Preparing the soil for spring planting. Preparing the land for seedlings

With the arrival of spring it opens summer season and you can begin soil work. The soil is the basis of the crop, so you definitely need to devote time to its pre-planting preparation.

Preparing the soil for seedlings

During one season, any gardener can make so-called “turf soil” on his plot, which in the spring will become the basis for any vegetable and flower soil mixtures. Raw materials for turf land are harvested throughout the warm period on old pastures and meadows.

  1. The turf is cut in layers and stacked. The height of the stack must be at least a meter.
  2. To speed up decomposition, when laying the turf in a pile, it is layered with fresh manure or spilled with slurry.
  3. In hot weather, the stack is watered; it should never dry out.
  4. After a few months, the pile is shoveled and large, undecomposed rhizomes are sifted out.
  5. The resulting soil is stored until spring in buckets and bags in unheated indoor areas.

Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis, cabbage, celery, lettuce are sown in a 1:2:1 mixture of turf soil with humus and sand. For 10 liters of the mixture, pour two glasses of ash, and if you plan to sow cabbage, then also a glass of fluff. In addition, for each liter of the mixture add a teaspoon of superphosphate and a pinch of any potash fertilizer. For those who prefer organic farming, tuka can be replaced with an additional glass of ash per 10 liters of mixture.

Crops that prefer nutritious, but at the same time neutral soil and do not like lime (these are all pumpkins, sunflowers, chard, lettuces, carnations, bells) are sown in a 1:1 mixture of turf soil and old humus, adding a glass of ash to a bucket of soil.

To prepare the mixture, only fresh ingredients are taken that have not yet been used to grow seedlings. In this case, soil preparation in the spring is reduced to a minimum. This mixture does not require disinfection; it can be sown immediately.

Preparing the soil in the greenhouse

Properly prepared greenhouse soil will be the key good harvest. In industrial greenhouses, the soil is completely changed after 3-5 years. IN country greenhouse this can be avoided if you alternate crops annually and replenish the reserve in the soil nutrients.

During the season, the surface of the beds is mulched with compost several times, and if necessary, the leaves are sprayed with microelements - this is enough to obtain a good and environmentally friendly harvest.

Preparing the soil for sowing

Preparing the soil for planting begins in the fall - at this time the site is dug up. In the spring, all that remains is to walk over it with a rake and form beds. If autumn digging no, I'll have to do it in the spring.

Spring tillage of the soil in the garden begins after it reaches ripeness, that is, a state in which during digging it does not form lumps, does not stick to the shovel and breaks down well into small lumps.

To check whether the soil has reached ripeness, you need to take a little soil in the palm of your hand and squeeze it tightly, then drop it. If the lump falls into pieces, then you can dig up the soil; if not, you need to wait.

When digging, weed rhizomes and harmful beetle larvae are removed, manure, compost and humus are added. In the area reserved for root crops, manure and humus are not applied, but are scattered immediately before digging on the surface of the ground. mineral fertilizers.

Immediately after digging, the soil must be covered with a rake. This operation cannot be postponed, since after some time the blocks will dry out and become difficult to break.

After a week, you can already begin to fight annual weeds. To do this, a rake is passed through the area again. Weed seedlings located in the top layer of soil turn to the surface and die. Usually, several such treatments are carried out at intervals of 3-4 days - this greatly reduces the contamination of the area.

Preparing the soil for sowing and planting begins with the formation of beds. This is a good time to make nitrogen fertilizers: urea, ammonium nitrate. In spring, the soil lacks nitrogen, and such fertilizing will be very useful. The fertilizers are scattered on the ground, adhering to the standards specified by the manufacturer, and buried deep into the beds with a rake. Then the surface is carefully leveled and you can begin planting seedlings or sowing.

And from your summer cottage there will be properly grown seedlings. Therefore, first of all, you need to take care of the soil in which the seeds will germinate. The soil mixture for seedlings must meet certain characteristics. It should have good porosity, friability and not too acidic environment. Such indicators can be achieved provided that the soil for seedlings is properly prepared.

Selecting components for the soil

A typical mistake made by beginning gardeners is to sow seeds in regular soil taken from their garden. Therefore, many fail in growing vegetable seedlings at home and prefer to buy plants that are ready for planting. The secret to getting good seedlings is to properly prepare the soil for seedlings. Therefore, we will prepare it ourselves, especially since there is nothing complicated in this process.

