How best to level the walls. The better to level the walls. Leveling prices

Often, when starting to decorate walls, people are faced with poor quality of the foundation. Moreover this problem relevant for most new buildings: the walls suffer from curvature and the presence of various defects. Even the wallpaper on such walls looks unpresentable. How to level walls with your own hands? More on this later.

DIY wall leveling technologies

The procedure for leveling walls is a headache for residents who have started a major renovation. The geometry of premises in new buildings is far from ideal, not to mention houses with a Soviet layout. A few decades ago, defects and curvature were of little concern to anyone, but today they are the main condition for repair.

To a person without experience, this procedure will seem complicated, however, after studying step by step instructions and with patience, even a beginner can handle it.

When is it necessary to level walls?

Smooth walls are necessary when gluing most modern wallpaper, for example, for painting, so that the material subsequently lays down beautifully and evenly, or for washable ones, so that moisture does not stagnate in them. In addition, any errors, even small ones, appear through the paper.

Tiling also requires smooth walls. Otherwise, voids will form that are dangerous for adhesion.

Methods for leveling walls and ceilings in an apartment room

Today there are two popular ways to level walls:

  • using building mixtures;
  • through the installation of structures.

In the second case, the walls are leveled by installing drywall. Thanks to this building material, the worker does not need to waste effort to achieve smooth walls, can be hidden engineering systems, defects and irregularities. However, this method hides the usable area. This method should be used when the walls are very curvature, or when it is necessary to solve the alignment problem as soon as possible.

Construction mixtures do not encroach on the usable area, and are a high-quality leveling method, although labor-intensive. Great option for carrying out repairs in residential premises: in the bedroom, living room, corridor.

How to level a wall in a panel house with plaster: step-by-step instructions

Alignment is a precise and labor-intensive process, but every person can cope with this task. The main thing is to strictly follow the rules and procedures for performing work.

Which mixture is better to level uneven concrete walls: the best materials

For leveling walls panel house It is better to purchase special dry mixtures that are diluted with water to the required consistency before work. The ideal solution for these purposes is solutions with a high content of plasticizers, due to which the material adheres more tightly to the wall. It’s even better if the composition contains quartz sand. With it, the surface will be strong, durable and resistant to mechanical stress.

It is important not only to choose a solution, but also to decide on its quantity. All calculations are made individually. Typically, 1 m2 of wall requires 17 kg of diluted mixture, provided that the leveling layer is 2 cm thick. Therefore, the smaller the layer, the more economical the consumption. The instructions for use also indicate approximate proportions.

Tool for work

To avoid the above disadvantages, you should prepare the following tools and materials for work in advance:

  • mixer for preparing the solution;
  • container for kneading;
  • clean dry cloth;
  • scales;
  • building level;
  • roller or brush for priming;
  • painting mesh;
  • trowel and rule for synchronous application and removal of excess;
  • metal beacons;
  • spatulas of different shapes;
  • dry building mixtures (putty, plaster, primer);
  • materials and equipment for cleaning and sanding the surface (0-grit sandpaper, grater, holder, sanding block).

Alignment options

When the walls are relatively smooth, you can get by with the rule. If the walls have strong differences and defects, then beacons must be used to level them. The main difficulty of the process lies in their installation.

Surface preparation

First you need to dismantle the old covering (wallpaper, flooring and ceiling plinth). In this case, the wall should be tapped to remove pieces of putty or mortar, which at first glance seem to hold firmly, but when tapped make a ringing sound. This indicates that the coating will soon collapse. Protruding bumps should be removed with sandpaper. After complete cleaning, the dust from the walls must be washed off, swept away with a broom or vacuumed.

Applying a primer: how to prime different surfaces

Next, you need to apply a primer to the entire surface of the walls. Experts recommend purchasing concentrated solutions; they are much cheaper than ready-made solutions and have enhanced binding properties. When diluting, it is important to strictly follow the instructions and maintain the proportions, which will allow you to achieve the desired quality of the composition.

Applying primer – mandatory process. To provide best characteristics penetration and adhesion, it is necessary to apply the solution in two layers. If you ignore this process or perform it poorly, in the future the layer of plaster may fall behind the monolith, which will entail additional costs.

Measuring curvature using a rule

To measure the curvature, you need to get a perfectly straight rod (rule), at least two meters long. Place the strip vertically against the wall and measure the difference between the distances at both extreme opposite points - the data obtained will show the horizontal curvature of the surface. If the value is more than 10 mm, then you cannot do without plaster; if it is less, then it will be enough to simply putty the walls.

