How to refuse centralized hot water? Is giving up hot water a way to save money? Why consumers refuse hot water

In the receipt for utility bills, charges for apartment hot water supply are usually the highest. Over the course of a year, a decent amount accrues, which can be spent more profitably. We will tell you how to do this without depriving yourself of your usual comfort in this article.

Advantages of not having a centralized hot water supply

Residents multi-storey buildings often encounter problems with hot water supply.

Among them:

  • Water supply at insufficient temperature, due to which its consumption increases and, accordingly, the numbers in the payment bill increase;

  • Cooling of water in pipes, as a result of which you have to wait a long time for cold water to drain and hot water to flow;

  • Poor water quality– it may be mixed with rust or have an unpleasant odor;

  • Frequent planned and unscheduled outages, causing not only domestic inconvenience, but also financial losses. Indeed, in the absence of a meter, it is very difficult to achieve recalculation during the absence of DHW.

You can try to prove that the standards for hot water supply in apartments are violated by ordering an examination of its composition and drawing up a report in the presence of utility workers about the actual temperature of the water flowing from the tap.

But even if you win, it is not a fact that the problems will be solved. Yes and from planned outages this will not save the plumbing system from being repaired.

But there is a way out, and it is very reliable: you need to install a water heater in your apartment and become your own supplier hot water.

  • It will always be clean, since its source will be drinking water from;
  • You can regulate its temperature yourself;

  • Interruptions in supply are possible only when the energy supply is turned off or cold water;
  • Impressive sums for .

Note. On the other hand, payments for cold water and electricity (or gas, if the water heater is gas) will increase. How profitable such a solution is will depend on the type and power of the boiler, average water consumption and other factors. But in any case, even in the absence of savings, you get greater comfort.

Design options for autonomous hot water supply

There are two ways: installing a meter on the hot water pipe with monthly transmission of zero readings and officially disconnecting the apartment from the hot water supply.

Option with counter

Nowadays, most houses require that meters be installed on all communications. If you already have meters, there will be no problems.

If they are not there, do this:

  • Install the boiler by connecting it to the cold water supply system;
  • Buy a hot water meter and turn off the tap at the inlet.

Advice. When choosing, pay attention to performance characteristics– some devices are installed only on cold water supply.

  • Install it on the DHW pipe. To do this you need to write an application to management company for installation of metering devices;
  • Call representatives of the management company to seal the meter and transfer the initial readings to the computer center.

This option has a great advantage: if the water heater breaks down or if there is a power outage in the apartment, you only need to open the tap to DHW pipe and enjoy hot water from the central system.

When using such a scheme, the following rules must be observed:

  • Submit meter readings monthly, even if they have not changed as a result of not using the centralized supply;
  • Once every six years (check with your supplier for the period), check the device by calling a heating network representative to your home.

Advice. Instead of checking, you can replace the meter with a new one. It is inexpensive, and the sealing service is provided free of charge.

Option with disconnection from the system

You can completely turn off the hot water supply in your apartment by cutting off the pipe or making a rupture in it.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • First you need to make a request to the management company or housing and communal services to disconnect from the city DHW networks;
  • Then, using the departmental plumber, make visible breaks in all outlets from the hot water supply risers and plug them;

  • Call a representative of the supplier to seal and draw up a report on disconnection from the network. From this moment on, charges for hot water supply stop;
  • Install a water heater with piping.

The disadvantage of this option is complete absence hot water in case of power outages or boiler breakdown.

Note! The fact of disconnection from the city hot water network must be confirmed annually. Why is it necessary to call a representative of the supplier to draw up a report on disconnection and the presence of seals. Otherwise, after a year, the payment column for hot water supply according to the standards will return to the payment bill.

Selecting a water heater

Which boiler to choose depends on many reasons. First of all, they consider the economic one, and in this regard there is no equal to a gas water heater or water heater. Therefore, if the project provides for such an opportunity, and you want to save a lot of money, choose this type.

The only disadvantage of this solution is that you cannot install it yourself, since the instructions require technical conditions for connection, and a certified specialist must install the speaker.

But gas equipment itself costs less than electric equipment, so it will pay for itself faster. If the house is not gasified or you are against presence gas equipment in an apartment, buy an electric water heater.

It comes in two types:

  • Flow-through– water heats up as it passes through a heating element. It should have a good stable pressure. The advantages of such devices include small dimensions and ease of installation with your own hands. The disadvantages are high power consumption (5-27 kW), which sometimes completely cancels out the benefits of disconnecting the city network. In addition, wiring in older homes is often not designed to handle this kind of power and may not be able to handle the load.

  • Cumulative– heats up a large volume of water in the tank at once. Makes it possible to regulate the temperature and maintain it at a given level. Compared to flow-through, it consumes very little electricity (1.5-3 kW), but has impressive dimensions.

Another factor influencing the choice of a boiler is its placement in the apartment.

The easiest way is to find a place for a flow-through electric heater. It is usually installed in the kitchen at the water connection point. kitchen sink. It is also possible to embed it into the pipeline at the entrance to the apartment to provide hot water to all water taps.

Savings and gas boilers cannot be placed in the bathroom. Therefore, the former are most often hung in the toilet, and the latter - in the kitchen, in the place of supply gas pipe. And from this point they make a connection into the existing hot water pipeline, or lay wiring to all devices that consume hot water.


If you are tired of overpaying for poor quality service and if you don’t want to be left without hot water even for one day, refuse it. An autonomous water heater will become great solution Problems. The main thing is to arrange everything correctly.

The video in this article shows how a hot water supply system is installed in an apartment from a water heater. Once you learn it, you can do most of the work yourself.

Hot water is one of the benefits of civilization. But, unfortunately, very often city residents are faced with the fact that it is difficult to call it truly hot.

Many people put up with this, not wanting conflicts and disputes with management companies, city public utilities, someone is waiting for the situation to improve. But every year, an increasing number of citizens want to change the situation radically and begin to figure out how to refuse hot water, which would be more correctly called warm, so as not to pay quite a lot of money for the under-delivery of services.

Hot water is one of the benefits of civilization

Use hot centralized water supply becomes for many not just expensive, but also unwise. After all, most often the temperature of the liquid flowing from a tap with a red label does not rise above 40 degrees. And if you also remember the regular shutdowns (some for the whole summer, some for two weeks) during repair work, then the feasibility of the service becomes even more questionable.

Most often, the temperature of the liquid flowing from a tap with a red label does not rise above 40 degrees

So thinking tenants are looking for an alternative on how to provide themselves with real boiling water. And they find it... in individual water heaters powered by electricity or gas, discovering the simplest methods of installation and connection almost anywhere in the apartment, at any stage of repair and finishing work. Let's look at this option step by step.

If you are not satisfied with the quality of the service, the answer to the question of how to refuse hot water can be done in 5 standard steps:

  • making a conscious decision to refuse centralized hot water;
  • contacting the housing and communal services or ESO with an application to turn off the hot water, clarifying technical feasibility;

Contacting the housing and communal services or ESO with an application to turn off the hot water, clarifying the technical feasibility

  • if possible, select and purchase a water heater suitable model, its installation, strapping;
  • thinking through the installation of plugs and sealing loops;

Call a plumber to seal the plugs

  • calling technicians and an inspector who will install and seal the plugs and draw up a report.

Now you know how to refuse warm water instead of hot. The algorithm of actions may vary slightly in each specific case. But the main thing here will still be life without “state” hot water, since now you will be independently responsible for its availability in the apartment.

Life after a blackout in numbers: will the boiler pay for itself?

For calculations, let’s take an ordinary family of four people, which requires approximately 500 liters of boiling water per day. When choosing a heater, there are two options: storage or flow. The flow-through can heat 500 liters with a power of 6.5 kilowatts. A storage tank with a capacity of up to 120 liters will cope with its task with a power of 3 kilowatts.

Attention! A storage boiler costs less - from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, and is much easier to install.

A flow-through heater costs from 15 to 30 thousand, plus additional installation costs of about 4 thousand rubles.

A storage device with an average power of 2 kilowatts will heat 120 liters for two hours

Why is a flow-through installation more difficult? Because its power is higher than 3 kilowatts, and it requires a separate cable, protective grounding, disconnection. The drive only needs its own differential circuit breaker plus a socket installed on the personal protective group. And this is an expense of no more than 1,400 rubles. Both types of devices are tied approximately the same way. They crash into the cold water supply system. To do this, you need shut-off valves and pipes (6-8 meters), which will cost 3,000 rubles. Total: storage boiler(purchase + installation) – 30,400 rubles, flow heater– 35,500. Now, knowing how to refuse hot water, and the starting cost of refusal, let’s move on to the payback.

A storage device with an average power of 2 kilowatts will heat 120 liters for two hours. Through simple calculations, it becomes clear that for one cubic meter he will need a little more than 33 kilowatts per hour. Therefore, to break even, electricity needs to cost about 2 rubles. 70 kopecks Here, many will also remember turning it on to heat the water. But energy consumption at these moments is more than insignificant, so it’s not worth counting them.

A flow-through boiler heats 180 liters per hour, spending 8 kilowatts on it

The throughput capacity of the flow device is 3 liters of boiling water per minute. It heats 180 liters per hour, spending 8 kilowatts on it. That is electrical energy he will need 30% more. Having analyzed the above, many understand: a heating device that runs on gas will be cheaper here. Let's start with the fact that such units are several times cheaper than electric ones, having a power of 24 kilowatts. They heat (using the flow method) 14 liters per minute to a temperature of 80 degrees, spending 3 cubic meters on this. m of gas, which is cheaper than electricity. Therefore, those who have gas in their homes are luckier.

Which water heater should you choose?

Now you know that the main answer to the question of what you need to give up hot water is to buy a heater. You know that they can be electric (storage, flow-through), gas, and you also know all the costs for their purchase and installation. So which specific device should you prefer? Of course, gas, if the house is connected to this resource.

Note! Monthly costs for hot water using gas are about 500 rubles. with good pressure and stable temperature.

Electrical devices, unfortunately, are not capable of such “feats”. What if the house is not gasified? Then you'll have to think about it further. The overpayment here will be significant, but you can save by choosing a heater of a cheaper model.


4 years ago

No one is forcing you to install water meters, and if you installed them and realized that it is profitable for you to pay for water in accordance with the established tariffs, then you can refuse them. To do this, write three applications (in 2 copies) according to the established template: 1) to the management office, 2) to the production association of water supply and sanitation, 3) to the regional heating network management.

In your application, please indicate your full address and mandatory contract phone number. Take the second copy of each application for yourself, but make a note indicating acceptance of the application with a date and stamp. Copies will be useful if your application is not answered on time or if it is accidentally lost.

And if you receive a refusal to turn off the meters, you need to go to court.

In my country, it is not profitable to pay the established tariffs, so almost every apartment has meters for cold and hot water.

Vladimir Gor

This is what concerns mandatory installation.
Won 49 courts with such “deviators” that interfere with the accurate calculation of energy resource costs for an apartment building.
the federal law Russian Federation dated November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ
"On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"
Published: November 27, 2009 in "RG" - Federal issue No. 5050
Effective: November 27, 2009
Adopted by the State Duma on November 11, 2009

Art. 13 p. 5
"Until January 1, 2012, owners of residential buildings, with the exception of those specified in part 6 of this article, owners of premises in apartment buildings put into operation on the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, are obliged to ensure that such houses are equipped with water metering devices, natural gas, thermal energy, electrical energy, as well as input installed devices accounting into operation. Wherein apartment buildings within the specified period must be equipped with collective (common house) metering devices for used water, thermal energy, electrical energy, as well as individual and general ones (for communal apartment) metering devices used for water, natural gas, and electrical energy."
DUK will never give you a positive answer to turning off the meter.
No court will take your side with the above law.
Yes, and cases of refusal installed meter, for example, I have not heard, since the standard for energy resource consumption is always higher than actual consumption, in in this case water, according to an individual meter. And they would look at you like... “a little, out of your mind.”
Even if we imagine a fantastic assumption that the DUK will satisfy your request, then you, like those who “have not yet installed individual meters“all losses will be written off, that is, they will be redistributed, but even you physically could not use such an amount of water.
So do not mislead people and do not leave them hope of evading the laws of the Russian Federation.
Nothing personal. Good luck. - 4 years ago

Ecology of consumption. Home: How to abandon the city hot water supply system, while not only forgetting about low water heating forever, but also doing it as economically as possible. This article will reveal some of the pitfalls of such a transition and provide a real calculation of the payback.

Why is it worth abandoning city hot water supply?

Urban DHW system known to many for its dismal quality of services. Using it not only often costs a pretty penny, but in many apartments the water is supplied sub-heated to established standards and its temperature practically does not rise above 40–50 °C. To this must be added several weeks of lack of hot water during the summer planned shutdowns, when owners are forced to heat water for domestic and sanitary needs using literally improvised methods.

There is an alternative: refuse to supply hot water to the apartment and heat it yourself using an electric or gas water heater. At the same time, interventions in rough plumbing are minimal, most devices have the simplest scheme strapping and can be installed even after finishing work is completed.

What to do:

1. Contact the ESO or housing and communal services with a request to disconnect from the city hot water supply system. If this is possible according to the house design, obtain technical specifications.

2. Install the water heater and tie it up.

3. Provide for the possibility of installing seals on each branch of each of the hot water supply risers. The best option- plugs with loops for sealing.

4. In the presence of the inspector, draw up a report on the disconnection and presence of a visible rupture of the pipeline.

Why is this considered saving?

The benefits of switching to self-sufficiency in hot water seem obvious, considering that the cost of one cubic meter includes total losses heat throughout the system. As an example, consider the special case for small apartment in the Moscow region. As of July 2015, regional tariffs for public utilities such:

Type of service Tariff, rub.
DHW, m 3 120,82
Cold water, m 3 30,87
Drains 21,9
Electricity at a single rate tariff, kW 5,03
Electricity for three zones, kW for 1 / 2 / 3 zones 5,58 / 4,63 / 1,43
Natural gas, m3 6,04

A family of four consumes 16 m3 on average per month 3 hot water, that is, he pays 1933.12 rubles for city hot water supply. per month. The cost of the water itself is DHW tariff- this is 493.92 rubles, the remaining 1439.20 rubles. - this is the cost of heating 16 m 3 water up to 50 °C, that is, 89 rubles. 95 kopecks for 1 m 3 .

As you can see, water heating installations in the city system are not very economical, because they consume 17.9 kW of electricity at a single rate rate or 14.9 m 3 of natural gas to heat one cubic meter.

Payback period

But will household appliances be economical enough to pay for themselves in the foreseeable future? For the family of 4 mentioned above, about 500 liters of hot water per day is required. This task can be done with a pressure instantaneous water heater with a power of 6–6.5 kW or storage heater for 120 liters with buffer capacity and a total power of heating elements up to 3 kW.

A good and reliable storage heater will cost approximately 10,000–20,000 rubles, and a flow-through heater will cost 15,000–30,000 rubles. It will be somewhat more difficult to install a flow-through one, since everything that has an electrical power above 3 kW must be connected with a separate cable with a core cross-section of 4 mm 2 with the obligatory organization of protective grounding and disconnection, and this is an additional 3,500 rubles. For a boiler, you only need a differential machine that costs 1,400 rubles. and a regular socket on a separate protective group.

As for the plumbing, it is the same for both devices. Since the water heater can be plugged into almost any point in the hot and cold water supply lines, you will need a set to connect it shut-off valves and 6–8 meters of pipe, which will cost another 3,000 rubles. Total costs for instantaneous water heater and its installation will cost 35,500 rubles, and the cumulative one will cost 30,400 rubles.

An example of connecting a storage water heater: 1 - incoming cold water valve; 2 - safety valve; 3 - drain valve; 4 - air valve when draining water; 5 - storage water heater; 6 - differential automatic; 7 - to the shield; 8 - water to consumers

A storage water heater with a volume of 120 liters and a power of 2 kW takes 2 hours to heat water to 50 degrees. To heat 1 m 3 he will need 1000 / 120 x 2 x 2 = 33.33 kWh. That is, for self-sufficiency it is necessary that average cost electricity to operate the water heater was less than 2.70 rubles.

Flow heater at bandwidth 3 l/min per hour will heat 180 l of water, spending 8 kWh. That is, its energy consumption is approximately 30% higher. It can be argued that a storage water heater consumes energy not only for direct heating, but also for maintaining the temperature, however, these are short-term starts and such an adjustment can be neglected.

In fact, they are only economical in this regard gas water heaters, and they are cheaper than electric ones. With a power of 24 kW and a flow rate of 14 l/min, the column will heat a cubic meter of water to 70–80 °C in about 70 minutes, spending less than three cubic meters of gas.

So which water heater to choose?

If the apartment project has the opportunity to install a gas heater, this is exactly what should be done. Even five thousand rubles a month for hot water supply is not money, but the water is at a stable temperature, under good pressure and in full volume. No electric heater can do this.

If the house is not gasified, what modern construction happens more and more often, use electric water heaters can't be avoided. Yes, there is a slight overpayment, but life becomes much more comfortable! Moreover, you can not spend money on an expensive heater, but install a cheaper one.

The highest water consumption is observed in the evening and at night, when the electricity tariff is 4.63 and 1.43 rubles. for 1 kW. The average daily cost of a kilowatt for DHW operation is about 1.8 rubles. And at this cost, the price of electric hot water supply is quite comparable to the city one. At least hot water doesn't cost more, and the whole system is reliable and durable. The most economical in this case are large-volume storage water heaters connected through a contactor with a timer to operate only during the night and half-peak daily zones. Their payback period is usually about 3 years; flow-through ones will pay off in 5–7 years. If water is supplied to the house underheated, the payback period will be significantly reduced, because the consumption of hot water will be significantly reduced.

Tips for placing a water heater

Heaters, with the exception of non-pressure flow-through ones, are prohibited from being placed in the bathroom due to electrical safety requirements. That's why the best place for storing storage water heaters - this is a toilet, and for pressure flow water heaters - a kitchen or a kitchen niche.

In both places there is a supply of both cold and hot water; you can easily cut into the pipes even with tees at the connection point for the kitchen sink. Do not forget that the storage water heater must be supplied check valve, and the flow one - with a mesh filter. published

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