The mosaic is glued onto the mesh. How to lay mosaics with your own hands on the walls in the kitchen. By place of application

Mosaics made on the wall or floor become a decoration for any room. If you think that laying mosaics with your own hands is an unrealistic task, then you are very mistaken. Of course, many masters will say that doing such work is difficult. In some ways they are right, but if you have a little effort, patience and a sense of taste, then making a mosaic in your home is quite possible. You can use the material in this article as instructions.

Preparing the foundation

Laying a mosaic (made from special tiles or individual elements) is a creative and challenging activity. Here you need to show more diligence and accuracy than when laying ordinary tiles. Increased requirements apply to almost everything.

So, when laying mosaics, you need to be more responsible in preparing the base. If, when installing a tile covering, you can slightly adjust the location of the tiles using the thickness of the adhesive mass, then this will not work here. Any bump or depression will be immediately visible. Moreover, this requirement applies to any plane. Whether you are laying mosaics on the ceiling, floor or wall, the quality of the surface must be ideal. In popular parlance, it’s like “under the wallpaper.”

When preparing the surface, pay special attention to plumbness and horizontality. If the error is more than 1-2 mm for every three meters, then unsightly areas may form at the ends. This requirement especially applies to laying mosaics from small tiles, where all the irregularities will be especially noticeable.

To improve adhesion and reduce the porosity of the base, the entire surface must be primed. It is advisable to do this in several layers. If you use in your “picture” transparent tiles, then it’s worth covering the surface with tinting. Otherwise, the heterogeneity of the base will be visible through the transparent elements.

When laying mosaics in rooms with high humidity (bathrooms, saunas, etc.), it is necessary to apply another layer. It will consist of waterproofing impregnation.

We carry out the markings

Before you start laying the mosaic, you need to carry out preliminary markings. This is especially important if you are carrying out such work for the first time. First, make a sketch. In this case, you should pay attention to some nuances:

  • if the room has external corners (boxes or slopes), then the drawing should start from them;
  • if there is any on the wall decorative element(mirror or panel), then it also becomes a priority;
  • try to remove all possible trimming in inconspicuous corners (for example, the corner of the front door).

After the paper sketch is ready, it is transferred to the wall. If the mosaic is laid on the floor, then it is advisable to make a “dry” layout.

Apply glue

Now let's figure out how to glue. The adhesive mass must be selected carefully. As a rule, special glue is produced for mosaics. It can be either tinted or white. Here the choice will depend on the tile used (transparent or not). Also pay attention to the base material.

When installing, it is worth remembering that the glue hardens quite quickly. After just twenty minutes, a film forms on its surface. Therefore, do not apply immediately a large number of. It is better to go through no more than one square at a time.

The glue is applied using a smooth spatula. The layer should not exceed four millimeters. Then they pass over the surface of the adhesive mass with a notched spatula (tooth height no more than 3 mm).

Some professionals apply a thin layer to the tile itself. This ensures a more reliable connection. But such a layer should be minimal so that the mosaic looks even.

We install the mosaic itself

If you know how to install regular tiles, then you will quickly figure out how to lay mosaic tiles. The principle is very similar, there are only some nuances.

So, for example, ordinary tiles (when laid on walls) are mounted from below. The bottom row will serve as a holding base for the top row. There is no need to do this with mosaic tiles. They weigh little, so you can start installation from any place you have planned.

It is better to start your first installation tests from an inconspicuous place. This way you can practice a little and do the main part better and more beautifully.

The mosaic tile is placed against the adhesive mixture and pressed lightly. Here you should carefully look at the seams. Use plastic crosses (as in the case of regular tiles) Not sure it's going to happen. Everything needs to be done “by eye”.

If, when installing on walls, the glue does not set immediately, the tiles may move a little. In this case, small cloves will help. They are inserted into the seam and hold the material in place.

As soon as the square is laid, you need to walk over it with a plastic pad with a nozzle made of elastic material. Use it to lightly tap the entire finished surface. At the same time, your actions should be moderately strong and short.

Half an hour after laying the square, it is necessary to remove the protruding excess glue. This is done carefully using a stick or a brush with hard bristles. If the mosaic tiles have a paper coating, then you need to get rid of it on the day of installation. To do this, wet it a little and remove it. It is not advisable to postpone this work until the next day. Difficulties may arise with cured glue.

We produce grout

Grouting should begin a day after installation. For this work, a rubber spatula is used. Before grouting, inspect all seams. Remove any protruding adhesive residue and debris from them. The grouting itself is done with strokes in different directions. The last pass must be perpendicular to the previous one.