Installation of beacons

To correctly install the beacons, you need to use a laser level (if available). Lighthouses are mounted on plaster or cement using the following technology:

  • make calculations and markings, lines are drawn vertically from the ceiling to the floor with an interval of up to a meter;
  • purchase perfectly smooth metal or wooden slats;
  • fasten the screws at the bottom, top and along the edges, stretch the thread between them;
  • fasten both outer panels, apply the solution along the line drawn on the wall, then deepen the profile into it and level it;
  • Glue the remaining profiles along the stretched thread.

After the solution has hardened, level the wall with plaster along the beacons, for this you should:

  • prepare the solution according to the instructions;
  • fill the space between the beacons with plaster using a spatula (first fill the wall halfway, and then level the mortar with a rule, guiding it along the beacons);
  • if there are flaws, add solution and level the surface;
  • In order for the plaster to adhere well to the wall, the surface must be moistened with water;
  • During the hardening process, the beacons are removed and the voids are filled with solution.

Alignment guides

To level walls with plaster, several types of guide beacons are used:

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • wooden;
  • homemade plaster.


After the plaster dries, the wall becomes rough. To fix this, you need to treat the surface with finishing putty and sand it with fine-grain sandpaper.

How to make curved walls straight in a new building using the dry method yourself

The second way to level walls in a room is. In addition to practical tasks, this material perfectly copes with a decorative function. It is used to make arches, all kinds of partitions, fireplaces, dropped ceilings etc.

Sheathing with plasterboard is carried out using two methods - frame and adhesive. The most popular - the first - installation of a metal or wooden frame.

Panels for leveling plasterboard: selection parameters, the best way to finish

For work, you should choose wall plasterboard with a thickness of 12.5 mm. Ceiling (9.5 mm) is not suitable for leveling walls, since it cannot provide the necessary strength with respect to mechanical loads.

If it is necessary to increase strength, the walls are sheathed with a double layer of plasterboard wall sheets.

In addition to the usual white, there are two more types of drywall on the construction market:

  • red (fire resistant) – best option for repairs in wooden houses;
  • green (moisture resistant) – suitable for lining walls in the kitchen.

When plasterboard on a profile is used in the kitchen: mounting the frame horizontally

A plasterboard box is often used in the kitchen to hide various communications, hide unevenness and other wall defects, and also recreate the original structure (niches, ledges, etc.). For these purposes, galvanized profiles and waterproof plasterboard are used.

To level a wall using the “dry” method, you need to perform a number of operations.

  1. Attach the profile around the perimeter, mark and secure the material in the middle of the wall. The planks should be mounted at a distance of 40-50 cm. The fastenings should be located at a distance of 25-30 cm.
  2. Drill holes with a hammer drill and drive plastic dowels into the fastening points.
  3. Install the frame using screws and self-tapping screws.
  4. Cover the frame with plasterboard sheets. To do this, you should cut the gypsum board in advance required sizes and make marks on them in the places of planned fastening. The distance between the screws should be 25 cm.
  5. Seal the joints between the sheets with putty. Large cracks can be filled polyurethane foam with a small extension. After hardening, remove the remaining foam with a knife and cover with putty.
  6. The final stage is treating the structure with an antifungal primer. After it dries, apply a thin layer of putty to the surface of the drywall.

Is it possible to glue drywall to an uneven brick wall?

If the installation of drywall is carried out on brick wall uneven masonry, you must use Perflix glue. It should be applied pointwise, along the entire perimeter of the sheet. The thickness of the adhesive layer should be 5-30 mm, and the spaces between the points should be 30-50 cm.

A device for leveling already plastered walls

To frame level the plastered walls, you will need the following devices and tools:

  • drywall;
  • profile;
  • level;
  • self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver

Is it possible to properly level the walls with your own hands?

Anyone who knows how to work with a tool can level the walls in their home. The key to success is the fulfillment of the following conditions:

  • thorough;
  • competent choice of building mixture;
  • presence of accurate beacons;
  • compliance with technology when performing work.

It's always nice to decorate your home yourself, but the wrong approach can ruin all your efforts. Having set the goal of leveling the walls, assess their condition and choose the best way. Explore in detail necessary information, and it’s never too late to entrust the work to professionals.

Useful video on the topic

Almost every home owner, sooner or later, must face the process of leveling walls. They are not often perfectly straight. During overhaul the procedure will become especially relevant, since during such repairs, various communications are most often installed in the walls. In this article we will look at how to level the walls on your own and what is better, as well as what is required for this.

Using putty

First, let's look at how to level a wall with putty. Using putty is the most in a simple way create a smooth surface. This method is usually used before finishing the room. For example, you need to treat the surface before wallpapering it. Let us immediately note that the cosmetic option will be possible when the walls are without significant damage, i.e. small pits, cracks or similar defects. If there is serious damage, this method is not suitable.

