Do-it-yourself playground at the dacha: photos, videos, ideas for a playground. Children's playground: ideas, materials, diagrams, implementation, design. DIY playground made from old pallets

A dacha is not only garden beds with vegetables, but also outdoor recreation. Where else if not here can you relax after a week of work, spend time with your family outside the bustle of the city, and organize a picnic with friends. To make your leisure time as comfortable as possible, the recreation area needs to be properly arranged - choose appropriate place, think over the design, choose the design. There are a lot interesting ideas how to make an open area at the dacha. The main thing is to be patient and inspired.

Options for placing recreation areas

Depending on the preferences, number and age of family members, the “relaxation corner” can be located:

  • in a completely open space;
  • under a canopy;
  • at the walls of the house;
  • near a tree;
  • near a pond.

For quiet family gatherings and meals, and daytime walks with children, the area near the back wall of the house is best suited. If there is a spare door there, this will be an additional bonus - it will be possible to quickly take out and bring in dishes, food, toys, and pieces of furniture. It is advisable to move the area for noisy parties with friends away from the house so as not to disturb other family members late in the evening.

Comfortable and stylish area with fireplace

The ideal place for a romantic tête-à-tête will be a secluded cozy corner under beautiful tree. It is advisable to arrange an open area at the dacha of an elderly couple at the main entrance.

As for the “scale” of the recreation area, there are no restrictions on this issue. You can modestly ennoble small plot territory, and create a multi-level playground with a fountain, pergola, swings and other “scenery”.

Relaxation area for a large company

The main types of open areas for a personal plot

What kind of postcard is the site for the dacha or country house choose depends on the lifestyle of the owners and their preferences regarding recreation.

Beach type recreation area

If you plan to actively sunbathe on your property, a beach-style area can be built right in the middle of the lawn. It is better to choose a place for a relaxation zone at the back of the house - away from possible street noise and the ever-present prying eyes. It is advisable to design the base of the site as a podium to avoid rainwater stagnating on it. It is recommended to choose terrace boards or stone as flooring.

To “furnish” a country mini-beach, sun loungers, mobile sun umbrellas, a small table, and benches are used. A swimming pool, fountain or artificial pond will perfectly complement the summer atmosphere.

Cozy relaxation area with sun lounger

Area for active leisure

For fans active rest You will probably like the idea of ​​arranging an outdoor sports ground. The flattest part of your property should be allocated for it, away from windows and flower beds. Since the selected area will be subject to active trampling, it must be sown with special “wear-resistant” grass mixtures or a sports roll-up lawn must be laid.

The size of the sports ground is determined by the type of activity:

  • for basketball you will need about 50 sq. m;
  • for tennis or football - at least 60 sq. m;
  • for mini-volleyball – 40 sq. m;
  • outdoor exercise equipment or horizontal bars can be freely laid out on 30 square meters. m.

Using mobile sports equipment and installing it immediately before the game, you can make your active leisure time varied.

Sports ground for active recreation at the dacha

Cozy room under a tree

The easiest way to create a cozy corner for relaxing in the fresh air is to organize a space under a large spreading tree. It is advisable to make the base of such an open area as close as possible to natural motifs. Great solution It will be paved with wooden saw cuts.

The choice of furniture for a resting place depends on its purpose: if it is possible to receive guests here, a table and comfortable chairs are required. For a sweet afternoon nap, a hammock will come in handy. It will be comfortable to read books or work on a laptop on a cozy bench with a couple of pillows.

The tree trunk bench is ideal for relaxing in the summer heat

Observation deck on site

If your country house has a fairly powerful tree, a recreation area can be arranged not only under it, but also on it. Even a relatively young tree will be suitable if the structure is supported by piles and not the trunk itself. How to make an open observation deck at your dacha:

  1. Mark the position of the corner posts.
  2. Saw off the posts taking into account the desired height of the structure and concrete them.
  3. Connect the railings to the posts (top trim).
  4. Make a horizontal tie at the level of the future floor.
  5. Attach the logs to the bottom trim.
  6. Install the floor and walls. You can use chipboard for exterior work.

A platform on a tree will look original if you stylize it as a fortress tower or the deck of a ship.

