There are mineral fertilizers. One-sided potassium tuk. Mineral fertilizers in autumn

Not all gardeners can boast of having organic raw materials in the form of manure and droppings. Not everyone has time to prepare compost and green manure.

People living in a private house, having a large farm in the form of animals and birds, as well as a large land plot– can afford to keep a source of organic fertilizer and at the same time grow vegetables and fruits.

Everyone else who occasionally travels out of town can use mineral fertilizers - their types allow you to select mixtures for each type of soil and for individual crops.

Mineral fertilizers- These are fertilizers in the form of salts of inorganic origin. They are also called chemical fertilizers. The source is natural minerals that are mined industrially, as well as substances obtained artificially.

Mineral fertilizers are a good substitute for organic matter

There are one-component, two-component, three-component and multi-component compositions of mineral fertilizers. This means that the composition includes 1, 2, 3 or more components, the main ones being nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Auxiliary - calcium, sulfur, magnesium, boron and other trace elements, necessary for plants for growth.

Pros of mineral mixtures:

  • are cheaper;
  • easier to get;
  • small doses are used;
  • can be selected for specific plants and soil types.

The effect of using mineral fertilizers is no different from the effect of organic fertilizers, but when using mineral fertilizers, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of the substance, that is, follow the gardener’s golden rule: it is better to underfeed a little than to overfeed and destroy the plant.

Types and characteristics of mineral fertilizers

The types can be classified as follows:

  • nitrogen, containing one component - nitrogen;
  • potassium, consisting of potassium salts and microadditives;
  • phosphoric – these are salts of phosphoric acid or natural minerals;
  • mixtures having an equal composition of active ingredients or other proportions.

Video: Distinctive features and methods of using mineral fertilizers

Most often, types of mineral fertilizers are used that have a complete composition - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, as this eliminates the need to calculate how much and what is needed for a specific piece of land. For each type of mineral fertilizer there is a corresponding soil type on which the additives will be most effective.


Potassium fertilizers contain large amounts of potassium salts; other additives may be present in microdoses. Such monofertilizers are recommended for all types of soil, but especially for sandy and sandy loam. Potassium salts are extracted industrially from natural minerals - carnallite and sylvinite.

There are two varieties - potassium chloride and sulfate. Chloride must be added to the soil in the fall so that the chlorine, which is harmful to plants, will disappear over the winter. This mineral fertilizer is not suitable for spring application. Potassium sulfate is suitable for all plants and can be used at any time of the year.


The main mineral for fertilizers is phosphorus, isolated from natural phosphorites and apatites. There are many types of phosphorus compounds that are used in complex mixtures:

  • superphosphates and double superphosphates – soluble in water;
  • precipitate - dissolves in a weak acid solution;
  • metaphosphate - an insoluble or sparingly soluble compound;
  • Thomas slag – acid is required for dissolution;
  • ammophos and diammophos are substances that are sparingly soluble in water.

Phosphorus fertilizers are varied and suitable for all types of soil

Water-soluble substances are suitable for all types of soils and plants. Semi-soluble and sparingly soluble have an advantage on acidic soils - their effect is stronger there.

In order for phosphorus mineral fertilizers to be well absorbed by plants, the soil must be saturated with potassium and nitrogen


Nitrogen types of fertilizers, their classification:

  • nitrate forms - calcium or sodium nitrate;
  • ammonia form – ammonia water;
  • ammonium – ammonium sulfate or chloride;
  • ammonium nitrate - ammonium nitrate;
  • amide form - urea.

Nitrogen substances, which also belong to mineral fertilizers, form the basis of plant nutrition and contribute to the growth of green mass. Without sufficient nitrogen supply, the leaves turn yellowish or pale green. The effectiveness of nitrogen increases if the soil is well fertilized with phosphorus and potassium.

Video: How to properly feed plants with nitrogen

Nitrogen is often included in mineral fertilizers, which are called complex fertilizers. In such mixtures the amount of nutrients.

Complex mixtures

Complex mineral fertilizers are obtained different ways- chemical reaction, mixing simple components. The concentration of active substances is very high, so fertilizer consumption is low. For different soil types, you can choose the appropriate mixture for the optimal balance of nutrients.

What is complex mineral fertilizer - these are mixtures that contain 2 or more types of salts. There are:

  • nitrogen-phosphorus mixtures;
  • potassium-nitrogen;
  • nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium compositions.

When applying to the soil, you need to know the needs of garden crops. If necessary, you can adjust the mixture yourself by adding those substances that you need more of. But with a wide selection of names and compositions of fertilizers for plants, this is not required.

