To make it cozy. Use only environmentally friendly materials. Organization of a cozy nursery

What do you associate with the word comfort? Probably, for some part of people, these are memories of grandma’s house in the village, filled with the aromas of freshly baked bread and pies, where everything was sweet and pleasant.

Some people cannot imagine a house without cleanliness, and only a clean house is considered cozy and conducive to life for them. For some, comfort is certainly associated with good lighting, large windows, opening which you can come into contact with the surrounding nature.

For the fourth it is modern layout and the currently fashionable style of minimalism, a combination of certain colors. But some people like “chaos of things,” and only in such an interior do these people feel comfortable; “sterile cleanliness” and neatly laid out things make them sad.

Whatever category you belong to, today's article is intended for those who want to create cozy interior your home, but doesn’t quite understand where to start and what principles to follow.

How to make your home more comfortable?

In creating the interior, the house itself plays an important role, its appearance, the materials from which it is made, the dimensions of the rooms. If you inherited a small wooden house in the village, then a high-tech interior will be completely out of place in it.

Country style is more suitable here, where you can preserve some of the old things by repairing, updating or restoring them. Wooden furniture can be sanded and painted desired color, reupholster sofas and armchairs.

It's not only practical solution, but also beautiful, especially if the house is a country house. Relaxing in a country-style house is much more pleasant than in modern interior, which overflows our apartments, offices, and various centers.

Formerly wooden village houses built on a small scale. As a rule, they were divided into several small rooms by partitions (often not reaching the ceilings).

To fill your home with light and air, dismantle all partitions, redesign the space into the most convenient and comfortable rooms, combining the kitchen, dining room and living room, and create a sleeping area.

After all, a large living room is conducive to spending time together as a family and communicating between different generations. Where, if not at the dacha, can you gather big family, arrange a holiday and discuss pressing problems, ask for advice in a casual conversation.

Small windows are another problem with old houses, but it can be solved quite simply. Expand window openings in wooden house easily, by installing larger windows without frames, you will fill the house with light and fresh air.

If the premises are still small size, then some design techniques will help make them visually wider and higher. Light walls and the ceiling visually expand the space, wallpaper with vertical stripes will “raise” the ceiling, and wallpaper with horizontal stripes will “expand” the walls. But the striped wallpaper is too bright small room can harm him, use them fragmentarily, combining them with plain wallpaper companions.

Painted wooden walls light colors will give a country style interior a special charm. But if abundance natural wood If you don’t enjoy it, then perhaps you will be interested in the Provence style.

The interior in this style is light and natural, it is characterized by light shades, floral motifs. Provence style is appropriate in a country house. In addition, it is not at all difficult to fill the interior with furniture. Can be applied old furniture, having worked with her a little.

If you inherited from your grandmother products of her creativity (Cutwork tablecloths, crocheted napkins, valances, etc.), which cannot be used in a city apartment, and these products are dear to your heart, you can safely use them in the design of a Provencal interior.

The interior in the shabby chic style is interesting from a design point of view.

Artificially aged walls, antique furniture, pastel shades- its constituent parts. Many small items: various figurines in the form of birds and roses, preferably with chips and cracks, an abundance of pillows, blankets decorated with lace, create a cozy interior.

There will also be framed vintage photos of your beloved relatives. Modern photos can be aged using a photo editor and printed. An integral part of a shabby chic interior is an antique rocking chair. Interior items such as Appliances and electronics must be camouflaged.

As you can see, you can create comfort in your home with small means, showing ingenuity, creativity and resourcefulness.

Beautiful furniture - a cozy home

I would like to dwell a little more on the topic of furniture. It is no secret that a country house that serves as a summer cottage is rarely used year-round. Most often this is a place to relax on weekends and summer days. For this reason, not everyone buys for furnishing country interior new furniture.

It happens that after renovating a city apartment, some of the furniture is transported to the country house. To ensure that the dacha does not remind you of an apartment before renovation and does not turn into a warehouse of unnecessary things, modify the old furniture and bring it to the chosen style.

