Choosing material for partitions in the house. Wooden interior partitions. Interior walls made of plasterboard

Today it is quite common to buy new housing that does not have interior partitions. And here the main question arises for the apartment owners: “What material should this partition be made of?” Now we will try to find the most appropriate answer to the question posed. Is it possible to make a partition in an apartment with your own hands? This article will clearly demonstrate the interior partitions that people made with their own hands. Photos, videos and reviews will help you decide on the choice of material and the main stages of installing the partition.

Types of interior partitions, how to make them yourself

Before you start building new walls in a room, you need to find out what types of partitions exist. Get acquainted with their advantages and disadvantages, and only after that begin the construction and repair process.

Plasterboard partitions

Today, plasterboard partitions have become incredibly popular due to their low cost and ease of installation. In addition, using drywall you can get a variety of structural shapes. The installation of a plasterboard partition is referred to as “dry installation”.

Advice. In rooms with high humidity air it is recommended to use special moisture resistant drywall. This will prevent the development of fungus and destruction of the wall.

Partitions made from this material are very light. Weight of one square meter varies from 40 to 50 kilograms. The process of installing the structure involves the preliminary construction of a metal frame onto which a sheet of drywall is attached with screws. The advantage of “dry installation” is that even if the technician makes a mistake, the structure can be disassembled and reassembled. Another advantage of plasterboard walls is that their surface is perfectly smooth and even. After installation, the partition only needs finishing.

An interior partition made of plasterboard can be given the most unusual shapes

Now it’s worth talking about the disadvantages of drywall. The design is not durable, the maximum permitted hanging weight is no more than 40 kg. In this case, you need to be extremely careful not to damage the wall with furniture or impact. Since in these cases a through hole or crack may form.


  • Easy installation;
  • The ability to bring a wide variety of design ideas to life;
  • Lightness of the material;
  • Budget cost of drywall.

Disadvantages include fragility; the structure is very easily susceptible to mechanical damage.
Drywall is not able to withstand loads of more than 40 kg.

Interior partition made of foam blocks

Foam concrete is also known as cellular concrete. This building material has a whole list of advantages. Its weight is several times lower than that of a brick, so installing a foam block structure is not a complicated process.

Attention! In order to achieve high level For sound insulation, the necessary criterion is the thickness of the wall; it should not be less than 20 cm.

The thermal insulation of foam concrete is several times higher than that of brick and plasterboard. The laying of this material involves the use of special glue, with a minimum thickness of the seam. It is worth noting that the consumption of pecking agent is not large. Plastering walls in in this case will not need. Although, unlike perfectly smooth drywall, the foam block requires partial sealing and smoothing of irregularities. After which it is made finishing(putty). Blocks are quite easy to model and cut, so with their help it is possible to bring a variety of design ideas to life.

It’s not difficult to build an interior partition made of foam blocks yourself

Foam block, like plasterboard, is not a durable material that requires additional reinforcement in the rows. In order to secure heavy objects to such a partition, you will need to use anchors or bolts that will be inserted into through holes. It is not recommended to use foam blocks in rooms with high levels of moisture. It is prohibited to place objects weighing more than 20 kg on the surface of the partition.

  • Ease of installation and construction of the structure;
  • Lightness of building material;
  • Opportunity to bring a variety of design ideas to life.


  1. Fragility;
  2. Not moisture resistant.

Aerated concrete blocks for the construction of partitions

Aerated concrete has very similar characteristics to foam blocks. But there are a number of features that distinguish this building material. Aerated concrete, unlike foam blocks, is produced by baking in autoclaves. Partitions made of aerated blocks have thermal insulation characteristics.

The construction of partitions from aerated concrete can significantly reduce the load on the foundation due to the lightness of the material

Advantages of aerated concrete blocks:

  1. Quick installation;
  2. High level of fire safety;
  3. Excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation performance.


  • Low level of moisture resistance. Aerated concrete is not recommended for installation in rooms with high humidity;
  • It may be necessary to level the surface of the partition with plaster;
  • Brittle surface.

Glass partitions

Glass blocks are considered a relatively new building material for the construction of partitions. They are simple and easy to assemble, and also look quite modern and stylish. Depending on the manufacturer of glass blocks, their thickness can range from 6 to 10 mm. The variety of designs is pleasing to the eye. The surface of the glass can be perfectly smooth, corrugated, transparent, matte or colored. Among other things, various images, including photographs, can be applied to the glass surface.

Glass partition: a stylish but difficult to install solution

Installing a glass partition is a labor-intensive process that is beyond the capabilities of a simple beginner. In order to fasten the blocks together, special cement or liquid nails are used.

  • Light transmittance. Thanks to such a partition, the room will always be light;
  • High level of strength due to thick glass;
  • Fire resistance. As you know, glass does not burn;
  • Variety of shapes, surface textures, designs and types of glass blocks;
  • Excellent noise and sound insulation characteristics;
  • Glass does not absorb various odors, so such a partition can be safely erected in kitchens, cafes and restaurants.

1. Unlike foam blocks and drywall, in glass partitions it is impossible to install electrical wiring;
2. It is impossible to decorate the glass structure with interior items (paintings, portraits, etc.).

Compartment partitions or sliding

Coupe partitions are the most modern type sliding interior structures. They are quite practical and fashionable. Today it is impossible not to be surprised by the variety of compartment partitions: mirrored, glass, wooden, etc. Sliding structures work like a wardrobe. Their installation is a fairly simple and quick process, provided that you have all the tools necessary for installation. Depending on the type of material, sliding partitions can be installed in rooms with high humidity.

Interior partition-compartment: quick installation and practicality in operation


  • The interior becomes stylish;
  • Practical characteristics;
  • Ease of use;
  • Affordable price.

Compartment partitions do not have any significant disadvantages.

To summarize, we can say that the interior partition is selected depending on the preferences of the person, as well as his financial capabilities. Most optimal options, which combine practicality, wear resistance and strength are glass and sliding interior partitions.

For those who do not have the opportunity to pay a tidy sum for glass material, you will have to use drywall or foam block. In this case, it is important to remember that such structures will be fragile. Mechanical damage is not acceptable, as this can lead to destruction of the wall.

Video: Advantages and disadvantages of various interior partitions

Zoning, separating too large spaces or adding practicality to small rooms with the help of partitions is an ideal solution available to the owner of any home. Before you make a room partition with your own hands, find out about the pros and cons different materials and methods of installation of products.

It’s easy to make a partition in any type of room with your own hands. And they come in different types of structures:

Stationary partitions are made by hand from plasterboard, concrete and brick. They are heavy and not suitable for all rooms. Sliding structures and “accordions” take up little space, allow you to divide the room into 2 zones during the day, and create a spacious bedroom at night. Each type has its own pros and cons.

Types of materials for partitions

When thinking about what to make an interior partition with your own hands, pay attention to the pros and cons of different materials. The most expensive, complex and heavy options are not always convenient and appropriate for use. Perhaps their relevance will be low for the project.

Brick systems

Brick structures are made from hollow blocks; a partition is laid out in half of the part. The choice is due to the low weight of the material, which is especially important when laying the wall in multi-storey building. Advantages of brick:

A brick wall will require some experience and knowledge from the worker, as well as more time than when building plasterboard fences with your own hands.

The disadvantage of the manufactured partition is its weight. It reaches 280 kg when laying half a brick per 1 square meter. m.

Before decorative finishing brick requires a layer of plaster.

Foam concrete

To create partitions with your own hands, foam concrete blocks are used. The porous structure is responsible for certain qualities of the material, the main one being its incredible lightness in comparison with reinforced concrete. When laying use gypsum glue or concrete solution.

Design advantages:

Among the disadvantages is the still significant weight - 18 kg for one block. The material absorbs moisture and is not suitable for installation near wet areas.

Gypsum blocks

Gypsum boards have additional elements in the form of ridges that simplify installation. For installation, use gypsum glue. Two types of slabs are used: with a maximum length of 600 and 500 mm. The process takes 5 times less time than with brickwork.

Among the advantages of GPP:

The main disadvantage of the slabs is the difficulty of operation due to their size. It is impossible to raise them to a height alone.
Foam blocks can withstand hanging structures of a maximum of 30 kg.


Drywall is a lightweight and reliable material that is most often installed on a galvanized metal frame. It can be combined with sound-insulating and heat-insulating parts: mineral wool, expanded polystyrene.

Plasterboard partitions are used most often, as they have significant advantages.

Drywall is available in 4 versions, each of which is designed for different rooms. There are moisture-resistant materials, painted in green color, they are suitable for constructing structures in the bathroom.

With the help of drywall, the base of which is wood, a good microclimate is created in the room. The material is capable of eliminating excess moisture from the air, but it does not swell or dry out.

Drywall protects against extraneous noise and heat loss. Certain types of sheets have increased fire resistance. They are even used next to a heated stove or fireplace.

The lightness of the design allows it to be used in any room, including apartments multi-storey buildings. It is much easier to process gypsum boards than foam blocks or bricks. It is enough to use a construction knife or improvised cutting tools.

The benefits of drywall will come to naught if you install structures that are not intended for specific locations.

Only the correctly selected type of material is installed in rooms with high humidity; ordinary sheets will lose their properties within 5-10 years.

Fragility is another disadvantage of gypsum plasterboard, since the sheets are susceptible to damage as a result of impacts or the fall of a heavy object (for example, when carrying a cabinet, a cabinet was dropped, a sharp edge stuck into the wall).

You cannot hang shelves or other pieces of furniture heavier than 12 kg on plasterboard partitions made by yourself.

If you need to nail hooks for clothes or brackets for decorative items, then choose a place in a metal or wooden profile.

Glass blocks

Glass blocks are produced in square shapes, sometimes rectangular. They are made of glass up to 7 mm thick, connected to each other, and inside there is a sealed cavity. Small double-glazed windows with air sealed inside provide good protection from noise and prevent heat loss. However, the popularity of structures is not as wide as that of drywall, foam blocks, wood or brick.

Glass blocks are used in modern designs, where appropriate large structures. They combine decorative and functional components. Unlike thin glass partitions, the blocks look completely different. Their positive properties:

Despite all the advantages, glass blocks retain one drawback - they are extremely sensitive to any mechanical stress. It will not be possible to install a door in such a structure. You cannot install additional parts on such products: shelves, hooks.

How to make a room partition with your own hands

To make a partition in a room, you do not need to obtain permission from the inspectorate. The structure does not belong to the load-bearing class. Stationary and other types of products are used in almost 100% of cases of apartment redevelopment.

How to make a partition in a room from plasterboard

Work on constructing a plasterboard structure with your own hands begins with determining the type of profile. Choose wooden beams or metal. The second method is considered more reliable and stable. For construction you will need: fasteners, a plumb line, a set of tools, a level.

Description of stages:

  1. Marking the installation site of the structure. First, according to the markings on the ceiling, a metal base is installed - a guide. The type of fastener corresponding to the material is used. If the ceiling is concrete, then dowels with screws are used. The fastening pitch is from 15 to 17 cm.
  2. Improving the quality of fit of the profile to the wall. Regardless of which frame is used for the plasterboard partition, it is sheathed with double-sided adhesive sealing tape.

  3. Fastening the guides to the floor. Before installation, double-sided tape with a sealant is applied to the metal, then the profile is secured to the floor.
  4. Attaching vertical guides. The upper and lower profiles are connected by installing vertical slats. The guides are attached to the wall or hangers are used (they help align the profile if the wall is not straight enough).
  5. Installation doorway. The best option for structures with a door - use metal profile. Install racks and strengthen them wooden beam, using self-tapping screws, the profile is fixed in the lower and upper guides.

  6. Installation of the transverse profile of the opening. A horizontal bar is attached to the guides that determine the width of the door opening. It limits the height of the opening. To increase the rigidity of the structure, the bar is secured with additional metal profiles.
  7. Installation of remaining elements. In the remaining space, vertical guides are installed in increments of 60 cm.
  8. Attaching an additional profile. If sheets are used sheathing material less than the height of the ceiling, then transverse metal sections are installed at the points of their connection with the profile. Their ends are bent at right angles.

  9. Covering the first side. One of the sides is filled with mineral slabs; the sheets must fit tightly to each other. For fixation, use black self-tapping screws; the caps are deepened by a maximum of 2 mm.
  10. Installation of sound insulation. WITH reverse side Sound insulation must be installed in any room, otherwise plasterboard partitions lose their benefits. The material is placed tightly between the vertical elements, and the final layer of drywall is applied on top.
  11. Installation door frame. The base for the door is screwed to the vertical guides. You need to screw it in from the side of the door frame towards the profile. The screw caps are deepened by 2 mm.

  12. Sealing seams. Use gypsum putty and cover all screw heads well.
  13. Installation of fiberglass mesh. A mesh is installed at the joints of the canvases, which is slightly recessed into the layer of putty.
  14. Applying primer. After the putty has dried, the surface is cleaned, a primer is applied to the drywall, and the putty is used again to create a smooth coating.

To divide space, for example, dining area and the dining room, it is not necessary to use the door.

How to make a partition from foam-gas concrete slabs

Foam is used to create interior floors aerated concrete blocks up to 10 cm thick.

Here's how to make a partition in a room from foam aerated concrete:

To fasten masonry it is recommended to use cement mortar or a special mixture for foam blocks. Sometimes used gypsum plaster, but this is not the best choice.

How to make a wooden partition

Creating a wooden interior partition is much easier than building brick wall. Most often, wood is used to create decorative partitions with your own hands, and it is suitable for any room. However, heavier structures made of beams are also used.

Here's how to make a reinforced partition with your own hands:

You can make a decorative carved wooden partition with your own hands. In this case, the creation of a reinforced frame is not required. The canvas is directly attached to the floor and ceiling, sometimes to a load-bearing wall.

Partition installation

Installation of a partition in a room must meet certain requirements:

Weigh the pros and cons, remember the safety of the partition: heavy brick structures It is better to install in private homes. If you are unsure about safety, consult a professional about choosing the appropriate option for installing a room divider.

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Departure of the estimator-technologist to the site

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Drawing up and signing an agreement

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Signing the estimate: we fix the final cost for all work according to the estimate. We guarantee that the estimate will remain unchanged until the very end.

Signing a work calendar plan: the calendar plan fixes the timing of all work according to the estimate, the date of delivery of rough and finishing materials to the site, the timing of work performed by third parties - installation of windows, air conditioners, entrance doors. The entire repair process is under your control.


Check-in at the site

No later than 5 days from the date of signing the contract

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Dismantling works

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Rough finish

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We are reaching the finish line - the apartment is gradually taking on the shape of your future cozy home. In addition to finishing the premises, at your request, we will install air conditioners, replace PVC windows, heating radiators, install stretch ceiling. Before we begin work on installing furniture and other cleaning equipment, we will perform a general cleaning.

IN modern construction When planning premises, original designs are used everywhere. Many new apartments are rented without finishing and internal partitions, since future residents design an apartment to suit their needs and finances.

And if with design and finishing materials Everything is more or less defined, then even professional builders have problems when choosing materials for partitions. Also, similar selection problems arise during mass development and construction cottage villages.

This article presents the main materials for the construction of interior partitions and compares them with each other to select the most applicable in modern conditions.

Before description various materials and by comparing them, we present the basic requirements for interior partitions: The material for partitions must be well processed to create complex shapes - arches, bulges, etc.

There should be no problems when laying electrical wiring and other wires due to the high strength of the material of the interior partition. Interior partitions must be strong enough to attach shelves to them, household appliances and so on.

ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT REQUIREMENTS – interior partitions must provide good sound insulation between rooms. Partitions in the bathroom must be moisture resistant. Interior partitions should be easy to install.

Basic materials:

Interior partitions – brick

When using bricks to build partitions, qualified masons are required, which is not always possible. Plus, these partitions are distinguished by their high cost, and they also require mandatory plaster due to the curvature of the masonry. Satisfies requirements 3,4,5.

Interior partitions – vibropressed blocks

These interior partitions are larger in size than bricks (for example, SKTs 2R-14

“Parental” 379x79x140mm), so they are easier to lay. Another plus is that there are grooves on the blocks precision masonry. Therefore it is possible to do smooth walls, do not require plaster. The main disadvantage is the heavy weight and high strength. Due to their heavy weight, their use is not always possible; due to their high strength (usually M200), laying electrical wiring and other wires is difficult. Satisfy requirements 3,4,5,6

Interior partitions – plasterboard partitions

Recently, plasterboard interior partitions have been very often built. This is due to the fact that they are the easiest to build. At the same time, they have a lot of disadvantages. They are very fragile and can be broken simply by a blow. Hanging shelves and other items is also problematic. These interior partitions have high sound permeability, and in a cottage there may even (not always, but possibly) be inhabited by fauna other than the legal residents, such as mice. We can say that the use of these partitions is justified only in the case when it is necessary to make the lightest possible partition; in all other cases it is better to use other materials. Meets requirements 1,2,6

Interior partitions - gypsum tongue-and-groove blocks

These blocks are very popular when constructing interior partitions. Walls can be easily and quickly erected from them. There are no special problems when laying wires. The only problem is that in the vast majority of cases blocks of standard sizes 667x500x80mm are used. The problem is that interior partitions made of gypsum blocks 80 mm thick have an airborne noise insulation index of 39 dB (source SP55-103-2004), and this does not even meet the standards of the outdated SNIP 2-12-77 . According to this SNIP, the airborne noise insulation index must be at least 41 dB. These indicators are satisfied by interior partitions made of gypsum blocks 100 mm thick.

Satisfy requirements 1,2,3,5,6

Interior partitions made of aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete blocks today are one of the most popular materials for insulating external walls and constructing partitions. High geometric accuracy, ease of processing and installation, and environmental friendliness ensured their popularity. The only requirement that these blocks do not satisfy is sound insulation. This is due to the fact that aerated concrete blocks are produced with a density of 400 to 600 kg/cub.m. And a material with such a density cannot provide normal sound insulation. Therefore, it can be argued that while this material is ideal for insulation, it is too sound-permeable for the construction of internal partitions. Interior partitions made of aerated concrete blocks, density 500 kg/cub.m. 100 mm thick have an airborne noise insulation index of 39 dB, 150 mm - 41 dB. Also, aerated concrete blocks have low moisture resistance. Satisfy requirements 1,2,3,5

Interior partitions made of foam block, foam concrete blocks partitions made from foam blocks we produce

Foam concrete blocks have also become widespread, but are still inferior in popularity to aerated concrete and gypsum. The reason, apparently, is that these blocks are produced not only by large manufacturers who can provide quality control, but also by many small ones. Therefore, foam concrete blocks often have poor geometry, which prevents their implementation in mass construction. However, despite this, this material successfully competes with aerated concrete and is gradually finding its niche in the construction market.

Foam concrete with a density of 500 has similar sound insulation characteristics to aerated concrete. But the advantage is that you can order blocks with a density of 1000 kg/cubic meter from any manufacturer. Blocks of this density are sufficient, but not too strong. They are moisture resistant and easy to install. Interior partitions made of foam concrete blocks with a density of 1000 kg/cub.m. have an airborne noise insulation index of 41 dB, which satisfies SNIP standards. Satisfy requirements 1,2,3,4,5,6

Conclusion– in the presence of high-quality foam concrete blocks, they are the best material for the construction of interior partitions. It is necessary to order blocks with a thickness of 100 mm, a density of 1000 kg/cub.m. If it is impossible to purchase these blocks, it is advisable to use tongue-and-groove gypsum blocks with a thickness of 100 mm.

interior partitions, wooden partitions, foam block partitions, masonry partitions, interior partitions, design of interior partitions, plaster interior partitions,

Before starting design, you should understand what the walls of a private house are made of, since the selected materials determine not only appearance buildings, but also set the parameters of the foundation, volume, duration of work, equipment used, estimated cost of construction and transportation.

Any of the listed factors (in combination with the bearing capacity of the soil and climatic features region) can radically change the original ideas.

Items to choose from

It is necessary to consider what is best to use for the construction of walls based on the technology of work. Construction is carried out in 2 ways:

The need to adhere to technology for all stages will pose the task of deciding whether to make walls for the house with your own hands or invite a contractor.

Expanded clay concrete blocks will create a large load on the foundation

For long-term living, you can build the walls of a house from various materials, which are conventionally divided according to their weight into light and heavy types.

Products that make up massive walls that create a large load on the base include:

  • brick (red, silicate, decorative);
  • foam concrete;
  • aerated concrete;
  • cinder block;
  • natural and artificial stone;
  • concrete floor beams.

Lightweight materials are solid wood, laminated wood products, and insulation materials used to reduce the thickness of the main wall material at a given thermal resistance.

A comparison of performance indicators is shown in the table:

Wood is considered a fairly light material for building a house

Reducing the overall load on the ground is achieved by combining light and heavy components in the wall structure (insulation, wooden beams ceilings).

In this case, you need to adhere to the rule - choose materials comparable in terms of service life, so that in a stone house you do not have to do major renovation every 25 - 50 years due to load-bearing wooden elements.

Internal walls

At the same time as the outer perimeter, they decide what to use to build the wall of the house inside it. In this case, in addition to supporting the ceiling, it performs the task of separating rooms and isolating them from each other.

You can decide what to make from using the table:

You can gain room space by reducing it if you make it from solid brick with plastering.

Allotted time frame

Allow at least 1 year to build a house

The design of the building significantly influences the time frame for construction to be completed.

Cement mixtures gain strength long time, various technologies for self-leveling surfaces made of polymer compositions also require aging, determined by the manufacturer’s instructions - it takes at least a year to build a house made of stone with an area of ​​up to 150 m² on a concrete foundation.

The approximate time distribution looks like this:

  • the foundation will gain 80% strength in 1 month and it will be possible to begin laying outer and load-bearing walls on it;
  • it will take about 2 months to lay the walls (without finishing work);
  • installation of floors, making a roof, glazing, insulation and communications work will take 3-4 months;
  • plastering, finishing, installation of the finished floor, laying of finishing coatings in total will amount to 2 - 3 months. To see how long it can take to build a house, watch this video:

Interior work can be carried out in the cold season

It is advisable to plan the stages of construction of a stone private household in 2 blocks:

  1. Work begins in the spring, when steadily warm weather sets in. Before autumn cold the box must be closed (stand on the plinth, the roof is finished, windows and doors are installed).
  2. Interior work and exterior decoration begin at the end of winter, when the temperature building structures subject to further work, does not fall below +10°C.

Compared with concrete works Lightweight installs quickly. Frame house(log house) will be turnkey in a maximum of 1-2 months. When preparing the required set of materials, the construction and installation operations themselves are carried out at a precise, fast pace.

A frame house can be erected in 1 - 2 months

In this case, the terms are determined by the following conditions:

  • dimensions and layout of the building;
  • self-production of the frame or purchase of a ready-made large-panel assembly.

A fundamental factor in reducing time spent on installation of lightweight structures is the ability to perform (sequentially or combining) all operations, including finishing of finished sections. There is no need to wait for the walls to dry; fresh materials will give the required shrinkage.

If the design and preparation stages are carried out well and efficiently by the contractor, the housewarming will take place in the same season.


Stone buildings can last more than 50 years

Every home is periodically renovated, updated with finishing coatings, and changed in interior design. The house, as a whole, is used as long as the walls and foundation can withstand.

Using quality materials in the right combination according to their technical specifications, scrupulous observance technological processes a stone building lasts 75-100 years.

Timely overhaul significantly extends the possibility safe operation. Natural stone of igneous origin, without any special changes, it serves in the walls of buildings for 500 years. Most susceptible to destruction mortars, connecting elements in masonry joints. They are protected (sheltered) from external influences waterproofing, insulating and plaster layers.

Frame buildings typically have a design life of 25 to 50 years.

The direct dependence of this indicator on the type and species of wood, high-quality processing protective impregnations, insulation from moisture, temperature changes and pests.

Subsequent restoration repairs of such a house are carried out only on the outer surface of the external walls.

Comparative characteristics of various options

They begin to calculate the options for building a house first of all, based on the allocated budget, the availability of procurement and timely delivery of materials, the availability of the required equipment and the number of workers.

In terms of financial costs, a structure made from light elements is cheaper than a similar one in area heavy house 2-4 times.

Visually compare the main characteristics building materials This table will help:

In the perspective of generations of heredity, brick or block house on monolithic foundation has no equal. In terms of price/quality ratio in the medium term, private buildings made of wood will be a profitable and simple solution.

Use of wood-based products

Wooden structures have been popular among people since ancient times

Traditionally, wood is a widely used raw material for the manufacture of large-sized elements, timber, boards, slats, used at all stages of construction.

Indicators of thermal conductivity, strength, accessibility, the ability to process and install it yourself make it indispensable at every stage of work.

The development of technologies for processing all parts of the plant contributed to the emergence of particle boards and glued competitors to the natural massif.

Rounded logs (log house).

Drying logs can shrink, which will affect the geometry of doors and windows

The centuries-old method makes it possible to quickly build a house, especially in regions rich in forests. The support for the crown is a platform raised above the soil level by at least 0.2 m. An important point is a device to prevent the rise of moisture on the walls.

Shrinkage of wood fibers causes significant shrinkage of fresh logs, which can affect the geometry window frames and door hatches.

It is advisable to keep the laid frame in local climate 1 year until installation of these items. When installing windows and doors, large gaps are left for subsequent shrinkage over time.

Periodically, the typesetting wall requires inspection and... You will still have to caulk or seal with liquid nails.

Seasonal fluctuations associated with changes in humidity can reach 2%.

Logs require timely treatment with antiseptics and fire retardants.

If the wall thickness is less than 0.4 m, it is advisable to insulate it.

Insulation in private properties refers to an indicator of the owner’s diligence, and not a requirement of SNiP.


Solid wood lumber is practically no different in performance from logs. High-quality laminated veneer lumber almost does not shrink. For a detailed film about the construction of a house made of timber, watch this video:

Profiled timber will be easy to install. In addition, the complex shape blocks the leakage of air through the gaps at the joints of the type-setting parts.

However, it remains a wooden product and requires protection and periodic maintenance.

Combines performance characteristics wood and polymer insulation. For its construction, in addition to the bars, chipboards, OSB, sheets of plasterboard (internal lining), boards - lining, block house are taken.

Walls frame house

The advantages are the absence of shrinkage, strength and the ability to distribute deforming loads without destruction.

The disadvantages of the design include the possibility of rodents appearing in the internal cavities.

This is an option frame wall, which uses ready-made material with a 3-layer structure. Insulating polystyrene foam is pressed between the OSB boards.

The finished product greatly speeds up the assembly of walls and floors, which only need finishing.


Material tested in all situations is produced different designs(hollow, red, silicate, solid, clinker, figured, decorative).

Also used for load-bearing walls, and for filling openings, cladding.

Requires a solid foundation.

Ceramic blocks

They are based on clay, fired in a special way that increases the porosity of the mass. The thermal resistance of such a block is higher than that of brick, but it is more fragile and requires masonry skills. For more information about the qualities of a house made of ceramic blocks, watch this video:

Aerated concrete, foam concrete

Lightweight porous materials with good compressive strength. Aerated concrete is different in that its composition, in addition to sand and cement, includes lime, so it is very sensitive to getting wet.

It is no longer possible to dry a wet pain completely.

Representative modern technologies there will be a house made using permanent formwork. Expanded polystyrene forms are filled with concrete (with reinforcement) inside. The result is warm and durable walls.