Sowing cabbage seedlings in an unheated greenhouse. Planting cabbage varieties in a greenhouse. Growing early cabbage seedlings

That and on big harvest no need to count. In order for the seedlings to turn out healthy and hardy, it is necessary to comply with all the requirements for proper sowing of seeds and care.

Before purchasing planting material, decide what kind of cabbage you ultimately want to get, why and when you will need it in finished form. Are you planning to use young cabbage for making salads, or do you need the vegetable for fermentation and long-term winter storage? The choice of variety and sowing time will depend on the answer to this question.

Early ripening varieties White cabbage produces a small harvest. The weight of the heads reaches 1.5 kg with a relatively low density. Mid-season cabbage You can either immediately eat it after harvesting, or use it to prepare preparations for the winter in the form of pickles. A late-ripening varieties will best retain their freshness throughout the cold season.

The time for planting seedlings in the beds depends on the ripening time of the vegetable. And the time at which the seeds are planted depends on the time of transplanting the seedlings into open ground.

Seeding seed material cabbage for seedlings - as well as planting seedlings in open ground - is carried out during a period that depends on the weather characteristic of a given climatic zone and on the variety of vegetable.

The age of seedlings completely ready for planting in the soil is different for each variety.

  1. Planting on the beds white cabbage early varieties are produced for seedlings that have reached 45–60 days of age. For late species, 35-day-old seedlings are sufficient. This rule also applies red cabbage And hybrid varieties .
  2. Before transferring to the beds broccoli seedlings should reach 35–45 days of age.
  3. Cauliflower planted in beds when seedlings reach 45–50 days of age. Brussels sprouts planted in the same way.
  4. Kohlrabi planted at the age of 35 days, and seedlings savoy cabbage can “bear” up to 50 days.

When to sow seeds for seedlings

Taking into account the timing of planting seedlings different varieties cabbage into the beds, calculate the time for sowing the seeds. We give approximate dates for the middle zone.

  1. Early ripening white cabbage sow between 10 and 25 March. At the same time, hybrid varieties and red cabbage are being sown. Mid-season and late species similar varieties are sown on April 10–15.
  2. Broccoli planting material is sown several times. The time interval between sowings is 15–20 days. The first time is sown in the second ten days of March, and the last time - in the third ten days of May. Do the same with cauliflower.
  3. Seeds Brussels sprouts planted in the second half of April.
  4. If you want to harvest kohlrabi cabbage early, sow it in the second decade of March. Kohlrabi seeds are also sown for seedlings several times. But it is not recommended to do this after June. If you follow all the rules, you can immediately plant the seeds in open soil.
  5. Savoy cabbage of early ripening varieties is sown from March 10 to March 20. It is better to sow mid-season species from April 10 to 20, and late ones - in the first days of the month.

How to prepare cabbage seeds for sowing

To a huge extent, the success of the future cabbage harvest depends on good seedlings, and they, in turn, come from high-quality seeds, so buy the best quality seeding material.

Before planting seeds, they must first be prepared. At the stage of sowing seeds, you can use certain actions to significantly reduce the likelihood of serious cabbage diseases occurring in the future, which will allow you to obtain healthy and hardy seedlings.

When purchasing planting material that has already been processed (which is usually indicated on the bag of seeds), you just need to hold them for 20 minutes in water heated to +50°C. You can eliminate the likelihood of fungal diseases of cabbage if you cool them in cold water for 5 minutes after warming up.

Note! Some varieties of cabbage do not require wetting the seeds before planting. Be sure to take this point into account.

Soaking seeds is a classic method for speeding up their germination.

How to prepare the soil for sowing cabbage seeds

You can get strong cabbage seedlings if you properly prepare a nutrient soil mixture. It is best to prepare the soil for seedlings in the fall. It is acceptable, but less desirable, to prepare the mixture immediately before sowing the seeds.

Take one part of turf and humus, a small amount of ash (10 tablespoons per 10 kg of soil) and stir thoroughly. The ash here will not only supply the soil with useful elements, but will also prevent the occurrence of blackleg on seedlings due to its antiseptic properties.

The soil should be treated with water and a small amount of potassium permanganate for disinfection. When preparing the soil mixture, it is necessary to adhere to an acidity level equal to or close to neutral.

Of course, it is possible to make an earthen composition based both on turf and on the basis of other nutritious ingredients, such as peat, for example. The resulting soil mixture should have good air permeability and be fertile.

On a note! Suitable soil for cabbage seedlings can be found commercially. For these purposes, not only soil mixture intended directly for cabbage is suitable. The use of universal primer is also allowed. The soil from your garden is unsuitable, as using it increases the risk of seedlings being infected.

Step-by-step instructions for properly sowing cabbage seeds

Cabbage seedlings will take root better in open ground, if produce . This will also have a positive effect on the volume of its root system, and the plants themselves will be stronger.

Table. Instructions for growing cabbage seedlings.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Cabbage seeds need a lot of water immediately after sowing, so the soil must be moistened abundantly before planting. And after sowing, cabbage should not be irrigated until the first shoots appear, in order to prevent infection with blackleg.

The seed is planted in prepared containers.

After the seedlings appear, they are thinned out. As a result, a free space of about 20x20 mm should appear around each shoot.

After 14 days, the seedlings dive. To do this, they are planted in separate cassettes with cells of approximately 30x30 mm, deepening the stems to the level of the cotyledons.

After another 2 weeks, the seedlings are again transplanted into a container with an area of ​​about 50x50 mm. Suitable for these purposes plastic cups pre-treated with any solution that prevents the development of fungus (for example, copper sulfate), or peat pots.

If you do not plan to pick cabbage seedlings, it is recommended to immediately plant the seeds in a separate container. Then its roots will reach required size, and transfer to open ground will take place in the most gentle way.

Lighting, temperature and watering cabbage seedlings

To grow strong and stocky plants, you need to provide the seedlings with additional lighting, since there is not enough light in the rooms where they usually grow. For illumination purposes, a regular fluorescent lamp is suitable, which should illuminate the cabbage for 12 to 15 hours daily.

Watering the seedlings occurs when the soil surface dries out. Cabbage is a moisture-loving plant. But with excess moisture, blackleg disease may develop or root rot may occur. For hardening cabbage seedlings To prevent moisture stagnation, it is recommended to ventilate the room after irrigation.

Before the first shoots of white cabbage appear, it is necessary to maintain the room temperature from +18°C to +20°C. Then, for young shoots, the optimal temperature will be from +15°C to +17°C during the day, and from +8°C to +10°C at night. Such a wide temperature range is necessary to strengthen the seedlings and prevent them from stretching.

For cauliflower, the same rule applies, but the average temperature should be higher. The excess should be 5–7°C relative to those night and day temperatures that are maintained when growing white cabbage seedlings. If this is not observed, the harvest will be worse and the inflorescences will be smaller in size.

If speak about middle lane, then it is preferable to grow watermelons here (as well as some other crops - for example, melon) through seedlings. In reality, there is nothing complicated in this process, the main thing is to know and how to do it.

How to fertilize cabbage seedlings

During the period of growing seedlings, cabbage must be fed. In total, such fertilizing needs to be applied three to four times.

For the first time, fertilizing is carried out when the seedlings have taken root sufficiently after picking. As a rule, this period ranges from a week to ten days. Fertilizing is carried out using the following composition: 1 g of potassium chloride, 4 g of superphosphate, 2.5 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 liter of warm water. A composition of one tablespoon of urea diluted in 10 liters of water is also suitable. Stress caused by picking plants is well neutralized by feeding prepared from chicken manure (or mullein) and water in a ratio of 1:10.

The seedlings are fed the second time in the period from 12 to 14 days after the first feeding took place. To do this, the seedlings are irrigated with a mixture of 4 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 liter of water.

The third time, fertilizing is carried out seven days before transferring the seedlings to open ground. Fertilizer is applied from bird droppings (or mullein) or the following composition is used: 3 g ammonium nitrate, 2 g potassium chloride, 8 g superphosphate per 1 liter of water.

On a note! Additionally, you can feed the seedlings using yeast-based fertilizer. To do this, dilute from 50 to 70 g of yeast in 5 liters of water. After 1–2 days, you can irrigate the seedlings with this mixture.

Video - Sowing cabbage for seedlings

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​A site for planting cabbage seedlings should be chosen open and with fertile soil​

Each seedling you choose is carefully removed from the soil (you can loosen it a little with a fork). In this case, the root is slightly shortened, thereby developing better in the future. The seedling is transplanted a little deeper, almost to the very leaves. The soil should be slightly compacted.​

  • ​Good lighting - the most important condition for plant growth. If it is deficient, the seedlings will be pale, lethargic and weak. Please note that there is less daylight in February-March, and healthy seedlings will require 14-16 hours of bright light. This is why additional lighting is so necessary. Remember to turn containers with seedlings towards the lights to ensure even lighting.​
  • Let's say right away that the standard size of a greenhouse can be considered 1 m wide and 2-3 meters long. The height of such a structure is approximately 50-70 cm.


​Let a barrel of manure or grass stand in a dark corner and release carbon dioxide during fermentation, which accelerates growth.​

Cabbage is rich not only in a whole bunch of vitamins - it is also valuable in useful minerals.

