Narrow wardrobe on the loggia with a folding door. Built-in wardrobes for balconies and loggias to order

Gone are the days when the balcony was unsuitable for use and was simply a place to store unnecessary things. IN modern world Almost every owner wants to equip their balcony making it as functional and aesthetically attractive as possible. And there are many ways to bring this to life.

They often store on the balcony a large number of various items. And so as not to clutter up the space during storage, built-in wardrobes are built on them. After all, proper distribution of balcony space will help save space inside the apartment, and a well-designed closet will help make it attractive and tidy.

Sometimes on the balconies there are various old cabinets, sideboards and other old useless furniture. And most often, such interior objects are bulky and impractical, as a result of which they do not cope with the functions assigned to them and, moreover, spoil the entire appearance.

And more the right option If you have the finances, it’s to order a cabinet. After all, then you can take into account the individuality of the balcony design and provide its internal contents according to the wishes of the owners.

Having looked at many photos of a cabinet on a balcony, you can see that each balcony has its own dimensions and a convenient place for a cabinet. Therefore, the design must be thought out for a specific task. And a cabinet made to individual sizes will make the most of the balcony space.

Doors and their designs

As with ordinary wardrobes, so with built-in wardrobes on the balcony, you need to decide in advance the best option doors. There are options such as:

  • roller shutter systems;
  • sliding systems;
  • accordion doors;
  • swing doors;
  • shutter doors.

Roller shutter and sliding systems will allow you to place other interior objects directly next to the cabinet. They will also reliably protect the contents from dust settling on it. Accordion doors are attractive in appearance, but are more suitable for low cabinets and have poor insulation properties.

Hinged doors are convenient and reliable, but require additional space to open. Also, when choosing doors, you need to consider how large the items are planned to be stored in the closet. After all, if you install a wardrobe, it will only be able to open half of the space.

Materials used

When making it, it is necessary to choose a material that is not only suitable for the overall interior of the balcony, but it is also necessary to take into account the fact that on any balcony, including a glazed balcony, there will be an increased level of moisture and a large temperature difference.

Plastic is practical, durable, moisture resistant, inexpensive and easy to care for. Thanks to the variety of colors, you can harmoniously fit the cabinet into any balcony interior. But it has two main drawbacks: it is easily susceptible to mechanical damage and color fading from sunlight.

Metal-plastic structures are more reliable and durable. Due to their excellent insulating characteristics, tightly closed doors will prevent the penetration of moisture, dust and the influence of temperature changes on the things stored inside, which is why a cabinet made of this material is excellent for placing vegetables and “twists” there.

Wood is the most popular material in furniture production. Wooden cabinets are stylish and practical. But to preserve the tree, it is necessary to maintain the appropriate climate on the balcony. The balcony must first be properly insulated and thereby protected from excessive humidity and temperature changes.

MDF and laminated chipboard are perfect for cabinets due to their affordability. This material is also convenient and easy to use if you decide to make a cabinet yourself.

Just like plastic, this material has a huge color palette for selection. Thanks to this, you can create a cabinet design that will fit into any interior.

Color design

Wealth color range does possible creation cabinets for any interior. But due to the fact that most balconies have limited space, it is recommended to choose bright hues, because they will visually expand the space. That is why the most popular colors are white and beige, “wood” and light warm colors.

Internal filling

The internal content depends entirely on the functional purpose of the cabinet. It can be filled with a variety of shelves, rods, drawers, hooks and other storage systems.

You can create a special space in it for storing long things that are so inconvenient to place inside the apartment, by constructing a specially narrow but long compartment for this purpose.

Cabinet design

The shape and design of the cabinet depend directly on the characteristics of the balcony and the individual wishes of the owners. Most often they are mounted on the sides. In the closet, you can either arrange open shelves or completely close them with doors - it all depends on the purpose. Also, sometimes the cabinet is equipped with different types of doors at different heights.

It is more practical and economical to use built-in cabinet options than free-standing ones. It is possible to use existing balcony walls as their walls.

In some non-standard sloping shaped balconies it will be very convenient to place corner cupboard on the balcony. As a result, an inappropriate and awkward corner will be transformed into a convenient storage space.

DIY wardrobe on the balcony

If you want a practical and original built-in wardrobe on the balcony with non-standard dimensions, then make it yourself. To assemble the cabinet important aspects is the desire and ability to work with simple tools.

