Fuchsia growing. Why doesn't fuchsia bloom? Lighting and watering rules

The abundance of flowers of various shades, long flowering period, amazing unpretentiousness and adaptability of fuchsia are the main qualities that have earned the appreciation of experienced and novice flower growers. This plant, its preferences and cultivation techniques will be discussed in the article.

Species features

Native to the South American continent, fuchsia is found in wildlife New Zealand and Tahiti, representing evergreen trees and shrubs from the fireweed family with erect or drooping branches. This plant has become a fertile basis for breeding experiments. In the three hundred years since its discovery, many varieties with simple, double and semi-double flowers have been created. The culmination of breeding work is considered to be the production of hybrid fuchsia, capable of blooming several months after sowing.

These features make hybrid varieties not only a house plant, but also an excellent summer plant that can be planted in the garden, kept in a cool place in winter, and propagated by cuttings in the spring.

Remaining a perennial, all summer season fuchsia blooms in open ground from July until the onset of the first cold weather. But more often culture decorates our homes. The unusual plafond-shaped shape of the flower gave birth to another “everyday” name for fuchsia – “ballerina”. The flowers really look like little charming dancers and consist of two parts - a calyx with long stamens and a tubular corolla with gracefully bent petals. Ampelous fuchsia with hanging crumbly inflorescences has a special decorative effect and amazing openwork tenderness. Fuchsia varieties differ in the number of corolla petals.

The colors of the flowers are remarkable - from purple and violet-blue tones to snow-white and lilac. After flowering, a berry-fruit is formed.

Cultivation care

Being an ideal indoor plant that has successfully adapted to life in an apartment, fuchsia nevertheless poses certain conditions to the gardener, the fulfillment of which will enhance the overall decorativeness of the plant and the generosity of flowering.

Lighting and room temperature

The fuchsia flower is light-loving, it needs high-quality diffused light, but you can’t place a pot with a plant in the sun: burns to the leaves are guaranteed. The plant reacts traditionally to a lack of light - it stretches and does not bloom. If necessary, daylight can be successfully compensated for by artificial lighting - conventional fluorescent lamps. Constant dislocation of a flower is another condition for good development, since it is very sensitive to movements and can become capricious and drop buds and leaves. Therefore, thoughtful placement of fuchsia is extremely important.

The culture grows best at moderate temperatures. In summer it is 18-22˚С. It thrives in the fresh air, decorating balconies and loggias. This practice ensures generous flowering; it is only important to arrange the necessary shading. The active period of the plant is replaced by a quiet period, lasting from October to February. And at this time, fuchsia needs a special regime: it is placed in a cool (7-9˚C) bright room, feeding is stopped and watered occasionally. This strict regime is the basis for future rapid flowering. Fuchsias that have overwintered in conditions similar to summer ones, as a rule, do not bloom the next season.

Watering mode

During active times in spring and summer, fuchsia requires generous watering, carried out when the soil layer dries by 0.8-1.2 cm. From September, the intensity of watering is reduced, and in winter the soil is moistened more than moderately: 2-3 times a month. Use settled, soft and warm water.

Moisture-loving fuchsia loves and welcomes regular spraying. Humidity in active period should be quite high. Using humidifiers or simply placing containers of water or wet pebbles near the plant will create optimal conditions for full growth. IN autumn-winter period There is no need for humidifiers and sprays.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

Any fertilizer for flowering indoor plants is suitable for indoor fuchsias. They begin to feed her after waking up - in March, and do this twice a month, adhering to the recommendations specified in the instructions for the drug. It should be remembered that overfeeding the plant will immediately affect its appearance - lush greenery will inhibit the formation of buds, and the flowers will be small and defective.

At the end of the growing season (in September), feeding is stopped.

Important! If fuchsia is planted in summer open ground, then in addition to complex mineral supplements she needs and organic fertilizers, which are introduced until budding.

Replanting and pruning

Abundant flowering of fuchsia is facilitated by regular pruning, or rather, pinching shoots. For the first time, the plant is pinched after the cuttings have rooted; subsequently, this operation is repeated annually in the spring until flowering begins. Equally spaced pruning of side shoots behind 3-4 pairs of leaves gives a beautiful crown correct form. The crown of the plant is formed in March-April, when the shoots grow.

Caring for fuchsia at home involves spring replanting, but only if the roots become cramped in the container. In this case, they usually use a special soil sold in stores, or make a mixture of turf soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 3 * 2 * 1 with the addition of bone meal as a nutrient additive (30 g / 1 kg of soil).

Important! When replanting, drainage is also necessary, which can be expanded clay, small crushed stone or even crushed polystyrene foam. It retains moisture, gradually releasing it to the roots if a stressful situation arises.