The soil for seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, eggplant and cucumbers should consist of the following components:

  1. Humus. It is obtained from rotted manure or plants, which makes this soil the most nutritious and fertile of all. existing species soil.
  2. Peat. An integral component of any soil mixture for seedlings. It provides the required amount of moisture to the plant. It also helps create good soil looseness.
  3. Leavening agents. In addition to peat, the soil for seedlings acquires good porosity after adding coarse river sand. It is this component that creates Better conditions for growing garden plants seedling method. River sand and peat can replace sawdust, but before using them they must be treated with boiling water.
  4. Leaf ground. Distinctive feature This type of soil is characterized by its high looseness, but its low nutrient content does not allow it to be used as the main soil for seedlings. Therefore, its use is possible only after combining with other types of soil. Leaf soil is most often collected in the forest belt where they grow deciduous trees. Vegetable growers do not recommend using soil collected under willow, oak or chestnut to prepare the soil for seedlings good quality it won't work: it's too rich in tannins.

Mixing the ingredients

Preparing the soil for seedlings is not too complex process, but still, it requires some effort and free time from the vegetable grower. Therefore, many people prefer not to bother and purchase a ready-made soil mixture. However, not all manufacturers of such products are conscientious, and there is a possibility of purchasing them with an acidic environment. Even if you add mineral fertilizers to it for good seed germination and strong seedlings you may not get it.

For this reason, the soil for seedlings of tomatoes, cabbage, peppers and eggplant experienced summer residents prepared by hand. It is best to start this process in the fall, and by spring the soil for seedlings will settle and settle. If you leave it for storage in a barn, then it will also freeze well, which will only benefit it.

Preparing the soil for seedlings begins with the process of mixing the soil. To do this, spread the polyethylene on the ground and pour out each component in the required proportions.

Experienced vegetable growers advise making soil composition for seedlings for different cultures separately, since each vegetable has its own individual needs and preferences.

The soil for seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and eggplants should have the following composition:

  • To one part of turf soil add 1 part of peat and river sand. The resulting composition is thoroughly mixed, after which it is well watered nutrient solution, consisting of 25-30 grams of superphosphate, potassium sulfate and 10 grams of urea per 10 liters of water.
  • Mix turf soil and humus in equal proportions. You can add a couple of matchboxes of superphosphate and 0.5 liters of ash to a bucket of the resulting mixture.

To prepare the soil for cabbage seedlings you will need:

  • Mix humus (compost), leaf soil and river sand 1:2:1. For a bucket of the mixture, 1 cup (200 g) of ash, 0.5 cups of fluff lime, 1 matchbox of potassium sulfate and 3 matchboxes of superphosphate will not be superfluous. If it is not possible to use mineral fertilizers, then they can be replaced with ash in the amount of 3 cups.

The soil for seedlings of cucumbers, pumpkins, melons, and watermelons is prepared in the following composition:

  • Mix one bucket of leaf soil with the same amount of humus. 1 glass (200 g) of ash is poured into the resulting mixture, up to 10 g of potassium sulfate, and about 20 g of superphosphate is added. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

I would like to warn vegetable growers against excessive use of fertilizers when preparing the soil for vegetable seedlings, if the base soil used is nutritious in itself. This is due to the fact that on initial stage For seed germination, the plant does not require many microelements. The need for them arises only when the first true leaves appear. Therefore, additional nutrition is usually applied through liquid fertilizers a few weeks after germination.

Soil disinfection

This process is necessary to remove pathogens from the soil. You can disinfect soil mixture for home seedlings different ways, one of which is its freezing. But, if this is not possible, then you can use watering with disinfectants or steam treatment.

  1. Method one. Pour the prepared fertile mixture well with a solution of potassium permanganate (3 g per 10 liters of water), and then carry out additional treatment with antifungal drugs.
  2. Method two. The soil for seedlings is placed in a fabric bag or in a perforated container and left to steam for 45 minutes. You can, of course, calcine the earth in the oven, but along with the pathogenic microbes, the necessary ones disappear. nutrients.

After the disinfection process has been completed, seed material can be added to the soil nutrient mixture. Prepared soil for seedlings according to all the rules will guarantee high and stable harvest on your summer cottage. Have a great season!

Country life lovers, gardeners and experienced gardeners They always strive to prepare fertile soil that would bring a good harvest of vegetables, fruits, and berries. But to achieve this goal you have to put in a lot of effort and time. In order for your expenses to receive a worthy reward in the form of a large number of fruits, you need to know the basic secrets proper preparation soil.