You should try to apply complex mineral mixtures in spring or summer, since during the winter active nitrogen loses its qualities and you will have to re-fertilize the soil with nitrogen fertilizer


It is applied in the spring, as it contains nitrogen, which is most effective for plant growth. The need for this type of fertilizer is determined by the type of soil. If plants are constantly lacking potassium, it is recommended to feed them with nitrogen-potassium mixtures several times during the growing season. If phosphorus is washed out of the soil, then it is nitrogen-phosphorus.

The names of complex mineral fertilizers that can be found in gardening stores: potassium nitrate, ammophos, ammophosphate, nitroammophos, diammophos, nitrophoska.

Potassium nitrate contains two components - potassium and nitrogen

Some types of fertilizers that have a low percentage of nitrogen and consist mainly of phosphates can be applied in the fall.


Mixtures that are also called complete mineral fertilizer. All three essential elements - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium - are found in it in equal proportions, or there are more of some components, less of some. It is necessary to focus on the needs of plants.

Complete mineral fertilizer, which contains all macroelements, can fertilize absolutely all soils and garden crops. You can combine types of organic and mineral fertilizers in one area, adding minerals in the fall and organic matter in the spring, while reducing the dosage of minerals by 2-3 times.

Names: azofoska, ammofoska, nitrophoska, diammofoska.


Multicomponent nutrient mixtures consist of basic elements and microfertilizers: calcium, boron, magnesium, zinc, sulfur, copper, iron, molybdenum, manganese and others. On poor soils, such compounds are indispensable - they protect plants from diseases and allow good harvest annually.

Microsupplements should be considered as additional support for various types soil For example:

  • zinc – for alkaline soils;
  • copper – on marshy soils and peat bogs;
  • manganese - for chernozem areas with alkaline soil reaction;
  • boron - on sandy soils;
  • molybdenum – for acidic soils.

Multicomponent compositions contain trace elements in addition to the main elements

Knowing the characteristics of the soil on your site, you can optimally select a multi-component mixture and use it throughout the entire period of crop growth and fruiting.

Microelements (microfertilizers)

Microfertilizers can be found not only in multicomponent fertilizers. One- and two-component substances and complex microfertilizers are available for sale.

Microelements are consumed by plants in small quantities. They are used both for root application and for foliar feeding - by spraying. In this way, you can quickly eliminate the deficiency of a certain element.

Microfertilizers can be used both for foliar feeding, and add to the root

What you can find on sale from complex microfertilizers:

  • Reacom;
  • Master;
  • Oracle;
  • Sizam.

This type of fertilizer is sold in liquid and dry form, which must be diluted with water to the required concentration, which is described in detail in the instructions.

The effect of mineral fertilizers on soil

Many gardeners are afraid to use mineral fertilizers because of the popular legend about the dangers of nitrates. Similar stories are told by people who violated instructions. There is a statement that poison differs from medicine only in dosage - the same can be said about mineral fertilizers.

There are several rules that, if followed, guarantee safety for human health.

  1. Do not exceed the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. If there is a need to mix several types of mineral fertilizers, then it is better to take a minimum of both. In case of deficiency, you can always make a weak solution of fertilizer and apply it to the leaves.
  2. 2 weeks before harvesting the fruits, feeding with mineral mixtures must be stopped.
  3. Overdue mineral complexes do not use.

Healthy soil without excess nitrates is the result of using mineral mixtures strictly according to instructions

It is worth knowing that exceeding dosages has a bad effect on the plant itself - the roots can burn if fertilizers are applied incorrectly. Moreover, this applies equally to both minerals and organic matter. You can disrupt the growth and destroy the plant by using fertilizing according to the principle: the more, the better.

It is not recommended to use acidic mineral fertilizers without periodic liming. This can have a negative impact on plants - the number of beneficial bacteria in the soil will decrease, which will lead to a decrease in the humus part.

This happens because the microflora also needs minerals for nutrition, therefore, if their amount is not exceeded, then it will be enough to feed both plants and microorganisms.

Sour mineral supplements carried out along with liming

In the case of naturally high acidity of the soil, it is necessary to use organic matter, which shifts the pH towards alkalinity. As an option, alternate mineral and organic complexes. For example, wood ash, bone meal, which can also be purchased at the store.

Balance should be maintained if the soil has a neutral or alkaline reaction. On such soils, you can safely use mineral fertilizers with an acidic reaction.