The plant is replanted each time in a slightly larger container; a container that is too spacious will not allow the fuchsia to fully develop buds - it will develop roots, inhabiting the space of the pot. Before transplanting, the shoots are shortened by a third of their height. The best method Transshipment is considered to be the careful removal of the plant along with the earthen lump. It is placed in a new container and fresh soil is added. After transplantation, the fuchsia is generously watered and fed within a week.


Growing fuchsia at home, as a rule, begins with propagation, the methods of which are traditional: seeds or vegetatively - cuttings.

Cuttings are cut in February-March; it is more acceptable for slow-growing varieties autumn period. The normal cutting length is 5-7 cm; they are rooted in light, loose soil consisting of equal parts of peat and vermiculite, or water. Pre-treated in Kornevin, the planted cuttings produce roots after 18-25 days. Rooted seedlings are transplanted into separate containers with a diameter of 7-10 cm, filled with soil, which, along with leaf and turf soil, contains sand and humus in equal proportions. Young seedlings are pinched to stimulate branching. Hybrid species bloom in about 5 months. after planting the cuttings.

Important! To obtain a luxurious bush, several cuttings are planted in one container. This is especially true for hanging species.

Flower growers rarely use seed propagation; this is the prerogative of breeders. Seeds are planted in light, moist soil made from leaf soil, vermiculite and sand, covered with film and placed in a bright and warm room. With the emergence of seedlings, the shelter is removed. Grown seedlings in the phase of 3-5 true leaves dive into separate containers, and when they reach 10-15 cm - into pots on permanent place, pinching the tops. IN further care Seedlings are cared for along with adult plants.


Growing fuchsia is not accompanied by any serious complications. She practically does not get sick, and insect pests rarely contact her.

Usually all the plant’s troubles begin as a result improper care. For example, excess air humidity can lead to the formation of dewdrops on the leaves, and repeated excessive watering can lead to chlorosis.

Important! Foliage color is an indicator of the condition of the plant. Rich green - fuchsia is healthy; the appearance of yellowness indicates a lack of nutrition or flaws in watering.

Beginning gardeners are sometimes faced with the question of what to do if fuchsia does not bloom. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon: keeping the flower in a warm room in winter, lack of light, fertilizer, excessively frequent or, conversely, rare watering. An analysis of the care provided will answer this question, and correcting the situation will help the plant recover and enjoy flowering next season.

An undemanding culture with ballerina flowers is very popular among flower growers in many countries. This is not surprising, since the effort put into growing fuchsia is far less than the joy and tenderness it gives, and completing the listed stages of caring activities will allow you to grow a luxurious fuchsia, such as in the photo presented in the article.

When fuchsia blooms, it is a real celebration in the garden. Against the background of bright leaves, the flowers resemble the dance of ballerinas. To observe this phenomenon, the owners of this amazing plant You just have to follow very simple rules of care. After all, fuchsia has long been considered a house plant, and many are still unfamiliar with seeing it in the garden, in open ground.

Description of the plant

Fuchsia belongs to the perennials and has more than a hundred species. Previously, its popularity was not so high, but with the advent of hybrids, which acquired the ability to reproduce using seeds and bloom in the first year of cultivation, the situation has changed radically. The plant has a long flowering period, which makes it possible to grow it as an annual plant. Fuchsia in the garden continues to remain a perennial, despite the appearance of various modifications of the variety.

The plant has fibrous roots and green or reddish leaves. In shape they resemble an oval with pointed jagged edges. Fuchsia in the garden, the cultivation and care of which are described in this article, cannot but captivate with its flexible branches on which flowers are located on long stalks.

The color range of flowers is represented by pink and purple shades in various tones. Sometimes one flower can combine several tones at the same time - it depends on the variety. The fruits of this plant are edible berries.

Hybrid fuchsias

Fuchsia in the garden, the cultivation and care of which are described in this article, can be represented by hybrid species. They are characterized by the formation of erect or ampelous bushes with large bright colors. Their distinctive feature is that the calyxes and petals of a flower have different colors. There are quite a few varietal groups in this species.

Fuchsia trifoliata

Fuchsia, the cultivation and care of which has some peculiarities in the garden, can be represented quite rare species: three-leafed. It is a shrub up to 50 cm high, has a rhizome and is distinguished by reddish-green foliage. Its inflorescences are short, formed from bright coral flowers. This variety is very hardy and therefore suitable for successful cultivation in open ground.

The plant can be classified due to its varied colors in the garden; its cultivation and care (photo above), which are described in this article, is also represented by winter-hardy varieties. They can winter in open ground even without special shelter.

Features of cultivation and care

Fuchsia in the garden, cultivation and care, the propagation of which is described in this article, is generally a heat-loving plant. The only exceptions may be separately bred hybrids that exhibit comparative frost resistance. Windless and well-lit corners of your garden may be ideal for growing it. Light shading may be beneficial.

