The mattress for a newborn is spring or springless. Which mattress to choose for a newborn? Description of various fillers. Dependence of the type of mattress on the age of the child

The child will spend up to 70% of the time in a crib and sleep in it until the age of 2-3 years. A baby's sound, calm and healthy sleep largely depends on what kind of mattress is in his crib. The criteria for choosing bedding for such a baby are the most stringent. Therefore, when purchasing a mattress for a newborn, you must be treated with utmost care.

A good and safe mattress should be:

  • tough enough
  • fit in size
  • well ventilated
  • hypoallergenic,
  • environmentally friendly.


In newborn babies, the spine does not yet have anatomical curves. The cervical curve is formed by the time the baby learns to hold his head firmly. The curve in the lumbar region forms towards the end of the first year, when the child begins to crawl and takes his first steps. The last bend to be formed is in the chest area. For this reason, it is important that your child sleeps on a firm mattress.

A smooth, hard surface helps correct formation all parts of the child's spine. In addition, on a mattress that is too soft, a child may suffocate if he rolls over onto his stomach. Therefore, a mattress for a newborn must be firm enough.

For children over one year old, the mattress may be a little softer. In addition, the child may refuse to sleep in the crib if it is too hard for him. That's why good decision There may be mattresses with two sides: the first is hard, and the second is slightly softer.

You can check how soft the mattress is by simply pressing your hand in the center and around the edges. Remove your hand and look at the surface. It should return to its original shape and there should be no dents left on it by hand.


Before you go to the store to buy, you need to measure the length and width of the crib from the inside.

Please note that the mattress must fit snugly to the edges. If it is smaller in size, it will slide, causing inconvenience to the child. Moreover, dust and debris will invariably accumulate in the resulting cracks.

It is allowed if the gap is no more than 1-1.5 cm - the mattress does not slip much and will be easy to remove.

If the mattress is larger in size, it will become deformed and will create discomfort for the baby.

As a general rule, a standard crib mattress should be 60cm x 120cm and between 5cm and 12cm thick.


The baby spends most of his time in the crib, and therefore the requirements for the hygiene of the mattress are high. It is very important that the mattress is well ventilated and does not accumulate moisture. A low level of air exchange leads to the appearance unpleasant odors and moisture accumulation.

The mattress cover should be made of natural fabric that will allow the mattress to “breathe”. Recently, mattresses with jacquard covers have appeared on the market. They are cheaper, but they allow air to pass through just as well as natural fabrics. But please note that jacquard must contain at least 40% natural fibers. Then, with good breathability, such a cover will delight you with a longer service life.

It is also worth examining the surface of the mattress and checking whether it has small ventilation holes on the sides that allow air to circulate freely. This will also promote better ventilation of the mattress. It will not become damp or smell unpleasant.


Sometimes manufacturers write that their mattresses with natural fillings do not cause allergies at all. But this is not true. Any material can cause allergies, be it natural or artificial. Therefore, no one can give a complete guarantee that your child will not have an allergic reaction from the mattress.

Environmental friendliness

Make sure the mattress cover does not contain polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is sometimes used to make it water-resistant.

A children's mattress should not be treated with any harmful substances to improve its fire-resistant characteristics. It should also not contain glue or paint.

Buy a mattress only from a trusted manufacturer who cares about its reputation and is responsible for product quality.

Which filler should I choose?

Which is better to choose a mattress for a newborn - with or without springs? Doctors recommend buying only a springless mattress for a crib. It will better support the baby's fragile spine.

Let's look at what fillers there are in springless mattresses, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

Polyurethane foam (PPU)

You can often hear that a mattress made from polyurethane foam is better than a mattress made from foam rubber. However, this is a false statement, since polyurethane foam and foam rubber are the same thing. Foam rubber is the name for elastic polyurethane foam. In the USSR, the most common polyurethane foam on sale was a product from a Scandinavian manufacturer under the Porolon brand. This is where the second name for this material came from.

Twenty years ago, the quality of polyurethane foam mattresses was low. They quickly sagged, became brittle and began to crumble. Since then, the quality of foam rubber has improved significantly and now they can last up to 5 years.

Polyurethane foam mattresses are typically the least expensive and lightest option. They come in different thicknesses, usually from 7 to 15 centimeters. More important than the thickness indicator is the density of the mattress. Higher quality mattresses have a higher density. Unfortunately, most PU foam mattresses don't list the density of the material on the packaging, so it's hard to know exactly what you're buying. If in doubt, weight can be a good indicator: a heavier mattress will be denser than a mattress of the same size that is lighter in weight.

Before purchasing, be sure to check how elastic the foam mattress of a particular model is. To do this, press your hand into the middle of the mattress, then remove your hand and see how quickly it regains its shape. The faster the rate of restoration (leveling) of the surface, the better for the child. A sleeping baby puts pressure on the foam, and it may be difficult for your baby to change positions if the mattress maintains its shape.

Perhaps the most serious drawback of children's polyruthane foam mattresses is the relatively high level of volatile chemical compounds released.

According to the results of research by scientists from the University of Texas at Austin (USA), children's PU foam mattresses emit about thirty complex volatile chemical compounds into the air, including extremely dangerous 2-ethylhexanoic acid and phenol. The concentration of these harmful substances is comparable to that released from new laminate flooring. For an adult, such fumes are relatively harmless, but for a small child who spends most of his time in a crib, this may be unsafe. To reduce the level of harmful fumes from such a mattress, you need to ventilate the room where the child sleeps as often as possible.


  • The most inexpensive filler.
  • Lightweight mattress.
  • Wide selection of models and sizes.


  • The material is synthetic and emits a fairly high level of harmful fumes.
  • Absorbs moisture.
  • Retains odors.
  • Poor-quality polyurethane foam can begin to sag and crumble within a year.
  • A new mattress may emit an odor for a long time.

Coconut coir

Coconut coir is a popular filling for children's mattresses. This is primarily due to the fact that it has excellent elasticity. Most often, coconut fiber is additionally processed with latex, which makes the coir more durable and prevents the slab from falling apart.


  • Excellent elasticity.
  • Possesses high level breathability.
  • Does not accumulate moisture.
  • Does not retain odors.
  • Rarely causes allergies.
  • Durability.


  • In case of fiber processing artificial latex, may give off a rubber smell.
  • Higher cost than models made from polyurethane foam.


Natural latex is natural and environmentally friendly material, which is obtained from the sap of the Hevea palm. Latex has excellent elasticity and resilience. In addition, latex does not absorb moisture at all and does not rot, which is an important quality for a children's mattress. It does not harbor dust mites and can rarely cause allergic reactions in children.

However, many parents are put off by the high cost of such mattresses. Besides latex mattress quite heavy. Keep in mind that you will be lifting the mattress regularly when changing your baby's bedding. Therefore, do not choose a mattress that is too heavy and bulky.


  • Elastic and elastic material, quickly restores its shape.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Natural.
  • Good air permeability.
  • Resistant to moisture.


  • High cost. Latex is one of the most expensive materials.
  • Quite a lot of weight.
  • Limited selection of models.


Holofiber – artificial material(100% polyester), but completely safe for babies. This material began to be used in the production of mattresses for newborns relatively recently, but it has already proven itself to be excellent.


  • Does not absorb moisture and does not rot.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Easy.
  • Quickly restores its original shape.
  • Excellent air permeability.
  • Virtually no odor retention.
  • Durable.
  • Relatively inexpensive.


  • The material is completely synthetic.

On sale you can often find mattresses with a combination of two fillers, in which one side is harder than the other. This is very convenient, because after a year the child can be switched to the softer side and he will be more comfortable.

What kind of cover should it be?

Covers should not have rough seams, buttons, or fasteners on the surface of the mattress that will come into contact with the child’s body. These details can cause anxiety for the baby during sleep.

Covers made from natural fabrics (linen or cotton) are best suited for newborns. They are pleasant to the touch, create an excellent microclimate, are easy to wash and dry quickly without losing their qualities.

Artificial fabrics, despite the fact that they retain an attractive appearance longer, are completely unsuitable for newborns, as they interfere with ventilation and can create electrostatic electricity. If the fabric is mixed, then it must contain at least 40% natural fibers.

It is very important that the cover is removable. To ensure that the cover is washable, look for covers with a zipper located around the entire perimeter of the mattress or at least on three sides. A zipper on one side is sewn in solely so that the buyer can evaluate the internal contents. In addition, after washing, fabric (especially made from natural fibers) inevitably shrinks. And, if the zipper is only on one side, it will be very problematic to re-tighten the cover.

Also in the store, be sure to test the fasteners - try to remove the cover yourself. Make sure that the zipper is of high quality, made of durable plastic, does not jam, and that there are no extra threads sticking out inside, which, when opening the zipper, can get into the “track” and lead to breakage.

Can the mattress be reused for another child?

Often parents try to save money on buying a mattress. Especially when there are two children in a family, often the baby gets a mattress from the older child. This should not be done for several reasons.

  1. 1 Using a used mattress is unhygienic. Any baby mattress will inevitably come into contact with urine, vomit, baby food, etc. Even if the mattress looks quite clean, there may still be disease-causing bacteria inside it.
  2. 2 There may be dust mites inside. After three years, there is bound to be a build-up of dust in the mattress, and there may also be dust mites. Despite the fact that all modern fillings in children's mattresses are resistant to dust mites, they can still be found in it, as they feed on exfoliated skin.
  3. 3 Loss of necessary elasticity. A mattress, like any thing, deteriorates over time. It loses its elasticity, begins to sag and dents appear on the surface.
  4. 4 Increased risk of SIDS. In 2002, the British Medical Journal published a study that analyzed the link between SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and infant mattresses. The study's findings suggest that using second-hand mattresses does increase the risk of child death, especially if the mattress is from another home.

So it is better to save money on buying some other things than on a children's mattress. Since this is a really important purchase on which the health of your baby will depend.

We hope that our tips will help you arrange your child’s sleeping place according to all the rules and make it comfortable and safe.

A properly selected mattress should be 2 cm smaller than the perimeter of the bottom of the crib. The filling from which the mattress for a newborn is made...

Until recently, all children slept in identical cribs on ordinary cotton mattresses. Today, new parents can afford better quality bedding that will be safe for the baby’s posture and health. But it’s easy to get lost in the assortment of such products. Therefore, before choosing a mattress for a newborn, you need to find out in advance how these products differ and what requirements are imposed on them by orthopedists.