  • ​We will make a temporary greenhouse without heating with our own hands.​
  • ​An important question is how to grow seedlings in a greenhouse so that they bring real income? And a specific answer: we will get a successful result by observing the main rules of coexistence different types and rationally placing them.​
  • ​If you are growing cauliflower, it should be planted in the greenhouse soil, compacting the plantings with lettuce, radishes or dill every 2 rows. Combined planting helps increase cabbage yields. Growing cauliflower in open ground involves regular watering, loosening the soil and dusting the beds with wood ash. Feeding cauliflower is done along with watering; once every 10 it can be fertilized with mullein diluted in water.​
  • There are two polar points of view regarding the diving process. Some believe that this is a necessary process that hardens the plant, others, on the contrary, think that this damages the root of the seedling and it can get sick and even die. Probably, here every gardener chooses his own option after gaining some experience.​

​Containers for sowing should be selected depending on whether you plan to pick seedlings. A professional approach involves the process of picking seedlings, so in this case the seeds can be sown en masse by variety and type.​

Types of shelters

​There is nothing easier and cheaper than assembling a place for growing seedlings from scrap materials. Today these are old refrigerators and old windows. As you can see, it doesn't look very good, but it functions perfectly.​

  • ​These are the most comfortable dimensions not only for working on the site, but also for building a greenhouse. Here we calculate the minimum cost of material, the load on the frame, the convenience of covering with polyethylene, and so on.​
  • ​Mulching with grass strengthens the roots and prevents overheating of the soil. In addition, rotten grass becomes a valuable fertilizer.​
  • ​However, each type requires specific conditions.​
  • ​Only pepper will not become “overgrown” from too much early sowing, unlike tomatoes and eggplants.​
  • ​Foundation 3x3 m from pipes with a diameter of 100 mm will be filled with concrete.​

​Here it is advisable to grow cabbage and flower seedlings.​


Cabbage is a very healthy and nutritious product. And a vegetable grown with your own hands at home will be several times healthier. For experienced gardener the process of growing cabbage is not too difficult, and a novice gardener needs to be patient when doing it correctly step by step instructions about how to grow cabbage seedlings.​

  • ​Don’t forget about timely feeding​
  • ​Special boxes, propagators, and pots with transparent lids are suitable here. Some of them are equipped with devices with weak electrical heating. Mass sowing is the simplest and most effective way to germinate seedlings.​

​We thin out after the true leaves appear, leaving the seedlings 2 cm apart, then water them.​

  • Ideal for rapid development of seedlings
  • ​In its corners we will install steel corners 80x80x80.​

Let's choose a flat piece of land.

​Advantages of growing seedlings in a home greenhouse:​

Construction of a pyramid greenhouse

​Attention, TODAY only!​

​After the second level of leaves appears, the plants begin to be fed. This can be done immediately during the preparation of the substrate for picked plants by adding “long-lasting” fertilizers to it in the proportions indicated on the package.​

  • ​If you don’t want to pick, then sow two seeds in separate containers (cups, pots, seedling cassettes or other handy household containers, for example, yogurt cups). Be sure to make a hole in each of them.​
  • ​You can always build a greenhouse for growing seedlings in your country house with your own hands. Don’t be lazy and give an excellent start to seedlings of crops from which you expect to get a good harvest.​
  • ​Right away we want to tell you how to build a simple and cheap greenhouse for growing seedlings. Today we need to take care of healthy planting material, and not about the beauty of the site or buildings, and therefore we do everything correctly and save as much as possible (after growing the seedlings, we will remove the greenhouse from the site).
  • After half a month, we thin out again, now leaving 4 cm between them.
  • We sow white cabbage after February 1, and seedlings with 3 leaves - from April 1. Dense, loamy, but always loose soil, fertilized with manure, and frequent watering guarantee successful cultivation cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse.​
  • ​+20 degrees​
  • ​Attach the boards to them - and the base is ready.​

​We will stretch the film over reinforcing arcs stuck into the ground a meter from each other, fixing it with bricks and boards.​

​the coating easily transmits sunlight and prevents harmful radiation from entering the greenhouse;​

Pyramid greenhouse with foundation

​0#1Solncebel07/22/2015 19:00 I’m having trouble growing early cabbage at home. I plant it and it has not even fully formed into heads and is already cracking. But the later one turns out fine. Always get strong heads. Here is the problem with aphids, which often attack cabbage. I spray the usual poison for Colorado beetles only with soapy water so that it sticks to the leaves. Quote0#2Olga 07/29/2015 16:40 And we plant all the cabbage at the same time, both mid-season and late-ripening. If it works, then we sow the seeds for seedlings in a greenhouse; if not, then we grow them at home. We always plant a little more seeds than we intend to plant, because it always happens that some sprout does not take root, so in its place we plant from the remaining seedlings. And then, despite all the soil treatments, we still collect aphids from the leaves by hand, and be sure to hill up the sprouts during the first weeding. Quote0#3Oksana08/11/2015 12:39 Whatever variety of cabbage we tried to plant in open ground, the results were not very pleasing. A lot of things spoiled in the first week after planting. The greenhouse came to the rescue. There were no particular problems during cultivation. There were aphids, but they dealt with them thanks to an ash-soap solution. Quote0#4Katya08/17/2015 14:45В southern regions in greenhouses it makes sense to grow only early cabbage - fresh, young greens will ripen earlier. And mid-season and late-season cabbage ripens well in open ground. On my site, late cabbage grows well in a place slightly shaded by trees: here moisture is better retained in the soil, and in the spring it is easier for seedlings to take root.​

  • ​Liquid fertilizers are applied weekly. Do not overdo it with fertilizer: the plant will become too elongated in growth and will be lethargic and skinny.​
  • Peat pots for seedlings
  • ​In the greenhouse | No comments
  • ​So, in order not to spend money, we propose to build a greenhouse from scrap materials; you will only need to buy film.​
  • ​When the seedlings grow up, add vermicompost, peat, and manure 5 cm between the rows, ensuring the looseness and nutritional value of the soil.​
  • The sprouts are cold-resistant and can withstand even five degrees of frost, but before germination we maintain the temperature at +20 degrees, after which we reduce it to +10. Savings on heating are significant!​
  • ​at air humidity -​

Mini greenhouse

​We attach the edges that meet at the top to its corners with self-tapping screws and steel plates.​

​Use flags to mark rows across the greenhouse 20 cm apart, indicating the crop variety with a marker.​

  • ​Moisture evaporates slowly and remains in the soil;​
  • ​In a greenhouse, before the main crop, you can grow high-quality seedlings of early, mid-early and medium varieties of cabbage. You don’t need a lot of seedlings for your garden, but you can occupy the entire greenhouse to sell the seedlings on the market.​
  • ​As for growth stimulants, decide for yourself whether to “feed” the seedlings with this or not. But again, stick to the measure: an excess affects the purity and environmental friendliness of the grown product.​
  • ​You can use very convenient pots made from peat or pressed rice flour. Plants are planted directly into the soil, then the pots decompose in the soil. Peat coconut tablets for seedlings can also be a convenient solution. But this, as you understand, is an additional expense.​

​At first glance, growing seedlings in a greenhouse seems quite simple and unsophisticated. But this is only at first, inexperienced glance... In fact, this process is quite labor-intensive, troublesome and requires patience.​

​Arms can be used from last year, borrow extra ones from a neighbor, or buy cheap and used ones. But if this is not possible, we make the arcs ourselves. It can be metal-plastic pipes that remained after repairs, fittings, metallic profile, thin pipe, thick steel wire, medium-diameter tree branches of elastic species. At least it will be possible to use even wooden beam, but then we will get not arcs, but a rectangular frame.​

  • ​At +18 degrees outside, we harden the seedlings by removing the film for 15 minutes and increasing the hardening time every day. A week before planting, we reduce the temperature in the greenhouse to outside.​
  • Chinese cabbage is also valuable for vitamins, calcium, and iron. We grow cabbage at a temperature of 17°C: its seeds germinate well even in such cool conditions, but with generous watering. And after 20 days we plant the cabbage on the plot - and this is what growing seedlings is all about early cabbage in the greenhouse.​
  • ​60%​
  • ​We fix them with an aluminum sheet.​

Choice of coverage

​2 weeks after covering we control the temperature under the film.​

​The microclimate is maintained and the sprouts are protected from sudden temperature changes.​

Features of growing various seedlings

​White cabbage seeds begin to germinate already at 3°C. This process accelerates with increasing soil temperature and reaches optimum germination (3-4 days from sowing) at 20°C. It is better to place pruned and established seedlings in the greenhouse, and before that, cultivation should be carried out at home.​


​As you can see, anyone can grow seedlings in a greenhouse, you just have to be patient, roll up your sleeves and remember all the subtleties that are described in the article. It is important to treat plants with love, even future ones. Oddly enough, this also plays an important role.​

  • ​Pay attention!​
  • ​However, if you wish and follow all the rules and subtleties, growing seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cabbage and other vegetables can bring not only tangible benefits, but will captivate you; I think that you will want to do this business in the future.​​Having determined the location and made markings according to the parameters that we suggested earlier (or according to your own), install arcs or other frame elements around the perimeter. The maximum step between the arcs is 1 m, so as not to disrupt the stability and load-bearing capacity after covering with film. Greenhouses have excellent advantages: Cauliflower, valuable for calcium, potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, requires abundant organic fertilizer. Therefore, on March 1, we will put the seeds in peat cubes.​ ​and soil -​ ​The door is the southern edge.​​Optimal greenhouse parameters:​
  • ​First, we will distribute the planting sites for each crop, and in the fall we will prepare the soil in ridges and boxes - this is well-drained, fertile soil. Many summer residents optimally use the room at the same time for sowing cold-resistant vegetables - they do not interfere with the seedlings, and later play the role of compacting crops. Standard white cabbage seedlings should have up to five true leaves (but no more) and be up to two months old from germination. When planting at the end of May, sowing should be done around March 25.​ ​Therefore, if you are not at all ready for the process of growing seedlings, you should still wait until this moment. Sooner or later, a person will definitely want to be closer to the earth and nature.​
  • ​The second method of sowing (that is, in separate containers) is most suitable for cucumbers and eggplants, since the root system of these plants is very sensitive to damage that is possible during transplantation.​

​Seedlings in the greenhouse - early vegetables on the table​


​When the arches are installed, you can put a low frame of wood or bricks under them, creating, so to speak, high bed. This is necessary in order to lay a high-quality seedling substrate for planting, in which the seeds will not only give maximum germination, but will also quickly turn into strong seedlings.​

