Water from a well or borehole, which is better? What is better: a well or a well: tips for choosing and differences. Wells and their varieties

IN apartment buildings water supply is carried out using centralized system, but the owners of a country house or dacha have to resolve the issue on our own, and the choice here is small - a well or a well. What is the difference between these two systems, and what are their pros and cons?

Water for drinking, household use and watering is taken from the ground, but not everyone knows at what depth it lies and what its properties are. All aquifers can be divided into:

  1. Verkhovodka

Verkhodka is the uppermost layer, which consists of precipitation, which is why its level and fullness directly depends on the weather - during the rainy season there is plenty of water, but during drought it simply disappears. In addition, this horizon collects the most polluted water, which has absorbed fertilizers, chemical substances and waste decomposition products, it is not recommended to drink it, it is only suitable for watering.

  1. Groundwater

Groundwater - an aquifer located between two waterproof layers, contains purified, filtered water, its depth ranges from 10 to 40 meters.

  1. Artesian waters

Artesian waters are deep layers of water-saturated soils, which, due to the pressure of overlying rocks, are under pressure and can gush out when drilled. The water in them is reliably protected from contamination by layers of soil, which makes it ideal for drinking. But such horizons lie at a depth of more than 40 meters, which complicates drilling.

Types of structures

To obtain water, you can use the following structures:


Well - made mainly of ready-made concrete rings connected to each other by sealed rubber gaskets. There are two ways to make a well. In the first, a small hole is dug into which three rings are laid one on top of the other, after which a person climbs into the middle and begins to gradually dig up the soil from under the lower edges so that the structure gradually lowers, thus, several more rings are laid on top to obtain enough water depth.

The second option involves digging a large pit into which a structure of the desired depth is immediately placed, and the remaining space is filled with crushed stone or other filter materials.

Needle or well Abyssinian well

Needle or well Abyssinian well is a shallow thin well, its depth does not exceed 12 meters. The design received its name “needle” due to an unusual construction method - the hole for the well is made using a thin pipe with a needle-sharp end. The water in it is protected from high water and debris, but a pump is required for use. A similar design can be made indoors - a barn, a cellar.

Sand well

Sandy well - performed on sandy soils, has a depth of up to 30 meters, which reduces the cost of drilling, but the service life does not exceed 10-15 years even with ideal care.

Artesian well

The artesian well has a depth of more than 30 meters, which increases the price of its production, but the water in it is clean and always available, and creating a structure for 2-3 neighboring dachas will help reduce costs.

Well or well: comparison by parameters

To objectively evaluate the pros and cons of these structures and determine whether a well or a well is more suitable for use, it is worth considering their features according to several criteria:


It differs little, since accounting is carried out per linear meter of the structure, although an artesian well will be much more expensive.

Time to make

In general, few people care about this factor, but sometimes it is simply necessary to urgently supply water to a site, and then it is better to choose a well, because the labor costs when creating a well and a well are disproportionate. For example, to create a well 10 meters deep you will need at least 5 days of painstaking work, while a well of similar depth can be drilled in just a few hours.

Preparatory stage

Before building a well, you should conduct a thorough hydrogeological survey, study maps and determine the optimal location, because if you don’t know, you can end up on a sandy, rocky or swampy layer, and then it will be impossible to dig a hole without the use of special equipment. In the case of a well, everything is much simpler - for different soils Different drills and drilling rigs are used.

Soil and climate type

Soil type - a well can be dug only in relatively soft soils - clay, loam, sandy loam, but if crystalline rocks are found in the thickness, then making a well becomes impossible. But a well can be drilled in any rock, they just use harder drills and reinforced installations. Yes, and in a sandy area there will be problems with a well - this type of soil floats, it is difficult to dig and go deeper, but drilling does not cause problems.

Climate type - in temperate climate with normal moisture there is no difference whether you drill a well or a well - there will be water both there and there. But in arid areas, water can leave the well, drying up, but in the well it will, at least little by little, collect large area, accumulating in quantities sufficient for the needs of residents. Therefore, in areas with a dry climate, a well is much better.

Constant availability of water

In this case, none of the designs can be better - it is a matter of luck. Water can remain in this horizon for centuries, or it can leave in a month due to a well drilled nearby, construction, or soil shifts.

Siltation and care

Both wells and boreholes become clogged, they are cleaned in approximately the same way - using a machine with a powerful pump, it pumps out dirty water and pumps in a clean one until the source is completely cleansed. In the case of a well, the cleaning process can be carried out independently by scooping up the water with buckets, replacing the filter layer of crushed stone and sand, then you can save on ordering equipment. But if you can’t do the procedure yourself, then hiring a person to do this work will be many times more expensive than using a pump.

Care - the well must be carefully monitored, the filter layer must be cleaned, disinfected twice a year, the walls must be cleaned and washed, which takes a lot of time and effort. But otherwise, it may silt up, the water will lose quality or disappear altogether. In contrast, a well with a filter may not be touched at all for many years.


Both designs can operate in either manual or automatic mode. Let's look at it separately. You can get water from a well in the old fashioned way - tie a bucket to a chain of sufficient length, lower the container on it to the bottom, collect water and pull it up using a rotating shaft, then pour the water into another container and repeat the process again. Or you can drill a hole in the well rings and insert a pipe there to connect submersible pump or pumping station, creating a system for automatically supplying water upstairs, and, if desired, to any point in the house and yard.