After applying the grout, excess must be removed. If you use waterproof material, then this is done immediately. The water-soluble grout is allowed to sit for 10-15 minutes, then it is removed with a damp cloth. Remaining plaque can be removed at the end of the day using a soft rag. At this point all work is completed.



Mosaic began to gain wide popularity along with an increase in opportunities in the choice of finishing materials. However, if earlier for our ancestors it was a “piece” job, now laying mosaic tiles can be done quite quickly. There is no need to mount each mosaic element separately if you can purchase whole sheets or even individual panels.

The mosaic on the grid is attractive in this regard. It is considered a good alternative to the one we are used to. The main advantage of such a mosaic is its simplicity in finishing the premises. And if you take into account its resistance to moisture and temperature changes, then it can be used in almost any room.

Rules for laying mosaic tiles

But before you start decorating a room with this material, you need to familiarize yourself with the “basics” of such design. The basis of the tile is a grid on which the cells are located. It is easy to cut and install.

  1. It is better to start laying tiles from the center of the surface or from its most illuminated area. The fact is that all tiles (grids) have a certain size, therefore, there is little chance that a whole number of them will “lie”. Practice shows that the mesh often has to be cut. Therefore, its parts should be located at the edges, in the darkest places, where they will not be so noticeable.
  2. When creating a drawing, you first need to sketch it. If the pattern is large, you will have to remember what scale is.
  3. The composition of the glue is usually indicated on the packaging of the mosaic. Its color should be either white or match the color of the tile. It is better to consult the seller about its composition, since the material of the surface being designed and the conditions in the room (temperature, humidity) play a role here. Latex based adhesive is recommended. But using mastic is strictly prohibited.

Mosaic laying technology

Before starting any surface finishing work, it must be prepared. You need to understand that you can paint or wallpaper a surface that is not entirely flat. However, when it comes to mosaic mesh, the requirements for evenness are increased. There are many ways to level, as well as different material for this kind of work.

The evenness of the wall can be checked this way: take a fairly long strip (about 2 m) and rub one of its sides with chalk. After that, it is this side, horizontally, that is applied to the wall. It remains, pressing the rail to the surface, slowly lowering it down. Those places that are not painted with chalk are “depressions”. All that remains is to repair them and “check” the wall again.

First you need to mark the wall. Naturally, the wall must be dry. You can fix the mosaic sheets, say, on the wall (insulating tape, adhesive tape) and mark the boundaries with a pencil. This will allow you to lay it evenly, without distortions. Then glue is applied to the wall surface. Its drying time is about 15 minutes, so you need to determine how many sheets can be laid during this time. Apply glue to this area and treat it.

Glue is also applied to the sheet (this improves the quality of gluing), after which the tile is applied (with the paper to itself) to the marked place. It needs to be carefully “rolled” - a rubber roller, for example, is good for this.

After the glue has dried thoroughly (about 30 minutes), the surface of the tile is generously moistened with water. The paper covering gets wet, after which it can be easily removed. In two days it is done as I told you. The packaging with the composition contains instructions for its use. When the surface of the mosaic dries (after removing the grout), it is thoroughly polished with a soft cloth.

Important Notes

It is necessary to maintain the same distance between the sheets when gluing, which will be equal to the distance between the mosaic tiles.

The room temperature should be no less than +5 and no more than +30 degrees C.

Any interior of the house, be it a kitchen, be it a bathroom, a bedroom, a corridor, a swimming pool, can be decorated with mosaics. Quite often, mosaics are supplied already glued to a mesh, which allows you to carry out work quickly. But we will try to explain on the pages of our website how to properly glue mosaics on a grid so that all the rows are even and beautiful.

Mosaic is a material that is used for finishing work, the size of tesserae of which is from 1x1 cm to 10x10 cm. The traditional size is tesserae up to 5 cm in size. Moreover, it can look not only in the shape of a square, but also there is a round mosaic, diamond-shaped, rectangular and others. A pattern from this material is laid out using a special table on which the matrix is ​​placed. This is a form with cells for each tessera. This way, identical seams are created for each mosaic mesh. After the master assembles the mosaic, it is fixed on a special mesh using special glue.

Another one of original solutions mosaic - pebbles, assembled on a grid in large fragments with gaps between elements of different sizes.