  • ​the ability to grow seedlings at a convenient time and in different quantities;​
  • ​We can provide +16 degrees comfortable for cabbage in a greenhouse - and the problem of how to grow cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse can be easily solved.​
  • ​80%​
  • ​In the center we will make beds up to 80 cm high, supporting them with boards or slate.​


​width 1 m for convenient weeding;​

  • ​Using the greenhouse rationally, from March 10 to May 1 we are engaged in cabbage seedlings, then until August 20 we collect cucumbers, and for the next 2 months we collect radishes and lettuce. In a heated spring greenhouse, we sow the seeds as early as March 1, and within 2 months we get excellent sprouts. Then, until August, we harvest cucumbers in this shelter.​
  • ​Only strong, high-quality, hardened seedlings will withstand frost and produce high yields. The key to such seedlings is pre-sowing treatment seeds.​
  • ​Before purchasing seeds, it is important to ask the seller and study documents confirming the quality of the purchased products.​


​For seedlings, you can use the soil you prepared yourself: garden soil, sand and humus in proportions 3*4*3. The substrate should be uniform, without lumps, so you should sift it through a garden sieve. Next, it would be good to disinfect the soil mixture by steaming or in the microwave.​

​Many may have a reasonable question: why sow seeds in a greenhouse if you can “throw the seeds” straight into open ground and wait for seedlings to appear? In general, of course, you can do it this way. However, in this case, you should not wait for vegetables in spring or early summer; you will only have them towards the end of summer or autumn.​

​You can also tie the greenhouse frame (arches or wooden beams) to the lower part to increase stability. By using a dozen clamps or a roll of knitting wire, you will ensure that the arcs with the film certainly will not fly away in the wind.​

  • ​save on fresh vegetables with proper care and technology.​
  • ​We will cover a mini-structure with removable beds for seedlings of cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, flowers with glass or films.​
  • ​length no more than 3 m so that the wind does not break through the film;​

​In winter greenhouses, experienced farmers still make 5 turns:​

Flower seedlings in a greenhouse

​First of all, manual selection of seeds according to size is carried out. The best seeds are about 2mm in diameter. Processing methods include placing seeds in water at a temperature of 48...50°C for 20 minutes, followed by cooling for 3 minutes in cold water, drying until flowable and sowing after that. Against bacteriosis and clubroot, you can simply heat the seeds at 50°C for the same 20 minutes. After temperature treatment, you can place the seeds in the solution for 1.5-2 hours boric acid and ammonium molybdate at a concentration of 0.5 g/l. Seeds with reduced germination are treated with a 0.5% urea solution.​

Cabbage seeds remain viable for 3-4 years

  • ​All this is carried out in advance so that after all the procedures the soil substrate can restore its microflora. If the quality of the soil requires improvement, you can add vermiculite or perlite. These mineral fertilizers will enrich the soil with oxygen and maintain its water permeability, which will reduce the likelihood of sprouts falling.​
  • ​But you want to try freshly picked vegetables as early as possible. This, however, does not apply to large grain crops (legumes, pumpkins): these plants are not grown in greenhouses. But early cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage can only be obtained by growing seedlings in a greenhouse or home greenhouse.​
  • ​We have already talked about film greenhouses, and therefore we advise you to choose a film for a greenhouse with approximately the same parameters. In short, it should be a material of medium strength and light transmittance. Thus, the sun will warm up the greenhouse well, the film will last a long time, and the temperature inside will remain close to stable even at night.​
  • ​For different species, we must create certain conditions in the room by dividing the space with plastic film:​

Seedling care

Here's how to grow pepper seedlings in a greenhouse: we harden the seedlings that appear on the 4th day for a whole week at

​The instructions allow frames made of plastic, wood or metal.​

  • ​height - 15 cm higher than future seedlings, i.e. 50 cm
  • ​cucumber seedlings from December 25 to January 31;​
  • ​Seedlings in seed boxes grow until the first true leaf begins to appear, after which they are pricked out. When picking, all weak, late-emerging, affected by the “black leg”, as well as with a clear absence of the apical bud of the plant are discarded. Peat flower pots 5x5 cm are suitable for picking. But the best seedling containers are cartridges with a diameter of 5-6 cm and a height of 10 cm. They can be made from pieces of old, well washed and disinfected with potassium permanganate or copper sulfate films. Even containers made of thick paper are suitable.​
  • ​After the soil has been prepared and the seeds have been purchased, you can prepare them for planting. The preparation process is divided into three stages:​
  • ​Prepare the soil for seedlings​
  • ​Another advantage is that you can plant whatever variety you prefer. Besides, how much pleasure you can get from picking and eating the “fruits of your labors”!​
  • ​It is advisable to buy film from a roll whose parameters most closely match the size of the greenhouse. Stretching the film is very simple - the material is thrown from one side to the other, evenly stretched in arcs, and a load is tied to the edges of the film below, even old bricks or pieces of pipes, to hold the cover on the frame.​

Thinning of seedlings

  • ​maximum ventilation, dry air, optimal lighting, deep soil and abundant but infrequent watering - peppers, tomatoes, eggplants;​
  • ​Note that seedlings of annual flowers are more in demand by buyers - they can be replanted at any stage of growth.​
  • ​+16С°​

Hardening of seedlings

​First, we will find a place on the site that is most protected from wind and drafts.​


​Thick cellophane is stronger and will retain heat longer. Its width is 2 m, including an allowance for pressing the bricks to the ground. The length for a two-meter greenhouse is 3.5 m, and for a three-meter one - 4.5 m.​

  • ​tomato seedlings from February 1 to March 1;​
  • When picking, seedlings (especially elongated ones) are buried almost to the cotyledons in order to strengthen the seedlings due to the formation of additional roots.

​Seed selection. For planting, large-sized seed material should be selected.​

  • ​If you are not sure that you can regularly water the seedlings, then you can add a hydrogel to the substrate in advance, which retains moisture at the roots of the seedlings. All these fertilizers are freely sold in garden centers.​
  • You can sow anything you want

​Now all we have to do is cook good soil for a greenhouse, find out or remember the agricultural technology of plants, the rules for growing seedlings, and get down to business.​

​humid air, absence of drafts, frequent watering, low boxes due to shallow roots - for cucumbers.​

A practical greenhouse for seedlings with your own hands

We sow the Shabot carnation in January and look after it until May.

​so that the sprouts do not stretch upward and the stem does not become thinner.​

​We divide the beds in it from east to west, which is favorable for seedlings.​

When to build a greenhouse for seedlings?

​We use a greenhouse like this: we sow dry seeds in two-centimeter wet grooves - this way they will not suffer from a sudden drop in temperature and will sprout faster. Cabbage will appear first, then tomatoes.​

​The seedling soil from the moment of sowing the seeds can be the same as that intended for other vegetables.​

Choosing a place for a greenhouse in the country

​Disinfection of material and acceleration of seed germination. The seeds are placed in a gauze bundle or bag and immersed in water heated to 50 degrees for 20 minutes. Afterwards, the seeds should be spread out on a flat surface, covered with a cloth and placed in a cool place for 12 hours.​


Greenhouse parameters for seedlings

​The sowing period is determined by two months: February-March. You can check the seed packet for more specific dates, because it depends on the crop variety. In addition, you should consider the climate of your region.​

But neighboring plants should not shade each other.

​After germination in early March, we pick the sage one at a time into a pot, and only in June we decorate the flowerbed with it.​

The simplest do-it-yourself polyethylene greenhouse

​Aeration, maximum lighting, fertilizing the soil, loosening it and watering will give us hardy pepper seedlings.​

Biological fuel is suitable for heating. Manure, grass, dry leaves, straw or chicken droppings will warm the seedlings.​

Arcs for greenhouse frame

Growing seedlings in pyramid greenhouses is economical: they are resistant to strong winds and retain heat well. And their shadow does not interfere with surrounding plants.​

Greenhouse device

​The light conditions during the period of growing seedlings under the film are favorable, so the plants will not require any special light hardening. It should only be noted that cabbage seedlings do not tolerate shading from the moment of germination until they are ready for planting.​

Feeding future cabbage seedlings. A nutrient solution is prepared from 15 g of sodium humate or other fertilizer and a liter of water. Seeds should be soaked in it for 12 hours before planting.​

Covering the greenhouse with film

​The containers are filled with the prepared substrate so that at least 1 cm remains to the top, and compacted by lightly pressing the soil to the bottom (with your hand or some other object). It is important that there are no voids left between the layers of soil.​

​To correctly calculate the period, there is such a way: you need to count down from the statistical date of the last frost. Given this nuance and the time indicated on the package, you are unlikely to sow the seeds prematurely. Here is an approximate scheme that you can follow:

​Greenhouses at the dacha can be very diverse, and it is not necessary to build an arc greenhouse if there are more interesting options, and for some, more convenient.​

However, growing seedlings for a greenhouse involves their subsequent transplantation into ridges or deep boxes on racks. It is optimal to plant the seedlings themselves by June 1st. After watching the video in this article, we will better understand our topic.​

DIY greenhouse (video)

Options for greenhouses for seedlings

​Aster is hardy - its seedlings will not die even in frosts down to -1 degree. And its picking will provide 400 pieces per 1 sq. m.

