Is it possible to keep common indoor ivy at home? Ivy: characteristics, medicinal properties and energy. How to care for ivy to give it a decorative shape

My sister grows an unusual plant. I asked what it was called, she answered: common ivy. It turns out that this culture has medicinal properties: it disinfects the air and saturates it with valuable substances.

Ivy, the photo of which you see, has long been used in folk medicine. In this article we will tell you how to care for medicinal plant at home.

A distinctive feature of ivy is its climbing stem covered with bristles. The leaves of this plant are dark green with light veins, the flowers are yellowish, collected in small inflorescences. I’ll say right away that ivy grown at home does not bloom. But it's still worth growing it!

As we have already said, the miniature shrub has medicinal properties; it disinfects the air. The plant extract is added to medicines and skin care products. Wood contains components that have an analgesic effect.

The plant eliminates spasms and relieves pain. It is added to medications to treat bronchitis. The leaves have antitumor and antibacterial effects. Thanks to its unique composition, ivy breaks down fats and also improves skin turgor.

Cosmetics containing the extract of this plant are always in demand. Using ivy in medicinal purposes, you need to be careful as it is poisonous. It is worth remembering that the fruits are not edible.

How to care for ivy at home?

The advantage of a houseplant is that it does not make high demands on living conditions. Common ivy does not need to be illuminated, as it is shade-tolerant.

You can place it on a windowsill or even in a corner. However, if you are growing a variegated variety, create favorable lighting. If you place a variegated variety in the shade, the leaves will become monochromatic and the plant will lose its zest.

I advise you to add water if necessary. Do not allow the roots to become waterlogged, otherwise they will rot! I recommend spraying the plant. If it does not receive enough moisture, the leaves darken at the edges, after which they dry out and fall off.

In summer you need to water the bush more often. For it to grow well at home, the air temperature should be within + 23 degrees.

In winter, you can keep the plant on the veranda at a temperature of + 15 degrees. I do not recommend placing shrubs near heating devices, the leaves may become faded and unattractive.

For watering and spraying, soft, settled water should be used. In order for home ivy to survive the winter well, you need to place the pot on a tray with wet expanded clay.

If the room is too stuffy, spray the plant with a spray bottle. I recommend fertilizing from early spring to late summer. Use complex formulations intended for houseplants. However, you can't overdo it!

Excess nutrients more harmful than a deficiency and can lead to the death of the plant. Ivy that has received a large amount of fertilizer will have larger leaves.

Transplanting a mini-shrub

Any indoor plant does not tolerate picking well. I advise you to replant ivy when several roots break through the soil. Shrubs that have stopped developing also require picking. I replant ivy once every 14 months. When picking, change the soil mixture to a new one.

In order for the plant to take root at home, make a substrate from humus, peat, sand and sheet soil. I recommend replanting ivy during the dormant period: early March or late April.

The new container should be 3-4 cm larger than the previous one. Don't forget to put drainage at the bottom! Before replanting ivy, moisten the substrate generously.

Pick carefully, try not to touch the roots. The plant must be replanted with a ball of earth. After that, water it, add water from a spray bottle. Post home culture where there are no drafts. It is shade-tolerant, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Reproduction methods

You can use apical cuttings. Cut off the tips of the branches 8 - 10 cm in size, prepare a soil mixture of sand and leaf soil mixed in equal proportions. Place the cuttings in the substrate, cover with plastic wrap (you can use a jar instead). Cuttings develop favorably at air temperatures from + 16 to + 21 degrees.

The soil mixture should always be moistened, but not wet. Cuttings with aerial roots take root well. It is recommended to place them in boxes of several pieces. If you wish, place planting material in water. Ivy plants can be propagated by shoots.

This method allows you to grow several plants from one. It is necessary to cut off a shoot that has 7-9 leaves, and then cut it lengthwise.

The planting material must be laid on the sand, the hole should be located at the bottom. Press the shoot down 2 cm. When it begins to sprout, moisten the soil substrate every day. After 2 weeks, the planting material will take root.

You will need to remove it, divide it into 3 parts and transplant it into a spacious pot.

Diseases, pests

Ivy is resistant to diseases, but they occur with improper care. Excess moisture leads to the roots beginning to rot. If a variegated variety does not get enough sunlight, the leaves darken and lose their attractiveness. In some cases they dry out.
Culture can be attacked:

To ensure pest prevention, you need to spray not only the plant, but also the air around it. If indoor ivy is already sick, insecticides should be used. The most popular drug is Actellik.

“Where does this unusual culture come from?” - you ask. In the wild, it grows in the forests and forest-steppes of Russia. Caring for it at home is not difficult, the main thing is to add water in moderation and fight pests that attack when the air is extremely dry.

Ivy or hedera (Hedera) belongs to the Araliaceae family. He has a relative from Korea - Aralia Sieboldi. More detailed information about their relationship will be provided below.

This is a widespread genus in nature, including 16 species, represented by various vines. In many countries it symbolizes fidelity and is considered a good gift. This is true, because indoor ivy does not require special care and fits perfectly into any interior. From seven species of the genus, many decorative forms have been bred, differing in growth patterns, shape and color of leaves. These climbing vines have aerial roots, with which they firmly cling to the support and rise upward, capturing new areas.

What does common ivy look like: features of a houseplant

Indoor ivy or hedera is an evergreen vine with leaves that are alternate, leathery, simple, entire or deeply 3-5 serrate-lobed, with petioles. There are forms with leaves of various shapes and colors - yellow, purple, with white-variegated or yellow strokes. The shoots have aerial roots (suction cups) with which the plant firmly clings to the support. Fruitful shoots lack sucker roots, do not climb on support, but bush, diverging radially from the trunk. The flowers are inconspicuous, small, greenish-yellow, collected in spherical umbrellas. Rarely blooms in indoor culture. The fruit is a black berry that ripens only in the second year. Warning: ivy berries are poisonous!

Houseplants such as ivy are valued for their leaves - thick, dense, leathery, with five lobes. They sit on long hanging stems that resemble whips. If you take a closer look at the ivy leaves, you will notice that they all form one green plane. The spaces between large leaves are filled with smaller ones. The leaves are turned towards each other so that the edges of the corners almost coincide. It’s as if all the ivy leaves were carefully arranged, like colored stones in a mosaic painting. This arrangement of leaves is called leaf mosaic. It is difficult to disagree with the fact that the leaves of this plant have a very beautiful, unusual shape. It is not without reason that sculptors and architects have long decorated the cornices and columns of buildings with marble ivy leaves. Ivy leaves are found in ornaments and designs for garden trellises. The cornice of the famous Notre Dame Cathedral, built in the 13th century, is decorated with ivy leaves.

Blooms indoor flower ivy is in its eighth year of life, and it lives up to five hundred years. Such an old plant has a stem a meter thick.

The difference between the shadow part of ivy and the light part is visible not only in external structure leaves, but also in their chlorophyll content. Shadow leaves (one kilogram) contain 3.6 grams of chlorophyll, slightly less than aspidistra. Light ones are only 2.7 grams. Shadow leaves are two to three times larger than light leaves.

What does it look like indoor ivy and what are his characteristics, can be seen in the following photos:

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If you turn the stem with leaves over, back side Some brushes will immediately appear. These are the “legs” with which ivy “walks”. These are roots that serve not for feeding with water and salt solutions extracted from the soil, but for movement. They grow under the shade of a leaf and are especially prolific in the dark. The stems of your ivy, standing in a pot on the window, hang to the sides. Lean the branch against the wall so that the shadow of the leaves falls on it. Of course, not immediately, but after some time the ivy will attach to the wall, provided that the wall is wet, and, growing, will crawl along it. It can cover not only the entire window, but also the ceiling and corner of the room.

How does ivy move along the wall? The roots on its stem grow in the shade until they hit a solid obstacle. They penetrate into dark cracks and, thickening, clog the hole like a cork. If the wall is smooth, without cracks, or there is glass in the way, then the end of the root thickens, like a foot or palm, and secretes sticky juice. It is easier to break the stem than to tear it from the wall. The roots in the lower part of the stem gradually grow firmly to the wall, and young shoots “look” for new support on the growing shoots.

Unique photos of indoor ivy “walking” with its numerous roots are presented below:

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Old roots that have not found support dry out and stick out in all directions.

IN natural conditions ivy grows in Europe, Asia and North Africa. Ivy is a shady plant, and it grows well in the forest, twining around tree trunks like a liana.

It grows in the mountains, climbing steep cliffs from the shadow side. Overgrown with green ivy damp walls old buildings. It also grows in deciduous forests, climbing tall trees.

During the growth of ivy, interesting transformations can be observed. While it grows in the forest shade, its stems, requiring support, creep and hang down.

Types and varieties of indoor decorative ivy: photos, names and descriptions of varieties

Today, many types of indoor decorative ivy are grown at home, because due to their attractive appearance they are a real decoration of the interior. In addition, they do not deliver to their owners special troubles, because caring for this plant is not difficult. In addition to the species, many varieties have been bred that surprise with their unusualness and originality. Having once decided to have such a flower in the apartment, its owner will surely discover a whole world of these flowers. unusual plants and change his views on them. To find out what this or that type of indoor ivy is, you can look at the photos below, as well as read the descriptions of some of them.

So, when deciding which variety or type to choose, it is recommended to pay attention to the most popular among many gardeners:

Variety ‘Sagittaefolia’ (‘Sagittaefolia’)- with star-shaped leaves, valued for its beauty and original shape of the leaf blades.

Trin Ripple' ('Green Ripple')– its difference is the pure green leaves of the original shape; ‘Buttercup’ - with almost yellow leaves, is also popular with gardeners.

'Eva', ‘Gloria de Marengo’ (‘Glorie de Marengo’) ‘Anne Marie’ (‘Anne Marie)- varieties with spotted leaves delight the eye and attract attention with their brightness.

Forms with a wavy edge of the leaf blade, for example H. helix Ivalace and H. helix cristata, look quite exotic.

If previously such indoor plants as ivy seemed quite simple at first glance, after reading the photos and names various types and varieties presented on this page, many gardeners will most likely change their idea of ​​these amazing, exotic plants:

Photo gallery

Giving preference to variegated varieties, of which there are now a great many, try to learn more about the biology of this species. Perhaps this is a slow-growing form, demanding on temperature, air humidity and requiring additional lighting in winter. The most unpretentious of the variegated ones is found quite often. This is H. helix Harald with a five-lobed leaf and a bright white edge. The plant is unpretentious, but develops rather slowly. Another common species, H. canariensis, attracts with its large leaf blade of bright yellow-green color.

Varieties of indoor ivy, such as Colchis and Canary, are most often grown at home.

Less often in room conditions Scottish ivy (Hedera helix var. hibernica) and Pastukhov's ivy (Нedera pastuchovii) are grown.

Colchian ivy (Hedera colchica)- a powerful vine, capable of climbing to a height of more than 20 m. The shoots are thin, with short sucker roots. The leaves are large, dense, leathery, shiny, whole or three-lobed, dark green. If you rub the leaves of Colchis in your palm, you can smell the nutmeg. The flowers are umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The fruit is a round, black berry.

Ivy Canary (Hedera canariensis)- an evergreen vine with large, dark green leaves 13 cm long and 16 cm wide. The leaves have light green veins. A popular variety of Canary ivy grown indoors: Gloire de Marengo, or Variegata, is a tall climbing plant with reddish stems and large three-lobed glossy leaves, edged with whitish-greenish strokes.

There are other types of indoor ivy; their photos can be found below on the page and consider the characteristic features of each of them:

Photo gallery

How to properly care for indoor ivy

Ivy is a beautiful indoor plant, caring for it is quite simple, so it can be planted in a wall planter or a pot placed on a shelf; practically it can grow anywhere in the apartment. With the help of threads or wire, the shoots can be strengthened in the desired position, and after some time, having grown, the plant will become a wonderful decoration for a balcony, room or winter garden. It can be safely recommended to beginning flower growers as an exceptionally hardy and undemanding plant.

Temperature regime. Ivy does not require a period of rest, but can survive in a room with a temperature of 10 °C and can withstand sudden changes and drafts. At high temperature And sufficient watering the liana develops quickly and produces a large green mass, although the leaf blade becomes larger and the painted forms lose contrast. In cool rooms, ivy grows more slowly, but the leaves look more expressive, as do the flowers. Growing indoor ivy at home and carrying out proper care behind it, it is worth considering that cool rooms with a temperature of 10-15 ° C are suitable for this plant, without sharp fluctuations. At temperatures above 18 °C you need high humidity air. The plant tolerates drafts well.

Lighting. Undemanding to lighting, but variegated forms lose color when there is insufficient light. When planning to grow ivy at home, you should take into account that individuals with green leaves require less light. It is generally accepted that ivy is shade-tolerant, but its variegated forms should be grown in well-lit places. It is important to remember that with excess or lack of sunlight, variegation gradually disappears.

Watering. Caring for indoor ivy involves regular watering, because it is demanding of moisture. In summer, watering is frequent, in winter - rare, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Try to spray the plant with water more often. If the indoor air is dry, spray the ivy and winter time. Abundant watering in winter leads to yellowing of the leaves, but in warm heated rooms the plant should be wiped with a damp cloth.

Substrate and transplantation. The composition of the substrate should include: turf, leaf soil, peat and sand (2:1:1:1). During the period of plant growth and development, it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers. Every 2-3 years, transshipment is carried out using a slightly acidic universal flower substrate “Saintpaulia” or “Begonia”. In spring and autumn, it is necessary to carry out a preventive inspection and trim diseased or bare shoots, as well as trim excessively long lashes by 1/3.

Common ivy houseplant for education large quantity shoots need to be pinched. The variety of forms allows you to create a composition only from this vine. It is recommended to use large, fast-growing specimens as hanging ones or to give them support and create walls or trellises. Weakly growing forms are used as ground cover.

Why do the leaves of a plant dry or wither: causes of disease

Caring gardeners, studying information on how to care for indoor ivy, are also interested in the main pests and diseases that can damage the plant. Its main pests are scale insects, spider mites, and aphids. Insecticide solutions will help you cope with detected pests; you need to thoroughly spray the plant with them, repeating the procedure every 1.5 - 2 weeks. Instead of insecticides, you can use a soap solution 3 times a week, so the pest will quickly die. After treatment, be sure to rinse the plant with clean warm water.

Flower growers are often interested in why the leaves of indoor ivy dry out or turn yellow, and the reasons for this can be different, for example, improper care or plant disease. If the earthen clod is over-moistened, the ivy begins to rot; the first signs of this are yellowed leaves, which soon dry out and die. To prevent rotting, you should be careful about watering the plant, moisten the soil only when the soil in the pot dries out. In winter, watering should be kept to a minimum. In addition, indoor ivy does not tolerate stagnant water in the pan. In general, this plant prefers a slight drying out of the earthen clod rather than waterlogging.

Indoor ivy flower responds to care, right and wrong, with a corresponding reaction, therefore, when growing it, it is worth considering the fact that it does not like bright sunlight. Direct sunlight can lead to burns of its leaves, so it is recommended to shade the place where the ivy is located, or it is better to immediately place the plant in the shady part of the apartment.

One of the most common reasons why indoor ivy dries out and the plant is not properly cared for is the presence of diseases or pests. The most dangerous pest culture is considered to be a spider mite. When spider mites infest the leaves, yellow or brown spots, and between the leaves you can see a cobweb. A solution of laundry soap, which need to be used to process ivy leaves. After treatment, be sure to treat with insecticides. After 1.5 weeks, repeat the treatment.

Another reason why indoor ivy withers and dries is damaged plant roots. To exclude this, you should remove the plant from the soil, free the roots from the soil, wash them with water, remove (if any) rotten ones and plant the ivy in fresh, drained soil.

Some diseases of indoor ivy (for example, wilting, drying out and yellowing of leaves) occur due to dry indoor air. IN heating season It is recommended to spray the leaves daily and take measures to humidify the air in the room where the plant is located. It is useful to place the flower under a warm shower or simply wipe the leaves with wet wipes. House dust is dangerous for leaves, which not only leads to loss of decorativeness, but also to the death of the plant if the grower does not water procedures when growing this crop.

Proper care and maintenance close to tropical conditions will help you forget forever about such questions as why indoor ivy leaves dry and other troubles arise that spoil the plant and lead to its death.

Methods for propagating indoor ivy

Indoor ivy can be propagated by apical cuttings, which are planted in pots with a diameter of 7 cm, 2–3 in each pot and covered with film. The soil mixture for them is prepared from leaf soil and sand (3:1). Cuttings root better with aerial roots. Garden forms with variegated leaves they take root worse. It can also be propagated by whole shoots. A shoot with 8-10 leaves is placed on the sand, pressing into it so that the leaves remain on the surface. On the tenth day, underground roots form from aerial roots on the stem near the buds. After this, the shoot is removed from the sand and cut so that the sections have one leaf and roots. For planting and replanting, use a mixture of turf and leaf soil (2:1). In summer, in addition to watering, plants should be sprayed.

There is another way to propagate indoor ivy at home, but it is somewhat unusual. From the developed and blooming ivy you can get two different plants. One is creeping, seeking support, with dark lobed leaves and a brush of adventitious roots under them, non-flowering and growing in the shade.

The other is growing in the light, with light oval pointed leaves on a straight, strong stem that does not require support, blooming with an umbrella of yellow-green flowers.

If these two plants are placed side by side, no one will believe that they came from the same stem. But this can be easily proven. Cut and root two cuttings: one from an old shady branch, the other from a young flowering one.

On ivy, the stages of development and the different quality of cuttings are clearly visible, which I. V. Michurin and T. D. Lysenko always paid attention to in their works.

When cutting, always think about what kind of plant you need: one that does not bloom for a long time or, conversely, one that blooms immediately. Branches perennial plants Not everyone is the same in their age quality. You need to choose which branches of which plants, young growing ones or old flowering ones, to take cuttings from.

How to propagate indoor ivy by grafting

There are many ways to propagate indoor ivy, but there are two that are safest for both the scion and the rootstock. In plants with long and flexible stems, it is easy to graft by approaching without cutting cuttings.

For example, place a pot of ivy next to a pot in which aralia grows. On the Aralia stem, make a small cut of the bark down to the wood. Make the same cut on the ivy stem at an equal height. Connect both stems with cuts together and tie with a washcloth or thick thread over a layer of cotton wool. When complete fusion of the stems occurs, then the ivy branch is cut off from below and covered with grafting pitch or crushed coal.

You will get a strange plant with different leaves - an aralia with an ivy branch. If your ivy is small and your aralia is tall, then you can vaccinate in another way.

Cut off the ivy branch and do everything in the same way as in the first case, making cuts on the aralia stem and in the middle of the ivy branch. Dip the end of the ivy branch into a small jar of water, suspended by a thread from the stem of the aralia. You will have a vaccine with a jar. The ivy branch will not dry out, since it will always be supplied with water from the jar. When the branch is grafted, the jar is removed and the lower end of the branch is cut off.

It is possible to graft ivy to aralia and by cuttings.

But since many people feel sorry for cutting off the top of the Aralia beautiful leaves, especially since there is still no confidence in the successful outcome of the grafting, you can also graft on the side of the stem, under the crown of leaves. An oblique cut is made down the stem, not extending more than a quarter of the thickness of the stem. An ivy cutting is inserted into the cut, cut slightly larger on one side and smaller on the other. The cutting is inserted so that the skin and cambium of the scion and rootstock fit tightly to each other. The graft is bandaged with thread.

It is possible to make two or three plush grafts in this way on one Aralia stem. When the scion takes root and ivy branches begin to grow on the aralia, you can cut off the top of the rootstock.

The result will be a strange weeping tree, with long ivy branches hanging down from its high stem.

Decorating a room with indoor ivy

When decorating a room, ivy can be used not only for vertical gardening, but also as an hanging plant.

The wonderful ivy roots, which stick to the walls and serve only to support the stem, can be turned into feeding roots.

Bend a long stem of ivy into a wheel and cover part of it near the top with soil so that a brush of roots gets into the ground, and the growing top with leaves remains on the surface. Attach the stem to the ground with two sticks inserted crosswise into the ground; after some time, when the roots develop, you will have a plant that is shaped like a wheel.

From ivy branches on a window you can make garlands of different designs by stretching them on a wooden ladder or on strings stretched in different directions. Ivy that wraps around sticks or ropes grows very quickly, and its long strands can be arranged in the most intricate patterns to decorate a window. It must be remembered that ivy grows well only when attached to a wall, stick or rope. At the same time, its leaves become larger and more beautiful.

Interesting options for how the ivy indoor plant is used are shown in the photo below:

Hedera (ivy) belongs to the Araliaceae family and is evergreen. climbing plant, which in natural conditions can reach thirty meters in height. Today, there are about fifteen varieties of hedera ivy, growing in the subtropical zones of Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America.

Since ancient times, ivy has been one of the most popular and beloved shrubs among gardeners. This is not surprising, because hedera looks equally beautiful both in hanging flowerpots and in outdoor flowerpots, has decorative look and propagates quite easily. Looks especially chic english ivy.

Common ivy is most often grown indoors, the species of which are distinguished by the variety of shapes and colors of foliage.

Hedera: description and photo

The common hedera has a climbing stem, on the underside of which there are dense brushes of aerial roots. It is with their help that the plant is attached to the support. The leaves are lobed (3 - 7 lobes), leathery, shiny, simple, arranged alternately. Their color is mainly dark green with light veins, but variegated varieties are also found.

Common ivy blooms only in natural conditions. It has small flowers greenish-yellow in color, collected in racemes, corymboses or umbellate inflorescences.

The following types of ivy are usually grown at home:

  • ivy Fatshedera Lise;
  • canary ivy;
  • climbing ivy (common).

Fatsheder's ivy Lise is a very popular new hybrid, reaching a height of up to 5 meters and requiring staking. The Variegata variety with a border looks very impressive beige colour or white spots on leaves.

Canarian ivy. This species has large leaves, in most cases variegated in color, and needs to be tied up, as it is unable to cling to support on its own. The variety Gloire de Marengo with its magnificent combination of green and cream shades on the leaves is considered especially popular.

Ivy. The plant has unusual plasticity and is able to curl around any support and cling even to small irregularities.

Popular varieties of this species:

  • Little Diamond. The plant has leaves with cream-colored veins.
  • Chicago Variegata. Bright green leaves decorated with a yellow-cream border.
  • Annette with dark green leaves.
  • Chicago. It has small bright green leaves.

Application of ivy

The healing properties of hedera have long been known to mankind, which is why ivy is still widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Substances contained in the wood of the plant perfectly relieve spasms, so ivy successfully used to treat acute bronchitis. And hedera leaves have expectorant, antibacterial, antitumor and antifungal properties. Gels made from wood and ivy leaves are used as an additional treatment for cellulite, obesity and purulent dermatoses. However, caution should be exercised as the fruits of the plant are very poisonous and can cause poisoning.

Is it possible to grow hedera at home?

According to old people, indoor ivy is an energy vampire that can attract all kinds of troubles and misfortunes into the house, including loneliness, so if you value your family and do not want to lose your husband, this flower should not be kept in the apartment. However, according to historical documents in Ancient Rome and Greece, ivy, on the contrary, was considered a symbol of fidelity and happiness in marriage, and in the countries of the East the plant is still a source of vital energy. Therefore, everyone chooses for themselves whether to grow ivy at home or not.

Hedera: home care

Caring for the plant is quite simple and does not require much effort, however, there are some rules, non-compliance with which can lead to changes appearance and the emergence of diseases still exist.

Planting and replanting hedera

If you notice that the plant has stopped growing and developing, or roots have begun to crawl out of the drain hole in the pot, then it is time to replant. However, you don’t have to expect these signs, but simply replace the top layer of soil with fresh (in adult plants), young ivy replant every year, and for an older cheder - once every two years. It is recommended to use the following soil composition: sand, peat, turf, leaf and humus soil in equal proportions.

Plants must be replanted in the spring after the end of the dormant period (March-April). The container should be 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous pot. Before replanting, the heder should be watered generously and a layer of drainage should be placed at the bottom of the flowerpot. The transplanted plant needs to be watered and sprayed, and then placed on permanent place.

Hedera propagation

Ivy reproduces at almost any time of the year, and cuttings quickly take root both in water and in soil. After planting in a permanent place, the plant must be pinched, which will increase the decorative qualities of the hedera. In the first year after planting, ivy must be pinched periodically to ensure good branching.

Hedera helix: diseases

When caring for ivy at home, you should strictly monitor air humidity and follow watering rules. If the room is too hot, the plant's leaves dry out, turn brown and eventually fall off. Spider mites can also cause hedera to dry out.

In addition, ivy can be affected by cyclamen mites, scale insects and aphids. All these pests appear precisely because of the lack of humidity in the room. In this case, it is necessary to urgently take measures to destroy pests, that is, treat with insecticides (karbofos, aktar, actellik, etc.).

Precautionary measures

At home, caring for the plant should be done with rubber gloves. Do not plant the bush in places accessible to children and animals, as the berries and ivy leaves are very poisonous and can cause allergic reactions and skin diseases in people with sensitive skin.

As can be seen from all that has been said, taking care of indoor hedera Helix is ​​not so difficult, you just have to choose appropriate place for planting, do not forget about watering and spraying periodically. And then you will get a gorgeous plant that will decorate and enliven any room.

Among phytodesigners and flower growers, indoor ivy is very popular due to its special decorative properties and low maintenance requirements. A flower with creeping shoots and showy deltoids sheet plates Looks harmonious in the interior of a room for any purpose.

Types, varieties and description

In the wild, the climbing evergreen shrub from the Araliaceae family is represented by 15 species that have a wide growing range. As a rule, common ivy and its forms, of which there are more than 100, are grown as a potted crop.
An indoor flower with a climbing stem and aerial roots, with the help of which it clings to a support, does not bloom in an apartment. Flower growers are attracted by decorative leathery leaves with a waxy coating, which can be either plain or variegated.
Among the most popular varieties“Eva” with yellow leaves, dwarf Kholibra and variegated “Jubilee” stand out.
Sometimes another species is used for vertical gardening - Colchis ivy. This is a climbing plant with graceful shoots that are covered with glossy solid, sometimes three-lobed, marsh-colored leaf plates.
Wax ivy V indoor floriculture represented by varieties such as Dentata Variegata with variegated oval-shaped foliage, Sulfur Heart with large curled leaf blades and Arborescens.

Plant propagation methods

Indoor types of ivy in apartment conditions reproduce by vegetative methods.


To carry out the procedure, apical cuttings 10 cm long with aerial roots are prepared. After cutting, the planting material is buried in a soil mixture of sand and leaf soil, where it is kept under a film in warm room. During the rooting process, constant soil moisture is maintained. When the cuttings take root, they are planted in separate flowerpots, several at a time.

By shoots

There is a way to get two or more plants from one shoot at once. For this:
1. A shoot with 8 leaf plates is cut off.
2. An incision is made along the entire length, with which the shoot is laid on the sand, after which it is pressed to a depth of 15 - 20 mm.
3. After rooting, the shoot is divided into parts with roots and one leaf, which are planted in several pieces in small containers with fertile soil mixture.

By layering

The procedure is similar to the previous one described. The main differences are that the cuttings are stapled to the ground and are not separated from the mother plant before rooting.

Growing and caring for ivy at home

Even an inexperienced gardener can grow an indoor ivy flower if he follows simple rules care that does not take much time.

Requirements for soil and pot

For exotic flower select a small pot with large drainage holes. The plant prefers loose and fertile soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. The optimal composition of the substrate includes leaf, turf, humus soil, peat and sand in equal parts.

Microclimate, proper lighting

A climbing plant from a subtropical climate loves moderate heat and moisture.
During the active growing season, comfortable temperature conditions considered 22 – 24°C. In winter, temperatures may drop, but not below the maximum permissible value of 13°C.
To create conditions close to natural, the flower should be sprayed with settled water throughout the year and bathed in a warm shower.
Ivy, or hedera, is a shade-tolerant plant and can grow even in the back of a room. However, the more diffused light the plant receives, the more spectacular it will look. Therefore, when choosing a place that should be decided upon even before purchasing a flower that does not like to move, preference should be given to well-lit areas.

Important! Variegated forms will lose their color when placed in the shade.

How to properly water indoor ivy

Climbing flower with decorative foliage – perfect plant for people who are often absent from home. Ivy can withstand soil drought, but you should not use this quality of the plant too often. The optimal irrigation regime involves maintaining summer period constantly moist soil without stagnation of moisture in the root system. In winter, watering is reduced: before the next portion of water, the earthen lump should dry out slightly.

Feeding and fertilizers

In the spring-summer period, which is when the potted crop grows intensively, ivy is fed every two weeks. For fertilizing, special liquid fertilizers for decorative foliage plants are used.

Carefully! An excess of macro- and microelements in an earthen coma can damage the decorative qualities of the crop, making its leaves too large.

Replanting ivy

You can replant the plant according to the same rule as other indoor flowers: young specimens - every spring, adults - with an interval of 2 years. But you should know that an indicator of the need for the procedure is the appearance of ivy roots in the drainage holes. The transplant is carried out as follows:
1. Select a new pot 2 cm wider than the old one.
2. Expanded clay or gravel is placed at the bottom of the container to create a drainage layer.
3. The flower with a lump of earth is transferred to the drainage.
4. A new substrate is poured into the pot so that there is a small gap between the wall and the earthen lump for irrigation water.
5. The flower is watered, sprayed and returned to its permanent place.

Plant diseases and pests

The ivy houseplant has excellent immunity to diseases, the occurrence of which is mostly non-infectious in nature:
Due to prolonged soil drought, leaf fall is observed.
Due to too much low level humidity causes baldness of shoots and shrinkage of foliage.
Lack of lighting leads to variegated forms losing their characteristic color.
Failure to follow simple rules for keeping plants at home can also cause the appearance of pests such as aphids, scale insects, and spider mites. To prevent colonization of the flower, you should maintain high humidity air in the room and periodically “bathe” the plant.
If insects have already attacked the crop, then you should immediately treat it with an insecticidal preparation according to the instructions indicated on the package. If there is no result, the treatment is repeated after 3 to 5 days.

Myths associated with ivy

Stories about ivy were told back in the days Ancient world, When:
among the Greeks, ivy was a symbol of fun;
among the ancient Romans, the plant symbolized fidelity, love and marriage;
The peoples of the East believed that the flower nourishes the owner with vital energy.
Nowadays, a superstition with a negative connotation has appeared, claiming that ivy is an energy vampire and a man-hunter that attracts loneliness.
Thus, indoor ivy is a spectacular ornamental plant, which is widely used for vertical gardening of indoor interiors and requires minimal care.

All plants in nature have a certain energy. Houseplants are no exception, and, being always close to a person, influence the physical, mental state and life events of residents. Ivy is one of the most common indoor flowers due to its beauty and unpretentiousness. There are many decorative varieties of it, with the help of which they carry out vertical gardening external buildings and interior spaces. However, is it possible to keep it at home, and what signs are associated with this flower?

Ivy has been known since ancient times, when it was called hedera in Latin. Many legends and superstitions are associated with this climbing flower. There is also a Russian version of the origin of its name. It is believed that the word “ivy” comes from the verb to spit, meaning the unpleasant taste of the flower. Some scientists adhere to the version that the loach owes its name to its expectorant properties, or rather, the ability to treat various colds.


Surprisingly, omens about ivy are interpreted differently in many countries; some are sure that the flower brings happiness and good luck, while others believe that it promises only evil.


  • If there is ivy in the house, then mutual understanding and kindness will always reign in it. This plant feeds negative energy and thereby smooths out all misunderstandings family life, reduces the number of divorces and conflicts.
  • The plant calms easily excitable people; it is recommended to grow it in a home where hyperactive children live.

  • If you keep it at work, then things will tend to go up, since this plant is a symbol of fortitude and the personification of vitality.
  • To give a flower to a married woman means to rid yourself of slander, adultery and other troubles.
  • An unmarried girl courting him means a successful and quick marriage.
  • If you plant ivy in your home for a timid person, his self-esteem will increase.
  • If a stranger comes to the apartment with bad thoughts and intentions, then the plant will neutralize this negativity and cleanse the surrounding space.
  • A good omen for a young girl is to carry a twig climbing flower on the chest, as it will preserve her beauty, youth and give vitality.


  • Bringing ivy into a house is like bringing in an energy vampire; he will draw positive energy from the residents and transform it into negative.
  • Whips climbing up the wall in the house unmarried girl steal her happiness, repel the opposite sex and prevent marriage.
  • For a married woman, a flower is a real enemy, as it drives her husband out of the house and destroys the family.

  • If a vine suddenly falls off from a strong and large ivy, this promises financial difficulties and serious monetary losses.
  • The plant lives on the energy of the residents of the house and if you keep it in your room, it will draw out all its strength.
  • Suppresses the nervous system and makes melancholic people even more vulnerable and withdrawn.
  • If the plant is poorly cared for, the negative impact increases several times.

Other beliefs

  • If a child with whooping cough drinks from a wooden cup made from ivy, he will recover.
  • If an old flower growing along the wall of a house unexpectedly falls, it means that the owner of the house will face financial troubles - even to the point that the house will change hands.
  • If the leaves of the plant are placed in water for a day, the potion can then be used to wash the sore eyes, and they will be healed.
  • If a young guy on All Saints' Day silently picks 10 leaves of a flower, throws 1 of them away, and puts the remaining 9 under his pillow, then he will dream of his future wife and wedding.
  • The latter belief is notable for the fact that it is the only love fortune-telling intended exclusively for men.