Methods for adding mineral mixtures

Mineral fertilizers can be used to add to the soil for digging in the fall. To do this, it is better to select formulations with a minimum amount of nitrogen or without it at all.

In the spring, shortly before planting, dry complex fertilizers are embedded in the soil. mineral compounds. It should be noted that if phosphorus and potassium were added in the fall, then in the spring it is necessary to add only nitrogen in the form of urea or other monofertilizer.

If there is a shortage of mineral fertilizers, you can dilute the complex composition with water and spray the foliage. Dosages are reduced by half (indicated in the instructions). Plants absorb fertilizers much faster through foliage, therefore, after 2 - 3 days the foliage will come to life and change color.

Foliar feeding with mineral fertilizers can quickly restore plant strength

The watering method is the most commonly practiced by gardeners who are afraid of dry mixtures and prefer the principle of less, but safer. To do this, the dry substance is diluted in the required concentration and poured under the plants on the site.


Mineral complex mixtures are an excellent replacement for organic fertilizers. With a competent approach, you can save money, effort and time, and also not harm your health.

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As long as agriculture has been developing on Earth, people have been using organic fertilizers to obtain good harvests. The types and their characteristics must be taken into account when using, since each of them has its own characteristics. Some need to be added to the soil in the fall, others at the time of planting, and others throughout growing season. The value of organics lies in its beneficial effect on the condition of plants, in improving the soil, in increasing yields and in its low cost, because every farmer can prepare it in his personal subsidiary plot.

Organic fertilizer: what is it?

Many will immediately say manure and compost. The answer is correct, but incomplete, because organic fertilizers are human and animal waste, as well as household and even industrial waste, which contains substances necessary for the development of plants in the form of organic compounds. This may include:

Bird droppings;


Waste from wood processing factories (sawdust, tree bark, etc.);

Green manure plants;


Bone meal;


Complex organics.

Chemical composition

As you can see from the list above, there are a wide variety of organic fertilizers. The types and their characteristics mainly depend on the source of receipt, and in addition, on technological process fertilizer production. Any of them contains:


Special (a very valuable element that improves soil structure).

In small quantities, organic fertilizers include:

Sulfurous acid;

Silicic acid;

Oxides of some metals and other chemical elements.

Let's take a closer look at what and how much is contained in each type of organic fertilizer.


This very valuable fertilizer is nothing more than the feces of domestic animals, with the exception of cats and dogs. Depending on the type of animal, organic fertilizers of different composition are obtained. The types and their characteristics also depend on the stage of the preparation process, which are as follows:

Fresh manure (applied only in the fall, the soil is immediately plowed after that);

Semi-rotted (the straw in it becomes dark and easily separates into pieces);

Rotten (homogeneous dark mass);


The higher the stage of manure preparation, the more it loses its mass, and the better the organic matter decomposes in it and the quality improves.

It is equally important on what kind of litter this fertilizer is prepared.

As you can see from the table, pig manure has very little calcium, so lime is added to it.

Rabbit manure is also a good fertilizer. But for nutria, you can only use rotted manure or add it to compost.

Storage methods

Manure from different animals is, among other things, a variety of organic fertilizers. The types and their characteristics directly depend on how they are stored. The methods may be the following:

1. Loose styling. Stacks up to 3 m wide and up to 2 m high are made from fresh manure and are not covered with anything. With this method in stacks (t = +70 °C), the preparation process takes approximately 4-5 months, during which up to a third of the original mass is lost.

2. Tight styling. The same piles are made from fresh manure as with loose laying, but the manure is compacted tightly and covered with an airtight film. In such stacks the temperature does not rise above +35 °C even in summer. Decomposition with this method lasts about 7 months, and up to 1/10 of the original mass is lost. Dense packing is the most acceptable storage method.

3. Loose laying with compaction. A low, loose pile up to 3 m wide is made from fresh manure. On the fifth day, it is compacted, and a new loose layer is laid on top. This is repeated until the stack reaches a height of two meters, after which it is covered with film. Completely rotted manure is formed within 5 months.

How to use

Usage organic fertilizers, in particular manure, has its own little tricks. Yes, for warm beds Horse manure is ideal because it contains little water. It is buried in special trenches dug along the perimeter of the bed, and after it is no longer needed, it is scattered across the field. On light soils it is better to use manure from cows, and on heavy soils - from sheep, goats and horses. For spring crops, fresh or half-rotted soil is plowed into the soil in the fall, and humus is added in the spring. If there is little fertilizer, it is advisable to apply it not to the entire area, but only to the holes. When planting trees, it is very useful to add up to 10 kg of humus into each hole.