The well can be used in manual mode using a hand-held device - such devices Soviet times were installed in all cities. It is enough just to press the lever with a little effort - and water will flow from the tap; the pumping speed is many times greater than when removing a bucket from a well. And in automatic mode, it is enough to connect a pump or station to the well hole to quickly supply water to the kitchen, bath at home, or for watering the garden. So in this regard, there is no doubt better well.


It is simply impossible to build a well on the territory of the house; it must be placed in free space. But you can drill a well and later build a garage, cellar, shed or utility corners of the house on top, which allows you to always have water at hand and not think about the need to insulate the structure. And the delivery of water to the required areas of the building is greatly facilitated; the need for an insulated trench disappears by itself.

On the other hand, a well can be dug in any corner of the site, and for drilling it is necessary to install equipment measuring 6 by 6 meters above the future well, which is sometimes simply impossible due to the built-up area.

If the well has a depth of less than 4-5 meters, then there can be no talk about the purity of the water - this is a continuous high water into which all the filth from the neighbors' drainage pits will flow, because they are only slightly shallower. But even if the depth is quite decent, this is not a guarantee of safety from the penetration of harmful substances from the soil surface. After all, water from the high water moves to the sides and, meeting the structure, involuntarily seeps down the walls, getting into the underlying layers, and if, in addition, the well was dug using pit technology and surrounded by crushed stone, then this significantly increases the chances of contamination.

And do not forget about the possibility of external debris entering through the top hole of the container - leaves, fruits and even animals can fall into the well if you do not constantly cover the structure with a lid. The well is completely protected from debris, and it is not afraid of high water - its small diameter is not an obstacle to the movement of surface water, so this option is again better for a country house.

By the way, according to sanitary standards, the quality of water must be checked regularly, regardless of the initial indicators, because the aquifer changes its properties, and various impurities and pollutants can penetrate into it. Therefore, the water in a country house well should be checked every three months, and in a well - only once a year.

Fillability and service life

With significant water consumption, the well may become empty, because its filling rarely exceeds 200 liters per hour, which is not enough for a full-fledged stay big family and watering the garden. A new replenishment will take a good couple of hours, but in a deep well, especially an artesian one, there is always water, regardless of its use.

With proper construction, a well can last at most 20-30 years, and a high-quality well can last for more than half a century, which means that for a carefree future it is better to choose it when arranging a summer house or private house.

A well can be used without electricity using a good old bucket; water can be obtained from a well using hand-held devices, but this only applies to shallow structures. But an artesian well without electricity is simply useless, there is only one way left - to purchase the simplest generator for lighting the house and water supply, but this is an extra expense.

Having weighed all the described pros and cons, each owner of a private home must decide for himself which version of the device he needs. Both the well and the borehole have their undeniable advantages, but to summarize, a well is simpler, cheaper, more convenient and easier to maintain for water supply to a home, but on a site in arid regions you should definitely dig a traditional well - only it can guarantee the constant availability of water.

The desire to acquire their own source of water for many owners of suburban areas is quite logical and natural. The only stumbling block in resolving this issue is determining what is better - a well or a well?

Builders who provide well-digging services are ready to present a sea of ​​arguments, confirming that the well is an ingenious invention that will serve well for five decades. The masters who specialize in drilling wells convince us that the well is the best option hydraulic structure.

Each of these two methods of water extraction has its pros and cons, the main ones of which we will consider in the article.

The well is a hydraulic structure in the form of a vertically dug cavity up to 30 meters deep and a shaft diameter of over 70 centimeters, the walls of which are reinforced with reinforced concrete rings.

In the ground layers there are several aquifers located at different depths. The upper one, referred to as the perched water, is located 2-3 meters from the surface. Its water is quite turbid and dirty, as it is fed by drainage and storm water that penetrates the soil and man-made sediments.

Water extracted from this layer is used to water plants. Groundwater lies slightly deeper in sandy aquifers. Water is obtained from them when constructing a drinking well.

The main difference between a mine well and a well is depth: if a well buried 30 meters into the ground is considered deep, then for a well this is rather the minimum mark

There can be several aquifers in the ground, and they alternate with impermeable layers. To extract water from the first and second sandy horizons, Abyssinian wells are built - small-diameter wells, which during installation are not drilled, but pierce the soil layers with an inch rod, like a needle.

A well is considered to be a specially equipped vertical channel equipped with pipes with a diameter of up to 110 mm, which is intended for the extraction of drinking water from an interstratal aquifer.

At a depth of 200 meters and below there are limestone layers called artesian. They contain larger reserves of water than the same sand layers.

The key difference between an artesian well is that it produces water that lies between two dense layers. Since the price of such a hydraulic structure directly depends on the depth of the structure, and its productivity is tens of times greater than the needs of one family, artesian wells are most often installed collectively: one per street or for an entire village.

Rich in minerals beneficial to human health, artesian water is naturally pure, since it is perfectly protected by the thickness of the waterproof column from Wastewater and precipitation

Comparative cost of water intake

For many owners, the question of choosing which is better, a well or a well, is far from idle. After all, it is he who determines the cost of construction and maintenance of water production facilities.