There are grids different types, but the best are polyurethane-based mesh. It adheres very well to mosaics and can be installed in damp areas. Most cheap option mesh - gauze. This type is the most common among domestic mosaic workshops. This option is suitable for gluing on the wall, but for floor use it is better to use it for areas with low traffic. In high traffic areas, fabric mesh mosaics can become loose and fall off very quickly.

The mesh on the mosaic is fixed only on the reverse side of the material. This is a fundamental difference from the paper-formed version of the mosaic mesh.

What types of mosaics are made today:

  • Ceramic mosaic. It can be produced as individual tesserae, or the material can be sawn from standard format tiles. Manufacturers use cutting material only highest quality, which is why this type of mosaic is quite expensive. Ceramic mosaic tiles on a grid can be installed in any area of ​​the house in a simple manner. cement mortar, provided that the ceramics themselves are intended for floor use. I would also like to note that ceramic tiles and mosaics on a ceramic mesh go well together and designers quite often use this installation option when creating an interior.
  • Glass mosaic or glass mosaic. Such material is baked in specialized factories from special fir, consisting of ground glass and dye, after being fired in a chamber or conveyor or pass-through oven, the material acquires high strength and is absolutely not afraid of water. There are options with a translucent structure, which allows painting reverse side different paints and get very unusual design material. Glass mosaic on mesh is used mainly for wet areas, you can especially often see it in swimming pools.
  • Mosaic from natural stone. This is perhaps the most impressive mosaic, since in addition to the beauty of the mosaic itself, natural aesthetics are added to the material. Together, this is the beauty of this finishing material option for framing a bathroom. Most often, such mosaics are made from granite or marble.

Mirror mosaic on the grid is decorative option registration and do not relate to finishing works. Decorating is considered in other interior design work.

How to prepare a surface for laying mosaics on a grid

The surface on which it is planned to subsequently lay the mosaic on the grid can be of absolutely any shape; the grid can be laid on any curved surface, but in this case certain rules must be observed general rules, which are presented to the wall or floor before applying glue.

An important stage of work when laying mosaics on a grid.

Here's what you need to do to the surface before laying:

  • Make sure the surface is level. How ideal the installation will be later depends on this parameter. Differences on the surface cannot always be pulled out due to the thickness of the glue; it is best to plaster and rub the surface. It should be borne in mind that if the deviations and distortions of the surface are large and cannot be eliminated with plaster, then it is best to break the old base and make a new one using drywall.
  • Make sure the surface is clean. All dust and dirt must be removed. If sanding was carried out, the accumulated dust must be removed using a vacuum cleaner and a clean rag.
  • Don't forget to prime. Before laying any similar material, always prime the surface, this increases adhesion and sticking to the surface. Deep penetration primers are most effective at this stage of preparation.

Once these conditions are met, you can begin to apply glue to the surface and then install. Gluing mosaics on a mesh is quite a difficult process and it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

Which mesh meets the standards?

Of course, you should not lose sight of this point. In addition to the base, it must be securely glued to the mesh and mosaic.

This can be checked quite simply. Take the net in your hand and move it easily. The mosaic should not fall off the mesh. Even in the sagging mode, the tesserae should remain on the mesh and should not fall off.

If the mosaic falls off the mesh, this means that the adhesive composition has dried out and become unusable, or the material itself has been subjected to an impact that has torn it from the mesh, for example, in case of improper storage.

If the tesserae fall off the mesh, the material should be replaced by the supplier, or asked to be re-glued and brought into compliance. If you use such material, then most likely the craftsmen will have difficulties during installation and your interior may begin to ripple. In manual mode, laying the material exactly is quite problematic and not many mosaicists can do this. Even an artistic panel needs to be able to be properly prepared for transportation and transfer for installation. You can see in the photo how to put the mosaic on the grid into the packaging. The two parts of the panel are laid through the gasket with their front sides facing each other and then rigidly fixed in the package. Many studios make this a blunder, although it is very important for the entire styling process.

Small mosaics on mesh are produced quite rarely, this is due to the fact that attaching them to the mesh is too difficult.

Please note that now marble mosaics on mesh are often counterfeited and instead of natural stone, porcelain stoneware with a marbled surface is used; this material is cheaper than real marble. To protect yourself, ask the seller for a certificate for the material and make purchases in specialized stores.

How to prepare adhesive for mosaic tiles on a grid

The adhesive solution for mosaics differs from the tile version, since it is necessary to use a two-component composition. It is this kind of glue that can reliably glue the mosaic on the grid to the base. Before reading about how to glue mosaic tiles on a grid, choose the right adhesive composition.

