measured?

The unit of illumination measurement should be discussed in more detail. The generally accepted unit is lux, which represents the illumination when a luminous flux of 1 lumen falls on a surface of 1 m2.

How much illumination does the unit of measurement 1 lux actually include? For this purpose, it is necessary to compare several standard parameters based on human physiology, enshrined in strict medical rules and government standards. Without compliance with them, it is impossible to approve any construction project.

An illumination level of 1 lux is created by an ordinary candle located at a distance of 1 m from the illuminated surface. With the help of this simple device it is quite possible to calibrate a homemade measuring device- lux meter.

As examples for comparison, we can take several known species illumination

  • Bright sunlight at noon will be 100-140 thousand lux
  • Sky without clouds during the day - 6200 lux
  • Desk lamp, illuminating the table - 500 lux
  • Illumination in the shade on a sunny day - 430 lux
  • The onset of twilight in the evening - 70 lux
  • The beginning of the night with moonlight - 1.5 lux.

Light sources and surfaces that reflect light do not always appear as individual points. If the organs of vision are able to distinguish their shape, then we will talk about another photometric quantity known as brightness. Her physical properties are similar to the intensity of light, but in this case this relationship will not be absolute. It is proportional to the area of ​​the reflecting or radiating surface.

Brightness, as a physical concept, is the only photometric quantity that the human eye can normally perceive. It is clearly manifested in the properties of large light sources, consisting of a large number of point emitters. Provided they are the same brightness, general light a large lighting fixture will be perceived as a single whole.

List of basic units of measurement

There are several basic units of measurement that characterize the parameters of light in one way or another. Among them, the most famous and widespread are the following:

  • Light flow. Represents the power of light emitted. This is the visible spectrum of radiation associated with the sensation of light perceived by the human eye. This value is measured in lumens (lm). For example, the luminous flux emitted by a 100-watt incandescent lamp is 1350 lm, and fluorescent lamp LB40 - 3200 lm.
  • The power of light. The density of the luminous flux relative to the surrounding space. At its core, it is a proportion where the luminous flux is related to the solid angle within which the radiation is uniformly distributed. The unit of measurement is candela (cd).
  • Illumination. The luminous flux incident on the surface has a surface density. It is evenly distributed and correlates with the area of ​​the illuminated surface. The unit of measurement is lux (lx), equal to 1 lm/1 m2.
  • Brightness. Represents the luminous intensity with surface density in a specified direction. The unit of measurement is cd/m2.
  • Luminosity. The luminous flux emitted by a surface with density, which is the ratio of the luminous flux to the area of ​​the luminous surface. The unit of measurement is 1 lm/m2.

Instruments for measuring light levels

The level of illumination is measured by a device - a lux meter. This small, portable device works in much the same way as a photometer. A stream of light radiation hits a semiconductor photosensitive element and begins to tear off electrons from it, which begin to move in an orderly manner. As a result, the electrical circuit closes. In this case, the magnitude of the current is proportional to the intensity of illumination of the photocell and is displayed on the scale of analog devices.

Currently, there are practically no instruments with arrows left; they have been replaced by digital measuring equipment. Each lux meter is equipped with a liquid crystal display and a photosensitive sensor located in a separate housing. A flexible wire is used to connect these two parts together.

Before starting light measurements, the lux meter is set to a horizontal position. Modern GOST standards require that different points in the room be used for measurements in accordance with established scheme. Natural and artificial lighting measured separately. When performing the procedure, even the slightest shadow is not allowed to fall on the device. There should not be any sources of electromagnetic waves nearby. All these factors can cause interference and affect the measurement results.

The resulting illumination value must be compared with the parameter established by GOST. Based on these data, conclusions are drawn about the sufficient or insufficient illumination of any room or area. After the tests, an evaluation protocol is drawn up.

Lighting and LED fixtures

When illuminated by LEDs, it emits a large number of heat. To dissipate it, heat-conducting aluminum structures, cooling fins and other elements are used that neutralize the effects of heat. When creating new lamps, specialists must take into account the relationship between illumination and heat loss.

Operational difficulties appear when the temperature rises above 50 degrees. In this regard, measurements should be taken approximately two hours after the start of work. LED lamps. To eliminate errors, illumination measurements are performed periodically throughout the working day. It is recommended to conduct such studies at least once a year.

Surely you already know that too dim or, conversely, too bright lighting in a room has a negative effect on the human body. In addition to eternal drowsiness, an insufficient amount of artificial and natural light entails more serious dangers - blurred vision and impaired psychological state. Solving the problem is quite simple - install more suitable lamps and properly organize the lighting in each room. However, before this, you need to find out what lighting standards exist for residential premises. This is exactly what we will talk about now.

What does SNiP say?

The main document that specifies existing standards is SNiP (building codes and regulations). So, according to this document, the following standards of illumination in lux (Lx) must be observed in an apartment and a private house:

  • attic and basement passage – 20;
  • toilet, shower, bath – 50;
  • hall, corridor – 50;
  • wardrobe – 75;
  • bathhouse, swimming pool – 100;
  • bedroom, kitchen – 150;
  • children's - 200;
  • personal office, library, utility room, room with billiards - 300.

We draw your attention to the fact that in the bathroom you can optionally increase artificial illumination to 100 Lux, because... for applying makeup and shaving, the value specified in SNiP 05/23/2010 may not be enough.

So that you understand how to convert the provided numbers into more familiar values, remember - 1 Lux is 1 Lumen/1 square meter premises. Each light bulb must indicate such a characteristic as luminous flux (in lumens, Lm). All you need to do is first calculate the standard illumination of a living space, in your case one of the rooms, then convert the value to Lumens and select the appropriate light bulbs. Let's look at the calculation technology using an example.

We make calculations

Let's say you need to find out the standard of illumination in a bedroom whose area is 20 m2. First of all, we multiply the norm according to SNiP for this room by the area, namely 150 * 20, in total we get 3000 Lux. Accordingly, with this value, the total luminous flux of the lamps should be 3000 Lm. All you have to do is choose the appropriate light bulbs for your living space, for example, if you want, you can use 3 light bulbs of 12 W each, which in total will give no more than 3600 Lm according to the table:

This calculation is approximate, because Each has its own meanings, which you can find out upon purchase. Thus, you can easily make the artificial light in the room the kind recommended by the lighting standards for residential premises according to SNiP.

By the way, this value can be measured using special device- a lux meter, which is quite simple to use, as proven by the video below.

Measuring work