Options for finishing a bathroom with mosaic tiles. Mosaic tiles for bathroom

To ensure that after renovation it is not just clean and tidy, but also beautiful, such a fashionable design solution as mosaic in the bathroom is perfect. Using mosaics will create a visual illusion that will visually enlarge the space and become the highlight of the interior.

Dosed application of mosaic

Anyone who prefers a spectacular interior design, but does not like frills, will choose partial decoration of the bathroom with mosaics. Experts advise using it on individual elements, for example:

  • Mirror framing
  • Bath screen
  • Apron over the sink
  • Around the window opening
  • Engineering boxes, columns

If your bath is no different large area, the mosaic is applied to no more than one or two areas. This could be the wall on which the mirror is located, or a panel in the shower stall.

If the room is more spacious, you can complement the interior with several mosaic inserts that visually zone the room, dividing it into several parts. A great example of a mosaic bathtub is pictured below.

A bathtub screen decorated with mosaics favorably complements the decor, and if you decorate the wall along which the bathtub is installed in the same manner, this will make the interior more cohesive and harmonious.

Decorating an apron with mosaics near the sink will bring double benefits. Firstly, there is an aesthetic component, and secondly, it is practical, because the mosaic material is quite moisture resistant and does not require almost any special care.

An ordinary window can be turned into a living picture if you decorate it with mosaics around it. It should resonate with other mosaic elements that are in harmony in color and design style. The photo shows a mosaic in the bathroom, combining all parts of the room into a single interior.

It is very difficult to improve such an inconvenient structure as an engineered box. However, with the use of mosaics this issue can be resolved quite easily. Due to their small size, small tiles can be adjusted to any surface with tricky turns. Thus, unsightly structures are transformed into an elegant decorative element.

Using mosaics on large surfaces

A bathroom design with mosaics is also acceptable in spacious rooms. Here you can make a mosaic covering of the entire shower stall, an entire wall or other large surface. Using different shades, you can delimit the room into zones.

For a free wall, choose a mosaic theme to suit your taste. Marine theme in azure tones evokes a state of peace, and floral ones will appeal to delicate natures.

On a note: Mosaic tiles on the floor in the bathroom look original. A glass covering or tile is chosen for it.

Subtleties of choosing mosaics for the bathroom

Bathroom design with mosaics and tiles is presented in the following different options, that it won’t take long to get confused here. Experts advise paying attention to the color combination of tiles, plumbing fixtures and bathroom decor. The size of the mosaic is important - it is selected based on your goals - a regular pattern, ornament, paintings, landscapes, etc.

Glass mosaic tiles are suitable for the bathroom, here are its main advantages:

  • Moisture resistance
  • High strength and durability
  • Resists the appearance of bacteria
  • Easy to sanitize
  • Resistant to mechanical stress

Colored mosaic

Depending on the style you choose, this may be unity of color or, conversely, bright contrast.

Mosaics with ornaments and plain ceramic tiles combine wonderfully. In the photo, the mosaic in the bathroom stands out as a separate decorative element interior

With the mixing of styles popular today, the selection of mosaic colors in the bathroom interior can be original and unpredictable, and the result is amazing!

It is better to do mosaics in light colors to visually enlarge the available space.

Mosaic shape

Mosaic squares, rectangles, diamonds, ovals - they all vary in size from approximately 1 to 5 cm. The larger the surface to be decorated, the larger and simpler the shape of the mosaic. If it is a whole wall, squares, rectangles or diamonds are used. However, if you plan to create an intricate pattern on this surface, then you cannot do without small elements.

A mosaic countertop in a bathroom is a great example of using tiles different shapes and size.

Mosaic can really transform even the most ordinary and boring interior, giving it sophistication, richness and taste. But everything will happen only if the mosaic in the bathroom takes into account all the subtleties and nuances, and the design of the bathroom is thought out in advance using photos, sketches and advice from professionals.

Mosaic in modern interior bathroom is an excellent decorative tool.

Mosaics can be used to decorate a bathroom of any size.

