Caring for linoleum: about prevention and cleaning agents. How to care for linoleum: tips for careful use

Linoleum is the most affordable floor covering. This material is laid in apartments, institutions for various purposes, industrial facilities. Therefore, the daily care of linoleum and the rules for its implementation are of concern not only to ordinary residents, but also to employees of enterprises and government agencies responsible for the sanitary condition. Manufacturers of PVC coatings provide recommendations for the operation of their products. Companies specializing in the production of detergents take these tips into account when developing preparations for cleaning linoleum. The buyer's task is to purchase a special detergent that is ideal for the type used. flooring. To do this, you should carefully study the information on the packaging, which necessarily reflects the method of use of this detergent.

How to wash natural linoleum?

In order to preserve the beauty of natural linoleum longer, it is necessary to cover its surface with a protective composition immediately after installation. After applying the special mastic, it is necessary to thoroughly polish the coating. As the protective layer becomes thinner, the linoleum is re-treated. During the year, such procedures will have to be carried out two to three times, depending on the intensity of use of the coating.

The protective layer serves the following purposes:

  • repelling dirt;
  • reduced material adhesion;
  • increased wear resistance;
  • increasing the service life of the floor covering.

Natural linoleum consists of natural components that are not resistant to chemicals with strong dissolving ability. The group of substances hazardous to linoleum includes alkaline and acid-containing substances, as well as white spirit and all its analogues. The use of these and similar substances for cleaning floor coverings is strictly prohibited. You should also protect linoleum from accidental contact with aggressive liquids when performing repair work. Why should you use a covering material, for example, polyethylene film?

For daily care, use a vacuum cleaner or a soft cloth, pre-moistened with water, to which special detergents have been added in an acceptable concentration. Manufacturers also place this information on the packaging.

Important! To avoid damaging the surface layer of linoleum during cleaning, try to use equipment that does not have sharp edges or corners.

Rules for caring for PVC coatings

Regular maintenance will prevent the floor from becoming heavily soiled, so you won’t have to worry about how to clean the linoleum. PVC coatings contain polyvinyl chloride, so solvents and acetone should not be used when cleaning the floor. Since these substances easily react chemically with polymers, which include polyvinyl chloride.

For quality care and reliable protection floors made of PVC coatings should also be periodically applied with a polymer layer. This will protect the coating from mechanical stress and from ultraviolet radiation, which affects the brightness of the color of the coating.

The protective layer should be applied to a dry, clean floor in two steps. After treatment, do not walk in the room for ten hours. Most of all, heterogeneous PVC coatings, in which the top layer is very thin, need protection.

Stain removal tricks

Young mothers caring for small children do not know how to remove brilliant green from linoleum. No matter how carefully you handle this medicine intended for external use, at least a drop will spill. There are often cases of complete capsizing of the bubble. To minimize the consequences of such negligence, it is necessary to immediately begin cleaning up stains from spilled brilliant green.

Doctors who work daily with an alcohol solution of brilliant green recommend using camphor alcohol to remove stains from the surface of linoleum. Usually this remedy is also found in home medicine cabinet. You can try it with vodka, but the effect is weaker. In general, if time is patient, the green stain will gradually disappear on its own under the influence of detergents. However, in any case, measures must be taken to lighten the stain. household chemicals currently available in the house.

An effective folk remedy is elderberries, which are crushed and the resulting pulp is applied to the stain. By intensively rubbing the stained area with a cloth, you can see how the brilliant green stain instantly disappears.

Iodine stains are wiped off with baking soda poured onto a damp cloth. Cover the stain with a rag and leave it for a while. If the stain does not disappear, then the exposure time is increased.

Replacing a section - making a patch

Linoleum is usually not laid near fireplaces and stoves, as flying sparks can burn the surface. For the same reason, it is necessary to carefully handle burning matches, which can melt a thin film of PVC coating. This is especially true for people who smoke. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to get rid of such a burnt stain. Will have to replace this area onto a new piece of linoleum.

To ensure a perfect match of the pattern and even edges, you need to:

  • place a new piece of linoleum on top;
  • use a special knife to cut through two sheets at once;
  • remove the flap with the defect;
  • Clean the floor surface from glue residues;
  • dry the base;
  • apply glue and stick the cut out new piece;
  • If necessary, seal the seams with cold welding.