Important! Fresh manure should not be applied to any crops. It releases ammonia, which is harmful to plants. There are no general standards for applying fertilizers, since they are different for each crop and directly depend on the quality of the soil.

You can find manure extract in stores. it's the same excellent fertilizer, but only for plants. It is useless for improving the condition of the soil.

Liquid organic fertilizers, their types and characteristics

There are a variety of fertilizers that you can make yourself without spending Money. Those who have the opportunity use manure. It can be used in solid form, or you can make liquid organic fertilizers from it - slurry and mullein. The latter is prepared by pouring water over cow excrement. It is used to fertilize absolutely any plants, even flowers. At the same time, take 1 liter of mullein per bucket of water. There is no need to prepare slurry. It is the liquid part of manure. Liquid fertilizers include herbal infusions and even human urine, but more on that below.

As can be seen from the table, there is almost no phosphorus in this fertilizer, so superphosphate (about 15 g per liter) is added to the slurry.


It is believed that the best organic fertilizers are obtained from the droppings of pigeons and chickens. The waste of geese and ducks is somewhat worse in quality.

Bird droppings should be stored in a closed container or by composting with peat, straw, sawdust, as it very quickly loses its nitrogen component. Bird grass is used to feed vegetables, fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, and flowers. It is not added in its pure form, but filled with water (1 part of organic matter per bucket of water) and left to infuse for up to 3 days. After this, dilute it again with water, taking 1 measuring part of the infusion and 10 measuring parts of water.

Human feces

Some gardeners don't even know what exotic types of organic fertilizers there are. One of them is our feces. Previously, absolutely everything was fertilized with these waste products, they were even sold. Now this type of fertilizer is not popular, although it is almost the best. It should be noted that feces refers not only to feces, but also to urine, which is also suitable as a fertilizer. The only caveat is that nitrogen evaporates from it almost instantly, so the biomaterial must be covered with soil immediately after application.

As you can see from the table, feces are ideal for improving soil quality.

Of course, many farmers are disdainful to even think about using human excrement as fertilizer. For those who are more loyal to this, it is important to know what methods exist for preparing such organic matter. To remove the unpleasant smell, the “raw materials” need to be covered with peat or, in extreme cases, leaf soil. You can also make compost heaps from leaves and plant debris, placing feces in them in layers. They must mature for at least 3 years.

Urine is used immediately as a fertilizer. For trees, it does not need to be diluted. For other crops, it is advisable to dilute with water in a ratio of at least 1:4. It is also useful to water compost heaps with urine.


To the question: “Which fertilizers are organic?” many will answer: “Peat.” It is widely advertised, all flower shops actively sell it, and many gardeners and gardeners strive to use it. However, there are not so many substances useful for plants in peat to fertilize everything indiscriminately. In addition, it must be taken into account that there are different types peat, differing significantly in quality.

As can be seen from the table, peat, especially lowland peat, is advisable to use on acidic soils. All types of peat should be used only to improve the quality of soils, regulate their humidity, as well as to create high-quality compost and for mulching any crops, but not for fertilization.


Some types of organic fertilizers are familiar to us from balneological procedures in sanatoriums. This is the silt of lakes, ponds, and any reservoirs with stagnant water, called sapropel. It is used especially a lot in the Rostov region due to the huge reserves in Lake Nero. Sapropel, which is plant and animal remains, accumulates in water bodies for decades. During this period, it gradually decomposes, turning into a valuable organic fertilizer, which contains a lot of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and 4 times more nitrogen than manure. Sapropel can be used unchanged or added to compost. Before adding it to the soil, it must be ventilated, shoveled and frozen so that all substances unnecessary for plants are removed from it.

Sawdust, tree bark, bone meal

There are cheap and very useful organic fertilizers for improving soil quality. Their types and characteristics are as follows:

1. Sawdust. They perfectly loosen the soil, improve its moisture capacity and air permeability, but absorb nitrogen from it. The acidity of sawdust is quite high (pH about 3-4), so before adding it should be mixed with slaked lime and complex mineral or only nitrogen fertilizers. You can also moisten them with animal urine or liquid mineral fertilizers. It is better to use rotted sawdust or add it to compost heaps.

2. Tree bark. These wastes are used to create compost. To do this, fresh bark is crushed, placed in a hole, and complex moisturizers are added. The fertilizer will be ready in about six months, during which the pit with bark must be periodically moistened and its contents shoveled.