Our rest largely depends on the visual perception of surrounding objects. Try giving old things new life. The secrets of transforming old things can be gleaned from the Internet. Many craftsmen and designers are happy to share their experiences with readers.

Old window frame can act in a new role, for example, become a mirror, a floor lamp made from a street lamp will find a place in your living room. Build an ottoman from an old Soviet folding bed. Grandma's foot not working sewing machine can turn into original dressing table or a desk, and old suitcases will make a great chest of drawers.

You can even make interior items.

A construction reel for winding cables can be changed beyond recognition, turning it into an original table. Sometimes it is enough to simply repaint the furniture in a new color and replace the fittings to radically change its appearance.

To remove the old layer of paint, use special chemicals for these purposes. Wooden surfaces must be cleaned with fine sandpaper or a sander. You can also apply different kinds decoration – decoupage, artificial aging of furniture and interior items.

Textiles in the interior

Helps make your home more comfortable right choice textiles Harmonious combination of all fabrics in the interior (upholstery, sofa cushions, curtains, tablecloth, carpet, etc.) will make the interior cozy and conducive to rest and work.

Sometimes it’s worth changing the curtains and sewing new covers for the sofa cushions, and the interior will radically change and transform.

In the interior country house you can arrange or hang items of your own creativity (embroidery, tapestries, photo frames, boxes, wicker baskets, decorated vases, etc.)

Take advantage of our advice and show interest in your country house and start creative alterations. Let your dacha resemble a cozy corner, and not a pile of old and, at first glance, completely unnecessary items. Beauty created with your own hands is doubly pleasant.

What means cozy home? This is when it is nice and warm. You always want to come to such a house and never want to leave. As a child, when the concept of comfort did not yet exist for me, such houses were akin to magic, I so wanted to stay there! And when I came home from the guests, I, with childish spontaneity, tried to improve something at home.


Flowers immediately make the room more comfortable, give rest to the eyes and purify the air. These can be pots on the windows, hanging flowers on the walls, shelves, cabinets, or special floor stands. You can choose something unpretentious and not requiring direct sunlight, or something capricious, but blooming beautifully, if you are not afraid of difficulties in care.

And how many decoration ideas can you find on the Internet now? flower pots do it yourself or buy something ready-made at a flower shop. So that your green corner is simply a work of art, and not just a boring flower in an ordinary standard pot.

Just remember that a little of a good thing comes in hand. There is no need to turn your house into a jungle, block the approaches to the windows or severely limit the room for maneuvers of household members with flower stands. And the decor, of course, should be tastefully chosen and match your interior.

Paintings and photographs

I do not like empty walls. The walls of your home should reflect the history of the family living in it, delight the eye with landscapes and places with which something is connected. These can be paintings or reproductions of famous works, just big pictures, paintings, cross-stitched or beaded, everything that will tell about you and your interests.

Now you can easily choose frames to match your interior or order baguettes if you need a non-standard size. You can find it online ready-made diagrams how to best arrange groups of photos different sizes on the wall. Framed photographs can be placed on desk, shelves on the wall or furniture cabinet.

Light in the interior

To make your home more comfortable, use spotlights. Floor lamps, sconces, soffits, and LEDs will help create a warmer atmosphere at home. Beautiful chandelier can be lit for gala dinners, soft spot light for a quiet family evening with a book in an armchair by the floor lamp or a romantic candlelit dinner with your loved one. Use light to create the atmosphere of your evening. Think about how you can use spotlights or LEDs to enhance your interior and make it unusual.

Fabrics in the interior

Be careful when choosing textiles for your home; you need the color to suit you and the colors of the curtains, upholstery, bedspreads, and carpets to be combined with each other, creating a single ensemble. Often, changing curtains and bedspreads, new upholstery for furniture is the most inexpensive way update your interior if you cannot afford to make repairs and change furniture.

