Epin is a growth regulator for indoor plants. Epin extra use

To each for an experienced gardener Epin fertilizer, which is very common today, is known. It is used to treat seeds before planting in the soil, and is sprinkled on indoor flowers, seedlings, and plants as a growth stimulant. But not everyone knows how to use Epin Extra correctly.

Soaking seeds in epin affects germination and awakens active growth and provides protection from negative influences environment. Let's try to figure out together what epin is for plants and how to use epin.

Did you know?Epin was developed by Russian scientists, but is not produced in Europe.

Epin extra: what is the drug

Since epin extra has become widely used among farmers and summer residents, it is necessary to understand in more detail what it is made from and how beneficial it is for plants. The instructions for the substance Epin do not disclose the composition of the drug, but only tell how it affects plants.

Everyone knows that spraying with epin helps to activate the protective functions of the plant, stimulates an increase in immunity, affects the increase in yield and earlier ripening of fruits, and effectively restores injured plants.

But we do not know the main thing, what exactly stimulates these processes in the plant.

The biological product is based on a phytohormone that is classified as a steroid – epibrassinolide. Epibrassinolide – This is an artificially bred similarity to the phytohormone brassinolide. The phytohormone activates plant cell division. Plants themselves are capable of producing this phytohormone, but the dose of the produced steroid is too small to accelerate the development of seedlings.

Epibrassinolide, penetrating into the plant, provokes inhibition of the production of hormones (ethylene, abscisic acid), which slow down the growth of the seedling. The use of epin does not provoke distortion of stems, leaves and fruits, but only contributes to the activation of ontogenesis.

Important!Epin can be used to spray plants or soak seeds. Watering is not recommended, since the drug is absorbed through the leaves and stems.

Using Epin, how to properly prepare the solution (dosage)

Advertising for a biological product assures us that it not only affects seed germination, seedling survival and increases disease resistance, but also reduces the level of toxic substances and nitrates in plant cells.
The use of epin during the growing season helps to increase the ovary, it crumbles less, and the fruits ripen ahead of schedule. When using Epin extra, you need to know how to soak the seeds correctly so as not to harm the future plant.

It is also important to know how to dilute Epin Extra. An acidic environment is required to completely dissolve the active substance epin. Most often, the water we use is alkaline. Before diluting epin, throw a pinch into the water citric acid.

Before planting, epin treats not only the seeds, but also the tubers with bulbs and cuttings. Before planting, disinfect the bulbs and cuttings for 12 hours ready-made solution, prepared from one milliliter of epin and two liters of water. Potato tubers are irrigated before planting in the ground. For 5 kg of tubers, use 1 ml of the drug dissolved in 250 ml of water.

Did you know?In China, grain crops are sprayed with phytohormone, which makes it possible to obtain 15-20% more more harvest than without its use.

Soaking seeds with Epin Extra stimulates germination and further rooting of cuttings. Epin for seeds is prepared as follows: Two drops of the biological product are dissolved in one hundred milliliters of water. The seeds are dipped into the solution and kept for 24 hours at room temperature.

Epin is used as a preparation for rooting seedlings and forming additional roots. Seedlings are sprayed with a solution of six drops of epin and half a liter of water when the seedling has two or three leaves and immediately before planting in open ground.

Epin extra can also be used for tomato seedlings before budding; it stimulates the formation of more ovaries. During the growing season, not only seedlings are sprayed. You can process all vegetables, fruits and flowers growing in the garden.

In order to relieve the stress received during planting or transplanting all crops without exception, spray with a biological product by dissolving 1 ml of epin in 5 liters of water.

In case of return of frosts the day before and after them, the plants are also sprinkled with epin in the following proportions: - vegetables, strawberries and fruit trees during the flowering period, 1 ml of epin is dissolved in 5 liters of water.
Epin is also used as a fertilizer for feeding indoor plants. The biological product is used in spring or winter period when indoor flowers lack sunlight. Epin, according to the instructions for use for indoor plants, is diluted in a ratio of 1 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water.

Strawberries are sprayed after winter (dilute 1 ml of epin with five liters of water). The grapes are processed during the period of bud swelling in a ratio of 5 liters of water per 1 ml of epin. Oyster mushrooms and champignons are treated during fruit formation by dissolving 3 drops of epin in 5 liters of water.

