Physalis strawberry: plant photo, cultivation and care. Physalis: growing according to all the rules

Physalis is the largest genus of the nightshade family. It can be decorative and edible, and there are two edible types: vegetable physalis and strawberry (or berry). This herbaceous plant grown similarly to tomatoes, but much easier to care for and more unpretentious.

The advantages of growing physalis seedlings yourself

You can buy physalis seedlings or grow them yourself. When growing yourself, you are absolutely independent: you can choose among many varieties of seeds and regulate the number of plants. The time of sowing and planting in the ground depends only on you and the weather.

The leaves of physalis are similar to peppers and eggplants, it is not afraid of transplantation, like a tomato, the fruits are hidden in covers that protect against diseases

Physalis, like any cultivated plant, divided according to ripening periods into:

  • early - 90–98 days from germination to the start of harvest;
  • mid-season - 100–120 days;
  • late - 150 days.

Plants are afraid of spring frosts, but unlike tomatoes they are resistant to late blight and rot. The harvest can be harvested until the coldest weather.

Seeds are often sown directly into the ground, under temporary film covers. But if you sow in advance, in seedling boxes, you will reap more harvest. Physalis sprouts quickly and caring for the plant is very simple.

Strawberry, also known as raisin, and physalis are especially valued. It produces small fruits with a strawberry smell and sweet taste. The berries in the cases are stored all winter, dry out and are very reminiscent of raisins. The variety is suitable for making candied fruits and jam. In the USA, 1 kg of strawberry physalis berries is expensive - about 20 dollars - and is considered exotic.

Sowing time

Physalis seedlings are planted on permanent place at the age of 30–40 days. To clarify the sowing date, count this time and add a week for seedlings from the moment when return frosts no longer occur in your region. Typically, early-ripening varieties are sown in mid-April, mid- and late-ripening varieties - in early April.

The most delicious varieties of physalis: Pineapple, Strawberry, Confectioner, Plum jam

Some companies allow re-grading of seeds, so often instead of strawberry or pineapple physalis, an ordinary vegetable grows, which tastes rather unpleasant in its raw form. If this happens to you, don’t be disappointed, remember the company and next time buy the seeds you need from another manufacturer. It’s better to immediately take the same variety, but from different agricultural companies.

Landing dates

Some gardeners sow physalis as early as March and even February. This plant is characterized by rapid development, and the stems of young shoots are thinner and more tender than those of tomatoes. In addition, as they grow, they branch. At early sowing The seedlings, firstly, will stretch out greatly, and secondly, they will get tangled and may break during transportation and transplantation into the ground. By sowing physalis in February-March, you will get a dubious result with a lot of labor:

  1. You will have to dive twice - in March and April. Moreover, in April you will need liter pots, which will take up a lot of space both on the windowsill and during transportation to the site.
  2. In February-March there is still little sunlight and the heating is turned on. The seedlings will stretch out and lie down. Need lighting and coolness.

Physalis seedlings sown in February are stretched by the time they are planted on the site

What has been grown since February will have to be buried in the ground to the very top. Seedlings obtained by sowing in April will have the same 3–5 leaves on the surface. At the end of winter and beginning of spring, it is better to start growing eggplants, peppers and other crops that grow slowly and produce few fruits per day. growing season. Physalis, once in open ground, grows a powerful, highly branched bush, all hung with lantern berries. If you need good harvest at minimal cost, it is better to sow more bushes, but later.

How to sow physalis

Gardeners practice several sowing options:

  • Immediately into separate pots 5–6 cm in diameter - 2–3 seeds in each in case of poor germination.
  • In a common seedling box followed by picking.
  • Into the snail.
  • In peat tablets, 2-3 seeds each. Excess shoots are removed, the remaining ones are transplanted into a pot with a lump.

For all sowing options, seeds should not be buried more than 1 cm.

Physalis is more demanding of sunlight than tomato, but its seedlings can also be buried up to the cotyledon leaves. If you do not have a well-lit window, then it is better to pick the seedlings. This way you will slow down the rapid growth and, by hiding the elongated stems in the ground, give the physalis a neat appearance. By the time of planting, the seedlings will be stronger, with powerful roots.

Buy soil for sowing at the store. Suitable with the label “for tomatoes, peppers and eggplants”. But almost all ready-made soil mixtures contain mineral fertilizers. If you are against chemistry, use soil from your site, but it needs to be made loose and nutritious. Add peat and humus to the soil (in a ratio of 1:1:1), as well as a leavening agent, such as straw cuttings or perlite for plants (0.5:1).

It is not necessary to soak physalis seeds. They germinate quickly - in a maximum of 7–9 days. The crop is disease-resistant, so treating with fungicides is also not worth it. Sow in moist soil. Cover with glass or plastic. Optimal temperature for germination: + 20…+25⁰C.

Sowing seeds into a snail: step-by-step instructions

Sowing in a snail using the example of peppers - video

How to grow physalis seedlings

As soon as the first sprouts begin to appear, move the boxes to a bright windowsill with a temperature of +18...+20⁰C. To prevent the seedlings from stretching and growing one-sided, turn them every day with the other side facing the glass.

The seedlings still have very small roots, which are located almost on the surface of the soil. Therefore, at the beginning of growing, you need to water often and little by little, so that the soil is always moist, but not flooded. Give water from a watering can that stands next to the seedlings, that is, standing water and at the same temperature. To prevent the soil from being washed away, pour in a thin stream along the walls of the container or from a spoon under the root.

Seedlings in a snail are cared for in the same way as if they were growing in an ordinary container.

When the seedlings have their first true leaves, start picking or replanting. The technology depends on the sowing method. For example, seedlings from ordinary pots in which you sowed 2-3 seeds can be planted one at a time or the extra ones can be pinched off. There will be enough space for the rest. If it stretches out, transplant it deeper into the same pot or add soil. It is necessary to replant into a larger container if the physalis has outgrown the container.

Picking seedlings from a common container into separate pots

Before replanting, fill the pots with soil without compacting it, then proceed step by step:

  1. Dig out sprouts with roots from a common container. You just need to unfold the snail, after first removing the fixing rubber bands.
  2. Make a hole in each pot according to the size of the root and the height of the stem to which you want to deepen it.
  3. The root can be pinched by a third, and the stem that is too elongated can be twisted into a spiral.
  4. Plant, lightly compact the soil, add more if necessary.
  5. Water the transplanted plant and sprinkle loose soil on top.

Physalis is dug out from a common container and planted one at a time in pots.

Picking in diapers

This method is good when you have too many seedlings. You can save on potties, and it takes up less space in diapers.

  1. Place a bag on the table.
  2. Pour 2 tablespoons of soil closer to one edge and moisten with a sprayer.
  3. Place the plant with its roots on the ground.
  4. Sprinkle 1-2 tablespoons of soil on top of the root and moisten it again.
  5. Rake the soil scattered on the sides towards the root to form a roller. Fold up the bottom edge and roll the bag into a roll, like a diaper. You will get something similar to a glass.
  6. Use a needle to make several drainage holes at the bottom.
  7. Repeat with all plants and place the physalis in diapers in a container of a suitable size.

Each sprout needs to be planted in a diaper from a regular cellophane bag

Replanting physalis from peat tablets

Peat tablets are intended for plants that do not tolerate changing locations. Physalis is not one of them, but this method of sowing simplifies transplanting into pots:

  1. Remove the mesh from the tablet. There is a seam on it, pull the fabric in different directions in this place.
  2. Place some soil at the bottom of the pot.
  3. Place the physalis together with the tablet (a lump of peat) in a pot, cover it with soil and tamp it down a little.
  4. Water and sprinkle with loose soil.

Before planting in a pot, remove the mesh from the tablet; it prevents the growth of small and tender roots

Caring for seedlings after picking and before planting in the ground

After picking, place the seedlings for a day in the shade, for example, on the floor or on a western windowsill. Then move it again to a sunny place. The appearance of young leaves will indicate that the physalis has taken root and is growing again. Now the roots are already able to get moisture from the depths of the pot, so you no longer need to worry about constant soil moisture. A signal for watering can be the condition lower leaves: if there is not enough moisture, they lose their elasticity and sag. You will have to water only 1-2 times a week with water at room temperature, soaking the entire lump of earth, that is, until the liquid begins to come out through the drainage holes.

Physalis seedlings grow on a windowsill for only 30–40 days. In such a short period, and even if you were digging into a larger volume of soil, fertilizing is not needed. The exception is when the seedlings are grown for a longer period or the physalis grows slowly and does not produce new leaves for a long time. Then a week after the picking, feed him any complex fertilizer- for example, Fertikoy Lux (1 tbsp per 10 liters of water).

If physalis seedlings have outgrown the pots, you need to urgently transplant them into a larger container or to a permanent place

A week before planting, begin to harden the physalis, that is, accustom the plants to being outside, in direct sunlight. For the first time, place the seedlings for 2 hours in a shady corner of the balcony or garden. In subsequent days, take it out into the sun and gradually increase the time. Naturally, the weather should be warm - above +15⁰C and not rainy. For working gardeners, hardening should be timed to coincide with weekends or May holidays.

The day before planting in a permanent place, water the seedlings. If there is still a threat of frost, prepare a temporary shelter from arcs and film on the site. It is better to choose evening hours for landing.

Growing physalis from sowing to harvesting in 5 minutes - video

Features of growing physalis in Siberia

Physalis has been successfully grown in Siberia for a long time. This is not surprising, since the region occupies most of Russia, borders Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China in the south and extends to the Arctic Ocean. But almost everywhere the harsh continental climate prevails. The last spring frosts here occur even in the first ten days of June, and autumn frosts already at the end of August. Therefore, if there is no greenhouse or space in it for physalis, choose early ripening varieties. Sow seedlings in April, but in mid-late May, plant them not in open ground, but under temporary shelter. You can build it by installing arcs over the bed and covering them with agrofibre or film. After June 10, the structure can be dismantled and reinstalled at the end of August.

Simple greenhouses help Siberians grow heat-loving crops

If there is no desire or opportunity to build a greenhouse, close the seedlings at night and open them during the day, keep them on a windowsill, glassed-in balcony or in a greenhouse until the frosts stop. That is, physalis will stay in pots 1–2 weeks longer - about 50–60 days. During this period, you can make two picks. The second one is needed if the seedlings have outgrown the pots, and there are still at least 14 days before planting. With longer cultivation, additional feeding will be required: the first - a week after picking, the next at an interval of 10 days, but no later than a week before planting in the ground.

Even a beginner can grow physalis seedlings. The main thing is to choose the right seeds and sow them at the right time. The culture tolerates picking well; you can pinch the root and bury the stem. When grown on a windowsill for 30–40 days, no feeding is needed.

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Physalis has recently become an invited guest in summer cottages, because it stands out among other nightshades, firstly, by the surprisingly bewitching appearance of its like paper lanterns (decorative form), secondly, by its food qualities (especially vegetable and berry form, for example, strawberry physalis), thirdly, by its medicinal properties. In addition, its maintenance requirements are minimal, and it itself is not a target for diseases and pests. Therefore, try growing emerald berry or bladder cherry (its popular names) in your summer cottage. And if you want to receive satisfaction from the quantity and quality of physalis plantings or simply to keep your seedlings healthy, listen to our advice and recommendations for its correct landing!

Features of growing physalis seedlings

If you are puzzled by the problem of growing physalis seedlings, then first of all decide how you will grow them: from seeds yourself or just buy ready-made seedlings in a specialized store.

The most popular and beloved varieties of berries and vegetable physalis:

  • Strawberry;
  • Confectioner;
  • Plum jam;
  • Pineapple.

The reason for growing physalis yourself is that you yourself will be able to evaluate the “profitability” of a particular variety, and decide for yourself exactly how many pieces you will pull on your summer cottage. Also, in principle, it is you who will have to set the dates for sowing and planting in open ground. Still, do not forget that not only the sun affects plants, but also the moon. Therefore, if you want to protect your plantings from unnecessary stress, use the lunar calendar.

Like any garden culture, physalis has differences in terms of technical ripening depending on the variety (from germination to full ripening):

  • early - 90-110;
  • mid-season - 110-130;
  • late - up to 150-160 days.

Video: edible and decorative physalis

When and how to plant physalis seedlings

As you might guess, spring frosts are far from the best for the plant. Yes, and physalis seedlings still need more heat and light than most of the climatic zones of Russia can provide, especially at the dawn of life. That is why physalis is grown precisely through seedlings.

Optimal time sowing seeds for seedlings in Middle lane(Moscow region) is the second half of March until mid-April. In this case, you have time to plant 40-50 day old seedlings in open ground in May.

To more accurately know the date of sowing of physalis, it is recommended to count this period and add 7-9 days for seedlings from the time when the frosts finally go away in your region. This will affect early-ripening varieties in the second half of April, mid- and late-ripening varieties - in late March - early April.

More early dates planting physalis already at the beginning of March and even at the end of February is not encouraged, since the plant is characterized by rapid growth rates, and young seedlings are too fragile and brittle. On top of that, they are intertwined. So, if you dream of an impressive harvest, but with a minimum expenditure of effort and money, then it is better to plant more bushes, but a little later.

According to the Lunar calendar for 2019, favorable days for sowing physalis for seedlings are:

  • in February - 6-8, 11-13, 15-18, 23-26;
  • in March - 8-12, 15-19, 23-26;
  • in April - 1-4, 6-9, 11-13, 15-17, 20, 21, 24-26;
  • in May -3, 4, 8-14, 17-18, 21-23, 26-28, 31;
  • in June - 5, 6, 13-15.

The gardener does not always have the opportunity to sow within the specified time frame, but there are also unfavorable days , in which it is strictly forbidden to carry out sowing physalis for seedlings, and these periods must also be taken into account:

  • in February - 4, 5, 19;
  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17.

According to lunar calendar, from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

Video: timing and sowing of physalis with sprouted seeds for seedlings

Container and soil for sowing physalis

Currently, several sowing options are relevant, and in this situation it is better to focus on the size of the container for planting: in small individual ones - you don’t need to plant a lot, 2-3 seeds are enough. This concerns peat tablets, "snails", pots for seedlings, plastic cups, packages of yoghurt, sour cream, etc. But in massive wooden or plastic boxes it is worth using a lot more seeds. True, then they will need to be picked.

For sowing, of course, it is much easier to use ready-made soil, for example, for eggplants and peppers or tomatoes. And sometimes it’s not a sin to find time and make the soil mixture yourself. To do this, mix following components:

  • 4/9 peat;
  • 2/9 humus (rotted compost is allowed);
  • 2/9 garden or turf land;
  • 1/9 washed river sand.

Now you need to sift the resulting mixture, and in order to reduce the possibility of fungal diseases and the number of weeds, you need to steam it for 60 minutes.

Preparing and treating seeds before planting

Before sowing physalis seeds, it is reasonable to focus on treating them against diseases and pests. To do this, it makes sense to use a deep pink solution of potassium permanganate (exposure time - 20 minutes) or a fungicide solution, let’s say “Maxim”, “Vitaros”, which are loved by summer residents. You will have no reason to worry if you soak the physalis embryos all night in the Epin solution (1-2 drops in half a glass of water), and then dry them.

Planting seeds for seedlings

The best sowing option is to evenly distribute physalis seedlings over the surface of the soil using a piece of paper, slowly dropping the seeds from its corner. Then pour 1 cm of the same soil substrate on top, and then compact it slightly so that the soil does not wash away and the seedlings do not end up on the surface when watered.

Now you can remove the physalis seedlings to a bright and warm (not lower than +16°C) place. It is incredibly important that the soil does not dry out, but the crops should be watered very carefully, along the edges of the planting container, in small portions.

Important! If it happens that the soil is very dry, do not flood the seedlings. It’s smarter not to suddenly add a lot of water at once, but little by little at intervals of 2-3 hours.

It is in your best interest to cover the crops with glass or plastic film to better retain moisture and place them again in a bright place. After about a week, physalis sprouts. Then the shelter can be removed.

Caring for physalis after sowing seedlings

It is equally important to periodically turn the seedlings towards the sun for more uniform growth.


Physalis seedlings are picked in the phase of 2-3 true leaves.

It is better and easier to take the same soil mixture as when sowing seedlings, but with half the share of sand. To optimize the process, simply pour 2 tbsp per 10 liters of soil. l complete nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium mineral fertilizer (such as nitroammophosphate).

Then holes are made of such a size that the seedlings can be buried down to the cotyledon leaves.

Excessively long roots should be slightly trimmed and shortened. Don't be afraid, this procedure only stimulates the formation of even stronger roots that are capable of drawing moisture from the depths of the pot.

If it turns out that the soil has become too dry after watering, then add more soil to the physalis seedlings so that it does not reach the edge of the planting container by 2-3 cm.

At the end of the picking, the seedlings are placed on the floor or on a western window for 24 hours, in other words, in the shade. After time has passed, it is again transferred to a warm and bright southern window.

Video: picking physalis seedlings

Care after picking

As for caring for physalis seedlings, due to climate warming, it happens that the air temperature rises sharply, and the merciless sun actually burns defenseless plants. In such cases, it is recommended to use thick paper such as parchment, reflective paper or even newspaper (better than nothing). Some avid summer residents curtain their windows with tulle. Be that as it may, the curtains on the windows clearly do not absorb bright sunlight enough. In addition, you have to monitor the free exchange of air between the plant and the window, otherwise the situation becomes fraught with an even greater increase in degrees. It is much more effective, and also more aesthetically pleasing, to use fabric roller blinds (a type of blinds) or aluminum blinds. In the case of the latter, only diffuse light reflected from the blinds themselves will reach the seedlings.

As a last resort, you can move containers with seedlings to the back of the rooms. It’s better to let them stand in the dark and let their leaves rise up, than for them to overheat and get burned.

Considering that in hot weather the soil often becomes waterlogged, and as a result blackleg may develop, it is recommended to water the plants with Previkur at intervals of 7 days. If the measure seems insufficient, they resort to help. In addition, in order to reduce the stress level of seedlings, it is not for nothing that gardeners and practitioners use the Epin solution to spray physalis with a spray bottle.

Evidence that everything is fine with physalis will be the blooming of young leaves. The reason for watering The condition of the lower leaves may become, which, due to a lack of fluid, lose turgor (elasticity). It is necessary to water 1-2 times a week slightly warm water+20-22 C and quite abundantly. The growth time of physalis seedlings is 1 month and, as a rule, fertilizing is not needed for strong growth. But if physalis takes root slowly enough, then 8-10 days after picking, fertilize it with any complex fertilizer, such as Fertika Lux (1 tbsp per 10 liters of water).

Video: growing physalis seedlings - planting and care

Planting physalis seedlingsto the garden bedin open ground: timing and agricultural technology of care

It has been proven over the years that physalis seedlings need good harden. To do this, it is periodically taken out onto the balcony or loggia, constantly increasing the time (no more than a day). As soon as the time of frost has passed, physalis can be transferred to open ground. The soil is valued if it is not acidic (to deacidify it, liming is carried out in advance), dug up to 25-28 cm and fertilized (100 g of nitroammophoska per 2 meters of beds). For all its undemandingness to soil, physalis will not be indifferent to adding a couple of handfuls of good humus to the planting hole.

It's no good if predecessors physalis were tomatoes, peppers, eggplant or potatoes. They have exactly the same diseases and insect enemies.

As for the ideal place for planting, physalis cannot tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil and, in contrast, prefers garden areas that are flooded with sun from morning to evening. Moreover, it does not tolerate weeds, which must be tirelessly removed.

Step-by-step instruction for planting physalis seedlings in open ground:

Video: planting vegetable physalis seedlings in the ground

How to care for physalis in a garden bed in open ground

Thinking about proper care For physalis, summer residents recommend tying up a plant, for example, a Mexican variety with shoots 1.5 m long.

Also, don't consider it additional fuss: loosen and hill up soil after watering the plant.

It is unlikely that you will be surprised by the need for physalis every 14 days. feeding An informed decision - do it first organic fertilizer mullein infusion, and then mineral fertilizer dissolved in water.

Moreover, the meaning is quite clear pinches Physalis closer to autumn: limit the growth of deciduous mass and speed up the process of fruit ripening.

When to harvest physalis and how to store it

From the point of view of enthusiastic summer residents, visual signs of fruit readiness are their dried orange-red lantern boxes and a specific berry and vegetable aroma.

One way or another, it is recommended to collect physalis slightly unripe and directly with the branches of the bush (this way it ripens better). Then, without delay, remove the lantern covers and let the fruits dry. Otherwise, the safety of juicy fruits is not guaranteed.

As a rule, physalis ripens by the end of August. Fruit ripening occurs gradually, starting from the bottom of the bush. It is best to collect physalis in clear and sunny weather. First, all of them fell and were fully ripe, and then - still unripe green ones. The collected berries need to be dried well.

The ideal place to store physalis is a dry, well-ventilated and cool room. Containers - lattice boxes. The optimal storage temperature is 12-14 degrees, so the fruits can last for 1-2 months. Unripe berries can be preserved until spring. However, if you store physalis at room temperature, then the berries quickly deteriorate, wither and rot. During the entire storage period, physalis must be constantly inspected regularly, selecting ripe fruits and throwing away spoiled ones. Thus, if you want to store a vegetable wonder for a long time, then create it comfortable conditions content.

Video: cleaning and storing physalis

Specifics of growing and caring for physalis in the Urals and Siberia

Physalis is actually quite well known in Siberia and the Urals. Thanks to the sharply continental climate, it would seem impossible to grow such a heat-loving plant here, because spring frosts are sometimes in no hurry to go away until the first half of June, and autumn frosts keep gardeners in suspense until the end of August. Therefore, if you have not yet acquired a greenhouse or there is not enough space for a plant in it, then do not worry and focus on early ripening varieties. A proven way to grow physalis in Siberia and the Urals is to plant seeds for seedlings in April, and towards the end of May, take the sprouted shoots under a temporary “greenhouse” shelter, and not immediately into open ground. It doesn’t cost much to make: place arcs over the bed, and put agrofibre or film on them. In the second half of June, the structure can be dismantled and, if necessary, restored again at the end of August. Do not miss the point that it is advisable to close the seedlings at night and open them during the day.

In addition, so that your soul does not ache for the poor seedlings, you can leave them on the loggia or closed balcony or veranda until the frosts go away (about 50–60 days). During such a period one cannot do without 2 picks. The second one will be needed if the seedlings have already greatly outgrown the planting containers, and there will still be about 2 weeks before transplantation. Physalis seedlings grown in the Urals and Siberia also respond well to fertilizing: the first should be done 7 days after picking. Further, with an interval of 9-11 days, but the last one must be done 7 days before planting in open ground.

How can a beginning summer resident manage on his 6 acres without a plant like physalis? After all, in addition to the pleasure of contemplating the outlandish beauty of a rather rare guest, you get the opportunity to enjoy the specific aroma of its fruits and the special culinary qualities of dishes from it (not a glamorous delicacy from haute cuisine). Therefore, do not refuse and take the best of our recommendations in order to absolutely achieve excellent quality of seedlings, and then an impressive harvest. Even a novice gardener can grow physalis.

Video: everything about growing vegetable physalis - from sowing seeds for seedlings to harvesting

In contact with

Probably many people have physalis in their garden.
I have it and planted it again last year. Floral. His lanterns stay in our apartment all winter.
This year I came across vegetable physalis seeds.
And I bought it.
For jam and canning.
Photos of seeds on the right.
Well, are there any differences between growing vegetable physalis and flower and decorative plants?
And how to cook it?
I'll find out now :)


Physalis is a very ancient cultivated plant. It was cultivated another 7 thousand years BC. e. in North and South America. Our climatic conditions are also suitable for this vegetable, or rather, berry plant, but few gardeners know how to grow physalis, and therefore it is not widespread among us. But in vain! After all, he taste qualities, and especially in terms of the content of useful substances, it is in no way inferior to our beloved tomato.

Vegetable Physalis
The plant is cold-resistant, annual, grows quickly, is productive, has medicinal properties, and is unpretentious. The fruits can be pickled, cooked in winter salads, dried, and made into spicy seasonings based on them. Self-sows well. Not afraid of slight frosts. Well kept.

Strawberry physalis
More heat-loving than vegetable. The fruits are small, like berries and sweetish, and can be eaten fresh. Suitable for making jam, jam, marmalade. When dried, it looks like dried apricots.

The tasty, sweetish fruits contain up to 12.5% ​​sugars, up to 1% healthy fiber, about 2 g of proteins, 1.2 mg of carotene, and up to 30 mg of vitamin C. The content of organic polyacids and lysine, a powerful natural anti-cancer substance, is also high.


The soil for seedlings should be light and fertile. Dig up the soil in the garden two weeks before planting the seedlings with the addition of humus and ash. No need to add fresh manure!

Choose a bright, sunny place. Physalis does not like shade and lowlands! So are acidic soils. The best predecessors may be cabbage or cucumbers. In second place are any other crops. You cannot plant after eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, or physalis itself, as they suffer from the same diseases.

Although it must be said that physalis is almost not damaged by any pests or diseases.


Physalis is grown through seedlings.
Its seeds are small. They are sown in March, first in cassettes, later diving in the phase of 3-5 leaves into peat pots. In this way, ungerminated and weak plants are discarded, which often happens in crops with small seeds.
To prevent the seedlings from stretching, the room should not be too hot. Optimum temperature + 18-20°C. After picking, the seedlings are fed with complex fertilizer for vegetable plants.
He is growing quickly, age ready seedlings for planting in the ground 30 days.
Vegetable physalis can be planted before tomatoes for two weeks, here is another guideline for determining the date of planting in open ground. But it is better to plant strawberry physalis together with tomatoes; it loves warmth.
Fill the sowing bowl with the prepared soil mixture and compact it a little.
Cover the top with the same soil mixture with a layer of 1 cm and compact it again so that when watering the soil does not wash away and the physalis seeds do not float to the surface.
Water the crops carefully, starting from the edge of the bowl, in small portions, waiting until the next portion of water is completely absorbed.
To prevent moisture from evaporating too quickly, cover the crops or place the bowl in a clean plastic bag and place it in a bright place. At a temperature of +15...+20°C, physalis germinates in 7-8 days. After emergence of seedlings, the cover must be removed. Make sure that the soil in the bowl does not dry out.


The fruits are collected as they ripen, before the first frost. They may fall off, but this does not affect the quality - fallen fruits can also be collected from the ground. Those that have not had time to ripen must be collected before frost. They will ripen in a warm room. You can dig up the plants before the onset of cold weather and hang them by the roots in the barn so that the remaining fruits gradually ripen.

Physalis fruits are hidden in yellow-green or orange color. The surface of the fruit, especially young ones, is sticky and oily. The most delicious are those that ripen on the plant in the summer, in sunny weather. Late fruits are average in taste; it is better to make jam or pickle them.

Before use, physalis is freed from the dry case and washed with warm water to remove the sticky substance. If it is not washed off, the taste will be bitter. Fresh fruits are stored in a dry room at a temperature of +2-4 °C. without losing quality, 3-4 months, but they do not wash them before using them for food.

The aromatic fruits of strawberry physalis can be dried in the oven at a temperature of +40-50 °C. ventilate the oven periodically. They will not dry in the air - they will quickly deteriorate. The dried fruits resemble dried apricots. IN folk medicine Physalis fruits are used as a diuretic for kidney and bladder stones. Decoctions and infusions of fresh and dry fruits - for inflammation of the respiratory tract, stomach, and intestines.


Physalis jam


1. Physalis jam with ginger

For the recipe you will need:

Physalis - 1kg
granulated sugar - 1.2kg
ginger (fresh root) - 20g
water - 200g.
To prepare physalis jam with ginger you need:

Free the physalis from its cover. Pour boiling water over the fruits, wipe dry and prick with a fork. Wash the ginger, peel it, cut it into very thin slices, pour boiling water over it, boil for 1 minute and, adding granulated sugar in small portions, boil the syrup in this broth. Place the prepared physalis fruits into the syrup set aside from the heat, leave for 1 hour and then cook over low heat until the physalis becomes transparent. Pour hot jam into small jars and close.

2. Physalis pickled

For the recipe you will need:

Physalis - 500g
cloves - 2-3 buds
Bay leaf- taste
piece of hot pepper

For the marinade:

Water - 1 l
salt - 50g
granulated sugar - 50g
vinegar - 1 tsp.
To prepare marinated Physalis you need:

Peeled and washed physalis fruits are placed tightly in jars, cloves, hot pepper and bay leaves are added, marinade is poured over them and sterilized for 20 minutes.

3. Salad with physalis, avocado and ham in chicory boats

Fresh chicory
mayonnaise or yogurt (to taste)

We disassemble chicory into “boats”
Cut each physalis berry into 6 pieces
wash the avocado, peel and cut into small cubes
We also cut the ham into small cubes. salt, pepper, season the salad to taste with either mayonnaise or yogurt and place on the chicory
Place the “boats” on a plate and decorate with physalis


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When you first see a physalis in a photo, it’s hard to guess that a ripe fruit is hiding inside its bright, airy orange calyx. Its unusual structure served as fertile ground for the emergence of many poetic names for this plant - Chinese lantern, strawberry tomato, Peruvian gooseberry. Bright appearance They have both decorative and edible varieties. Therefore, do not be lazy to sow physalis - growing and caring for it will not only decorate your summer cottage, but will also allow you to surprise your family with an unusual culinary dish.

Features of the plant

Physalis is a herbaceous plant that can be grown both as an annual and as a perennial crop. These bright representatives of the nightshade family are used in ornamental gardening. The plants are quite tall, the stem length reaches about 60 cm. The light green leaves are oval in shape with a pointed end. The flowers have an inconspicuous appearance; the decorative effect is provided by bright airy boxes, similar to thin paper bubbles, in which the tight fruits of physalis ripen.

Decorative physalis

With the onset of cold weather after the leaves fall in the fall, physalis does not lose its attractive decorative appearance. The fruits, covered with a thin film of red and orange pericarp, continue to adhere to the stem. They are used not only in open ground, but also for interior decoration as winter dry bouquets.

Reference. Besides decorative species Planting edible varieties of physalis in country beds has become widespread. Their fruits are pickled, salted, canned, used in salads, and jam is made from them.

Varieties and types of physalis

Physalis is the most numerous genus of the Solanaceae family and is a close relative of the tomato, although at first glance you cannot tell this from the photo. The biggest species diversity This plant is present in countries in Central and South America.

Peruvian Physalis

Both garden and potted crops are known. In our area, three varieties of physalis are cultivated in open ground in thickets:

  • Ornamental physalis – also known as Franchet physalis. It is its orange-red pericarps that most resemble Chinese lanterns, which contain small fruits. Its landing is carried out as decorative element flower beds. It is undemanding under growing conditions and care, and withstands frost.
  • Vegetable physalis – stands out large fruits– about 50 g, fast growth and ability to produce rich harvests. Growing the crop does not differ in complex agrotechnical techniques in open ground. Various varieties have their own flavors. In particular, “Korolek” and “Moscow Early” have a sweeter taste, in contrast to the bitterness of their kind.
  • Berry physalis is also called strawberry physalis. Its fruits fully justify this name, since their weight rarely reaches 10 g, on average they are no more than 5 g. Strawberry fruit is less frost-resistant, the ripening period of the fruit is longer and the harvests from it are small. However, true gourmets are willing to endure such shortcomings for its excellent taste.

Preparing for landing

Those who are familiar with tomato agricultural technology will not have any particular difficulties growing a plant such as physalis - planting and care are very similar. But compared to tomatoes, physalis in open ground is less demanding on the illumination of the area chosen for its propagation.

Fruits of raisin physalis

Success largely depends on correct composition soil. For sowing take:

  • 2 parts peat;
  • 1 part compost;
  • 1 part garden soil;
  • 0.5 parts clean sand.

Important. Physalis does not respond well to high acidity of the soil. To reduce its level, add 2 tablespoons of ash for every 5 kg of soil mass.

Planting physalis

Physalis propagation is carried out through seedlings. It is planted in open ground after reaching the age of 45-50 days, when the threat of frost has passed. Therefore, the date for planting seeds in the spring based on this calculation is mid-April.

Physalis seedlings

Planting includes the process of disinfecting seeds and nutrient substrate. The soil is treated with steam or heated in the oven. Seeds in a gauze bag are dipped in a weak, barely pink solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. After such preparatory measures, you can begin sowing. For this:

  1. Fill containers with sifted soil and lightly compact the substrate.
  2. The seeds are pressed into the surface at an equal distance from each other.
  3. Soil no more than 1 cm thick is poured on top.
  4. The surface is compacted, after which the first watering is carried out.
  5. The crops are covered with transparent polyethylene or glass and left in a well-lit place.
  6. The room temperature is maintained at +15…+20°C.
  7. If the care was correct, seedlings will appear after a week. From this moment the cover is removed. Care measures include regular watering.

The next stage of propagation is picking seedlings. They start it when the first 2 true leaves appear. The amount of sand in the soil mixture is reduced by 2 times. In addition, fertilizer is added to the soil for picking - 1 tablespoon mineral supplements for every 5 kg of nutrient substrate.

Planting is done in separate cups. Make a hole in the ground deep enough to accommodate the roots of the seedlings. After planting, moderate watering is required. If the soil settles after this, add more soil mixture.

Caring for seedlings is simple:

  1. The cups are kept in a place well lit by sunlight.
  2. The air temperature is maintained at +15…+20°C.
  3. The soil is kept moist; the soil should not be allowed to dry out.
  4. Fertilizer for seedlings is applied once every two weeks.

Important. To prevent planting seedlings in open ground from resulting in the death of immature plants, it is necessary to harden off the tender shoots in the spring. For this purpose in good weather they are taken out into the fresh air for an hour and a half.

In the area allocated for physalis, no other nightshades should have grown in the last few years. If eggplants were previously cultivated here, your physalis will develop poorly.

During the digging process, fertilizer is applied - no more than 50 g of nitroammophoska per 1 square meter. Test the soil acidity. If it is elevated, a glass of wood ash will fix it.

Planting holes on the ridges are located no closer than 50 cm. The distance between the rows is about 70 cm. Seedlings from cups along with a lump of earth are placed in the hole. Planting depth – to the bottom leaf. The soil around the stem is carefully compacted. After planting, water and mulch the soil with peat.

Further care

Caring for young plantings involves weeding, loosening the soil and regular watering. Experienced gardeners They know that tomatoes need garter. Its closest relative, Physalis, does not require such a measure. As is the adoption of culture. On the contrary, the more the bush branches, the more bright fruits the plant will bear and will delight the eye in the fall.

Physalis is a very attractive plant that gardeners love for its unpretentiousness and resistance to various kinds pests. Some of its varieties are capable of producing useful fruits, which doubles the importance of the plant, and therefore below we will talk about how to grow physalis on your own plot.

Physalis: plant description

Even if you don’t fully understand what physalis is, when you see it in the picture, you probably recognize it beautiful plant. Physalis has about 100 species, of which only two are cultivated - Mexican vegetable and sweet strawberry. There is also an ornamental physalis, which, however, brings poisonous fruits, although it differs in external attractiveness.

Did you know? In our country, physalis has many other names. Among them are “emerald berry”, “earth cranberry”, “dog cherry”, “Chinese lanterns”.

Although even on the territory of Ukraine you can very often find wild physalis, it is not recommended to transplant it to your summer cottage. Firstly, it is not as attractive as the varietal one, but Secondly, its fruits are very toxic. Therefore, for your summer cottage It is better to purchase strawberry physalis seeds, which are imported to us from South America. The fruits of such a plant can be consumed both raw and dried, and even various preserves and sweets can be prepared from it. Often Physalis fruits are added to salads or used to decorate cakes.

If you choose the Mexican physalis, then its fruits can be used in the same way as tomatoes. In their raw form, they can be added to salads or hot dishes, pickled or prepared into sauces and jams.

Choosing a place to plant physalis

But to get delicious fruits physalis, the plant must be provided proper cultivation and care. The most important thing for him is the choice of landing site, the main requirements for which are the following points:

  • the flower bed for physalis should be well cultivated, that is, if other crops or flowers have been grown on it for many years, this is very good;
  • physalis loves well-lit areas that receive sunlight throughout the day;
  • In no case should melt and rain water accumulate in this area;
  • It is imperative to regularly remove all weeds from the site;
  • physalis practically does not take root on acidic soils, and also gets sick often; therefore, if you do not have another place to plant the plant, take care of liming the soil in advance.

Important! Physalis takes root well in areas after any crops, but not after its nightshade relatives - potatoes, tomatoes and peppers. Before planting physalis, you need to plant the area with other crops for at least 2-3 years so that all nightshade pests disappear from the soil.

In the same case, if you do not have an ideal place for planting physalis on your site, then it can be artificially created. For example, in overly moist or constantly flooded areas for planting plant seedlings, it is worth preparing ridges of soil up to 40 cm high.

Features of growing physalis from seeds

Before purchasing physalis, it is important to learn how to plant and grow this shrub. The only way to propagate it is by sowing seeds and obtaining seedlings from them., which can then be planted in a previously prepared place.

Physalis involves growing from seeds, but they can be sown in cups and seedlings can be propagated at home or greenhouse conditions, and planted directly in open ground. To grow physalis for seedlings, you need to prepare film greenhouse heated, well-covered greenhouse or light-proof film, under which you can sow seeds. Before sowing, the soil must be loosened, weeds removed and fertilized if there is an urgent need for this.

When sowing, seeds must be buried 1-1.5 cm into the soil. At the same time, there is no need to try to sow as much as possible in a small area. more plants, since excessive density will certainly lead to stretching and weakening of seedlings. The optimal temperature for the first shoots is from 15 to 17˚C, so during the day you can remove the film from them.

If sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out at the end of March - beginning of April, then they are planted in open ground no earlier than the last weeks of May, or even at the beginning of June. You can sow physalis seeds in open ground only when the soil has already begun to warm up to 4 - 6˚C at a depth of 10 cm. In this case, it is also important to thoroughly loosen the soil for the seeds, remove weeds and fertilize them. During sowing, only 0.1 g of seeds should be consumed per 1 square meter. A space of 50-60 cm should be made between the rows of physalis.

Important! Physalis seeds are very small, so to sow them as evenly as possible, first mix them with sand. You can also mix physalis seeds with lettuce or radish seeds, which will act as a lighthouse crop and are removed before the physalis turns into powerful seedlings.

Usually, the seedlings still have to be thinned out, leaving a distance of 50 cm between the bushes. Thus, by the time of flowering, no more than 5 plants should remain per 1 square meter.

Rules for planting physalis seedlings

You have already learned how physalis grows; all that remains is to familiarize yourself with the rules for transplanting its seedlings, so that they not only take root in a new place, but also begin to grow rapidly as quickly as possible.

What should the soil be like?

Physalis, although it easily takes root on soils different types, however, the soil for it should always be loose. Therefore, before planting seedlings, the area must be thoroughly dug up to a depth of 20 cm in order to fill the soil with air. This still needs to be done in early spring, not forgetting to also fertilize the soil with well-rotted manure or compost. For 1 square meter of plot area you will need about 30 kg of fertilizer.

Important! Under no circumstances should you fertilize the soil under physalis with fresh manure, as this may negatively affect the growth of the plant.

How to plant seedlings correctly

At the end of May - beginning of June, seedlings grown in a greenhouse or under film should be transplanted. On the day of transplantation, the seedlings should be watered abundantly in the morning, which will make it easier to disconnect them from other plants without causing damage to the roots. When planting physalis, there should be no more than 4 plants per 1 square meter (if we are talking about strawberry physalis, 6 plants can be planted in the same area). The space between the bushes can be freely sown with radishes or lettuce, the harvest of which will be harvested even before the physalis fruits begin to ripen.

To make the plant take root more easily, it is recommended to transplant in the afternoon, when the sun becomes less scorching. You should not water the plant after replanting, so that a hard crust does not form on the surface of the soil that does not allow air to pass through.

Caring for physalis seedlings

Physalis, when planted and cared for in open ground, manifests itself as an undemanding plant that only needs periodic watering. Unlike the relatives of the tomato physalis, this plant does not require pinching or tying at all. After all, the more new branches it forms, the more beautiful it will be during flowering, and the more attractive fruits it will produce.

However, during growth, carefully examine each plant in order to determine the presence of a disease in time. In this case, all diseased plants are immediately removed from the garden bed and burned, which helps prevent further spread of the disease.

How to care for an adult physalis

An adult physalis needs to be given even less attention. The only thing worth taking care of regularly is preparing it for winter. Before the onset of cold weather, the plant is completely cut down to the very base, and the leaves are removed from its branches, while the fruits are left and hung to dry. Very often they are used to decorate bouquets. If the plant is annual, its roots are also removed from the soil, which is dug up and mulched with peat.

Did you know? Physalis fruits are very beneficial for health, so they are often used as an antiseptic and analgesic. Regular consumption of them in food can have a diuretic and choleretic effect.

Despite its unpretentiousness, during the growing season physalis will be very grateful to you for adding additional mineral fertilizers, especially if it grows in depleted soil. In this case, for 10 sq.m. it will be necessary to apply:

But mineral fertilizers can be successfully replaced with wood ash, which is important to apply only in the spring, when digging the soil. For 1 sq.m. you will need approximately 2-3 cups of this fertilizer.

Physalis: harvesting and storage

For many summer residents, growing and caring for physalis is aimed only at obtaining its tasty fruits, which ripen very unevenly. The fruits that are closest to the ground are the first to become edible. Their appearance will tell you that the fruits are ready for picking: the sheaths of the plant will become dry and faded. Also, the fruits will spread very pleasant aroma, their color will change. If the fruits are not picked in time, they will begin to fall to the ground.