Warm soup in the refrigerator. Why can't you put hot food in the refrigerator? What can happen

Parents often tell their children that they should not put hot food in the refrigerator. Why? Adults cannot always give a clear answer to this question. They just take it for granted. And they teach their children to the same perception. So why shouldn't you put hot food in the refrigerator? Why is hot soup dangerous? Let's try to figure it out.

Should I follow the ban?

If we analyze the situation from a logical point of view, then at first glance such a ban sounds strange, because the refrigerator is supposed to cool the prepared dishes and products. Then why can’t you put too warm plates in it? Can a hot pan placed in the refrigerator cause any problems? As it turns out, maybe that's why better time and forever follow the ban and not put hot dishes in the refrigerator. If you need it, please contact our service center.

In the roast summer time Reducing the temperature is quite difficult. However experienced housewives know one little trick that can help achieve the goal. You need to take a towel, wet it with water and then carefully wrap it around the container in which the cooked food is located. The container needs to be placed in the sun for a short time and then, according to the laws of physics, the water will evaporate and the temperature of the food will begin to drop. It is important not to miss the moment when the towel becomes almost dry and pick up the dishes.

What happens if you put hot food in the refrigerator?

1) May change taste qualities cooked food. For certain culinary products, a gradual, uniform decrease in temperature, without any large differences, plays an important role. If there is a sudden change temperature regime the dish may acquire a very unpleasant specific taste or lose its uniformity. The loss of the latter can negatively affect the visual appeal of the food. In addition, there is a possibility that foods that are located next to a hot dish in the refrigerator may sour earlier than usual.

2) Rapid temperature changes can cause cracks in the dishes. Certainly, modern technologies constantly go forward and offer various options, allowing to reduce the likelihood of such problems to a minimum. However, no one wants to take unnecessary risks. This situation is not extremely dangerous, you can throw away the cracked dishes, but you will still experience unpleasant moments. Imagine you are planning to watch an interesting movie, and you hastily put a plate of hot food in the refrigerator. The plate cracked and some of the food fell into the refrigerator. Scary? No, but you will have to postpone watching the movie and start cleaning the refrigeration unit. And if this happens once, it’s not so bad. But if it becomes a habit, you will become a regular customer in kitchenware stores. After all, after cracks appear, it will not be possible to use the old one. Of course, the plate and pot vendors will be happy to see you, but will you be happy to spend more money because of your own mistakes? Unlikely.

3) Increasing the load level on the motor-compressor. This part of the refrigerator engine operates in a special mode. It works in cycles, reduces energy consumption and allows the unit to serve the owner for quite a long time without any problems. If a hot dish is placed in the refrigerator compartment, the compressor will immediately begin to work in enhanced mode.. Accordingly, the time for rest will be significantly reduced. A constant increase in load can lead to, which in turn can lead to considerable financial costs.

4) Formation of excess condensation in refrigeration chamber . Everyone is well aware of the basic laws of physics and understands that hot food gradually releases steam. Steam is nothing more than water, which simply has nowhere to go within the refrigeration chamber. Therefore, it begins to settle on the walls of the refrigeration unit. This fact significantly increases the likelihood of a so-called ice crust occurring on the walls of your device. You can get rid of such a crust only with the help of a complete one. This, of course, is not fatal, but it will create additional difficulties. Such moments are especially unpleasant in the summer. Then leaving food without a refrigerator for a long time is dangerous, because it will spoil very quickly if the temperature is too high.


It is wrong to think that all of the above will happen immediately after placing a hot dish in the refrigerator for the first time. Of course, it may happen, or it may not. However, even if everything is fine at first, this behavior may become habitual for you. They say, if everything went fine after the first time, then why can’t I put the hot pan in the refrigerator again? At the most unexpected moment, you may receive an unpleasant answer to your question. And then you will have to pay a very impressive amount for your mistake. After all, it is much easier to simply follow a ban that has existed for many years than to pay money later for repairs or.

The problem of placing hot food in the refrigerator is an eternal headache for housewives, but it is unlikely that any of them will be able to clearly answer the question of why it is impossible to put hot food in the refrigerator. It would seem that the great white friend is precisely intended for cooling food, so why can hot pots significantly harm it?

When thinking about whether you can put hot soup in the refrigerator, decide for yourself what is more important: a well-functioning technique or immediate results. Back in the old days, when the role of refrigerators was played by pre-prepared glaciers filled with snow and ice, it never occurred to anyone to put hot containers with food there. Of course, melted ice cannot be frozen, especially in the summer heat. So why do modern housewives consider it normal to regularly fill the refrigerator with high-temperature foods? And what happens if you put hot food in the refrigerator?

Most likely, the refrigerator itself will soon be gone. Of course, it will not evaporate along with the steam from the hot soup or stew, but at first it will work worse or stop cooling altogether, so you will have to contact a repairman. To understand the principle negative impact hot for refrigeration equipment, you should understand general structure refrigerator. Modern market offers two systems:

  • The familiar “drip” cooling system operates by circulating a special coolant along the rear wall. The condensation formed from wet products, settling on the walls, turns into frost, after which the cooling mechanism is turned off and allows the frost to melt. For drops flowing down the wall, there is a special hole in the lower part of the chamber.

Important:Placing a hot steaming product in the refrigerator leads to an increase in humidity and intensification of the formation of frost and ice on the walls of the appliance. This is why you should not put hot food in the refrigerator unless you want to urgently repair the compressor, which may become unusable due to overheating.

  • More modern refrigerators operate on the “No frost” principle, which provides for the possibility of cooling warm food in the chamber due to the active operation of fans that disperse cold air. Is it possible to put warm things in the refrigerator of such a system? This is extremely undesirable, because this leads to an unwanted load on the mechanism and excessive waste of electricity, although compared to the “drip” system, the probability of unit failure is still much lower.

Why are hot foods dangerous for the refrigerator?

To summarize, to the question of whether it is possible to put hot food in the refrigerator, the only correct answer can be given: it is strictly not recommended.

Here are some reasons for this ban:

  • Hot food placed in the refrigerator with other already cooled foods can spoil them. This is due to the fact that under the influence high temperature new “neighbor”, the air in the chamber and all the products heat up, albeit slightly, and then cool down again. Such changes in temperature are undesirable, because it affects both the taste of the products and their shelf life.

Tip: When thinking about whether you can put hot pots in the refrigerator, you should remember all the possible disadvantages. Damage to food, dishes and equipment is too much to pay for laziness and negligence.

  • Dishes in which something hot was placed in the refrigerator also suffer from this. Even a modern and ultra-durable frying pan or saucepan will not withstand such abuse, let alone porcelain and ceramics. There is an extremely high probability of not only getting a damaged product at the end, but also having to clean out the refrigerator chamber afterwards from spilled or crumbling product.
  • Hot dishes are also dangerous for the internal contents of the refrigerator: shelves, partitions, etc. The plastic used in refrigeration equipment is, of course, durable, but it is not worth testing it again with hot frying pans or pots.
  • And most importantly, hot food in the refrigerator is dangerous for the appliance itself. This is due to the fact that in order to cool hot items, the refrigerator is forced to work more intensively due to the formation of ice on the back wall.

Therefore, in order not to think about whether it is possible to put hot food in the freezer, it is worth making it an unshakable rule that freshly prepared foods must be cooled before placing them in the refrigerator compartment.

We cool food quickly and correctly

In order not to argue about whether it is possible to put warm food in the refrigerator, you should make it a rule for the whole family: be sure to cool food before placing it in refrigeration equipment. This process is simple, but once family members get used to such actions, they will maintain the health of the refrigerator for the entire warranty period of its operation, and maybe for an additional few years.

  • In the cool season, a container of hot soup can be taken out to an open balcony or windowsill, and for maximum effect, wrapped in a damp towel. Some people use this method directly in the refrigerator, that is, they place a hot pan wrapped in a wet towel there.

Important: Only food that is close to room temperature should be placed in the refrigerator. This is good for both the equipment and the product itself.

  • Technologies have come so far that today manufacturers produce refrigerators with special “HotBoxes” in which you can put warm or hot foods. A sensor is installed in this chamber, which, when triggered, turns on a powerful fan: removing condensation from this part of the refrigerator does not affect the condition of the entire device.



The modern pace of life leaves us with less and less time for everyday worries. Even in matters of food, people try to save an extra minute by preparing some dishes for future use. The refrigerator in this case is an indispensable assistant, coming to the rescue when it comes to food storage. But can he cope with hot food that has just been prepared? Today I will help you understand this issue and tell you how these two elements combine in your home source of cold.

There are several opposing points of view about storing hot food in the refrigerator. For example, in America it is considered absolutely normal that warm foods are immediately sent to the refrigerator, but in Europe it is quite the opposite - food is cooled to room temperature. Europeans primarily do this to save energy, because in this case the compressor works much more intensely, while Americans are trying to stop the growth of bacteria. So who is right?

Both approaches have undeniable grounds. On the one hand, food quickly spoils if it long time is in a warm environment, which is why a refrigerator was created that allows it to be preserved for a long time thanks to cooling. At the same time, if a pan of hot soup is placed in it, then the products located on the shelf nearby, as well as the compressor of the device, will clearly have a hard time: the temperature in the internal space will increase, reducing the shelf life of food, and electricity consumption will increase significantly.

In addition, excess heat causes condensation and ice to form on the back wall of the refrigerator. So how to find the golden mean? Use the rules below.

  • cool it to room temperature;
  • If possible, divide the hot dish into portions by placing it in several small containers;
  • close the container with an airtight lid;
  • place the hot food container in cold water for rapid cooling;
  • do not overload the refrigerator with food so that air circulation is not disrupted;
  • activate the SuperCool mode, it will help maintain the temperature set in the refrigerator compartment.

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Whether hot foods or liquids can be placed in the refrigerator directly depends on the freezing technology used by the particular household appliance. However, experts strongly do not recommend cooling pots just removed from the stove or water for drinking in the refrigerator in any case. At worst, this can result in product failure and expensive repairs.

It would seem that the refrigerator serves precisely to cool food; what harm can hot dishes cause to it? In fact, household refrigeration appliances are ideal for long-term storage of perishable food, the temperature of which is approximately equal to room temperature before placing it inside; for all other tasks they are of little use.

Today there are two freezing technologies - standard drip or “crying”, when the temperature in the chamber decreases through a cooler - liquid circulates in the back wall of the refrigerator, taking heat from the chamber, and the more modern and youthful “No Frost”. We’ll talk about the latter in more detail below, but for now let’s focus on its drip analogue.

Why can't you put hot food in a drip refrigerator?

It’s not for nothing that this technology is called “crying”. As the refrigerant circulates on the back wall of the refrigerator, condensation forms, which freezes and turns into a layer of frost. The compressor operates cyclically; when it is turned off, the frost melts and drips into special containers.

The main threat to the refrigerator is a thick layer of ice on the back wall.

The vulnerability of such a system is that when a hot pan is placed in the chamber, the load on the compressor increases enormously. Trying to cool the air in the refrigerator, the compressor is forced to work with great intensity - if under normal conditions the motor is turned on approximately 10% of the time, then when cooling hot food, it can function without stopping for several hours. Of course, wear on the compressor increases and the service life of the refrigerator decreases.

Another acute problem with drip cooling is that evaporation from food is very intense, especially if hot soup or meat is cooled in an open container. The amount of frost on the back wall becomes excessive and it freezes. And, as you know, water in the solid state of ice is an excellent thermal insulator. The motor may overheat and its windings may burn out. The likelihood of such an outcome is especially high for domestic refrigerators that do not have protection against ice.

And another important problem is the increase in energy consumption. Until the temperature in the chamber drops to the optimal 2-3°C, the “gluttony” of the refrigerator will be several times higher than normal, and problems may arise with the operation of other household appliances.

“No Frost” technology and hot dishes

Unlike drip technology, the “No Frost” technology is well protected from the formation of ice. Cooling occurs not due to the circulation of refrigerant in the rear wall, but due to cold air flows. They are distributed throughout the chambers with the help of fans, due to which the temperature decreases much faster, almost instantly. In fact, the compressor simply does not have time to overheat, and the transformation of condensate into ice is excluded.

“No Frost” technology is well suited for cooling hot items.

Is it possible to put hot food in a refrigerator with a “No Frost” system?– it’s up to the owners themselves to decide. But they must understand that the risk of breakdown still exists. In addition, a modern household appliance with a “No Frost” system will produce increased electricity consumption when cooling hot food.

Little tricks

When choosing a refrigerator, you can pre-select a model in which cooling hot food is an independent function. More often, a separate small chamber is allocated for these purposes, and the process does not cause harm to the motor.

Recipes for many dishes, such as homemade jelly, explicitly state that the product should be cooled in the refrigerator for several hours before use. However, there are no exceptions to the rule - you cannot put any hot food in the refrigerator or freezer. Be sure to cool the dish to room temperature.

Food should be cooled to room temperature before placing in the refrigerator.

Exist simple ways Quickly cool pots containing freshly cooked food to a safe temperature. Most practical option in the warm season - wrapping in a damp cloth. As you know, turning 1 kg of liquid into steam releases 2000 kJ, while simply cooling water by 50°C releases just over 100 kJ. We dip the fabric in warm water, wrap the dishes tightly with it, expose it to the open air for literally 15 minutes, after which you can put it in the refrigerator.