The question immediately arises - what to level and what is better? The technology involves the use of putty without beacons. Before starting work, you need to purchase a dry composition. Nowadays, ready-made liquid putty is available on the market. If you bought a dry composition, then you need to dilute it in some container. The whole process is not complicated and does not require any special skills from you. Leveling is carried out with a large or medium (trowel) trowel. There is no need to apply putty over the entire surface. It should only be used in areas that have defects.

After you have applied the putty composition, it needs to be leveled. Then, when the surface has become smooth, you need to wait a little until it dries. When the composition has dried, you can continue to work. To complete the work, you need to rub the putty with fine sandpaper, thereby removing all unnecessary elements from the surface. We’ve all figured out how to level the walls in an apartment with our own hands, or rather one of the methods. Let's move on to the other methods.

Dry leveling method

Dry leveling is usually carried out using plasterboard. However, many do not know how to level walls with plasterboard.

Plasterboard sheets are one of the lightest and most economical materials to work with. It has the following advantages over other materials:

  • Easy to cut. You can create shapes of various shapes;
  • In addition to leveling walls, it can be used to perform sound and heat insulation of rooms;
  • GCR is a completely safe and environmentally friendly material. It does not contain harmful additives or impurities;
  • Certain types of drywall can be used in fire hazardous areas, but even ordinary gypsum plasterboards resist fire very well.
  • Affordable. Sold in almost any hardware store;
  • Anyone can work with it, even without experience. However, figuring out how to level the walls with this material yourself will not be superfluous;
  • No special tool is needed during the work. A minimum set of tools is required.

In order to level the walls with plasterboard without beacons, you first need to measure the room in which you will be making repairs. It won't hurt if you complete the drawing. After measurements, you need to calculate the required number of components. To attach plasterboard sheets, metal profiles may be required.

Such work can be carried out in several ways - with a frame and without a frame.

Aligning plasterboard with frame

First, let's look at how to line up plasterboard walls with framing. When attaching drywall to the frame, you can simultaneously add an additional layer of thermal insulation. In a similar way, you can protect the room from excess noise.. During the work process it will be necessary to assemble the base of the frame. This method is not advisable to use in small rooms. The whole point is that the area of ​​the room will decrease.

In addition to the drywall sheets themselves, you need to purchase guides, hangers, racks and screws. The guides must be installed on the floor. The racks are fixed to the wall. To do this, it is best to use hangers; thanks to them, the racks are held more securely. After fixing the racks, you can attach sheets of drywall to them.

In some cases, using this method is preferable to leveling the surface with putty y.

Leveling with plasterboard without frame

Now let's see how to properly level walls with plasterboard without using a frame. This method involves fixing the sheets by gluing.

Processing a wall without a drywall frame will look like this:

  1. On the surface of the wall you need to create a grid of dowels and twisted screws. The screws should be approximately 25-30 cm apart from each other.
  2. A putty solution is prepared. It needs to be placed on each screw. You need to put it on in such a way that the self-tapping screw is hidden under a layer of putty. The thickness of the layer should be no less than 1 cm. To carry out the work, you must use gypsum putty, which dries quickly.
  3. Drywall sheets must be pressed against the applied putty. This is done as strongly and densely as possible.

If there is a lot of damage or very uneven, then it is better to think about how to level it. Most likely, using the wireframe method will be preferable. It is intended for more complex cases.

Please pay attention! If you decide to figure out how to line the walls in an apartment with your own hands using plasterboard, then you need to know that such walls will not be designed for hanging cabinets. If you hang something heavy, it will not hold, and the surface of the plasterboard partition will also begin to deteriorate. The material is a very fragile material. However, despite its fragility, in some cases it is simply irreplaceable and immediately removes doubts about how to level the surface. If you still need to hang something, you can use various panels or wood-fiber materials.

Using gypsum plaster

Wet leveling of walls is carried out with plaster. It can be gypsum or cement.

Cement plaster will be cheaper in cost. It is used both during internal and external works. When doubts arise about how to level it, it is she who comes to the fore.

The main advantage of this material is its resistance to moisture. It is thanks to this property that it is actively used in kitchens and bathrooms that have high humidity. Cement plaster is also often used in non-residential premises, for example, in garages. In such cases, the problem of how to level the walls yourself does not exist, since you can practice and get better at it.

Gypsum plaster will be more expensive than cement plaster. However, it will create a more favorable microclimate. It can be applied on top of cement plaster, which can serve as the basis for a leveling layer.

Leveling walls with plaster can be divided into 3 stages. Firstly, by level. After placing the beacons, the application stage begins plaster mortar, taking into account the exposed beacons. The final stage will be leveling the applied plaster layer.

What is better: drywall or plaster?

There is quite a lot of controversy over which method will be the most effective. If you are looking for information in order to understand how to level walls for wallpaper on your own, then the method of using putty (if possible) or plasterboard sheets will suit you. If you need to figure out how to level more complex walls, then plaster will do.

It must be said that people began to use plaster a long time ago. This is very old method. The surface after treatment with the plaster composition is strong enough to withstand and wall cabinets, and other similar items, which cannot be said about a plasterboard surface.

Please pay attention! Applying plaster will take a long time. Moreover, the bulk of the time will be spent on the process of placing beacons. This process is quite responsible and will require all concentration and accuracy.

Plaster has another significant advantage. She will not take up space from small rooms. Drywall, on the contrary, even if laid directly on bare walls, will still reduce the area of ​​the room.

When you choose what to use to line the walls - plaster or plasterboard, it is best to choose the material with which you are more familiar and will be easier to work with. If you have never dealt with plaster, then it would be better to choose drywall, because... easier to work with. In addition, gypsum boards are sometimes simply irreplaceable. For example, in old houses the walls are sometimes in such poor condition that plaster may not be effective and only sheets of drywall can help.

There are many ways to finish walls, but most of them require a level and straight base, but in reality everything is not so smooth. Walls modern houses and especially buildings old building They only seem smooth, but are not suitable for cladding with tiles, laminate or panels, since they have horizontal or vertical differences invisible to the eye. In this article we will tell you how to properly level walls for finishing with any materials.

Any renovation begins with preparation, and leveling walls is no exception. In this case, first of all, it is necessary to determine the degree of surface unevenness in order to know how best to level the walls and how much materials will be needed.

How to determine the degree of curvature of a wall:

  1. Arm yourself with a long construction rule 2-2.5 m long. Drive a nail into the corner of the room closer to the ceiling, leaving the head sticking out 2-3 mm (so that you can tie a string to the nail). This nail is your starting beacon.
  2. Tie a nut or any other weight to a cord or strong thread and hang it by the nail so that the weight does not touch the floor. Wait until it stops swinging and the thread forms a straight line.
  3. Drive the second beacon nail into the bottom of the wall and drive it in just enough so that the head and thread are at the same level.
  4. Repeat this procedure with another corner on the opposite wall. As a result, you will get 4 beacons around the perimeter and 2 straight lines, respectively.
  5. Take a long thread or cord and stretch it between the top nail of one part of the wall and the bottom nail of the other (diagonally). Repeat with the second pair of beacons. When you fasten the threads crosswise, make sure that they do not touch the surface of the wall.
  6. Now, with the help of these threads, stretched over four points, you can determine the condition of any wall in the room.

Selecting an alignment method

Leveling with dry mixtures

Leveling the walls with plaster, as practice shows, is the most versatile option, relevant for any finishing material, be it wallpaper or tiles. Despite the high labor intensity of working with mixtures, you get a better and more durable result.

How to level walls with putty:

Helpful advice: When choosing a dry mixture, pay attention to the thickness of the layer, as well as the nature of the binding component. For example, it is recommended to use gypsum solutions for rooms with low or normal humidity, since such walls in the kitchen or bathroom will quickly become damp and crack. For wet rooms, choose mineral-based mixtures. Cement plaster You can prepare it yourself by mixing 1 part of cement grade no lower than 400 with 6 parts of sifted fine sand and diluting everything with water to a creamy state. You can vary the amount of sand to get different plasticity of the solution - the less sand, the more plastic the solution, and it is easier to work with (but then you will need more cement, which means repair costs will increase). Attention! Use ready solution you need 1-2 hours in advance, otherwise it will harden or lose its properties, so do not knead large volumes at once.

Leveling with plasterboard

It is much easier to level walls with plasterboard than with dry building mixtures. This job is much cleaner, faster and more suitable for novice builders. A wide range of gypsum boards allows you to work in almost any room, even with high level humidity. In addition, drywall allows you to level walls with strong differences in height and horizontality, which would require applying an overly thick layer of plaster. And although this method is relevant for finishing with wallpaper or paint, in some cases it is the only way to get even and smooth walls.

There are two ways to install gypsum boards to level walls: on a frame and with glue. The first method is suitable for surfaces with serious differences and helps to level wooden walls, the second can hide minor surface defects and get a perfectly flat base for finishing. It is also possible to combine these two options to achieve a neat connection between the walls and ceiling. The frame method is the most common, so we will consider it first and in detail.

To make the frame, a special metal profile for gypsum plasterboard is used. Fixation is carried out using self-tapping screws. Before telling the instructions on how to level the walls under wallpaper or tiles, one nuance should be mentioned frame method– due to the large thickness of the resulting cladding, several centimeters of useful wall area are lost on each side (about 4-5 cm). And if in a spacious room this may not be noticeable, then for small rooms it is better to use another method.

Instructions and video on how to properly level walls:

  1. Remove the old coating from the walls and clean the surface.
  2. In this case, priming is necessary not to increase adhesion, but to strengthen and protect the walls from moisture and fungus. If you are sheathing external wall or a wall in a damp room, treat it with an antiseptic.
  3. Build a frame from a galvanized profile, first installing a UD profile along the floor, ceiling and adjacent walls to form a frame. Then inside this frame you can attach jumpers from a thinner CD profile, which will hold plasterboard sheets. All the intricacies of the fastening process are described in more detail in the article “”.
  4. When the frame is ready, you can begin installing the gypsum boards, but before that you need to measure, draw and number them so that they clearly fit into the given area. GCR is convenient because it can be easily processed at home with available tools. The article “” describes everything in detail.
  5. To seal the seams between sheets of drywall, use a special self-adhesive mesh. Glue it onto the seams, and then cover it with starting putty to bring it flush with the surface. Subsequent treatment of the wall depends on the chosen cladding. If you are laying tiles or other dense, non-transparent material, you can simply cover the joints with putty and that’s it. But before painting or wallpapering, the wall should be completely covered with white finishing putty with a layer of 1-2 mm, sanded and primed. The article “” says a lot of useful things on this topic.

Now you know what you can use to line the walls with tiles, wallpaper or any other finish. We hope this article will help you quickly and efficiently make repairs yourself. Finally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with one more useful video how to level walls with plasterboard:

A mandatory step before applying any coating in the apartment (wallpaper, paint, tiles) is leveling the walls with putty or plaster. The future will depend on this appearance, service life of the applied coating (especially in the case of tiles). Preliminarily unleveled surfaces can crack over time, compromising the integrity and aesthetics of the applied coating. You can make a smooth surface using plaster and putty, which differ in their structure and functionality.

What is wall leveling

Any repairs related to replacing or gluing wallpaper, applying paint imply mandatory preliminary procedure– surface preparation. This process can be carried out either by finishing specialists or independently on your own. Before starting work, you need to inspect the entire area of ​​the room, determine the scale of all irregularities, their sizes, in order to plan the future scope of work.

Irregularities and cracks are visible to the naked eye; they are covered with a pre-prepared solution. A laser or water level is used to assess vertical defects. This process helps to more accurately determine the size of the curvature of existing damage. Based on the size of existing defects, deviations of surface irregularities, materials used for this, several methods are distinguished:

  • The raw way. It involves the use of special building mixtures such as plaster and putty. It is used for differences in uneven surfaces of 30-50 mm, filling holes and smoothing out unevenness with a solution.
  • The dry method involves the installation of auxiliary structures such as drywall. This is a more labor-intensive method, since it requires preliminary installation of the frame and securing plasterboard sheets to it.


Any finishing work requires special materials, which cannot be done without. You need the following materials:

  • brush;
  • dry building mixtures: plaster, putty, primer, etc.;
  • cheap breeding container mortars, which will be used to level the walls;
  • the painting mesh can be metal, plastic or fiberglass;
  • electric mixer to avoid manual mixing of mortars;
  • plaster beacon made of metal, as a supporting guide for applying plaster;
  • mechanized (machine) plaster for large rooms;
  • sheets of plasterboard, wood or metal panels.


Preparation for subsequent coating work includes several step-by-step steps in which different tools are used:

  • brushes, rollers different sizes for applying primer and other mixtures;
  • spatulas of different lengths and widths, as levelers for applying building material, smoothing, surface treatment in different places;
  • trowel and plastering rule for synchronous application and removal of excess layer of mixture;
  • specialized mechanical and electrical machines for mixing, if construction mixtures need to be prepared for a large scope of work;
  • special materials for cleaning and sanding surfaces.

How to line the walls

Any specialist in finishing work needs to clearly know what is used to level the walls. This work is carried out using special mixtures, panels made of different materials. To choose the right required material, you should clearly understand in what case and for what ultimate purposes it is intended.


Manufacturers building materials produce the most different solutions For finishing works, which have different composition and properties. The main mixtures include:

  • Cement. They contain fine and medium fractions of sand and cement. Some mixtures may contain lime to increase the plasticity of the plaster. In this regard, cement mixtures are distinguished into two types: cement-sand and cement-lime. The first type is less expensive in price, it differs in the content of sand of different fractions: larger ones - for roughing and rough work, fine ones - for finishing work. final finishing. Such mixtures may have some disadvantages related to cracking, drying time and poor adhesion to some materials such as concrete. Cement-lime mixtures are considered more universal.
  • Based on gypsum. Such mixtures are very popular with painting work. Leveling the walls with gypsum makes it possible to apply a wide layer, which has good plasticity, dries quickly, has high noise insulation and thermal insulation properties. There are special gypsum mixtures, rotbands and rotgypsum, which contain special additives that increase adhesion.
  • Heat-saving dry mixtures contain a cement-lime base, which is modified with special additives in the form of polystyrene beads and other substances. Due to this, the applied layer of plaster has low thermal conductivity, which helps retain heat in an apartment or house. The only inconvenience of using gypsum is its high water absorption, so the solution must be prepared in small portions.
  • Clay based. Leveling the surface with clay plasters is old way, which was used to decorate houses followed by the application of chalk or lime whitewash. But some designers resort to this type of plastering due to the high environmental friendliness of the material with the additional use of sawdust, straw, etc. The coating regulates the microclimate in the room.


When you need to use a dry method to correct the curvature of the coating, with which you can correct any unevenness, you use special sheets of panels. Due to the wide variety of materials, the following panels can be used for finishing work:

  • from plasterboard (gypsum plasterboard), gypsum fiber;
  • from chipboard;
  • from PVC, MDF.


Regardless of which house - panel or brick, the partitions in any room may have certain defects, which must be eliminated before subsequent finishing work: painting, wallpapering, laying tiles, etc. For this, mixtures (putty, plaster) and materials are used (plasterboard with frame).


Plastering a surface means performing basic rough finishing work to correct its unevenness. To perform alignment gypsum plaster, first prepare its surface: remove the old coating, clean it from roughness, and, if necessary, cover it with a primer. Then dilute the dry plaster mixture in water and apply it with a trowel, smooth it with a spatula and remove the excess with a rule. Sometimes beacons can be used to ensure the correct application of the layer.

By lighthouses

To ensure maximum correctness of correction of surface defects, beacon leveling is used. Metal constructions are set from the corners in a vertical position. They are secured with self-tapping screws and located at a distance less than 10 cm from the length of the rule. After the beacon profiles are evenly secured, special cords are pulled to the thickness of the future layer. Then they begin to apply plaster layer between established markings.


It is known that leveling with putty is the final stage of smoothing out unevenness before subsequent application. decorative covering. This procedure can mainly be done after plastering. First prepare the surface, apply primer layer, then dilute the putty solution and get to work. Using two spatulas, apply the mixture, remove excess and smooth it into an even layer.

Drywall with frame

This technology involves the installation of plasterboard profiles that need to be placed on special support guides. The frame can be made of metal or wooden beams. A metal frame structure will be more stable. The main disadvantage of leveling plasterboard with the frame is that it eats up the space by the thickness of the plasterboard profile.

How to properly level walls

Considering all the methods for eliminating uneven defects, each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. To properly level the walls, you need to understand the conditions in which they are located. For example, for a room with possible moisture. In the bathroom or kitchen, leveling is best done using cement mortars. Gypsum mixtures are perfect for bedrooms and living rooms - they maintain the microclimate in the room.

Depending on the scale of the irregularities and their material, mixtures can be used different composition. A universal plaster mortar would be gypsum; it can be used on many materials. Absolutely any uneven surface can be leveled by using a plasterboard profile on a metal frame. This method allows you to create a solid base for the plaster.

Under the wallpaper

To align the walls with wallpaper, you can use all of the above methods. Depending on the condition of the irregularities themselves, either the plastering method followed by putty or the installation of a plasterboard profile is used. For wallpaper, the putty layer can be as thin as possible and it is better to apply it once, without repeated double or triple layers.

In a panel house

Mainly built from reinforced concrete panel houses. Not all types of mixtures can be applied to this material. Alignment concrete walls using wet method should be carried out using mixtures of gypsum or cement-lime plasters. Cement-sand mixtures are not suitable for such purposes - they have poor adhesive ability to concrete.

Very curved surfaces

To level very curved surfaces, use the method of applying additional drywall. In such cases, the flaws may have large differences or be in the form of deep holes. Aligning walls with large curvature is impractical due to the large number consumables and energy consumption of work.

In a new building

Mostly new buildings are now built from foam concrete blocks. When they are installed, the room partitions visually have a smooth surface. Only upon closer inspection can you notice existing defects, which may be minor. Leveling the walls in a new building can be done by applying a full or partial layer of plaster, which will carefully smooth out any existing defects.

In an old house

Because of long term service in old houses, partitions can have significant damage, which cannot always be plastered. To level the walls in an old house, the most in an effective way There will be drywall installation. This will help to avoid existing unevenness as much as possible and holistically strengthen the surface, thereby increasing its service life.

