Is it possible to replant flowers today? Lunar calendar for flower transplantation - favorable and unfavorable days

Hello, dear summer resident friends!

The article "" indicates the most favorable days sowing(planting) main vegetable crops and carrying out agrotechnical activities on our summer cottages. More detailed information information about the influence of the Moon on plants with recommendations for every day can be found by following the link to the “” page. In today's article, we will look at the features of caring for some indoor plants in March and learn about the most favorable days for planting them and carrying out basic work.

With significant increase daylight hours in March the rapid growth of the majority begins indoor plants. I noticed that over the last week my a coffee tree managed to give a young growth of 3-4 cm. I started giving him regular feeding.

To ensure abundant flowering of indoor plants and beautiful appearance decorative deciduous crops, flower growers have a lot to do in March:

  • The plants' need for watering and fertilizing increases due to the beginning of their active growth.
  • Sow gloxinia, streptocarpus, cacti, passionflower, asparagus and some others.
  • You should not be late with replanting indoor plants, which began in February. Plants that need replanting are those that use the entire clod of earth, covering it with their roots, and they are already feeling cramped in this container. It is necessary to hold off for now from transplanting plants that have formed buds and are about to bloom soon. For them, you can limit yourself to replacing the top layer of soil in pots. It should be remembered that pankratiums, eucharis, amaryllis and some other flowers feel and bloom better when their root system is crowded.
  • If the bulbs and tubers of indoor flowers stored for autumn storage are still in the basement or other cool, dark place, they urgently need to be planted.
  • Many fast-growing plants need to be divided and planted in separate containers: aspidistra, asparagus, stromantha, clivia, bush begonia, caladium, fern, spathiphyllum.
  • IN winter period in low light conditions, many indoor plants have formed numerous weak long shoots that need to be shortened in March: fuchsia, abutilon, oleander and others. Thick crowns of hibiscus, oleander, ficus, jasmine, tradiscantia, pelargonium, and fuchsia are thinned out. To make your hydrangea bloom better, remove all its thin shoots.
  • Stop watering the cyclamen so that they completely shed their foliage and prepare for a period of storage directly in the soil, which will need to be moistened occasionally.
  • Start watering the cacti, which should be in a bright, cool place in March.
  • For azaleas and camellias located in a cool and bright place, start watering more often; you can carry out the first fertilizing.
  • March is the best time to propagate indoor plants by leaf and stem cuttings: Morgan's sedum, crassula, groundsel, violet, streptocarpus, gloxinia, begonia, dieffenbachia, monstera and others.

The listed features of the development of indoor plants in March require significant labor from gardeners so that the flowers delight us with their splendor for a long time.
Plan your work and choose the most favorable sowing days and carrying out all agrotechnical activities with indoor plants, recommendations will help us lunar calendar of indoor plants for March 2018 popular astrologer Tatiana Borsch:

Favorable days for planting (transplanting) indoor plants in March 2018

Best regards, Sergey Mozgovykh

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It is better to care for flowers on certain days. Many indoor plant lovers grow them at random, especially beginner gardeners. And they are faced with the problem of insufficient growth, poor survival rate after transplantation - even to the death of plants.

Meanwhile, most problems can be easily avoided if you approach the matter correctly. You can get all the necessary information about the technology of replanting indoor plants in the calendar for gardeners. It indicates the time favorable for activities such as watering, fertilizing and changing soil. Flowers transplanted these days easily take root and grow actively.

Techniques for proper transplantation

Replanting an indoor flower is required when the leaves wither, the soil becomes raised, and flowering disappears. Most often, the soil needs to be replaced. The new pot should be larger than the previous one by about 4 cm.

To remove the flower, carefully moisten the soil and carefully remove the plant along with the soil. Place drainage in a layer of about 1 cm at the bottom of the new pot. If the container is large, the thickness of the layer can reach up to 5 cm. Pour soil on top in the form of a mound and strengthen the plant.

About the most favorable days for replanting indoor plants

You cannot place the flower in the sun or fertilize it immediately after the procedure. Transplantation should be performed in the absence of flowering, taking into account a certain time of year. The most suitable periods for this procedure are March-April and September-October. We should not forget that each plant has individual characteristics and can bloom and grow actively at completely different times.

The best time to change the soil is when the sap is moving towards the stem and leaves. Plants with reduced elasticity of the root system take root in new soil. When transplanted, they are less susceptible to breakage and other negative effects.

Determining the optimal timing

It is recommended to change the soil of the flower during the waxing phase of the moon. You can determine it by looking at a special lunar calendar. Experts recommend changing the soil at specific periods. These are the spring months - March and May, the summer months - July and August, the whole autumn without restrictions (on favorable days), and the winter months - December.

These tips are based on years of research. It is believed that on the mentioned dates the change of habitat occurs less painfully, and the negative effects are little perceived by plants.

What is the lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants

It is compiled by research specialists in order to simplify the task of caring for representatives of the plant kingdom. Moon calendar contains information on loosening, watering and other care. There are detailed days when the flower’s habitat should not be changed.

It is compiled according to the lunar phases. If you follow these recommendations when replanting indoor plants according to the lunar calendar, your flower will not have problems getting used to the new pot. It will begin to grow actively. There are also days in the calendar when any manipulations with plants are highly discouraged. The risk of damage during transplantation for a flower is quite high, and to avoid it you should listen to the advice of specialists.

Below we provide a lunar calendar for indoor plants and flowers for 2017.

Moon phases and our flowers

The state of the moon is considered a serious factor affecting the process of growing flowers. The stem actively lengthens and feeds on sap during the growth phase. When the celestial satellite is in the full moon phase, changing the habitat of the flower should be avoided. This is because the root system is currently actively feeding.

On the days of lunar eclipses, nature provides moments of rest and accumulation of strength. All living things are slowly reborn, and therefore working with the earth during this period is not recommended. It is precisely this data that astrologers rely on when compiling a lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants.

About zodiac signs

When caring for plants, it is recommended to take into account which zodiac sign the moon is in at one time or another. Favorable signs include Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces. When the moon is “visiting” Leo or Aquarius, working with the earth is not recommended. All other signs, according to astrologers, do not actively influence flowers.

All of the above is quite understandable from a scientific point of view. After all, the position of the moon affects the state of the water, sea tides and tides. The nature of our entire planet, along with the process of vegetation growth, largely depends on the lunar phases.

How does this happen

Those dates of the lunar calendar that are indicated as favorable days for replanting indoor plants coincide with the period when the juice moves to the stem and leaves, that is, to the top of the flower. At the same time, the root system experiences a decrease in turgor and slight dehydration of cells, as a result of which they become less fragile. That is why replanting under these conditions is tolerated as easily as possible, as is the process of taking root in the new soil. Then you can successfully propagate flowers by cuttings, using the most favorable days for replanting indoor flowers.

The above coincides with the waxing phase of the moon. When it decreases, the opposite happens - the roots are filled with moisture. They should not be disturbed at this time. Thus, it is much easier to achieve a blooming and healthy appearance of an indoor garden by consulting the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

In emergency situations

We do not consider cases where an emergency transplant procedure may be required. Pests may suddenly appear, pots sometimes break, and stems break. If it is necessary to urgently save a flower, of course, they no longer pay attention to the schedule. A similar procedure is recommended outside the plan in case of crushing and yellowing of leaves, long absence flowering.

If the plant has bloomed, it is not advisable to replant it even on one of the favorable days for replanting indoor flowers. There is a very high probability that the green pet will become ill for a long time as a result, and it will be very difficult to cure him.

What to do at other times

There are also unfavorable days for transplanting and planting plants, as well as relatively neutral ones. This time can be filled with procedures of a less radical nature. We are talking about fertilizing, loosening, watering, and treating pests. But on those dates that are indicated in the calendar as completely unfavorable, it is better to leave the flowers completely alone. No type of care at this time will benefit the plant.

The most unsuitable days for transplantation are those when there are lunar and solar eclipses (including partial ones). The vulnerability of flowers at this time is increased, and even the most minor injury can destroy the plant.

Why do you need regular transplantation?

There may be several reasons for this:

1. Overgrown roots no longer fit in the usual container. The earth begins to rise, making watering difficult.

2. Due to hard water, salts accumulate in the soil, making it difficult for the flower to feed.

3. The soil is depleted, its organic component decomposes. As a result, fertilizing does not give the desired effect.

4. Due to soil compaction, oxygen starvation of the roots occurs.

The function of indoor plants is not only decorative. They can significantly improve the microclimate of a living space by humidifying and air conditioning, as well as neutralizing positively charged ions emitted household appliances. Many types of flowers save owners from harmful emissions from finishing and furniture materials by absorbing toxins.

Even in the absence of strict compliance with the requirements of the lunar calendar, the plant will tolerate replanting work better when it is done in the spring, during the warm season. It is then that they determine permanent place residence for rooted cuttings. If for some reason you decide to have an “operation” in the fall, careful observance of favorable days for replanting indoor plants is even more important.

Using this approach, you will speed up the growth of your favorite variety and get a lot of little “babies”. Compiling a lunar calendar on your own is a rather difficult task. Ordinary amateur flower growers, as a rule, cannot do it. After all, professional astrologers take into account a large number of various factors: from the lunar day and month to the position of the sun and moon in certain zodiac signs.

Flowers in spring and winter

All work with house plants is resumed, as a rule, in April - due to warming and increasing daylight hours. In the last month of spring, juices actively circulate in flowers, metabolic processes (respiration, photosynthesis) accelerate, and greenery begins to grow intensively. Such days are good for rejuvenating overgrown bushes and moving to a new place.

Winter replanting is not recommended. This is due to the fact that during the cold season a quiet period begins and any process in the living organism of a flower tends to slow down. To avoid harm, gardeners try not to touch plants in winter.

By following these simple recommendations regarding favorable days for replanting indoor plants and carefully adhering to the lunar calendar, you can surround your green pets with real love and care. And then your efforts will pay off handsomely!

It is usually recommended to replant indoor plants in early spring when they begin to awaken from hibernation. Emerging sprouts or buds can serve as evidence of a flower’s readiness to leave its “home” place. Under no circumstances should you replant a plant at rest or at the moment of flowering.

However, some representatives of the plant world are not particularly sensitive to seasonal changes. If your pet is happy with the inflorescences all year round, you can change his “apartment” soon after he has finished blooming.

Whether a flower needs replanting can be determined by the following signs: it has stopped growing; leaves and flowers have become noticeably smaller than before; the plant withers and turns yellow for no apparent reason.

But there is more reliable way understand whether it is time to change the substrate and increase the size of the dishes. Gently cover the soil with your palm, passing the stem between your fingers, and turn the pot over (do not do this immediately after watering; wait until the soil dries and spread a newspaper on the floor). If the lump of earth does not come out of the pot, lightly tap it on the corner of the table. When examining a large specimen, move the soil away from the edges of the container with a wide knife or a special spatula.

Your task is to examine root system. If it has grown so much that it fills the entire space, it’s time to increase the size of the pot. It is worth replanting the plant even if you notice darkened and softened roots. The affected areas should be removed, and the cut areas should be sprinkled with charcoal.

What time of day is it best to replant indoor plants?

It is believed that the best time of day for replanting flowers is from 16.00 to 20.00. It is not recommended to replant flowers in the early morning (when they have not yet woken up) or at noon (when the phase of greatest activity begins). According to the lunar calendar, the first days after the new moon are chosen for transplantation. To determine the specific day of replanting, you can use the lunar calendar for gardeners.

In order for flowers to delight with rich greenery, they should be provided with intense flowering complete care taking into account the characteristics of the species. Indoor crops, like any others, need timely watering, fertilizing, and replanting.

Not unimportant right neighborhood, but specialists in the field of landscaping window sills and loggias are not limited to this. People's observation has led to an awareness of the importance of replanting indoor flowers, taking into account the favorable lunar phases.

Why do you need to know the favorable day for transplantation?

The healthy growth of greenery depends on how the moon is positioned according to the zodiac. IN modern world, this issue is dealt with by qualified astrologers. Annual calendar tables are expected by professional flower growers and are no less in demand by amateurs.

Dates in which transfers are allowed indoor species, indicate the most favorable time for adaptation if necessary to move to a new place.

Thus, the seedlings practically do not get sick and there is no negative impact on the growing season.

What days are favorable for transplantation?

Every year the lunar calendar changes, accordingly, for people involved in breeding domestic species, and for 2018 a lunar schedule was drawn up to give a hint on how to replant with less damage to plants.

Monitoring lunar movements is important, since the luminary is an incredible source of energy with varying strengths of influence depending on the month.

Favorable days depend on which sign conjunctions the Moon is located in.

The constellations associated with gardening and home plant growing are:

  • Fish;
  • Taurus;
  • Scales;
  • Cancers;
  • Lions;
  • Scorpios.

Note! In addition, the period in which the satellite is located is taken into account. If there is a full moon or the birth of the moon, you should refuse to work with the earth. If the Moon is in the growth stage, you should take advantage of this period to replant indoor plants.

Table of the moon’s favorable position for home floriculture and transplantation (2018):

JANUARY 18 - 27 1 - 3; 14 - 17; 28 - 31 4 - 13
FEBRUARY 17 - 24 13 - 16; 25 - 28 1 - 12
MARCH 18 - 26 1, 2, 12 - 17; 26 - 31 3 - 11
APRIL 17 - 25 14 - 16; 26 - 30 1 - 13
MAY 16 - 24 11 - 15; 24 - 31 1 - 10
JUNE 14 - 22 10 - 13; 23 - 30 1 - 9
JULY 14 - 21 10 - 13; 22 - 31 1 - 9
AUGUST 12 - 20 8 - 11; 21 - 31 1 - 7
SEPTEMBER 10 - 20 9, 21 - 27 1 - 8; 28 - 30
OCTOBER 11 - 18 9, 10, 19 - 25 1 - 8; 26 - 31
NOVEMBER 12 - 18 1, 2, 7 - 11; 19 - 25 3 - 6; 26 - 30
DECEMBER 8 - 17 1 - 7; 18 - 24 25 - 31

It should be understood^ that the most favorable time for replanting indoor plants is spring, but if it experiences discomfort and needs to be moved throughout the year, then you should not torture the seedling, it is only important to choose the right time to ensure optimal conditions.

Usually every year flower pots replace 2 - 5 cm of the top layer. The entire plant is moved to a larger pot once every few years. If you do not adhere to generally accepted rules, it is worth studying the influence of the moon’s cycles on the growth and development of indoor flora.

Transplant in January

At the beginning of the year, plants are mostly dormant; caring for them does not require activity. If it is necessary to transplant a flower to another place or a wider pot, use the most successful phase of the waxing moon for that month (18 - 27).

In January, green plants do not grow and stimulants should not be added to the soil to activate the process. Since during this period they receive insufficient light and heat, fertilizers can lead to disease and even death of the flower.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest With large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Transplant in February

For indoor species, February is a time of awakening and preparation for throwing out buds. Flower growers are looking forward to this month as flowers need special care: fertilizing, irrigation, loosening the soil.

If a transplant is unavoidable, the process should be treated with care and carried out only on especially favorable days (17 - 24). The second winter month is a completely natural period for sowing long-growing species; in addition, this is a good time for planting bulbous plants.

Transplantation in March

With the beginning of spring, the plants actively grow, filling the volume of the entire pot. At this stage, the flowers should change the soil. Over the winter, the soil has become depleted of useful components and green spaces suffer from a lack of nutrition.

It is recommended to carry out replanting after waiting for favorable days (March 18 - 26) - this will ensure full development and rooting. Flowers tolerate manipulation almost painlessly and can soon delight you with flowering.

Transplant in April

In April, active work with the soil should not be carried out, since intensive root growth occurs at this time. In addition, care for leaves and trunks should be gentle.

Irrigation is carried out superficially so as not to oversaturate the soil with moisture. If you need to replant a flower, you should wait until the second half of the month. It is recommended to replant strong plants on favorable days (17 - 25).

Stories from our readers!
"I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together and yielded more than usual. And they didn’t suffer from late blight, that’s the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you can’t grow a normal harvest without fertilizer, and this fertilizing increases the number of vegetables, so I’m very pleased with the result.”

Transplant in May

May itself is a good time for the growth of young shoots. Everything is conducive to development - air, sun. The soil should be fertilized before planting, and to obtain the maximum positive result, work should still be carried out with planting material on favorable days according to the lunar calendar (16 - 24).

Transplant in June

Summer is the hot season and plants should be watered abundantly, loosen the soil, and fight against harmful insects. When the moon enters the Cancer phase, you can move seedlings, shoots and adult plants to a more favorable location.

Note! Since the constellation is particularly fertile, caring for capricious plants will also bring good result. The period is good for growing new flowers, planting, replanting (14 - 22).

Transplant in July

The abundance of sun increases the percentage of plant germination. At this time, you can replant vegetation with complex roots without consequences. Indoor flowers are taken out onto loggias, outside - for direct contact with the sun's rays.

Transplant in August

By the end of summer, plants grow at a slow pace. If they are replanted on days that are favorable according to the lunar calendar, this will not have a detrimental effect on them; moreover, they become more resistant to temperature fluctuations.

Particularly useful are procedures aimed at caring for leaves and trunks. Useful for breathing of the root system, loosening the soil.

Transplant in September

With the arrival of the first autumn days, you should start thinking about preparing your children for the winter period.

They are brought to the wintering site, after cutting off excess branches, grafting, and fertilizing. In order to replant a plant, flower growers have a decade allotted in September, which professional breeders actively use.

Transplant in October

It is better to plant young seedlings in October, as the period is favorable for further flowering. This month, more attention is paid to loosening the soil; watering at this stage is not intensive. The lunar calendar allocates a week for transplantation. When carrying out the procedure, it is worth adding fertilizer for more active growth.

Transplant in November

Job heating devices negatively affects plants. They need to monitor the condition of the soil, constant spraying and irrigation. It should be noted that plants transplanted according to the calendar adapt well and are less prone to disease. With proper care, flowering can be seen in winter.

Transplant in December

The beginning of winter is a time of growth and flowering. At this stage, plants are grateful for loosening and caring for the root system.

If the flowers have stopped growing, then there is a high probability that they are in the sleep phase. Dormant plants should not be disturbed. By choosing a favorable time for transplantation, you can transfer flowers that grow regardless of the time of year.

How do the phases of the moon affect plant growth?

The influence of lunar phases on living organisms has long been proven scientifically. The growth of indoor plants also depends on lunar energy, so gardeners vigilantly regulate their work according to the calendar.

It is logical that the waxing Moon has a positive effect on the growth of flowers. Since there are eight lunar phases, with the beginning of each subsequent one, actions are taken to improve development (fertilization, irrigation, loosening).

Main lunar phases are:

New moon

Lasts three days. This is not the best time for any manipulations with domestic species. At this stage, plants need rest and do not show activity on their own.

During this period, it is impossible to carry out planting work and transfer flowers to other pots, you cannot disturb the root system and disturb it by introducing drugs into the roots, and the days are also unsuitable for grafting trees.

The period is favorable for:

  • weed removal;
  • pest control
  • eliminating non-viable plant fragments;
  • low fluffing;
  • light watering.

Waxing moon phase

Energy source for intensive growth. During this period you can:

  • sow seeds and plant shoots;
  • engage in transplantation;
  • saturate the soil with useful substances, fertilize, add complementary foods;
  • vaccinations are well tolerated;
  • effective watering and watering of flowers.

Full moon

Energetically affects the root system. Ideally, it is better to refrain from transplanting so as not to disturb the root, but the trunk, crown, and fruits deserve attention and all work can be directed toward caring for them.

When the Moon is waning, flower growers perform the following actions:

  • plant seedlings and young shoots;
  • thin out the seedlings;
  • fight insects and weeds;
  • treat plant diseases;
  • saturate the earth with nutrients;
  • perform pruning.

A true lover of home floriculture finds the opportunity to pay the necessary attention to plants in any phase of the moon.

Lunar calendar - a florist's cheat sheet. Knowing when a certain phase of the satellite begins, you can plan your actions and avoid manipulations during an unfavorable period.

Let's celebrate! Domestic species are grateful for proper attention and delight their owners with intense vegetation, lush flowering during a year.

The lunar calendar for indoor plants and flowers for 2017 will help determine the most favorable days for planting and replanting.

During various manipulations with home flowers, they are easily damaged. Broken roots, scratched cuticles, broken stems or torn leaves are all stress for the plant, which can be reduced by following the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

The influence of the Moon on the planetary movement of water has long been known; sea ebbs and flows are determined by the position of the Earth's satellite. Living organisms are also subject to lunar influences. In plants, the preferential direction of sap flow depends on its phases.

The dates indicated in the lunar calendar as suitable for transplanting and planting plants fall during the period of movement of juices to the upper parts of the flower - stems and leaves. At this time, turgor in the root system decreases, the cells become slightly dehydrated and become less brittle. Thanks to this, they tolerate replanting more easily and take root in the new soil faster.

The migration of water into the leaves occurs during the waxing of the moon. On the waning moon, the roots are filled with moisture and should not be disturbed.

By checking the lunar calendar before starting work in your home or office greenhouse, it will be easier to grow healthy and blooming indoor garden.

The exception is when the plant requires emergency transplant: pests have appeared, the pot has broken or the stem has broken. Then he needs to be rescued urgently, there’s no timetable.

Transplanting plants that have bloomed is undesirable even on favorable days of the lunar calendar. After this, the plant may become sick for a long time and it will take a lot of effort to cure it.

It is convenient to check the detailed calendar, which shows the favorable and unfavorable dates of each month, so that your indoor garden will delight you with a riot of greenery and fragrant flowers.

Lunar calendar for indoor plants and flowers for 2017

Favorable days for planting and replanting plants Unfavorable days for planting and replanting plants Prohibited days for any manipulations with plants
January 1-11, 28-31 13-27 12
February 1-10, 27-28 12-25 11, 26
March 1-11, 28-31 13-27 12
April 1-10, 26-30 12-25 11
May 1-10, 25-31 12-24 11
June 1-8, 24-30 10-23 9
July 1-8, 23-31 10-22 9
August 1-6, 22-31 8-20 7, 21
September 1-5, 20-30 7-19 6
October 1-4, 19-31 6-18 5
November 1-3, 18-30 5-17 4
December 1, 2, 18-31 4-17 3

In the annual lunar calendar indoor gardener the dates indicated are suitable for major changes in the life of the plant - replanting or planting rooted cuttings.

On unfavorable days, less radical procedures are performed - loosening, fertilizing, watering, and pest control. Special attention should be given to dates when it is better not to touch flowers at all. Any care on such a day will not be beneficial.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in January

Each gardener adheres to certain principles when caring for indoor plants and flowers. Some people find valuable tips and advice from experts on the pages of specialized publications, some reproduce the experiences of friends and acquaintances, and many prefer to listen to the opinions of astrologers about the influence of the moon on their silent pets.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in February

Days of solar and lunar eclipses, even partial ones, are the most unsuitable for replanting plants. They are very vulnerable during this period, and even minor injuries are likely to result in death.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in March

House flowers need regular replanting. There are several reasons:

  • The root system “grows” out of the previous flowerpot and the ground rises, making watering difficult.
  • The accumulation of hardness salts in the soil from irrigation water, which makes it difficult for the plant to feed.
  • Depletion of the soil, decomposition of its organic component, which makes fertilizing less effective.
  • Compaction of the soil, leading to oxygen starvation of the roots.

April warming and an increase in daylight hours are favorable for resuming work with house plants.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in April

In late spring, active circulation of juices in indoor plants resumes, metabolism (respiration and photosynthesis) accelerates, and intensive growth of greenery begins.

This good time for relocating green pets to new places, rejuvenating bushes that have grown and lost their decorative properties.

To shorten the adaptation period of indoor flowers after transplantation and achieve abundant flowering, use the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in May

The silvery satellite of the Earth has an invisible influence on all living beings on the planet. Even a person’s emotional state, the ups and downs of his mood depend on the Moon. Caring for flowers and plants, coordinated with the lunar calendar, will ensure their excellent health and give joy and pleasure to their owners.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in June

Indoor plants have functions that are not only decorative. They improve the microclimate in a living space by humidifying and conditioning the air, neutralizing positively charged air ions from household appliances. Many of them absorb harmful emissions from furniture and finishing materials.

If the plant is noticeably worse with seemingly normal care, then it is time to apply the recommendations of the lunar calendar and adjust the work schedule in the indoor flower garden.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in July

Propagation by cuttings will be successful on the waxing Moon. Then the stems and leaves are filled with life-giving moisture and it is easier for the plant to heal the wounds it receives. And the cuttings will take root sooner.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in August

In spring and autumn, plants in any case tolerate planting work better. Rooted cuttings should be designated for permanent residence in warm season. If there is a need for replanting in the fall, carefully choose the date in accordance with the lunar calendar.

This approach will speed up the growth and reproduction of your favorite varieties and help make all your friends happy with little “babies” in pots.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in September

It is quite difficult to create such a calendar on your own. Professional astrologers take into account many factors: the position of the Moon and the Sun in the zodiac signs, lunar day, month.

Feel free to use this table to plan your work personal plot in the garden, vegetable garden, flower bed.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in October

If the soil begins to “crawl out” of the pot, the leaves have become small, yellowed, and the plant has not enjoyed flowering for a long time, it needs replanting and fresh soil.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in November

With the onset of winter, all processes in the plant slow down, and a dormant period begins. Flower growers usually avoid winter transplants so as not to harm the plant.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in December

Love and care put into indoor flower garden, will pay off handsomely, and let the lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants for 2017 become your assistant and competent adviser.