Ready-made solutions for combinations of colors, patterns and textures can be found on the Internet and then the new kind your room will look like a picture from a glossy catalogue. Win-win options for using the same fabric for curtains and tablecloths in the kitchen, curtains, bedspreads and furniture covers in the bedroom or living room.


What else creates such comfort as dear trinkets? Souvenirs received as gifts from loved ones, purchased while traveling, collections of figurines collected over the years. All these little things also tell about your tastes and interests.

If you have a lot of souvenirs, do not display everything at once, as in a store, leave some in “storage” and periodically change the collection. It’s better to give souvenirs that you don’t like or don’t fit with the interior to someone else (or accidentally break them). Our home should be filled only with our favorite things. Give your souvenirs a special shelf, light it there so that their appearance will delight you in the evenings.


What makes our home so alive and dear if not our smaller brothers? A cat sleeping peacefully on the sofa, a cheerfully chirping parrot, the soothing swimming of fish in an aquarium.

A beautifully illuminated aquarium with unusual grottoes for fish and plants can become a real decoration for your home. Cats and dogs help us relieve the stress of the past day. All your pets’ living and household items can be correctly integrated into the interior so that they do not stand out and create a single whole with the house.

For cat lovers there are some tips on keeping them.

So what is a cozy home? This is not a European-quality renovation, not some rules for interior design, selection of furniture, etc. A room from a designer catalog may be beautiful, but lifeless. Comfort is just a feeling, a state, it can only be created by investing yourself in your home, investing your soul, creativity, time, thinking through everything to the smallest detail, so that, first of all, your home pleases you, pleases you and your family, reflects your inner world. Everyone will have their own cozy home, because we are all different. I would like to wish everyone not to be lazy and constantly change, improve, and equip something in their home. Let the comfort of your home make you happy every day

Read my other posts:

If you do not have the financial ability to invite a professional designer, you can completely cope on your own. Read this article for ideas for creating coziness and comfort. 7 cool tips with photos!

Every person at heart is soft, fluffy and prone to comfort. A few deliberately prefer extreme sports and living in spartan conditions. Some tend to categorically not notice the disadvantages of living conditions, either hoping for “maybe” or due to natural laziness. Moreover, this trait of indifference to comfort is inherent in both bachelors and single women, and if a married couple completely ignores the establishment of order, comfort and improvement of the place where they live together, this is hardly a good sign for.

"My home is my castle!". If in our early youth we are guided by the standards that our parents instilled in us while we were raised in a family atmosphere, then with the acquisition of our own personal life experience, most likely we will want create your own, comfortable style of living just for you.

And this is simply wonderful, because in adult life everything depends only on us! What kind of man should be next to you, how to eat right, what kind of clothes do you like, should you get additional education how to earn decent money? There are a lot of questions, and, of course, one of the most important ones remains the question “How to arrange your place of residence in your individual style?” And preferably cheaper!

How to create comfort in an apartment with your own hands? 7 ideas for comfort

1. Segmentation

  • Divide the areas of the apartment into segments based on their functions. Each corner of the interior will have its own design solutions. Fight for every centimeter of free space, try to make it as functional as possible. and apartment projects provide a lot of examples of how to beautifully place everything you need for comfort in a small space.
  • Corner sofas, built-in wardrobes, shelves for small items made of wood, plastic or thick canvas, mobile bedside tables and coffee tables. All these “tricks” are designed to visually increase the space in the apartment and make your life easier, making it as comfortable as possible. For example, For narrow corridor you can hang a backlit mirror opposite the entrance, thereby visually enlarging the space.
  • It is advisable to purchase an extendable table for the kitchen, compact for everyday use. On special occasions it can be unfolded and guests can be received. Advice: When buying a table, pay attention to its dimensions. When folded, it should fit freely into the doorway. Otherwise, to move it to the hall you will have to disassemble it each time.
  • Prepare a draft change, and then be sure to discuss the details with family members. Most likely, family members will accept them loyally, especially if their direct participation in the processes of interior transformation is minimal. So, investing a couple of hundred is nothing compared to the result!