Whether it is possible to put hot dishes in the refrigerator is determined only by the owner himself. If cooling is carried out using the “No Frost” technology, then most likely there will be no fatal breakdowns.

Homemade food is always tasty, appetizing and healthy, especially if it is freshly prepared, as they say in the heat of the day. In our fast-paced times, food is often prepared in the evening. If it is late in the evening, the prepared dishes may not have time to cool down and then many people have a question: Is it possible to put hot food in the refrigerator?

When is it possible

Let's ask the experts - is it possible to put hot food in the refrigerator? And they will answer unequivocally - no way! And the opinions of the hostesses contradict the opinions of experts. If your refrigerator has functions that allow you to cool food, for example No Frost or GRUB, Westfrost, then this allows you to quickly cool the dish without heating up other products.

Some refrigerators are equipped with a super freeze mode. As a rule, there is a separate compartment for it in the refrigerator. The working principle is that it does not release warm air from the inside, and the refrigerator system does not suffer.

Many manufacturers specify in the operating instructions whether it is possible to put hot food in the refrigerator. Very often, the housewife needs to cool something, for example, when preparing jelly, by pouring boiling water over it so that it sets faster and is ready for the arrival of guests. So, thanks to the coating inside the refrigerator, this becomes possible.


If your white friend doesn't have such fancy features, you'll likely see deformed plastic parts that will melt from the heat.

  • the refrigerator will defrost;
  • The unit will break down;
  • The compressor will fly;
  • Your electricity bill will increase;
  • Food in the refrigerator will deteriorate due to condensation that forms from hot foods.

Reasons for the ban

Let's figure out why you can't put hot things in the refrigerator? As such, it is taboo not to put hot things in the refrigerator, no. Everyone makes their own decisions. Of course, if your white friend is dear to you, doing this is not at all advisable.

Refrigerators that are produced now are equipped with a cooling system that maintains the desired temperature. The cooling system is a system of tubes filled with liquid, mainly freon, but maybe something else, which is not at all important.

A special sensor starts the engine, which in turn begins to drive freon through the tubes, and when the temperature on the sensor drops to the required level, the engine stops. Thus, the refrigerator only works 10% of the time, of course, if it is working properly.

If you put hot food in the refrigerator, which in turn significantly increases the temperature inside the chamber, the cooling mechanism starts and it has to work longer than usual, which speeds up the process of engine wear and brings the moment of breakdown closer.

Condensation that forms from hot foods settles on the inner walls of the refrigerator, forming snowdrifts and ice paths. This leads to thermal insulation, disrupting the functioning of cooling systems. As a result, the motor operates for not only several hours, but also several days. Such backbreaking labor deadly for a white comrade, even if he manages to survive after replacing the winding, his life will be shortened.

Hot soup

the refrigerator is not equipped with special functions for cooling, which means there is no place for hot soup, otherwise soup in a metal pan will damage the beauty of the plastic shelves, spoil the quality of the refrigeration unit, even to the point of its breakdown, spoil some specific parts, and in the end will get to the products and spoil them.

What does a refrigerator consist of:

  1. The refrigerant - as a rule, freon - is a liquid that circulates and takes away heat from the refrigerated products;
  2. A compressor is an engine that creates a pump effect and moves refrigerant through tubes;
  3. Condenser – the back part of the refrigerator, which transfers heat to the external environment;
  4. The evaporator is the inner wall of the refrigerator that directs heat to the condenser.

The process goes like this:

  • thanks to the engine, the refrigerant from the evaporator is in a vaporous environment;
  • under pressure it is sent to the condenser, and there the steam is converted into liquid;
  • steam moving through the condenser tubes is cooled, acquiring room temperature, and transfers heat to the room;
  • further along the path of freon there is a small gap, it is called a capillary, bypassing it, it ends up in the evaporator;
  • due to a sharp decrease in the compression force, the refrigerant boils, again turning into a vapor state, its temperature decreases greatly, which reduces the temperature of the evaporator, and it cools the refrigerator and all contents from the inside;
  • thermostat - the most important detail, thanks to it you can install desired temperature, which must be maintained in the refrigerator compartment. The thermostat opens the circuit and the engine stops at the desired temperature;
  • after some time it closes the circuit, because the temperature has risen and the motor starts working thanks to the relay. The refrigerant goes through its path again and again until the desired temperature is reached.

Looking at the refrigerant circulation diagrams, pay attention to another component of the system - the filter drier. It is used to filter refrigerant. It looks like a cylinder filled with contents that absorb moisture, for example: silica gel, zeolite.