It is a profitable business to grow green onions. Preparation of planting material and planting. In the open ground

IN open ground green onions can be obtained in three ways: sowing seeds directly into the ground, planting seedlings and planting with bulbs - sowing and sampling.

Growing green onions from seeds. The soil for onions on greens must be carefully prepared. Select areas that are not flooded by melt water. Various rotted fertilizers are applied during digging. It is better to sow on beds that are prepared in the fall. In spring, the ridges are carefully loosened. Seeds are sown as soon as soil conditions allow, at the end of April and no later than the first five days of May. Four to five rows are placed on the ridge. The seeds are soaked before sowing. Sow in moist soil, cover the rows with soil to a depth of 1-2 cm.
With the emergence of seedlings, the first fertilizing is carried out with urea (carbamide) -25-30 g per 10 liters of water, or mullein, or chicken droppings. Mullein is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:8-10, litter - 1:10-12. The solution is added at the rate of 10 l/m2. After fertilizing, the crops are watered. After 15-20 days, fertilizing is repeated. The soil is kept loose and sufficiently moist, but not waterlogged. During the growing period, four to five waterings are carried out.

Pesticides are not used when growing green onions. Green onions are ready for harvesting if the leaves have reached a height of 25-30 cm. When sowing seeds in spring, this occurs in July. Growing green onions from seedlings. In this case, the yield of green onions is higher than when sown with seeds. Various varieties are used for planting, including southern ones.
Sowing seeds for seedlings and all agricultural technology are the same as for seedling method growing onions for turnips. Seeds are sown 50-60 days before transplanting plants into the ground. The seedlings are planted in well-dressed and loose soil at the stage of three to four leaves. Rows are marked on the ridges, which are watered before planting at the rate of 10-15 l/m2. The rows on the ridge are placed at intervals of 20-25 cm, in a row the interval between plants is 4 cm. Seedlings should not be deeply buried and the center of the plant, from where a new leaf appears, should not be filled with soil, otherwise it will die.

After planting, the plants are well watered at the rate of 10-15 l/m2 and mulched with humus or peat. The rows are immediately pollinated with a mixture of tobacco dust and lime, as when growing green onions from seeds. When the plants reach a height of 25-30 cm, they are thinned out one at a time; the remaining plants quickly increase the mass of leaves, which can be harvested at a height of 30-40 cm.

Forcing green onions from sets and sampling. This method makes it possible to obtain green onions in early spring, when there are no other open-ground vegetables yet. For forcing, the multi-germ varieties Bessonovsky, Pogarsky local improved, Spassky local improved, Rostov onion, Arzamas local, as well as vegetatively propagated local onions are better. If such planting material is not available, you can use other zoned varieties, but the yield of green onions in this case will be less. This method allows you to grow green onions during autumn and spring plantings.

To force onions, select the areas richest in humus or apply liberally before cultivating the soil. organic fertilizers- 4-5 kg/m2. In addition, nitrogen is used - 15-20 g, superphosphate - 30-35 g and potassium salt - 20-25 g/m2. They can be replaced with nitrophoska - 30-35 g/m2.

In autumn, planting is carried out on ridges no later than 2-3 weeks before the onset of stable cold weather using the half-bridge method, with a distance between the bulbs in the row of 1 cm. The distance between the rows is left at 10 cm or planted completely using the bridge or half-bridge method. For forcing, selections weighing 20-40 g are used. Depending on the planting method, 1 m2 requires from 3 to 12 kg of selection onions.

When planting, do not press the bulbs into the soil, as the soil beneath them becomes compacted and makes it difficult for roots to grow. The bulbs are placed in loose soil and sprinkled with a 3-4 cm layer of soil on top, and with the onset of cold weather, additional soil, humus or peat is added in a 6-10 cm layer. The shelter promotes better overwintering of the bulbs. In early spring When the snow begins to melt, the shelter is removed. In May, onions are ready for harvest.

To speed up the regrowth of onions, film covers are used on a frame 35-60 cm high. Snow is first cleared from the ridges. Plants are fed under shelters nitrogen fertilizers normally 15-20 g/m2 and watered warm water- this accelerates the regrowth of leaves, and the onion is ready for harvesting 8-12 days earlier.

For spring planting The beds are also prepared in the fall, at which time the soil is filled with fertilizers. Select an area that is not flooded by melt water. Planting is carried out as early as possible: spring frosts are not dangerous. Onions are planted in a bridge or half-bridge method or in rows with a distance between them and the bulbs of 5-10 cm. The harvest will arrive in stages over 30-40 days. Small fractions produce fewer leaves, larger fractions produce more. Consumption planting material when planting with sevka - 1.5-2 kg/m2. Full commercial ripeness of onions occurs in 50-60 days, then the leaves become coarser and lose their commercial qualities.

Plant care consists of watering, nitrogen fertilizing and loosening when planting in rows.

Water the onions on the greens infrequently, but generously. The first feeding is given at the beginning of regrowth (25-30 g of urea per bucket of water), the second - when the leaves are 10-12 cm high (30-40 g of urea per bucket of water), while 10 l/m 2 of solution is consumed.

Green onions in protected soil. The most common structures used by amateur vegetable growers for growing green onions are structures with film cover. Selected onions and sets are planted under such shelters starting from the first ten days of October.

To do this, in fertile areas not flooded by melt water, well-dried healthy bulbs are planted on ridges in a bridge or half-bridge method. After planting, they are covered with soil in a layer of 1-2 cm, then with humus or dry peat in a layer of 4-6 cm.

In the spring, snow is removed from the plantings and covered with film stretched over the frames. The installation time of the shelter depends on the availability of heating. If there is additional heating, the shelter can be installed in March; if it is not available, the film is stretched in April. Shelters are made on wooden frame or use wire arches. Frame height -35-60 cm.
With the beginning of leaf regrowth, one or two waterings are carried out with warm water while simultaneously applying nitrogen fertilizers.

Green onions can also be obtained under film covers in late autumn. To do this, it is better to use onion samples taken from the bulbs southern varieties; bulbs of multi-germinate varieties of the northern and central zones of Russia after harvesting fall into long time into a dormant state and do not grow back.

For cultivation in October - November, the most suitable varieties of onions are from Azerbaijan (Massalinsky local, etc.) and from the republics of Central Asia - Farab local, Samarkand red, and Karatal.

If bulbs of varieties are used for forcing at this time middle zone, special preparation of planting material is required. The bulbs are soaked in warm water temperature 30-35°C for 12-24 hours, then cut to the hangers; Shallow vertical cuts are also made in the neck of the bulb or pricking two or three times from the side of the neck. Before planting, the cut bulbs are slightly dried for 1-2 days so that the cut does not rot after filling it with soil. Caring for plants is the same as when growing without shelter; if the temperature exceeds 25°C, the film is raised to ventilate the structure. Otherwise, the growth of leaves is greatly accelerated, they turn pale, become thin, easily lie down, and lose their presentation.

For all growing methods, watering of plants is stopped 2-3 days before harvesting. In this case, the roots are more easily freed from the soil, and the leaves are not contaminated by the soil.

In this article we talk about onions on the windowsill. We will look at the features of preparing and planting plants, caring for and harvesting. You will learn which varieties are suitable for growing onions on a windowsill. By following our tips, you will learn how to grow greens at home in water and soil.

Onion varieties for growing on a windowsill

To grow onions on a windowsill, use regular onions. If desired, you can grow shallots, chives, batun or onions at home. In this article we will tell you how to plant onions at home.

You can eat fresh greens at any time of the year if you plant onions on the windowsill

To get a fertile onion harvest in winter on the windowsill, it is better to choose multi-bud varieties. For example, Chernigovsky, Rostovsky, Soyuz, Bessonovsky, Timiryazevsky, Spassky. The bulbs of these varieties have several nests inside, which, when germinated, produce many green feathers.

Preparing bulbs for planting

Before planting onions on greens on the windowsill, you need to choose high-quality planting material. The turnips should be healthy, without signs of rotting, the onion skins should be shiny.

To quickly grow green onions on the windowsill, the tops of the turnips need to be cut off. Deep cross-shaped cuts at the top of the bulb up to a third of its height can speed up the appearance of greenery.

Onions for greens on the windowsill can be grown from already sprouted onions. This will make green feathers appear much faster.

Before growing onions on a windowsill, turnips are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. The temperature of the soaking liquid is 50-52 degrees. The bulbs are then washed cold water and peeled.

Soil preparation

Before growing green onions on a windowsill, you need to decide on a container for planting. When deciding what to plant onions on the windowsill, you should proceed from its size and the amount of planting material. More often, onions are planted in pots, and if space allows, in boxes.

After you have decided what to plant the onions in on the windowsill, the container must be disinfected. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is suitable for this.

For rapid growth, the plant needs drainage, so before planting onions on the greens at home, pieces of expanded clay or brick are placed at the bottom of the container. A mixture of seven parts peat, two parts humus and one part earth is poured on top.

To increase the yield of green onions in winter on the windowsill use phosphate fertilizers. They are also added to the soil before planting.

Bulb planting scheme

To grow onions at home, the bridge planting method is most often used. With this method, turnips are planted close to each other. The bulbs are sprinkled with earth, but not completely buried. Half or ⅔ of the turnip should remain on the surface.

In order to save space, you can use a 5 liter container as a container for growing onions on the windowsill. plastic bottle. Holes are made in it at different levels around the entire circumference. A layer of soil is poured into the container, then the bulbs are inserted into the holes, covered with a layer of soil and the layers continue to alternate until the bottle is full. When planting this way, the tails of the turnips should be on the outside.

This is what the design looks like

To ensure that the green onions on the windowsill ripen throughout the winter, they are planted in different containers every 10-12 days. With such a planting interval, you will always have fresh herbs on the table.

Growing conditions

Onions are not picky about growing conditions. Despite this, the fertility of the plant can be significantly increased. Let's tell you more about them.


For 10 days after planting, the container with onions must be kept away from direct sunlight in a cool, ventilated place. This will allow the onions to form a strong root system.

After 10-12 days, the container with onions is transferred to a windowsill or covered balcony. To grow lush greens you need good lighting. If the plant doesn't get enough sun, it will wilt. Compensate solar heat LED panels or special lamps will help.


Onions for greens in winter germinate well at temperatures from 18 to 20 degrees. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the plant does not overheat from batteries or the sun.


When growing green onions on a windowsill, you need to water them with warm water every 2-3 days. To make green feathers more juicy, they are sprayed with water daily.


The first harvest can be harvested within 2-3 weeks after planting. At the same time, do not touch the first leaves so as not to stop the growth of greenery. Feathers are cut off at the base with a sharp knife or scissors.

Growing green onions in water

To plant a plant on greens, you can do without soil and grow onions in water on the windowsill. To do this, just place the onion in a glass or jar of liquid. In this case, only the roots of the turnip should be in the water, and not the entire onion, otherwise it will rot.

If you can’t find a container with the required diameter, you can use improvised means. For example, a piece of cardboard with holes suitable for an onion or an empty egg carton. Look at the photo to see what such a design looks like.

Growing onions in water is easy and convenient in egg containers

To make it you need to divide the egg tray into two parts. The lid serves as a tray, and the lower part with the cells serves as a stand for the bulbs, which is placed on the tray. Holes are made in each cell for free access of water.

During the first week, the fluid in the pan should be changed daily. After this, it is enough to refresh the water once every 2-3 days.

To increase fertility when growing onions in water, fertilizers are added to the liquid. Dissolve 5 grams in a liter of water. wood ash and pour this liquid into the pan. You can feed onions after the first leaves appear. The harvest can be harvested in 1.5-2 weeks.

For more information on how to grow onions, watch the video:

You learned how to grow onions in water and soil on a windowsill. Let's summarize.

What to remember

  1. Before planting onions on the windowsill, you need to sort out the bulbs and soak healthy turnips in hot water.
  2. At home, green onions can be grown in water or soil.
  3. Before growing onions on a windowsill, you need to decide on a container for planting and prepare a soil mixture.
  4. After planting, keep the container with onions away from direct sunlight in a cool, ventilated place for 10 days.

Green onions are very useful look greens, which is an integral part of the diet of many families. It is used to prepare salads, soups, pizza and more. There is constant demand for this product. Firstly, it is worth distinguishing between different approaches to making money on green onions. So let’s say, if you decide to grow these greens at home, then you shouldn’t count on big profits from small volumes.

If we talk about this direction, specifically as a business, then you will need to summer season plant onions in open ground, at least 10 hundredths of the garden, and in winter you will need to equip insulated greenhouses. A serious approach also requires certain financial investments. Starting from the purchase of planting material, fertilizers, equipment for irrigation systems and, if necessary, heating and lighting, as well as transportation costs, to the hiring of workers to care for onions and harvest. In this article we will try to consider the main points of the green onion business and indicate both the pros and cons in this line of business.

Technologies for growing green onions

Many farmers who work in this direction will tell you that there are two main ways to grow these greens: from seeds and from bulbs. Both of these methods have both pros and cons, which we will talk about.

Use of seeds

With this approach, the entrepreneur purchases the seeds of the required onion variety and plants them in a nursery, this can be a small greenhouse. Buying seeds more cheap option start, since bulbs are more expensive, but at the same time there is more hassle with caring for plants. Firstly, if you use seeds, the harvest time increases significantly, and due to climate instability, the chances of losing the harvest increase. Secondly, when the plants grow, the onion bushes need to be thinned out, and not all the seeds come off. On the other hand, you have big choice different varieties seeds at a low price, and this is a definite plus for a beginner. The best seeds are considered Dutch and Japanese varieties Luke. The average cost of such planting material is about $2 - $4 per 1 kg.

From bulbs

If you plant ready-made bulbs, you can get a harvest in a shorter time. Plus, the loss of the crop itself is reduced due to the higher resistance of plants to both weather conditions and various diseases. But at the same time, if you buy seed in the form of bulbs, then you will definitely need to invest more money in your business.

Before planting, the bulbs are special treatment, to protect against diseases and pests.

Features of growing onions

In order to grow onions specifically for sale, you will need to purchase a special variety of this greenery for your business. Andreika, Afonya, Slime Onion, Leader, Broadleaf, Green, Dwarf, Belarusian. Typically, such onions are sold in large volumes at the beginning of spring, when there is great demand and people buy them for making salads. It is popular due to its vitamin composition.

Now let's discuss a little in what conditions it is most profitable to grow green onions and what in each individual case you will need to buy or equip for this.

In the greenhouse

Growing and producing green onions in a greenhouse is one of the options year-round receipt arrived in this direction. The greenhouse equipment itself costs money. They are usually made of glass or polycarbonate. In this case, you need to immediately install a heating, watering and lighting system. Typically, such greenhouses are equipped with drip system watering, and use lighting daylight. So, in the absence of light rays, you will not get the desired harvest. If you live in a very cold climate, then build greenhouses on winter time year is not very profitable, since payment utilities for light and heating reduce the profitability of the business to 10% - 15%, and with such labor costs and expenses this becomes unprofitable for the entrepreneur. Bulbs are mainly planted in greenhouses; this approach can reduce the growing season by up to 3 times. The harvest is obtained with good taste and presentation.

Loose fertile soil is used as soil in greenhouses; it is prepared with fertilizers, both manure and potassium and phosphate additives. Constant watering and connection of lighting if necessary are required.

Also, with a greenhouse approach to growing green onions, you can implement aeroponics technology, which will help make your green onion business even more effective in winter. The essence of this method is as follows: it helps to reduce the ripening period of this greenery from 21 days by almost half, but it also requires financial investments. So the cost of launching this technology ranges from $15 to $65 per 1 sq.m. in the greenhouse. The payback of this approach is on average about 3 years, but it is more profitable for large greenhouse farms, and for small-scale production its use will not be rational. If, for example, in hydroponics water is used as a substrate, then in aeroponics the plants are fixed on special stands (the roots are in the air), and their roots are regularly treated with an aerosol saturated with useful substances necessary for specific greens. This is a technology without soil, and its approach eliminates all soil-related onion diseases and accelerates the ripening of the crop.

As you can see, it is quite possible to start growing green onions in winter, but at the same time you need to correctly calculate costs and profits so as not to work at zero or in the minus.

In the open ground

The second option is the most widespread, as it does not require huge investments. Total costs for an area of ​​100 sq.m. will be about $1000 - $1500. This is for the purchase of seeds, fertilizers and provision of an irrigation system.

In the fall, in the area that you plan to plant with onions, you will need to apply organic fertilizers in the form of manure, and in early spring you will need to add other fertilizers and feeds.

The planting technology is as follows: the greens are planted at a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm from each other in the bed, and the distance between the rows is usually about 5 - 7 cm. Before planting the seeds, they are usually soaked in water. After the onions rise, you will need to weed, removing weeds, and break through the green bushes themselves, leaving the strongest feathers. Crop losses when grown in open ground range from 20% to 30%; they are mainly associated with diseases and pests, as well as drought. Watering must be provided on an ongoing basis, and surface loosening of the soil must also be carried out. For the bow ideal temperature for growth is 20 – 25 degrees. It is advisable to warm the water for irrigation in the sun to 18 - 20 degrees.

At home

This is the most not suitable look earnings, since volumes in this format are very limited. Many businessmen grow onions not only on window sills in trays, but also use space for this in the basement, garage or apartment, for example in storage rooms, but in such cases it is necessary to provide appropriate temperature regime, and constant lighting and watering. You won’t earn a lot of money growing green onions at home, but it’s quite possible to start such a business as an additional income, especially if you yourself can sell the products at a retail price on the market or to friends. Rather, this method is more suitable for producing greens for oneself rather than for sale.

In the sawdust

The technology for growing onions on sawdust is as follows. Take boxes, either plastic or wooden, the bottom of which is covered with a backing, this can be an ordinary film. Next, a 3–4 cm layer of sawdust is laid out on it and moistened generously with warm water.

For 2 - 5 days, the box with onions on sawdust should be kept in a cool room, if it is an apartment or a house, then you can put it on the floor, this is done so that the plant’s horse system is formed.

In a bottle

The technology of growing onions in a bottle is based precisely on saving space for planting. Typically, a 5-liter bottle is used for this, in which round holes are cut for the bulbs. Next, gradually filling in the substrate for seedlings, which can be bought at any agricultural store, we soak the soil and gradually insert the bulbs to the top of the bottle into all the holes. We place the bulbs close to each other on top of the cut bottle. Don't forget to water the soil. This method has a good aesthetic appearance, and may well be suitable for an apartment or private house in winter.

In a package without soil

This method is related to the sawdust fudge method, but has its own characteristics. So, the bag should be tight; food bags and whole ones are perfect. A small amount of sawdust or toilet paper and moisten generously. Next, take the onion, cut it off from the top and plant it on sawdust close to each other. After which the bag is inflated and tied with an elastic band or cord. It is placed in a dark, cool space for several days, during which time it begins to form. root system, and then exposed to sunlight, as an option on a windowsill.

We have analyzed various methods and technologies for growing green onions for sale; it is up to you to decide which one to use for your business.

Profitability and sales markets

When drawing up a business plan, you will need to primarily focus on sales markets - this is the most important point in this business. So, retail sales are good, but if you work with large volumes, then you cannot do without finding wholesale buyers. Therefore, you need to look for clients among the owners of grocery stores and shops, or buyers of greens. Onions are a quickly perishable product, so the issue of its sale must be resolved in advance. If we talk about profitability, then summer time it ranges from 50% to 80%, and in winter due to high heating costs it does not exceed 30%.

On an area of ​​about 70 sq.m. can grow about 400 kg onion feather, with the cost of 1 kg of products from $0.5 to $3, depending on the season and technology.

The highest price for green onions is from April to June. Then it goes down. Wholesale prices for onions in the summer are about $0.8 - $1, and in winter the price rises to $1.6 - $2 per 1 kg.

On average, small entrepreneurs sell about 1,500 kg of onions per month.

In the future, the assortment can be expanded with other herbs: dill, parsley, lettuce, etc.

Conclusions. Growing green onions as a business is a very profitable activity; by mastering the technology and finding wholesale buyers, you can make a good profit.

In this material:

Growing green onions as a business is a great idea for budding entrepreneurs. To produce onions on an industrial scale, you need a year-round heated greenhouse, high-quality planting material and sales skills. It is important not only to grow a high-quality product, but also to sell it on time with a good profit.

Onion business: advantages and disadvantages

Fresh herbs are in high demand among consumers. That is why the idea of ​​​​producing green onions for sale can be quite successful. Among its advantages:

  • low cost of planting material;
  • the onion on the feather grows quickly;
  • You can get several harvests per year;
  • sale in markets, through retail stores, wholesale centers, catering establishments is possible;
  • onions are grown in greenhouses, hotbeds or open ground;
  • minimum fertilizer required.

The business also has disadvantages that need to be taken into account before starting:

  • a perishable product quickly withers after cutting;
  • in the warm season there is great competition from amateur gardeners;
  • the cost depends on the season; in winter it increases due to high costs for heating greenhouses;
  • To work with retail, registration as a legal entity and obtaining product certificates is required.

Greenhouse for onions: what should it be like?

In the warm season, greens can be grown in open ground. But uninterrupted production of green onions requires a more serious approach. We will have to think about building greenhouses that will allow year-round cultivation.

For industrial production For greenery, a spacious and durable polycarbonate greenhouse is preferable. It is not cheap, but is guaranteed to last for several years without requiring seasonal updating and repairs. It is possible to use pitched or arc structures; small wall-mounted greenhouses are also convenient, making it possible to save on heating costs.

Cellular polycarbonate is very practical, but it can be replaced with tempered industrial glass or thick polyethylene film. Strong welded metal frames with an anti-corrosion coating are suitable as the basis for greenhouses. For industrial cultivation use spacious greenhouses measuring up to 100 square meters. m. For testing, you can build a small greenhouse by combining it with open beds.

You can heat the greenhouse electric boilers, potbelly stoves, air heaters and even fires. Good result It also produces biofuel: a rotted mixture of straw and manure (cow, pig, horse). The mixture is collected in heaps, covered with an opaque film and left for several days. Then it is laid out on ridges and covered with a layer of soil. Rotted manure maintains a stable temperature in the greenhouse and additionally nourishes the soil.

Onions are planted in the ground or placed on racks. The latter option is preferable; it saves space and significantly increases productivity. The greenhouse must be equipped with a system drip irrigation and strengthen fluorescent lamps for lighting. The lamps are mounted along the tiers so that the light penetrates into all corners of the plantation.

In industrial greenhouses it is possible to grow onions hydroponic or aeroponic using water nutrient solutions. Productivity increases significantly, the bow does not lose its taste properties. However, the method has a significant disadvantage - high cost.

Preparation for the process

Onions are very picky about soil nutrition. For cultivation, a substrate is prepared from a mixture of garden or turf soil with humus and peat. The addition of superphosphate and potassium chloride will help enrich the soil. The soil is thoroughly loosened. The nutrient substrate in greenhouses is replaced annually; with continuous cultivation, it should be updated every 6 months.

For planting, high-quality seed material is selected, designed specifically for forcing green feathers. This onion does not form a turnip, but is characterized by high productivity and rapid growth. It is better to purchase planting material from specialized nurseries; this guarantees quality and minimizes the percentage of defects. Later, you can allocate a separate area in the greenhouse for growing seedlings, this will help significantly reduce costs.

To ensure a smooth process, the bulbs are planted in batches. The development cycle lasts 21 days, after which the feather can be cut off. After harvesting, the soil is dug up, a dose of humus or compost and a small amount of superphosphate are added to it. During bulb growth, it is recommended to fertilize ammonium nitrate, accelerating feather growth.

During growth, onions need abundant watering with warm, settled water. Green feathers can be affected by pests. Industrial insecticides will help get rid of spider mites or thrips. Plantings are processed 2-3 times at intervals of several days. It is not advisable to spray plants immediately before cutting.

It is advisable to harvest in the morning. The feather is cut off with a sharp knife, then the crop is sorted and tied into neat bunches. The more impressive the presentation of green onions, the easier it will be to sell it.

Sales of products

The most important point is selling the product. Green onions are perishable products; the time from cutting to sale should be reduced to a minimum. Before sale, the bundles should be stored in a cool place.

Onions can be sold through retail chains or catering establishments.

Contracts are concluded in advance. Well-organized marketing and a flexible pricing policy will help expand your sales area. In the summer, the markup on goods will have to be reduced, but in winter it increases significantly.

Product labeling can improve sales. Bundles tied with branded ribbons with a printed logo will make the product recognizable and set it apart from the line of competitors. Connecting online trading, as well as renting your own stalls in markets, will help increase sales. Expanding the range of products will increase profits. In addition to onions, you can grow lettuce, young cabbage, spices and other crops with similar agrotechnical requirements.

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Growing green onions - right choice varieties and places, 3 tips from experts, pitfalls and profitability of this business.

Capital investments: 30,000 - 100,000 rubles.
Payback period: 6-12 months.

Green onions are the most popular type of green in our country.

Everyone knows that it is rich in vitamins, and in addition has good taste.

In some families it is grown at home on the windowsill.

But most prefer to purchase in supermarkets.

Moreover, it makes it possible to purchase goods even in winter at an affordable price.

It can be grown not only for own needs, but also turn it into a business.

This approach is completely justified.

After all, with all the features, a business requires a minimal investment of capital, which also quickly pays off.

Growing onions is a simple process that requires no special preparation and a long ripening period.

Demand for greens continues all year round, but in winter for the same volumes it will be possible to earn 3-4 times more.

Let's look at what you need to know to grow onions in a greenhouse.

Choosing a variety for growing onions in a greenhouse

Growing onions in a greenhouse can serve two purposes - collecting onions or feathers.

Each option has its own characteristics, based on which the type of planting material is selected.

Let's look at the main varieties of onions for growing for sale:

    Multi-tiered bow.

    The most common option, as it is absolutely unpretentious.

    From 1 kg of seeded bulbs in a month you can get 2 kg of greens.

    In this case, it is enough to provide low lighting and room temperature.


    It is not customary to grow this variety in winter.

    Usually they begin to plant it in the spring, in order to then move the seedlings into open ground.


    A more profitable variety for growing greens, as it produces good feathers, while having a low cost of planting bulbs.

    Slime bow.

    Like other types of onions, this variety is unpretentious to the conditions.

    It differs in the structure of the leaves (they have rounded tips), as well as a slight “taste” of garlic in the smell.

    In recent years it has become increasingly widespread.

    It is also chosen for its high frost resistance and the fact that it is an early ripening variety.

How to choose a place to grow onions?

If onions are grown for sale, they are planted on an industrial scale throughout the year.

In summer, they use open ground planting, because green onions are unpretentious and grow in almost any conditions.

With cold weather, the process is transferred to, where artificial additional lighting and heating are installed.

A greenhouse can be built on your own plot, which requires a financial investment.

Or he will grow other products in greenhouses.

Otherwise, greenhouse areas should be rented.

This will not be so financially or labor intensive.

Also, the area for sowing is rented in the summer, if there is no own plot of fertile land.

Growing onions at home cannot become a source of income.

For full-fledged activities, you will need at least 25-30 acres of territory.

Market for green onions from the greenhouse

Finding sales outlets is the main problem of growing green onions in a greenhouse.

This issue must be resolved before planting the material.

After all, greens have a short lifespan and need to be sold immediately after harvesting.

Marketing routes for green onions:

    Retail sales on the market.

    Suitable for selling small quantities, for example, if you grow several types of herbs and vegetables in a greenhouse.

    Through the Internet.

    Typically, individuals purchase greens in small quantities due to their short shelf life.

    But for drying, home canning or other purposes, customers can look for direct suppliers.

    This way they receive guarantees of maximum quality and freshness of the goods.

    You can find buyers via the Internet: create a website, post ads on boards, communicate on specialized forums.

    Shops and supermarkets.

    The main channel for wholesale distribution of products.

    It is important that there is registration and certificates for the goods.

    Otherwise, green onions will be sold only to small retail outlets.

    Cafes and restaurants.

    They also order greens from suppliers regularly and in large quantities.

What is special about growing green onions for sale?

Growing green onions in a greenhouse has some subtleties that can only be learned through practice.

Or from those who have already been involved in such a business.

Three main tips from experts:

    Disease prevention.

    If you have not yet dealt with growing greens, then you have no idea how destructive diseases can be!

    Almost instantly, the source of infection spreads to the plants, destroying and disfiguring them.

    Overlooked preventive measures, you can lose your entire harvest of green onions in 1-2 days.

    Commercial condition.

    Each onion variety has its own ripening phase.

    You need to keep this in mind when planting your planting bulbs and creating a calendar plan.

    While you wait for full ripening, some of the goods may deteriorate and lose their condition.

    At the same time, in the absence of helpers, it is difficult to harvest on your own.

    Therefore, even when planting planting material of the same variety, take breaks between sections of 5-7 days.

    This way, the green onions will “ripen” gradually, and you will always have goods for sale in the required condition.

    Preparation for sale.

    It is important to offer customers not only fresh, healthy, but also beautiful green onions.

    This fact is not the main requirement.

    And yet, the goods for sale must be cleaned of dirt, bulbs, tied into bundles and neatly packaged.

    At this stage, the question of the need to hire assistants is once again raised.

    This can be avoided by involving family members in the work.

Onion growing business calendar plan

Calendar plan necessary to track business development.

It is important to understand whether all stages occur on time.

And most importantly, when will you get your first profit from growing onions?

Event1 month2 months3 months
Renting or building a greenhouse
Purchase and installation of equipment
Planting purchased material
Sales of goods

How much should you invest in growing green onions in a greenhouse?

Financial calculations are necessary even if an entrepreneur starts growing onions with small batches.

Let's consider expense items provided that you have your own plot of land and a water supply.

Monthly expenses consist only of replenishing supplies of planting material, paying for utilities and transporting products.

However, if you want to hire a business assistant, another expense item will appear - staff salaries.

What should budding entrepreneurs pay attention to?

when growing green onions, you will learn from the video:

Profitability of growing green onions in a greenhouse

The level of profitability of growing green onions will directly depend on the season.

If the figure is 50% in summer, maintaining a greenhouse in winter will reduce the rate to 30%.

This is due to the appearance of additional costs for lighting and heating.

However, it happens that profitability increases to 250-300%! It is difficult to predict this scenario, so you shouldn’t rely too much on this indicator.

Starting with a small greenhouse area, you can receive about 20,000 rubles in profit per month.

Cultivation on an industrial scale will bring from 150,000 rubles.

To do this, it is necessary to sell at least 3 tons of onions.

The highest prices occur from April to June.

At this time, the price rises 1.5-2 times.

There is also a jump observed before the holidays.

It is better to start in this business in August-September.

To begin with, it’s worth planting a small batch and trying to sell it.

If everything goes well, you can recoup your investment within a season.

To growing green onions in a greenhouse brought profit, it is important to assess demand and sales volume.

Also be aware of the potential risks.

Although this crop is absolutely unpretentious, a sharp drop in prices or poor quality of seeds can lead to losses.

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