These are the glue options that can be used in the work of a laying master:

  • Standard adhesive, based on a cement mixture, like for tiles. This mixture is not suitable for use in a swimming pool, since only a highly qualified specialist can select everything necessary ingredients for this type of glue. This option can be used for opaque mosaics made of ceramics and natural stone for laying on the wall in the hallway or for a kitchen apron. The method of gluing mosaics on a ceramic mesh corresponds to how it will be indicated below.
  • A solution based on individual ingredients that are mixed independently. Cement, fine sand and water are used to make it. Likewise, this mixture is suitable for ceramic and natural stone mosaics, but is not suitable for laying glass mosaics.
  • Glue with latex additive. Usually he white, which is visually immediately different from their purely cement counterparts. It is used for laying mosaics on mesh in the pool and wet areas, for example, in showers and toilets. Two-component mosaic adhesive on mesh is the most effective option, but also the most expensive.
  • Glue with polymers, it consists of polymer components, after mixing and laying such glue becomes like stone, it hardens very strongly and can firmly hold the mosaic to the base. Glass mosaic on mesh can also be glued with polymer adhesive.
  • Other options. Adhesive manufacturers do not sit idly by and are constantly improving their adhesive compositions. Therefore, you can also find glue with an inscription - for glass mosaics or for mosaics made of natural stone. It is also worth paying attention to the recommendations that mosaic manufacturers make, since it is clear that the manufacturer is interested in ensuring that its material is presented in the most presentable way.

Rules for laying mosaics on a grid

The master must know how to properly lay mosaics on a grid with his own hands. This experience must be acquired not in theory, but in practice. Well-known manufacturers even issue special certificates to craftsmen who have been trained in this craft and confirmed their skills on real projects. Unfortunately, in our country such masters can be counted on one hand; quite often self-taught masters do this. If your interior is important to you, try to find and engage a real specialist in mosaic installation.

At the same time, you, as an observer, should be aware of the main stages of installation:

  • Layout. Mosaic on a grid is laid out on the surface so that there is a clear picture of the color match. If the master skips this stage, then a surprise may await him in the middle of the work; there may be a grid of a different format or color.
  • Numbering. After the material is laid out, it is best to number it, this will make it easier to correctly lay the mosaic on the grid on the surface.
  • Assembly. After laying out, the material must be put back into the boxes in the reverse order.
  • Marking. Mark the surface, approximately as when laying tiles, using lacing or a laser ruler. This is the last step before installation. It remains to figure out the stage of how to glue the mosaic on the grid onto the base. The size of the mosaic on the grid is most often 32.7 x 32.7 cm, so you can make a preliminary design project for laying the mosaic.
  • Laying. After this, you can begin laying the mosaic on the grid. The mosaic is laid on the wall from bottom to top. First, apply glue, use a spatula with a large tooth to level it on the surface, and then glue the mosaic onto the mesh. The glued fragment must be carefully leaned against the glue and fixed, then you need to tap the surface evenly with a special flat spatula so that the mesh is completely and evenly fixed. Then you will have to repeat this with all the other grids being laid. You can even use special crosses for laying between the seams so that the width of the gaps between the individual meshes is the same. Be sure to check the depth of immersion of the mosaic in the solution; the mesh should go completely into the solution, while the mosaic should rise above the glue. After all the meshes have been glued to the surface, you need to leave the time recommended by the glue manufacturer for complete drying. You cannot walk on the laid mosaic on the mesh while the adhesive composition is setting; this can only be done after the glue has completely dried and the mosaic has been completely fixed.

Stone mosaics on mesh are thicker, so the glue consumption will be greater compared to the consumption when laying glass mosaics.

Finishing work during installation

As soon as the mosaic on the mesh sticks to the base, you need to clean its surface from any remaining adhesive solution and begin grouting the joints.

Fusion mixtures can be divided roughly like adhesive mixtures depending on the base:

  • Cement;
  • Latex;
  • Epoxy (creates a waterproof hard layer);
  • Mixed.
Today, grout is produced that has various effects, for example, sparkles, as well as a chameleon color, when the grout becomes the color of a mosaic, even if two are standing next to each other. different colors, such a mosaic conveys the color of two elements and the seam becomes almost invisible.

Marble mosaic on mesh requires special care when grouting. Marble has pores and grout can penetrate deep into the material or change the color of the edge.