When calculating the estimated cost of water intake, a number of parameters should be taken into account:

  • excavation work based on each linear meter in depth;
  • volume of materials to strengthen the walls of the penetration;
  • frequency of maintenance of the structure.

As calculations show, at the cost of costs, including all installation work and maintenance of the erected structure, a well is cheaper. Due to the low cost of excavation work, which can be performed without the use of heavy special equipment, many summer residents, gardeners and villagers can afford to install a well.

A summary table for comparing the estimated estimated cost allows you to choose the most best option: install a well or drill a well

The estimated cost of completing a well varies from 30 to 40 thousand rubles. It includes:

  1. Installation of a bottom filter (4-5 thousand rubles).
  2. Filtration gravel filling (1-1.5 thousand rubles).
  3. External house for the head (from 7 thousand rubles).
  4. Submersible pump with installation (15 + 7 = 22 thousand rubles).

Construction of a well without taking into account the laying of communications from the point of water intake to the points of consumption will cost about 100 thousand rubles. The cost depends on the time of year, drilling depth and equipment used.

The well package includes many components, including a pump, caisson, control devices and a hydraulic accumulator, the cost of which amounts to tens of thousands of rubles

The price of a pump for a mine well is also much cheaper in comparison with the pumping equipment required when constructing a well.

Frequency of preventative cleaning

Preventative well maintenance activities are carried out annually. The price is this annual sanitization, carried out through the efforts of craftsmen specializing in this field, is about 6 thousand rubles.

The condition of the water in the well must be constantly monitored by checking its organoleptic and chemical indicators in environmental services laboratories

When carrying out a major cleaning of the walls from siltation, which is carried out once every five years, you will have to spend another 7 thousand rubles. If it is necessary to replace the bottom filter, the cost of the work doubles.

In this regard, well cleaning is cheaper. With proper arrangement of a well, maintenance of a hydraulic structure is reduced only to monitoring the operation of the system, since it does not require annual cleaning.

Preventative cleaning of the system is performed every five years. The cost of the service, depending on the depth of the structure, varies from 6 to 50 thousand rubles. Water purification is carried out by installing filters. It is easy to care for the filter elements of the structure: they only need to be cleaned and changed as needed.

Features of installation of structures

In construction technologies and requirements for the placement of mine and tube wells There are also a number of significant differences that influence the choice of the type of water source for arranging country estates.

When constructing a well, it is important to maintain a distance from buried septic tanks, sewer lines and surface pollutants. Taking into account current sanitary standards, it must be at least 50 meters from cesspools, toilets and livestock yards located on the site.

Maintaining a distance between structures will avoid accidental release of household waste and sewage into water extracted from a well.

By choosing a place to drill a sand well, this distance can be reduced to 30 meters without worrying that surface water contaminated by domestic waste will reach the water intake point. The closed design of the structure, the walls of which are made of durable moisture-resistant concrete rings, helps prevent the penetration of contaminated water and debris into its cavities.

The requirements for the construction of an artesian well are more stringent. Industrial enterprises and other sources of chemical contamination must be removed at a distance of more than 300 meters from the well location. The distance to garbage dumps, burial grounds and centralized sewerage must be at least 200 meters. Houses and outbuildings must be removed at least 30 meters.

The need to obtain permission and construction timeframes

When constructing a well from the first aquifer to the depth of the aeration zone, which is 20 meters, no permits are required. You can determine the horizon of the aquifer experimentally, or by submitting an application for the issuance of geological information for your area to the territorial fund.

When planning to drill a well for the extraction of deep water, the horizon of which exceeds 20 meters, before starting work it is necessary to obtain a package of permits. To obtain the right to drill an artesian well and use water extracted from the subsoil, a project is developed that describes:

  • what rocks does the well intersect;
  • at what depth are the filters located;
  • Is cementation of pipes provided and to what depth?

A license is issued only for wells intended for the selection of artesian water. Along with the license, the owner of the well receives an agreement, thereby obliging himself to submit reports to statistics and pay taxes to the tax authorities.

When drawing up a project, water supply diagrams are developed, and also calculations are made of flow rate, impact on groundwater and calculation of sanitary protection zones

The well passport attached to the documents will display all the necessary characteristics:

  • well location coordinates;
  • immersion depth;
  • dynamic and piezometric levels;
  • sizes of casing pipes used;
  • performance of the structure.

The process of drilling a well will take less time than carrying out procedures for approving the project in various authorities. On average, it takes from one to two days to set up a sand well and a hydraulic structure of the “needle” type. Drilling an Abyssinian well can also be done on your own, using a manual method using an auger drill with a diameter of 150 mm.

To drill an artesian well, it is better to involve professionals, concluding an agreement with them to carry out the work. After all, any deviation of the trunk from the vertical during the installation process may result in the need to redo the work again.

When installing a well, there is no need to obtain building permits. According to Article 19 of the Subsoil Law, it is allowed to build underground structures with a depth of no more than 5 meters on a private plot.

The well shaft is a more complex structure with a depth of 5 to 30 meters, the construction of which will require at least a week

The complexity of the well shaft is that it has a large number of structural parts. For example: when constructing the walls of a concrete shaft of a structure 30 meters deep, 33 reinforced concrete rings will be required, with a product height of 90 centimeters, and the same number of joints to connect them. For comparison: when constructing wells, pipes are used, the length of which is 2.06 meters. Therefore, and joining seams they have less.

The only thing is that after the construction of the well, it is advisable to register the material object officially by adding it to the site plan. The BTI does not impose any sanctions on unauthorized construction of a well. The technical plan of the site is the only official document on which the well will be indicated.

Operational period of structures

The service life of a well is from 30 to 50 years. The average stable operation of well-type hydraulic structures is:

  • “Abyssinian needle” – from 5 to 7 years;
  • sand well – up to 15 years;
  • artesian over 50 years.

The service life of both types of hydraulic structures depends on the quality of the system arrangement, regularity Maintenance, soil structure of the area and chemical composition produced water.

Visualize comparative analysis the operational period of each of the above water intake sources will be helped by the diagram

Volume and quality of produced water

A significant parameter when choosing between a well and a well is also the maximum volume of water “extracted” from the source. Some people mistakenly believe that there is much less water in a well than in a well, arguing that the well has a much larger cross-sectional area than the same well. Actually this is not true.

Features of water intake from a well

Due to the fact that the well is filled only with waters of Quaternary sediments, the amount of inflows of the hydraulic structure is limited to 0.5 cubic meters per hour. This volume is enough to maintain a small plot with a house. But when arranging a large area, including the cost of watering green spaces, filling a swimming pool and other household needs, this amount will clearly be small. And, as practice shows, the volume of water in a well is restored very slowly, in some cases up to several hours.

If you focus on water quality, then the well wins in this regard. When constructing a well, it is impossible to ensure complete waterproofing of the structure, since it is necessary to create conditions for natural inflow through the bottom.

Leaks in the walls of the structure may result in the aquifer mixing with groundwater during operation of the water intake.

Although the water produced from a well will not have the taste of “rust” and chlorine, most likely after heavy rain or flood, it will still contain impurities of groundwater.

Specifics of water intake from a well

Spring water has always been considered the cleanest and healthiest. Due to the fact that the well collects drinking water at great depths, it does not mix with upland melt and flood waters. And even after heavy rains, the water extracted from the well does not become cloudy.

The water in the well is quickly replenished. The average amount of inflows for well-type hydraulic structures is:

  • “needle” – 0.5 cubic meters/hour;
  • sand well – 1.5 cubic meters/hour;
  • artesian – 5 cubic meters/hour.

High inflow is typical only for aquifers located as deep as possible from the surface. The aquifer reserve is practically inexhaustible. Complete drying of the well is impossible even with regular use structures using a powerful pump.

Water purified from impurities is extracted from well-type installations located on limestone or sandy aquifer, which are placed between water-resistant layers

It is worth noting that some well owners complain that the water produced by this method has a slightly metallic taste. But this effect is observed when pipes made of low-quality metal are used during the installation of the structure.

The priority of choosing a well is easily explained by the high tightness of the structure, which is achieved due to a tight fit casing pipe to the body of the structure. This allows you to prevent mixing of groundwater and the aquifer.

In addition, well-type water intakes are equipped with reliable filtration systems, thanks to which a high degree of purification is achieved. Through a narrow neck closed with a lid at the top, insects and small amphibians cannot penetrate into the well, which during the process of decay can release toxic substances, thereby promoting the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Tips for builders on choosing the optimal water source:

To summarize, it is worth noting that it is better to equip a mine well in summer cottages intended for seasonal living, provided that the water is located only a few meters from the ground level. With low water consumption, which is mainly spent on household needs and watering plants, excess moisture will accumulate in the mine.

In addition, by installing a well in your dacha, you will always be able to raise water from the depths manually, which is so important in conditions of frequent power outages. When developing areas intended for year-round living, where the water depth is quite large, you should still prefer to drill a well. You will have to spend money on its arrangement at first, but in the process of constant operation of the structure the cost is fully recouped.

Ecology of consumption. Estate: Not all dacha and gardening communities can boast of having a central water supply. Some gardeners, despite the fact that their plots are supplied with running water, opt for a well or a well. What are the reasons for their preference?

Not all dacha and gardening communities can boast of having a central water supply. Some gardeners, despite the fact that their plots are supplied with running water, opt for a well or a well. What are the reasons for their preference?

What is better, a well or a borehole in a summer cottage?

It happens that a well or borehole is the only source of water supply in the area. summer cottage. Without water, you won’t be able to cook food, water plants, or take a bath. In this case, the reason is obvious.

But sometimes summer residents dig wells or boreholes, even if there is a central water supply on the site. The reason for this is poor quality water from the tap system. This may also be due to insufficient water, because very often in summer period its supply is limited in time. A large number of people using running water also has a negative impact on the level of water pressure.

It happens that there are interruptions in the water supply due to malfunctions of the central water supply system. Then you will have to extract water from your own well or well.

There is no doubt that the site needs its own source of water supply.

All that remains is to determine what it will be: a well or a well? Most gardeners face this problem sooner or later.

Determining the nature of the soil

Before you start building your water supply source, you should determine the nature of the soil and find out at what depth the aquifer lies. Some amount useful information You can find out from neighbors who already have experience in similar construction. But the services of specialists will be more effective.

Various rocks lie in the earth's crust, forming layers (clay layers, sand, black soil). During the construction of a mine, a formation may be discovered that has the ability to release water. This suggests that underneath there is an impermeable horizon that does not allow water to pass through. Typically, this is a clay layer and is called aquifer.

In different areas, the aquifer has its own degree of smoothness and uniformity, so there are different aquifers that differ in volume. The number of layers and the depth to which they lie depend on the nature of the soil. The purity of water is influenced by the purity of the soil and the depth at which the water is located.

Classification of groundwater reserves

There are the following types of water resources lying underground:

  • perched water;
  • ground water;
  • artesian type of water resources

Closest to the earth's surface is the perched water - a layer characterized by its inconstancy. It is quite heavily polluted with organic matter and contains a lot of iron.

In winter or during drought, this layer may disappear. If the perched water is located at a short distance from the surface of the earth, then swampy areas may form in this place. This water cannot be used, therefore, when constructing a well, it must be isolated. Verkhovodka lies to a depth of no more than 4 meters.

The waters that are located below the high water level on the nearest aquifer are called groundwater. This is free-flow water, which in the well shaft is located at the same depth as when it was in the rock. When reaching the surface of the earth, groundwater forms springs or springs. The greatest depth to which groundwater occurs is 10 meters.

Artesian water resources lie quite deep in the aquifer types of layers. They are located under superpressure between two pressure layers; it is not for nothing that they are called pressure layers. They lie at a depth of over 40 meters.

Construction of a mine well

To build a well on a summer cottage, you need to dig a shaft. This can be done either manually or using special machines. The decisive factors when choosing a method are the availability of labor resources and finances.

Advantages of a well over a well:

  • requires lower financial costs compared to a well;
  • well rings are much wider, which ensures unhindered maintenance of the well: cleaning it and changing the pump;
  • Even if the power supply is interrupted, the water can be raised upward using a pump.

The disadvantages of the well include:

  • wells have less water reserve;
  • The purity of well water is much lower than in a well. This is especially noticeable in spring period and after the rains.

The cost of a well has a lot to do with how many rings will be used.

The construction of one well takes from 5 to 10 rings. Installation is carried out within 24 hours.

Construction of an Abyssinian (driving) well

This unusual name The well was given by its country of origin - Ethiopia (Abyssinia). It was there that it was invented in the 19th century.

The Abyssinian variety of well consists of a pipe up to an inch in diameter. The pipe length is possible up to 15 meters.

The top of the pipe is equipped with a pump, and at the bottom there is a filter mesh with small cells. The service life of the well is 10 years or more. The volume of water that comes from the well in one hour is approximately 1 cubic meter.


  • to install the structure you do not need to use large devices;
  • a well can even be built in a basement or garage.

Installing an Abyssinian well will not require large financial investments.


  • the construction of Abyssinian wells is possible only on soft and loose soils;
  • Due to the fact that water is raised using vacuum pumps, the water level should not be at a depth of more than 8 meters.

As a rule, the price of an Abyssinian well is fixed and its depth does not affect its cost in any way.

Well construction

  • The advantages of wells (tube wells) include the fact that the water in them is much cleaner than well water. The wells contain a large supply of it;

The negative point is the high cost of the well and the impossibility of producing water if the pump breaks down.

The construction of wells is carried out by teams specializing in these services.

Wells and their varieties

Wells according to the drilling method are divided into:

  • filters, which are drilled into sand;
  • Artesian wells are drilled into limestone.

Filter wells reach from 10 to 35 meters in depth, their diameter varies in the range of 127 - 133 millimeters. The period of use can last up to 15 years.

The advantages of sand wells include:

  • the drilling procedure takes about a day;
  • do not require the use of large devices;
  • do not require registration or license;
  • it is possible to use cheap pumps;
  • a small amount of iron in the water.

The disadvantages include:

  • sludge formation;
  • small amount of supplied water;
  • high cost of well cleaning services;

The operational period is 50 years or more.

Advantages of an artesian well:

  • long service life;
  • not prone to silting;
  • not subject to pollution by surface runoff;
  • large volume of supplied water.

Negative points:

  • high cost;
  • long licensing period;
  • mandatory water tax;
  • expensive equipment;
  • There may be various impurities hazardous to health in the water.

Which pipes are best to use for a water well?

For the construction of wells, seamless steel pipes are used. Steel should not be galvanized, because zinc has a detrimental effect on human health.

An excellent solution is a plastic pipe installed inside a steel casing. This can lead to higher installation costs.

Chemical analysis time

It is advisable to carry out a chemical analysis of water approximately a month after the launch of the well system. The choice of equipment depends on the results obtained.

When choosing a source of water supply, you should remember that it should be as comfortable and easy to use as possible. published

Construction of a water supply system for plot of land- a complex and responsible process, since water is widely used for household, agricultural and domestic needs.

Of the available methods of providing water to private households, the most popular are the well and the borehole.

They are built on a plot of land and are intended to provide consumers with a water resource. So what to choose for arranging a water supply and what are the differences in the organization and operation of hydraulic structures?

An important stage in the construction of a water supply system in suburban area– determination of the type of water source. There are the following types of aquifers:

  1. Verkhovodka. The most superficial layer, which extends to a depth of 4.5 meters. The fullness of the layer depends on the amount of precipitation - rain, snow and floods. In winter, perched waters contain a minimal amount of water. The high contamination of the source allows it to be used for economic and domestic needs. For this reason, it is better to equip a shallow hydraulic structure with an insulated bottom.
  2. The groundwater. They are located in the middle layers of the soil, so their depth is 10–12 meters, sometimes it can reach 42 meters. This is an immutable aquifer, which is filled with water from natural reservoirs, precipitation and deeper aquifers. This water can be used at home for domestic and food purposes.
  3. Artesian water. The level of occurrence of the source between layers of water-resistant rocks ranges from 40 to 200 meters. When developing a hydraulic structure, water rises under pressure, which ensures maximum purification from existing contaminants. The source can be used for domestic purposes, for cooking and in agriculture.

The level of aquifers may differ depending on the composition of the soil and the location of the land plot.

Organize autonomous system water supply for a dacha and home can be done in one of two ways: by digging a well or drilling a well.

Wells are an affordable method of water supply

What is the difference between a well and a well? The well is a simple structure that is used for water intake from aquifer depths from 4 to 16 meters. The quality of water in a well is determined by climatic conditions and compliance with construction technology.

There are two types of wells: shaft and drilled.

Mine wells

Structures with a maximum installation depth of up to 16 meters and a diameter of up to 3 meters. To construct the casing, water pipes made of durable materials are used, which provide maximum protection of the aquifer from contamination. The most popular are concrete, reinforced concrete and brick structures. Set up at the bottom of the well sand and gravel filter, and the head is protected by a lock made of clay mortar. A surface or submersible pump is used to supply water.

Bored wells

The hydraulic structures are represented by a water intake shaft equipped with a bottom filter, a pumping device and a water pipe. Additionally, the structure is strengthened with a casing made of metal, asbestos-cement or polypropylene pipes. Drilling structures include Abyssinian wells.

Like any other structure, a water well has its pros and cons.

The advantages of a well include the following factors:

  • low cost of construction work;
  • uninterrupted water intake;
  • ease and accessibility of use;
  • ease of repair and cleaning;
  • long service life.

The disadvantages of the design are:

  • the likelihood of flooding the mine with high water;
  • low resource of the water intake point;
  • the likelihood of the aquifer drying up;
  • the need for regular cleaning and disinfection of the structure;
  • the difficulty of setting up on your own.

Wells are a reliable but labor-intensive option

Based on manufacturability and the method of drilling to the depth of laying a water intake shaft, there are two types of wells: filter (for sand) and artesian (for limestone).

Filter sand wells

What is the difference between a well and a well? The sand well has a wide range of depths from 35 to 55 meters, diameter - from 5 to 12 cm, service life - up to 17 years.

The distinctive characteristics of a sand well are low cost and availability of development. Disadvantages include susceptibility to siltation and lowering of the aquifer level.

In order for water to appear on the site, you can independently drill a sand well of one of the following types:

  • Shallow depth. Water is used for agricultural purposes. Drilling is carried out until the first water-bearing source appears at a depth of 3 meters. Water intake is carried out using manual pumping equipment.
  • Medium depth. Water can be used for domestic needs and for cooking. Construction of a well requires preliminary preparation of a pit, after which the main drilling is carried out to a depth of up to 6 meters. To protect the water intake point from damage, use metal pipes to create a casing string.
  • Deep. Well development is carried out shock-rope method using a drill bit. The hydraulic structure ensures the supply of clean drinking water from a depth of 10 to 30 meters.

Artesian wells

Artesian wells provide high productivity, uninterrupted water supply and long service life. They are located at a depth of 35 meters in interlayer aquifers. This is one of the most expensive and reliable organization options private system water supply

The development of an artesian well for limestone is carried out with special equipment after receiving permits.

The advantages of hydraulic structures include:

  • water intake from great depths;
  • high organoleptic indicators of water;
  • high-quality well development;
  • safety and environmental friendliness;
  • accessibility and ease of use.

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • the possibility of reducing water consumption while simultaneously organizing several points;
  • high level of minerals in water;
  • possible siltation of the bottom.

Choosing a location for a water source

When planning the arrangement of a water intake point, the main thing is to choose the right place for its location. The distance of the well from sources of pollution should be 31 meters, wells - 15 meters.

To avoid possible contamination of the aquifer, the well is not located in ravines or near the shores of natural reservoirs.

In addition, it is important to ensure free access to the hydraulic structure for special equipment, vehicles for transporting building materials and equipment.

If a residential building is erected on the site, the well is installed at a distance of 5 meters from it. This will reduce the cost of laying the pipeline and installing the caisson.

Qualitative and quantitative indicators of water

When developing a new water intake structure, careful testing is required to determine water quality indicators. The sampling is carried out a month after the development of a well or well.

Based on the obtained analyses, it is selected effective method deep purification, which ensures the safe use of a water source in economic and domestic activities.

Taking into account one indicator, it is difficult to determine which is better - a well or a well, since not a single hydraulic structure is capable of providing a perfectly clean water source.

The productivity of a hydraulic structure is determined by the flow rate of the source. Optimal value flow rate: for wells - from 2 to 5 cubic meters. m per day, for wells up to 55 m deep - from 1.5 to 3 cubic meters. m per hour, for wells with a depth of 60 to 100 m - from 4.5 to 6 cubic meters. m per hour.

According to established standards, daily water consumption per person is 200 liters. To determine the water needs for one household, you need to multiply the initial value by the total number of residents and add a small reserve.

Taking into account household and economic needs total consumption water for a family of 3-4 people will be from 2 to 5 cubic meters. m per day.

When water consumption increases and to organize a complete water supply system, it is recommended to equip a well. A well can be used as a backup option or when the consumption of water resources is insignificant.

The main difference between a well and a well

The main difference lies in the arrangement technology. If well development is carried out using special equipment and drilling rigs, then hand tools are used to construct the well.

The well design requires the organization of a casing string made of plastic, steel or asbestos cement pipes and pumping equipment. To construct a well, reinforced concrete rings are used, lowered to the bottom of the pit.

Development of a full-fledged water well requires from 1 to 3 days, arrangement of a private well will take from 5 to 7 days.

Financial side

The cost of organizing a well and a borehole varies significantly.

Construction of a well is simple and affordable way, since the price of excavation work directly depends on the depth of the mine, which ranges from 4 to 40 meters. The price includes the cost of transportation, installation of well rings, water pipes and pumping equipment.

The cost of developing a well is determined by the geography and characteristics of the site, the composition of the soil, the design of the water supply system and the diameter of the supply pipe. If the aquifer is shallow, setting up a well of a standard diameter is cheaper than digging a well of the same depth. However, well development remains an expensive and time-consuming option.

When is it better to build a well and when to build a well?

The main parameter of choice is the daily volume of water consumption. If the indicator does not exceed the norm of 200 l/hour, it is better to equip a well. In addition, this is a profitable option for country houses and private baths, which are used only during the season. With an increase in daily water consumption (in case of permanent residence V country house) it is better to opt for a high-performance water intake structure.

The next parameter is the cost of work. What is cheaper to equip? Digging a well is much easier and cheaper, but if the owners of neighboring plots are ready to invest, drilling an artesian well becomes a more profitable investment than installing a private well. In addition, it does not require annual cleaning and disinfection.

The final choice of water intake structure is determined by the geological and climatic conditions of the area, the organoleptic characteristics of water, the volume of consumption and the cost of construction.

  • Well or well? Choosing a well...

For autonomous water supply dachas - watering, household needs (up to 1-2 m 3 daily requirement) - a well is suitable if there is an aquifer from 5 to 20 m. And, although there are wells up to 30 m, a well at greater depth is fraught with complications and becomes unprofitable compared to drilling a well. It is also necessary to take into account the local hydrogeological situation - in swampy areas, the water from the well will not be drinkable - high water will penetrate into it along with what it encounters on the surface. More often, in the choice of “well or borehole,” the decisive word is played by the wallet, and not by common sense: a small well is cheaper than a well. The guarantee on high-quality rings is 50 years (although it can silt up in 3-4 years, however, cleaning it is simpler than a similar procedure with a well), and repairing collapsing rings is not as difficult as repairing a well. In addition, the entry of a drilling rig into the site is fraught with the destruction of fences, flower beds and lawns.

  • When will we dig the well?
Actually, it’s all the same, building a well (as well as drilling a well, however) is possible all year round- the ground rarely freezes deeper than 1.2 m, and the place under the well can be warmed up with a fire in winter. However, in the spring, during the period of snow melting, you can seriously make a mistake with the depth of the well due to high level groundwater: a well dug in April may turn out to be dry in winter. Seasonal fluctuations in water level can be 1-2 m.

Therefore, it is better to dig a well in winter and autumn, when the water horizon has the most low level. If the water level has dropped, you can deepen the well with rings of smaller (0.7 m) diameter.

  • Where do they dig a well?
From the darkness of centuries, superstitions, seers and shamans came and flourished, declaring a range of abilities from preventing nuclear explosions and reviving the dead to determining the location of a well. The willow or walnut twig of the medieval dowser has been replaced by a high-tech wire frame. The frame is made to turn by ideomotor - barely noticeable - movements of the fingers and the phenomenon of resonance, approximately the same “otherworldly forces” as in spiritualistic seances - a plate. But the essence of the matter has not changed: if your neighbors have wells, feel free to dig your own. If not, you need to drill exploration well. And here neither the frame nor the medium will help.

An aquifer (a layer of permeable rock with a certain thickness) can extend up to several square kilometers, along which water moves from higher to lower elevations from the catchment areas. The movement of water in the aquifer - filtration - occurs through cracks and pores in the water-containing rock. Underground rivers move evenly, without breaking the continuous flow, at low speed in laminar mode. If you dig a well within this layer, then there will be water in it, regardless of the predictions of the dowser.

The owner must choose a place for a well on the site based on common sense. And there were rainmakers in America back in the 60s; It depended on how events unfolded during the drought whether they would receive their fee or be beaten by enraged farmers.