Professional polishing of linoleum

Linoleum polishing is carried out in order to restore the integrity of the protective layer, as well as to give the surface additional shine. Experts recommend polishing at least once a week. In high traffic areas the need for this procedure may increase.

  • First, carry out the usual wet cleaning of the floor.
  • Next, treat the surface with water, in which a detergent containing polishing agents is previously dissolved.
  • In large production areas, linoleum is polished using special polishing machines. Such equipment is available to cleaning companies that provide services to everyone who wants to provide professional cleaning premises.

You can get an idea of ​​how this equipment works by watching the following video.

General cleaning after renovation

To minimize contamination of the laid linoleum during the next cosmetic repairs, it is necessary to cover the coating with protective material. In this case, you won't have to think painfully about... It will be enough to carry out wet cleaning in the usual way.

If the degree of contamination is high at large area premises, it is better to involve professionals from a cleaning company in cleaning. Modern equipment in combination with effective detergents, it will clean any coating from construction dust and dirt. The linoleum will again shine with bright colors, as if it had just been laid on the floor.

So here's some more:

  • Protect the linoleum from being pressed by furniture legs. To do this, use nozzles, but not rubber ones. You can also use protective sheets that help distribute the load.
  • At the entrance to the room, special mats should be placed that collect dirt, sand, and dust.
  • Protect linoleum from direct sunlight to prevent discoloration.
  • Furniture items should not be dragged along linoleum, because the likelihood of damage to the coating is very high.
  • Do not use concentrated bleach when cleaning the floor.
  • Before wet cleaning, clean the linoleum from dry debris using a brush or vacuum cleaner.
  • Do not use chemical solvents to remove stains.

We hope that this material will help you learn how to care for linoleum. A stain or damage to the floor covering will not confuse you. After all, you know what needs to be done to ensure that linoleum decorates the room for many years to come and copes with daily loads.

Practical, beautiful and inexpensive, laminate flooring can be found in many homes, especially in hallways and kitchens. The numerous advantages of this material make cleaning easy. But to preserve the coating for a long time, you need to know special nuances and secrets that will help the linoleum remain presentable.

Wet cleaning

When planning to wash linoleum, you must first sweep the floor or remove dust and small debris with a vacuum cleaner. This will eliminate the formation of streaks - the more thoroughly the dry cleaning is done, the better the linoleum will look after washing. For daily cleaning, simply wipe the floor with a damp soft cloth. If it is necessary to remove severe contamination, use solutions washing powder or laundry soap shavings. You need to remember - linoleum cannot be washed too much hot water, but only warm or cold.

Stains from the surface of linoleum can be removed in the following ways:

  • You can try to remove stains of any origin from light linoleum homemade remedy, mixing a liter of water, a little neutral detergent and 200 ml of vodka. After treatment, linoleum should be rinsed with clean water and wiped dry.
  • The fat must first be blotted with a napkin and then processed detergent for dishes. If the stain is old, it is removed with turpentine.
  • Spilled coffee, juices, wine and other drinks should be collected immediately, and stains from them should be carefully wiped with kerosene or pure gasoline. You can try to remove such stains with lemon juice or a solution of citric acid.

To make linoleum shine

Using home remedies you can ensure shine to linoleum flooring:

  • “Grandma’s” recipe has proven itself to be excellent - to wash the floors you need to use the liquid left after boiling potatoes. You just need to use it after it has cooled down.
  • Linseed oil or drying oil will add shine to linoleum. Apply a small amount of oil to a soft sponge and wipe the floor.
  • Old linoleum can be quickly refreshed by wiping its surface with a wonderful remedy made from equal parts of milk and water. Then the surface should be lightly polished with a soft cloth.

Linoleum protection

In addition to removing dust and dirt from the surface, linoleum requires the use of protective equipment. A special mastic or polish forms a thin film that increases the wear resistance of the material. This is very important, especially if an inexpensive coating is used. After protective treatment, linoleum will fade less, tolerate contact with water well, and be less subject to mechanical damage. Such protection requires updating 3–4 times a year.

What not to use

Proper care of linoleum coverings excludes the use of:

  • soda and alkali-containing products that cause brittleness of the material;
  • abrasive substances that leave scratches;
  • chemical solvents, bleaches that can change the color of the coating and its structure.