Polycarbonate greenhouse for seedlings

​Pay attention! From germination to the first fruits - peppercorns even for the most early ripening varieties- almost 5 months, and only seedlings will bring the production of this product closer to mid-summer.​

​Electrical appliances quickly dry out the air and soil in mini-structures, so we’ll put buckets of water there.​

Arc greenhouse made of film

​greens from November 21 to December 25 - just in time for the New Year's table.​

Greenhouse thermos

​In a greenhouse, it is better to place rooted seedlings in boxes, under which a whole film is laid on the surface of the soil. The bottom of the boxes should also be covered with film, but with holes to drain excess moisture from watering and fertilizing solutions.​

​The final stage of preparation. The seeds are rinsed in cold water and dried.​

A simple greenhouse made from windows

Mark the seedlings so as not to confuse them later

​Sowing time can be calculated in advance​

Wooden greenhouse with glass

​The most practical greenhouse that you can buy and simply plant the necessary crops inside. With him there is the least amount of hassle and only positive emotions. But except for one thing, you will have to pay for the greenhouse, and a lot.​

​You can always build a greenhouse for growing seedlings in your country house with your own hands. If growing seedlings at home is impossible, but the climate of your region allows you to do it right on summer cottage, we propose to build a greenhouse for seedlings. With its help, it will be possible to drive out strong seedlings in the shortest possible time.​

Cheap greenhouse for a summer residence

We sow marigolds at the end of March, but close to the entrance because of their noticeable smell.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse for seedlings (video)

Greenhouse for seedlings on a summer cottage (photo)

​Optimal dimensions: base - 140x140 cm, height - 320 cm.​

​But still, it is the seedlings that give them the lion's share of the profit, because only 1 sq. m can comfortably accommodate 1,500 picked seedlings.​

​Seedlings in boxes are easier to move around the greenhouse if necessary, and it is also more convenient to gradually cull seedlings that turn out to be of poor quality.​

​Shallow boxes or containers are filled with soil mixture prepared in advance. The soil is leveled, watered with a weak solution of manganese, shallow grooves are made in it, into which the seeds are placed at a centimeter distance from each other. The seeds are sprinkled with earth, the containers are covered with glass or polyethylene. During the process of cultivating seeds, it is sometimes necessary to raise the cover for ventilation. After the sunrises appear, the containers can be placed in the greenhouse, where they will remain for 5 - 7 days. The sunrises can be watered and the soil gently loosened.​

Advantages of growing seedlings in a greenhouse

​If you have many varieties of plants in your greenhouse, you should definitely label them. Don’t rely on your memory; after a while you will forget what and where you sown. Prepare plastic labels on which you indicate the name of the variety, manufacturer and sowing date. Then stick them into the ground next to the future seedlings.​

​tomatoes and eggplants - 6-8 weeks;​

A greenhouse for seedlings is a simple design that meets the agricultural technology of the plants whose seedlings we are going to grow. Most often, this is an ordinary arc, wooden or even wire frame covered with film, but there are also more practical solutions.​

Time for sowing seeds

​We sow morning glory, petunia, and phlox in March directly into the manured soil of the greenhouse, and then plant the seedlings in pots with a diameter of 10 cm.​

​Warm the soaked seeds of heat-loving cucumbers for 2 hours at +50 degrees and plant them in peat pots.​

​Manufacture technology:​

  • ​To install a pyramid greenhouse with your own hands, you will need to take 4 planks of 1.5 m each and a durable two-layer film covering 1 m wide. The planks are also supports for our plants.​
  • ​It is rational to use various designs.​
  • ​Water the seedlings not very often, but abundantly. The water temperature may be slightly higher than the temperature of the seedling soil.​
  • In order to obtain healthy, strong seedlings with a good root system, it is necessary to illuminate the cabbage sunrises with fluorescent lamps for up to 15 hours a day, since daylight may not be enough.
  • Optimal temperature for seed germination - 22-25º C. To maintain seedlings, only 15-18º C is enough. Please note that a slightly lower temperature will slow down plant growth, but the seedlings will be more hardened.​

Greenhouse or home greenhouse?

​cucumbers - 2-4 weeks;​

​This is practically the same structure that we decided to build today, but it goes in ready set. All you have to do is bring the greenhouse to your dacha, place it on the site and assemble it. Convenient and fast, but again at a cost.​

​Before deciding to grow seedlings in a greenhouse, make sure that the climate is suitable for this. For example, in the middle zone it will not be possible to grow healthy seedlings of blueberries and peppers in greenhouses, since the low night temperature will not allow this, but it is quite possible that you will be able to raise seedlings of cabbage, radishes, and tomatoes.​

What to sow into?

​Comfortable temperature for their growth is +22 - +25 degrees with humidity above 80%.​

​2 side walls - 2 panels: along a frame of 4 boards and 2 more boards perpendicular to them.​

​We connect the upper ends of the planks, and stick the lower ends a meter from each other into the ground.​

​A permanent polycarbonate greenhouse for growing seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, and salad greens.​

​Even with good filling of the soil by everyone necessary fertilizers Seedlings benefit from two mandatory feedings, and in case of special need, a third one. Phosphorus and nitrogen are given in fertilizing, and potassium and magnesium are given in small doses. Phosphorus promotes active growth of roots and protects against low temperatures; nitrogen is needed for leaf growth; potassium strengthens with low temperatures; Magnesium supports better leaf photosynthesis. The first feeding is given when the first leaf is fully formed, the second - after 10-12 days; the first - weak concentration, the second - more. After fertilizing, the leaves are washed off from fertilizers with light watering.

Picking seedlings begins when the plants have 2-3 true leaves Watering should be regular, but not excessive. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, but water should not stagnate on the surface of the earth. The soil should be moist, and watering should be done using a spray bottle.​

The soil

​sweet and hot peppers– in 8-12 weeks;​

​When can I start building a greenhouse at my dacha and planting seedlings? The most suitable period for starting the process is one that cannot be determined by a single number for each year. It is very important that the night temperature is kept at a level not lower than +7+8°C, and the daytime temperature, at the same time, reaches +12+15°C. Often this is mid-spring.​

​Usually growing seedlings in greenhouses lasts 1 month under the following conditions:​

​We water very loose soil with organic and mineral fertilizers.​​Top: stand boards protruding 60 cm.​

Variety marking

​Cut out 4 triangles from the film and use a stapler to connect them, glue them or press them with plates.​

​Film version - for the growth of cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage.​

Temperature and watering

​Recommended air temperatures for cabbage seedlings are: during the day, with sun - 14...18°C, without sun - 12...16°C, at night - 8...10°C. Ventilation must be constant. Although plants can withstand short-term frosts down to -5...7°C, in such cases it is better to cover the seedlings with a special light film that does not crush the plants, or small-sized covers made of plastic film. It is especially undesirable to allow the air temperature to rise above 20°C.​

​When the first leaves of cabbage appear, you can start picking them. The seedlings are transplanted into flower pots small size or disposable cups. Before transplanting seedlings, it is necessary to correctly select only healthy plants, the sick and weak are better sorted. A third of the rhizomes are removed from selected plants and planted in prepared containers.​

​Young seedlings can be watered with water from a watering can with a shower head turned upward room temperature. Water grown plants from a tray to stimulate branching of the root system.​

​cabbage - 5-6 weeks;​​We have studied the thermos greenhouse inside and out, and the conclusions are clear - an excellent model, functional and practical. Now you can build a similar greenhouse by referring to our diagram or creating your own. It will be possible to cover the structure with old windows.​

​If it’s difficult to guess the timing, there won’t be any special problems, it’s just that the seeds will germinate a little later, say, not in 2-2.5 weeks, but in 3-4. But, as usual, the seedlings manage to get stronger by the end of April or beginning of May. Only one thing is important here - use a high-quality substrate for seedlings, prepared seeds, and also follow the growing rules healthy seedlings!​

How to pick seedlings?

​when ventilating, cold air from the street does not blow directly onto the plants;​

After 30 days, the seedlings are ready.

​We saw down the rafters at the corners.​

Nutrition, stimulants...

Leave the top of the hood open for ventilation. We will put the finished cap on the slatted frame.​

​The shoots of cabbage and annual flowers grow rapidly even in the simplest steam pits.​

The correct temperature regime will ensure air hardening of seedlings. A few days before landing you need to equalize temperature regime greenhouses and outside air.​

​Picking seedlings allows you to increase the feeding area, improve lighting and helps strengthen the root system of future seedlings.​


​leaf salad - 4-5 weeks.​

Growing cabbage in a greenhouse: selection of seeds, soil preparation, planting, watering, care

Preparing and planting seeds

​after 2 leaves appear, we feed: 3 l warm water and 2 teaspoons of nitrophoska;

  1. ​Cover the top with polycarbonate or film and secure with slats.​
  2. ​One face is a door facing south, comfortable and free ventilation.​
  3. ​In greenhouses we will get strong sprouts of heat-loving types of peppers and tomatoes.​

​If you maintain a strong, branched root system, you will not need to partially cut off developed leaf blades when planting (as is sometimes done) to prevent plants from wilting.​

​The optimal temperature for the growth of seedlings is 18 degrees. Once the plants become stronger, the temperature can be gradually reduced to 15 degrees. After the sprouts have formed, the emerging cabbage seedlings are fed. For this, mullein is used, diluted 1:5 in water.​

Picking and caring for cabbage seedlings

​Excessive watering of seedlings will certainly lead to the development of fungal diseases, popularly called “black leg”. Therefore, take precautions and regularly ventilate the seedlings.​

​Of course, the main condition for growing seedlings is the presence of a greenhouse. What should it be like? It depends on your desires, goals and capabilities. You can grow seedlings in a small greenhouse made by yourself, or in a greenhouse structure made of polycarbonate or covered with film. You can approach its creation professionally by building a high-quality, functional Midlider greenhouse that will serve you for many years.​

​A greenhouse made from windows is also a past stage, but now you can, based on previously acquired knowledge, create something similar for growing seedlings. The only difference is that the design will be several times smaller.​

​It is advisable to determine a flat and quiet place in the country for a greenhouse. This could even be a site in the garden, since while the seedlings are being forced out, there are no leaves on the trees yet, and the shadow will not interfere with the development of the crops.​

​second feeding: a teaspoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate per 7 liters of warm water;​

How to pick cabbage (video)

Planting cabbage in open ground

​Tomatoes also prefer an average temperature of +25, but low humidity– up to 65%, otherwise they will suffer from late blight.​

​We choose between time-tested glass, durable, beautiful cellular polycarbonate and repeatedly improved bubble wrap. Vegetable growers – professionals and amateurs – have already appreciated this new product. These materials are almost equivalent in protecting seedlings, but their cost, strength and appearance are different, so we decide for ourselves.​

​The opposite edge can be covered with black polyethylene for the same purpose of insulation.​

Planting cabbage (video)

​Tunnel film shelters will protect cucumber seedlings in special peat pots, since regular replanting will injure them.​

​The white cabbage method is used to grow seedlings of other types of cabbages.​

Hello, friends and just readers! We all know that cabbage is a very healthy vegetable, tasty and irreplaceable, which, no matter how you prepare it, will turn out to be a wonderful dish. It is irreplaceable in cabbage rolls and is the main ingredient in borscht. It can be stewed with meat, onions and carrots to serve for lunch, or used as a filling for pies.