In addition, even the most complex curved surfaces can be covered with small tiles, making them a real highlight of the interior. Decorating a room with mosaics is a complex and time-consuming process. Every detail is important here: the type of tile, the color palette, the layout method and its quantity in the interior. Also, the floor covered with mosaics can be equipped with.

Types of mosaics and their main characteristics

Mosaics are made from different materials, for the bathroom it can be glass, smalt, stone, ceramics, porcelain tiles or metal. Mother of pearl, precious stones, gold foil and artificial aquamarine can also be used in the production of exclusive collections.

Venetian glass mosaic

  • Glass mosaics are made primarily from Venetian glass. It is durable, waterproof, impact-resistant and has a solid structure, which means that it prevents the development of microorganisms and fungi that colonize the pores of the finishing material in damp rooms. Glass mosaic is presented in a very diverse color palette and textures. It can also be metallized or mirrored.

Smalt mosaic

  • Smalt mosaic is a type of glass, but unlike it it has a matte finish. Smalt is obtained by pressing the smallest particles of colored glass with the necessary impurities. As a result, each individual element is slightly different from the others. In a multi-colored layout this point is not noticeable, but if the entire wall is covered with single-color tiles, the interior will look a little dull.

Ceramic mosaic

  • Ceramic mosaic in appearance resembles ordinary tiles, in fact, that’s just what it is small size. Ceramics can be glazed, matte, or have a surface of any other texture. Mosaics with craquelure are very popular today (this is when the ceramics have a unique texture with small cracks), and they look especially organic in ethnic style.

Stone mosaic

  • Stone mosaic is made from absolutely any type of stone, from the cheapest tuff to rare types of marble, jasper or onyx. Of course, the cost of finishing will depend on the exclusivity of the material. The color texture of the stone is unique, and the mosaic cladding is obviously unique and luxurious. Stone mosaic can be polished or chipped.

Metal mosaic

  • Metal mosaic – modern and elegant solution, but such finishing will not be appropriate in all styles. The surface of metal tiles can be matte or polished to a mirror finish. It is often made from aluminum or of stainless steel, but any other metals can imitate its surface.

Options for using mosaics in the interior

Finishing shelves with mosaics in the bathroom interior

Mosaic in the bathroom can be used for:

  • wall cladding (in full, in the form of panels or friezes);
  • floor finishing (full lining, laying out rugs or friezes);
  • creating aprons (near the washbasin, bathtub, shower);
  • design of the screen under the bathtub, countertops, shower tray and other surfaces, in particular non-standard shapes;
  • finishing of built-in shelves or niches.

Mosaic interior design ideas

Most apartments and houses are sized, if not . But it is in such rooms that a correctly selected mosaic will become an exquisite addition to the interior and help visually expand the space. For example, if the wall opposite a large mirror is tiled with small tiles.

Mosaic pattern in the bathroom

  • Mosaic is an excellent way to zoning space. Functional areas can be separated by laying part of the wall and floor with mosaics, while the rest of the surface will be covered with ordinary tiles. The elements framing the zone will look no less impressive: straight or curved stripes.
  • Mosaics can be used to lay out just a few thin stripes on the walls or floor to give the interior new colors, especially if large and small tiles are chosen in contrasting shades.
  • If desired, all walls and floors can be completely covered with mosaics, but such finishing is very active and, as a rule, it needs to be diluted with one or two monochrome walls.
  • A rectangular mosaic laid out in a horizontal layout looks very fresh and original.
  • The use of mosaics in design opens up such wide possibilities that it can be difficult to decide where and in what quantity it would be most appropriate. Perhaps it will make the task a little easier by viewing photos from the gallery, which contains the most beautiful and original interiors bathrooms.

Bathroom interior with mosaics all over the walls

Advice! Not only the usual chaotic patterns, but also entire paintings are laid out in mosaics. The mosaic panel will undoubtedly become the central element of the interior, as it looks very impressive, original and unusual. Part of the wall lined in this way is not inferior to conventional ceramic finishing in terms of performance characteristics.