Mosaic on a grid, photos of which have already been shown here more than once, will help create unique interior solutions. Designers all over the world include such mosaics when developing design projects. We are sure that this article helped both beginners and professionals learn something new, and when the mosaic on the bathroom grid is installed in your home, it will delight you every morning, afternoon or evening. After all, such beauty cannot cause bad emotions...

Mosaic can create any mood, even this...

Mosaic is one of the popular materials that is widely used for finishing rooms with high humidity. If we are talking about a bathroom, kitchen or swimming pool, then you can’t think of anything better than mosaic. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article, in which, together with the website, we will study in detail the question of how to install mosaics independently, look at all the subtleties and nuances of this process and understand the tool used for these purposes.

DIY mosaic installation

Laying mosaics: what should the tiled base be like?

The main difficulty directly associated with laying mosaics with your own hands is the availability of a high-quality base. As a rule, in order to beautifully lay a mosaic on a wall or other surface, it must be made perfectly flat. Unlike, this material is flexible, and if the base is uneven, it will simply repeat all the shapes of the surface.

As a result, you will end up with a crooked and ugly surface that even the highest quality mosaic cannot save. It is for this reason that the base must be leveled in every way available to you. Do you know how - please! Is it easy to work with? Also normal.

I don’t think it’s worth reminding that an already leveled wall needs to be cleaned of dust and thoroughly covered with a primer - this goes without saying, since no adhesive will hold it well. facing material on a dusty and quickly absorbing surface. Only in this way can you correctly solve the question of how to glue mosaics onto the mesh.

Mosaic tiles photo

What glue to use for laying mosaics

Laying mosaics on the wall can be done using different adhesive compositions– there are quite a lot of them and they all cope well with the tasks assigned to them. Mosaic adhesive can be either cement-based or using polymers. By and large, you can lay the mosaic using the same material as ordinary tiles - for example, Ceresit CM11 or some other similar adhesive.

If we look in more detail at the adhesives used for mosaics, then their choice, of course, depends on the surface on which the installation is being made. If we are talking about plaster or drywall, then there is no need to invent a bicycle here - ordinary tile adhesive copes with this task perfectly. It’s a completely different matter if you plan to lay mosaics on a wall or plastic – here you will need to select a completely different adhesive composition.

How to glue a mosaic on a grid with your own hands photo

There is one more nuance - few people know that glue is for tiles comes in white and grey. The difference in color is due to the use of different types of cement. If we are talking about laying glass mosaics, then it is better to use white glue - standard gray can give the glass cubes a not very good shade.

Laying mosaics on a grid with your own hands photo

Mosaic laying technology: subtleties and nuances of the process

Agree, well written step-by-step instruction can significantly reduce the time it takes to study any, even the most complex technology. Laying mosaic tiles in this regard is no exception, so we will try to describe the entire process in the form of good and understandable instructions.

1. Primer. You can't do without it. In any case, the surface to be tiled must be treated with a deep penetration compound. Firstly, it is the high adhesion of materials, and secondly, the bonding of the surface layer of the base. only with a brush - the composition must be rubbed over the surface until white foam forms.

2. Applying glue. Taking into account the fact that we are dealing with mosaics and a perfectly flat surface, to apply the glue you will need a small comb with a tooth size of 6–8 mm. Using this tool, the glue is applied in an even layer, which allows you to accurately replicate a perfectly flat surface with a mosaic without distorting it. You should not apply glue to a large area of ​​the wall - the glue will weather over time and lose its properties.

DIY mosaic installation photo

3. Gluing the mosaic. There are two types of mosaic tiles - on the grid and on paper based. The first is glued with a mesh to the wall, and the second with the paper facing out - subsequently the paper is soaked with water and removed. The disadvantage of paper-based mosaics is that it is almost impossible to control the seams of its individual elements.

4. Alignment of the mosaic. It should be understood that it will not be correct to press mosaic tiles into the glue with your hands - this way you will definitely not be able to achieve an even plane. A hand grater, designed for stripping putty, is excellent for these purposes - it is with this that you need to press the mosaic against the wall. Only with its help or by means of another level base can the ideal plane of the cladding be maintained. It is necessary to press down the mosaic so that at the same time each of its cubes straightens out and takes its proper place - simply put, it is necessary to ensure the uniformity of the seams not only between each set on the grid, but also between each of its individual elements.

Do-it-yourself mosaic tile laying technology photo

5. Cleaning the mosaic. This operation must be performed on fresh glue - after it dries, this operation will be difficult. You can use a small spatula or screwdriver to remove glue from the seams. In any case, at this stage of work it is necessary to adjust the position of individual mosaic tiles and remove protruding glue from the seams. By the way, if you choose the right comb, it may not be there.

6. Grouting joints. This is truly hellish work - imagine how many seams in meters will have to be hammered. The consumption of this material is several times higher than when grouting ordinary tiles. In general, there is nothing to do here with a small rubber spatula (unless, of course, you are going to stretch this work over several weeks). You will need a rubber spatula 15–20 cm wide; with its help you can quickly fill all the seams with grout. After they are filled and hardened a little, the excess putty is removed either with your finger (which is undoubtedly tedious) or with a wet sponge.

Grouting mosaic tiles photo

That's probably all. In principle, laying mosaic tiles in itself is not a difficult process - if you carefully prepare the base and carefully level it, then almost anyone can glue mosaic tiles.


Mosaic refers to finishing materials top class. When decorating surfaces with mosaics, many small glass, ceramic, metal or natural stone tiles are used.

Even in ancient times, mosaics were set directly, pressing each tile into the solution separately.

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In the 20th century, craftsmen learned about new technology, thanks to which the process of laying mosaics was greatly facilitated. This technology was based on the reverse set, that is, the formation of a mosaic in a mirror image on some basis (mesh, paper, plywood, etc.) with its further transfer to the surface.

The most technologically advanced is to lay mosaics on a mesh, which serves as a carrier for mosaic tiles, forming panels that are adhesive to the surface. So, let's try to understand in detail how to glue mosaics on a mesh.

Surface preparation

The first stage of facing work is surface preparation. What do I need to do:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to level the surface on which the tiles will be glued, clean it from dust, dirt, grease and other contaminants. Optimal temperature Indoor installation is considered to be 5–30 degrees.
  2. The next step should be to draw the surface into squares corresponding to the size of the mosaic modules. To do this, you need to place three sheets on the floor so that the distance between them is exactly the same as it is between the rows of module tiles. Having measured their total length and width, the dimensions should be transferred to the walls using a level and plumb line.

Applying glue

This stage is of particular importance; the durability of the entire coating directly depends on the quality of its execution. Before purchasing mosaic tile adhesive, you should read the instructions to ensure that it is suitable for use on the type of surface to which the tiles will be glued.

So, for example, mastic for ceramic tiles Not at all suitable for glass mosaic tiles. Latex-based adhesive is best suited for laying mosaic sheets, as it is most resistant to high humidity and temperature changes.

  • After making sure that the glue has reached the consistency required to hold the mosaic sheet, apply it to the surface of the wall with smearing movements back and forth. In this case, we do not cover the entire surface at a time, but only an area designed for 9 modules, otherwise the glue will dry out and a film will form on the wall. To apply the glue, we use a notched V-shaped spatula, the teeth of which are 5 mm in size.
  • We first level the applied glue with the smooth side of the comb, and then go over it with the serrated side to ensure a more even and stable fixation of the mosaic sheets.
  • Apply glue to the back side of the mosaic tile on the mesh (not on the paper, but on the tile itself). This should be done so that it adheres better to the glue and so that glue stripes do not show through it.

  • We apply the back side of the sheet (the side where there is a mesh) to the previously marked surface area. To ensure even gluing, iron the front side of the sheet with a rubber roller.

You should not hesitate when laying mosaic tiles on the mesh, otherwise the solution will dry out and the tiles will not stick well.

The joints of individual modules should be lightly tapped to avoid the formation of air bubbles between the glue and the tile, as well as to further level the surface after installation.

  • After gluing the tile to the surface, remove the paper sheets from it, carefully moistening the paper with water. We make sure that the sheets with the tiles do not move from their place, since the glue will not have completely dried by then. After the paper gets wet and darkens, remove it by pulling diagonally by one edge. We leave the glued sheets to dry for a day or two.

Grouting and cleaning

It is best to fill the seams with grout recommended by the mosaic manufacturer. Immediately before grouting the joints, we clean them of any glue residue, then apply the grout mixture with a rubber spatula and remove the residue with a rubber trowel, using diagonal movements.

The final stage of wall finishing work mosaic tiles on the mesh is to remove excess grout with a damp rubber sponge. To avoid removing grout from the joints between the mosaics, do not apply too much pressure to the sponge.

As you can see, gluing mosaics on a grid is not at all difficult. By completing all the necessary finishing steps with your own hands, you will receive the highest quality coating that will delight you for many years!

Video: Grouting joints. Subtleties

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