3. Bone meal. It reduces soil acidity well and is ideal for wetlands. Bone meal contains all the elements necessary for the growth and fruiting of plants. The only caveat is that you only need to use it fat-free (evaporated and dry).

Green manure

The application of organic fertilizers may differ significantly from the methods indicated above. We are talking about green manure - plants sown on the field before planting the main crops or after harvesting. These include: sunflower, mustard, lupine, clover, legumes, oats, vetch, olive radish and other early ripening crops that produce a lot of green mass. The use of green manure is most effective on sandy and humus-poor soils, but can be practiced on any soil. In terms of the content of useful elements, green fertilizers are almost identical to manure. For example, lupine produces approximately 4 kg of green mass per 1 m2. They contain on average 18 g of nitrogen, 4.8 g of phosphorus, 6.8 g of potassium, 19 g of calcium, 4.8 g of magnesium. The technology for fertilizing a plot with green manure is as follows: after harvesting the main crop, the seeds of the selected plant are sown on the field (some can simply be scattered across the field, others need to be planted in furrows), watered if necessary, and after waiting for the buds to appear, mowed. The green mass can be plowed into the ground, placed in compost pits, and fed to livestock. Some green manures (mustard, in addition to fertilizing the soil, help destroy bacteria in it, such as root rot, nematodes, late blight and others.


If you need to fertilize a small bed, you can make an excellent fertilizer from nettles. It is cut off, placed in a container and filled with water. Nettle fertilizer is prepared for 3-5 days, during which the contents of the container must be mixed. To disappear bad smell, you can add valerian rhizome, and to speed up the process, add bread, yeast, sourdough. The finished fertilizer must be filtered and used, adding 1 measuring part to 10 measuring parts of water.

Complex organic fertilizers

This is one of the best, most balanced types of fertilizers, suitable both for feeding plants and for improving soil quality. For their production, the industry uses the biofermentation method, which consists of the oxidation of organic elements with atomic oxygen. This releases a type of chemical energy that is extremely useful for needed by plants microorganisms. Produce complex organic fertilizers from litter, sawdust, manure, peat and the like natural products. The preparations “ZhTSKKU”, “Piska”, “COUD”, “GUMI-OMI”, “Biohumus” are very popular. Basically, they are all concentrated and very easy to use.

Large agricultural firms and summer residents dream of getting a rich harvest on their plots. For the former, there is no question whether chemical fertilizers are needed, and amateur gardeners often prefer to do without them. Is it correct? Is it necessary to carry out mineral fertilizing? Is there any harm from fertilizers (fertilizers)? It is useful to know the answers to these questions.

What are mineral fertilizers

Summer residents, fearing chemicals, prefer to feed plants with organic fertilizers, without thinking that they do not contain a large number of useful components. Vegetables, berries, shrubs for correct height and yields must receive many different elements. Often there is not enough nutrition due to the characteristics of the soil:

  • clayey – iron, manganese;
  • peat bogs - copper;
  • sour, marshy - zinc;
  • sandstones have a lack of magnesium, potassium, and nitrogen.

Plants signal their problems by changing the color of the leaves, the size and shape of the fruits. A person’s task is to fertilize in a timely manner. Mineral fertilizers are chemical compounds of inorganic origin. They have one main component or several. Beneficial substances, in the form of mineral salts, help:

  • increase in yield;
  • strengthening plants;
  • pest protection;
  • stimulation of growth and nutrition;
  • improving the quality of fruits;
  • soil restoration;
  • weed protection;
  • strengthening plant immunity.

Types of mineral fertilizers

The fertilizer mixture is used for intensive farming in reputable companies, summer cottages. What applies to mineral fertilizers? It is important to know the characteristics of the different categories. There are different types of fertilizers and their classification:

  • Simple or one-sided, containing a single substance. These include phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen fertilizers.
  • Complex minerals - include several active substances that simultaneously affect the soil and plants.
  • Microfertilizers with a complex composition of microelements - molybdenum, calcium, iodine, manganese.


The use of mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content helps the development of the stem and leaves of the plant, which is necessary in spring period. Good solubility allows them to be liquid, solid use. Nitrogen mineral fertilizers have the following classification:

  • Nitrate - calcium, sodium nitrate, suitable for acidic soil, recommended for plants with a short ripening period - radishes, lettuce. When in excess, it causes harm - it accumulates in fruits.
  • Ammonium - ammonium sulfate - requires autumn application. Onions, tomatoes, and cucumbers respond well to it.

The following types of fertilizers are used by large manufacturers and private owners:

  • Amide - urea - has the highest concentration of nitrogen, promotes big harvest. It requires application into the ground, and is useful for tomatoes during setting and growth.
  • Ammonium nitrate - ammonium nitrate - when combined with potassium and phosphorus, the yield of grain crops, beets, and potatoes increases.


To increase disease resistance, improve taste, and increase the shelf life of fruits, you cannot do without potassium. Popular types of potash fertilizers:

  • Potassium chloride is a natural raw material extracted from ore. Contains chlorine, which is harmful to some plants. To avoid bad influences, fertilizer should be applied in the fall. It works well on beets, barley, potatoes, and buckwheat.

Together with microelements, phosphorus and nitrogen, potassium increases plant productivity. Fertilizers have become widespread:

  • Potassium salt – has a high concentration of potassium and is applied in the fall. Promotes the growth of potatoes and grain crops.
  • Potassium nitrate - contains nitrogen, useful for setting and ripening fruits.
  • Potassium sulfate is used for fertilizing all crops and is added to the soil when growing root crops.


Phosphorus is needed to feed berry bushes and trees. Its use accelerates fruit set and increases resistance to frost in winter. Fertilizing with phosphorus fertilizers is effective:

  • Simple superphosphate - poured into the ground and used during the flowering period. Ideal fertilizer for flowers.
  • Phosphorite flour - requires acidic soil to work. Suitable for grains vegetable crops. Can provide the plant with phosphorus for many years.
  • Double superphosphate is used for berry bushes, applied in the fall under flowers for better wintering.


In the classification of mineral fertilizers for plant nutrition, there is a group with microelements. Molybdenum, copper or manganese are often missing from the soil. You can compensate for iron or zinc deficiency by treating the seed material with mineral microfertilizers, while observing the norm. With their use, it actively develops root system, protection against diseases increases, growth accelerates.

Types of microfertilizers are classified according to their active substance:

  • complex - contain several elements - increase productivity, fight pests - “Master”, “Sizam”, “Oracle”;
  • copper – for wetlands – copper sulfate, pyrite;
  • boric - have the property of activating the growth of young plants - borax, boric acid;
  • molybdenum - for forest soils - ammonium molybdic acid.

Complex mineral fertilizers

This group of mineral fertilizers includes multifaceted preparations containing several active ingredients. Complex mineral fertilizer solves various problems - increases yield, counteracts weeds and pests, improves the quality of flowers. This group includes:

  • Ammophos is a nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer. Suitable for vegetable, berry crops, especially good for flowers - they begin to grow wildly, lush flowering.
  • Diammofoska - contains basic substances - potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and trace elements. Fertilizer helps control pests and is used for all plants.

Large agricultural firms add to the soil complex fertilizers using a fertilizer seeder, as in the photo. Summer residents scatter them in spring or autumn, depending on the type of soil. Popular mineral complexes:

  • Nitroammophoska. Suitable for any plants and soils - applied to clay soils in the fall, to sandy soils in the spring, before plowing.
  • Nitrophoska. Excellent for tomatoes, improving their taste and increasing their size. Used in spring and during the growing season. Cucumbers are not affected by diseases.

Application of mineral fertilizers

Experienced gardener Based on the appearance of the plant, it will determine what substances it lacks. What mineral fertilizers are needed and their use on the site:

  • with nitrogen deficiency, growth slows, they die, dry out lower leaves;
  • lack of phosphorus is manifested by their reddish, grayish color;
  • lack of potassium reduces seed germination, increases susceptibility to disease, the lower leaves at the edges begin to turn yellow, become brown, and die;
  • in the absence of zinc, apple trees form a small rosette;
  • Magnesium deficiency is marked by pale green color.

Nutrient fertilizers are applied by adding them to the soil by digging and watering dissolved preparations. When using mineral compounds, the following fertilizer groups should not be mixed:

  • urea with lime, simple superphosphate, manure, ammonium nitrate;
  • ammonium sulfate with dolomite, chalk;
  • simple superphosphate with lime, ammonium nitrate, urea;
  • potassium salt with dolomite, chalk.

Before you start feeding plants and soil, you need to understand the rules for using fertilizers. There are ways to apply mineral fertilizers, depending on the composition:

  • Nitrogen is incorporated into the soil in the spring, and when dug up, it has the ability to evaporate. When consumed in the fall, the beneficial substances will be washed away with the rains.
  • Ammonium nitrate is scattered over the snow, which the granules melt, making their way to the soil.