But before that there is a lot of work to be done: sowing, growing, caring for, collecting and proper storage. In this article, I decided to start from the very first link of this chain - to tell you how to grow cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse.

Soil preparation and variety selection

Almost everything depends on how the soil is prepared, in particular, the resistance of seedlings to various diseases. They are doing this in the fall. First, humus and turf soil are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. Then add ash at the rate of 10 tablespoons for every 10 kilograms of soil obtained.

It is rich in useful micro- and macroelements, and will also protect cabbage from diseases. Mix everything well. If necessary, turf soil can be replaced, for example, with peat.

Cabbage needs fertile and breathable soil - this is the main condition. You should not take the soil in which cruciferous plants grew before - there is a high probability that it will destroy the seedlings due to the possible presence of pathogenic microorganisms in it.

The choice of variety depends entirely on what kind of cabbage is needed. For example, cabbage can be early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening.

  • The early one is small and gives a very small harvest. This a good option, if you need cabbage for yourself and in small quantities.
  • The second one is ideal for pickling.
  • And the later one will be best for those who need it for a long time, or if for sale. It is also important to remember that the time for sowing cabbage depends on the variety.

Determining the time of sowing and preparing seeds

It is difficult to determine the exact sowing date, but it may not be necessary if you know the approximate dates.

Experienced gardeners advise early varieties sow from the beginning until March 28; average – from 25.03 to 25.04; and late ones from the beginning to the end of April, but always before the 28th.

You can also calculate the sowing date like this: determine the desired day of planting in the ground, and sow 50-60 days before it.

With cabbage, everything is not very simple, including preparing the seeds. While some vegetable crops can survive the abandonment of this process, our garden queen never can. If you don’t want to think about it, you can buy seeds at the store that have already been processed. This information is indicated on the packaging.

The only thing you need to do with them is warm them up. The water is heated to a temperature of 50 degrees, the seeds are poured into it and left for twenty minutes. Then you need to transfer it to cold water for five minutes. This will be a wonderful prevention of fungal diseases.

Proper sowing and cultivation

Picking is important for cabbage - this is the only way the root system will be strong, and the vegetable, in turn, will be resistant to diseases and pests. So just preparing the land and seeds and regular sowing is not enough. However, if you don’t want to pick at all, you need to sow directly into separate containers.

So, everything is ready for sowing, let's get to the fun part.

  1. It is necessary to prepare trays that we will place in the greenhouse.
  2. After they are filled with soil, you need to spill it well with water. Cabbage loves moisture, so in the future it will need regular, abundant watering.
  3. Sowing is carried out, and after that you need to leave the trays alone for a while.
  4. After the seedlings appear, they need to be thinned out. The area per sprout should be approximately 2x2 cm.
  5. After about 14 days, picking occurs (according to the 3 × 3 planting pattern), and after the same amount of time, the seedlings are transplanted into pots or cups, the size of which will be at least 5 × 5 cm.
  6. For correct height in a polycarbonate greenhouse, cabbage seedlings will need: additional light (fluorescent lamp), a adjusted watering regime (to avoid drought and waterlogging), optimal temperature that will help the seedlings strengthen (15-17 during the day, 8-10 degrees Celsius at night). Additional heaters are often used to maintain the greenhouse desired temperature.
  7. Fertilizers are very important: the first fertilizing (potassium) - a week after picking; the second (also potassium, but 2 times stronger than the first) - after another two weeks; the third - two days before the expected one.

Video: Sowing cabbage in a greenhouse for seedlings

Is it possible to grow cabbage in a greenhouse? Of course, it’s possible, but you’ll just have to put maximum effort into it in order to ultimately get a generous harvest.

Cabbage is not a heat-loving and pampered crop, and therefore is rarely grown in greenhouses. But this method can be quite productive for germinating seedlings. If you know the temperature indicators required for a greenhouse, as well as when it is best to sow seeds and plant seedlings, you can get strong seedlings and, as a result, a good harvest.

Proper soil preparation

Depending on the external conditions and the climate of a particular region, planting dates may vary slightly. It is advisable to plant the seeds 2 months before transplantation, i.e. until full-fledged seedlings form. If planted in the ground in May, you need to sow cabbage seeds in March.

Since the crop loves moisture, you need to take this into account when choosing the soil composition, making it fertile and light. The best option is:

  • 2 hours of humus;
  • 1 tsp of the selected type of soil (fertile black soil, for example);
  • 1 tsp sand.

Sowing and caring for seedlings

It is recommended to pre-treat the seeds to increase immunity and protect them from pests and pathogens. It is permissible to use a solution of potassium permanganate or the selected chemical drug. Folk way includes heat treatment: Place in 50°C water for a few minutes, then in cold water for a few seconds, dry well.

Germinating cabbage seeds before planting

The planting scheme depends on the chosen growing principle. If you follow the basics, in particular the future picking, holes should be made every 2 cm, and the seeds should be sown at a distance of 1 cm.

If picking is not planned, you must initially maintain a greater distance:

  • 5 cm between beds;
  • 3 cm between seeds.

Advice. In order for seedlings to appear earlier, the beds should be covered with film. If the temperature conditions are observed, you can expect them to sprout in 3-4 days. Immediately when sprouts appear, the film is removed so as not to interfere with growth.

It is necessary to observe the climatic regime for each period of seedling development. So, at the time of sowing and seed germination, the following indicators are needed:

  • during the day: 15-17°C;
  • during the day in cloudy weather: 13-15°C;
  • after dark (evening and night): 7-9°C.

If the values ​​in the greenhouse are higher, they must be deliberately lowered. This allows you to “harden” the seedlings, increasing their vitality and strength.

When the seedlings sprout, the temperature should be reduced slightly - to 8-10°C. Accordingly, on a cloudy day, a couple more degrees are forcibly removed, since the processes of photosynthesis at this moment are very inactive.

Attention! Excessive heating of the air leads to the fact that the seedlings become soft and “stretch out”.

Picks and secrets of growing strong seedlings

When plants develop 1-2 leaves, they can be picked or planted. The soil can remain the same, but it is better to slightly change the composition in accordance with the recommendations:

  • 3 parts peat;
  • 1 hour humus;
  • 20 g per 10 liters of potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate substrate and twice as much for superphosphate.

Picking and transplanting cabbage can be done when 2-3 leaves appear

If there is no peat or if desired, ordinary garden soil is taken according to a similar principle, but then more humus will be needed - 3 parts.

Replanting should be done carefully, without disturbing the roots. After the procedure, it is recommended to shade the crops and increase the temperature by a couple of degrees for 2 days.

Advice. Plants should be thoroughly watered a couple of hours before the procedure. After transplantation, repeat.

Watering the crop occurs according to the following scheme: rarely, but abundantly. Optimally once every 10 days. It is important to control humidity. To balance it, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse. It’s better to add water in the morning.

After 3 leaves appear on the bushes, it is time for primary feeding. Mineral fertilizers or a solution of liquid droppings or mullein - the choice is up to the summer resident. The second feeding occurs after 14 days with a slightly increased dosage. For example, they recommend:

  • ammonium nitrate: I – 20 g, II – 30 g;
  • potassium sulfate: I – 10 g, II – 20 g;
  • superphosphate: I – 40 g, II – 60 g.

Transplantation and subsequent care

If planned further cultivation crops in the garden, in a few days the windows are opened, the frames are removed so that the seedlings are “hardened”, strengthened and prepared for future environmental conditions. Before the procedure, it is better to feed the seedlings with minerals, increasing the proportion of potassium. In order not to overdo it with microelements, you can dilute the solution wood ash, which acts as a natural substitute for potassium.

Attention! On the 60-65th day, the seedlings already acquire 6-7 leaves and reach 20-25 cm. The color is bright, rich green. Sluggish, sickly-looking seedlings should not be used for planting.

Planting scheme for a 60*30 cm vegetable garden. A similar algorithm is suitable for leaving the crop in a greenhouse. The holes are well watered beforehand. It is better to replant the sprout with a lump of earth on the rhizome. Sprinkle with soil up to the first leaves. Lightly compact the soil near the stem. Care includes:

  • abundant but relatively infrequent watering;
  • fertilizing once every 2 weeks (it is better to alternate organic matter with nitrogen-containing and potassium fertilizing) or less often;
  • It is permissible to sprinkle the leaves with ash - this is both a kind of natural feeding and protection from pests. An ash solution applied by spraying is also suitable;
  • hilling, loosening the soil around the stem to free up moisture access to the root;
  • cleaning weeds.

Attention! Cabbage does not like shade. Only a large amount of sun contributes to its normal development.

​Similar articles​

Timing for sowing cabbage for seedlings

​Finally, I take into account the quality of the seedlings - they are strong, stocky, take root earlier, develop faster, and are less affected by diseases. Well, in order to cope with a large amount of work, I grow only cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes.​

How to grow cabbage seedlings?

