Interior in English style: description and photo examples. Interior design in English style - basics and rules of design

The English style really enjoys unprecedented popularity today. The spirit of history is felt in it. Only aesthetes who value conservative comfort will be able to truly appreciate the interiors of apartments in the English style. Photos of rooms decorated in this way clearly demonstrate the aristocratic beauty of this design direction.

The restrained aristocracy of the English style appeals to many apartment owners. By decorating your home in this way, you can emphasize that traditions are respected here and family values ​​are placed above all else. At the same time, thoughtful apartment interiors in English style, photo which are published on this site, have nobility, this is felt in the smallest details.

The refined elegance of the style appeals to those who are close to the classical principles of interior design. The English style, however, also leaves room for experimentation; it has fewer elements of regularity than the classics. If a person wants to emphasize his status, then he will undoubtedly like apartment in English style, and photo Such interiors clearly demonstrate that the style belongs to elite design trends. Discreet luxury combined with sophistication and traditional English elegance looks very impressive.

Apartment design in English style: photo design principles

When decorating an apartment in the British style, it is important to keep all the rooms in a single concept, because this direction does not fit well with modern interior trends. Help you create a unique apartment design in English style photo presented in this thematic section.

In English interiors, straight lines and correct forms. The rooms should have many elements made of wood, with preference given to noble species. Furniture suitable for British interiors has recognizable features: bent legs, upholstery made of luxury fabric, round armrests. The dark palette of the style emphasizes the aristocracy of the interior; preference is given to natural, restrained shades. For those who want to fill their apartment with bright colors, the English style may seem a little boring. In this case, designers suggest paying attention to

The English style used in interior design is characterized by restraint combined with richness. This design direction creates a feeling of stability and prosperity, but at the same time it is not characterized by manifestations of luxury and all sorts of excesses. It is quite difficult to recreate the English style in the interior of a small apartment, because it requires space and good lighting. However there is various ways stylization of premises. They allow you to create a special mood characteristic of this style, while maintaining the functionality of each room.

Distinctive features of the English style

Entering a house decorated in English traditions, a person immediately feels the good quality of the entire environment. This style clearly speaks of the owner’s wealth and his thorough approach to everything. All furnishings and finishing elements are of high quality. The furniture is quite massive, but not without sophistication and elegance. They can be read in light floral patterns, decorative carvings, curved lines of legs and other details.

The classic colors of the English style are red, green and brown. Upholstered upholstered furniture a traditional cage is often used. Although, modern stylizations allow the use of a different color scheme if required by the design idea or other circumstances.

Wooden furniture is preferable. The upholstery is most often made of high-quality expensive fabric with a rich texture. Less commonly, genuine leather can be used.

High quality, preferably natural materials, must be used in all finishing elements. So, for the floor it is best to choose parquet or laminate that imitates parquet board. The walls can be painted or wallpapered. The most commonly used are paper or textile.

Large horizontal paintings and porcelain figurines can be used as decoration. A fireplace will look great in an English interior.

interior in beige tones

beautiful interior

Light room

How to recreate the English style in a small apartment?

If the area of ​​your apartment does not allow you to use all the characteristic elements characteristic of the English style, then you can easily apply stylization. To do this, you need to know some techniques, choose the right furniture, work on the color scheme, and use traditional decor.

Selection of colors

To visually enlarge a room, make it lighter, fill it with air, all you need to do is choose the right color scheme. As for the English style, it is traditionally dominated by calm, moderately saturated shades of red, green and brown. If you apply them pastel shades as the main ones, the room will become brighter and more spacious. To make the interior expressive, add small elements made of natural dark wood. It is best to keep the floor in medium tones, and leave the ceiling white or cream.

small room

living room with fireplace

room with beige furniture

Furniture selection

Applying English style in the interior of a small apartment, pay attention to Special attention to choose furniture. It is important to maintain a “golden mean” here. Furnishings should be of good quality, solid, but moderately massive. So, it is best to choose rectangular shapes for sofas and armchairs. The English style in them should be indicated by decorative wooden elements, curved legs, small pillows of traditional colors, and upholstery material.

Install light wood cabinet furniture in the living room and office. The English style is characterized by narrow bookshelves reaching the ceiling height. They won't take up much space and will create a special mood. It is better to leave some of the shelves here completely open, and some to be glazed. This way you can create interesting design using classical techniques.

original furniture

As for the bedroom, the bed will help create a special mood. Its size is not important. What you should pay attention to is the style. The headboard must be wooden, with carvings characteristic of the English style. It is a good idea to purchase nightstands and dressing tables to go with the bed.

Kitchen furniture should also be stylized. For a small apartment you can purchase a set standard sizes. It is advisable to give preference light colors tree. Paneled facades will give the entire kitchen a special English elegance. All that remains is to choose a simple one dinner table and chairs without unnecessary decor.

antique furniture

living-dining room

bright living room with fireplace

Interior decoration

If the living room area allows, you can install small fireplace. It can be decorated with carved wood or marble. It is advisable to place shelves for souvenirs above the fireplace. Porcelain figurines will look great on them. Hang one large painting on the wall. This way you can recreate a special mood in a small apartment.

2 armchairs in the interior

Characteristic of the English style is a large amount of textiles. These are carpets on the floor, rugs, curtains with frills and tiebacks, decorative pillows. All this can be used in a small apartment. However, it is important to remember proportionality. Let the sofa in the living room be decorated with pillows, but there should not be too many of them. You can hang voluminous interesting curtains on the window, but in this case they will dominate. This means that the rest of the interior should be more modest. If the windows are not completely open, then it is better to hang unobtrusive Roman blinds with a characteristic pattern, and use something else as the center of the composition.

sofa as a bright dominant

elegant furniture

stylish design living room

So, the English style in the interior of a small apartment will look quite appropriate if you thoughtfully approach the choice of furniture, decor and finishing materials. Follow the basic rules and you can recreate in your home an atmosphere of understated sophistication, not lacking in... home comfort. But before you choose this style, think it over carefully. Keep in mind that in in this case you will have to use only high-quality materials, mostly natural. This means that the cost of repairs will be very significant.

The English style for decorating a room is used by people who want to show their high status in society and demonstrate their refined taste.

This style combines European severity, Indian and Chinese motifs.

The English style in the interior is very popular when decorating rooms in large cottages. The main material in the English interior is wood.

The furniture you choose should be High Quality and create a feeling of stability. The English version of room decoration perfectly combines notes of luxury and restraint.

Distinctive features of the classic English style in the interior

Color. Give preference to natural shades: scarlet, brown, terracotta. It is allowed to use light shades of gold, silver, tone Ivory. For finishing, only expensive wood is used: mahogany, walnut.

  • The windows should be large, it is possible to use glass arches.
  • The window sills should be wide; you can decorate them with cushions and use them as a seat.
  • To decorate windows, use heavy curtains decorated with drapery and tassels.
  • To decorate the walls, choose wallpaper with small patterns or floral patterns.
  • A detail such as textiles is very important. Choose fabric with a checkered pattern.

Furniture in the English style should be expensive and massive. It is desirable that the upholstery be made of leather.

Wood is used to decorate the ceiling; decorate it with massive beams.

Cabinets made of dark wood and filled to the brim with books fit perfectly into an English-style interior. A low sofa is very popular for this interior. small size, upholstered in quilted material and with oval armrests.

How to decorate English style in different rooms

Living room in the spirit of English classics

If you decide to decorate the interior of your house in the English style, then first evaluate the size of your apartment. All rooms should be spacious. When decorating a living room in this theme, remember this.

We decorate the bottom walls with wood panels and cover the top light wallpaper with a small pattern. There must be a crystal chandelier on the ceiling.

To decorate the room, give preference to light-colored furniture made from expensive wood. Don't forget the oval table for dinner parties. Artificially aged furniture will fit perfectly into the interior. You can place a fireplace in the center of one of the walls, which will add coziness to your living room.

Accessories can include paintings, weapons mounted on the wall, and hunting trophies.

Victorian style kitchen

When choosing English version When decorating, remember that the kitchen must be large. Massive furniture in light shades is also used.

Place a table in the center of the kitchen, and attach a large number of small cabinets, shelves and drawers to the walls.

An important decorative element is an antique-style stove and a ceramic sink. Wicker baskets in which you can store food fit perfectly into the interior.

Chic bedroom in English style

The walls are decorated in the same way as in the living room. The top is covered with wooden panels, and the bottom with light wallpaper with a discreet pattern. You can use wallpaper with imitation brocade.

To decorate the floor, choose parquet boards with a clear wood grain. Can be used carpet covering with a floral pattern, they will make your bedroom even more comfortable and add a touch of intimacy.

The key detail is a huge high bed made of precious wood. Perfect option– a four-poster bed covered with a quilted bedspread. The main feature of the English bedroom is a large number of textile accessories.

These could be pillows, a blanket, a blanket, curtains. Hang a variety of paintings on the walls. Place a rocking chair and a tall chest of drawers with a mirror in your bedroom and your boudoir will become even more comfortable.

If you choose the right accessories, shades, and furniture, you can recreate a unique English atmosphere in your home that will never lose its relevance.

Do not forget to maintain clear lines, rich materials and harmoniously combine all decoration items.

Modern English style in the interior is ideal for people who are used to planning everything in their lives and pay great attention to detail.

Photo of English style in the interior

The basis English design The interior design is not only restraint and orderliness, but also reliability and continuity. Many houses and their contents are passed down from generation to generation. Antique items are especially highly valued. So that they save long time pristine appearance, people choose products made from high-quality and durable materials. If some furniture breaks, its owner will most likely repair and restore it, but will not throw it away.

British design harmoniously combines austerity and high cost. There is no pomposity and golden shine of baroque in it, but there are many features that testify to the well-being of the owners.

History of origin

The English style in interiors began to take shape in the 18th and 19th centuries. The restrained British were not particularly keen on Baroque and Rococo, preferring restraint and classics.

The development of the genre was actively promoted by the Romanesque and Gothic styles. They are still found today in medieval castles. Roman and Greek styles also contributed to the development of the direction.

The early history of the formation of the English interior can be divided into two main stages - the Georgian style during the reign of King George (1714 - 1830) and the Victorian style (1838 - 1901).

The second period is associated with the reign of Queen Victoria. It combined classics, colonial style and minor baroque elements. Over time, the colonial style emerged as a separate movement against the backdrop of important geographical discoveries for the country.

All directions were formed during the rapid development of the state. Industry developed, people gravitated towards prestige and expensive surroundings. Overseas interior items were popular, especially rare and expensive materials.

Years and centuries passed, fashion changed, and the interior English home has not undergone any fundamental changes. This trend is due to the British loyalty to traditions. Therefore, today you can see such dwellings in a little changed form.

Style characteristics

The main features of English interior design:

  • Zoning of premises. Housing is not simply divided into different rooms. Most rooms are also zoned.
  • The rooms may be small, and at the same time the building may have several floors.
  • Symmetry is maintained. Doors, windows, rooms are symmetrical.
  • The windows are large with wooden frames, most often light in color. The British deliberately do not change the old ones wooden windows to new plastic ones in order to remain true to traditions and not spoil appearance architecture of the building. This is despite the fact that many old-style windows let in cold air.
  • Basic Decoration Materials English classics in the interior - natural wood, stone, leather, plaster, wallpaper with stripes or floral prints.
  • Calm colors without sharp contrasts - pastel colors, brown and its shades, white, green, blue, light red, purple, terracotta. Golden color is also used, but most often it does not predominate.
  • A mandatory attribute of the living room is a fireplace. On top of it is a shelf with decor and framed photographs (family values ​​are important).
  • Lighting is both central and additional (floor lamps, candelabra, lamps). The light is evenly scattered.
  • The furniture is predominantly classic. It may also include elements of other European styles - carved decor, Gothic motifs, twisted legs, bronze or brass inserts. The upholstery is made of fabric, most often with a small pattern, or leather.
  • Mostly natural textiles. Plain fabrics and stripes, checks, and floral patterns, most often small ones, are used.
  • Decor is used - paintings, framed photographs, vases, mirrors in antique frames, figurines.
  • There is no negligence or chaos in the atmosphere. The arrangement of furniture and decor is carefully thought out.

Is the style popular now, and who will it suit?

English apartment interiors have not lost their popularity for a long time. The point is not only that many of its adherents like to observe traditions. From the very first minutes it charms with its coziness, impeccable taste and comfort. In such an environment, you want to organize tea parties, spend time by the fireplace with loved ones, read an exciting English detective story, and watch the weather change outside the large window.

The English style in the interior of the apartment will distract from the bustle and haste, which is unusual for the British.

All this together makes the direction relevant, since the environment evokes emotions, which are sometimes lacking in the modern rhythm of life.

The genre is suitable for those who like a classic setting, symmetry and orderliness of objects. It will also appeal to connoisseurs of high-quality, comfortable and expensive furniture that is not pretentious.
The direction will be suitable for collectors, since the setting may include the placement of collections of antiques and other items.

It is advisable for the owners to equip it small apartments With small rooms. The premises of the British are most often small. This is due to the desire to heat homes faster and better during the cold period.

Options for arranging rooms in the English style

Let's consider options for arranging a classic English interior.

Living room

  • Decorate the walls with pastel-colored wallpaper (the tone is closer to sand), perhaps with an inexpressive pattern.
  • Plaster the ceiling with white plaster.
  • Lay parquet color on the floor natural wood.
    Complete the floor with a natural carpet beige colour with a small plant pattern.
  • Make a fireplace by covering it natural stone close in color to the wallpaper.
    Set up a sofa area near the fireplace.
  • Upholstered furniture can be chosen in cream color with a sand-colored floral pattern.
  • Place a wooden coffee table, perhaps with a glass top.
  • Place a floor lamp nearby.

If space allows, complement the English-style living room interior with a library area - high wooden bookshelves, a cozy and soft sofa, and a coffee table.


  • Wallpaper in an English bedroom interior can resemble Provence - on a light beige background there is an ornament in the form of flowers with green stems and light red buds.
  • On the floor - light parquet or laminate, laid in longitudinal fragments rectangular shape;
    there is a cream carpet on it, the same color and design as the wallpaper.
  • Double bed with a wooden, carved base.
  • Place a white blanket on it and complement it with plain decorative pillows purple color.
  • Hang olive curtains on the windows.
  • Place wooden nightstands on the sides of the bed, preferably in a retro style, and on them low lamps with beige lampshades.

As a result, you will receive not only an English-style bedroom interior, but also a harmony of colors that is pleasing to the eye, conducive to relaxation and sleep.

The English style is a deep mixture of the visual characteristics of the Georgian and Victorian eras with the addition of a touch of colonialism, which appeared due to the positioning of Great Britain at that time as a colonial empire. The spread of the interests of this country to the far corners of Asia and the East contributed to the appearance of exquisite items from India and China among the British. They reliably served as confirmation of wealth, as well as the high social status of their owners. To create an English style in the interior of an apartment, you need to take good quality, respectability, and solidity as starting points. If Conan Doyle, Dickens, Wilde, Chesterton and Agatha Christie are dear to you, then cool restraint, staunch adherence to traditions is best option to decorate your home.

Essential elements

The main idea, the central axis around which interior items are strung together to create the English style, is symmetry. The arrangement of windows, shelves, armchairs, sofas, floor lamps is symmetrical; the use of duplicate items and accessories in pairs is traditional.

Elements that emphasize that the interior belongs to the chosen one style direction: square carpets, numerous portraits, a fireplace, collections behind glass, high-quality furniture, an armchair with ears, quilted sofas, armchairs upholstered in floral chintz, heavy curtains, paired lampshades, many pillows, porcelain trinkets, clocks and bronze.

The walls, as in the time of Sherlock Holmes, are half lined with oak panels or dies trimmed with mahogany veneer. The upper part is wallpapered or painted. Preferred colors For common rooms: dark burgundy, silver-green (sage leaf color), deep gray, dark blue. Wallpaper is characterized by acanthus or damask patterns, or voluminous bouquets tied with gold ribbons. Private rooms are decorated with light-colored wallpaper with small floral patterns.

A special place in the British interior is occupied by draperies - voluminous, multi-folded, tied with tassels or tiebacks at a height of about a meter, arranged in waves on the floor.

Heavy curtains are sewn in two layers, with a thick lining. This technique is used so that the curtains do not fade from the sun, and their folds keep their shape well.

Traditionally, plain-dyed fabrics, checks, stripes, and flowers are used. The windows of the living room, study, and dining room are decorated with curtains made of white muslin and drapes made of expensive materials: velvet, satin, brocade. On summer period blackout curtains It is recommended to replace with lighter cotton fabrics.

Walk through an English house

Just as theater begins with a coat rack, so English style begins literally from the front door. The aroma of old England, the first striking accent of the English style, is instantly felt when you just approach it: on the paneled door, in addition to the ordinary door handle the door knocker flaunts. It is absolutely not necessary that this item be made like a real hammer. By design, it is a bracket with a protruding part that strikes a metal plate. Now, like two hundred years ago, it is made in the form of a ring, a lion’s head, a mythical animal, and many others. interesting options, for example, a human palm. This attribute of the entrance group immediately emphasizes that your interior belongs to the English style. Entrance door The Victorian era was painted with dark green, cinnabar red or black paint to highlight the grain of the wood. Now designers continue to use this technique.

An apartment whose interior has absorbed the spirit of British traditions implies the presence large quantity rooms. Each of them plays its own role, creating the scenery for a certain time period of human life: living room, office, bedroom, kitchen, dining room, children's room (or even a separate study room). What are distinctive features space in accordance with its purpose?

The ideal living room that matches this style is a room with a high ceiling and a bay window. Large, elongated windows starting almost from the floor are required. The dominant feature of the living room, the symbol of the house and its main decoration is open fireplace, with a black cast iron firebox placed inside. The fireplace lining is made of marble, carved wood or tiles. Cutting off the intense heat, a decorative screen is placed in front, and a large mirror framed by a ceremonial frame or a painting takes its place above the fireplace.

Strictly opposite the fireplace there is a voluminous furniture group: a sofa, armchairs and banquettes, surrounded by small side tables with paired floor lamps or vases.

On both sides of the fireplace there are mirrored sideboards, round glass display cases or cabinets; inside them, as well as on the mantelpiece, collections of porcelain (Chinese, English), watches, and bronze are displayed. Clock mechanisms under glass covers, elegant figurines or the finest items from a great-grandmother's service - these family treasures belong here.

The walls of the living room are decorated with paintings in heavy gilded frames, ceremonial family portraits and photographs. A special feature is the very dense distribution, i.e. The distance between the paintings is chosen as minimally acceptable.

The main content of a traditional English office interior is books. They are placed on open shelves up to the ceiling, completed with fillets, cornices, and possibly pilasters. Engravings are placed on the walls, and furniture, except desk or a bureau, there is supposed to be a group of sofas, necessarily surrounded by small tables. Strict lines and muted colors should help create a working mood.

The heart of the bedroom is the high bed, and its distinctive features- a voluminous headboard, a valance decorated with frills and scallops, a canopy on posts (optional), a huge number of pillows. An ottoman is installed at the foot of the bed. Bedside tables and night lamps are placed symmetrically with the bed, opposite dressing table with an armchair or pouf. The bedroom walls are decorated with prints, lithographs, and photographs in thin frames. Curtains are made of cotton or linen fabrics that duplicate the wallpaper or upholstery materials used for upholstered furniture.

The most important symbols of British style in the kitchen are a giant stove, metal dishes, copper pots hung on the walls, ceramic pots and porcelain displayed on open shelves, a tiled floor in dark shades, and a deep rectangular earthenware sink.

Interior of a small apartment

If your love for "five o'clock" is prohibitively great, then reproduce modern style a classic English house in a small apartment is quite possible, but before starting work you should ask yourself the question: “Is it comfortable to live, feeling like a sightseer (or even an exhibit) of a historical museum, especially if it is not located at the source of the Thames, but inside an ordinary modern building?”

A better and more elegant solution would be to think over a simple classic English interior, but make some reference to England, add a slight aroma of Foggy Albion, using as accents objects that have an undeniable affiliation with the British style.

When developing an English design for a small room, it is important to maintain the main trends: symmetry and pairing, but the main thing is not to clutter the space. Take only all the essentials: a sofa, a square carpet, a fireplace (raised fireplace), and sofa tables. Instead of a traditional desk with cabinets, you can use a bureau with a hinged or roll-up lid. This piece of furniture is very functional and takes up much less space. Floral curtains, chintz upholstery, quilted Chesterfield furniture collection, Victorian colors in wallpaper, a “gentleman’s” chair, a “British flag” print on the pillows, like a designer’s joke - these elements will give your home the required flavor, but will not overload it with the massiveness of the old England.