Linoleum is a coating that can be damaged by aggressive cleaning agents and incorrectly selected equipment (brushes, mops). Let's analyze together which cleaning liquids are best to buy and what to wash linoleum with to make the floor shine. I will also describe the best home recipes that will help get rid of different types pollution.

The best industrial and home methods for cleaning floors

To disinfect and clean linoleum, you can use both store-bought and homemade products. We'll sort it out best ways cleaning this floor covering, with the help of which it will be easy to maintain cleanliness.

3 industrial cleaning products

For high-quality cleaning it is better to use special means, they will greatly facilitate wet cleaning.

If the substance is aggressive, it is better to dilute it with plain water. And in order not to spoil the appearance and color of the material, check how the purchased liquid affects it by applying it to an invisible area for 10-15 minutes.

What is the best way to clean linoleum floors?– we consider store goods:

Image Purchased funds

RM 754 from Karcher

If you do the cleaning yourself, you will need about 30 ml of liquid per 3 liters of water.

Wipe the entire surface with a mop/rag soaked in the solution and leave the product on for 5 minutes. After which the coating must be rinsed again with clean warm water.


This cleanser is suitable for regular use. A bucket of water takes about 150-250 ml of the substance.

Conveniently, after wet cleaning with HG, there is no need to additionally rinse the surface with clean water.


If you are looking for something to clean linoleum from dirt and protect it from stubborn stains, use MELLERUD. It is suitable for frequent cleaning.

It is important to thoroughly sweep the floor covering before washing. You need to take 125 ml of detergent per bucket of water, it is better if the water is warm.

To ensure that caring for linoleum does not harm the skin of your hands, use rubber gloves during each cleaning. Especially if you use alkaline-containing products.

5 recipes on how to wash linoleum without industrial chemicals

I want to tell you about several ways to clean at home. To do this, you will need ingredients that everyone has in their home. The overall cost of cleaning will be low, and you can even get rid of stubborn or greasy stains.

How to clean linoleum from dirt at home:

Image Product and instructions

Recipe 1. Laundry soap

Dissolve 100-150 grams of ordinary laundry soap in a bucket of warm water (about 10 liters). It is best to use warm water.

Wipe the stain first with a cloth soaked in soapy water, and then wipe the surface dry.

Recipe 2. Dishwashing liquid

It is worth using if there are greasy stains on the floor; this method will be especially useful in the kitchen.

It is enough to add 2-3 drops of washing liquid to a bucket of warm water and walk with a mop soaked in this solution. After washing, you need to additionally clean the floors with plain water.

Recipe 3. Gasoline

Use this aggressive method only pointwise if, for example, the floor is drawn with a felt-tip pen.

Use a rag soaked in gasoline to remove the stain, then wipe the area with plain warm water. Gasoline will also help get rid of stubborn dirt.

Recipe 4. Mastic

To make the coating look like new longer, immediately after installation, rub it with mastic. It can also be used to update old linoleum.

Recipe 5. Milk

You can also prepare an emulsion to add shine to linoleum - just mix milk and water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Then wash the floors by soaking a sponge in this solution.

Selecting the optimal mop

Linoleum is very easy to scratch. Therefore, the mop should not have scratching elements. This applies not only to the washing sponge, but also to the fastening elements:

  1. If you have chosen a mop with an anti-slip coating, then you can buy a mop with plastic bristles. It will help get rid of even heavy dirt and will not harm the coating. It is also convenient to use the foam mop that is popular today.

  1. If you are using a steam cleaner. You need to choose a mode in which the coating will not be exposed to very high temperatures. Some models of steam cleaners come with a mop-shaped attachment, which is convenient for wiping floors.


I talked about store-bought and homemade products that will help keep linoleum clean, and shared tips for caring for it. Now it's your turn to reveal your washes of this coating in the comments. And for visual tips on caring for linoleum, see the video in this article.

Linoleum is one of the most low-maintenance floor coverings, but in order for linoleum to shine and delight with its aesthetic appearance, you can take a more careful approach to its care, and especially to the choice of detergent.

Selecting a detergent

Important! The simplest and most affordable detergent for linoleum is water with soap or detergent for dishes, floors, or just liquid soap.

But it is not always possible to achieve the desired result with the help of water.

If you just want to quickly wipe the floor and refresh its color, then plain water will be enough without adding any powders, gels, etc.

But if the dirt is deeply ingrained into the surface, then washing the floor with water so that the linoleum shines will be very difficult, if not completely impossible.

In such a situation, only specially created means for combating complex pollution will be effective.

You can find a huge selection of floor cleaning products on store shelves. IN ideal– you need to choose one that is designed specifically for cleaning linoleum. This product does not contain solid particles that can damage the surface. If you wash linoleum not intended for of this coverage detergents, then there is a high risk of damage, and it will no longer be possible to return the previous appearance.

Detergents differ according to the method of application:

  • for regular cleaning;
  • with dirt-repellent and protective properties;
  • universal.

Each type of product has its own unique composition, so you should never mix them. This will not increase efficiency, quite the contrary. You should not choose gels and powders that contain chlorine, alkali or soda.

Some housewives solve the problem of how to wash linoleum to make it shine very simply: wash the linoleum with powder or laundry soap. In fact, such “supplements” do not give the desired result. After the surface dries, the desired shine does not appear; on the contrary, white stripes are visible on the floor, and it has to be washed.

How to properly wash linoleum?

To make linoleum shine, it is necessary not only to choose products, but also to properly care for the surface.

Before you start wet cleaning, you should remove all small debris from the surface using a vacuum cleaner, brush or regular broom. In the first 3-4 weeks after flooring, this cleaning method remains the main one, since washing linoleum is not recommended. He should “lie down” for a while, and excess moisture may cause waves.

It is equally important to wash linoleum to make it shine. Wet cleaning can be done manually or using a mop, but in any case you need to choose the right material for the rag. The floor covering will retain its appearance for a long time if washed with a soft cloth or a soft bristle brush.

Important! High temperature This material does not tolerate well, as do abrasives.

Therefore, after washing the floor, you need to immediately wipe it dry with a piece of flannel. This method is suitable if you plan to remove dust regularly. This will help simplify tidying - all you need to do is wipe the floor with a damp cloth.

If there are stains on the surface, dry cleaning is also carried out first. Then a cleaning solution (gel, soap, etc.) is applied to the stain. The contaminated area is carefully treated.

WITH greasy spots Regular dishwashing detergent will do the job well. More complex stains (traces of dyes, coffee, iodine, shoe polish, etc.) are effectively removed using gasoline or kerosene. If the area of ​​contamination is small, then you can get by with an ammonia solution or nail polish remover. Tile detergent helps against limescale stains. Lemon juice helps remove mold or rust.

Important! To keep linoleum shiny, it is important not to leave stain removal until later, but to try to remove it immediately. Otherwise, contamination can become deeply embedded in the material and ruin its appearance.

Another common problem is color loss. The protective layer of linoleum is made up of wax and a polymer base. It has sufficient strength, but under the influence of certain factors it can be damaged. Discoloration of the coating occurs due to direct sunlight and exposure to chemicals.

It’s easy to protect linoleum from sunlight - just close the curtains. And to remove dirt from the floor, you should not use products with a bleaching effect. They will only lead to the coating losing its shine, and it will be impossible to restore the appearance.

Another common coating problem is small scratches that occur due to small pebbles that can be “carried” on the soles of shoes. Scratches cannot be removed, but they can be “camouflaged”: you need to wipe the damaged area with wax.

Cleaning products for linoleum

You can find many different cleaning and shine products on store shelves. Therefore, you need to know how to wash linoleum to make it shine.

MELLERUD is a good choice for frequent cleaning. It allows you to create a protective layer on the surface and return the material to its former shine. It contains active substances from natural ingredients. For cleaning, it is important to dilute the product slightly warm water. Before cleaning, sweep the floor and then apply the prepared solution in the usual way.

Wa-Lin is a universal product for regular cleaning by hand or with floor washing equipment. Wa-Lin can be used to clean all types of linoleum, but it is a good idea to test the reaction of the coating on a sample or in an area where possible damage will not be noticeable before application. You only need to dilute the product before washing the floor. It is important to protect your hands from exposure to alkali. For this purpose, special rubber gloves that are resistant to chemical attack are suitable.

Since some detergents are quite aggressive, the question arises of how to wash linoleum so that it shines, but at the same time not damage the skin on your hands during cleaning. In such cases, San Klin is recommended. It is suitable for cleaning linoleum, as well as other materials (wood, tiles). Ready solution Apply to the surface and leave for a few minutes (for light contamination). Then it should be washed off with clean water.

The HG product, designed for cleaning linoleum and vinyl flooring, can effectively clean the floor from dirt and make it shine. To remove dirt, simply wipe the floor with a solution. There is no need to rinse it off or dry it. When the floor begins to dry, you can polish it a little to add shine.

How to restore shine to linoleum?

The appearance is lost not only from the influence of various harmful factors, such as aggressive chemical exposure, sunlight, etc. In many ways, how soon linoleum begins to lose its shine is influenced by its quality. If linoleum is cheap or of poor quality, it is unlikely to please beautiful view a very long time. More quality material, on the contrary, retains its original appearance and shine longer.

But in any case, sooner or later the question arises of what to rub the linoleum with to make it shine. They will come to help with this folk remedies. They include components that can be found in any apartment.

Regular potatoes will help restore the shine to linoleum. More precisely, not the tubers themselves, but a decoction of them. When it is ready, it needs to be added to the water intended for washing the floor and mixed well. Before doing this, the floor must be swept or vacuumed well. Then you can apply the decoction.

If you don’t have potatoes in the house or don’t want to use them, you can use potato starch, which is no less effective. Then 2-3 tablespoons of starch are added to the water and applied to the surface in the same way.

An equally popular and accessible folk remedy is cow's milk. This method is widely known and has been used for several generations. This is what is often recommended on websites and forums when people ask what to do to make linoleum shine.

Milk needs to be diluted in the same amount of water, mixed and washed. Immediately after this, the floor must be wiped without waiting for it to dry. This method does not always give the desired result from the first use. You should be prepared for the fact that the procedure will have to be repeated several times to make the linoleum shine.

The usual things help restore shine to linoleum. vegetable oil. The floor must first be swept and thoroughly rinsed with water and oil. After this, polish the surface with a woolen cloth or dish sponge. This treatment immediately produces results. The disadvantage is that it is not suitable for all types of linoleum. Thus, such treatment is not suitable for cheap linoleum, since oil can only damage the coating.

Linoleum polishing products

It is worth knowing when choosing what to wash linoleum with to make it shine, folk remedies are effective, but the result of their use is usually temporary. The shine after treatment with potato broth or milk quickly disappears, which makes it necessary to polish the floor again.

They can help you shine modern means, of which there are now many from the most different manufacturers. They will be more effective on the old coating, since instead of an erased protective layer, they essentially create a new one, due to which the desired appearance and shine is achieved.

Previously, special floor mastic was used for the same purpose. It can be used now, but it is not the most the best option: Over time, the top layer created using such mastic begins to crack and become cloudy. When treating with mastic, it is important not to overdo it, since some types of this product for making linoleum shine make the floor too smooth and slippery, which is simply dangerous.

More modern means are varnishes and polishing waxes, which create a new protective layer. If mastic was previously used to restore shine, this layer must be removed. Only then can you proceed to processing.

First of all, the floor needs to be washed with warm water with the addition of a regular detergent; even one intended for washing dishes will do. Then you need to wipe the floor surface with a dry cloth. Apply the varnish evenly to the surface and rub in with a dry cloth. Repeat the procedure after the floor has completely dried, that is, after about 10 hours.

Modern varnishes for adding shine to linoleum contain polymer-based additives, which help maintain the strength and elasticity of the coating for a long time.

In addition to application, you need to know how to care for linoleum so that it shines, maintaining its normal appearance for as long as possible. It is not necessary to reapply varnish to restore the protective layer so often - about once every six months or a little more often, depending on the intensity of use of the room. In addition, every week you need to renew the coating using a special polish. To facilitate the procedure, polish can be added to water for wet cleaning.

The content of the article:

Linoleum is one of the most affordable and popular floor coverings. Thanks to its functionality, durability and ease of maintenance, the product has gained well-deserved authority among finishing craftsmen and their clients. Like anyone facing material, it needs periodic care in order to maintain its decent appearance for a long time. This procedure is not at all complicated, but it must be performed correctly and regularly. You will learn how to care for linoleum by reading this material.

Types of impacts on linoleum floors

Having undoubted advantages as a floor covering, linoleum is quite sensitive to mechanical loads, as well as chemical and temperature influences.