Fuchsia in the garden can easily grow in open ground. It can be planted there already in early May. At the same time very important point is that the root collar should not be buried when planting the plant. If rooting is successful, then in a couple of weeks your pet can please you with its flowering.

Fuchsia in the garden, the cultivation and care of which is described in this article, can also grow in a pot. For this option, it is better to take a plant a couple of years old and with a well-developed root system. In this case, the pot can be either buried or simply placed in a recess.

Fuchsia in the garden, the cultivation and care of which in winter has specific features, should not be left in the open ground during the cold period. That is why completely transfer them to the ground root system is inappropriate. Approximately at the end of autumn, the plant is sent indoors for the winter.

Choosing a landing site

Fuchsia in the garden, the cultivation and care of which is described in this article, is a seasonal plant. Its flowering period ranges from early spring until autumn. In order to choose the right place for your pet, you should take into account the main factors influencing its life activity: light, temperature regime and humidity. Lighting should be diffused. This plant responds very well to moderate temperatures and normal humidity.

Features of care

Fuchsia, depending on the variety, may have certain growing characteristics, but most often it prefers direct sunlight in the morning, but it is necessary to create artificial shading from lunch until the evening so that the plant does not get burned. Only a few varieties love sunbathing and are able to tolerate it painlessly. These are mainly plants with brightly colored flowers.

Fuchsia in the garden, the cultivation and care of which are described in this article, requires moderate summer temperatures, which average 16-22 degrees. If the temperature is lower, the plant may enter a dormant period and buds will not form. An increase in temperature may cause the buds to drop and your pet to become ill. If it is not possible to control the temperature, then the humidity level should be increased.

Fuchsia - tropical plant, so she really likes different water treatments. Spraying has a very beneficial effect on it, especially after a hot summer day.

Soil selection

Fuchsia is not demanding on soil, but it prefers light and fertile soil with neutral acidity. To improve its structure, you can add a little sand and perlite. It will be beneficial to add clay that holds nutrients in the soil and prevents their leaching. For adult plants, soil with the addition of turf, compost, humus, soil with leaves, peat, etc. is recommended.

The soil should maintain constant moisture or strive to do so. In order to comply with this condition, you do not need to wait until the top layer is completely dry; you should water the plant regularly. If watering is insufficient, fuchsia may shed its leaves and buds prematurely. However, overwatering can lead to very negative consequences, so you should be as rational and careful as possible.

Shaping and trimming

Forming a fuchsia bush must begin from the cuttings. This plant is very flexible for molding and responds favorably to it. You can give the bush any shape you want, it all depends only on your imagination. However, it is important that prolonged pinching can significantly slow down flowering, so it is important not to overdo it in this matter. The procedure can be continued after the first fuchsia bloom.

As for pruning, it is best done at the end of the growing season. At this time, all flower-bearing branches located at a height of 2 cm from the dormant buds are removed. The final crown molding is carried out around January.

Fuchsia ampelous in the garden: cultivation and care

Ampel varieties of fuchsias are most suitable for growing them in hanging baskets. However, this does not stop some gardeners from planting them in their beds. This is a very controversial decision, which some consider original, while others consider it unacceptable.

In terms of requirements for choosing a place of growth and care, it is very similar to ordinary fuchsias. However, it does best in a wire basket filled with peat moss. When choosing the plant itself, it is better to give preference to those with good roots, but not too developed.

Wintering fuchsia directly in the garden

Contrary to popular belief, some varieties of fuchsia are able to overwinter in open ground. This is Magellan fuchsia. It can be covered with spruce branches, and it will feel great under the snow. Other species require preparatory measures before leaving for the winter.

Before the onset of persistent cold weather, fuchsia should be cut at soil level and sprinkled with a layer of soil of at least 20 cm. After this, cover with spruce branches and provide insulation from excess moisture. The plant should be opened around mid-May. After such a winter, fuchsia blooms around August.

Gardeners also practice such a method as annual rooting of new cuttings. The plant itself is not left in the fall.

Fuchsia (lat. Fuchsia) – evergreen perennial shrub, belonging to the fireweed family. This plant is pleasing to the eye bright flowers of all kinds of shades, which is why they so often like to place it on home windowsills. Fuchsias are native to New Zealand, South and Central America. The flower has been cultivated for more than 200 years. Below we will tell you in more detail about how to care for fuchsia, how often to water it, when to replant it, and what to do if it does not bloom.

In nature, fuchsia looks like a shrub with flexible branches and oval leaves, slightly jagged at the edges. Depending on the variety of fuchsia indoor blooms V different time year, so you have every chance to have a flowerbed on your windowsill that will be colorful from early spring to late autumn. Varieties include simple (for example, Bon Accord, Winston Churchill), semi-double (Satellite, Snowcup), double (Fuchsia Margarita) and racemose (Leverkusen).

