How to humidify the air in an apartment. How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier: methods

The problem of dry air in an apartment is very relevant because hot battery or continuously running air conditioning, reduce air humidity from 40 to 60%. Dry air can be a serious problem if you have small children in your home. It’s much harder to breathe in low humidity, it’s difficult to sleep, and bacteria and infections spread faster. That is why the question of how to increase air humidity in an apartment is becoming more and more common to people. Of course, you can humidify the air in the room in a simple way- ventilation. However, in the cold season, room ventilation causes problems. In addition, at this moment it is necessary to turn off the batteries and air conditioning for greater effect. To increase air humidity, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning in the apartment as often as possible. This is especially true for rooms where children sleep.

Hydration with a humidifier

The best way to combat this problem is to use humidifiers. The principle of operation of the humidifier is not complicated. An air flow passes over the water, capturing the smallest droplets of water, and the fan carries the resulting mixture throughout the room. Humidifiers operating on this principle are the most energy efficient and create very little noise during operation. IN modern devices a hydrostat (air humidity level meter) is installed. Therefore, having set the device to a satisfactory result, it will constantly maintain it.

A good solution would be to install a filter at the air intake location. This will rid the premises of excess dust and germs. They are also good for aromatherapy, can be used for inhalation, and are completely safe for children.

However, humidifiers have low power, so they cannot raise humidity above 60%. In the case of absolutely dry air, they will not be able to reach this level. The cost of such a device will cost from 5 to 16 thousand rubles.

There are more advanced ultrasonic humidifiers. The principle of operation is the same, only mixing occurs in a separate chamber by breaking and mixing molecules. Such devices are noticeably more efficient than analog ones and will allow you to maintain any level of humidity. True, they can only be used with distilled water, since any other will leave white coating, and hinder the operation of the device.

The simplest are steam humidifiers. They operate on the principle of a regular boiling kettle. Water constantly boils in it and there is a sensor that turns off the device when the water supply has evaporated. It has many disadvantages. For example, if you leave the device unattended for a long time, it can create a full-fledged steam room in the room, since it does not have automatic control of the humidity level. Moreover, hot steam dangerous for children and animals, and moisture can damage wallpaper and furniture.

There are also air washers that are successfully used to combat dry air. The principle of their operation is based on a humidifier, only droplets of water enter the air through the plates. A special fan drives polluted air through droplets of water, humidifying it and collecting dust, which subsequently ends up in a water tank. They have an autonomous hydrostat with the ability to set the operating mode. The maximum achieved humidity of the device is 60%. Universal devices that will not only humidify but also clean the air are quite expensive.

Humidifiers should be used in conjunction with air conditioners. Since only such a system creates for a person favorable conditions residence. You need to be especially careful with humidifiers with ionizers. On the one hand, they attract dust, but on the other, after a change in polarity, such attraction will be ineffective. It is in such cases that an air conditioner will be a great addition.

Self-humidification of rooms

How to increase air humidity without instruments? If your budget does not allow you to purchase a stand-alone device, you should resort to simple and affordable methods of humidifying indoor air. For example, place a container of water (basin, vase, jar) under the battery. You can even add oils to the water for greater benefits. The main thing is not to forget to change the water as often as possible.

An excellent way to solve not only the problem of dry air in the room, but also to bring liveliness to the interior of the apartment, can be a simple aquarium and landscaping of the rooms; plants such as cyperus can evaporate up to 3 liters of water per day. True, they require care, careful watering and, accordingly, time. If the space in the room and the design features of the apartment allow, you can install an indoor fountain. However, it can greatly humidify the room due to small splashes of water, so its dimensions should be commensurate with the size of the room.

Air humidity directly depends on its temperature. The lower the temperature, the less you can raise the maximum humidity and vice versa. That is, if at 15 degrees the humidity is 60%, then at 25 degrees the same air composition will be humidified by 35%. This means that the higher the temperature, the more intensively you will have to moisturize.

Simple everyday situations can also help you with humidification. Drying clothes after washing in the apartment will provide sufficient humidity in the rooms, especially if you dry them on radiators.


Depending on your requirements and the volume of the room, it is important to choose the right way to humidify. If for small rooms it will be possible to use compact humidifiers or humidify the air naturally, then large rooms will require a more professional approach. Modern air conditioning equipment can provide not only the specified temperature regime, but also to filter and humidify the air. The built-in intelligent system can even respond to changes in weather, air pollution, and operate at certain time intervals.

In conditions of insufficient air humidity, drowsiness and fatigue occur, performance decreases, and dry eye syndrome develops. To create a comfortable microclimate in the room, you can use different ways air humidification

In conditions of insufficient air humidity drowsiness and fatigue occur, performance decreases, and dry eye syndrome develops. To create a comfortable microclimate in the room, you can use different methods of air humidification.

Let us remind you that optimal humidity indoors:

for living spaces, furniture, paintings, musical instruments, books — 40–60%;

for computers and other office equipment – ​​45–60%;

for indoor plants, winter gardens – 55–75%.


Open windows at least three times a day for at least 10-15 minutes. The wider the windows are open, the faster the room will be ventilated.
This is the simplest and affordable way air humidification. But not the most effective. For example, hot summer air is quite dry, so in dry weather ventilation alone will not provide adequate air humidification. But in winter time And heating season, when batteries dry out the air very much, this method of air humidification works very well.


Place containers of water on windowsills. Evaporating water guarantees good air humidification in the room. Do not forget to add water to the vessels in time.

Important: This is a fairly effective way to increase indoor air humidity, but not very hygienic. Since microorganisms and bacteria soon begin to multiply in water containers, do not forget to rinse them often.


All indoor plants have a beneficial effect on the indoor microclimate. Air humidification in the apartment occurs due to the evaporation of water through the leaves of plants. This not only increases air humidity, but also ionizes it. And some plants are capable of releasing, in addition to moisture, special organic substances that effectively clean and disinfect the air.

Advice: The following plants are able to give off especially a lot of moisture: nephrolepis ( house fern), fatsia, cyperus, parmannia (indoor linden), ficus, dracaena, hibiscus. Nephrolepis additionally destroys harmful substances contained in the air (formaldehyde, xylene, toluene).


The above methods of air humidification are quite effective. However, they cannot be compared in efficiency with special devices that allow you to maintain a given level of humidity in a room.
There are the following types of air humidifiers: steam (equipped with an ionizing silver rod), traditional humidifiers (drive dry air through a damp sponge), ultrasonic humidifiers (purify water and spray it with a vibrating membrane).

If you decide to buy a humidifier for your home, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the available types of devices. We will analyze the pros and cons of each type and show you how to choose the right humidifier. To do right choice, you should be guided by some criteria for choosing a humidifier.

Type of humidifiers

The simplest type of such devices is a traditional humidifier (or cold steam humidifier). Such a device humidifies the air in the apartment, evaporating particles cold water. Using such a humidifier is quite simple: you need to pour water into a special tank, after which a fan drives this water through special filters.
+ The main advantage of such models is that they independently adapt to the conditions around them and can regulate the rate of water evaporation depending on the level of humidity in a particular room.
- In such devices you need to use only distilled water, otherwise the filter quickly becomes clogged and fails.

In steam models, the air is saturated with moisture due to evaporation hot water, steam has a temperature of 50-60 degrees. Here, the evaporating element is no longer a filter, but a pair of electrodes that are immersed in water, thereby heating and evaporating it.
+ Such a device absolutely meets all safety requirements: when the water from the tank completely boils away, the humidifier automatically turns off.
- The temperature of the steam also entails restrictions: such humidifiers are not recommended for those who have small children.

Today, the most popular among consumers and modern modification The humidifier is an ultrasonic model. If you choose such a model, you yourself will be able to control the level of humidity in the room as much as possible. In such devices, a plate vibrates at an ultrasonic frequency and when water hits this plate, it is broken into small particles and sprayed evenly in the room.
+ It is very efficient, quite compact, and also consumes very little electricity.
- Demineralization of water is required, otherwise the furniture becomes covered with a white coating after the settled small droplets of water with salts dissolved in it dry. It is necessary either to use distilled water or to use decarbonizing filter cartridges with ion-exchange resin (and, accordingly, replacing the filter cartridge or its filler once every 2-3 months).

In conclusion, it is worth saying that in order to choose the right way to humidify the air, you need to clearly set goals and determine which room needs humidification in the first place. For a children's room, for example, a safe cold humidifier is recommended, but ventilation should only be carried out when the child is not in the room. In other rooms, an ultrasonic device will work well provided that demineralized water (distillate) is used, and several flowerpots will not hurt.

Hello, my dear and beloved readers! Today I want to talk about the microclimate of the house in winter period. Why is it necessary to maintain normal indoor humidity, and how to do this?

Yesterday I hardly looked at the blog or read the comments. The thing is that the eldest daughter had a temperature of 39.8 all day and all night! I almost went crazy, the medications didn’t help much, I even had to ambulance call. Overall, it was fun. There was not enough time for anything, and the desire had gone somewhere, all thoughts were connected with my daughter. But she didn’t want any treatment; we had to come up with various tricks to get her drunk. But, thank God, everything has now returned to normal, today the temperature does not rise above 36.8, as if nothing had happened. These are the viruses that are circulating today. It feels like they are getting stronger and stronger every year. I will finish with a slight digression and get down to business.

The microclimate in the house is the key to good health

The climate in the house is very important. For some reason we don’t think much about this. But our health depends on this to a large extent. In order for our body to always retain a sufficient amount of water, it is necessary that the environment around it be comfortable, that is, clean, sufficiently moist and cool. If everything is the other way around, we suffer from it, or rather our body.

Most of us live in houses where the heating is turned on in winter. Accordingly, the air in our homes heats up and becomes dry. Where I live, winter is very long and cold. Boiler houses operate from September to May. Therefore, this issue is definitely acute for me. I want to breathe clean air, which is simply impossible under such conditions. It happens that the humidity in the apartment drops to 10 percent, although the norm is 60%. In order to fully understand the harm of dry air in the house, I will give you several negative consequences that can cause a lack of moisture in the room.

The importance of maintaining normal air humidity in the apartment

First of all, dry air affects the health of children. Especially during periods of illness. I have already written in an article about how I treat ARVI in my girls. One of the most important conditions is to maintain a comfortable and normal climate in the house, which means moist and clean air. If it is not, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract will constantly dry out, bacteria will multiply, and this is fraught with bacterial infections. Therefore, in a children's room, especially when children are sleeping, and especially during illness, the humidity should be 60-70 percent. And you, as a parent, are simply obliged to do everything to provide such conditions for the sake of your baby’s health.

In our country it is customary to treat ARVI with different folk remedies, medications, and some even take antibiotics. But no one thinks that the climate in the house is very important. It happens that the most common runny nose can be treated in a simple way - by humidifying the air and that’s it! Imagine that you are a plant and you don’t have enough water, what will happen to you in this case? That's right, you will dry out, or at least you will grow poorly and constantly get sick. The same thing happens with human body. Think about it.

Maintenance normal humidity in the house minimizes the proliferation of bacteria and viruses, prevents dry hair and skin, itchy eyes, this is the prevention of many diseases. Dry air contributes to decreased immunity, nasal congestion, sleep disturbances, allergies, neuroses and whims in children. And believe me, breathing clean, moist air is much easier and more pleasant. Is not it?

And now I will tell you ways and secrets of how to humidify the air at home. I use some of them myself and am quite pleased with them.

How to humidify the air without a humidifier

The simplest and easy way to do this is to buy a humidifier. There are a lot of models on sale now, it all depends on the size of your wallet. But if you do not have the opportunity to purchase this miracle device, then what to do? There are several tricks to help you solve it easily and simply this problem absolutely free, but with some effort.

Surely someone in your family swims every day. After water procedures open the bathroom door, preferably all night. Moisture, which is in excess, will moisten the dry air throughout the apartment, and the water in the bath will gradually evaporate. This is a very simple method that works quickly and effectively.

Indoor plants help to humidify a room in many ways. Water slowly evaporates from the ground and from the surface of plants, releasing it into the air. This method requires regular watering of flowers, especially if they grow near batteries. In addition, green friends, which is also important.

Place containers of water throughout the house. It can be beautiful vases, plates and cups on the windowsill, near heating radiators, home fountains, aquariums. The water will evaporate and saturate the air with moisture. Don't forget to place a container near your bed to make breathing easier at night.

Sometimes I hang wet towels, clothes and bed linens after washing in the rooms. I try to do this in the evening so that I can clean everything up in the morning.

The easiest way to humidify the air in a room is to fill a sprayer with water and constantly, almost every hour, spray it around the house.

Make a humidifier out of plastic bottle with your own hands. To do this, you will need the bottle itself, a knife and fabric (cotton or any other, only natural). First, make a hole in the top of the bottle, pour water through it and place thin strips of fabric there, the ends of which need to be wrapped around the battery. Secure the bottle itself with ropes. The figure clearly shows everything.

Here is another option to make your own humidifier. Watch the video.

These are the ways I use in my home to maintain humidity in my home. All this requires some effort, but in this sense I am not lazy. But lately I started thinking about buying an electric humidifier. I’m not going to use it all the time, but I will 100% when my children are sick. And, of course, I will put it in the children's room. The hardest thing for me is deciding on the type of humidifier. Different models There is a huge amount for every taste. And it’s very difficult to navigate this diversity. And so I studied this topic a little and made some generalization. I also decided for myself what requirements a humidifier should meet for a children's room and for other rooms in general.

How to choose a humidifier for a children's room

For me, as a mother, it was important to comply with the following selection criteria of this device:

  1. Safety. A steam humidifier produces hot steam. Its mechanism of action is similar to a teapot. Therefore, if something happens, it will not be difficult for your baby to get burned. Ultrasonic emits cold steam and does not contain heating devices.
  2. Low level noise.
  3. Performance. It is important to me that the water tank is large enough.
  4. Automatic shutdown if the tank runs out of water.
  5. The presence of a humidity level regulator. Thanks to it, you can regulate the intensity of the steam released.

Humidifiers with built-in hydrostats are now sold. But they only show the humidity level near the device itself. And this, in fact, is not accurate information. Because the data at the other end of the room will be completely different. Therefore, I decided to buy a separate sensor that measures humidity and install it near the children's bed.

I also immediately put it out of my head to buy a humidifier for the children’s room in the shape of all sorts of little animals. Of course, it’s beautiful and complements the interior of the room. But the child, in my opinion and the experience of other parents, will consider it to be some kind of toy and try to play with it. It is better that the device does not attract the baby’s attention.

There are several types of humidifiers: ultrasonic, traditional and steam. They all have their own characteristics, mechanism, operation and price. After analyzing all of them, I came to the conclusion that the most best option for a children's room is ultrasonic humidifier air. Although in terms of price it is the most expensive.
Be sure to watch the video on how to choose a humidifier. Expert advice will not be superfluous.

Which one you choose is up to you. I just shared my thoughts with you. By the way, in one online store I saw ceramic humidifiers that hang directly on the battery. Water is poured into it and, thanks to the heat, it gradually evaporates.

That's all for today. Share your ways to humidify the air in an apartment and normalize humidity. I will be glad to see your comments. Bye, bye everyone.

For the human body to function normally, it needs fluid. Moreover, moisture must come both through food and through the epidermis and respiratory organs. Many people are thinking about buying a special humidifier, but the price of such devices sometimes makes them abandon the purchase and look for more budget ways. What to do, how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier? It is especially important to maintain the humidity level in the children's room, because children get sick much more often than adults. This issue arises most acutely in the winter, when the heating is operating, which dries out the air very much.

If a child lives in an apartment, then his health directly depends on the comfortable microclimate in the house. Dry air can cause minor problems that later develop into serious illnesses. And during these very illnesses, it is especially important to have one in the room. Therefore, most parents are worried about how to humidify the air at home without incurring large financial expenses.
During outbreaks of influenza and acute respiratory infections, many people try to stock up on a large number of antiviral drugs and antibiotics, and it often turns out that simple ventilation and humidification of the air at home brings much more positive results than this entire set of pills.

Optimal humidity prevents the proliferation of bacteria and viruses and keeps our skin and hair healthy. Few people know, but dry air has a very bad effect on the condition wooden furniture and musical instruments.

How can you tell if the air is too dry?

The humidity level that allows our body to function comfortably should always be between 40 and 60%. If there special device If you use a hygrometer to determine humidity, you can always notice changes in the amount of moisture in the air in time. And if there is no such device, use the list of symptoms for dry air:

  • sore throat and dry nasal cavity;
  • feeling of “sand” in the eyes;
  • labored breathing;
  • dry and brittle hair;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • After cleaning, dust appears on furniture much faster than before;
  • allergic cough;
  • children are more nervous and capricious.

Resourceful people have come up with many ways to increase the humidity level in an apartment. Let's look at the most effective and popular ones.

Methods of moisturizing

You can humidify the air through simple ventilation. Try opening the windows at least three times a day for 10-15 minutes and you will feel an improvement in your well-being. The wider the windows are open, the faster you will reach the optimal humidity level.

Tip: In winter, in order not to overcool your home, the room should be ventilated with the same frequency, but only for 5 minutes.

Drying clothes

This method will allow you to perform two tasks at once: dry washed clothes and humidify the air. The maximum effect will be achieved if you hang washed items around the entire perimeter of the apartment: on doors, on furniture, on hooks and hangers. When drying, the clothes will release much-needed moisture into the air. But this is not always possible and does not look aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, you can simply bring the clothes dryer into a room that requires additional humidification.

Wet towels

This method is recommended by doctors as an express remedy. Since humidifying the air at home is often urgently required (for example, when a child’s temperature has risen sharply), the wet towel method is ideal. Towels should be thoroughly wetted with water and wrung out. In winter, towels are hung on heating radiators, and in summer they can be placed closer to the windows.

Note: Another quick and effective ways moisturizing is to use a spray bottle. And adding a few drops of aromatic oil to the liquid will give the room a pleasant smell.

Water in a bowl

Humidifying the air in an apartment with your own hands is also possible using any wide bowl or basin. It will be enough to simply collect a small amount of water in a container and place it in a place where children do not have access. Not only bowls and basins can be used, but also any container with a wide neck.

Tip: Near heating devices the water will evaporate faster, quickly and effectively increasing the humidity in the apartment.

Decorative fountain

How can you humidify the air in a room without spoiling the interior with unsightly basins and wet laundry? A decorative fountain will be an excellent way out of this situation. It will perfectly complement the design of the room and add a feeling of comfort and peace. The principle of operation of the fountain is very simple - water is poured into a special reservoir of the device, which constantly circulates in a closed cycle. From time to time you will have to replenish the reserves of evaporated water. The stores sell fountains of various designs, sizes and designs.

Also, aquarium lovers can combine the pleasure of contemplating swimming fish and maintaining required humidity air in the room.

Growing indoor plants is a logical answer to the question of how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier in winter and summer. This is a very natural way to combat dry air, because moisture is released at several stages:

  1. evaporation from the surface of the earth during irrigation;
  2. from plant leaves;
  3. during spraying;
  4. from pallets of flower pots.

There are indoor plants that best cope with the task of humidifying the air space:

  • Scheffler. Very beautiful indoor plant, capable of regulating air humidity. Schefflera requires the following conditions: bright lighting, air temperature above 16 ºС, uniform watering. It is unacceptable for the soil to dry out in the pot where Schefflera grows, because it gives up all the moisture to the air in the room.
  • Dracaena. Very common and unpretentious plant. She just needs warmth, dim light and generous watering. Dracaena will always take care of maintaining humidity in the room.
  • Cyperus. The plant is capable of releasing up to 3 liters of moisture into the air per day. If you place a couple of these beauties in a room, the optimal humidity in the room will be maintained without unnecessary tricks. Cyperus is completely unpretentious in care and will feel great in warm room, and in cool. There are also no special requirements for lighting and placement. The most necessary things - constant influx fresh air and watering.
  • Ficus. One of the most popular plants in Soviet times. At that time, ficus could be found in every apartment. Now this plant has not lost its popularity at all. It is believed that ficus trees restore the financial well-being of the residents of the house. The air humidification function will be an additional plus. In order for the ficus not to feel discomfort, it needs to be provided with the following conditions: warmth, not direct but sufficient light, good watering.
  • Monstera. An excellent home humidifier that also has incredible decorative appeal. The owners of this humidity regulator are only required to ensure normal conditions for growth: air temperature above 17 ºС, good lighting, sufficient watering and regular spraying and wiping of leaves. Monstera leaves are poisonous. If there are animals or small children in the apartment, this option should not be used.

From all of the above, we can conclude that excessively dry indoor air should be combated. To do this, it is not always necessary to purchase expensive equipment - you can get by with improvised means. And don’t forget that regular wet cleaning also promotes additional hydration.