2. Color scheme for walls and floors

  • If in your cute little apartment the walls and floors are of a terrible, caustic, nasty color (the legacy of former owners or landlords), these relics of the past will have to be changed. After all, you need comfort and a favorable, cozy home atmosphere.
  • Place some nice natural rugs on the floor. If you live in a rented apartment and don’t have the finances for major repairs, buy them at a second-hand store.
  • To refresh wall color, they need to be repainted or the wallpaper re-glued. For example, The walls of one room look very modern, different in texture and color. Photo wallpapers, which are back in fashion, also look stylish! Choose interior improvement materials on sale to save money.
  • Even if you plan to expand your living space in the future, or your housing is temporary, You should like the color of the walls and floors every day.

3. Curtains, curtains, textiles

4. Lighting

  • Have you noticed that the lack of bright light has a depressing effect on your mood? Faded, dim light not only does not decorate the interior of any apartment, but is also extremely harmful to the eyes. Light sources in the apartment modern man there should be several, and at different levels.
  • In the living room this is overhead lighting(necessarily bright, with the ability to adjust it), side (sconce, floor lamp, lamp near the sofa for reading), as well as convenient mobile lamps for a computer or laptop.
  • In the bedroom, take care of light sources located at arm's length. You will need built-in lights or desk lamp. A bedroom is a place for two, sometimes you need light, sometimes it’s advisable to dim it - intimate life makes its own adjustments! Of course, you also need built-in overhead lighting.
  • For the kitchen, additional lighting above the work surface is desirable. Also, choose a stove hood with lighting (an additional lighting source will come in handy!), and if you order custom-designed furniture, be sure to include built-in lighting fixtures work surface kitchen table.
  • Additional light in the place where the dishwasher is installed, You'll definitely like it, it's convenient and practical! The difference in price will be small, but Any housewife will appreciate the benefits of an additional light source in the kitchen!

5. Pleasant smell

  • The aroma of your home cannot be compared with anything! Each house has its own unique smell. An outsider will never understand how, in the absence of pronounced aromas, a person who loves his home will unmistakably identify his own, familiar territory. On a subconscious level, we always know what feels good to us. Based on these deep sensations, create smells in your home space.
  • Of course, the basic smell is cleanliness. Everything else goes well with it - mint, citrus aroma, with notes of patchouli or bergamot, aroma candles, sticks, lamps and with a variety of scents, depending on your mood.
  • To create coziness in your apartment, use all the fragrant accessories! Fabric softener, air freshener, fragrant herbal pads on shelves for things - all products are good!

6. Natural interior items

  • We want to relax in our apartment, relax, eat delicious food, communicate with your loved ones and be yourself. Feel naturalness, harmony and comfort. This is exactly why household items are made from natural materials. Start a set pottery, wooden spatulas and cutting boards for kitchen. Buy coasters made of juniper, pine or other aromatic woods. When you put a boiling kettle or a hot frying pan on such a board, the aroma is wonderful!
  • Vine and bamboo are especially important for creating coziness.. This could be a table, a rocking chair or a laundry basket. Apparently, the vine and bamboo make us happy somewhere on a subconscious level. Just a panel on the wall, a woven decorative napkin, a key holder in the hallway, a napkin holder in the kitchen. Any piece of furniture, interior or small parts household items made from bamboo and wicker are pleasing to the eye and add coziness in general.
  • What else do I recommend to create a cozy homely atmosphere in your apartment? Of course, flowers! A few are enough ornamental plants, unpretentious and small in size. Violets, geraniums, daffodils - when they bloom, the eye can't get enough of it! Cacti require practically no care at all, and a composition of them will perfectly decorate a simple computer desk!
  • Excellent for “revitalizing” the interior flower compositions made with your own hands. For example, In the spring, it’s good to pick a few branches with buds (apricot, cherry, apple tree), put them in water and enjoy when they bloom! Don't wait for flowers to be given to you! Bouquets for special occasions, of course, let your man buy, but for creating an easy a pleasant homely atmosphere of comfort - buy fresh flowers yourself.