Temperature, lighting

Proper care of fuchsia at home begins with choosing the optimal location for placement. The flower needs partial shade or bright light, but without direct sunlight. Fuchsia feels good on eastern and northern windowsills. Delicately colored varieties are best kept in partial shade, while fuchsias with bright colors should be kept in a well-lit place.

The plant loves cool rooms, so in summer you should try to ensure the room temperature is up to 24°C, and in winter – up to 15°C. In the warm season, the flower can be taken out onto the balcony or street, choosing a well-lit place. The plant does not tolerate heat well and needs to be sprayed, but this must be done after sunset. You can place the pot with the plant on a tray with wet pebbles or expanded clay. To make fuchsia less likely to overheat in summer, choose a light-colored pot.

Soil and watering

The fuchsia flower loves moist soil, but excessive watering can lead to rotting of the root system. Provide a drainage layer of expanded clay or pebbles at the bottom of the pot. In the warm season, fuchsia needs to be watered regularly, but at the same time make sure that the top layer of soil has time to dry. Water must be settled or filtered. IN winter time Watering fuchsia needs to be reduced to a minimum. Provide the flower with a period of rest, but do not allow the earthen clod to dry out.

The plant loves loose, breathable soil. If you prepare the soil for fuchsia yourself, it is best to take 3 parts of turf soil, 3 parts of leaf humus, 1 part each of sand and peat. If you buy ready-made soil in a store, choose a universal one or for flowering plants. You can add a little peat mixture to it.

It is necessary to fertilize fuchsia with complex fertilizers for flowering plants during the growing season. Add fertilizer to the water for irrigation once every 1-2 weeks from the moment the first buds appear on the flower. You can add liquid fertilizer to the water for spraying, but only until the buds open. Stop feeding in September, when the shoots ripen. In winter, during the dormant period, there is no need to fertilize fuchsia.

Pruning and replanting

Thanks to the flexibility of fuchsia branches, you can give it a hanging, bush or pyramidal shape. The plant is pruned before wintering and in spring. Before sending the fuchsia to rest, old branches are shortened by 2/3, and young ones by 1/3. All leaves, flowers and buds are removed. In the spring, you should shorten the branches by 2 more buds, remove dried ones and those that grow inside the crown.

If pruning was not done in the fall, double work needs to be done in the spring. To provide beautiful shape To prevent the plant from becoming bare, new branches must be pinched twice in the spring. The last pinching should be done in the last ten days of May so as not to delay flowering.

The indoor fuchsia plant requires annual replanting. It is necessary to take a pot 3-4 cm larger in diameter and height than the previous one. Too large capacity will provoke the growth of new shoots, but will slow down flowering. Bushes up to 3 years old are simply transferred to new pots, and in adult fuchsias the soil is partially changed or 3 cm of fresh soil is added on top.

Growing fuchsia in open ground

Fuchsias do well outdoors. Moreover, this significantly reduces the risk of pest infection - in a hot and dry room, fuchsia is much more likely to be attacked spider mite, aphid.


You need to transfer the flower to open ground in late spring - early summer. So that fuchsia can withstand winds and rains, a support is first dug into the ground. Fertilizing with biological fertilizers is effective.

For planting in the ground, it is better to select varieties with powerful, straight shoots. It is better to choose a shaded place, since most fuchsias do not tolerate direct sunlight. But there are also hybrid varieties bred for growing in sunny areas - “Coral”, “Aloha”. It is better to plant ampelous compact varieties directly in pots, because the flowers will still have to be put indoors for the winter.

There are very few cold-resistant fuchsias that can withstand frosty winters in open ground (for example, fuchsia Magellan). Some gardeners have conducted successful experiments in wintering fuchsias outdoors - with the onset of cold weather, the above-ground part of the plant was cut off at the root, and the area with the roots was insulated. If you want to be sure to preserve the plant, it is better to put it indoors or on a glassed-in loggia before winter, because fuchsias love a cool winter. At the same time, do not forget about pruning before the winter holidays.

Problems when growing fuchsias

Even if you are sure that you know how to care for a flower, no one is immune from periodic difficulties. Fuchsias rarely get sick, but are susceptible to attacks by whiteflies, aphids and spider mites.


  • Whitefly. When whitefly infests fuchsia, spots appear on the leaves, they turn yellow and fall off. Sooty fungus appears on damaged areas.
  • Spider mite. When a plant is infected with a spider mite, the leaves become discolored and fall off, and black dots are visible on their reverse side. The pest loves rooms with low air humidity.
  • Aphid. When aphids are infested, you can notice colonies on the outer parts of the plant. The leaves curl, the stems bend, and the buds remain unopened.

If pests have just appeared, a warm shower (with a water temperature of 36-38 °C) can help combat them. After the procedure, the plant must be allowed to dry and only then exposed to sunlight. If this does not help, you should apply the insecticide 3 times with an interval of 7 days. The solution is prepared according to the instructions, after which the crown is sprayed with it and covered with a plastic bag for half an hour, and the substrate is watered with a 2-fold diluted dose for spraying.