​Several years ago I had to leave the greenhouse plant, where I worked as chief agronomist for almost 30 years. There was no opportunity to learn a new profession or look for a new place of employment, and I decided to use agricultural knowledge and experience on my own plot.​

​Above the ridge we make a greenhouse with a height of at least 30 cm and sow the seeds. We cover the top of the greenhouse with additional insulation, for example, an old blanket. When the first shoots appear, we begin to harden the seedlings, removing the film cover for the day. After the first leaf appears, the seedlings will need to be thinned out and the temperature in the greenhouse raised to +12°C. After 2-3 leaves appear, we increase watering.

​On the frame, above the shelves for flowerpots and hanging baskets, we will attach non-woven material for additional heating and protect the seedlings in case of frost.​

The sprouts are cold-resistant and can withstand even five degrees of frost, but before germination we maintain the temperature at +20 degrees, after which we reduce it to +10. Savings on heating are significant!​

Rules for growing and planting cabbage seedlings

Growing seedlings in a greenhouse: comfortable conditions and rational technologies

​I must note that our places for gardening are quite difficult. Vegetable crops are known to be demanding on soil fertility and require watering. In our region, the soils are poor. My plot of 40 acres is located on a high bank. A significant part of it descends steeply to the river; on the northern slope the fertile layer does not exceed 5 cm, and underneath there is sand. Moreover, the water is deep. In early spring There is still moisture in the soil, but in May the plants are already suffering from drought.​

It is best to water cabbage seedlings early in the morning.

​Let a barrel of manure or grass stand in a dark corner and release carbon dioxide during fermentation, which accelerates growth.​

  • Chinese cabbage is also valuable for vitamins, calcium, and iron. We grow cabbage at a temperature of 17°C: its seeds germinate well even in such cool conditions, but with generous watering. And after 20 days we plant the cabbage on the plot - and this is what growing early cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse is all about.
  • ​+16С°​
  • ​Manufacture technology:​


​The opposite edge can be covered with black polyethylene for the same purpose of insulation.​

Let's choose a flat piece of land.

​First, we will distribute the planting sites for each crop, and in the fall we will prepare the soil in ridges and boxes - this is well-drained, fertile soil. Many summer residents optimally use the room at the same time for sowing cold-resistant vegetables - they do not interfere with seedlings, and later play the role of compacting crops.​

  • ​When choosing the time to plant cabbage seedlings, you should proceed from the variety vegetable crop. Early ripening varieties of cabbage, which can ripen in early July, are sown at the end of February or the first ten days of March. Mid- and late-ripening varieties should be sown at the end of March. But these are only approximate dates. When sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings, the climate characteristics of the area are also taken into account. Agrotechnicians recommend sowing cabbage 50 - 60 days before the intended planting of seedlings in the ground.​
  • I sow cabbage
  • ​On the other hand, the area warms up quickly in the spring, all year round it is well lit on all sides, where there is a copse, where houses are protected from the winds, and the lower part of the slope - the floodplain of the river - is a great place for cabbage and cucumbers. This is what I took into account when organizing my farm. Since there were no significant funds for its arrangement, at first I made do with a small greenhouse and grew cabbage seedlings in the floodplain. Water for irrigation is not far from here, and enough silt and manure remains have accumulated over the many years of the village’s existence.​
  • Now you need to start feeding the cabbage. To do this we use a mixture of nitrogen, potash fertilizers and superphosphate. The second feeding is carried out only with nitrogen fertilizers. Before planting seedlings in the greenhouse, a third fertilizing is carried out with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.​
  • ​Mulching with grass strengthens the roots and prevents overheating of the soil. In addition, rotten grass becomes a valuable fertilizer.​

Cauliflower, valuable for calcium, potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus, requires abundant organic fertilizer. Therefore, on March 1, we will put the seeds into peat cubes.​

Types of shelters

​so that the sprouts do not stretch upward and the stem does not become thinner.​

  • ​2 side walls - 2 panels: along a frame of 4 boards and 2 more boards perpendicular to them.​
  • ​At the top of pyramidal greenhouses there is little space, and the air sinks down to the plants. The price of this pyramid for seedlings is minimal. Such a greenhouse can be moved to a new location.​
  • ​We will stretch the film over reinforcing arcs stuck into the ground a meter from each other, fixing it with bricks and boards.​
  • ​Using the greenhouse rationally, from March 10 to May 1 we are engaged in cabbage seedlings, then until August 20 we collect cucumbers, and for the next 2 months we collect radishes and lettuce. In a heated spring greenhouse, we sow the seeds as early as March 1, and within 2 months we get excellent sprouts. Then, until August, we harvest cucumbers in this shelter.​
  • Cabbage seedlings are sowed in boxes or cups. Collateral good harvest in the future there will be quality of seed, so large seeds should be selected. It is recommended to immerse the seeds in hot water (+45...+50 degrees) for 20 minutes, and then keep them in cold water for a couple of minutes. The seeds are covered with a layer of soil no more than 1 centimeter. Immediately after planting, the seedlings are watered; further watering is carried out as the soil dries out. The optimal temperature in the first week is +6…+12 degrees.​

​in February and March. I do this at home - it’s warm there, 5-10 boxes don’t take up much space (2-5 sq.m - 10,000 seedlings), it’s easy to arrange for them to be illuminated with lamps, for example, “Reflex”. When the seedlings grow up, I plant them in boxes with a substrate made of a mixture of sand (I prepare it near the river) and sawdust. By this time, the soil in the greenhouse has warmed up, and I place boxes of cabbage in the beds. After the cabbage grows, I pick it again. It is important to form a branched root system of plants. Therefore, I regularly move the boxes to remove the roots from the bed, spend mineral supplements(organic ones contribute to the development of diseases), I regulate the night and day temperatures using the windows. At the end of March, I transfer medium and late-ripening varieties of cabbage from winter greenhouses to spring greenhouses, in which I first loosen the soil.​


​To protect the slope from destruction by rain and wind, a garden was placed on it. Sand from the planting holes was used on the paths and the row spacing was tinned. From branches, mown grass, manure, household waste and turf, I made two shafts 30 cm high along the main alley and three of the same across the site to retain moisture. My trees are planted according to a 5x6 m pattern, so there is light in the rows of the garden, in them I grow seedlings in boxes and sow vegetable greens, when watered and fertilized nutrients and the moisture that seeps deep also reaches the trees.​

When the seedlings have 4 leaves, we transplant the seedlings into a greenhouse. Before doing this, thoroughly water the plants. There is no need to clear the roots from the soil. If you are going to use only part of the seedlings, choose those sprouts that have a greenish-purple color. Plants with light green stems may not take root in a greenhouse due to a poorly developed root system. Maintain intervals between plants of 30-40 cm. The first watering of cabbage in a new place is carried out no earlier than a week later.​

  • ​We thin out after the true leaves appear, leaving the seedlings 2 cm apart, then water them.​
  • ​We can provide +16 degrees comfortable for cabbage in a greenhouse - and the problem of how to grow cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse can be easily solved.​
  • ​Aeration, maximum lighting, fertilizing the soil, loosening it and watering will give us hardy pepper seedlings.​
  • ​Top: stand boards protruding 60 cm.​

Advice! Before sowing the seeds, we will bury a bag of hay in the ground for bioheating.​

  • ​Use flags to mark rows across the greenhouse 20 cm apart, indicating the crop variety with a marker.​
  • ​In winter greenhouses, experienced farmers still make 5 turns:​
  • ​Sprouts appear quite quickly - on the 3rd - 5th day. A few days later, the boxes are placed in a warm place. The appearance of the first true leaf is a signal for diving, and the distance between seedling bushes should be maintained at least 6 cm. To preserve the root system, it is better to use nutrient cubes or peat pots. The soil mixture is prepared from peat (7 parts), humus (2 parts), turf soil and mullein (1 part of each component). The well-compacted mixture is cut into small layers, each approximately 6x6x6 cm in size. You can also use traditional cardboard or plastic cups filled with the above earth mixture, but when growing early cabbage seedlings, nutrient cubes allow you to get mature heads of cabbage almost 2 weeks earlier, by ensuring the integrity of the plant roots.​

​I take up the free space with tomatoes.​

​Four years ago I was lucky - I managed to purchase industrial greenhouses written off for scrap for literally pennies. Of these, I assembled with my own hands two winter and four spring greenhouses, connected by a vestibule, with a common entrance. I placed them parallel to each other on a slope so that they would receive more sun. The film did not adhere well to the metal slats and was torn off by the wind. There was nowhere to buy rubber seals and fasteners for the coating (there are no such structures left in the region and they are no longer produced). I had to cover all the racks with bars. I got them for free - I took them from a landfill next to the sawmill where I buy sawdust and shavings for filling beds and preparing a substrate for seedlings.​

Construction of a pyramid greenhouse

​It is preferable to grow early cabbage in a greenhouse. These are varieties such as “Ditmarskaya Rannyaya”, “Golden Hectare 1432”, “Number One K-206”. Seeds are sown in a greenhouse in the first half of February, and transplanted into a greenhouse in early April. Some experts suggest sowing seeds as early as December, and then illuminating the seedlings with special lamps. The technology for growing cabbage is to ensure the required air temperature in the greenhouse - 15-20°C, maintaining a high level of humidity and light. Once every two weeks, the soil needs to be loosened and fertilized with a solution of manure.​

After half a month, we thin out again, now leaving 4 cm between them.