7. Cute little things

  • Every person has favorite items. Some come from childhood, others are associated with joyful, trembling events in our lives. In our business creation home comfort these things must be present. Soft funny toys, framed photographs of the family, an oil painting - a gift from friends, refrigerator magnets from travels around different countries– all this will give your home a unique charm.
  • Select several hanging shelves in your interior and place your “treasures”. Believe me, positive emotions associated with souvenirs dear to your heart will fill your apartment with pleasant energy and joy.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in creating home comfort. Even if you have enough, it is quite possible to bring beauty to your apartment. The main thing is to set a goal and carefully think through all the nuances.

Changes in the interior design of an apartment can be done step by step, gradually. Don't frighten your loved ones with sudden big changes. A wise woman is always a little cunning for the good of the family!

When decorating your home, it can be difficult to find the right balance between functionality, comfort and style. No matter how much money we spend on decent furniture, the rooms are always missing something and end up looking nothing like ideal apartments that we see in magazines.

Sometimes the situation can be solved with the help of small tricks that take only a few minutes of your time and do not require any money. Read following tips to find out how you can make your home more stylish and cozy with minimal effort.

1. Take care of the front door

We should not forget about front door, even if you live in apartment building, since it is she who creates the first impression of your home. Take care of her the same way you would interior doors. Add a few pots of flowers, hang a seasonal wreath or decorations, update your license plate, or paint your door a bright color.

2. Arrange objects according to the rule of threes

As in many fields and disciplines, the rule of three is actively used in decoration and styling. A trio of pieces looks more visually appealing and more balanced, especially when it comes to size, height and materials.

Start small and decorate small corner in your living room or table. For example, place a vase of flowers, a basket of books and a clock. You will see how cute and cozy this composition looks. But do not oversaturate the room with such decorative details, otherwise the effect will be read incorrectly.

3. Lay out carpets in several layers

Place a small, thick rug on top of a larger, more neutral rug. This is also a great way to test how you feel about bold experiments in the interior, and such a design move will make the room more comfortable and stylish. Thanks to this tip, you can divide the space into zones or emphasize the necessary places.

4. Arrange books in alternative ways

A vertical or slightly tilted stack of books is the norm for classic interior. Alternative placement speaks of boldness and modern style. Try alternating shelves, arranging books either vertically or horizontally. Horizontal lines will break up the pattern of vertical lines and attract attention. You can place additional items on book shelves. Just make sure the order is random, as a rigid layout is very noticeable.

5. Display things that have a story to tell.

This advice is a little more complicated than it sounds, because not every person wants to show off objects dear to their hearts and realize that no one else is impressed with them except themselves.

To grab people's attention, your favorite items need to stand out. environment and immediately catch your eye. Don't forget that you don't have to cross an ocean to find something worth telling others about. As long as you have a cherished memory associated with the item, you can captivate your guest with this topic.

6. Make a cute thing out of an old bottle

The next time you have a beautiful bottle of alcohol, milk or perfume, don’t hesitate to throw it away. Save it and use it as a container for liquid soap or a vase. Alternatively, fill it with beads and tie a bow with twine. But first, soak the bottle in warm, soapy water until all the labels come off easily. The transparent vessel looks very stylish and futuristic.

7. Dust frequently

Nothing kills style like dust. You may have been cleaning just yesterday, but the dust will quickly find its way back. Take a closer look and find the surfaces where it is most noticeable in daylight, and be sure to wipe these areas between “general cleanings”. This way, you can enjoy clean air and not worry when unexpected guests arrive.

8. Arrange flowers in random order

When you receive bouquets, place them somewhere in the corner of the room, and never in a central place. Bonus points if they are wildflowers or garden flowers. Random placement makes it feel like the flowers are an integral part of your home and you're not trying to show off or impress others.

9. Move furniture between rooms

We are used to moving things around within one enclosed space, and it is not natural to move furniture from room to room. In fact, things may look much better in the new space, or serve more functionality. When you don't have the time or budget to buy new home decor, the most... quick way refreshing any room in your home means rearranging the furniture.

10. Keep white towels in the bathroom

It's a personal choice, but White color towels give a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. Plus, having more than one towel in your bathroom adds casual hospitality and attention to detail.

11. Always keep several books on the coffee table

Books instantly add style and provide entertainment for guests. Be sure to include your favorite book and several works of different genres. You can put just books or mix them with magazines and photos. This is the perfect place to apply the rule of threes and combine books with decorative elements and small objects.

12. Serve water in a jug

Whether you drink tap or bottled water, store it in a jug. There's nothing cuter than putting it on the table during lunch with your family or dinner with guests. If it's a clear jug, you can add cucumber or lemon slices to the water.

Leave the pitcher on your bedside table to both humidify the air and add some style points.

13. Paint some items to match the walls or trim.

Most often, things in an apartment do not fit well with each other due to different styles, colors and finishes. Paint some furniture the same color as the walls, or choose curtains/rug/cushions to match exactly. This will create a certain unity of space. Such items should be scattered throughout the room, not too close to each other. There is no need to repaint everything - even a small dose will help create harmonious composition.

14. Keep napkins on the table even if you're not eating.

This may seem counterintuitive, but it actually creates the illusion of a clean home and order in the family (especially if you have children). Napkins are also a great way to add color and pattern to your kitchen interior. They can be inexpensive, plastic, rubber or paper. You can also make napkins with my own hands by cutting the fabric into small squares. The main thing is to take into account color scheme.

15. Decorate your home with variations of the same element

Choose one type of product that you have enough of. For example, fruits, and what brighter color, all the better. You can also use some kind of vegetable or simple elements that are found in nature, such as stones or wood.

Place them in a vase or bowl and place them in a visible place, but not in the center. The goal is to attract attention, so the vase should be of simple shape and ordinary material.

16. Group candles

Gather all the candles you have and place them in small groups throughout your apartment. The living room is the first place. Lighting candles in groups is much more effective than lighting them individually as they provide more light, which is ideal for an evening with guests.

When purchasing candles, avoid fussy designs and scents. The best ones are classic white candles, which are ideal for grouping.

17. Add indoor plants

Plants not only bring freshness and color to a room, but are also an important decorative element. Place them near large pieces of furniture or use them to fill empty corners. Small plants can be mixed in a composition, following the rule of three.

18. Remove some accessories

If you're a fan of small knick-knacks, decorative items, artwork, rugs, and pillows, your home most likely resembles a folk art museum. Minimalism in a home interior looks much better than an abundance of unnecessary things. Try removing some accessories, replacing them, adding something else until you are happy with the result. It is best to decorate the house with one type of decorative items. It looks stylish and cozy.

19. Keep a small blanket on the couch

Not only does a lightweight blanket feel cozy, it can add texture and color to a fairly flat or neutral room. If you want to add just one colorful touch, make sure that the blanket is not neatly folded, but casually thrown over the back.

20. Place baskets around the house

A basket is a lifeline when you need to clear away clutter before guests arrive or move things from room to room. They seem much more expensive and exotic than they actually are. Baskets can come in different sizes and shapes, but they should be made from the same material or have a common color so as not to create too much chaos. They can be a completely unique and loud splash in a neutral space in your room. If the interior of your home is made in light colors, choose baskets of darker shades, and vice versa.

21. Store food in containers

This The best way organize space in your kitchen and add a stylish touch to the interior. Store grains, spices, cookies and other foods in containers. Glass containers look beautiful, but they can be expensive. Use inexpensive options. The point is not to have the whole set. The key is to keep the containers the same material and color to create a clean, organized look in your kitchen or pantry.