Other problems

  • Falling of buds and leaves can be observed when the watering regime is violated, there is a lack of lighting, a sudden change in location in relation to the light, or hot air.
  • A short flowering period for fuchsia can be caused by insufficient fertilizing, lack of light and humidity during the growth period, and insufficiently cool wintering.
  • Brown spots and yellowing of leaves appear due to waterlogging of the soil during the cold season.

Fuchsia blossom

The plant blooms profusely and for a long time. The flowers consist of a tubular corolla with curved edges and a bright calyx. They somewhat resemble lanterns hanging from branches. Fuchsia blooms can be either monochromatic (pink, red, orange, white, purple, lilac) or contain several shades at once.

During the flowering period, it is important not to turn the plant with its other side towards the light source, otherwise it may drop its flowers. Wilted ones must be removed immediately so as not to stimulate the ripening of inflorescences, which shortens the flowering period. Typically, the flowering period of fuchsia does not provoke allergic reactions in others.

Fuchsia propagation

Fuchsia can be propagated at home using seeds or cuttings. It is best to start the growing process in the spring. Fuchsia loves cool weather, and in summer the cuttings often rot from high air temperatures.


It is necessary to take young fuchsia cuttings 10-20 cm long, since woody ones will take longer to take root. Before placing the cutting in water, you need to remove all lower leaves and shorten the remaining ones so that the evaporation of moisture through them does not weaken the sprout. You can use regular filtered water.

To prevent moisture evaporation, you can build a greenhouse over a container of water by covering the cuttings plastic bag. The first roots sometimes appear within 4 days, although the process usually takes 10-14 days. There is no need to wait for long roots to appear - the cuttings can be transplanted into the substrate as soon as they hatch.

There is another way to root cuttings - placing them directly into the substrate. In this case, placing a greenhouse is necessary, otherwise the leaves will lose turgor. The advantage of such rooting is that the cutting adapts to the soil faster. After rooting, the greenhouse can be removed. At first, there will be a loss of leaf turgor until the plant gets used to more low level room humidity than in a greenhouse.

Propagation by seeds

This method is complex, but interesting, since a plant grown from seeds rarely retains the properties of the original flower. To do this, you need to exclude self-pollination of fuchsia and pollination by insects. The anthers of the still unopened flower are removed, and the pollen of the paternal plant is applied to the stigma of the pistil.

After this, a fabric or paper cover is put on the flower to protect it from insects. When the fruit is ripe, it is carefully cut, the seeds are removed and dried for a couple of days. It is best to sow seeds in March-April on moist soil, then place the container in a greenhouse and provide good lighting and room temperature.

Shoots appear after 2 weeks, and after 1.5-2 months the seedlings can be planted more spaciously. After another two months, the young plants can be planted in separate pots. Seedlings gradually adapt to environment, periodically opening the greenhouse slightly. If you do this abruptly, young shoots may die.

If fuchsia doesn't bloom

The reason for the short flowering of fuchsia may be an insufficiently cool winter. If kept in a hot room, the plant may not bloom at all. The absence of flowers can also provoke:

  • excessive or insufficient watering;
  • poor lighting;
  • a lack of nutrients in the soil.

Purchase Features

Fuchsia can be purchased at a specialized flower shop or greenhouse. When choosing a seedling, pay attention to the appearance of the plant - the roots should not protrude above the substrate, the leaves should not have spots or dry areas. The top of the central shoot should not be damaged or pinched. The plant must be accompanied by a certificate indicating the variety, bush shape and a photograph of flowering. The cost of a young rooted fuchsia cutting is 200 rubles.

Fuchsia is an indoor plant with bright flowers that can be planted even in open ground. With proper care, it will delight you with long-lasting flowering. Fuchsias are easily propagated by cuttings, which makes it easy to expand the collection.

Growing fuchsia and caring for it at home is of interest to many. Fuchsia is perennial plant. It is very popular among gardeners. This happened due to the fact that diversity decorative varieties It's simply amazing. Not last role bright played in this unusual color. If you decide to add to your home flower garden low, quite tenacious evergreen, which also blooms beautifully, then you will obviously be interested in how to grow fuchsia at home.

For information

Fuchsia is a plant that cannot be confused with any other. Externally, the flower looks like a bright one chinese lantern. These lanterns hang from the branches and “illuminate” everything around.

The leaves of the plant are green, but may have a red tint. Their shape resembles an oval with pointed ends and jagged edges. If you organize a flower proper care, then its flowering will be long. The flowers have a long pedicel, a calyx with a tube with 4 long sepals, plus a bell-shaped corolla.

Very often, interior designers choose these indoor plants, which have a long flowering period, to create a cozy home phytodesign.

Many varieties of decorative fuchsia are unpretentious. Caring for fuchsia at home will not burden you much. Even novice gardeners can easily cope with this task. If you follow simple rules caring for fuchsia at home, then this bright plant will please you for a very long time.

The most common hybrid form has the name ampelous fuchsia. Its stems cascade down. For growing in room conditions Suitable are bushy and bushy upright fuchsias.

The indoor fuchsia plant tolerates shade, so it will not cause you any difficulties in caring for it. Two-color fuchsia looks especially elegant; it is also grown in the garden.

If you do not want to decorate your room with an upright or cascading bush, then you have plenty of flowering variety fuchsia, represented by a miniature bonsai tree. To make the trunk of a miniature tree thicker, in the process of forming a bonsai, you need to weave a couple of shoots. Professionals in their field advise growing bonsai from cuttings so that you can independently give the required shape to the standard tree. It will take approximately 16 months for the plant to grow and it will be possible to begin shaping the bonsai using the Lingnan method.

Fuchsia color is popular among fashion designers and designers. What shade is this? This is considered a rich combination of violet and pink or purple.
The optimal placement of fuchsia at home is when the windows face southwest or east. Placement on the south side is allowed, but then it is recommended to place the fuchsia in a pot on a table or stand next to the window.

Fuchsia likes light. It is desirable that he be absent-minded. In summer, make sure that the plant is not in direct sunlight. You can create a shadow by covering the window with thin papyrus paper or film. When the flowering period begins, you should not move the flower or turn the pot, as all the buds may fall off.

How to grow gorgeous fuchsia (video)

Important questions

How to care for fuchsia? Firstly, the temperature regime. During the rest period optimal temperature for fuchsia it will be +16...20ºС. Try to place the plant so that it is not disturbed by drafts. When it begins to bloom, it becomes heat-loving. Try to maintain the temperature within +19...26ºС.

Air humidity. The recommended level of air humidity in the room is 40-60%. If the air is too dry, the leaves may begin to turn yellow and wilt. In spring and summer, the leaves should be sprayed with soft water several times a day.

Watering. Water the plant with soft, settled water. In winter, fuchsia needs two waterings for the whole month. When it comes growing season, watering should be done regularly.

However, water should not stagnate around the root. Watering the plant should be done carefully, after the top layer of soil is completely dry. All excess water that drains must be drained from the pan immediately.

Earth mixture and fertilizing. You can independently prepare the substrate in which the fuchsia will be planted. To do this, you will need the same amount of leaf and turf soil, humus, peat and sand (coarse). A drainage layer is prepared separately. Expanded clay should be poured into the bottom.

Feeding occurs during the stage of active growth and flowering once every few weeks. Most the best option- this is special complex fertilizer. The main thing is that it does not contain nitrogen.

Transfer. Transplant fast growing plant must be performed annually with the onset of spring. For replanting you will need a pot with thick walls. It is best if it is ceramic, since the roots are very delicate and can become very hot in ordinary containers.

Fill the new container with a drainage layer and then some soil. Place the new container next to the old one and carefully move the fuchsia along with the soil. Then soil is added to the sides of the pot.

Trimming. It is recommended to do pruning several times throughout the year. The first pruning is best done after the plant stops blooming. As a rule, these processes occur at the end of October. The first step is to remove faded branches from the axil. They are located above the dormant bud at a distance of several centimeters. Now you can start removing the flower stalks and seed pods.

The second pruning should take place in winter. From January you can begin to get rid of excess shoots, thereby forming the crown of the plant. If you plan to form a bonsai from fuchsia, then you need to leave only one shoot or a pair, which can be twisted together so that they serve as the trunk of the tree. In addition, it is necessary to pinch the tops to make the bonsai crown lush.

Reproduction methods

Fuchsia propagation occurs in several ways.

By cuttings. This method is the most optimal if you are a beginner gardener. You can propagate fuchsia using this method in the spring. Although this is not a fundamental condition.

You will need a young cutting, 12 to 20 cm long. The lower part of the shoot must be freed from leaves. It is then trimmed about halfway. Prepare filtered water in advance so that it has time to settle. The cutting must be placed in the same container. The top of the container must be covered. For this purpose, you can use trimmed plastic bottle or a thick translucent bag. 4-9 days will pass and roots will begin to appear. It's time to plant the cuttings in the ground.

Using leaves. You will need a healthy and well developed leaf. It must be cut with a sharp knife. Grab a piece of stem. Now this leaf needs to be planted in soft soil so that it goes 1 cm deep. The container must be covered with a plastic lid. Every day the substrate must be sprayed with warm boiled water, and the lid should open. When the base of the stem begins to produce small rosettes, the fuchsia flower can be transplanted into a separate pot.

Using seeds. This method is suitable for experienced gardeners and breeders. First of all, it is necessary to prevent the plant from self-pollinating. To do this, you need to get rid of the anthers that are located on unopened flowers. The next step will be to put the cover on the flower. You just need to do this carefully. It needs to be tied with a thread a little lower. As soon as the fruit is ripe, it must be removed with tweezers, cut open and the seeds removed from it.

The seeds will need several days to dry. They can then be sown on the moist soil of the container. The container is placed in the place good lighting. A few weeks will pass and seedlings will begin to appear. After a few months, you can start picking and start seating more spaciously. After picking, several more months must pass before the sprout can be transplanted into a pot.

Propagation of fuchsia by cuttings (video)

Why doesn't fuchsia bloom?

Why doesn't it bloom? Fuchsia does not bloom only when violations were made in important rules for caring for the plant. This is rare. But a novice florist should become familiar with these nuances.

This includes late pinning and choosing an overly hot place for growing. Alternatively, you applied too much nitrogen when fertilizing. It is possible that the plant was affected by a disease or pest. Perhaps the fuchsia is growing in a plastic or too small pot.

After elimination negative factors fuchsia will begin to delight with lush and long-lasting flowering.

About diseases and pests

Indoor fuchsia can be affected by the following pests:

Whitefly. This is exactly the beetle that most often “attacks” beautiful fuchsia. It is identified by its white wings. to his appearance The whitefly resembles a moth. Pests are located in flocks on the inside of the leaf.

The danger is that they begin to deplete the plant, using leaf juice as nutrition. As a result, indoor fuchsia flowers (and the garden version) become smaller, the leaves turn yellow and begin to fall off. Fungal and viral diseases. You can fight this insect with the help of insecticides.

Red. This is a small red insect that is located on the inside of the leaf. The tick uses plant sap as food, and pale spots form on the foliage. If treatment is not started in time, the green mass may completely change its color to yellow and then fall off.

An insecticidal drug is used against ticks. It is also necessary to get rid of the affected leaves. To avoid this development of events, spray the fuchsia with warm water more often.

As for diseases, they do not often affect the plant. However, many of them can lead to death.

The roots rot. If fuchsia is regularly waterlogged, the roots can be affected by fungus. In this case, the flower quickly dies, and the fuchsia will be difficult to save. Even the cuttings that you take from this plant will not take root.

The flower must be thrown away along with the soil in which it grew, but not in the garden. This is especially important if fuchsia is growing in the garden. If you do not get rid of the carrier of the infection, nearby specimens may be affected.

Rust appears on the leaves of indoor fuchsia. The disease is transmitted by fungi. Most often this disease occurs in open area. As for home conditions, this is less common here, only if the humidity is very high. Fungal spores settle on leaves and cause severe damage. Outwardly, they resemble a brown-orange coating. If you notice that “rusty” leaves have begun to appear, then you should get rid of them. For prevention purposes, use a 2% solution Bordeaux mixture. Fungicides can combat the emerging fungus.

Choosing a fuchsia seedling in the store

In the store, fuchsia can be found singly or in 3-4 cuttings. As a rule, it all depends on the pot in which the flower grows. When choosing a seedling in a store, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Is the plant forming correctly?
  • how pinching was performed;
  • whether created favorable conditions for growing a flower;
  • whether the plant looks healthy (a healthy look will have dark green and large leaves);
  • The roots should not be visible from below.

If the seedling itself looks good and the leaves are small, then don’t expect the plant to look decorative anytime soon.

Judging by the small leaves, we can conclude that the plant is not sufficiently watered and fed. It is not entirely good if the seedlings in the store are kept in a dark place or poorly watered. In such plants, the buds will fall off and the leaves will turn yellow.

When buying fuchsia seedlings, be sure to check them for pests. Examine the sheets carefully to ensure there are no spots or dots on them. If you shake the plant, whiteflies should not fly off it.

Caring for and growing fuchsia at home is a fairly simple process. There are some secrets, but there is nothing supernatural about them.

Fuchsia prefers cool weather. IN summer time the temperature should not be higher than 20ºС. The best option is a window sill on the north or east side or in the garden in the shade.

In summer, the plant must be saved from stuffiness. If possible, place the flower on the balcony or in the yard. It is advisable that the sun's rays reach there only in the morning.

The plant must be watered systematically, especially during the period of growth and flowering. The water must be filtered or settled. In summer, refresh the plant by spraying.

How to care?

During the flowering period of fuchsia it is required special care. You will need to follow special recommendations for caring for the plant.

During this period, watering should be carried out in sufficient quantities and systematically. Do not allow moisture to stagnate in the roots. You cannot continue watering until the water from above disappears.

Fuchsia is sensitive to change. So try not to move or turn the pot during flowering. Such actions can cause flowers and buds to fall off.

Beginning flower growers, when considering plant propagation, still have some questions.

  1. If a houseplant blooms for only a few weeks, it means you are not following the watering schedule. Perhaps the plant does not receive enough light, feeding, too heat environment.
  2. If you notice strange spots of a powdery consistency on the leaves of a plant, then most likely the moisture level in the room is increased. It is necessary to spray the flower with a solution of foundation and water. From now on, try to ventilate the room more often.
  3. If the leaves begin to turn yellow and have formed brown spots, which means the soil is too wet. Education often occurs first yellow stripes and brown spots.
  4. What to do if the leaves fall off a lot? The reason may be that the air is too dry, or you do not water the plant enough during the growing season.

And finally, why did the fuchsia buds suddenly begin to fall off during the flowering period? The most obvious reason is that you changed the location of the plant during the growing season. It has been said more than once that the pot should not be moved during the flowering period of fuchsia.

Most of you know that the fuchsia flower is famous for its excellent decorative properties and extreme whimsicality to the conditions of its growth. Although experienced flower growers talk about what to grow indoor flower fuchsia couldn’t be easier and is a real pleasure. What is the catch here and how to properly organize care, read in this article. Photos of fuchsia at its various stages of development are also presented to your attention.

Now let's move on to the description of fuchsia, which shows the main agrotechnical characteristics of the flower. The genus Fuchsia, which includes about 100 species, belongs to the fireweed family. In nature, plants grow in Central and South America, partly on the islands of New Zealand and Tahiti. The genus is named after the German physician and botanist L. Fuchs (1501-1566).

Above are the photos. homemade fuchsia various types, varieties and degree of development of the vegetative mass.

Indoor fuchsia

IN indoor culture hybrid fuchsia (Fuchsia hybrida) is grown. This plant is of great interest due to its abundant and long flowering from spring to late autumn. Indoor fuchsia is selected in such a way that the species has the required degree of resistance to lack of sunlight and low levels of air humidity.

Currently, there are hundreds of varieties with semi-double and double flowers, differing in the number of corolla petals and color.

Fuchsia varieties

At home, various varieties of fuchsia are used for cultivation, which are represented by hanging and erect crops.

Variety "Aretes Upright Ernie"- semi-ampel fuchsia. Sepals are red. The skirt is white with dark pink streaks. The flowers are large, double.

Fuchsia varieties "Quasan"- ampelous fuchsia. The sepals are white with green tips. The skirt is lavender with a pink base of the petals, sometimes with white strokes on the petals. The flowers are very large, double.

Fuchsia "Thalia"- an upright growing bush, numerous flowers, simple, with long tubes, orange-red.

Fuchsia variety "Jack of Heart"- large double flowers with thick pink tubes, pink sepals, numerous white petals, with pink veins.

Chillerton Beauty- a compact plant with small leaves, simple flowers, with pale pink tubes and sepals, with purple petals.

Fuchsia "Ariel"- flowers are single, very small, pink.

Growing conditions

The plant is light-loving; with a lack of light, it stretches out and does not bloom. Tolerates morning and evening sun well, but requires protection from direct midday sunlight. Keep at a moderate air temperature of no higher than 20°C, in winter - at 6-10°C. In summer, the plant feels great in the fresh air.

Caring for fuchsia at home

Water abundantly from spring to autumn. During the period of active growth, caring for fuchsia at home includes such an important event as spraying the leaves. Replant in the spring into a soil mixture consisting of clay and turf soil, humus with the addition of peat and sand (1: 1: 2: 0.5: 0.5). At the same time, the shoots are cut to a third of their length, forming a crown. Young plants are formed by regularly pinching.

In winter, fuchsias are completely dormant. During this time, they should be kept in a cool room, preferably in the basement. In early spring they are brought into the rooms, trimmed, removed from the pots and, having loosened the old lump, transplanted into a moderately large container with greenhouse soil. The plants are then placed in a sunny window. In a bright place when spraying in sunny days fuchsias quickly produce young shoots that soon begin to bloom.

With the onset of constant warm weather, fuchsias are taken out into the air. Place them in the garden, in a slightly shaded area, or on balconies and outside window sills that receive full morning sun. Here the fuchsias are replanted again during the summer. Water them abundantly and feed them with liquid complex mineral fertilizer from time to time.

Fuchsia propagation

Rapid propagation of fuchsia by cuttings and seed method is available. Fuchsia cuttings are taken in February-March. The length of the cutting should be 5-7 cm. They take root easily in water, sand or any loose substrate. At room temperature roots form in 20-25 days. Rooted cuttings are planted in pots with a diameter of 7-9 cm, which are filled with a mixture of turf and leaf soil, humus and sand, taken in equal quantities. In order to receive further lush bush, rooted cuttings are planted several in each pot. Young plants bloom the same year. During the summer, the tops of the shoots are pinched several times. It is preferable to cut slow-growing varieties in August.

Diseases and pests

Plants are most often damaged by spider mites and whiteflies.