  • How to dig a well?
Unfortunately, neither SNIPs nor technical specifications technological maps there is no money for the construction of wells. As a rule, a well is dug by a team of three people by hand: one works at the face with a shovel or crowbar, filling a bucket with soil, the second - at the well mouth - lifts the bucket using a gate on a wooden trestle and carries the mined rock to a dump - a pile of clay is quickly growing nearby . The third one is resting. The stones encountered are turned out with a short crowbar, tied with ropes and removed from the well, also using a collar. The work is intensive and workers change frequently. The air temperature in the well at a depth of more than 3 m does not exceed 10 ° C, high humidity, the air in the well is not ventilated. The picture is mesmerizing: watching how they dig a well is interesting and creepy.

The most popular now is the construction of wells from reinforced concrete rings type KS 10-9 or similar with a lock or flat end 0.9 m high and 1 m in diameter. Ring weight - 700-750 kg. The first ring is placed in a dug hole, the subsequent rings are placed on top of the lowered ring.

Everything happens manually, the next ring is simply rolled onto the previous one. The soil is removed from under the lower ring, and the rings are lowered under their own weight, sliding along the walls of the shaft of the future well. The column is built up in this way up to the aquifer. When digging a well in light soil - sand or dry loam, the team lays 2-3 rings per shift. Heavy soils (damp clay, rocky) turn this work into backbreaking work. The approach of the aquifer is determined by a noticeable cooling - the air temperature in the well drops by 1-2 degrees, mini-fontanelles appear on the walls of the shaft.

When building a well in dry, strong soils, another scheme is possible, when the well shaft is first dug, and then rings are lowered into it on a rod using a gate.

  • Protecting the well from surface water.
One or two lower joints between the rings in the well must be sealed from the inside with a solution to prevent water from entering through the cracks between the rings - water intake will occur from below. After the solution has set, drilling the well continues. Typically, one to two rings are installed in the aquifer. After this, all remaining joints from the inside are sealed with a solution containing liquid glass, the bottom of the well is covered with a layer of gravel 20-30 cm high (fraction 5-25 cm), it will serve as a filter for incoming water.

The annulus is filled with gravel and sand, and compacted with clay on top (clay castle) to prevent rain and melt water from entering the well. Clay is a good waterproof material. The upper ring is not buried in the ground to protect it from snow and dirt; the joint between the upper ring and the entire column should be waterproofed especially carefully.

After the water level in the well becomes sufficient to immerse the “Malysh” type pump, you should pump out the water and repeat this as long as possible: in this way the well “swings” occurs.

  • Caution - danger!
During the construction of the well there is no labor protection at all. These jobs are extremely dangerous and labor-intensive, with a high risk of fatal injuries. When excavating a mine, you may encounter so-called “quicksands”, the ring can move to the side right before your eyes, injuring the worker. Therefore, when deciding whether to dig or drill, do not forget about this too.

And one more thing: responsibility when using cheap but illegal foreign work force falls on the employer. This threatens with a fine of 20 minimum wages.

  • Setting up a well
The well ends at the top with a canopy; a wooden gate with a metal handle is installed in it. A strong cord or cable is attached to the collar. A piece of chain is used directly to attach the bucket, which will help immerse the bucket in the water.

The top can also be made in the form of a house with gable roof with a hinged door, and the upper ring protruding from the ground can be decorated with stone, facing bricks. A well designed in the form of log house. After the soil around the well has subsided, you should make a blind area from paving slabs, put a bench...

  • What other wells are there?
. The classic design of an Abyssinian well is a pipe with a diameter of 1 inch and a length of up to 15 meters, at the lower end of which there is a filter. A pump is installed at the upper end of the pipe. The construction of such a well (and, in fact, a well) is usually completed within one day, and the well can even be installed in the basement.

The limitation of the use of the Abyssinian well is the shallow depth of water.

  • Well or well? We still choose to drill a well...
Comparing a well and a borehole is incorrect. Even a sand well is superior to a well in terms of manufacturability. When building a well, you should also take into account the location of septic tanks; sanitary standards require them to be spaced 200 m apart, which is unlikely to happen on 6 acres. And a well for limestone generally solves all problems with water supply: aquiferous limestone is everywhere (only at different depths, in the Moscow region from 20 to 200 m), service life - up to 50 years, volumes of water - almost any, it depends only on the power of the pump . The possibility of complete automation of autonomous water supply and a comfortable, almost urban existence in your own country house.

The fact that the well is the simplest and cheap option water supply - the thesis is controversial, the cost of digging a well of medium depth (10 rings) is approx. $ 1000. But the quality of the water is in great doubt: water intake comes from unpressurized groundwater, which is nothing more than human waste, slightly filtered by soil. In spring and after rains, the water is cloudy. If you do not constantly take water, it stagnates, the well, like a shallow well, silts up. The water level depends on the amount of precipitation and seasonal fluctuations, and in dry summers it can dry out completely.

It was during the time of Ilya Muromets that you could drink well water and stand on your feet, but now you can stretch your legs from raw water from a well. Previously, a well was built for numerous consumers, they dug deep, and the selection was constant and intensive. The ecology was virgin, and the skies were transparent. I mean, no acid rain.

The public well died along with the communal way of life (in Rus', a well had the same social significance as a bazaar in the east, now we learn the news in a different way). So that we don’t have to go get a well, we need a well with water treatment. And even then boiling water is a must.

V. Svirin

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