Action plan for how to make a wardrobe on the balcony:

The material for the cabinet is selected. The entire necessary tool for work (for each material it can be individual).

Accurate measurements are taken. When removing them, it is necessary to take into account that there are various distortions and irregularities, which is why the dimensions must be taken in several places. Or if it is possible to perform initial alignment.

A drawing or sketch of the new cabinet and all its parts is drawn, indicating the dimensions. It is advisable to draw up a high-quality sketch and to scale, because this will affect how harmonious and functional the cabinet will be.

According to the plan, the required amount of materials and accessories is calculated. We recommend purchasing materials already sawn. After all, cutting it yourself and, most importantly, efficiently without special equipment and skills is a very difficult task.

The frame is assembled and the sheathing is attached. Afterwards, limiters are attached under the shelves and the shelves themselves are installed. And the very last step is installing the doors.

Practical use of the balcony space will make it comfortable and multifunctional. And the closet plays a huge role, because invariably there is a “mountain” of things, for which there is only a corner on the balcony. And the ergonomic design of the built-in wardrobe will allow you to neatly store things without cluttering the balcony.

Photos of cabinets on the balcony

If this corner of your house resembles a dump of unnecessary things, then it’s time to build a wardrobe on the balcony, and we’ll tell you further about photos in the interior and how to make it beautifully with your own hands. We will also show more than 50 interesting ideas and we will give diagrams for almost each of them.

What material is better to make a wardrobe on the balcony?

No matter how insulated the balcony is, it still this is a high humidity room. This means you also need material to make the cabinet. select taking this factor into account.

That is, you understand, budget chipboard immediately falls out of this list, since it will swell after 3-4 wet seasons. The doors will begin to open poorly, the shelves will sag, and fungus will settle inside. What remains?

  • Tree
  • Plastic
  • Metal-plastic
  • Moisture-resistant drywall

Let's look at each of them in detail and find out all the pros and cons of each option.

Wooden balcony cabinets

The tree is undoubtedly the best choice. Let it be worth it good board It’s not cheap, but the product will be of high quality, strong and durable.

By the way, you still won’t have to go broke on building materials, since balcony cabinets are usually very small in size.

Look at several types of wooden cabinets on the balcony and appreciate how great they fit into the interior, giving special flavor and comfort.

Please note that the presented options are made of lining. It's not that expensive and assembly is quick.

It does not need to be further cleaned, which is also a big plus. You just need to cover the finished cabinet with stain or paint. Pictured above are wooden cabinets. natural look, and here are examples of painted wood.

It looks much more elegant and this material can be combined with almost any frame and wall decoration. And, if the design of your home is “Provence”, then this is generally the only right decision.

  1. Be sure to treat the wood with a special moisture-resistant varnish or paint, this will greatly extend the life of the cabinet.
  2. You should not take ready-made lattice shutter doors. They use too thin strips and over time they become deformed under the influence of temperature changes and moisture.

There is nothing more to add, in general. Wood is a wonderful option both visually and from a practical point of view, and the smell on the balcony will be pleasant for many years.


We mean plastic panels. They are often used to line the inside of the balcony and make cabinets to match. It looks something like this.

Not to say it's very good, but it's not entirely ugly either. But the point here is not only how such a cabinet looks externally. It's a matter of impracticality.

Despite the fact that plastic is moisture resistant, it is not very suitable for a balcony. Why?

Because it is deformed from direct sunlight and is not shockproof. If you accidentally press down such a door with something heavy, a gaping hole will form on it.

Metal-plastic cabinets

You can buy individual elements for such a cabinet (doors, shelves) in construction supermarkets.

Essentially, this is the same material from which windows are made. That is, he is not afraid of anything at all: neither the bright sun, nor heat, nor cold, nor moisture, nor blows.

And, if your apartment is decorated in any modern style, then making a cabinet made of metal-plastic on the balcony is quite logical. The price will not be too expensive and it will serve you for a long time.

The only thing here is that you need to be very careful at the assembly stage and drill holes for the fittings very carefully.

This is not a tree and the mistake cannot be corrected so that it is not visible. I puttyed the wood, painted it and it was as if nothing had happened. And here the extra hole remains for life. This is how such cabinets look in the interior of a balcony.

Moisture-resistant drywall

Also not the best solution, despite the fact that it is moisture resistant. Drywall tends to break from blows, the construction of such a cabinet requires a lot of profile... And the doors still need to be made of a different material.

A plasterboard base is chosen when you want to make a cabinet that blends in with the color and texture of the main wall.

And, if this is your case, then better take the thinnest one, facing brick and build a cabinet out of it, then putty and paint.

It will be much more durable and reliable.

Wood, by the way, can also be covered with a special putty and painted. And it will look like an ordinary wall.

On which side of the balcony should the cabinet be placed?

You can put flowers or something else on top of such a cabinet, maybe even an aquarium.

And here is a cabinet that was assembled from ready-made elements kitchen furniture. It is very functional, but on the balcony you will need to brick one wall in this case.

If you have a loggia, then you can place such a cabinet without any problems.

And here is a closet with doors, which are usually used to equip sliding wardrobes in a room. It also looks good and is roomy. It also stands against a blank side wall.

In this photo you can see that the cabinets run along the entire perimeter of the lower part of the balcony. Beautiful, but the downside is that they are too shallow in depth.

Here are the wardrobe chests. You can sit on them and store vegetables. Convenient and doesn't take up much space.

The corner closet on the balcony is not 100% functional.

It can be done if the shape of your balcony is at an angle and there is no other way to place the cabinet.

You can see for yourself that this option has very little usable space inside.

Which door system to choose?

Balcony space is usually narrow and very limited. And no matter what location you choose, it won’t always be comfortable to open the doors wide.

But a sliding system is often not an option here, since the cabinets are already narrow.

Let's say if you bet sliding doors for a cabinet option like the one shown below, when opened, half will be tightly closed, forming a dead zone. It will be very, very inconvenient to get anything out of it.

In this case, much more the right decision It would be nice to make swing doors.

Moreover, one of them already opens towards the window and it doesn’t matter at all that it will be blocked for some small moment. You can also make accordion doors, as shown below.

But, frankly speaking, there is no big gain here. The cabinet opens towards the window and what difference does it make whether 20 or 40 centimeters of glass will be blocked? But accessories for an accordion cost money and there is no point in overpaying.

So, our advice: everything ingenious is simple. And we do not recommend any bold decisions for the balcony. The most simple door- exactly what is needed.

Examples of designs and diagrams of various cabinets

We have made an extensive selection, including diagrams. If you wish, you can use any of them and build a wardrobe for your balcony yourself.

Simple storage cabinet

He does it very simply and there is only one scheme, no matter what material you would prefer. The main thing is to make shelves correct width and height so that cans can be placed in them comfortably.

It is better to make many small shelves than one or two, on which you will place the preserves one on one, laying them out with sheets of plywood, for example. In this case, getting something out is terribly inconvenient: sometimes you have to take apart all the supplies and then put them back.

This is what a preservation cabinet looks like in the interior:

And here is his diagram. You can install the doors to your taste, it’s not so important here.

Cabinet for storing vegetables in the form of a bench with top shelves

Such cabinets can be made in two ways. In the form of a chest, with a lid that hinges upward, or in the form of a bench with a door at the bottom. We give you examples of both options.

Wardrobe-chest. Scheme and view in the interior:

Of course, the dimensions here are approximate and you must adjust them yourself to your balcony.

A cabinet-bench is also an excellent option for a small balcony. This photo shows one of his examples.

There is no point in presenting a diagram here, since everything is very simple. You make a box and hang doors on it.

Important note: if you plan to store vegetables in it, do not forget to drill small holes for ventilation. If you don’t, the potatoes and other root vegetables will rot.

Multifunctional cabinet with table

There are a lot of options in this case. You can make a closet with a desk, and instead of a balcony you will have a wonderful office.

AND computer desk You can also put a table for needlework. In general, anything!

We invite you to look at our photos and really hope that the options we have chosen will be to your taste.

Seedling rack with removable doors

The only secret of this cabinet is that it is equipped with removable doors and lamps. You will figure out how exactly to attach them, since there are many options.

We only give you good idea. In summer and autumn, you can use this structure for storing canned food, and in spring and at the end of winter, when there are no more reserves, you can put seedlings there.

The main thing is to place such a cabinet closer to the light and make the shelves not from chipboard or fiberboard, but from metal. It must be durable and not afraid of water.

This is what an empty metal rack looks like. It is very easy to assemble; ready-made parts are sold in construction stores.

In principle, you don’t even have to fool around with removable doors, but simply hang the rack with some beautiful textiles. It will also look very good, especially since now fabric curtains on cabinets are becoming fashionable.

So our review has come to an end. Choose any of the presented cabinets on the balcony. We gave you photos of the interior and how to take them beautifully, and we are sure that everything will work out in the best possible way for you!

A balcony or loggia can be used as optimal, universal storage for a lot of things that do not fit in the apartment. And in order to keep order on the balcony, as well as to preserve the things themselves, you will need a closet. Instructions for covering a balcony with siding.


Depending on the type of balcony cabinet, its purpose and the material from which the cabinet is made, the characteristics may vary. However, there are a number of advantages that are inherent in all types and types of cabinets on balconies and loggias:

  1. Strength
  2. Long service life
  3. Ability to hold and retain heat
  4. Functionality
  5. Capacity
  6. Freedom to choose design
  7. The cladding can be made of any material, which allows you to create accents in the interior. Read about balcony cladding and the advantages of these methods.

Types of cabinets for balconies and loggias

Exist Various types cabinets for balconies and loggias:

Balcony cabinets made of different types of materials

Cabinets for balconies and loggias can be made from different materials:

  • Plastic cabinet

  • The plastic cabinet is highly resistant to various harmful factors. The plastic surface is easy to care for, as it is not at all afraid of alkali, acid, and mineral oils. The doors can be made hinged, also compartment doors.

  • Wardrobe made of lining

  • When choosing a cabinet made of lining, you will get a very aesthetic design that looks very impressive. In addition, the lining is considered environmentally friendly material, and the price is very affordable when compared with prices for solid wood.

  • Aluminum cabinet

  • An aluminum cabinet will suit you if you have high humidity because aluminum is not subject to corrosion. The cabinet is also very resistant to temperature changes.

  • Chipboard cabinet.

  • Cabinet made of metal-plastic.

  • The cabinet is made of metal-plastic and consists of an aluminum frame, PVC door leaves, and plastic shelves that can withstand up to 40 kg of weight. Therefore, such a cabinet is especially resistant to humidity and is not afraid of heat and frost.

  • Wooden cabinet

  • When installing a wooden cabinet on a balcony, you should not forget that wood natural material which requires ongoing care. Wood does not like humidity, so the balcony or loggia must be glazed. It is also worth considering that from direct sunlight natural wood It's getting dark.

  • Metal cabinets

  • Metal balcony cabinets are a durable and inexpensive storage system. In the manufacture of such cabinets, high-quality steel with a polymer coating is used, which ensures durability. In addition, metal cabinets are equipped with locks, which allows them to be used on adjacent balconies.

Cabinets for different types of balconies

Cabinets may differ depending on the types of balconies and loggias on which they are installed:

  • wardrobe for corner balcony
  • A wardrobe on a corner balcony allows you to use space effectively and profitably. It also allows you to change the architecture of the balcony by smoothing the corner.

  • wardrobe for a small balcony
  • If you have a very small balcony, you can always use natural recesses and niches. It is possible to use the space under the window sill.

  • balcony wardrobe p44t
  • The balcony in the houses of the p44t series resembles a “boot” in shape. Therefore, on such a balcony you can make a cabinet in a recess, the shelves will follow the shape of the balcony. You can also increase the cabinet space, in addition to the recess, by using the end part of the balcony.

Storage cabinets on the balcony

As a rule, cabinets on balconies and loggias are also used to store things or food. In this regard, the following may also differ:

Ready-made balcony cabinets and their elements

If you plan to install a cabinet on a balcony or loggia, it does not have to be a cabinet made entirely with your own hands. Today there are many opportunities to make custom elements or purchase ready-made elements:

  1. Wardrobe for balcony Ikea Pax
  2. PAX cabinets from Ikea are convenient because of what they offer ready-made solution. Planning such a cabinet is completely individual.

  3. Doors for cabinets on the balcony
  4. Doors are perhaps the most economical option. They will suit you if you already have shelves installed in niches. Or you just need to hide the mess on the balcony.

  5. Cabinets and cabinets for the balcony
  6. The cabinets on the balcony can be floor-mounted or wall-mounted. Here you need to focus on the free space on the balcony. Floor stands are also good to use as a table for flowers and other decorative items.

How to make a wardrobe on the balcony?

To make a cabinet on the balcony, you first need to install the frame. And before that, the location of its installation and what it will be used for are determined. Next, you need to take measurements and make a sketch of the structure being built. Decide on the materials that will be used in the manufacture of the cabinet. The next step is to mark the location of the future cabinet on the walls, floor and ceiling. All these surfaces must be prepared for marking and installation. If necessary, install metal or wooden frame. And we cover it with plasterboard.

As a rule, insulation of a balcony cabinet is required if it is planned to store vegetables or other products in it in winter. There are two options for insulating the cabinet:

  1. When installing a cabinet on a balcony, you can leave a small gap between the boards of the balcony and the walls of the cabinet; in this case, an air gap will be created, which will additionally insulate the cabinet.
  2. Or, during installation of the cabinet, any thermal insulation material– it could be polystyrene foam or even sawdust.

How much does a wardrobe for a balcony cost?

Even if the balcony is glazed, you will realize that it would be nice to have a closet here that is at least partially capable of solving the accumulated problems.

Wardrobe on the balcony

No matter how big your balcony is, multifunctional cabinet It is quite difficult to place on it, because you cannot block either the window or the open part of the balcony without blocking the light and without compromising the aesthetic component. It is best to think about which goal will be most in demand in your case:

  1. Wardrobe.
  2. Bookshelf.
  3. Cabinet for storing canned goods of our own production.
  4. A cabinet for tools (including one with a compartment for a stepladder and ironing board, for which there is no place in the room).

Your choice will be decisive. Thus, a wardrobe can be made or purchased with sliding mirror doors, pursuing two goals at once: functional and decorative. You can put, for example, winter and rarely needed clothes in it, and the mirrored doors will visually expand the space of your loggia (balcony). Since the rules of aesthetics require that something beautiful be reflected in the doors, for the rest of the decor you should consider a table, an armchair or a bench, flower stands and general finishing walls

But even if you choose a closet not for clothes, but for another purpose, it makes sense to decorate the space in the same style that the closet will be made, or, on the contrary, if there is a general decor, fit new furniture into it.

Options for choosing materials for a balcony cabinet

If you live in a not very humid climate, and wood is inexpensive, then the option of making (or ordering) a cabinet made of wood is the most aesthetically pleasing. But if there is the slightest fear that the cabinet walls will be exposed to moisture, it is better to choose metal, glass, plastic, chipboard, MDF, plywood, and drywall. Please note that the latter is afraid of water and is easily deformed. The plywood will have to be specially impregnated, but moisture can cause it to delaminate. All paints and varnishes choose for outdoor work, this will provide additional guarantees of the integrity of some materials. If you dry clothes on the balcony, you should consider a ventilation system.
If you have chosen bookshelf or a cabinet for storing canned food, in addition to the frame, you will need shelves and doors. Having made (or purchased) a rack from aluminum structures, you can select (order) roller shutters for it, and the furniture will look stylish. If the shelves are transformable or removable, this will provide additional comfort.

For other designs, it will be possible to choose hinged, sliding doors, sliding doors, or accordion doors. There is an option to make a cabinet with a door that covers one half of it, and leave the second part, with shelves, uncovered. If space allows, you can make cabinets on both sides, or alternatively it could be a wardrobe and a chest of drawers, a wardrobe and a shelf.

Volumes and shapes of a wardrobe for a balcony

In addition to standard solutions, you can try corner option cabinet - from floor to ceiling with upper separately opening mezzanines and lower pull-out shelves for shoes or small tools. To implement this solution, careful measurements and the golden hands of either the owner of the apartment or the craftsman who will receive the order will be required.

For those who want to make a small loggia winter Garden the best solution there will be a glass cabinet for heat-loving plants at the top with two lower compartments for gardening tools. If you need to store small items on such a rack, you can use plastic containers instead of shelves.

A sofa with a cabinet seat and shelves above it, designed in the same style, will look great. The same shelves at the top and a tube or chest of drawers, up to the level of the window sill, will look no less stylish.

I would like to remind you that the part of the closet (or any other type of furniture you have chosen) located on the windowsill, or more precisely, above the window sill, must be thought out and not left “empty”, otherwise it will become a source of dirt accumulation and non-compliance with the laws of aesthetics.

Any possibility of growing indoor or other plants (wheat sprouts, for example) on the balcony is welcomed as the most rational and aesthetically attractive. To insulate the floor, you can put mats or any bathroom rugs on it. However, they have been producing special furniture for loggias and balconies, as well as floor coverings for a long time.

Tips for those who will build a cabinet themselves.

  1. To ensure that the design is reliable and retains its properties long time, the balcony (loggia) should be glazed and the floor screeded.
  2. Before purchasing materials, make a drawing to scale, taking into account the need to attach the profiles to the partitions.
  3. You will need to perform not only carpentry, but also plumbing operations. Assess your strengths before you start construction.
  4. Observe safety precautions when performing any type of work.
  5. Ennobling appearance your balcony, you achieve several goals: purchase new functional furniture, expand your living space, eliminate the source of clutter in your apartment, and introduce creative solutions into your life!

Will your balcony be covered with wood-like slabs or will you paint the brick wall and cabinet doors brick red, will you stick to a general white or sandy background interspersed with greenery and green spaces, will you make it the leader in aesthetics metal constructions and add high-tech minimalism to the style, your decisions will be justified if you bring your plans to consistent successful implementation!

A whole lot of items and necessary things are most often stored on the balcony. In order to make the most optimal use of space, it is worth installing a closet on the balcony.

This solution will help to use the space practically and will free you from unnecessary workload.

In order to figure out how to choose the right cabinet, read the selection criteria and recommendations.

Criterias of choice

They are essential when purchasing, because not every model is suitable in size or service life. So, important selection criteria.


At small balcony, the cabinet should be selected in accordance with this. Measure the height and width in advance so as not to make a mistake. Thanks to timely measurements, you will save yourself not only time, nerves, but also money.

Consider protruding window sills. This will help you competently approach the issue of installing and placing the cabinet. Just a few millimeters can play a cruel joke on you.

A corner wardrobe for a balcony is an excellent option for placing a wardrobe in the corner. Thus, it will take up part of the space and compactly fit all the necessary items.

Term of use

The temperature regime of the balcony is different from that of the apartment. Therefore, due to weather changes, furniture suffers. Therefore, it is so important to take this fact into account when choosing.

Depending on your location, the weather, what is typical for the region, choose a built-in wardrobe for the balcony that will withstand changes and instability temperature regime. The material must tolerate moisture well.


Suitable for manufacturing wooden materials, MDF, chipboard. These are quite popular materials in the manufacture of furniture.

Before purchasing, pay attention to the properties of the material, its resistance to high moisture and low temperatures.

Note! A correctly selected item, as can be seen in the photo of the balcony cabinet, will not only become a place for compact and functional arrangement of things, but will also decorate the space and become interesting decoration interior

DIY wardrobe

If you have ever thought about how to make a wardrobe on the balcony, then you should familiarize yourself with the following points.

If you have the required amount of material and basic skills, you can easily do it yourself without the help of specialists.

It is also worth saying that by purchasing separate materials to make a beautiful cabinet for the balcony, you will significantly save money.

Think over a sketch of future furniture in advance. Consider the dimensions and weight that will fall on the cabinet.

Selecting all necessary materials and tools, proceed to assembly. For this process you will need nails or screws.

The first option is quite convenient when disassembling the structure, accessible to everyone. The second one is more aesthetically pleasing, but its use requires special tools.

If it's not difficult for you to create a drawing and then do a good job, then you can certainly do it.

If you are doing this for the first time, it is better to ask for help, or still buy a ready-made cabinet for the balcony.

The positive side of choice

There are several positive aspects cabinet selection:

  • you will save space. After all, the design of the cabinet itself implies compact placement of many items for comfortable use;
  • low price, it all depends on the model you choose, or independent execution products;
  • Suitable for absolutely everyone, because you can make a custom-made wardrobe for your balcony. This choice is suitable for those who want to add their own flavor to the furniture and complement it;
  • from the aesthetic side, a correctly selected combination of colors and appearance will decorate your interior.


It is also worth talking about the disadvantages of choice:

  • difficult location. You need to calculate the dimensions, height, width in advance to be able to fit the cabinet on the balcony;
  • you need to consider the material’s ability to withstand high or low temperatures, the presence of high moisture and resistance to heavy loads.


For the right choice cabinet, it is worth considering its dimensions and criteria such as moisture resistance and resistance to temperature changes. You don’t have to buy it, you can make a piece of furniture yourself.

A cabinet selected according to all criteria will serve you for a long time without creating unnecessary inconvenience.

Photos of cabinets for balconies