Loosening the soil

Before planting vegetable crops it is necessary to dig up the plot of land that is allocated for planting. Well-carried out loosening helps enrich the soil with oxygen. If the area is small, you can dig it manually using a shovel or fork. For large area They use a walk-behind tractor; it can loosen the soil in a matter of minutes. After loosening, you need to carefully remove all weed rhizomes and pest larvae. If the soil is clay, then in addition to loosening you will need to add sand. If sandy soil predominates, it is necessary to add peat.

Soil fertilization

After the site has been dug up, mineral fertilizers must be added to the loose soil. To add the correct amount, you need to know the exact proportions. To do this, adhere to the following calculations: per 1 m 2 you will need 30 grams of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, and chlorine-free potassium fertilizer. Also, among the entire range of fertilizers, they are already sold ready-made mixtures containing phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium. At the same time with mineral supplements the soil must be saturated with organic fertilizer in the form of compost, wood ash. They also need to be scattered on loose soil at the rate of 300-500 grams per 1 m2. After applying fertilizers, you need to level the soil with a rake.

Preparing the soil for planting flowers

To get a blooming beautiful flower bed, you also need to prepare the right soil. First select sunny place on the summer cottage where the flower garden will be located. Then loosen the soil, followed by removing weeds and their roots. The earth should be homogeneous and well fluffed. If the soil is clayey, then do not forget to add a few buckets of sand. Then add fertilizer and compost to the soil and mix well. After this, water the flowerbed warm water and let the moisture soak in for a few minutes. The soil for planting flowers is completely ready. Now it remains to choose the types of plants that will decorate the flower garden.

Soil for trees and shrubs

Spring is a great time to plant not only vegetables, but also fruit trees And berry bushes. For a good harvest, you need to deeply fertilize the soil layers. Before planting seedlings of fruit trees or shrubs, it is necessary to determine the location, taking into account the free growth of their crown. Then we dig a hole at least 55 cm deep and about 1 meter wide. Gardeners say that the wider the hole, the better the yield. After this, we separately prepare the soil with which we will fill the hole. Mix two buckets of black soil, add half a bucket of sand and a bucket of compost. Mix everything and fill the cavity halfway at first. Then pour 2 buckets warm water and let it soak in. The place is ready for planting trees and shrubs. All that remains is to lower the seedling into the hole and cover it with the remaining prepared soil.

How to determine the readiness of the soil for planting vegetables?

Planting vegetable seeds in the ground is done at a time when the soil is already crumbly and does not stain your hands. During this period, the soil has warmed up sufficiently and contains the necessary moisture for good similarity of crops. Soil preparation is carried out according to the same scheme as for a flower bed. But it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of some vegetable crops. For a good potato harvest, gardeners recommend fertilizing each hole by adding compost.

Autumn application of fertilizers to the soil can significantly increase productivity, but this is not the whole range of measures that the soil requires. Preparation is divided into several stages, following which you can achieve amazing results throughout the subsequent period.

Autumn soil preparation

By cultivating the land in the fall, you can significantly increase productivity. It is only necessary to perform all stages in strict sequence. Work should begin immediately after harvesting all the vegetables: at the end of September - beginning of October. It is important to start before the onset cold season and before starting Immediately after harvesting tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants, it is necessary to loosen the soil using a rake. This will allow the weed seeds to germinate.

Two weeks after loosening, when weeds emerge, the ground must be dug up. During this process, the mole cricket and many other pests are destroyed. Don't be afraid of young grass growth. Many types of weeds die completely when the top part of the plant is destroyed. When cleaning the soil surface in the fall, many pathogens and pests die. Preparation during this period is especially important. You need to dig up the soil to the depth of the fertile layer (20-25 cm), trying to prevent the infertile layer from reaching the surface.

But if the earth contains a large number of clay or the site has been neglected and a large number of weeds have grown on it; digging is indispensable both in the fall and in the spring. Of course, if you want to have a rich harvest!

Clods of earth formed after digging in the fall should not be broken up. The soil left in this form for the winter is better saturated with air and less compacted. During winter frosts clods of earth freeze, destroying the remaining larvae, pests, pathogens and the root system of weeds.

Fertile soil: preparation

The soil in which there is a large amount is considered more fertile due to the fact that these creatures saturate it with humus. If the top layer does not have a continuous cover of weeds, then you don’t have to dig up the ground; loosening is enough. Sometimes such an area is sown in the fall. This prevents the leaching of nutrients from the top layer and creates favorable conditions for the formation of humus.

Spring soil preparation

On loose soil that was dug up in the fall, the snow melts much faster in the spring, therefore, it will be possible to start the season earlier. The clods, breaking up into small fractions, freely allow water to pass through. As a result, loose and fertilized soil is formed. Preparation in early spring it won’t take much time - you just need to crush the large clods, and you can start doing this. It’s best to do this after the earth has dried out and begins to freely lag behind the surface of the shovel.

Greenhouse: soil care

If there is a greenhouse on your summer cottage, then there are a number of activities that should be performed in the fall. Since the air in the greenhouse is warm and quite humid, this creates certain conditions for the development of all kinds of microorganisms - pathogens. Preparing the soil in a greenhouse should be done in the fall, because this time is the best time to clean up unwanted pests.

First you need to remove all remnants of tops and weeds, and then disinfect the soil. To do this, use copper sulfate (one tablespoon per ten liters of water), which must be added to the soil. Such procedures should be performed with great care, and if there is not enough experience, then it is better to use another method. To do this, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil (5-6 cm) and take it outside the greenhouse. This allows you to get rid of weed seeds, larvae and other pests. And then supplement the missing layer with manure, compost, sand and tree leaves. After this, the soil is dug up, thus evenly mixing with fertilizers.

As a rule, all kinds of fungi and mold multiply on the walls of the greenhouse. To get rid of them, it is necessary to fumigate with sulfur.

How to get a good strawberry harvest

Preparing the soil for planting strawberries includes choosing a site and tilling the soil. Fans of this berry should know that in sandy areas such a crop will not grow well, since it has an upper root system, which in the summer will simply overheat and dry out. On land with a lot of clay, it is also problematic to get a good harvest, since the roots will not have enough oxygen. The quality of the soil can be improved by adding humus. It is better to prepare beds for strawberries, the height of which is 10 centimeters, and the distance between them is up to half a meter.

Preparing the soil for strawberries in August

This berry grows in one place for up to 4 years, so preparing the land may require some effort. You should immediately get rid of all the weeds, because after planting you will have to spend a lot of effort on weeding. Having decided on the location, you need to dig up the soil and carefully select all the roots. It should be borne in mind that this berry is sun-loving, and in the shade of trees you can’t count on a harvest.

Preparing the soil, namely selecting all the weeds, is a rather tedious process. The same problem can be solved by using "Hurricane"). After spraying, after 10 days, the area is dug up and dead plants are removed using a rake. Then the soil is fertilized and seedlings are planted. Preparing the soil for strawberries in August and then planting the plants allows you to get the first harvest next year.

Crop rotation when planting strawberries

When alternating on personal plot of cultivated crops ensures the maintenance of soil fertility. The number of pests and the likelihood of disease are also significantly reduced. At long-term cultivation In the same place of identical crops, the soil becomes “fatigued” and the yield decreases. Each type of plant is susceptible to certain diseases. Growing in one place leads to the accumulation of pathogens and severe damage to the planted crops.

Therefore, soil preparation for strawberries should be carried out taking into account what grew in this area before. It is not recommended to plant this berry after potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and cabbage. The most favorable place is where carrots, onions, peas, garlic, and beets grew.

Preparing a plot for raspberries

When planning to plant raspberries, keep in mind that you need to choose the right site. After all, this plant forms many shoots and loves fertile soil and sunlight. It is not advisable to plant berries in open, windy, low and wet areas, as well as between rows of trees. The most successful location would be along the fence.

Due to the fact that raspberries quite deplete the soil and can grow in one place for up to ten years, it is necessary to fertilize the soil well before planting. Good action provide organic fertilizers, which can be mixed with compost and ash. Preparing the soil in the fall is the best option. First, it is dug up and the weed roots are removed, then the fertilizer is evenly distributed over the surface and dug up again.

The required amount of nutrients depends on the soil. If the area is poor, then it is necessary for each square meter add 10 kg of organic matter, as well as 30 g of phosphorus and potash fertilizers. 10 kg of organic fertilizers and 20 g of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be added to fertile soil. carried out in the spring.

Planting raspberries in the same place: features

If it is necessary to remove the old bushes of the plant and plant new ones, then the preparation will take much longer. First, old bushes are removed and the soil is fertilized. In the next two years, it is necessary to plant various vegetables in this area: beets, carrots, cucumbers, onions, radishes. In the planting year, crops are also planted, which are harvested early (lettuce, dill, onions), and then the soil is prepared. It is on this soil that raspberries will grow most effectively. Soil preparation and proper crop rotation will ensure a good harvest for ten years.

Autumn land preparation is the key to a good potato harvest

To obtain a good harvest of this crop, loose soil is required. To do this, you need to dig the area deeply in the fall. It is better to do this in mid-September - late October. Large clods of earth should not be crushed. During winter frosts, pest larvae will be destroyed, and the soil will acquire the necessary looseness, which will ensure optimal conditions for potato development. In the spring, you need to apply fertilizer to the site and use a rake to embed it into the ground, this will level the surface and crush the large clods of soil remaining after the winter.

It is necessary to know that the activity of microorganisms must be maintained in the soil throughout the entire growing season. This can be achieved by adding organic matter, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to the soil. Adding several types of nutrients involves adding one item first, and the next one a week later. Application is carried out after the snow melts, as it has negative impact on microflora. Fulfilling these requirements allows you to competently carry out such an event as soil preparation. Potatoes should be planted after the soil is dry enough.

If planting is carried out in too wet soil, its looseness decreases and the likelihood of nutrient loss increases. During potato growth, the air supply must also be maintained using hilling.

Autumn is the time to plant garlic

Autumn time is characterized not only by preparing the soil for the next season - this is the most favorable time for planting garlic and onions. The main advantages of sowing before winter:

  • plants are hardened naturally in winter;
  • earlier harvest.

The optimal time for planting is mid-October, but before the first frost. This time ensures that in the event of short-term warming, the garlic will not begin to germinate prematurely.

Soil preparation should begin a month before the planned planting and include all necessary measures. First, fertilizers (humus and ash) should be applied, and then the earth is dug up. After 30 days, you can start sowing.

Choosing a landing site

It is important to choose the right landing site. You cannot plant onions and garlic in the same area every year. The most favorable place is after legumes, nightshades, and cabbage. Autumn planting ensures the formation of a powerful root system; for this, the depth should not exceed 5 cm. Also, do not press the bulbs or cloves into the ground too much.

Autumn preparation of beds for cucumbers

Every gardener knows that in the spring there is a lot of work on a personal plot, so it makes the task much easier autumn preparation soil. Cucumbers are very picky about humidity and temperature. Therefore, when choosing a site, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances.

The first stage of land preparation includes treatment against possible diseases. To do this, it is necessary to “disinfect” the soil copper sulfate, the concentration of which should be one tablespoon per 10 liters of water. A week after this, compost is added to the soil and covered. In the fall, you can use unripened compost. Good results are achieved by applying manure. The most optimal soils for growing cucumbers are those containing sand and characterized by high acidity.

When choosing a site, crop rotation must be taken into account. The best option It is considered if tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, and onions grew in the beds before. You should not plant cucumbers after zucchini, watermelons, and pumpkins. This is explained by the fact that these plants take the same nutrients from the soil and are also susceptible to the same diseases and pests. The area prepared in the fall must be loosened. Before planting seedlings or seeds in the ground, emerging weeds should be regularly removed. Soil, preparation of which is the main condition bountiful harvest, should be generously fertilized and loosened. Following these simple rules, as well as observing crop rotation, allows even beginning gardeners to maintain an exemplary garden.

- This is one of the most important ingredients of the consumer basket in Russia. The importance of this root vegetable cannot be underestimated, because one of the main advantages is the long shelf life of potatoes, subject to necessary conditions, which allows us to provide this product to the consumer all year round. Growing potatoes is a separate science in which scientists have achieved excellent results. What is fundamentally important for those who grow potatoes? First of all, productivity and new storage technologies. Specialists are constantly working on these, and every year we see new varieties and technologies for cultivation and storage on the market. However, without the right strategy for preparing soil for growing potatoes, all these excellent results of scientists can be nullified. In this article we will look at the basic principles of preparing soil for planting potatoes and preparing crops for planting.

Preparing the soil for planting potatoes in spring

First of all, you need to understand which soil is most suitable for growing potatoes. Obviously, there are places where, despite all the work and expense, potatoes will not grow. Heavy ones are absolutely not suitable clay soils, which contain a lot of moisture. Lowlands where water can accumulate are excluded. The soil in which potatoes will feel “at home” is light, sandy loam, as loose as possible. Peat soil and, naturally, black soil are perfect. It follows that the site should be dry and level, but even if the soil is too clayey or acidic, it can still be prepared for planting potatoes by adding wood ash or sand with manure or compost.

If your site meets all the requirements, it is enough to properly prepare the soil for planting potatoes in order to get excellent yields. What is the secret of a good harvest?

  • good soil composition;
  • preparing root crops for planting;
  • productive variety;
  • proper care.

Loosening the soil in spring

Preparing the soil for planting potatoes
- the first step to receiving good result. In spring, the soil needs to be loosened - this is done without turning the soil, preferably in dry weather. Loosening occurs to a depth of 12-15 centimeters for sandy and sandy loam soils. If your soil is more clayey and moist, then it should be processed twice during preparation: first, the usual loosening of 12-15 centimeters in dry weather. The second time, immediately after planting, you should dig up the area to the full depth of the spade bayonet and level it with a rake. This process is necessary to rid the earth of excess moisture and enrich it with oxygen as much as possible.

The earth needs oxygen!

Preparing the soil for planting potatoes in the spring is an important stage in the growing process, one might say fundamental.

There are many ways to grow potatoes, depending on the type of soil. Aeration is a method in which the soil is loosened as much as possible, leaving wide paths between the beds, and the potatoes themselves are planted in special ridges. Thus, the soil is constantly enriched with air naturally.

If the soil is sandy or sandy loam, it is already sufficiently filled with oxygen. For such land, the formation of ridge beds is not necessary. So the method of planting potatoes will depend on the properties of the soil.

How to plant potatoes correctly

When the land is ready for planting, you need to take care planting material. Tubers need to be planted not only in well-prepared soil, but also sufficiently warm and dried soil, otherwise they may freeze or rot. You can plant a whole tuber or divided in half. Before planting, potatoes should be carefully inspected and rotten or diseased tubers should be removed. Potatoes should look healthy, free from defects, mold and rot. Root vegetables weighing from 50 to 90 grams are ideal. Potatoes should be dried before planting. If you do not have enough material for planting, then the tubers can be divided, but in such a way that each segment has sprouted eyes. Divide immediately before planting.

Proper soil preparation for planting potatoes and preparing crops for planting is, let us remind you once again, the most important stages and this process should be considered in general.

Preparing the soil for planting potatoes

Potato soil loves oxygen. What does it mean? First of all, it is necessary to enrich the soil with oxygen by digging. This is done twice a year - in the fall, after harvesting and thoroughly cleaning the soil from grass and remaining tops, and also in the spring before planting. Preparing the soil for planting potatoes in the spring was discussed at the beginning of the article, but do not forget that in the fall it is also necessary to take care of the future harvest.

In autumn, the soil should be dug up carefully, turning the layer around. They dig to the full depth of the shovel bayonet, that is, 25-28 centimeters. It is very important not to level the soil with a rake during autumn digging, so that all pests and remaining weeds will die in the winter. Leveling the soil should be done in the spring before planting. Important point– after digging, it is necessary to add organic fertilizers to the soil. During the autumn rains and snow melting, they will be absorbed and bring maximum benefit.

Experienced gardeners prepare compost all summer and then add it to the soil in the fall, when cultivating the soil for the future harvest. Compost is applied to the furrow and then dug in. Manure and brown coal are added along with compost.

If you did not have time to fertilize the soil in the fall, you can do it in the spring, before planting, but practice shows that in the fall it is most effective.

Soil type and how to determine it

An important question is how to determine the composition of the soil? There are many ways and some are very simple. For example, you can take some earth and soak it in water. Next, you need to try to make a ball out of this mass - if one does not work out, then the soil is sandy. If you manage to make a lump, but cannot roll it into a “cord,” then it is sandy loam. If the soil is clay, then when moistened you can sculpt anything from it. Clay and loamy soils not the best for leading Agriculture. Especially for growing potatoes. Firstly, it is difficult for crops to grow on it, and secondly, they taste qualities leave much to be desired. The taste of potatoes directly depends not only on the variety, but also on the soil. The most delicious potatoes grow on sandier and peaty soils. Such soil, as already mentioned, is saturated with oxygen; it does not have an excess of moisture.

Growing rules

The goal of any gardener, whether amateur or professional, is to get a lot of tasty and crumbly potatoes, and for this it is important to follow the rules at every stage of preparation and cultivation. Everyone undoubtedly has their own secrets, based on experience and applicable to specific conditions, but, as you have already understood from this article, there are general rules:

We hope that our tips will help you grow excellent harvest potatoes.