Price of work

The cost of work in Moscow varies depending on the prestige of the organization and the number of clients served. This service is provided by repair companies and individuals. For more details on how much the service costs, see the table:


When carrying out renovations in an apartment or house, it often becomes necessary to level the walls yourself. This manipulation can be carried out different ways: using plaster mixtures, putty or drywall sheets. The choice of method depends on the humidity of the room, the degree of unevenness of the surfaces, and so on.

Plastering is considered a classic option for leveling surfaces, which can be used for residential and industrial premises. The use of drywall is appropriate when the walls are very crooked, and the use of plaster mixtures will cost a decent amount. Drywall also needs further finishing, which is why this method is popularly called dry plaster. Leveling the walls with putty is the final stage of finishing work. It is necessary to remove minor defects before applying paint or wallpaper to the surface. These methods of leveling walls are quite simple, so every master can handle them independently.

Modern materials allow you to choose the most affordable way wall alignment

Carrying out plastering

To carry out these finishing works, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and tools for leveling the walls:

  • Brushes, graters, hammer drill and drill, hammer and solvent for removing old coating.
  • Mixing container, mixer attachment for preparing the solution.
  • Primer and paint brush or roller.
  • Plaster, beacons, screws, spatula, trowel, trowel, usually a trowel, building level.


The technology for leveling walls in this way implies the presence preparatory stage, which includes the following steps:

  1. Removing the old coating, tapping the wall to identify weak fragments.
  2. Removing these fragments, filling potholes with putty.
  3. Removing any contaminants from the surface, including dust.
  4. Apply the primer in 2 layers with an interval of 3-4 hours (the exact time is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging).

Preliminary preparation of walls before plastering work

Marking walls for lighthouses

For high-quality leveling of walls, it is necessary first. These are metal or plastic perforated profiles that serve as guides when stretching the plaster as a rule. For home craftsmen, it is recommended to use T-shaped galvanized profiles, more experienced craftsmen They can do without them altogether. Previously, it was customary to use improvised means for these purposes, for example, wooden slats, metal pipes and so on, but such elements are unlikely to help achieve perfect evenness.

Usage plaster beacons allows you to make walls perfectly smooth

To mark for beacons you need to do the following:

  • Step back 30 cm from the corner, 15 cm from the ceiling and floor, draw a strictly vertical line using a marker and a building level. Repeat the operation for the second corner.
  • At the top and bottom points of the lines, drill holes into which to insert dowels and tighten the screws.
  • Draw the entire wall with similar lines, retreating from each 130-160 cm.
  • Pull two horizontal threads between the fasteners.
  • Mark the intersections of lines and threads with a marker. Drill holes there and insert screws.
  • Screw in the fasteners to a depth equal to the depth of the wall, plus the thickness of the beacon 0.6 cm, plus a margin of 0.5 cm.
  • Pull the diagonal threads and draw a beacon under them. If the product barely touches the threads, then the marking is done correctly.

Important! At this stage, it is better to regularly check the building level.

Installation of beacons

The beacons are installed on the walls using the same plaster mortar that will be used for the main work. Although the most quick way– this is the use of additional plastic or metal fasteners, but in this case the thickness of the structure increases, which leads to unnecessary expenses.

For installation of plaster beacons, a solution or special fasteners are used

So, to secure the beacon profiles you need the following:

  1. Apply the solution along the drawn line in small portions at intervals of 15-20 cm.
  2. Take the beacon and press it with a rule to the solution.
  3. Make sure it is level with the exposed screws.
  4. Remove excess mortar with a spatula. They are used to seal lighthouse surfaces that are not completely recessed in the material.

The lighthouse profile should be drowned in the solution

Plastering technology

Leveling the surface of the walls begins with preparing the solution. At this stage, it is important to strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations so that the dried coating has the necessary performance characteristics. According to the technology, it is necessary to apply 3 layers.

The first of them is spray. Its thickness should not exceed 3 mm; it is used to increase the adhesion of the plaster to the wall. The prepared solution is scooped onto a spatula and simply thrown onto a section of the wall separated by beacons. By the time the entire surface is processed, the first fragment will have dried a little, so you don’t have to wait, but immediately begin further work on leveling the walls in the apartment.

Spray - the first layer of plaster, used to improve the adhesion of the main plaster layer to the wall

The next leveling layer is soil. Its thickness can be 50 mm, depending on the curvature of the walls. Using a wide spatula, apply the solution to a fragment of the wall, moving from top to bottom, after which they take a rule, press it to the lower border and move it upward, while making zigzag movements to the sides. The solution that remains on the tool blade is thrown up. The procedure is repeated. The entire wall is treated in this way, after which the beacons are removed and the grooves are sealed with mortar. Then the wall must be given time to dry - up to 14 days.

Soil is the second layer of plaster, which bears the main load

After this period, an intermediate stage is carried out, during which corners and areas near the floor and ceiling are formed. The work is quite simple, since instead of a level there is a ready-made surface that you can use as a guide. Due to the small area to be treated, it is recommended to use narrow spatulas.

The last layer of material is the covering. This is a decorative layer that will smooth out all minor irregularities. Its thickness is 3 mm. After setting, the surface is rubbed with floats and half-graters with sandpapers of different grain sizes installed in them.

Covering is the third layer of plaster, allowing you to get a perfectly smooth coating

Plaster is a rather heavy material that puts additional load on the walls, so its use is only advisable in rooms with surfaces that are slightly deviated from the vertical.

Leveling with plasterboard

Leveling the surface with plasterboard sheets is used when conventional plastering would be too expensive due to the strong curvature of the walls. Among the positive aspects of this method are:

  • Ease of installation. Even an inexperienced home craftsman can install the frame and secure the slabs. In this case, there will be no formation a large number of dust and dirt, and you can always correct a mistake, which cannot be said about plaster or putty.
  • Versatility. This material can be mounted on any base with any blockage.
  • It is easy to level very crooked walls with absolutely any irregularities and differences.
  • The possibility of additional insulation and sound insulation, since there is free space between the wall and the sheet of drywall.

Sheathing with plasterboard is the simplest option for leveling walls.

The main disadvantage is the fact that it noticeably reduces the usable area, which is extremely undesirable in small apartments. In addition, it is not recommended to use this material for finishing wet rooms. Modern market offers moisture-resistant sheets, but they will only last 3-5 years. The surface of the drywall is very smooth, which complicates further finishing.

Frame installation method

To create a sheathing with your own hands, you need to stock up metal profiles, the length of which must correspond to the height of the ceilings, using a drill and self-tapping screws. Previously used wooden beam for the same purposes, but it is susceptible to rotting, and it is more difficult to install, so now wooden guides are practically not used.

First of all, markings are applied. To do this, the walls are drawn with vertical lines at intervals of 40-60 cm. The frame is attached along these lines and checked with a building level. Fastening is carried out using dowels with self-tapping screws.

On a note! Insulation mineral wool or any other selected insulation must be carried out after installing the frame.

Wall insulation is carried out after installation of the frame

After this, you need to take a sheet of drywall and place it in the center of the structure. It is attached to oxidized fasteners every 40-60 cm. The screw head should be slightly recessed into the surface of the slab. You should move from the center to the edges, and to treat the surface near the corners, you will most likely need to trim sheets of material.

Installing drywall without sheathing

It's a bit like installing tiles. For drywall sheets, a special solution is diluted, after which it is applied to the walls and the sheet is secured. Use a level to check its evenness and proceed to the second. The thickness of the coating depends on the curvature of the walls; the larger the defects, the thicker the adhesive layer is needed.

Finishing walls with plasterboard is perfect in cases where, in addition to correcting unevenness, you need to carry out insulation, sound insulation and hide utility lines. The method is much cheaper than plastering, but leads to a reduction in usable area.

Using putty to level walls

To level the walls with putty yourself, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • putty;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • primer;
  • set of spatulas;
  • construction hairdryer

Putty is used to apply the final leveling layer

The putty is finishing material, which is used for finishing surface leveling. The quality of the resulting coating is quite high, so it is not advisable to use putty for rough work. This operation is carried out when preparing walls for finishing. tiles, painting or wallpapering. Often the material is used as a finishing layer after plastering. The putty can be used on almost any substrate, but it works best on concrete and wood.

Working with material

Before leveling the walls with putty, you need to prepare the surface. This is done in the same way as in the case of plastering.

The putty is applied using a special tool - a spatula.

Then the first layer of material is applied, its thickness should be 2-3 mm, but in case of strong deviations it is permissible to increase it to 5 mm. At this stage, work is done only with a spatula. This tool is used to apply the material and level it. Finally, the putty is left to dry.

After the leveled surface has dried, apply a primer and then the final layer. Its thickness should be 1 mm. You can dry the material construction hairdryer, but you need to keep it away so as not to overheat the surface.

Finally, the surface is treated with fine-grain sandpaper. The resulting result can be used as a base for tiles or wallpaper, but the quality of the surface allows you to completely abandon further finishing work.

In conclusion, it should be noted that you should not limit yourself to one method of leveling surfaces. You can combine them, for example, eliminate significant curvatures with plasterboard, and then finish it decorative plaster. Or use an inexpensive cement plaster mixture for the main work, and at the end apply a high-quality coating with putty.