  • ​Pay attention! From germination to the first fruits - peppercorns, even in the earliest ripening varieties - almost 5 months, and only seedlings will bring the production of this product closer to mid-summer.​
  • ​We saw down the rafters at the corners.​
  • ​2 weeks after covering we control the temperature under the film.​
  • ​cucumber seedlings from December 25 to January 31;​
  • ​A week after picking, containers with seedlings are placed in a greenhouse and fertilized. It is preferable to fertilize with manure or bird droppings. It is possible to use urea or ammonium nitrate. It is recommended to maintain a temperature in the greenhouse of +14...+18 degrees during the day, +7...+10 degrees at night. If the temperature in the greenhouse is excessively high, it is necessary to ventilate the room, but avoid drafts. In warm weather during the day, greenhouse frames can be opened for a while.​

​Tomato seedlings​

​The sides of the greenhouse were covered with air bubble film, and the roof with reinforced film. These films retain heat well and almost no condensation forms on them. The winter greenhouse has another covering - an internal one made of ordinary polyethylene film. Between the films there is a layer of air 2-4 cm thick. In addition, directly on the ridge with the plants, having previously placed arcs along it, I throw non-woven material.​

Pyramid greenhouse with foundation

Before planting cauliflower seedlings in a greenhouse, organic fertilizers are added to the soil. Seedlings are planted on permanent place in March, with an interval of 15-25 cm between plants. If you place the seedlings too close to each other, the cauliflower heads will turn out small. After two weeks we feed organic fertilizers, the next feeding is in another 2 weeks. Growing cauliflower involves high humidity in the greenhouse.​

  • ​When the seedlings grow up, add vermicompost, peat, and manure 5 cm between the rows, ensuring the looseness and nutritional value of the soil.​
  • ​Cover the top with polycarbonate or film and secure with slats.​
  • ​Foundation 3x3 m from pipes with a diameter of 100 mm will be filled with concrete.​
  • ​Optimal greenhouse parameters:​
  • ​tomato seedlings from February 1 to March 1;​

Mini greenhouse

In May, seedlings are planted in the beds. The holes are located at a distance of 40 cm. First, about a liter of water is poured into the hole and a bush is planted directly in the dirt. The plant is covered with soil up to the bottom leaf.

​, like cabbage, before picking I keep it on the table in the house under phyto-lamps, then I pick it in boxes. While the tomatoes are small, the boxes stand tightly on the paths in the winter greenhouse. In April, cucumber seedlings for protected ground are added to them, and in mid-May - cucumbers for open ground. I pick up the grown seedlings into cups, place them in boxes and place them on the beds.​

  • ​I installed a heating stove in the winter greenhouse concrete base, paths and maintaining the desired temperature at night. Since it was not possible to make a high chimney, I chose the location for the stove taking into account the prevailing southwest winds. As a result, the sparks blow away and do not burn through the film. At the top of the ends of the greenhouse there are vents for ventilating the plants. But in hot weather and for good hardening of seedlings, these windows are not enough. Usually in such cases the film is raised and lowered in tunnels and greenhouses, but I made small windows at the bottom. On the inside, to avoid drafts, these windows are draped with non-woven material.​
  • ​Due to lack of moisture, especially when high temperatures, the cabbage heads begin to crumble.​
  • ​At +18 degrees outside, we harden the seedlings by removing the film for 15 minutes and increasing the hardening time every day. A week before planting, we reduce the temperature in the greenhouse to outside.​
  • ​Note that seedlings of annual flowers are more in demand by buyers - they can be replanted at any stage of growth.​

​Warm the soaked seeds of heat-loving cucumbers for 2 hours at +50 degrees and plant them in peat pots.​

​We choose between time-tested glass, durable, beautiful cellular polycarbonate and repeatedly improved bubble wrap. Vegetable growers – professionals and amateurs – have already appreciated this new product. These materials are almost equivalent in protecting seedlings, but their cost, strength and appearance are different, so we decide for ourselves.​

  • ​In its corners we will install steel corners 80x80x80.​
  • ​width 1 m for convenient weeding;​
  • ​cucumber from March 2 to June 15;​
  • ​standard seedlings have no more than 5 true leaves;​

Choice of coverage

​At the end of April I pick tomatoes again (20-30 pieces per box). When the early cabbage “leaves” the spring greenhouses, I transfer boxes of tomato seedlings. As I sell cabbage seedlings, I increase the distance between the boxes so that the plants are well lit. In the winter greenhouse I put boxes with cucumbers in the free space. Thus, in the winter greenhouse until mid-May I keep seedlings - first cabbage, then tomatoes and cucumbers. Then I place cucumbers or tomatoes in it to obtain produce. I plant the plants in two rows - this makes it easier to care for them.​

​In winter greenhouses, which operate from the end of February to November, the roof is gabled, gable, high, and snow does not accumulate on it and does not press through the covering. Spring greenhouses (for growing seedlings in March, and then cucumbers and tomatoes in the summer) are arched. In November from part arched roof adjacent to the winter greenhouse, I remove the film so that the snow has somewhere to fall.​

Features of growing various seedlings

​Therefore, the greenhouse should be thoroughly ventilated and the air temperature should not be allowed to rise above +18°C. It is important to cut off the heads in time, otherwise they will crumble. In the early stages of cauliflower growth, plants can be supplemented with light.​


​Greenhouses have excellent advantages:​

  • We sow the Shabot carnation in January and look after it until May.
  • ​Comfortable temperature for their growth is +22 - +25 degrees with a humidity above 80%.​​Attach boards to them - and the base is ready.​ ​length no more than 3 m so that the wind does not break through the film;​​tomato from June 16 to November 20;​ ​When picking, it is necessary to throw away seedlings that are weak, infected with fungus or without an apical bud;​​In the spring greenhouse, after I sell the cabbage seedlings, at the beginning of May, I add organic matter to the beds - it lasts for a year, and
  • ​In each greenhouse I made two permanent beds 90 cm wide. The paths are wide (on them I keep boxes with seedlings and seedlings after the first picking). I update the beds in the winter greenhouse every year. In January or February, I remove the top layer of soil from them and sift them through a coarse mesh. I bring sawdust, fallen leaves stored in the fall, manure, straw, plant debris, chalk into the beds, I spill everything with urea, hot water and cover with the removed soil. Even in early March, the air temperature near the garden bed, and sometimes in the entire greenhouse, rises to 20°. Since mid-July, I have been using the area between the winter greenhouses to collect snow from the roofs. In summer it is warm here, there is no wind. On this site I laid out beds for hardening and growing summer seedlings and for obtaining greenery.​​The main thing for Chinese cabbage– a large amount of moisture. The root system of this plant is quite shallow, so it is not able to absorb moisture from the lower layers of the soil. Watering should be done regularly. Stick to the recommended temperature for Chinese cabbage:​ ​the ability to grow seedlings at a convenient time and in different quantities;​
  • ​After germination in early March, we pick the sage one at a time into a pot, and only in June we decorate the flowerbed with it.​

​We water very loose soil with organic and mineral fertilizers.​


​We know that each plant has its own planting time.​

  • ​We attach the edges that meet at the top to its corners with self-tapping screws and steel plates.​
  • ​height - 15 cm higher than future seedlings, i.e. 50 cm
  • ​greens from November 21 to December 25 - just in time for the New Year's table.​
  • ​the water temperature when watering seedlings should be 2 - 3 degrees higher than the ground temperature;​


​planting cucumbers​

  • The quality of seedlings and vegetables depends on the quality of watering. Carrying water from the river up is difficult. So I bought a decommissioned tank, repaired it and installed it on brackets above the cabin. I fill the tank with a pump once a week. In the vegetable garden, garden and greenhouses, settled water heated by the sun flows by gravity through hoses.​
  • ​at the stage of head formation - 10-13°C;​
  • ​Save on fresh vegetables with proper care and technology.​


​Aster is hardy - its seedlings will not die even in frosts down to -1 degree. And its picking will provide 400 pieces per 1 sq. m.

After 30 days, the seedlings are ready.

  • ​We fix them with an aluminum sheet.​
  • ​Thick cellophane is stronger and will retain heat longer. Its width is 2 m, including an allowance for pressing the bricks to the ground. The length for a two-meter greenhouse is 3.5 m, and for a three-meter one - 4.5 m.​
  • ​But still, it is the seedlings that give them the lion's share of the profit, because only 1 sq. m can comfortably accommodate 1,500 picked seedlings.​
  • Before planting seedlings, you should maintain the temperature in the greenhouse during the day close to the air temperature outside for several days;
  • ​to produce greens, and after them I grow lettuce. In total, for a 200 sq.m greenhouse, I leave about 500 tomato and cucumber plants. I consider last year successful: I sold to the population and under contracts with local trading enterprises in addition to seedlings fruit trees, seedlings of flowers and vegetables, cabbage (up to 3 tons), cucumbers, tomatoes (more than 1 ton), onions, dill, parsley (including in winter).​

​Since I grow seedlings for sale, I also have to take care of the container (people come to the market without it). In winter, I collect shallow wooden boxes (they are taken out of the market and burned in dozens), milk and juice cartons (I cut them into three parts) and the best packaging material - newspapers. The plants do not rot in them, the roots do not suffocate, are not injured, and the seedling soil ball is easy to moisten. I get all this for free, I spend only on updating the film and non-woven material, purchasing manure every five years and the annual purchase of seeds and mineral fertilizers.​

Flower seedlings in a greenhouse

​daytime – 17-18°С;​

​For different species, we must create certain conditions in the room by dividing the space with plastic film:​

  • We sow marigolds at the end of March, but close to the entrance because of their noticeable smell.
  • ​Only peppers will not become “overgrown” from sowing too early, unlike tomatoes and eggplants.​
  • ​The door is the southern edge.​
  • ​We use a greenhouse like this: we sow dry seeds in two-centimeter wet grooves - this way they will not suffer from a sudden drop in temperature and will sprout faster. Cabbage will appear first, then tomatoes.​

Seedling care

​It is rational to use various designs.​

For planting, it is preferable to choose cloudy weather or evening time so that the crop takes root faster;

  • ​A.Mochalov Ivanovo region​
  • I try to save money on everything. There is no other way. If you want your vegetable seedlings to be bought, they should not be expensive, as there is a lot of competition. The sale of seedlings is also complicated by the fact that many gardeners believe that we have “the land of evergreen tomatoes.” But that's not true. It’s just that summer residents often buy the wrong varieties and hybrids, and they believe that it’s enough to plant a plant and it will grow on its own. But if you do everything correctly, the yield of tomatoes in open ground and in our Ivanovo region will be high.​
  • ​at night - 14-16°C.​
  • ​maximum ventilation, dry air, optimal lighting, deep soil and abundant but infrequent watering - peppers, tomatoes, eggplants;​
  • ​We sow morning glory, petunia, and phlox in March directly into the manured soil of the greenhouse, and then plant the seedlings in pots with a diameter of 10 cm.​
  • ​Tomatoes also prefer an average temperature of +25, but low humidity - up to 65%, otherwise they will suffer from late blight.​
  • Ideal for rapid development of seedlings

Thinning of seedlings

  • ​In the center we will make beds up to 80 cm high, supporting them with boards or slate.​
  • Growing seedlings in pyramid greenhouses is economical: they are resistant to strong winds and retain heat well. And their shadow does not interfere with surrounding plants.​
  • ​A permanent polycarbonate greenhouse for growing seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, and salad greens.​

Hardening of seedlings

The planting site should be sprinkled with dry soil on top. This will prevent excessive evaporation of moisture and protect against the formation of an earthen crust;​


​We sow on April 7 (cabbage planted on Annunciation Day is not afraid of frost later) in the greenhouse immediately. If there is snow, we throw it on the crops. It is possible more than once. No snow watering warm water. As soon as the shoots appear, water only with warm water. We need to cover - we cover. But cabbage doesn’t like it hot, so we look at the weather. If the night is not cold, then additional shelter in the greenhouse is not required.​

  • ​In general, if you want your “seedling business” to be successful, you need to take into account various factors. For example, such as changing the diet of Russians. It used to be that “cabbage soup and porridge were our food.” Now, in particular, there is no need to ferment cabbage in barrels, and the demand for cabbage varieties for pickling, for example Slava, has fallen (since it is not stored for a long time). Although in terms of yield, growth rate, and reliability, this is an excellent cabbage. But it has become fashionable to grow original vegetables. For example, tomato varieties and hybrids with fruits weighing 0.5-1 kg. Therefore, I offer vegetables that have proven themselves best in our region and are distinguished by their unusual appearance or properties. For the same reason, I give preference to those seeds that you rarely see or cannot buy at all in stores for summer residents.​
  • ​Beijing cabbage - cold-resistant plant. When the required temperature is exceeded, the process of formation of a flowering stem immediately begins. If the temperature regime is disturbed in any way, this will lead to diseases, and the head of cabbage simply will not form.​

​humid air, absence of drafts, frequent watering, low boxes due to shallow roots - for cucumbers.​

  • ​There is no need to feed the sprouts; water with cool water directly at the root.​

​+20 degrees​

​We will cover a mini-structure with removable beds for seedlings of cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, flowers with glass or films.​

Growing cabbage in a greenhouse

White cabbage - preparing seedlings

​Film version - for the growth of cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage.​

In the first days of planting cabbage, shade should be provided.

When it grows a little, we thin it out. We are landing for permanent residence in May.​

​In order to always stay informed, I read periodicals on the topic, go to Moscow to seminars and to breeders, and when choosing varieties, I rely on the experience of large vegetable growing farms in our region and data from the Suzdal state variety plot. It also helps that I am known to many of my fellow countrymen. They know that I am always ready to advise my customers, I do not grow seedlings for myself separately, but use in my garden some of the same plants that I prepare for sale.​

Growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse is justified by the fact that this vegetable contains vitamins, calcium, and iron. The more fertilizer the plants receive, the larger the kaputa heads will be. 3 weeks after the seedlings were planted in the greenhouse, the harvest is harvested.​

But neighboring plants should not shade each other.

White cabbage in a greenhouse

​Usually growing seedlings in greenhouses lasts 1 month under the following conditions:​


​Seedlings must be hardened off by periodically ventilating the greenhouse. +12 is the acceptable minimum.​

​at air humidity -​

​The instructions allow frames made of plastic, wood or metal.​

Chinese cabbage

​Optimal dimensions: base - 140x140 cm, height - 320 cm.​

  • ​The shoots of cabbage and annual flowers grow rapidly even in the simplest steam pits.​
  • ​An important question is how to grow seedlings in a greenhouse so that they bring real income? And a specific answer: we will get a successful result by observing the main rules of coexistence of different species and rationally placing them.​
  • ​I didn't succeed last year. Probably poured a lot of water. I had to buy ready-made seedlings.

​I grow myself and recommend hybrids (Fx) to buyers: from early white cabbages - Parel, Resistor, Kazachok, Express; for storage - long-term, with beautiful heads of cabbage Kolobok, Blocktor, Novator, Aggressor, the magnificent domestic hybrid Valentina and the SB-3 variety. The seedlings of these cabbages are beautiful in themselves, and the roots form powerful and are rarely affected by downy mildew. Of the pickling hybrids that can be stored for up to 5 months, Rinda and Erdeno are the best.​

​Whatever cabbage you plant in a greenhouse, the main thing for these crops is a lot of moisture. Follow the technology for growing cabbage, and the harvest of these healthy vegetables will definitely please you with quantity and quality.​

However, growing seedlings for a greenhouse involves their subsequent transplantation into ridges or deep boxes on racks. It is optimal to plant the seedlings themselves by June 1st. After watching the video in this article, we will better understand our topic.​

​when ventilating, cold air from the street does not blow directly onto the plants;​

Growing seedlings in greenhouses for sale

Cabbage is rich not only in a whole bunch of vitamins - it is also valuable in useful minerals.​60%​

​First, we will find a place on the site that is most protected from wind and drafts.​

Not very good location of the plot

​To install a pyramid greenhouse with your own hands, you will need to take 4 planks of 1.5 m each and a durable two-layer film covering 1 m wide. The planks are also supports for our plants.​

​In greenhouses we will get strong sprouts of heat-loving types of peppers and tomatoes.​

Construction of winter and spring greenhouses

​no earlier than mid-April and better not at home, but in a greenhouse, hotbed or even in a garden bed under a film

Cherry and beef tomatoes are in great demand. The fruits and seedlings of beef tomatoes are 5-6 times more expensive than regular ones, since fleshy tomatoes, for example the Rhapsody hybrid (220 g), can not only be used for salads and home canning, but also fried, stewed, and stuffed. Gardeners also like large-fruited original varieties with yellow and pink fruits of good taste.​

​Beijing cabbage​

Beds in greenhouses

​After 2 leaves appear, we feed: 3 liters of warm water and 2 teaspoons of nitrophoska;​

​However, each type requires specific conditions.​

How to grow seedlings for sale

​and soil -​

​We divide the beds in it from east to west, which is favorable for seedlings.​

​We connect the upper ends of the planks, and stick the lower ends a meter from each other into the ground.​

​Tunnel film shelters will protect cucumber seedlings in special peat pots, since regular replanting will injure them.​

What varieties of cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers are best to grow?

​Advantages of growing seedlings in a home greenhouse:​

​a month before planting in the garden

​Of the cucumbers for open ground, I prefer the following: Trump Card, Junior Lieutenant, Matryona, Real Colonel, Faithful Friends, Farmer, Lord. The latter have excellent pickling qualities; the plants bear fruit in open ground for a long time, almost until frost. But I keep Emelya in the greenhouse. It grows intensively, branches well, gives excellent harvest, has a strong restorative ability. Therefore, it should be grown only on a trellis so that large leaves do not shade the stems and the plant can breathe. Zelentsy Emeli are also in demand. They are tasty, sweet, with smooth, delicate skin. These salad cucumbers are especially good in the second half of summer, when the rest become tough and bitter.​

​Vegetable garden​

​How to grow white cabbage in a greenhouse? Exclusively from seedlings. To obtain seedlings, we sow cabbage seeds on steam beds. We dig a hole in the ground about 30 cm deep, place biofuel at the bottom, and sprinkle soil on top. Cover the bed with film. When the soil warms up to +20°C, you can sow the seeds.​

Sequence of growing seedlings for sale

​second feeding: a teaspoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate per 7 liters of warm water;​​80%​

Biological fuel is suitable for heating. Manure, grass, dry leaves, straw or chicken droppings will warm the seedlings.​ ​Cut out 4 triangles from the film and use a stapler to connect them, glue them or press them with plates.​​All of these shelters listed create a favorable artificial microclimate for obtaining persistent and healthy seedlings, which then bear early fruits.​

​the coating easily transmits sunlight and prevents harmful radiation from entering the greenhouse;​

​We will plant in the greenhouse in April, I also asked for the first time.)​ Of course, we also have to take into account the tastes of buyers. For example, I grow few Savoy cabbage seedlings. This cabbage is very tender, cooks quickly, and stores well. But they take her reluctantly, because they are not familiar with her. But kohlrabi and cauliflower seedlings, as well as broccoli, are being snapped up. The demand for broccoli is also growing because its heads can be cut almost before frost, the main thing is not to let them bloom. If the heads begin to ripen, but there is no desire or time to cook something from them and freezer does not allow you to prepare broccoli for future use, it is enough to simply break off the unnecessary heads. Then feed and water the plant, and a new crop of lateral inflorescences will ripen in two weeks.​ 03/25/14​

It is better to choose large and dark seeds for planting. Soak the seeds for 20 minutes hot water(not boiling water!), then place in cold water for 3 minutes and dry, spreading it out on paper. You can also disinfect the seeds with a nitrophoska solution.​

When to plant white cabbage seedlings?

Alla Lebedeva

​overmoistening is contraindicated - watering once a week.​
We sow white cabbage after February 1, and seedlings with 3 leaves - from April 1. Dense, loamy, but always loose soil, fertilized with manure, and frequent watering guarantee the successful cultivation of cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse.​

Vadim Ivanov

Irina Shabalina

​Electrical appliances quickly dry out the air and soil in mini-structures, so we’ll put buckets of water there.​

Galina Volk

Leave the top of the hood open for ventilation. We will put the finished cap on the slatted frame.​

How to properly plant cabbage seedlings How to sow cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse