Yaskolka: a silvery cloud among stone inaccessibility. Growing groundcover "snow carpet" from seeds

Cerástium (lat. Cerástium) is a genus of plants in the clove family (Caryophyllaceae). Named after Marshall von Bieberstein, as he is considered the first florist to mention it in his work “Crimean-Caucasian Flora”. Although it is known that a botanist named Gablitza described this ground cover even earlier, namely in 1785, calling it “fluffy sprout.” In common parlance, the plants are sometimes called carnation, less often “mouse-ear”.

A splinter among the stones


The genus Cerastium is represented by herbaceous annuals and perennials. Plants are widespread in areas with temperate climate, on many continents, are found en masse in Eurasia.

Root system powerful, but not deep, capable of breaking through even stones. Creeping shoots take root well, providing additional nutrition. Stems can be erect, ascending or creeping, mostly pubescent, rarely glabrous. Height within species differences is from 10 to 30 cm. The arrangement of the leaves is opposite. Leaf plate whole, small, densely pubescent.

The flowers are white, 1-2 cm in diameter, the petals are mostly double-cut. They bloom in spring, in May. Regular pruning can achieve this reappearance buds in midsummer. The fruit is an oblong-cylindrical capsule with brown seeds.

Felt cleaver

Popular types

More than 100 species of the genus Yaskolka have been described, many of which are weeds. Only a few are used in floriculture; they are in demand in our country:

alpine jasmine(C. alpinum) in natural conditions found in the Altai mountains, Carpathians, Western Europe. Forms bushes about 15 cm tall. The stems branch strongly and creep. The leaves are silvery-green, small, ovate-shaped. The flowers are white, relatively large (almost 2 cm), noticeable, appear in early May and last 20-30 days. It does not tolerate stagnant water very well. In winters with little snow, it suffers from overheating. It may rot under cover.

Jaskolka Bieberstein(C. biebersteinii) has shoots that form cushions 20 cm high. Its homeland is Crimea. The leaves are small, sessile, linear, heavily pubescent. Snow-white flowers are located on rising peduncles, the petals are divided into two lobes. Blooms in May, about 25 days. The ground cover grass easily tolerates frequent light frosts and is unpretentious in cultivation. It grows quickly, sometimes it is necessary to stop the spread; to do this, new shoots are removed.

Felt cleaver(C. tomentosum) grows naturally in Italy. The ascending or creeping stems form rather large cushions, 25 cm high and 50 cm wide. The leaves are lanceolate, greyish, tomentose, coniferous. White flowers 1 cm in diameter appear in May. This species is unpretentious, winter-hardy, suffers only from spring waters, does not grow much, but regular haircuts are recommended.

Photo gallery of species

Growing and care

Almost all species are drought-resistant, winter-hardy, light-loving, and easy to cultivate. Places for planting and caring for the tree should be chosen that are well-lit, eliminating the possibility of stagnation of melt water. Suitable, for example, are small hills, natural slopes, preferably southern or southwestern, as well as rockeries and alpine slides. This grass feels very good among stones. It can grow successfully in semi-shaded places, under trees. And in dense shade the result will be much worse, you may not even wait for flowering.

The moth is not at all picky about soils and develops successfully in poor, rocky or sandy, well-drained areas. It tolerates drought quite easily. Watering is desirable regular, infrequent and not too abundant. Does not need additional feeding, but gratefully accepts any universal fertilizers, which provoke rapid spread. It practically does not require weeding, since it grows and forms a dense carpet.

Blooming chickweed in the foreground

It tolerates frost well; some of the shoots remain green all winter. Does not require shelter, only in the most northern regions plantings are sprinkled with humus, compost or covered with agrospan. This must be done with caution, since the ground cover is more susceptible to getting wet than freezing.

They usually bloom in May and again in July. However, some species, such as purple or grandiflora, become covered with flowers only by June. It is advisable to use it in one place for 5 years, then it should be replanted to avoid loss of decorativeness.

Jawbone under the trees



Seeds can be sown directly in open ground before winter or in spring, in April. Seedlings must be thinned out, leaving a distance of 5 cm. permanent place young plants are replanted in July. For greenhouse cultivation The seedlings are sown from seeds in February-March. In the phase of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings dive. Flowering usually occurs in the second year. Growing cerastium with seeds is quite difficult; careful care of the seedlings is required, and sometimes it is not possible to obtain the required number of full-fledged seedlings.

Seed kernel

By cuttings

The flowering period is favorable time to propagate the lichen by cuttings, but you can do this both before and immediately after. Select a strong single shoot, cut it, sprinkle it with earth, squeeze the soil, cover it with a jar or cap to obtain a greenhouse effect and quick rooting. When new shoots appear, the jar is removed. Before this, it is better not to touch the rooting shoot. Cuttings also take root well in greenhouses.

Dividing bushes

Dividing the bush is the most common method of propagating the seedling, and at the same time the simplest. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in conditions of moderate temperatures, after the plant has flowered or in early spring. It is recommended to trim the curtain first. The root system is shallow, so the bush does not experience much stress when dividing, and it takes root relatively easily in a new place.

Jerus before flowering

Diseases and pests

The plant is exceptionally resistant to various diseases and pests. It gets sick mainly due to improper cultivation. In particular, it can be affected by a fungal infection as a result of waterlogging of the soil. These plants do not attract pests.

Yaskolka in the composition

Lyrical digression

Modest yaskolka is an example of perseverance and loyalty to one’s place in nature. Even when covered with a crust of ice, it continues to grow. This property is reflected in poetry, for example in “Crimean Etudes” by Anatoly Milyavsky:

Big sun on earth

Crushed into thousands of fragments,

And a lonely little bird

Sparkles in an icy case.

Jaskolka in landscape design

Application in landscape design

Due to its unpretentiousness, the yakolka is used very widely. It is valued not only for its snow-white flowers, but also for its dense carpet of silver curtains, which looks impressive in groups. It looks very advantageous in the foreground of rock gardens, rockeries, and mixborders. Creates a beautiful backdrop under rocks or small trees. Well suited for forming borders.

Designers willingly use cerastium for rocky slides. It is necessary to try to select drought-resistant neighbors. Goes well with heuchera, saxifrage, bells, sedum, cineraria. White flowers and silvery leaves favorably highlight bright flowering or decorative foliage partners.

An irreplaceable property– the ability to decorate slopes and unsightly areas (boulders, hatches, etc.) with the help of this ground cover. Dense pillows mask landscape imperfections well. It is successfully grown in baskets, hanging pots, and on terraces.

Gardeners who are interested in landscape design love perennial creeping plant from the carnation family - tomentosa. With the help of this unpretentious, drought-resistant, winter-hardy and at the same time ornamental plant you can create any landscape.

During flowering, numerous snow-white flowers bloom on a dense silver-gray carpet of foliage, creating the illusion of fallen snow.

In terms of hardiness and growth rate, the weed competes with weeds. Propagated by seedlings, sowing seeds in open ground and even by self-sowing.

Crystal Falls

The most popular variety in our gardens is the tomentose variety, it grows up to 20 cm in height, the flowering period is May-July, and retains its foliage in winter.


Forms a dense cushion 20-30 cm high and 60 cm in diameter. Flowering in May lasts up to 30-35 days. Doesn't grow much.

Forms a dense clump up to 20 cm high, up to 60 cm in diameter. It blooms in May for a month.

Biberstein and others

In addition to felt, other species are cultivated: field, white, alpine, large-flowered, stem, Biberstein.

Planting in open ground

Jaskolka is unpretentious and grows well on poor rocky or sandy soils. Required condition- good drainage. Overwatering leads to the death of the flower.

Add sand to clay soil before planting. There is no need to fertilize the soil.

For landing choose a well-lit place, preferably on a hill. The perennial is planted when the bud warms up well and dries out.

Growing from seeds

Seeds can be planted in open ground sow in April or late October. A perennial grown from seeds will bloom only in the third year.

The soil is loosened and slightly moistened. Sow seeds at a distance of 20-25 cm.


Seeds are planted in early March in well-drained soil. Containers with seedlings are placed in a well-lit place, preferably on a south window. Water moderately 2-3 times a week. The temperature is maintained at about 18-22°C.

Sprouts appear in 10-14 days. After the third true leaf appears, the seedlings dive into pots.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in June-July. The distance between plants is maintained at 25-30 cm. Usually, the felt variety grown from seedlings blooms in the second year.

By cuttings

Flowers are propagated by cuttings in spring and after flowering. Spring cuttings take root less well, since they are not strong enough after wintering.

A day before taking cuttings, water the flower to saturate the shoots with water. For rooting, cuttings are planted in a garden bed or greenhouse in loose soil and covered with caps.

Ventilate daily for half an hour. When the cuttings begin to grow, the caps are removed. To improve bushiness after 2 weeks the shoots are pinched.

Dividing the bush

Bushes lose their decorative effect in the fourth year, the shoots stretch out and look sloppy. Therefore, it is recommended to replant the flower every three years.

In spring or late summer, shortly before transplanting, the plants are trimmed. Overgrown bushes are divided into parts with a shovel and immediately planted in a new place.

Planting the Felt Yarn:

Care: watering, fertilizing, pruning

The plant is unpretentious. Caring for it involves timely weeding and trimming of excess shoots. They can be used for reproduction.

Perennials only need watering during persistent drought.. A dense cushion of foliage prevents water evaporation, and the lower leaves may rot.

Drought-resistant plants are planted next to the flower, since watering nearby leads to rotting of the roots.

The flower is unpretentious to grow, does not need fertilizing. You can feed during active growth, but slightly. Any fertilizers are suitable: complex, mineral, organic.

The chickweed easily tolerates pruning. It is carried out regularly to maintain decorative look. In spring, overgrown plants are pruned and the ground is cleared of fallen leaves.

At the end of flowering, to preserve a dense and beautiful carpet of lilies wilted flower stalks are cut off. If this is not done, the shoots will stretch out, their lower leaves will fall off, and the bushes will look loose and unkempt.


The plant is frost-resistant, the leaves on the shoots are partially preserved until spring and its decorative effect is quickly restored.

If there is no snow and severe frosts are expected, plants cover with dry straw or spruce branches. In order for the felt tree to preserve the foliage until spring, it covered with non-woven material.

Reproduction of tomentose moth

To grow felted moth in your garden, buy seeds or cuttings. Seed germination is about 85%. They are sown at the end of October and in April, but top scores allows propagation of seedlings by seedlings.

When propagating by cuttings, it should be taken into account that summer cuttings are stronger than spring cuttings and take root better.

Pests and growing problems

At proper care The plant is immune to diseases and pests. Problems arise when the soil is waterlogged, which leads to rotting of the plant, and it becomes vulnerable to fungal diseases. Treatment with fugincides helps.

To avoid problems, you should follow the rules:

  • observe the watering regime;
  • remove weeds in a timely manner;
  • remove faded buds and dried shoots;
  • regularly inspect the plants.

An unpretentious plant will revive rocky areas that are not suitable for other plants, and when planted on a lawn it resembles airy clouds.

It is ideal for use in an alpine slide, as low borders, as a ground cover crop, to imitate a pond: overgrown cushions of bushes look like sea foam.

Huge, diverse, and, of course, very beautiful. Because of their medicinal properties, beauty and strength various factors there are a number of specimens that, unfortunately, are on the verge of extinction. Such a plant is Bieberstein's prick , belonging to the Carnation family. The lumps represent herbaceous plant with creeping shoots and blooming white flowers. Seedlings can be either perennial, which have increased resistance to drought and are not picky about the composition of the soil, as well as annual.

Description of the Bieberstein jar

Jaskolka Bieberstein“born” in Crimea and grown since 1820. Precisely because of its origin and its beauty this plant received the second name Crimean “edelweiss”.

It is a herbaceous plant with creeping shoots. Leaflets by appearance small, sessile, oblong-linear or linear in shape. The stems, as well as the leaves, have very strong pubescence, and due to this the plant acquires “gray hair”. Growing strongly, it forms a dense flowering cover, from which white flowers, reminiscent of a half-umbrella, with a diameter of about 1.5 cm, rise on peduncles at a height of 15-20 cm. Each petal of the flower is half divided into two parts. The center of the flower is yellow. Flowering of Bieberstein's parsley occurs in May-June and lasts no more than a month. As a result of pollination, a cylindrical, somewhat curved fruit is formed - a capsule.

Reproduction and care of Bieberstein's parsley

When growing Bieberstein's parsley, you need to follow some recommendations. The plant grows on almost any soil. Drained soil is considered ideal, as well as soil with acidity in the region of pH = 6-7.

Watering should be moderate so that the soil is slightly moist. Mandatory rule: you cannot overwater the plant, because this is detrimental to the plant. But slight overdrying of the soil is quite easily tolerated by Edelweiss.

In order to propagate an endangered plant, you just need to carry out the division process or collect and sow the seeds. The first method is advisable to perform in the spring (provided that this occurs in places with a cool climate) or in the fall (if the climate is warm). Cuttings are separated from the plant early in the summer. The second method is most suitable when growing carnival in the garden. Sowing should be done in the spring before the last frost has passed. In this case, the distance between future plants should be in the region of 10-45 cm.

If you are going to germinate a plant indoors, then the temperature in it should be 18-24 degrees and after 1-2 weeks you will be able to observe the appearance of sprouts. But you should plant tender sprouts in the garden either in the fall or immediately after the last frost has passed.

When the plant begins to grow in full force, forming a dense and beautiful carpet, it is necessary to carefully care for it, cutting off not only faded flowers, but also some foliage. This will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the plant itself and the flowers.

Features of the plant

One of the features of Bieberstein's woodworm is its winter hardiness, and it does not require shelter, like most plants. In addition, the Crimean “edelweiss” is also resistant to slight trampling by humans. In addition to its characteristics, the plant also has a drawback - the vegetation cover that is formed by the plant is uneven.


Crimean "edelweiss" is one of the most widely used plants in landscape design. It is specially planted on dry areas, as well as between stones, to fill an ugly void. It looks great in created rock gardens, rock gardens, etc. In nature, Bieberstein's moth can be seen only by visiting the Crimean yayls. It is no longer possible to find it growing wild.

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Cerastium or otherwise “cerastium” belongs to the family of carnation plants. In conditions middle zone In Russia, mainly only a few types of these flowers are grown.
Externally, this is a herbaceous creeping or slightly rising plant 20-30 cm high. Particularly noteworthy is the “cap” of the moth large quantity small white-silver flowers.
It is because of this discreet shade that the plant stands out for its simplicity and grace.

The plant is unpretentious and does not require special attention.


It is recommended to choose a sunny place for planting. In this case, the seedling will grow very quickly and will delight you with flowering for quite a long time. The soil should preferably be loose and permeable. If necessary, take care of drainage. You don’t have to worry about the fertility of the soil; the moth takes root almost everywhere. Before planting, the soil must be loosened; fertilizers are not needed. Only in the case of quickly sticking clay soil You can add a little regular sand.

In April, we plant the seedling in open ground, sowing the seeds at a distance of 25 cm from each other. After planting, the soil should be watered.

You can also plant seedlings in late autumn (October-November).

The optimal way to grow cherry blossoms is, of course, to grow from seedlings. In May, in your apartment, you should plant the seeds in small pots with well-drained soil and water them a little. Optimal temperature for growing seedlings indoors 22-23 degrees.
Water infrequently, once every 3-4 days. After about 2-3 weeks, the first leaves appear. Seedlings can be planted in the ground in early June, after the last frost on the soil.


Caring for the plant is simple and involves periodic watering (once a week). It is also advisable to occasionally loosen the soil. You don't have to do any feeding.

From time to time, the stems of the sprout should be trimmed. Especially if the plant is very “laid down” on the soil. Just remember that pruning may cause it to bloom again.

Jaskolka in landscape design

To create landscape masterpieces, yaskolka is one of the best solutions. Moreover, this plant combines quite harmoniously with other flowers.
The most common example is growing these flowers at the foot of alpine slide. In this case, the plant usually acts as a border.

An interesting option is a flower garden in the form of a flower bed, in the center of which a flower bed spreads. Then flowers of other shades grow in circles. For example, the second circle could be from calendula, the third from red tulips. The border can be made from September cards. The main thing is that all plants should be approximately the same height.
Not a bad idea for a flower bed. Is not it?

The peg also looks great on additional elements landscape, for example, this plant can decorate an unsightly stone that may be on your site.
Now, let's talk about the varieties of this plant popular among gardeners.

Jaskolka Bieberstein

This is perhaps the most common variety grown in our dachas. The main advantages are rapid growth and long flowering in spring and summer months. Bieberstein's parsley is a predominantly creeping variety.

The bright white flowers resemble an elegant umbrella with a diameter of up to 1.5 cm. Inside, the yellowish core seems like a soft cushion. Grayish-green leaves blend harmoniously with brown stones.

In landscape design, Bieberstein's parsley looks attractive largely because of the flowers looking in different directions. A chaotic effect is created, which brings a certain naturalness to rock gardens, rockeries and other landscape solutions with stones.

It is noteworthy that this variety of woodworm is perfectly adapted to such adversities as light frosts, as well as human intervention, for example, accidental trampling, and it does not need winter shelter.

Felt cleaver

This variety is often chosen professional designers for an unusual addition to the decoration of the site. The main use of felt pickle is to create a fresh background under large trees or rock mounds.

Externally felt peg- a climbing shrub of low stems and white flowers. White star flowers look beautiful next to flowers of other shades, such as cornflowers and bluebells.

Also, a felt bowl is great for low rock gardens. This variety can bloom throughout May and June.
It is noteworthy that she loves to get her hair cut. With regular trimming of the stems, the plant becomes more fluffy and elegant.

Snow-white or silver carpet of flowers

Yaskolka is one of the most striking representatives of “mat” plants.
At the beginning of summer, the tree cover the surface with a snow-white carpet up to 20 cm high. It looks very advantageous, especially surrounded by pink or blue flowers.

The first thing that catches your eye is the elegance of this snow plant. It can also be planted in hanging boxes, for example on a terrace or veranda.

Silver jasper- this is a plant whose leaves and flowers seem to be painted with a layer of silver. It looks quite attractive, especially in direct sunlight. Flowering pleases the owner in May-June. These flowers perfectly complement the fluffy green lawn.
The “silver” moth is unpretentious. Does not need additional shelter for the winter. You can do a transplant after 5-6 years.

alpine jasmine. Perhaps the most unpretentious variety of the entire range of varieties. The homeland of the alpine moth is the northern territories - rocky slopes of cracks in stones.

Externally, the “alpine” lily is a rare shrub with stems raised slightly upward. In flower beds and rock gardens, such a tree looks very cute and modest, bringing a real alpine greeting to the landscape.
“Alpine” jasmine can be grown along country buildings, for example, bathhouses or gazebos between stone fill.

The field parsley, or as it is also called common, can also be found in the wild. Surely you have noticed it in fields, meadows and forests, in groves, herb meadows, damp forests, along rivers.

Externally it is a small shrub with neat white flowers. It can reach a height of up to 30-40 cm, the diameter of the flowers is small.
Compared to garden varieties, the common white cherry blossom blooms for a very long time - 3-4 months. During flowering, it can be collected for medicinal purposes.

A decoction of parsley is an excellent sedative.
To prepare, you need to pour crushed raw materials (2 tbsp.) hot water 0.5l. Then leave for 2 hours and strain thoroughly.
In case of increased nervousness or stress, the remedy can be taken half a glass 2-3 times a day. Or you can add 0.5 liters of decoction to the bath.

IN folk medicine a decoction of the common carrion also finds use as prophylactic from cancer.

Felt cleaver(Cerastium tomentosum) is a perennial herbaceous ground cover plant with creeping, rising at the ends, felt shoots of a silver-gray color. One plant of the plant forms a dense cushion with a diameter of up to half a meter and a height of 20 - 25 cm. Creeping shoots of the plant easily take root and nourish the plant along with the main root system. The leaves of the cherry are gray, very small, lanceolate, covered with felt almost like the bracts of edelweiss.

Tomentosa flowers white Although small, up to 1 cm in diameter, they are noticeable. Jaskolka blooms early, in May, and blooms for a month. But even after flowering, the sprout remains decorative. Its silvery cushion thickets stand out noticeably against the background of green leaves of other plants.

Tomentosa is a winter-hardy plant, it is drought-resistant and light-loving. Therefore, when choosing a planting site for the plant, pay attention to the sunniest places, for example, on hills, the main thing is that spring flood waters do not stagnate at the site where the plant is planted.

Tomentose moth is not at all picky about soils. It grows well in poor, sandy, rocky, well-drained areas. Perhaps the most favorable place for a tree is in a rock garden, between the stones, where the sun shines brightly.

Growing tomentose moth from seeds

Tomentosa seeds can be sown in open ground in the fall, before winter, or in the spring, in April. You can also grow seedlings through seedlings by sowing the seeds in March in seedling boxes.

Shoots do not take long to appear; the first shoots appear after 10 days. In the phase of two or three true leaves, the plant is picked, planting 3-4 plants in one cup. If seedlings are grown in nurseries open ground, then it is thinned out, leaving about 5 centimeters between plants. In July, when the seedlings have grown sufficiently, they are planted in a permanent place. In the same year it may already bloom, but mostly it blooms in the second year.

Caring for a felt prickle

In spring, the ground around the tree needs to be cleared of old fallen leaves. Heavily overgrown specimens need to be pruned.

No watering or fertilizing is required for the seedling. Since one plant forms a dense cushion, damp soil can cause rot. lower leaves, and this negatively affects the decorativeness of the entire plant.

The plant is replanted every 3 years, since by the end of the third year the decorative effect of the bush is lost, the shoots become elongated, and the whole plant looks sloppy.

The tomentose tree overwinters well; some of the shoots remain with the leaves, so in the spring it quickly restores its decorative properties. If you cover it with agrospan in late autumn, the bush will remain almost completely alive.

Reproduction of tomentose moth

The tomentose moth reproduces seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush. Seed propagation jabs are troublesome. To quickly propagate the plant, you can take cuttings from the bush in June, after flowering; they will easily take root before autumn. It’s even easier to propagate felted chickweed by dividing the bush. To do this, early in the spring or at the end of summer, the bush is trimmed; after a while, the dense, widely grown low bushes are divided into parts with a shovel. Each part is planted immediately on Right place. Delenki yascolka are quickly accepted in a new place.

Where is the best place to plant a felt tree?

In addition to rocky hills, tomentosa can be planted in low curbs, where she looks beautiful in company with cineraria,