22. Hang things on the walls

Many people avoid decorating their walls because they don't have enough money for expensive pieces of art. But you don't need fancy paintings because anything can be art as long as it evokes feelings in you. Hang magazine pages, photographs, or your own drawings in a chaotic manner to add dynamics to the wall. From time to time, change the images to update the interior a little.

23. Show off your hobby

Don't be shy about showing your hobby openly. Firstly, it will be a topic for interesting discussions. Secondly, you can hang the results of your labor on the walls, or randomly place them on shelves or simply leave them on the floor. This is guaranteed to add uniqueness to your home.

24. Use unwanted items in unexpected ways

Be it a fireplace, an old piano, large furniture, appliances, empty corners... Place books, vases, plants there, and unnecessary objects will instantly turn into stylish elements interior

25. Let your home reflect your personality.

Majority stylish houses decorated with photographs of their residents. But real-life houses, where interesting personalities live, are filled with things that the owners like. Musical instruments, books, old cassette tapes... After all, the simplest and reliable way Making your home more stylish means adding more information about who you are and what you like.

Take the time and turn your home not only stylish, but also your favorite place on Earth!

1. Get rid of unnecessary things

Your home is not a warehouse or a lost and found office, so it’s time to finally clear out the closets and throw away all the accumulated trash in the name of comfort.

Sort out your clothes: hopelessly damaged and downright old items belong in the trash bin, and those that look decent, but just don’t like, you can try to sell on online flea markets. Organize your cosmetics drawers and household chemicals. Everything is ruined, it’s not worth using.

Same story with household appliances. A constantly overheating mixer, an iron with a frayed cord wrapped with electrical tape - these seem like small things, but with frequent use, even small flaws begin to irritate.

At this stage, your goal is to get rid of everything that bothers you or gets on your nerves. Home is a place where we relax from worries and worries, so at least let nothing infuriate us here.

2. Add unusual details to the interior

A sterilely clean apartment, where everything is literally on a ruler, is not a place to live. Small details will help you get rid of the feeling that you are in a hotel room.

Photos, paintings, an unusual tapestry or a napkin knitted by your own hands - such little things add individuality. Your home is a reflection of your interests and tastes, so don't be shy in expressing yourself.

The only thing to remember is functionality first. For example, a long-pile rug may look nice next to the sofa, but you will regret the purchase a thousand times over when you clean it. The same story with the abundance of figurines on the shelves - first you need to remove them, then wipe off the dust, then put everything in its place... Try to find reasonable compromise in the choice between beauty and convenience.

3. Keep it clean

In order not to spend the entire weekend cleaning, break it down into stages - it’s easier than trying to cope with what has accumulated over the week in a day.

Here is a rough plan for daily activities. You can add other tasks and change the order in which they are completed. The point is that keeping clean is an ongoing process, not a once-every-two-week feat.

  • Monday: Clean the bathroom and do laundry.
  • Tuesday: Iron the washed items.
  • Wednesday: Dust.
  • Thursday: Vacuum the floor.
  • Friday: Wash the stove and get rid of any leftover food in the refrigerator.

That's it, by the end of the week your house is clean. All that remains is the little things like changing the bed linen and washing the clothes you plan to wear next week. It is better to wash clothes on Saturday, so that on Sunday you can iron them and hang them in the closet. Change your bed linen on Sunday and start the wash on Monday.

4. Make cleaning as easy as possible

The less effort required to put things in order, the better. Stock up on the right equipment: even with it spring-cleaning it won't be a burden.

Wiping off dust with microfiber cloths is much faster and more effective than using old T-shirts or a piece of used duvet cover. If you wash the floor with water containing special means, you can wipe off the dirt without much effort the first time.

Hate sweeping floors? Buy a good vacuum cleaner and be done with it.

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The conditions are simple: