Construction of a cellar from foam blocks - quickly and reliably! Waterproofing the basement of a house made of aerated concrete

Construction Materials

Peter Kravets

Reading time: 3 minutes


The construction of a residential building can be significantly accelerated and reduced in cost, especially at the stage of constructing the basement, through the use of aerated concrete blocks.

To do this, you need to know about the features of their material, the intricacies of installation and the differences from similar materials, for example, from foam concrete. A base made of foam blocks is used only for low-rise buildings with a lightweight roof, since the foam block is unstable to heavy loads.

Houses made of foam blocks with a basement will be more reliable in terms of protection from water, but will be inferior to other materials in strength and durability. Aerated concrete is distinguished from traditional brick by the lightness of the material, which does not allow the adhesive solution to be squeezed out between the blocks.

This fact allows you to build a base from aerated concrete and gas silicate blocks without gaps or gaps.

Requirements for aerated concrete materials

To use aerated concrete, certain conditions must be met, in particular, regarding the quality of the soil - construction can only be on stable rocks.

Another requirement is climatic conditions at the place of construction - this material is not applicable to temperatures more than 10 degrees below zero, and does not withstand temperature changes well. Aerated concrete is extremely susceptible to any type of deformation, which requires the construction of a strong and stable foundation.

Advantages of aerated concrete plinth

  • By choosing aerated concrete as the main material for building a basement, you can significantly reduce the cost of building a house due to the low price of the material itself and the speed of construction of the structure;
  • Aerated concrete retains heat well, which will help reduce the cost of heating a house during the cold season during operation. With this base material, just one layer is enough façade walls that do not require special insulation;
  • Due to its dimensions, aerated concrete is convenient in construction - its considerable dimensions make it easy not only to calculate the number of blocks in a row, but also to carry out construction. Convenient grips, grooves and special ridges simplify all types of work on moving such blocks;
  • Having a porous structure, aerated concrete easily releases steam to the outside, thus, when heating the room, excess condensate will dry out very quickly and the material will remain completely dry.
  • When constructing a base from other materials, it will certainly shrink after some time, which does not happen with aerated concrete.
  • Aerated concrete material is absolutely environmentally friendly and does not pose any threat to the health of the residents of the house. In its production it is used exclusively natural material of various origins.

Requirements for a plinth made of aerated concrete blocks

Regardless of the type of house foundation materials, when planning an aerated concrete plinth, a number of requirements must be met, including its height - at least 0.8 meters.

  • Due to the low elasticity of aerated concrete blocks, they are subject to rapid deformation of the structure even due to even minor impacts. Therefore, it is necessary to make the base for the plinth as resistant as possible to the pressure of the walls of the entire structure, not forgetting to carry out waterproofing works;
  • When installing blocks, it is necessary to especially carefully control the horizontal alignment of the first row laid on the mortar. The best option all work on the construction of the plinth from aerated concrete blocks will be carried out - this will eliminate the transition of materials and reduce the complexity of the work performed;
  • It is necessary to leave 0.5 m for a hydro- and heat-insulating layer between the base and the walls of the pit. This is calculated at the stage of digging a pit;
  • The porous structure of such blocks is capable of absorbing both water and a solution or adhesive mixture for installation. To avoid this, all blocks must be generously moistened with water during construction work. A moistened block absorbs special solutions much less due to the saturation of the pores with moisture;
  • The solution and adhesive mixture harden very quickly; this factor must be taken into account when planning work, for example, invite a partner or several. Upon completion of installation, the base is covered with cement mortar;
  • After forming the base, it is extremely important to carry out waterproofing work and make a blind area. It can reduce the amount of water near the walls of the basement and prevent moisture from penetrating inside.

Sequence of work on the construction of aerated concrete plinth

The basement is erected after the foundation is poured. Its strength and stability will give the necessary reliability to the entire structure, taking into account the type of soil at the construction site.

Aligning corners

All work on the construction of a basement can be divided into three types - construction of underground floor walls, waterproofing and setting corners.

Errors and shortcomings happen at any of these stages, but it is precisely at the stage of building corners that no shortcomings can be allowed! All wall masonry begins from the corners, and miscalculation at this stage threatens collapse and defects of the entire house.

Setting up corners begins with laying out a row of bricks around the entire perimeter without mortar. The length and width of the building and diagonals are measured. If the values ​​up to a millimeter coincide, then the calculations are correct and you can proceed to construction work. Otherwise, it is necessary to re-align the corners.

Important! Building a house is not a matter of one day. Over time, the constructed aerated concrete underground floor is exposed to precipitation, which destroys the surface, leading to deformations.

IN winter time it may freeze in the pores of the blocks. To avoid this, once the facade of the lower part of the house is built, it is covered with plastic film, creating a temporary barrier to the destructive effects of the climate.

Selecting the type of base

In addition to insulation work, its design can also help in insulating and waterproofing the walls of the basement. Here it is necessary to decide what the base of the building will be: protruding, sinking or flush with the ground.

The protruding base is the most exposed to water, which requires a special choice of materials and the mandatory installation of ebbs.

Due to so many requirements, it is not very common in construction. The base of a single plane with the ground is vulnerable to water penetration, and is not recommended for use, especially in the case of aerated concrete material.

The falling base is the least expensive in terms of materials and does not require additional protection. Its waterproofing provides sufficient protection and the necessary surface strength. In particular, when constructing plinths from aerated concrete, it is worth giving preference to it.

Installation of gas blocks

The laying of the first row of aerated concrete blocks is carried out, as a rule, at a height of about half a meter from the ground level. For leveling, a sand layer with the addition of cement is laid.

The surface is carefully leveled, compacted and covered with waterproofing material. The requirements for the material, in addition to its quality, are minimal - the dimensions of this layer should not exceed the width of the walls of the finished building.

Laying begins from the highest corner of the house, I try to keep the seams to a minimum. At the end of this stage, the entire base is covered with cement mortar. It is important not to forget the ventilation holes for ventilation of underground spaces.

Blind area

The next mandatory step is the construction of a blind area that will drain water from the base of the house. The requirements are minimal, but must be met - a width of at least a meter, a height of 15 cm, and be sure to maintain a slight slope from the house to the site, this will ensure natural drainage of water.

Important! When constructing a basement from aerated concrete, which is quite hygroscopic in nature, the lower part of the base is covered with a water-repellent membrane, which will prevent the penetration of both flood and groundwater into the premises of the “ground floor”.

Waterproofing and insulation

In the case of a ground floor made of aerated concrete, waterproofing is mandatory, otherwise the walls will quickly collapse. It would be optimal to use several types of waterproofing materials, for example, bitumen and mastic.

Waterproofing the basement walls of a house made of aerated concrete is an extremely important undertaking that requires experience in carrying out such work. Without carefully and correctly waterproofing the basement walls or ground floor Residents of a new house can get not additional usable space, but a swimming pool. But jokes aside, it's poorly executed basement waterproofing or ground floor can lead to flooding of the house, and this unfavorable factor can significantly affect the integrity of the entire structure of the house. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully and thoroughly approach the work of waterproofing the basement walls of a house made of aerated concrete.

Preparing basement walls for waterproofing work

Before you start waterproofing basement walls it is necessary to carefully prepare the base: remove the remaining mortar, fill up the recesses and other defects on the surface of the walls. The protruding profiles of the tongues must be cleaned with a sanding float for aerated concrete. Don’t forget to sweep the surface after finishing sanding: the walls should be clean and free of dust.
Important! The transition from the wall to the foundation is made in the form of a circle. You can use an ordinary bottle as a tool. With its help, we model the “slope” along which water flows from the house. The same operation can be done using an ordinary trowel, forming an inclined plane.

Next, you need to prime the base. For some waterproofing methods, the primer can be purchased ready-made and packaged in large buckets or cans. In addition, you can dilute the putty with plenty of water and use it as a primer. In any case, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the manufacturers of primers and putties.
To apply the primer, use a wide brush. In warm weather, after one to two hours you can begin work on waterproofing the basement. In cool weather, it is necessary to postpone waterproofing work until the next day. The minimum temperature for surface priming work is at least 2°C.

Waterproofing basement, ground floor

There are two different varieties bitumen putty used for waterproofing basement or basement walls made of aerated concrete.
1. One-component bitumen waterproofing, completely ready, immediately from the bucket is applied in a layer of about 5 mm thick using a trowel.
2. Two-component mass requires more effort. First, the bitumen mass and the powdered hardener are mixed: here, perhaps, you cannot do without a whorl-perforator. Then the first layer is applied, with a thickness of at least 2 mm. To increase crack resistance, fiberglass fabric is laid on the still fresh mass (press with a trowel). Individual fiberglass sheets must overlap by at least 10 cm.
After the first layer of putty has completely dried, a second layer is applied, which should be of such a thickness that the fiberglass reinforcement is completely invisible.
Advice: Never prepare bitumen putty in reserve, use all the prepared material. Also remember that on hot days the material hardens very quickly if the required amount of hardener is added to the mixture. Adjust the amount of hardener according to the weather - it is better to put half or two-thirds of the specified consistency into the mixture.

Regardless of whether you are working with a one-component or two-component putty, all pipe passages (wastewater, drinking water, electricity, etc.), as well as the fillet, must be processed with particular care. Waterproofing layer must be brought at least 15 cm below the top edge of the foundation.
Practical recommendations: cut the fabric reinforcement at the approaches to the pipes. Then additionally wrap a narrow strip of fabric around the pipe and lubricate it thickly with bitumen mass.

Waterproofing sheet

As we have already said, before using the waterproofing sheet, it is necessary to prepare, clean and prime the surface of the walls of the basement or basement. Now you need to build a “marking machine” and cut off the first piece of waterproofing sheet. In this case, a fillet and protrusion of the foundation should be provided. The canvas must be straightened when marking, then pull back about 1 m of the protective paper layer. Waterproofing sheet secure at the top with roofing nails and, pressing firmly, glue the first meter to the wall. The protective paper is removed in parts until the entire sheet is glued. Next, we glue all the other sheets with an overlap of 10 cm. For pipes, take a square with sides about 40 cm long. The diameter of the cutout should be 2 cm less than the diameter of the pipe itself. And always follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Cellars are already in use long time and do not lose their popularity. In such a room you can store potatoes, pickles, homemade wines, and canned goods.

The good thing about a cellar made from blocks is that it is easy to build with your own hands. However, before starting construction, you should decide on the type of structure. There are two types of structures: semi-recessed and recessed. The first type of cellar is built on a hill, the second type is suitable for places where there is no risk of flooding.

Create a cellar on your property

Advantages and disadvantages of a foam block cellar

Foam block - great alternative cinder block. Advantages of the material: ease of installation, affordable price, reliability, durability, high thermal insulation capabilities. Minus: the foam block is inferior in strength. When building a basement from this material, you do not have to worry about excessive humidity, but you should take care of additional load-bearing elements.

Construction materials

To build a ground cellar from foam blocks with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • wood, used for making ceilings and doors;
  • foam blocks or expanded clay blocks;
  • impregnation for wood;
  • fastening materials;
  • slate;
  • cement mixture;
  • materials for waterproofing;
  • plaster;
  • beams for beams.

In this video we will look at the features of building a cellar:

To construct the building you will need special tools and equipment. You can build a cellar yourself, it is not difficult to do, and the work is carried out quickly.

Required Tools

For construction you need to prepare the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • level;
  • mallet;
  • wooden block for compaction;
  • concrete mixer;
  • screws and self-tapping screws;
  • nails;
  • plumb line

Living space with basement cellar

Before setting up a cellar in the basement, you should take into account that more often the cellar itself acts as a foundation. Therefore, the walls of the structure must be very strong. Also, when constructing a building, some nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Large-cell blocks are not suitable for these purposes; they are used for insulation.
  2. The walls of the structure must be made in a monolithic manner or ceramic bricks must be used for these purposes.
  3. The foundation can be made prefabricated.
  4. Masonry made of gas blocks and foam blocks does not withstand the load from the ceiling.
  5. If you are building walls from lightweight concrete, then you need to take into account the solid structure.
  6. Blocks with universal through voids, which must be filled with reinforcing steel, are well suited for the structure.

Important! All of the above methods for removing walls are only suitable if the house and cellar same sizes, if you want to build a small room, then the strength of the walls is not important.

Block cellar

If you decide to arrange a small basement next to your house, then you should consider the following points:

  1. A cellar built from concrete blocks should not act as a foundation and should not be heavily loaded.
  2. The ceiling must be made of beams.
  3. You should pay attention to the distance to groundwater; if they are close, then it is better to replace the blocks with stronger materials and make good waterproofing of the walls.
  4. Cellular blocks and gas silicate are best used for filling walls.
  5. Choose non-porous materials.
  6. Ensure your basement is well ventilated. Keep the area dry and clean.
  7. Check the freezing level of the soil, as excessive freezing can cause the blocks to collapse.
  8. Use a factory-made mixture to protect the joints from moisture between blocks.
  9. If you use lightweight materials for construction, then purchase sand-cement mortars.
  10. Protect the blocks from moisture. To do this, use special plasticizing additives.

Use foam blocks to create a cellar

Technology and construction stages

The construction technology of the structure includes three stages: preparatory work, construction of the foundation, arrangement of walls and ceilings. Let's consider each stage separately.

Preparatory work

Before starting construction, you should prepare a place for the cellar. It is better to choose it closer to home. Groundwater should be at a level of at least one and a half meters. The ground near the building should be dry. It is better to start construction in the spring, in good weather.

The area near the structure must be cleared and sprinkled with additional soil. This is done to create an artificial elevation. The earth needs to be compacted well so that the cellar made of foam blocks is as dry and moisture-proof as possible.

Then they start digging holes for the basement. The depth should be equal to half the wall plus 20 centimeters for pouring the floor. The bottom of the pit must be leveled. If the soil is wet, then put a small layer waterproofing material, and on top there is fatty clay. Press it down well; it is better to do this with an ordinary wooden block.

After this, a thick cement solution is prepared and the cellar is filled with it. The filling is leveled immediately, since then the distortions can only be corrected by destroying the screed. After the cement has completely dried, the screed is checked with a level and construction of the foundation begins.

Foundation structure

The foundation is constructed using expanded clay or foam concrete blocks. You can also use FSB blocks - the most reliable structural options for building a room. Such blocks are best material for the cellar, because they are durable and can withstand heavy loads, which allows you to save on waterproofing.

When laying materials they use cement mortar, knead it according to the instructions. You can also use special glue for expanded clay blocks.

Then they lay the first row of concrete and check its level. If necessary, level it using a mallet. This row should be mounted near the nearest wall. Laying is usually done in a circular manner. At this stage it is easier to correct errors.

It should be noted that making a cellar from expanded clay concrete blocks is much easier than from other types of materials.


After building the foundation, we move on to arranging the walls. We will build the cellar walls from concrete blocks. To do this, mix the solution, lay out the first row and match it in in the right places. Then the first row is laid out similarly against the other wall, etc. We check each row with a level. You should also pay attention to the correspondence of the angles between adjacent walls.

When the construction of the walls is completed, they must be well plastered. The finishing can be done in any way, then the wooden doors are installed.

Floor installation

After the plaster has completely dried, we move on to arranging the ceiling. We will install the ceiling on wooden joists. Installation is simple, since the walls are half in the ground.

Using screws and anchors, we attach it to the upper edge of the wall frame joists. We fasten them metal corners. Then we lay the transverse joists and fix them with screws. We cover the entire structure with roofing felt and waterproofing materials. We put tiles or slate on top. The materials are fixed with nails.

To ensure that the design of the cellar matches the house, choose roof materials that are the same as those on the living space.

Important! The roof of the cellar should be level and extend 20 centimeters beyond the wall. This will protect the structure from slanting rain and other precipitation.

What is the difference between building a basement and a cellar?

  1. The basement can be built anywhere, taking into account the level of underwater waters.
  2. The total area of ​​the cellar is much larger than the basement.
  3. The microclimate in these buildings varies. In the basement, conditions are less favorable for long-term storage of food.
  4. When building a cellar, waterproofing is not necessary.
  5. You can arrange a cellar in the basement, but not vice versa.
  6. The basement can serve not only as storage, but also as a storage room or garage.
  7. Building a basement is much more difficult, so performing this procedure with your own hands, without having the appropriate experience, is almost impossible.

Interior decoration

When the construction of the cellar is completed, it is necessary to complete the internal Finishing work. Most important point- maintaining cleanliness in the room. Since from high humidity Fungus may appear on the walls; they should be thoroughly treated with disinfectants. To do this, immediately after construction, the walls are whitewashed or sprayed with a spray solution. copper sulfate.

The walls can be treated with chalk with the addition of iron or copper sulfate - these are good antiseptics. Additionally, the room is fumigated with tobacco broth or sulfur. Such manipulations should be carried out regularly, once every six months.

As practice shows, condensation often occurs in the cellar. To avoid this, boxes with salt or moss should be placed throughout the room, and the floor should be sprinkled with sawdust. This procedure will ensure the long-term preservation of vegetables such as potatoes.

Arrangement of the cellar

Proper ventilation must be provided in the cellar. This step is required. To ventilate the basement, two special pipes are installed on which the valves are fixed. The supply pipe is mounted above the floor at the bottom, and the exhaust pipe is mounted on top, right at the ceiling. The second edge of the exhaust pipe should be located outside the building. The valves will provide ventilation in the room, and the system can be started forcibly.

Ventilation system - important stage arrangement of the cellar, since it ensures that it maintains a normal temperature.

Necessary communications

This stage of construction is final. When ventilation is installed in the room and the walls are treated, boxes with moss and salt are placed, you can proceed to arranging communications.

Foam blocks are good and cheap material to create a cellar

The first thing to do is lighting. It all depends on the imagination of the builder. Both fluorescent and regular lamps are suitable for the basement. You can also place a refrigerator inside the structure for wines, other home-made alcohol or various pickles. This device is as convenient as possible and will make it easier to store products that take up space in the house.

For storing and preserving vegetables, air temperature and humidity in the room are important. To do this, a thermometer and special water systems are installed in the building to regulate the air temperature in the basement, and sprinklers and polyethylene or plastic are used to maintain moisture. Such devices do not dry out the air and are economical.

Based on the above, we can conclude that building a cellar from foam blocks is a simple procedure; for this you only need to organize the process correctly. Foam blocks have a number of advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • reliability;
  • availability;
  • durability.

Proper organization of the process will allow you to achieve good results, ensure long-term indoor storage of pickles, potatoes and other vegetables. And also arrange separate rooms in the basement.

A cellar made of foam blocks is not so often seen. To begin with, you should have complete information about the purpose of this basement, and then decide whether it is worth using foam blocks for this. After all, this material is not intended for this, and you need to weigh everything before purchasing.

Its price is not high, and doing the work yourself will not incur large expenses, but the instructions below will help you make the right decision.

Foam blocks: is it worth building a basement?

Sometimes a basement is made from foam blocks. But it will be suitable as a main one building material not always. Let's look at the options and decide where it will be appropriate and where we should refrain from using it.

House with a basement or cellar

IN in this case The basement walls bear the entire load and therefore special requirements apply to the materials from which such walls are built. If we focus on the standards, they do not allow the use of cellular concrete for the construction of basement walls.

Based on the requirements, we can say:

  • That in terms of its technical characteristics, porous concrete is inferior to heavy and light concrete. As for foam concrete blocks, they can most likely be classified as thermal insulating building materials rather than structural ones.
  • Foam concrete walls can hardly support floor slabs during the construction of one-story buildings. Therefore, the question arises: can such masonry support the weight of the entire building?
  • Very often, basement walls are constructed using concrete pouring, with mandatory reinforcement, or laid out of brick. In this case, the basement walls serve as the foundation for the building. As an option, the foundation walls are laid out using reinforced concrete blocks. Some of the options can be seen in the photo.
  • If a prefabricated type of foundation is used, then it is possible to use hollow blocks made from a heavy foundation.
  • In the case of using lightweight concrete, preference should be given to solid materials. The dimensions of the main blocks are not of fundamental importance, and you should choose those blocks that are not difficult to work with.
  • Particular attention should be paid to universal blocks, which have through holes into which reinforcement is placed and poured with concrete.

Attention: This results in an almost monolithic wall structure. Such blocks are especially relevant in seismically hazardous areas.

  • This wall design can withstand high compressive and shear forces. The only problem is that such walls are difficult to build without special construction equipment, such as a concrete mixer, vibrator and mortar pump.
  • All of the above is of fundamental importance when the size of the basement corresponds to the size of the living space. If the size of the basement is significantly smaller, then the choice of material does not play a special role for the construction of such a room.

Attention: If the walls of a cellar or basement are not elements of a load-bearing structure, then you can use foam blocks for their construction, but only based on certain rules, which will be discussed below.

Block cellar: what you need to know

Before building a cellar or small basement, you should consider and know the basic specifications building materials to determine the type of building material for such a building.


  • As a rule, the construction of a basement or cellar under a house is limited to certain requirements. The most important requirement is that the walls of this structure do not have additional loads.
  • Since the building will have a ceiling, it should be light. Light floors include beam structures, but this is not the only obstacle to the use of foam blocks. Since the structure goes deep, it is possible for groundwater to rise to the level of the foam blocks. The structure of foam blocks is capable of absorbing moisture, and this is fraught with consequences, so it would be better if you refuse to use foam blocks or aerated concrete blocks for building a cellar or basement. In this case, it is better to give preference to reinforced concrete structures.
  • The fact is that foam concrete blocks are not conceived for capital construction, but as a material that improves thermal insulation properties buildings, while having minimal weight.
  • Foam block masonry has a weak load-bearing capacity, but as a material that can be used for filling frame structures made of reinforced concrete, it fits perfectly.
  • If the building under construction has a structure similar to that described above, then D800 foam blocks are suitable for arranging the basement, since it can withstand the entire load load-bearing frame, and foam blocks only fill the space between the frame elements.
  • Considering the fact that foam blocks have a low heat transfer coefficient, such a basement will be warm without additional insulation. This is especially true for regions where soils freeze to a considerable depth. If necessary, such a basement can be insulated.

There is one more question that needs to be answered: how dry will such a basement or cellar be? In this case, it all depends on how well the waterproofing is done. This applies to all basements, regardless of where they are built: under the house or in an open area.

What to do to keep your basement dry

In this case, there is no particular difference in the procedure, whether the basement is made of foam blocks, or from other blocks. In any case, you will have to take measures to protect the basement or cellar from excess moisture or from the action of groundwater.


  • Before starting construction, you should determine the depth of groundwater. This can be found out in early spring when the groundwater level is highest. At the same time, it is also important to know the depth of soil freezing.
  • If these levels tend to intersect, then soil heaving is possible at the intersection points, and this is a very serious factor indicating that foam concrete blocks will have to be abandoned in favor of universal blocks with through holes.
  • Despite this, the bottom of the cellar or basement must be at least half a meter above the groundwater level, and before pouring the base, a drainage layer of sand and crushed stone must be poured. This will make it possible for moisture not to stagnate under the base of the basement and not to destroy the concrete structure.
  • Moreover, before pouring the base, several layers of waterproofing material, such as roofing felt, must be laid on the drainage layer. This will serve as additional protection for the foundation for many years. At the same time, waterproofing will not allow the liquid solution to be absorbed into the drainage layer, thereby violating the construction technology.
  • During the construction of walls made of foam blocks or other blocks, it will be necessary to carry out external waterproofing of such surfaces. If the pit is level, then the walls of the pit can be covered with roofing felt overlapping from bottom to top, and then the masonry can be done close to the waterproofing. This method of applying waterproofing is very suitable when the pit is dug according to the size of the basement and it is not possible to reach the outer surfaces of the walls.
  • If space allows and it is possible to access the basement walls from the outside, then any type of waterproofing can be applied: soak, plaster, paint, coat with bitumen, etc. To prevent moisture from passing through the masonry joints, it is necessary to use appropriate solutions and also completely fill the masonry joints.
  • If the basement walls are made of foam blocks, then it is better to use ready-made factory mixtures that have increased moisture resistance.

Attention: When used for the construction of various building blocks, it is possible to use ordinary cement-sand mortar, but with the addition of various additives that can improve General characteristics such solutions.

  • The main requirements for such solutions are to increase plasticity and improve water-repellent properties. At the same time, it is very important that the seams are filled very efficiently, and moisture cannot find the slightest crack and does not penetrate inside the cellar or basement.
  • This can be achieved by increasing the plasticity of the solution and its correct consistency. A solution that is too thick will not make it possible to correct the installed block in a timely manner, since the surface of the foam block will very quickly absorb moisture, which is already insufficient in the solution.
  • The question regarding the addition of various additives to the solution is also very relevant when pouring the base of a basement or cellar. They will increase the resistance of the floor against groundwater or increased moisture, thereby increasing the service life of the entire structure as a whole. Such additives will not interfere if concrete is poured not only for the base of the building, but also for its walls, when the area of ​​the basement corresponds to the area of ​​the house and the walls of such a basement will serve as the foundation for the entire building. Additives help to increase the strength and reliability of the entire structure, thereby increasing service life.

Attention: In any case, the right to choose a building material lies with the developer, but you should always remember that saving can sometimes be harmful. Saving may not always be economical in the long run.

  • Foam blocks are a material that requires finishing not only because it looks bad, but also because it is not resistant to environmental influences.
  • This also applies to the construction of cellars and basements: in any case, there is evaporation in the cellar, which leads to an increase in humidity, and if it is a basement, where mechanical loads are possible, then defects resulting from the operation of such a room will soon appear on the walls.

Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences from the use of such material, you should think it over very carefully. Basement from foam blocks will not always be the right solution.