Let's consider the factors influencing the behavior of linoleum in everyday life:

  • Water. The floor covering tolerates wet cleaning well, but constant dampness is not beneficial for it. Therefore, it is not recommended to lay a wet shoe mat on the linoleum at the entrance to the room. In addition, regular use hot water for washing the coating can lead to damage to its upper layers, which can cause bald spots to appear on the linoleum pattern.
  • Bleach. Using it as a cleaning agent may cause stains and loss of color to the linoleum. Therefore, when using substances containing chlorine, their concentrate must always be diluted with water. But it is much better to wash linoleum with more gentle solutions.
  • Abrasives. In terms of caring for linoleum, these include hard metal sponges and many cleaning powders. They scratch the surface of the floor covering, leaving unsightly marks. Therefore, the use of products with an abrasive effect is highly undesirable.
  • sunlight. To prevent the luxurious linoleum covering from turning into a faded litter over time, it must be protected from direct sunlight.
  • Freezing. At low temperatures, linoleum becomes deformed and may crack. Therefore, it should not be laid on an uninsulated loggia or balcony.
  • Sharp objects. They can damage the coating. Therefore, knives, forks and other similar items must be handled with care, however, and not only because of linoleum. The same applies to stiletto heels and furniture legs.

Important! When installing heavy furniture on a linoleum floor, you should place any durable plates under its legs, which can be wooden, metal or made of plastic. This measure will protect the panel from being pressed through.

Rules for protecting linoleum

Household linoleum is made from materials that have average quality characteristics, which is why it costs less than commercial linoleum. Very often this coating does not have a protective top layer. To extend the life of the surface, it should be treated independently with mastics for caring for linoleum.

To protect the material, special compounds are used, which are applied to a clean, dry surface and form a glossy or matte film on it. It does not allow dirt and dust to eat into the product, protects it from contact with liquids, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage and marks from shoes and furniture rollers. For getting protective film The mastic must be applied to the linoleum in two layers, and then left for at least 8-10 hours without load.

To avoid cracks, the coating should be lubricated with drying oil or linseed oil 1-2 times a month. These substances are applied with a sponge and then rubbed dry with a soft cloth until shiny. After this, the linoleum looks well-groomed.

Linoleum care products

They are designed to protect, maintain the appearance and cleanliness of linoleum; they can have an antibacterial, antistatic effect, and also create an anti-slip film on its surface.

Concentrated products for basic cleaning of floor coverings, in addition to serving their main purpose, also disinfect its surface. They do not contain chlorine, solvents, formaldehydes, phosphates and are therefore safe for the skin.

A durable antistatic anti-slip film is created on the surface by other linoleum care products - two-component mastics that include special fasteners. In addition, these polymer mixtures protect linoleum from mechanical damage and facilitate its wet cleaning.

There are also care products for industrial linoleum coatings that allow you to restore and renew it. Strongly ingrained dirt and remnants of protective films can be removed using special deep cleaning products.

If the use of polymer mastics and concentrates for caring for linoleum is unacceptable for you, you can clean it using folk remedies at home:

  1. Heavy contamination of light-colored floor coverings can be periodically removed with a solution consisting of 1 liter of water, a teaspoon of liquid detergent and 200 g of vodka. After treatment, problem areas should be rinsed with water and wiped dry. True, not all heads of families will be able to approve the idea of ​​cleaning the floor using vodka.
  2. Grease spilled on linoleum can be collected with a napkin and then treated with liquid dishwashing detergent. If this was not enough, you should wipe the area with turpentine, rinse it with water and wipe dry.
  3. Stains from various food dyes or coffee can be removed using kerosene or gasoline. IN in this case The cleaning procedure should be carried out very carefully due to the fact that any solvents are not particularly friendly with PVC coatings. The trace of the removed stain, if it remains, should be treated with lemon juice.
  4. If brilliant green gets on the linoleum, a fresh stain from it can be removed with two solutions, the basis of which is acetic acid. Potassium permanganate is added to the first of them, hydrogen peroxide is added to the second. First, treat the stain with the first composition, wait a few minutes, and then rinse it with water. After applying another solution, that is, vinegar with hydrogen peroxide, to the problem area, the brilliant green stain will lose color and disappear.
  5. Another remedy you can use is a mixture of camphor alcohol and peroxide. Soak a cotton swab in this solution and wipe the green stain. If the result is positive, the treated area of ​​linoleum should be washed with soapy warm water and wiped dry.