Epin according to the instructions for use is used for recovery coniferous plants after sunburn received in winter. Dissolve the drug as indicated in the instructions, and spray not only damaged, but also healthy needles.

Important!It is necessary to use the epin solution immediately after preparation, otherwise the substance loses its properties.

Features of plant treatment with epin

When using Epin Extra to stimulate the growth of seedlings and other plants, we must understand what effect it has on plants. Unlike root or heteroauxin, epin does not force plants to grow vigorously, but simply promotes survival in stressful situations (frost, violation of the integrity of shoots, disease, replanting), affecting the course of physiological processes.
If the plant has entered a dormant phase, epin will not force it to actively develop, because it is intended to restore and support immunity. Epin must be used according to the instructions and the plant must be sprayed again no earlier than two weeks later, since an overdose of the drug threatens to cause the opposite effect. The active substance Epin will begin to accumulate in the plant cells as a pesticide.

During sprinkling, the leaves should be evenly moistened with the solution. Practice has shown that it is most effective to use epin before and after plant budding. Spraying should be done in the morning or evening, in the absence of wind and precipitation. When exposed to sunlight, epin evaporates so quickly that the plant does not have time to absorb it.

It is necessary to spray only the growing parts of the plant - leaves and shoots. Epin absorption occurs within three days, so the next treatment is performed no less than two weeks later. If the plant has not been exposed to stress and is not sick, it is recommended to treat it three times over the entire season.

Did you know?Phytohormones that stimulate plant growth are isolated from pollen.

Compatibility of Epin Extra with other drugs

Often, in order not to treat the same plant twice with different drugs, we resort to mixing them. Scientists have found that combination of epin with drugs such as Vitalizer NV-101, Zircon, Tsitovit will not harm the plant, the components of the substances included in the preparations do not inhibit each other’s action.
To disinfect seeds and protect seedlings from diseases, the use of epin allows you to reduce the dosage of pesticides by half. Epine is dissolved together with agro- and pesticides. The disadvantage of the biological product is the destruction of epibrassinolide under the influence of lighting.

Fertilizer Epin belongs to the group of growth stimulants. This substance accelerates the growth and development of plants, increases their resistance to a number of diseases, and provokes abundant flowering and fruiting, and also improves the taste of the crop. It is intended for application during any period of the growing season, including for treating seeds before sowing. Because of wide range actions fertilizing is useful for both gardening and garden crops, and for ornamental plants in pots.


This is a liquid fertilizer from the group of biostimulants. It is produced in 1 liter bottles for industrial use, but at home it is more convenient to use 1 ml ampoules. This is a transparent liquid with a yellow tint, which is dissolved in water for irrigation.

The manufacturer of this fertilizer is the NEST-M company. Until 2003, the drug was called "Epin", then it began to be prepared using an improved formula and supplied to specialized stores under the name "Epin-Extra". The active substance and mechanism of action of the dietary supplement remained the same, but its effectiveness was increased.


Growth stimulants are a separate group of fertilizers for different types crops Epin-Extra has shown high effectiveness against garden and ornamental plants. After using it, you can notice impressive results:

  • acceleration of seed and bulb germination processes;
  • protection of adult crops from environmental factors, including frost, drought and exposure to direct sunlight;
  • increasing resistance to pests, bacterial and fungal infections;
  • stimulation of the formation of new shoots even in older plants;
  • improvement taste qualities fruits;
  • increase in yield indicators by at least 40%.

Important! Epin-Extra went through all the necessary studies, during which it proved its effectiveness and safety. It has quality certificates and is produced with a high degree of protection against counterfeiting.

Composition and properties

The main active ingredient of the fertilizer is epibrassinolide. This is a synthetic substance created by analogy with natural plant growth stimulants. It affects the hormonal system and is involved in the biosynthesis of enzymes. The drug also regulates the level of foreign elements entering plant cells, as a result of which heavy metals and other harmful substances do not accumulate in them.

Due to Epin's ability to increase pest resistance, its use can significantly reduce the need for pesticides.

Instructions for use

One ampoule contains 0.25 mg of active substance. This amount is approximately equal to 40 drops of concentrate. It must be diluted with water before use. room temperature. The dosage and method of application will differ depending on the type of crop.

Advice! Spraying with Epin solution is carried out in cloudy weather. Its components are quickly destroyed when exposed to direct sunlight.

For indoor plants

The Epin stimulator is suitable for all types of indoor plants and decorative flowers. 1 ampoule of the substance is diluted in 5 liters of clean water, you can also add about 8 drops of concentrate per 1 liter of liquid. Next, it is sprayed over the surface of the green mass of plants.

In indoor plants, the stimulant has the following effects:

  • causes intensive growth and abundant plant;
  • allows you to cope with stress, including after a transplant;
  • helps to revive damaged flowers;
  • improves rooting and survival rate of seedlings.

Epin is recommended for use on weakened plants, including after they are transplanted into a new container. The number of treatments depends on the purpose of using the drug. For prevention, it is enough to spray flowers once a month, for damaged plants - once a week, to stimulate growth - three times a season in courses of 3 treatments at intervals of a week.

For the garden

For garden and vegetable crops, the biostimulant is useful at all stages of their development. It is used for soaking seeds before planting, and then for treating seedlings and adult plants. The working solution is prepared according to the instructions, depending on the crop variety.

The drug is also applied by spraying leaves and shoots. It provides indispensable assistance in growing fruit plants:

  • increases seed germination and seedling survival rate;
  • stimulates shoot growth, abundant flowering and fruiting;
  • improves the taste and varietal characteristics of the crop;
  • increases productivity by 1.5 times.

Advice! Fertilizer can be combined with preparations to kill pests and foliar feeding. The only condition is that it is incompatible with alkalis, including Bordeaux mixture.

Features of use

For Epin fertilizer to be as effective as possible, it must be used according to the instructions. There are certain recommendations on how to properly prepare working solutions and in what dosage to apply them for different varieties plants.

For soaking seeds

To soak the seeds, the solution is prepared in the proportion of 2-4 drops of concentrate per 100 ml of water. For seeds of indoor plants, take a larger amount of solution; for vegetables, 2 drops are enough. Before processing grain crops for planting, take 2 ampoules of the drug and dissolve them in 10 liters of water. This amount is enough to soak 1 ton of grain. The grains are left in the solution for 4-8 hours, after which they can be placed in the ground.

For seedlings

Seedlings are treated to strengthen them and stimulate growth. The solution is prepared at the rate of 5-6 drops per 500 ml of liquid. Spraying is carried out when 2-3 true leaves appear on the plants. The procedure can be repeated the day before transplanting into open ground.

For potatoes

To process potatoes, the fertilizer is diluted in a standard ratio (1 ml per 5 liters of water). Spraying is carried out twice:

  • treatment of tubers before planting - 1 ton of material will require 10 liters of working solution;
  • application during the period of bud formation - 150-300 liters of aqueous solution per 1 ha.

Epin fertilizer can also be used when growing potatoes in vitro. The drug is added to the nutrient medium (1 ml per 1 liter of substrate), and is also applied by spraying during the budding period.

For tomatoes

To treat tomato seeds, 0.5 ml of the drug is diluted in 2 liters of water. This amount is enough for 1 kg of seeds. They should be in the solution for 2 hours, after which they can be planted in the ground.

To spray green mass, 100 ml of the product is dissolved in 150-400 liters of liquid. This amount is enough to process 1 hectare of tomatoes. Fertilizer is applied twice:

  • during the formation of buds;
  • during the flowering of the first cluster.

For cucumbers

To treat cucumber seeds, add 0.25 ml of concentrate to 1 liter of water. Seeds are placed in this solution and left for 2 hours, after which they are planted in the soil. Treatment of plants after transplanting them into open ground or into a greenhouse is carried out according to the same scheme that is recommended for tomatoes.

For cabbage

It is also useful to soak white cabbage seeds in a solution before planting. To do this, 0.25 ml of the substance is diluted with 1 liter of water, the seeds are left in this mixture for 6 hours. Spraying is carried out at the stage of full leaf rosette. The consumption of the drug is 80 ml of concentrate or 150-400 liters of working solution per 1 ha.

For the bow

It is recommended to treat the bulbs before planting. To do this, 0.05 ml of concentrate is sufficient per 1 kg of raw material, which is diluted in 200 ml of water. The bulbs are simply sprayed with the resulting mixture. The second spraying is carried out at the stage of formation of 4-5 leaves. For 1 hectare of beds you will need 60 ml of fertilizer in combination with 150-300 liters of water.

For ficus

Fertilizer can be used for both prevention and rehabilitation of damaged or aged ficus trees. Epin's composition is suitable for different varieties of this plant. At home growing there is no need to prepare 5 liters of solution from 1 ampoule, as indicated in the instructions. You should add a few drops of concentrate to 1 liter of water and use it for spraying. The fertilizer application schedule is standard for flower and ornamental crops.

For orchids

Orchids are especially sensitive during the period of transplanting them into a new pot, and the procedure must be carried out once every 1-2 years. The mixture will help them restore vitality and continue to develop in a new container. The working solution is prepared in the proportion of 2-4 drops per 1 liter of water, which is sprayed on the leaves. Fertilizer can be applied once a month for preventive purposes; to rehabilitate damaged plants, treatment is carried out three times at intervals of a week.

For violets

Violets also need timely application of a biostimulant. The solution is prepared in a standard proportion and used to spray the leaves. However, you should be careful when processing violets. After the procedure, the plant is placed in partial shade so that the sun's rays do not burn the leaves. You can spray in the evening.

For citrus fruits

Citrus plants are processed according to the scheme recommended for decorative flowers. It is especially important to apply fertilizer during the shoot growth and flowering phase. You can also treat the seeds before planting in open ground.

For conifers

Treatment of coniferous plants is carried out by spraying healthy and damaged needles. The solution must be prepared in standard concentration by dissolving 1 ampoule in 5 liters of water. The consumption of the drug depends on the size of the plant and the density of the needles. Its entire surface should be evenly covered with fertilizer.

Safety precautions and storage conditions

Epin refers to drugs with low level danger. However, when preparing the working solution and processing plants, you should follow some rules:

  • wear protective clothing, including gloves and a mask;
  • do not spray the drug in windy weather;
  • If the product gets on the skin or mucous membranes, rinse them with water.

The closed ampoule is suitable for use for 3 years. It is recommended to open it, draw the contents into a syringe and place it in the refrigerator, and throw away the ampoule. If the use of the drug is not expected in the near future, the closed package must be closed in a dark room.

Important! The drug should be stored out of direct sunlight. If it was on display without individual packaging, it should be replaced with another copy.

Prices in stores

Another feature of the drug is its low cost, especially considering the small dosage per plant. average price fertilizer will depend on its volume:

  • ampoule 1 ml - 15 rubles;
  • bottle 50 ml - 310 rubles;
  • 1 liter bottle - 5000 rubles.


Epin-Extra is reliable protection different types of crops and their rehabilitation after stress. Using this additive, you can significantly increase productivity and restore damaged plants. The substance is harmless to humans and belongs to the low-hazard group, so it can be used without fear for the quality of the fruit and their suitability for consumption.

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In our family Bell pepper they love it, that’s why we plant it every year. Most of the varieties that I grow have been tested by me for more than one season; I cultivate them constantly. I also try to try something new every year. Pepper is a heat-loving plant and quite whimsical. Varietal and hybrid varieties of tasty and productive sweet peppers, which grow well for me, will be discussed further. I live in middle lane Russia.

Meat cutlets with broccoli in béchamel sauce - great idea for a quick lunch or dinner. Start by preparing the mince and at the same time heat 2 liters of water to a boil to blanch the broccoli. By the time the cutlets are fried, the cabbage will be ready. All that remains is to collect the ingredients in a frying pan, season with sauce and bring to readiness. Broccoli needs to be cooked quickly to retain its vibrant color. green color, which, when cooked for a long time, either fades or the cabbage turns brown.

Home floriculture - not only exciting process, but also a very troublesome hobby. And, as a rule, the more experience a grower has, the healthier his plants look. What should those who do not have experience do, but want to have indoor plants at home - not elongated, stunted specimens, but beautiful and healthy ones that do not cause a feeling of guilt with their fading? For beginners and flower growers who do not have much experience, I will tell you about the main mistakes that are easy to avoid.

Lush cheesecakes in a frying pan with banana-apple confiture - another recipe for everyone’s favorite dish. To prevent cheesecakes from falling off after cooking, remember a few simple rules. Firstly, only fresh and dry cottage cheese, secondly, no baking powder or soda, thirdly, the thickness of the dough - you can sculpt from it, it is not tight, but pliable. Good dough with a small amount of flour you will only get good cottage cheese, but here again see the “firstly” point.

It is no secret that many drugs from pharmacies have migrated to summer cottages. Their use, at first glance, seems so exotic that some summer residents are perceived with hostility. At the same time, potassium permanganate is a long-known antiseptic that is used in both medicine and veterinary medicine. In plant growing, a solution of potassium permanganate is used both as an antiseptic and as a fertilizer. In this article we will tell you how to properly use potassium permanganate in the garden.

Pork meat salad with mushrooms is a rural dish that can often be found on festive table in the village. This recipe is with champignons, but if you have the opportunity to use wild mushrooms, be sure to cook it this way, it will be even tastier. You don’t need to spend a lot of time preparing this salad - put the meat in a pan for 5 minutes and another 5 minutes for slicing. Everything else happens practically without the participation of the cook - the meat and mushrooms are boiled, cooled, and marinated.

Cucumbers grow well not only in a greenhouse or conservatory, but also in open ground. Typically, cucumbers are sown from mid-April to mid-May. Harvesting in this case is possible from mid-July to the end of summer. Cucumbers cannot tolerate frost. That's why we don't sow them too early. However, there is a way to bring their harvest closer and taste the juicy beauties from your garden at the beginning of summer or even in May. It is only necessary to take into account some of the features of this plant.

Polyscias is an excellent alternative to classic variegated shrubs and woody ones. The elegant round or feathery leaves of this plant create a strikingly festive curly crown, and its elegant silhouettes and rather modest character make it an excellent candidate for the role of large plant in the house. Larger leaves do not prevent it from successfully replacing Benjamin and Co. ficus. Moreover, polyscias offers much more variety.

Pumpkin cinnamon casserole is juicy and incredibly tasty, a little like pumpkin pie, but unlike pie, it is more tender and just melts in your mouth! This is the perfect sweet recipe for a family with children. As a rule, kids don’t really like pumpkin, but they never mind eating something sweet. Sweet pumpkin casserole is a delicious and healthy dessert, which, moreover, is very simple and quick to prepare. Try it! You'll like it!

A hedge is not only one of essential elements landscape design. It also performs various protective functions. If, for example, the garden borders a road, or a highway passes nearby, then hedge simply necessary. “Green walls” will protect the garden from dust, noise, wind and create a special comfort and microclimate. In this article, we will look at the optimal plants for creating a hedge that can reliably protect the area from dust.

Many crops require picking (and more than one) in the first weeks of development, while for others transplantation is “contraindicated.” To “please” both of them, you can use non-standard containers for seedlings. Another good reason to try them is saving money. In this article we will tell you how to do without the usual boxes, pots, cassettes and tablets. And let’s pay attention to non-traditional, but very effective and interesting containers for seedlings.

Useful vegetable soup from red cabbage with celery, red onion and beets - a vegetarian soup recipe that can also be prepared in fast days. For those who decide to lose a few extra pounds, I would recommend not adding potatoes, and slightly reducing the amount of olive oil (1 tablespoon is enough). The soup turns out to be very aromatic and thick, and during Lent you can serve a portion of the soup with lean bread - then it will be satisfying and healthy.

Surely everyone has already heard about the popular term “hygge”, which came to us from Denmark. This word cannot be translated into other languages ​​of the world. Because it means a lot of things at once: comfort, happiness, harmony, spiritual atmosphere... In this northern country, by the way, most of the time of the year there is cloudy weather and little sun. Summer is also short. And the level of happiness is one of the highest (the country regularly ranks first in the UN global rankings).

Appin is compared by plant growers who have tried it with ginseng on humans in terms of its effect on their pets. Epin is unique not only in that it is the first phytohormone completely synthesized in the laboratory using nanotechnology and in the fact that there are no negative reviews or contraindications for it, but also in the fact that increasing productivity with the help of epin by 10-15% does not cost much per season. more expensive 80-100 rubles. per hundred. What is this amazing substance?

Epin is a trade abbreviation for 2,4-epibrassinolide; This is a representative of brassinosteroid phytohormones, the role of which in plant life has become clear relatively recently. A stock solution of Epin with a concentration of 0.25 mg of active substance per 1 ml is sold in ampoules of 1 ml (for gardens and indoor plants), 5 ml for commercial plots, 500 and 1000 ml for large farms. 1 ml of stock solution gives approx. 50 drops with which the drug is dosed to prepare a working solution.


The use of epin for plants is based primarily on its adaptogenicity; in this it is similar to the effect of ginseng and eleutherococcus on humans. These plants are closely related; Eleutherococcus infusion is the basis of the Baikal drink. Unlike long-known auxins, brassinosteroids do not cause plants to become depleted, using up internal reserves to quickly reach a certain phase of the life cycle, therefore, say, brassinosteroids are of little use for rooting cuttings.

Brassinosteroids have a general strengthening effect on plants, giving them the opportunity to more fully use available resources and, conversely, replenish internal reserves. In this respect, epin for plants is superior to ginseng for humans. Planned feeding of productive plantings using epin (see below) allows not only to overcome stressful situations(frost, heat, drought, disease, pest attacks, mechanical damage), but also to achieve a stable increase in productivity on marginal lands while simultaneously reducing costs for agrochemicals, i.e. with improving the marketability and environmental friendliness of products. Epin is the first mild-acting phytohormone on the agricultural chemicals market. Figuratively speaking, it is not doping for an athlete to set a single record, but a seasoning for the food of a healthy, hard-working man. While not essentially a growth stimulant, epin adds appetite to plants and encourages them to work.

Epin is especially effective for indoor plants: they all have to exist in a stressful environment compared to their natural environment. Treatment of ornamental plants with epin has certain features (see below), but this drug allows indoor gardeners of average and lower levels to successfully grow such sissies as azaleas and those that have already taken root in indoor culture phalaenopsis orchids, and for the more sophisticated, such magnificent, but extremely whimsical exotics as cattleyas, dendrobiums, vandas, odontoglossums, tropical lady's slippers paphiopedilums, etc. About the culture of orchids with the help of epin and other modern biological products, see, for example, video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0-Tbcrf9Es.

Note: Epin is also remarkable in that it also acts on mushrooms that no longer belong to the plant kingdom. Pre-treatment of the mycelium with epin (see below) increases the resistance of the mycelium and the collection of fruiting bodies per unit area of ​​the container.

What is Epin Extra?

Brassinosteroids have been most fully studied in the Russian Federation and Epin is an original Russian development. Until 2003, 2,4-epibrassinolide was isolated from plant matter; it went on sale just like Epin. Then, using nanotechnology, the active substance was synthesized in a chemically pure form. The improved drug is called Epin Extra. Its difference from a simple one is not in increased concentration, it is the same, but in a more directed action. If, for example, plantings treated with simple epin can withstand a single frost of –2 degrees, then when replacing it with epin extra, they can also withstand a second frost a week later down to –5 (!).

Properties, features, application

Nothing is perfect and Epin is not without its drawbacks: the active substance disintegrates in light and is neutralized in an alkaline environment. Since there are alkalis in the acidic soil, plants are not watered with epin, only sprayed. When additionally diluted with normal tap water, the working solution is stored for up to 48 hours in a dark place in a tightly sealed food-grade plastic container, but it is better to use it immediately, because The activity of the solution during this time steadily decreases. It is also necessary to remember that epin itself is not a medicine, not a biocide, or plant nutrition. Based on these conditions, the instructions for using Epin look like this: way:

  1. Prepare PPE, see below;
  2. Check the acidity of the working water with indicator paper or a pH meter;
  3. If pH>7, acidify the water to pH = (6.2-6.8) with a few crystals of citric acid or drops of alcohol table vinegar. It is unacceptable to use inorganic acids and fruit vinegars, i.e. combine epin treatment with fertilizing boric acid it is forbidden!
  4. As part of the planned seasonal treatment (see below), 2-3 days before spraying with Epin, fertilize the planting. It is highly desirable - by foliar method;
  5. To use Epin in the process of treating plants and controlling pests, start treatment with Epin one day after using the main drug;
  6. The use of epin as an anti-stress agent is carried out either in advance in a predictable situation (for example, 1-2 days before the start of construction work among the plantings), or immediately after it has passed, for example, as soon as the Sun warms up after freezing;
  7. Spraying should be carried out in the early evening hours. In the morning it is permissible until dawn if the day is expected to be cloudy with low dense clouds;
  8. Spraying is carried out from a sprayer that produces a misty stream without visible splashes;
  9. Spray only the vegetative (green) parts of the plants, directing the stream slightly obliquely upward so that as much of the working solution as possible gets on the undersides of the leaves;
  10. Upon completion of treatment, neutralize the remaining drug in containers and work containers, like spilled epin, see below.

Precautionary measures

Due to the insignificant concentration of the active substance, epin belongs to the 4th, lowest, hazard class. However, 2,4-epibrassinolide is a strong agent and is somewhat volatile in solution. From here follow the basic rules for working with it and special ones for use in residential premises. Outside, you need to work with Epin wearing glasses, a petal respirator and latex gloves. Carry out the treatment while staying upwind of the jet. If the working solution gets on the skin, immediately wipe the affected area with a swab moistened with a solution of baking soda and rinse with plenty of clean water. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them immediately with plenty of clean water and consult a doctor immediately. If ingested, drink the solution baking soda 1 tsp a glass of water, drink plenty of water or weak iced tea, then induce vomiting and also consult a doctor.

Epin in the room

When using Epin for indoor plants, you also need to know that its solutions, especially mother liquor, spoil the finish and many types of decorative coatings. For indoor plants to respond better to epin, they need to increase their usual stress for a short time, and the main stress factor for them is a lack of light. 50 drops of epin according to the standard scheme (see below) are designed to treat 250 square meters. m of planting, and the room faces the task of microdosing. Therefore, it is necessary to use Epin in indoor gardening, observing additional conditions:

  • Transfer the plants to the bathroom with functioning ventilation and put it in the bath.
  • In addition to external PPE, use a plastic raincoat.
  • Microdoses of the drug are taken with an insulin (1 ml) medical syringe, piercing the ampoule cap without opening it.
  • Immediately seal the puncture caused by the syringe needle with tape.
  • Spraying should be done spotwise, using a microspray, see fig. on right.
  • After treatment, leave the plants in the dark for 12 hours, without depriving them of air access.
  • After working with Epin, wipe the bathtub with a clean cloth, generously moistened with a solution of baking soda, and rinse. In the same way, accidentally spilled mother liquor is removed, but immediately.

Norms and limits of concentration

Ornamental plants are not eaten, so they are treated with epin with a working solution of increased concentration. Typical schemes Epine treatments of ornamental plants are given in Table. They may differ for individual crops, because... excess 2,4-epibrassinolide is deposited in plants as a reserve or breaks down without inhibiting them. However, it is undesirable to exceed the concentration of the working solution above 4 drops per glass of water, as for orchids. In the garden, for treating plants and during pest control, a standard dosage is used - an ampoule of 1 ml per 5 liters of water per 2.5 acres of planting area. In this case, treatment is carried out once a week until the infection is cured or the danger has passed. If the damage is severe and there is no talk of completely saving the crop, the dose can be increased to 2 ml per 5 liters of working solution.

Note: indoor and greenhouse crops, fruits and vegetables are processed as outdoor crops, not as decorative ones!

Regulations and application schemes

General regulations for the use of epin for plant crops and mushrooms are given in table. There are special schemes for individual phases of their development and growing conditions, see below.

Planting material

Soaking seeds in epin not only accelerates the emergence of seedlings, but also significantly restores the germination of stale seeds. The effect of epin on grain mycelium of fungi is discussed above. For treatment schemes for seeds and mycelium with epin, see table. During the entire soaking period, the seed should be kept in an open food-grade plastic container in the dark.

The use of epin for seedlings increases their survival rate, accelerates development and increases resistance. Tomato seedlings treated with Epine in the middle zone can be planted a week earlier than usual. Anyone who runs commercial farming knows that it will come out in money thanks to an early harvest.

Schemes for treating seedlings and cuttings with epin are given in the following. table But keep in mind that epin is not heteroauxin or rootin; They cannot be used together with Epin! In epine, like seedlings, before planting, cuttings that have already sprouted roots and whose growth points have awakened are soaked before planting!

In the garden and garden

Schemes of current seasonal treatment with epin vegetable crops are given in table. Processing of greens is carried out with restrictions: with the beginning of the formation of edible parts, the use of epin is stopped. For cabbage - before the head begins to form. Onions for greens are not treated with epin at all during the growing season; seed bulbs can be sprayed with the same solution as for planting material potatoes.

The treatment of fruits and berries with epin also has its own peculiarities, see next. table From the beginning of flowering to the end of fruiting, perennials no longer need 2,4-epibrassinolide; they have enough of their own. Boron in the form of fertilizing the leaves with boric acid and other microelements will help increase productivity here, but by autumn the plants will then be “tired”, especially in not so favorable year. That’s when Epin will come in handy to help with the remaining heat and light to properly feed for the winter.

Note: Interesting results are obtained by using epin for cut flowers, 2 drops per liter of water in a vase. Carnations, snowdrops, lilies of the valley, freesias, alstroemerias stand in such water without losing their appearance for more than a week. Roses, etc. on lignified cuttings for a month or more. Orchids, whose flowers are already long-lived, seem completely eternal. The thing is that orchids are deceiver plants. They save on flowering by not producing any extra edible pollen or nectar, and they attract pollinators by stimulating their sexual instincts in ways that sometimes make even experienced professional researchers’ eyes pop out of their heads.

Related considerations

Epin gives excellent results in the Russian Federation and China, but the West stubbornly ignores it. This circumstance is used in anti-epin propaganda, since there is nothing more to say against it. But to attribute epinophobia to Russophobia and sanctions means scooping up foam without understanding where it comes from.

They say that in the West epin is simply not needed, they say that agricultural technology is so well established that the plants are always happy. Is the weather good too? Are there frosts, abnormal heat, or dim light due to air pollution? By the way, in the West they secretly use Epin, just as they buy other Russian products from which they will make a profit. Everyone has heard about rocket engines and feed grain, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. As for epin, have you seen orchid flowers in mini-vases in souvenir, gift and flower shops? They last in the original packaging for up to a year (with a guarantee), because the water contains epin extra.

In agriculture, the West is afraid of epin for other reasons. Epin, without exaggeration, is the first swallow new era food production. This is a bold statement, but let’s remember and compare: the Internet and mobile communications came out simultaneously, in the mid-70s, just 4 decades ago. First mobile phone for general sale, it weighed 14.5 kg and worked on a single charge for 4 hours; it had to be carried in a bag on a belt. A megabyte of traffic at a speed of 4800 bps (!) on the initial Internet cost $6. And then science fiction writers didn’t even write about search engines, Internet media, Internet banking, smartphones and tablets.

According to the UN Food Organization, currently 3/4 of the world's population is undernourished. In countries with developed agriculture, enormous amounts of money are made from this; The drug mafia and arms dealers never dreamed of such things. By the way, leading producers still systematically destroy part of their harvest in order to maintain market prices. What is hidden from the general public in the most ingenious and cruel ways.

The widespread use of mild-acting phytohormones will not only increase the productivity of existing crop areas, but also bring into agricultural use many lands that are currently considered infertile, which will help solve the global food problem.

In China, this is no longer an idea, but a really functioning system. This is what scares both agribusiness dealers and the entire ruling elite. After all, they will then have to say goodbye to huge profits, revise land registries and the entire land use procedure. Nobody seems to have the slightest idea how to approach the emerging tangle of problems, in the ossified society of the Great Light Present, which is even more ossified than the former USSR, beyond which there is nowhere to go.

If you prefer not high matters, but your own income and well-being, use Epin without fear. The theory does not provide any contraindications to its use and is not found in practice.