Main selection criteria

To ensure that the chosen mattress does not become a useless and unnecessary purchase, it is necessary to provide for all the details - from the size to the covering. Let's study the nuances!


First of all, measure the crib. A correctly selected mattress should be 2 cm less than the perimeter of its bottom. If it is too large, “humps” will appear, preventing the baby from sleeping, and making the bed will be inconvenient. With significantly smaller sizes, there will be gaps in which a child’s hand or foot can get stuck.

Standard sizes products are 120*60 cm, but there are also small deviations of 10-20 cm.

Height can be 3-15cm, best option– about 8 cm.


Pay attention to the breathability of the product. It depends on the filler and upholstery. For babies it is better to choose jacquard. This is a combination of cotton (70-90%) and synthetics.

Some mattresses have special ventilation holes called aerators through which air can circulate.

A double-sided mattress can be a practical purchase. One side of it, intended for the cold season, has a warm covering, such as wool, and the other side has a cool covering (cotton). In such combined products, the filler is meant to be different. Elastic latex is most often inserted on the warm side, and hard coconut is inserted on the summer side.

Mattress cover

A high-quality mattress cover will make the product easier to care for and make the surface more comfortable. It’s good if the mattress cover is also waterproof, this will protect the product from urine.

The best mattress toppers are made from waterproof polyurethane. They are easy to wash without losing their appearance and are resistant to odors.

Useful material:


To give a cheap product rigidity and stability, some manufacturers allow the presence of synthetic impregnation, which can cause rashes on the baby’s skin. Some natural fillers, such as horsehair, can also cause allergies. The safest in this aspect are mattresses made from coconut coir.

Orthopedic properties

Orthopedic characteristics do not mean healing effect, as many people mistakenly believe, but the degree of mattress hardness.

Children are born with an arched spine, and regular, S-shaped curves appear only with time. A surface that is too soft can cause a curvature of the back. In addition, such a “feather” poses a danger to the life of a newborn: having buried his nose in the bed, he can simply suffocate.

Advice! The younger the child, the harder the sleeping place should be.

Details about fillers

The environmental friendliness, comfort and convenience of the product depend primarily on the filler from which the mattress for a newborn is made. But which one is better to choose – synthetic or natural? Or maybe just stop with springs?

When choosing a filler of natural origin, avoid wool, felt, straw, cotton mattresses and wood shavings. These materials dry poorly, begin to rot, and often cause allergies in children.

Springless mattresses

For practicality and cost reduction, springless mattresses most often use a combined composition that combines natural fillers different types and artificial materials. Let's look at the most popular ones.

It is the most optimal material for children under one year old. It is preferable if the fibers are not stitched, but impregnated with natural latex. This can be found out from the quality certificate.

Advantages of coconut fiber: optimal degree of hardness; does not rot and does not collect moisture; easily ventilated and not exposed to harmful microorganisms; hypoallergenic.

There are no cons.


This material is made from Hevea juice, which hardens in special forms, turning into an elastic filler.

Cons: latex is not hard enough for newborns and is quite expensive, so it is most often combined with coconut fiber in double-sided mattresses. At first, you will have to ventilate the product a little so that the smell disappears.

Synthetic filler is very similar to wool, but has significantly better properties. Struttofiber is not used in its pure form, because too soft. But it is good in combination with coconut, where it plays the role of the “winter” side of the mattress.

Pros: unlike wool, it does not cause allergies, has good air and heat exchange.

Cons: Quite expensive.


Pressed horsehair is very similar in properties and appearance latexed coconut coir and is also often impregnated with latex.

Pros: absolutely not subject to deformation; has a high degree of rigidity, is resistant to rotting and infection by microorganisms; does not absorb odor.

Cons: cost and allergenicity. The latter can be solved using synthetic impregnation; in addition, horsehair is often insulated with a cotton or wool layer.

It is used to make economy-class mattresses, but its rigidity is not high enough for a newborn baby. This disadvantage is eliminated by additional impregnations.

Pros: hypoallergenic, durable, holds its shape well, low cost.

Cons: too elastic.

Parolon and batting

The least suitable fillers for children of any age.

Pros: practically the only advantage of foam rubber and batting is the meager price. If synthetic additives are not added to the cotton wool to increase elasticity, the material is environmentally friendly.

Disadvantages: dents quickly form in the foam rubber, and the batting rolls off, which makes the product unusable. Accumulating moisture does not evaporate well, which is why harmful microorganisms grow in the material.

When deciding which mattress to choose, keep in mind that some children from birth prefer not their own bed, but their parent’s bed. Therefore, if you are not ready for strict education and assume co-sleeping, take care of the quality of your sleeping place.

Spring mattresses

If you choose a mattress “for growth”, which is often provided in modern cribs, it is better to immediately buy an orthopedic one. It consists of springs that are either dependent on each other or separated.

  • In the first case, pressing on one spring leads to a change in the shape of the entire block. The smaller the diameter of these springs, the higher the orthopedic properties of the product.
  • In products with independent block springs do not form dents under the influence of gravity. Springs separated from each other do not creak or sag.

There are also disadvantages. The high height of the products (15 cm) makes the sides of the crib too low and the child may fall out. Also, magnetic and electric fields are formed around the springs, which is not entirely safe for the baby’s health.

Spring products are not entirely suitable for babies in the first months of life. Therefore, when choosing an orthopedic mattress for a newborn, look for a double-sided product. One of the sides is made of dense filler (coconut coir) and is suitable for children up to one year old; on the second, softer side, the child can sleep until school.

New – cocoon mattress

Today, more and more parents are purchasing a cocoon mattress designed specifically for children in the first trimester.

Thanks to its properties, it allows the newborn to take a comfortable position, helping him adapt to the new environment.

The soft surface follows the shape of the baby's body, reducing the likelihood of flattening and asymmetry of the skull bones. Sleeping in a cocoon is comfortable and peaceful for a newborn, because... one can fully assume the curled-up position to which he was accustomed in intrauterine life. In addition, as French neonatologists say, an ergonomic mattress helps relieve gas, which bothers babies in the first months.

The cocoon seems to envelop the baby, allowing you to feel safe, and the holding straps prevent the baby from falling out or turning over with its nose on the surface.

A product made of polyurethane and polyamide is quite expensive, and it can only be used for 4 months. Otherwise, this is an excellent and useful purchase for a baby.

In order for the mattress to last as long as possible and even be “inherited” by the next child, it needs to be looked after properly. Typically, specifications for use and care are indicated on the product label. There are also general rules:

  1. Air the mattress regularly. This should be done in the fresh air.
  2. Vacuum the product monthly. You can't knock it out.
  3. Keep the mattress cover clean. It’s better to immediately buy a couple of replacement ones and wash them regularly.
  4. Turn the mattress over regularly. If it only has one side that is rigid, rotate it, swapping the head part.
  5. Unpack the product immediately after purchase. Any filler in plastic packaging can “suffocate”. Good ventilation is ensured by the slatted base of the crib.

Of course, in addition to buying a baby mattress, young parents have to spend a lot of money on other equally important things for a newborn. But savings should always be thoughtful, especially when it comes to the health of the baby.

Which mattress is best for a newborn? The baby spends all his time in the crib until he learns to sit and crawl on his own. Therefore, it is very important to choose the most comfortable mattress for a crib. Comfortable does not mean soft! A comfortable mattress is considered to be one that provides comfort, peaceful rest and does not damage the baby’s spine. Let's start choosing!

Happy parents strive to buy the most beautiful things for their newborn baby. This impulse is understandable, but unscrupulous manufacturers can take advantage of such parental feelings. Therefore, when choosing, focus not on the beauty of the product, but on practicality. A children's mattress must meet the following parameters:

  • well ventilated;
  • have moderate hardness;
  • be hypoallergenic;
  • easy to wash and dry;
  • have environmentally friendly materials in the structure;
  • have high-quality and durable upholstery;
  • be the right size;
  • have a quality mattress pad.

It is advisable to choose a mattress with a model with orthopedic properties. In a child under fifteen years of age, the body grows and the spine is formed, so it is extremely important to provide him with the right conditions for night/day rest.

Soft feather beds and cotton mattresses are a thing of the past forever. They have been replaced by orthopedic products, specially created to form an even posture and prevent spinal curvature and stoop.

Mattress properties


What is a ventilated mattress? This product has the ability to “breathe”, which means it allows air to pass through layers of material. Ventilation provides protection against harmful bacteria that can settle in a musty, confined space and harm the newborn. A soft, non-ventilated mattress is especially dangerous for a baby’s health.


Manufacturers offer mattresses of three types of hardness:

  1. soft mattresses;
  2. moderately hard;
  3. hard mattresses.

The level of rigidity is determined by the design of the mattress itself, and also depends on the presence/absence of springs in the base. Demon spring mattresses made of latex, coconut fiber or combined synthetic materials. Spring mattresses are based on a spring block, which provides medium or high rigidity to the product.

Pediatricians advise choosing a hard mattress for a newborn. And the younger the child is, the stiffer the mattress frame should be.

Eco-friendly and hygienic

An important condition for selection is the absence of any odor in the product. The manufacturing material must be either completely natural or comply with environmental standards (synthetic compositions). Manufacturers use the following natural mattress fillers:

  • seaweed;
  • coke or wood shavings;
  • horsehair;
  • felt or straw;
  • natural latex.

These materials are fully environmentally safe and harmless to the newborn. Mattresses with synthetic fillers They tend to retain moisture well, but the lack of ventilation provokes the proliferation of microbes inside the material. The price of such products is low, so take this feature into account when purchasing.

Right size

The mattress must fully match the size of the crib itself: neither large nor small. The ideal size for a crib mattress is a couple of centimeters smaller. Why? Because it will fit freely in the crib and is easy to take out.

A mattress that is too large will deform in the crib, creating bumps and depressions - this will affect the well-being of the newborn. If the mattress is too small, it will also create inconvenience. The small product will fidget around the crib, and the newborn will have a restless sleep.

Important! The distance from the mattress to the sides of the crib should not exceed three/four cm.

Upholstery and mattress cover

What should the mattress upholstery be made of? For children under 15 years of age, it is better to choose natural, durable materials. High-quality upholstery is made not only from natural ingredients, but also has several additional layers. The best upholstery is quilted. It may consist of the following layers:

  • cotton;
  • sintepon;
  • woolen;
  • other materials.

You need to choose a strong upholstery material, for example, jacquard. Calico/calico materials wear out quickly.

In addition, jacquard has hypoallergenic properties and good throughput(ventilated). Be careful with special upholstery impregnations that manufacturers offer (anti-dust, antimicrobial, etc.). A young child may be allergic to these substances.

Advice. You need to choose a cover with a zipper - it is easy to remove and wash.

With or without springs?

Which mattress is better for a child - with or without springs? Pediatricians do not recommend buying a mattress with springs for a newborn, because they are useless for him. The same applies to orthopedic models. Such mattresses are necessary for children after three/four years. Although some one-year-olds like to jump on springs!

Spring products for newborns come with independent and dependent springs. The design differs in that independent springs are hidden in separate bags and do not respond to changes in pressure at a point in the mattress adjacent to them.

Pediatricians recommend choosing mattresses with an independent spring block for newborns. A mattress with dependent springs sags over time and turns into a hammock, which negatively affects the development of the baby’s posture.

Springless mattresses are well suited for newborns and children three/four years old. They, as a rule, have a moderately rigid design and form the baby’s posture well. Some models of springless mattresses have a double-sided design, that is, you can use one side as a rigid frame (suitable for newborns), and the other as a moderately medium frame (suitable for children from three years old).

Natural mattress fillers

The quality of a children's mattress for a small child directly depends on the filler. What can be inside the product, and which mattress is best to put in a baby’s crib? On the sales market you can choose mattresses with the following fillings:

  • coconut coir;
  • pressed horsehair;
  • latex mattresses.

It is better to choose a mattress with coconut coir. It is suitable for both small infants and children of three years old. The filling is made from coconut coir bonded with latex. Important point: Natural latex, not artificial. Otherwise, your baby will rest on ordinary tires, and the coconut coir will quickly turn into dust. When choosing, the price factor is important: a cheap product will be of poor quality.

Pressed horsehair is also good for a baby's crib mattress. Products made from horsehair are elastic and have a long shelf life. Horse filler also contributes to the orthopedic properties of the mattress. The disadvantage of these products is the very high price and the possibility of an allergy in the baby to horsehair.

Products with latex filling are not rigid in shape, so they are more suitable for older children.

A shape that is too soft does not form the correct posture. Among these products you can find a double-sided coconut-latex mattress. The coconut side is suitable for babies, and the latex side is suitable for an adult child. The composition of latex-coconut material provides excellent ventilation and fully complies with the requirements of hygiene and environmental friendliness.

Artificial fillers

Products with artificial fillers are undesirable for infants. Manufacturers offer the following mattress fillers:

  • batting components;
  • foam rubber and polyurethane foam;
  • struttofiber.

Foam rubber and batting are the worst choice for a child. Even the batting contains synthetic elements! And foam rubber provokes the formation of incorrect posture and scoliosis. These mattresses are very cheap, and that is their only attraction. Foam rubber and batting perfectly absorb liquids and odors, so they do not meet hygiene standards. Batting tends to clump up after some time and becomes completely unusable.

The filler is made of foamed polymer (polyurethane foam) and has an infinite service life. Polymers do not crumble, are not subject to deformation, and do not form dents. The product belongs to the middle price scale, which has its own attractiveness. Is it right to choose such a filler for a child? The parents will decide.

Struttofiber is an artificial wool that retains heat well and has elasticity. This filler is suitable for older children, but not for infants: it is too soft. Struttofiber is highly breathable and has hypoallergenic properties. The disadvantage is the high price.

  1. For infants, it is better not to purchase a mattress with springs.
  2. Do not buy a mattress with foam rubber or batting for your baby.
  3. Do not buy an inexpensive product from an unknown manufacturer.
  4. Before purchasing, make sure that the product has a quality certificate and meets hygiene standards.
  5. Consult with mothers you know who are already using a baby mattress and analyze the information.
  6. Correct does not mean cheap: beware of cheap products.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

Caring parents are well aware of how important deep, restful sleep is for children. wellness And normal development baby. And for a good night's sleep you need a comfortable bed. Let's figure out which mattress is best for a newborn, how to choose it correctly, how long it can last and what conditions must be met so that your child sleeps peacefully and remains healthy.

A child’s spine is actively developing in the first months of life. In addition, a newborn's total sleep time should be between 16 and 18 hours per day. Therefore, you need to take full responsibility when choosing a good and comfortable mattress: after all, both the quality of sleep and health depend on it.

Main settings

It is better not to make a mattress yourself, as it may not meet all the necessary parameters. Models based on batting or foam rubber, which are abundant on the market, unfortunately also do not stand up to criticism on a number of standards - from environmental friendliness to adequate orthopedic support. Orthopedic mattresses for newborns are made of fundamentally different materials - more on this later. If you carefully search and choose a really high-quality product, it will not only be beneficial for the baby’s health, but will also last a long time - at least three years! And this is important for many.


First, we “weed out” products based on this parameter. Common crib base dimensions (most manufacturers make their beds this way):

  • 140×70 cm;
  • 125x65 cm;
  • 120x60 cm.

Knowing exactly the length, width, and depth of the base of the crib, especially if it was custom-made, you will find a mattress that fits it perfectly. It is better to choose a children's mattress for a newborn (or order one) that is 2 cm smaller in length and width. Then it will not slide in the bed, but it will not fit into it too tightly, and if necessary, it can be easily removed. Take into account the thickness of the mattress: it should not be less than 8 and more than 15 centimeters.

A quality baby mattress should have small ventilation holes on both sides to allow air to circulate.


A newborn baby lies down almost all the time, so the hygienic properties of bedding are important. The mattress should not highlight bad smell or, on the contrary, accumulate odors inside and, of course, should not cause allergies. Perfect option- if it is made of “breathable” materials that allow air to pass through well. By the way, the filler does not have to be of natural origin.

It is very good if there is a removable cover: you can rinse or wash it, if necessary, and put it on again. This cover is usually durable, cotton or jacquard, often with a moisture-resistant lining. There are no special requirements for it, just pay attention that it is smooth or very finely quilted, and that rough seams, as well as zippers or other fasteners, do not come into contact with the baby’s body and do not disturb him during sleep.

Orthopedic indicators

Orthopedic qualities do not mean medicinal properties, but simply sufficient rigidity of the surface on which the child will sleep - only then will the spine take the correct, natural position. For example, coconut fiber as a filler is moderately hard, elastic, and ventilated. We'll talk more about fillers later.

Pediatrician's recommendations: too soft feather bed, which some parents strive to provide for the sake of the baby's “comfort,” leads to deformation of a fragile spine (scoliosis). The spine of a child up to 2-3 years of age is straight, i.e., it has not yet formed the S-shaped curve characteristic of adults. Therefore, the mattress should be smooth and of medium hardness. It is better if until the age of three the baby does not even have a pillow, especially a large one (the child may suffocate by burying his nose in it) and with natural filling (he may be allergic to it).

At the same time, the mattress for a child should be flexible enough so that its head side can be raised - for example, by placing a flat cushion of a folded towel under it. This is useful if, and also convenient when he has: a slightly elevated position of the head ensures freer breathing. The main thing is to take this position only from time to time: a newborn should still sleep on a flat surface. Therefore, factory-made mattresses of asymmetrical shape are not recommended for regular use.

Materials for a children's mattress

Among the many types of bedding presented in children's supermarkets and specialty stores, it is easy to get confused. Especially many questions are raised by the materials from which the filling is made. The table will help you navigate and choose the right mattress for a newborn crib.

Filling materialMaterial propertiesAttention
Coconut coir (fiber, coconut fluff)Orthopedic properties - the load on the spine is evenly distributed;
moisture resistance - thanks to natural polymers;
free air circulation - not cold to sleep in winter, not hot in summer;
Coconut coir should not be stitched (over time the material crumbles and deforms), but with natural latex impregnation that holds the fibers together. This is evidenced by a quality certificate. Do not confuse coir with coconut shavings: such filling quickly cakes and rots
HorsehairOrthopedic properties;
elasticity - holds its shape perfectly;
hygroscopic - absorbs moisture
Expensive natural filler with latex impregnation. Possible allergies
Natural latex (from rubber - foamed Hevea juice)Elasticity - quickly restores shape;
environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic;
antibacterial properties;
antistatic properties;
long service life;
“rubber” smell (disappears quickly, especially after airing)
A full latex mattress is not recommended. A good option- “for growth”: a double-sided mattress for a newborn with one side made of coconut fibers and the other made of latex (softer, better used after 3 years).
Synthetic latex is not recommended, although it is cheaper than natural latex
Polyurethane foam (PPU, foamed polymer of artificial origin)High strength;
resistance to deformation;
relatively low cost
The polyurethane foam filling may not be rigid enough. If possible, compare its hardness yourself (in the store) with a coconut coir base
Struttofiber (artificial filler like wool)Elasticity;
good ventilation and heat exchange;
costs less than foam rubber
Used as filling for one side of the mattress (the other side can be made of coconut fiber). Great idea mattresses for children "for growth"
Holofiber (non-woven artificial material made from polyester fibers)Medium hardness;
wear resistance;
resistance to deformation;
ease of care;
relatively low cost
Suitable for children from birth, can be used up to 3-4 years. Can be double-sided (the other side is with coconut coir)

Coconut coir Horsehair Natural latex

Polyurethane foam
Struttofiber Holofiber

All of the materials listed have antibacterial and antifungal properties, are hypoallergenic and, of course, environmentally friendly. Not all of them are natural, but this is not always a minus. For example, wool can cause allergies. Felt, straw or wood shavings will not withstand several “leaks”, they will begin to rot and collapse.

A universal double-sided (combined) mattress will be useful in the long term - it is good not only because it is durable and will serve the child even when he grows up, but also because it has a hard and soft side. Experts recommend placing children aged 3 years and older on the softer side - the spine will form enough for the mattress to support its natural curves.

Armed with information and deciding which mattress to choose for your child, it is enough to focus on your feelings (checking the quality in person, in the store) and on the ratio of price and product characteristics. Remember that a good mattress cannot be too cheap, and we are talking about the child’s health.

With or without springs

Sometimes parents wonder which mattress would be better for a newborn baby to sleep on - a spring or springless one. Since the weight of a child under six months is small, the presence of springs in the mattress is not so important. The spring model is considered universal, but it is more useful for active children over the age of one year, who not only sleep in their bed, but also move a lot in it, play, and jump.

So: spring or springless? Eat Various types spring mattresses.

  • With dependent springs. The elements are connected to each other. If the position of one element changes, it affects the others. Thus, depressions are formed under the child (in the worst case scenario, one deep one, like a hammock), which does not meet the requirements for a flat surface.
  • With independent springs. Each of the springs is “autonomous”, that is, located in a separate compartment. If you click on it, the remaining elements will remain in place. The mattress does not squeak. True, it costs more than a model with dependent springs, it is heavier in weight, it is quite thick, so it is necessary that the sides of the crib remain high for the baby if such a mattress is included in it.

Parents are having lively discussions about choosing a mattress for a newborn: reviews on this matter vary, but many agree that a mattress with springs is not so necessary for a small child. It would be more correct to prefer a springless model with various fillers (from those described above). It provides the rigidity recommended by pediatricians and the formation of correct posture in the baby, which is very important at such an early age. In addition, during the selection process, parents are advised to make sure that the product is from a well-known manufacturer, is made in accordance with GOST, and is equipped with a certificate confirming its complete safety.

To ensure that the mattress lasts longer for your child without losing its qualities, follow a few simple recommendations. They are useful for any model - however, the manufacturer must have instructions for caring for the product.

  • Ventilate periodically. For a couple of hours or, if possible, throughout the day. And vacuum your mattress - at least once a month.
  • Keep the cover (mattress cover) fresh. Wash it often.
  • Turn the mattress over from time to time. From one side to the other - if they are the same in composition, and if not - rotate it with the hard side up, placing the head part at the opposite end of the crib.
  • Remove packaging. Regardless of the quality of the filler, it can “suffocate” if you leave the mattress in a store-bought plastic bag. Air exchange will be even better if the base of the bed is not solid, but slatted.

The cost of a mattress depends on the size, materials used, and brand. Today you can find domestically produced products of no less quality than foreign ones.

It is best to decide how to choose a mattress for a newborn based on the recommendations of experts. You can personally examine each product in the store in detail, compare them, listen to the consultants' stories and, if necessary, ask them for documents confirming quality. Ultimately, you will protect your baby from allergies or problems with the musculoskeletal system, and provide him with a healthy and comfortable sleep.


The imminent birth of a baby means that it’s time to go shopping and buy all the essentials that the child will need. The most important thing is to buy a crib, a good mattress and bed linen. Which is the best mattress for a newborn? Many young parents make many mistakes in this matter.. Therefore we decided to write detailed instructions on choosing the optimal children's mattress.

In our review, we will look at all the most popular types of children's mattresses, talk about the properties of padding materials, and discuss issues of rigidity. In conclusion, recommendations from pediatricians will be given, which is also very important when choosing a mattress for a newborn.

Types of mattresses for newborns

Which mattress to choose for a newborn's crib? Many young parents are puzzled by this question. It is generally accepted that it is best to sleep on a soft surface - it is comfortable, lush and warm. And such concepts are fundamentally wrong, since a newborn baby should sleep on a firm base– this ensures the correct development of the spine.

But before we talk about the hardness of mattresses, we should talk about their types. In our review we will cover the following types of mattresses:

  • Springless;
  • Spring;
  • Double sided;
  • Cocoon mattresses.

Springless mattresses

Simple springless mattresses for a crib will become optimal choice. Their design does not include any springs, so they are absolutely safe. The basis of such mattresses are plastic fillers with different levels of elasticity. In addition, some models have orthopedic properties - this allows for the correct development of the spine and skeletal system.

Modern springless mattresses for children are made of hypoallergenic materials and equipped with thick covers made of natural fabrics. Thanks to this, children sleep in a safe environment, on a fairly comfortable and dense surface. Also, when developing children's mattresses, attention is paid to the properties of the padding - they must retain heat and remove moisture well. The presence of excellent ventilation properties is a solid plus, because the child should sleep in a relatively dry atmosphere, without excess humidity.

Going a little further, we can say that springless mattresses are the best choice for a crib. They are comfortable, practical, withstand physical activity well, do not cause allergies and provide the creation of a suitable surface for healthy and comfortable sleep.

Spring mattresses

Spring mattresses for children are divided into two categories - these are classic spring mattresses and mattresses with independent spring blocks. The first category is completely unsuitable for children's sleep. Classic spring mattresses form a strongly sagging surface, which harms the children's spine and does not contribute to its proper development. It is not surprising that children develop scoliosis after sleeping on such mattresses.

As for mattresses with independent spring blocks, they are absolutely safe. They have orthopedic properties, provide good back support and can adapt to the shape of the body. But all this splendor is negated by one drawback - spring mattresses with independent spring blocks are not suitable for newborns. But older children can sleep on them - from about 12 years old.

Double-sided mattresses

Double-sided mattresses for newborns are universal options. They have two surfaces used for sleeping. One side is hard, just right for newborns. As for the second side, it is of medium hardness - for older children, from three years. Why this is needed will be said a little later. There are also double-sided mattresses with a different aspect ratio. For example, one side may be soft and the other medium hard.

Close relatives of double-sided mattresses with different levels of side hardness are two-season mattresses. They are made in such a way that one side retains heat well, and the other is freely ventilated, ensuring the creation of comfortable conditions for children's sleep.

Double-sided mattresses are made from a variety of fillings, such as coconut fiber and latex, polyurethane foam and struttofiber. Some models contain blocks of independent springs, but they are not suitable for sleeping newborns.

Cocoon mattresses

Cocoon mattresses are the development of French neonatologists. They have an oval shape, and their inner part is somewhat recessed, creating a cozy space for the child to sleep and relax. Thanks to this design, the newborn's body is supported on all sides at once, just as it is in the womb.

A cocoon mattress for newborns is often equipped with clasps and handles for carrying. This ensures the safety of children and makes it easy to transport the cocoon. from place to place. That is, this is not a full-fledged mattress, but some kind of addition that can be installed anywhere. A baby can sleep in a cocoon for up to four years, after which it should be transferred to the main mattress.

Cocoons provide soft support for the spine, slightly bending it - it is in the same position as during intrauterine development. According to French neonatologists, this position is the most optimal - the spine develops more correctly and harmoniously. In addition, a slightly curved back helps normalize muscle tone and reduce colic.

What is the optimal mattress firmness?

Newborns should sleep on a fairly hard surface or on a medium-hard mattress. However, many parents are of the opposite opinion, that the child needs a soft and comfortable bed. This is fundamentally wrong, because on a soft surface the spine takes a concave shape. And such a bend simply interferes with the proper development of the child. If the child sleeps on a hard surface, his spine will take the correct S-shape.

Since a newborn is light in weight, you can purchase a mattress of medium hardness for him. A “below average” stiffness will also provide good support. The padding materials can be any, preferably natural and hypoallergenic. The main thing is that they provide suitable level rigidity. But you should avoid buying mattresses with independent spring blocks, since they will not be able to ensure the creation of conditions for the proper development of the spine and skeletal system.

You should not look at inexpensive spring, foam, cotton and down mattresses - they do not have orthopedic properties and are completely unsuitable for newborns. They can only cause harm to the child, giving the spine an incorrect shape.

Choosing a mattress material for a newborn

Choosing a mattress for a newborn should begin with choosing the mattress filling. As we have already said, we boldly throw spring models aside - we choose only springless mattresses made of coconut fiber, polyurethane foam, latex and struttofiber.

Polyurethane foam is one of the most common materials for filling children's mattresses. Initially, it is too soft, so additional components are added to its structure to give it rigidity. Only after this is it suitable for the production of children's mattresses. Polyurethane foam rarely causes allergies and has orthopedic properties, but retains moisture too well, which is unacceptable for a crib.

Struttofiber has a decent level of rigidity, but it is rarely used in children's mattresses. But natural latex is much more common. It does not cause allergic reactions, is well ventilated, and does not create conditions for the growth of bacteria. It is not used in its pure form due to its softness. Therefore, latex is interspersed with layers of harder padding, which makes it possible to create children's mattresses of medium hardness.

The most optimal filling option for a children's mattress is coconut fiber (coir). It does not deteriorate or rot, does not support the growth of harmful bacteria, does not cause allergies, is well ventilated and retains heat. This fiber is tough but resilient, as it is made from soaked and dried coconut husks impregnated with... natural latex. Therefore, it is ideally suited for creating mattress padding for newborns.

A coconut mattress for newborns ideally supports the back, creates comfortable sleeping conditions and promotes the proper development of the spine. You can sleep on this mattress from birth until the age of three.. Starting from the age of three, you should choose a softer mattress. If you want to save money, feel free to buy double-sided mattresses made of latex and coconut coir - we talked about this in our review. Until the age of three, the child will sleep on the side made of coconut fiber, and after three years - on the side made of latex (medium hardness).

When purchasing a mattress, pay attention to the presence of a removable cover. Otherwise, you will have to buy a mattress pad. The optimal materials for covers are jacquard and spunbond.

Deciding on the size of the mattress

Choosing a mattress for a newborn in size does not cause any difficulties. The width and length should be such that the mattress exactly fits the crib. As for the height, it should not exceed 10 cm, optimal indicator– 5-9 cm. If the mattress is too high, then later, when the baby learns to stand up, he may fall out of the crib.

For a more accurate match of sizes, it is not recommended to buy cribs of non-standard sizes - otherwise you will have to order a mattress made to individual measurements, which will cost a considerable amount.

Pediatricians recommend choosing mattresses of high and medium hardness for newborns. A solid foundation will allow the spine to develop as nature intended. A proper development of the spine is the key to excellent health of the whole body as a whole. You should not worry that your child will experience discomfort when lying on a hard mattress. After all, the mattress is not hard like concrete, but elastic. And on top of it there will be a sheet and a relatively soft cover.

As for soft mattresses based on cheap foam rubber or cotton wool, their purchase should be avoided, as they can harm even an adult.

If a child has any developmental abnormalities, as well as diseases of the skeletal and nervous systems, you should consult an orthopedist - he will help you choose the optimal mattress rigidity.