Other active mineral components have their own characteristics when added:

  • Potassium is buried in the soil in spring and autumn. It is preferable to use potassium chloride at the end of summer so that the chlorine disappears.
  • Phosphorus can be added at any time. It should be taken into account that it is poorly soluble in water and can reach the roots after 2 months. It is preferable to fertilize at the end of summer to strengthen the plants for the winter season.

Dose calculation

Specialists from large agricultural companies calculate fertilizer doses depending on the type of soil separately for each crop. At the same time, the standard for the use of mineral fertilizers per hectare of land is taken into account. It is important to know the content of the active substance in the composition. Summer residents can use mineral fertilizer application rates in grams per square meter:

  • ammonium nitrate – 15-25;
  • superphosphate – 40-60;
  • potassium chloride – 15-20;
  • nitroammophoska – 70-80.

Fertilizer selection

Winter is a time of preparation for the new season. Any specialized store can offer many preparations for plants. In order to choose the right mineral fertilizers, it is necessary to take into account the problems that need to be solved with their help, and to provide for a number of factors:

  • desired impact;
  • seasonality of use;
  • release form and volume;
  • manufacturer's company.


According to their effect, fertilizers are divided as follows:

  • Soil restoration. Kemira Lux – promotes growth under climate change. Plus – excellent quality, minus – strong soil deoxidation.
  • Pest protection. "GUMATEM" - increases the yield due to their absence. Plus – neutralization of the effects of pesticides. The disadvantage is the need for strict adherence to the dose.

According to their effects, the following fertilizers are distinguished:

  • Growth stimulation. "Emix" - increases productivity and immunity. Plus - high concentration, a small amount is needed. Disadvantage: it takes time to prepare.
  • Weed protection. Etisso - gives great effect For lawn grass. Plus – affects plants through leaves and roots. Minus - valid for the next year.
  • Boosting immunity. Nitroammofoska - suitable for all crops. Plus - easy dissolution in water. Disadvantage: short shelf life.


When choosing mineral fertilizers, you need to pay attention to seasonality:

  • Spring is the time for nitrogen fertilizers. Urea – promotes the growth of stems and leaves. Plus – it is well absorbed by plants. Minus - in case of overdose, small fruits, gain of green mass.
  • Summer requires phosphorus fertilizers. Superphosphate – promotes fruit formation. Plus - meets the need for a specific substance. The downside is the lack of microelements.

Focusing on seasonality, you need to consider:

  • In winter, plants do not feed; they are used to prepare them for the cold season. autumn fertilizers. Potassium sulfate has a strengthening effect and helps withstand frost. Plus - it is well absorbed, disadvantage - it is not suitable for all soils.
  • All-season fertilizers. Fertika is a complex drug. Plus - it contains many useful active ingredients. Minus – additional microelements are required.

Release form

Based on their appearance, mineral fertilizers are divided into 3 groups:

  • Granules. Superphosphate - added to the soil when digging, used in dissolved form. Plus - ease of use. The downside is that it takes a long time to dissolve.
  • Liquid. Carbide-ammonium mixture - used for irrigation. Plus – high concentration, minus – it is necessary to comply with the norms when feeding.
  • Powder. Magnesium lime - added to the soil during digging. Plus - it is quickly absorbed. Disadvantage: it is poorly stored and caked.

07.09.2017 3 909

Mineral fertilizers, their types and characteristics - what every summer resident needs to know!

Often, mineral fertilizers, their types and characteristics mislead many summer residents not only by their name, but also by their composition. How to figure out and understand what is needed for vegetables, trees, shrubs and when you need to apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, and when it is better to use foliar spraying, find out further from the article...

Types of mineral fertilizers and their classification

Every summer resident has a dream of a good harvest. Fertilizers are designed to increase productivity. But the positive effect of fertilizers depends not only on the correctly selected type, but also on the dose and method of application.

Mineral fertilizers help increase the amount of harvest, strengthen plants, protect them from insects, help restore the soil, favor plant growth, thanks to them the general condition of the soil improves, and the appearance and growth of weeds is prevented.

All fertilizers are divided into mineral and. The difference between minerals is that they are not organic in nature, but contain more nutrients

In its turn, mineral fertilizers are simple And complex. It is absolutely clear that simple ones include one component, while complex ones contain two or more. Complex fertilizers are more effective than single-component ones, this is due not only to the characteristics of the soil, which can have different acidity and different substances, but also to the fact that it is difficult to determine these indicators independently, which is why complex fertilizers are used.

Nitrogen fertilizers

These fertilizers used in beginning of growth plants, because they often experience nitrogen starvation. They help the plant grow and gain green mass.

You can understand that there is not enough nitrogen in the soil by the pale foliage.

As a rule, propagation begins from below. Lightened leaves fall off. Not only tomatoes suffer from a lack of nitrogen, but also eggplants, peppers, currants and gooseberries, as well as all other crops.

fertilizing tomatoes with mineral (nitrogen) fertilizer - pictured

    have the following forms:
  • Ammonium fertilizer suitable for fertilizing plants in autumn period. Before using this fertilizer, you need to add lime to it to deoxidize it.
  • Nitrate fertilizer (calcium nitrate)– alkaline fertilizer, suitable for acidic soil. Used in different periods (from spring to autumn) in small doses so that the plant does not accumulate nitrates. If you use it together with superphosphate, you can feed all vegetable plants
  • Ammonium nitrate fertilizer contains 30% nitrogen, is highly soluble in water, plants absorb it quite quickly, this fertilizer can work even on cold soil and snow
  • (urea) has 40% nitrogen in its composition. Experts recommend using it as a liquid fertilizer at the depth of the roots so that nitrogen does not dissolve and the plant receives as much of it as possible. Experienced summer residents advise purchasing fertilizer in granules to avoid caking.

These fertilizers allow plants to accumulate sugar and starch and increase their resistance to diseases and weather conditions such as drought or severe frost.

Potash fertilizers - pictured

  • Potassium chloride– the composition contains chlorine, which is why it is not suitable for all plants. Used to feed plants in the fall.
  • Potassium sulfate– suitable for all types of plants because it does not contain harmful impurities. Can be used as a basic fertilizer.
  • Potassium salt– its properties are identical to potassium chloride; it also contains sylvinite and kainite.

They are used to feed plants during flowering, as well as in the fall after harvesting.

fertilizing with phosphorus fertilizers - in the photo

  • Phosphorite flour– one of the most popular fertilizers, suitable for acidic soil. The main advantage is the long validity period. If used together with nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, the efficiency increases. It is also good to add flour to compost.
  • Simple superphosphate– consists of gypsum and sulfur, suitable for use on any soil, most often they are flavored with fruit and berry trees, but they are also used as the main fertilizer.
  • Double superphosphate– the presence of phosphorus is greater compared to other fertilizers, but does not contain gypsum.

Complex mineral fertilizers

Complex fertilizers are usually divided according to the number of elements and production technology.

fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer - in the photo

  • Ammophos– phosphorus-nitrogen fertilizer that does not contain nitrates and chlorine.
  • Nitroammofoska– has potassium, sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus, used to fertilize any plants.
  • Nitrophoska– a basic fertilizer containing large amounts of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. If you use it on sandy soil, then you need to fertilize it in the spring, if for clay soil, then in the fall.
  • Diammofoska– in addition to phosphorus and nitrogen, it contains manganese, potassium, calcium, zinc and other substances.

Application of mineral fertilizers

Specialists and experienced summer residents easily use fertilizers at different times and for different cultures. Often plants lack nutrients not because they were poorly fed, but because of the mechanical and physical composition of the soil, which greatly affects the amount of fertilizer applied. So, in clay soil there is a lack of manganese and iron, acidic - zinc, peatlands have a deficiency of copper, and sandstones - nitrogen, magnesium and potassium.

You can determine that a plant is missing something by the color change of the foliage, the shape and size of the fruit. If you carefully monitor the plant and promptly assist it in obtaining nutrients, then, undoubtedly, you will have a good harvest.

    There are instructions for use for each type of fertilizer. However, it is possible to highlight general rules feeding:
  • Do not use fertilizer containers from which you eat yourself.
  • It is better to store mineral fertilizers in tightly closed containers.
  • Monitor the dosage of fertilizer and strictly follow the instructions so as not to eat nitrates from own garden and vegetable garden
  • If the fertilizer needs to be introduced through the soil, then do not allow the fertilizer to get on the vegetative parts; if it gets in, be sure to rinse with water
  • Don’t be afraid to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers, this will only improve the condition of the plants and soil
  • If you apply fertilizer in dry form, use it only on moist soil. In this case, you immediately need to cover it with a small layer of earth.
  • The highest quality absorption of nutrients by the plant occurs if you feed it with liquid fertilizer.
  • If your plants have grown greatly, then you need to feed them using the foliar method.
  • In a situation where mineral and organic fertilizers are used simultaneously, the dose of mineral fertilizers is reduced by approximately 3 times