How to clean linoleum floors

For the first few days after installation of the floor covering, you should refrain from wet cleaning, since the acclimatization process of the materials used has not yet been completed.

At this time, you can remove dust, sand and dry dirt from the floor surface using brushes, brooms or a vacuum cleaner. This procedure is absolutely safe for the coating, and it can be carried out at least every day. It should be borne in mind that the protective layer of linoleum should already be present during any actions with it.

Before you wash a linoleum floor, you need to sweep it thoroughly. Otherwise, when wet cleaning, strong stains will remain on the coating. For washing, use a soft cloth, rinsing and wringing it frequently as you work. For quality cleaning It is recommended to periodically change the water in the bucket.

If the linoleum surface is heavily soiled, you can add a detergent to the container with water, which should be chemically neutral with pH = 7-9. A small amount of this substance dissolves easily in warm water. Recommendations for the optimal proportion of the composition are available on its packaging. It is not recommended to apply detergent in its pure form to linoleum.

Wet surfaces are quite slippery, so wet cleaning should be done carefully. After completion, the linoleum surface must be completely dry for safe walking on the floor.

Cleaning linoleum after apartment renovation

In order not to create problems for yourself in cleaning the floor covering from traces of apartment renovation, it is better to worry in advance about covering the linoleum before carrying out the work with plastic film or at least old newspapers. After repairs, future troubles may remain on the floor in the form of polyurethane foam, lime, cement mortar and other construction waste.

If they do end up on the coating without covering it, cleaning and maintaining the linoleum floor should be done as follows:

  • First, dry clean the floor to collect construction waste. It is advisable to perform this procedure with your hands and a vacuum cleaner, since using a broom can damage the protective layer of linoleum when abrasive waste particles rub against its surface.
  • Cured putty should be carefully removed from the coating with a metal spatula.
  • Dried to the linoleum polyurethane foam can be removed with a sharp knife. To do this, you need to carefully cut and scrape off the sagging, while being careful not to damage the protective layer of the coating. Then the problem area should be covered with a wet rag for 10-12 hours to soak away traces of foam, and then wipe them off with the same rag.
  • White plaque and dust are washed off with heated water and rags. The water needs to be changed frequently to achieve the desired effect.
  • Difficult stains can be removed with white spirit or linoleum detergent.
  • At the final stage of work, add a little potassium permanganate or vinegar to a container filled with water. Use this solution and a clean cloth to wash the flooring thoroughly.
  • After this, the linoleum should be wiped until dry, treated with a layer of drying oil or linseed oil, and then polished to give the floor surface a fresh look.

Features of polishing linoleum

Polishing of PVC coating is carried out to restore its protective film and add shine to the surface of linoleum. It is recommended to perform it at least once a week. Before polishing, you should wet clean the floor, and then treat it with a rag with water containing a special polishing agent.

In addition, the shine of the linoleum surface can be achieved using a polishing machine. But such a large-scale and expensive procedure will be appropriate only in large spacious premises: hotels, supermarkets, educational institutions and other objects.

Polishing renewal is included in the mandatory care procedure for natural linoleum or its polyvinyl chloride analogue. It is performed at least once every three months, for rooms with heavy traffic - monthly, and in living rooms - if necessary.

Before applying a new coating to linoleum, the old one should be completely removed. For this purpose, special products are commercially available that clean coatings from mastics or other polymers. After cleaning the floor, rinse it with clean water and allow it to dry. Then several layers of polish can be applied successively to the linoleum. In this case, the floors of large rooms are also processed with single-disc machines.

At home, you can restore the shine of an old coating using milk diluted with water 1:1. Another way is to use the water in which the potatoes were boiled. It is only recommended to cool it before doing this. The tools for carrying out these procedures are the same in all cases - a rag, a mop and a bucket.

Finally, I would like to give a couple of useful tips:

  1. When using the updated coating, equip the furniture with wide rollers or use protective pads under its legs, but under no circumstances drag it along the linoleum to avoid tearing it.
  2. At the entrance to the room, you should put a porous mat that can collect sand and small debris from the soles of shoes, which often cause premature wear of the coating. In this case, cleaning the room will take much less time.
How to care for linoleum - watch the video:

By following all the rules for caring for linoleum, you don’t have to worry about it. appearance and quality for many years.