An observation deck on a tree is a cozy refuge for contemplating the beauty of nature

Patio area and its features

A patio is an open-air room - an ideal place for organizing family celebrations, receiving guests, or relaxing with your favorite book in the warm season. Traditionally, such a platform is located at the back wall of the house if the walls of outbuildings or a fence are adjacent to it in a U- or L-shape.

But this is optional. You can set up a patio in any convenient place, the main thing is to adhere to the main idea - to create an atmosphere of maximum security. Trees, shrubs, flower beds will help with this, hedge etc. The patio is characterized by abundance decorative elements:

An abundance of greenery and flowers always decorates the patio

The design of such a site is chosen in accordance with the capabilities of the territory and the preferences of family members. Spacious country patios are equipped with all the necessary attributes of a pleasant feast:

  • large table;
  • comfortable chairs;
  • canopy;
  • fireplace;
  • barbecue

An excellent solution would be to install a pool in the patio area. In combination with a lush green-floral design you will get a real paradise.

Creating a recreation area with your own hands

An open area in a dacha should not only be beautiful, but also practical. We must not lose sight of the importance of technical issues, in particular, the correct choice of paving materials.

Which base material to choose

It is better to avoid bulk materials (sand, expanded clay, gravel). They complicate cleaning the area and make lightweight portable furniture unstable. Best suited for paving a recreation area:

Also very popular wood flooring. But remember: wood must be treated with antiseptic agents.

The wooden base of the platform looks great

The area of ​​the territory selected for the open area is cleared of turf, going deeper by 15-20 cm. The surface is leveled, compacted and treated with a herbicide that prevents the germination of weeds. The area is filled with a layer of crushed stone and sand. Then the selected base material is laid and (if necessary) the curb is installed.

Drainage of water from the territory

To prevent water from stagnating on the site, the base should be made with a slope in one or two directions. If the paving is made of uneven and/or small elements, the slope should be at least 2 cm per 1 m. For smooth coatings, 1 cm per 1 m is sufficient.

The drainage itself can be made open along the edges of the site or underground. In both cases, it is necessary to provide for the drainage of water into a drainage well. Elements of open drainage must be selected in accordance with general style recreation areas.

Arrangement and decoration of space

To make an outdoor area for leisure as comfortable as possible, it needs to be properly and beautifully furnished. The furniture should be comfortable; If you like gatherings in a large circle, it is very important to calculate a sufficient number of seats. Excellent choice there will be a wooden or glass table with garden chairs and sofas. You can also purchase several rocking chairs, chaise lounges, and a decorative bench.

Open area in minimalist style

Arched canopies richly entwined with flowers and greenery will add special charm and airiness to the open-air area. A fireplace or barbecue will make the relaxation area truly warm and “complete.” Adding a special chic and flavor to the courtyard will be done by decorating it in a certain style - romantic, fairy-tale, classic, national, exotic. Figurines, vases, souvenirs, and textile decorations will help with this.

Children's leisure at the dacha

When arranging a recreation area, do not forget about children. A small play space will keep them from getting bored during family gatherings. You should definitely provide a swing. The location for its installation should be selected taking into account the swing amplitude. The simplest option is a rope swing attached to a strong tree branch.

You can also install a sandbox. A huge selection of models will allow you to successfully fit the product into overall design recreation areas. Plastic sandboxes are the most convenient - they are safe, durable, and easy to clean. Light weight and modular design allows you to put them away in the shed at any time.

A swing in the garden is a joy for children and adults

Stylish and fast platform made from pallets: master class

Excellent open area you can make it yourself from Euro pallets - a simple and cheap material that has wide design potential. To create a recreation area you will need:

  • about 50 pallets (sizes 100x120 cm and 80x120 cm);
  • angle grinder;
  • sandpaper;
  • dye;
  • roller

Sand all Euro pallets with a sander and sandpaper. Using a roller, paint them in desired color(it is better to choose light shades). It is advisable to use garden fleece as a base for the site: this material will not allow rainwater to accumulate. When the pallets are dry, cover the floor with them.

Laying painted pallets on the base

Then install and reinforce the trays for the side walls and back. Create seating and a table the right size. To create coziness on the site, decorate it with bright accessories and place colorful pillows on the “improvised sofa”. A special atmosphere will be created by garlands, candles in original candlesticks, and lanterns.

Appearance ready site

As you can see, you can create a cozy relaxation area in your country house or dacha even with a minimum of waste. You just need to turn on your imagination and not be afraid of bold ideas. After all, a “piece of paradise”, carefully created with your own hands, will certainly become a favorite place of leisure for the whole family!

Probably not best place on land where you can have a good rest with the whole family from the bustle of the city and annoying noise than your own Vacation home. Here you can forget about everything, enjoy nature and the beauty of the local landscapes, and have a pleasant time with family and close friends. But this is all about us - adults, but what about children, what do they need in order for their vacation to be no less useful, rich and exciting? That's right - a playground for games and fun! It’s better to make a multifunctional children’s playground at your dacha yourself. This way you will not only save a lot of money, but also be confident that the structure will be quite reliable and truly safe. After all, who, if not parents, should take care of the health of their children.

Do-it-yourself playground from scrap materials (photo)

Since the main and priority requirement for a playground is its safety, it is important to place the playground away from dangerous places where babies can get hurt becomes a top priority for parents. Nothing should threaten or pose a danger to their health.

When playing outdoor games, children completely forget about safety precautions, so before you let them out onto the playground, you must be absolutely sure that nothing will happen to them.

Of course, you will not be able to completely eliminate the risk of accidental injuries, because these are children and no one knows what might come to mind. But you should try your best to make sure their environment is as safe as possible.

When choosing a suitable place to place a playground, remember that your kids, especially young ones, should always be in sight. Therefore, it would be advisable to arrange a playground opposite those windows in the house where you are most often.

The distance of the site from the house should not be too great, so that if something happens you can quickly respond to the problem that has arisen.

DIY children's sandbox (photo)

DIY children's sandbox - good way prove to your children that their childhood is not indifferent to you. By showing care and attention to the younger generation at an early age, you will lay a solid foundation for your future relationships.

The simplest and most straightforward way to build a sandbox is an open wooden structure in the shape of a square, diamond, rectangle, etc. You can go even further and make a wooden sandbox with your own hands in the shape of a boat or ship.

A children's sandbox in the shape of a ship is a dream for any child, especially boys.

Child psychologists say that playing in the sandbox, children not only develop creative abilities and hand motor skills, but also develop such positive character traits as hard work, perseverance, endurance and restraint.

In addition, it has been proven that spending children in the sandbox, at least one hour a day, helps stabilize their nervous system and relieve tension.

Quite simple and quick way design of a children's playground - make a small sandbox from white quartz sand, having previously fenced it off with ordinary logs

Your task is to make a sandbox, and the kids will figure out how to organize the gameplay themselves

Do-it-yourself sandbox from scrap materials is quite profitable and practical solution, which will help not only save family budget, but will also allow you to use in the process of creating a frame those unnecessary things that have been lying around for a long time.

Do-it-yourself children's slides for the dacha (photo)

Unlike a sandbox, a children's slide is more complex design for making it yourself. The difficulty lies not only in the fact that its construction requires more building material, but also have a special responsibility for the safety of the structure.

In order for the playground project to meet the most stringent safety requirements during its construction, many little details and nuances will have to be taken into account:

  • Maximum height of the slide for children preschool age should not be more than 1 meter; for children over 5 years old, the height can be increased to 2–2.5 meters.
  • The angle of rise of the stairs should be within 25° - 30° degrees, the optimal width of the step is considered to be 20 - 25 cm;
  • The rubber coating of each step will significantly improve the grip on the sole and prevent the process of sliding;
  • Reliable, strong railings and balusters will not allow your child to fall from a height if at some point he loses his footing or slips.

For a quick and safe descent from the slide, it is best to use plastic slopes, which have low weight and an excellent coefficient of friction. Today, stores specializing in the sale of sports playgrounds will be able to offer you a huge selection of plastic slopes, both in height and in design shape (straight, screw, wavy).

If you still decide to use natural materials (wood, plywood) for the slope, remember that their surface should be carefully varnished.

A properly created children's playground at your dacha will allow you to be sure that your children are completely safe while spending time there. Children's slides for the dacha are a sport, and physical education, as we all know, not only strengthens the body and spirit, but also helps your baby to develop properly intellectually.

Therefore, if you want your child to always be healthy, maintain the necessary sports shape and lead healthy image life, the question of how to make a playground with your own hands should be paramount for parents.

Following simple rules installation by assembly wooden structures, you are guaranteed to get a comfortable and absolutely safe playground

A children's slide for the dacha is not the only thing you can make with your own hands for a fun holiday for your kids. , trampolines, sports equipment, sandboxes, swings, labyrinths, . Here is just a small list of what you can make yourself with a good tool in your hands and a number of fresh ideas in your head.

All these things, buildings and structures will be an excellent addition to the appearance of your site, transform its landscape design, and a beautiful area for active games will give the yard a unique ambience and special style.

Do-it-yourself children's swing for a summer house (photo)

When we go to the dacha to rest and unwind from everyday worries and bustle, we dream of spending this time as comfortably as possible.

This is why we buy expensive, soft, and most importantly comfortable furniture for our home. On the street, you can hang a beautiful hammock, which is great for drinking a cup of coffee or reading an interesting book. But, alas, you can’t tempt children with such a vacation; they need something more than a soft sofa or a boring hammock; they are only interested in a swing. And if you haven’t taken care of this issue in advance, you’ll have to make a swing from scrap materials.

When creating an outdoor children's swing for your dacha with your own hands, you, as a father, must first of all understand that despite their angelic appearance, they still carry potential danger. Therefore, as with any issue related to the safety of children, their reliability becomes the main criterion.

Children's tire swings are the easiest and fastest way to please your kids.

You can hook the swing to absolutely anything, the main thing is that the support is sufficiently reliable and strong. If these are wooden or metal poles dug into the ground, then their base should be carefully positioned; if this is a tree standing near the house, the swing should only be hung on a healthy and thick branch.

A do-it-yourself playground at your dacha can also serve as an excellent place where you can set up outdoor swing. After all, there is always a strong beam on it that can easily support your small baby.

If your “communication” with a hacksaw, jigsaw and plane is on a first-name basis, it means doing wooden swing doing it yourself will not be difficult for you. You just need to purchase a suitable rope for a swing, and there will always be a couple of boards on hand.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the majority of outdoor swings for a dacha, which can be made with your own hands, require practically no costs.

DIY tree house (photo)

Probably many of you read a book about an ageless boy as a child. Peter Pan from the magical land of Neverland. Everyone remembers his mysterious tree house, which beckoned and attracted with its mystery. Every child dreamed of a tree house like this.

Time passed, the children grew up and for most, the old dream remained a dream. But why not now, after many years, when you already have your own kids, make your childhood dream come true. Made so in an original way An interesting children's playground will be an ideal addition to your site.

To make a treehouse with your own hands, you just need to have a simple drawing, a minimum carpenter’s kit, standard lumber and a reliable assistant on hand so that if something happens, he can insure you. After all, the work ahead, although at a low level, is still to be done.

Most suitable variety The wood for building a house with your own hands is oak. Following the oak are such strong species as maple, linden, large spruce or pine.

Important! Before you start building a children's treehouse, you need to thoroughly examine the object for the presence of various diseases. If such facts occur, the construction of a building on this tree should be abandoned.

Active games are an integral and necessary part of the life of any child. Therefore, the presence of a good and safe playground on the site is guaranteed to provide your kids with interesting and varied leisure time at the dacha.

There is a huge variety good ideas for the design of children's playgrounds. Projects and drawings will be an excellent help for you when creating these objects. If you don’t have them, don’t be upset, and especially don’t give up. You can make a playground for your beloved kids quite easily and quickly without them.

A playground made by yourself will become a favorite place for children in the garden, where they will feel like full owners, a place of games and real adventures. For parents, this is a chance to show their skills and earn popularity not only among their children, but also among their friends. By showing a little imagination and courage, you will get a favorite place for children to play - create a reliable base for them, and the rest of the splendor will be added by the bright children's imagination.

There are many great playground ideas that you can make yourself, but don't miss the opportunity to involve the children themselves in the design of the playground.

Children's playground with sandbox.

A children's playground with a sandbox is a favorite place for little ones to play. To keep the sand clean, you can make a closing lid for the sandbox, which when open turns into a bench.

Just a little imagination and by adding a triangular box for storing toys to the sandbox, you get almost a ship.

All that’s left to do is install a strong staircase mast and decorative sides.

Another option for a children's playground with a sandbox. Isn't it fun to have a chalkboard next to the sandbox for kids to draw on? On the other hand, an additional wall will shield the playground from both the wind and the sun.

DIY playground made from stumps and branches.

Climbing trees is a favorite activity for children; such a playground made from old wood will be a real adventure for your child and his friends.

Children's playground with swings.

How great it is to run and jump, and then relax on your favorite swing. Beautiful garden, the aromas of summer, the chirping of birds - it’s so nice to enjoy all this while swinging on a swing on a wonderful summer day.

DIY playground made from old pallets.

All children love houses in the garden, especially if they themselves helped build this house from pallets, and for the first time held a serious tool in their hands.

DIY children's house.

For those who want to make a children's house at their dacha, our drawing with exact dimensions will help. By installing this house in a cozy corner of the garden and painting it beautifully with your children, you will bring pleasure to your little ones.

Children's playground with slide near the terrace.

An ordinary terrace can become a beach-style children's playground if you install a slide on it and make a sandbox below. Kids can play in the sand for days, and if you can't spend the summer with them at the seaside, you can bring the beach home. In hot summers, you can install an inflatable pool nearby for the little ones.

On a hot day, for real adventurers, a small tunnel equipped with a small door and similar to the famous hobbit house will bring life-saving coolness.

DIY playgrounds in the shape of a ship.

Such playgrounds will not only bring pleasure to children, but can also become an interesting element landscape design your dacha.

Children's playground and gym under the high terrace.

The place under the high terrace can be equipped as a sports ground for older children, so they will have the opportunity to engage in regular training every day.

Children's house under the terrace.

For the little ones you can do it under the terrace playhouse, where they will feel like complete masters, because No one else can enter there except them.

How to make a playground next to your house with your own hands.

Previously, the space under the terrace was not used and was a spontaneous warehouse for all sorts of “useful things”. Because There are two exits from the terrace, and the terrace is quite high. It was decided to make a children's playground. In addition to the slide and sandbox, under the terrace there is a cozy place with a children's playhouse, and on the wall of the house there is an additional drawing board and a shower with a tap for washing hands and feet.

The space under the terrace will later be partitioned into two parts - in one there is a children's playground, in the other there is a place for storing garden tools. First, taking into account waterproofing, it was made wooden frame under the platform.

Then the soil for the sandbox and the area near the slide was removed. This is the hardest part of the job.

In the area under the sandbox and next to the slide, ebbs were made and sand and crumb rubber were poured for children's playgrounds.

Children's playground under a canopy.

A cozy playground can be made from a regular canopy by adding a small raised platform for a slide.

Bright do-it-yourself playground.

No matter how simple your playground design is, you can always add some cheer to it with bright, bold colors.

A simple wooden playground.

Even if you have no construction skills at all, you can always find a simple and interesting option playground that you can handle.

Dream playground - treehouse.

A children's tree house is a wonderful idea that not only children, but also adults fall in love with. Such sites are not made on fruit trees- because the fasteners go straight into the tree, but if your site is located next to a forest, this is the best idea for a playground.

How to make a tree house with your own hands.

Usually, for a tree house they take enough large trees, if there are no such in your garden, you can make a platform for the site, which will be mounted both on the tree and on wooden posts in the corners.

Instead of driving several small bolts into the wood, it is better to use one larger one.

The order of work is as follows: first, two beams are attached to the tree, then a frame under the platform is installed on them, which in our case is reinforced with posts at the corners of the platform.

And no matter how complicated the site plan may look for a young dad, in reality it is a small square platform on which a children’s house is being built.

Such a platform is a simple and attractive design that looks good in any corner of the garden.

DIY children's playground in a rustic style.

This children's playground is made according to the same principle, but instead of a children's house, a beautifully decorated gazebo is made on supporting posts, which also serves as a canopy for the sandbox on a hot day.

Children love summer most of all because they can spend almost the whole day outside. Children's playground projects can be completely different - from the simplest to the fantastically beautiful. But in any case, a do-it-yourself playground will allow you to truly fulfill one important dream of your baby.

How to organize a children's playground at the dacha? Not much is known about this. There is no special literature, collections of drawings and step by step instructions. There are a lot of photos of sites on the Internet with cosmic budgets and labor costs. When it looks beautiful, but is difficult to do, motivation drops. We have collected these photos from our own collections and blogs of dacha parents, which you can easily use in your dacha. Budget from 0 to 20,000 rub. Get inspired by ideas and apply them!

Publication from Polly☮️ZOzhizni Psychologist (@polly_max) Sep 6, 2015 at 4:21 PDT

How to apply car tires

If you decide to organize a children's playground at your dacha with your own hands, stock up on old car tires. Swings, climbing wall, steps, Swedish walls, sandboxes and flower beds - that's what you can make from them.

And from half a tire, a wooden bench and a steering wheel from an old bicycle, you can make an excellent homemade rocking chair.

How to beat a tree

A tree is a sports and playground created by nature itself. It can be supplemented with a small platform and a house. It will be a cozy place to play on a hot day.

A good pine tree can even replace a sports complex for a summer house if you hang rings and a rope ladder on it, as we did:

Houses and huts

Building houses and huts is something every child will take on with pleasure. Here are some simple ideas.

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D la normal development Children need to actively spend their free time - run, play, have fun. When creating playgrounds, the main attention is paid to their safety and functionality. To build on suburban area or creating a playground with your own hands, photos of which you will find in this article, you will need some tools, carpentry, construction and plumbing skills.

Homemade playground

Decorating children's playgrounds with your own hands, photos of which are posted on the Internet, requires the presence of certain equipment. If you don’t have something, don’t be upset, here are some ideas that will help you equip your playground.

If you sacrifice (at least temporarily) the extreme entrance to the house slide, then in its place you can hang a basketball backboard with a hoop. If you have some truck tires, you can use them to make an obstacle course.

A sandbox can be made not only from boards, but also from wooden stumps or car tires. If you decide to make it from tires, you will need at least 5 of them. Fence the sandbox space with tires, placing two of them (one on top of the other). The main thing is to attach the tires to the ground. This can be done using metal pins (3 pieces for each tire) and then filling them with sand. After this, the tires can be painted any color.

In addition to the slide house on the playground, you can also build an ordinary house, only of small size. If you're good at woodworking, make model airplanes or ships for kids to climb on. It is not necessary to make them perfectly similar, because a child’s imagination can turn any clumsy craft into a masterpiece.

Video: ideas for do-it-yourself children's complexes for the dacha

Children's playground using ready-made kits

A do-it-yourself children's playground, photos and ideas of which can be found on the Internet, can also be made from purchased exercise equipment. In stores you will find all types of plastic and metal slides, wooden houses and other integral attributes of a children's playground. To install them on the playground, you need to prepare a base for each exercise machine. Since the requirements for the bases differ for different devices, carefully read the manual that comes with the equipment. In most cases, such equipment looks nicer than homemade equipment, but lacks the charm that is inherent in anything a child helped build.

Making your own playground

All do-it-yourself playgrounds, photos of which are posted on the Internet, always include a slide. Such a simulator is the basis of any playground. It can be made from various materials, such as:

Making a slide house

A do-it-yourself children's playground at the dacha, a photo of which you can find on the Internet, always includes a slide or a house slide. The base of the slide is a frame of 4 vertical racks. You can use only 2 racks, but then the possibility of creativity is reduced and the slide will be limited to one slope and one rise. On a frame of 4 posts you can make a slide with one slope and several rises. Make one ascent in the form of a ladder, another with normal steps, and the third with a rope.

This design will seriously diversify children's leisure time. For a slide with a straight slope, it is not advisable to make the angle of the slope more than 30 degrees relative to the ground in order to avoid excessive acceleration and injuries.

Helpful advice! If possible, use plastic ramp, which is sold in stores. With its help, children will get more pleasure than from a straight wooden ramp.

What to make a slide house from

For this you will need:

Preparing the base

Find a place for the slide and prepare a hole for the foundation of the frame. We recommend making a square frame with a distance between posts of 1 meter. The side size of the pit should be 1.5 meters, the depth should be at least 20 cm. Compact the bottom of the pit and pour a 10 cm thick layer of crushed stone (fraction 15–25 mm) there. Compact it. You can also make do with small holes under each block. In this case, the depth of the pit should be at least 50 cm. Soak the lower edge of the beam with diesel fuel and molten bitumen, the treated part should rise above the ground by 1.5–2 cm. Place a crushed stone cushion on the bottom of the pit - fraction 15–25 mm, thickness 5 –10 mm. Insert the pillars into the hole, level them and ensure their correct orientation - their edges should be parallel to each other (this is not required with logs or round bars). Then pour concrete.

Helpful advice! The less water there is in concrete, the stronger it will be. To make thick concrete more flexible, add plasticizers to it, which can be bought at a hardware store.

Bottom harness and ramp

Tie the bars with a 50 mm thick board at the floor level of the house, and also install one longitudinal jumper. Attach the boards to the bars using self-tapping screws no less than 100 mm long. Make a tray for the ramp from a 25 mm thick board. To do this, cut 2 boards, the length of which is slightly longer than the length of the slope. Mark the angles of contact with the framing frame and the ground, then cut the board using a circular saw or jigsaw. Place the boards against the trim to make sure you have done everything correctly. Then cut the lintels from the same board. The length of the jumpers is equal to the width of the slope. Lay the long boards on the ground and use self-tapping screws to attach the lintel to them from the bottom.

The distance between the jumpers is no more than 30 cm, and install the first and last jumpers 5 cm from the edge. Make a cutout in the upper edge of the board so that the slope rests on the frame as if on a shelf, and the jumpers are flush with the frame. Attach the ramp to the harness using the corners of the bolts with nuts and self-tapping screws. Install the corners so that children do not get scratched. Attach the corners to the slope using bolts and nuts so that there is nothing protruding or sharp on the side of the slope. Sew up the slope with plywood using self-tapping screws. They must be recessed by 0.5–1 mm, then puttyed and sanded. Secure the bottom edge of the ramp using pegs or anchor bolts driven into the ground.


Cut two pieces of 50 mm thick board, the length of which will be slightly longer than the length. Mark and trim the angles of contact with the harness and the ground. Cut 24.5mm wide grooves into these boards to accommodate the steps, then cut the steps to the required width and assemble the stairs. Attach the steps to the side boards using self-tapping screws. Attach the ladder to the harness and the ground on the side opposite the slope. Attach supports and railings to both sides of the stairs. They can be made from boards 25 mm thick. Posts and railings should be smoothed using a hand or electric plane to remove any sharp edges, then sanded thoroughly. The top edge of the railing must be attached to the posts.

Additional entrances, roof trim and roof

On one of the sides, make a ladder from the same block that was used for the racks. Process the cut bars using an electric planer to slightly round the edges. Attach these bars to the posts at a distance of 20–30 cm from each other. Screw the first block at a distance of 20-30 cm from the ground. Prepare for an extreme climb to the lodge. To do this, make the same tray as for the ramp, but installed at an angle of no more than 20 degrees relative to the posts. Tie the posts at the ceiling level of the house using a 50 mm thick board. On the side of the extreme entrance, strengthen the strapping using steel corners. Cut and lay plywood on the floor, then line the ceiling with plywood. Cover the outside of the house with plywood, making round or oval entrances. Determine the size of the entrances/exits yourself so that the child is comfortable. To make the roof, cut 4 rafters from 25mm thick boards. Determine the angles of the rafters based on the height of the roof. Attach the rafters to the corners of the frame and connect them together from above using metal corners. Cut the plywood into pieces required size and sew up the roof.

Cutting plywood with a jigsaw

Final works

After finishing the work, be sure to sand all the places where a child could get a splinter. Then treat the ramp, steps and extreme climb parquet varnish. Attach to top harness from the extreme climb side, a rope 10–15 mm thick and tie knots on it every 20 cm. Paint the house so that it looks beautiful.