Choosing a color palette

The peculiarity of mosaic is that it can be either monochromatic or easily allows you to combine dozens of shades in a small area. Choosing one or the other color palette It is important to focus on the overall concept of the interior and the result that is expected in the end.

Combination of shades in a mosaic pattern

  • Mosaic gradient, also known as a smooth transition from dark to light, is one of the most popular colors when it comes to mosaics today. The same rules apply here as for regular tiles. IN small rooms the dark bottom should smoothly transition into a lighter top, and in spacious bathrooms you can do the opposite, light bottom and dark top.
  • Pixel mosaic is a combination of several shades, rarely just two, in a chaotic order. But unlike the gradient, special color accents there is no.

Pixel mosaic in the bathroom interior

  • Color combination with tiles. In the event that the mosaic is combined with a regular one ceramic tiles, most dark color An individual mosaic element should be darker than the main palette of the room, and the lightest one should be correspondingly lighter, almost white.
  • Monotonous solution. A mosaic with a pearlescent sheen looks very interesting if it is laid out in stripes or a pattern against the background of matte walls in the same color.
  • Metal mosaic looks stylish and expensive. But it makes the atmosphere somewhat cooler, so it is recommended to use this finish only for decorating and highlighting individual interior elements.
  • The only way to lay out a mosaic, in which it is possible to use a dozen, and sometimes hundreds of colors, are panels and paintings. They make the interior bright, unusual and very cozy. Finished paintings and mosaic panels are rarely laid out directly on the wall. They are sold in the form of individual fragments assembled on fiberglass mesh or paper. Any type of mosaic can be used to create panels, but more often it is smalt.

Decorating a bathroom with mosaics: video

Bathroom interior with mosaic: photo

Selecting finishing materials for the bathroom is quite difficult. In a room of this type, the interior should not only be beautiful, but also practical.

In most cases, not the largest area is allocated for the bathroom, so the overall atmosphere depends on the design of the tiles. An excellent solution there will be a mosaic in the bathroom.

The advantages of mosaic finishing include the magnificent appearance and ease of maintenance. This way you can decorate rooms of any size.


Even in a small apartment, with the help of mosaics you can realize the most daring creative ideas. The bathroom can be decorated with all kinds of ornaments, geometric patterns and paintings.

This design does not depend on fashion, so the room will always have a modern look.

The most popular mosaic materials are ceramics, natural stone and glass. The first option is most often used for finishing a bathroom.

Ceramic mosaic looks good in combination with plain tiles, and individual elements can be used for patterns.

Stone is usually made from marble, jasper, granite and other natural stones, which are polished and given the desired shape.

If you look at photos of bathroom interiors with mosaics, you can see that glass mosaics look the most original.

It is popular due to the variety of color solutions; it can be glossy, transparent and matte. Heat treatment The stress that glass is subjected to makes it quite durable.

This mosaic serves as an excellent decoration for walls and is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes.

In order for the unique finish to please the owners of the living space for as long as possible, you should take the choice of moisture-resistant glue seriously.

It must be remembered that glass mosaics do not have small pores, like ceramic ones, so they cannot absorb glue. For walls, it is best to use viscous glue that firmly adheres to the surface, and for floors, elastic glue.


Finishing a bathroom using mosaic cladding is more difficult than it might seem. Apartment owners who are not familiar with the technology of laying tiles are better off turning to specialists.

In any case, before carrying out work, important points should be taken into account:

  • Mosaic tiles can be laid on wood, metal or concrete surface, which must be perfectly smooth.
  • A day must pass before grouting. It is better to choose epoxy grout.

Correct installation of mosaics

When the surface is completely prepared, you should proceed directly to installation. At this stage, the master will need glue and a comb spatula.

Here it is important to consider the size of the mosaic tiles for the bathroom: the teeth of the spatula should be twice as large.

They start with markings. Then you should apply a little glue to a small area.

When the master is convinced that the lines are perfectly straight, and working surface already smeared with a sufficient amount of glue, you can carefully press the mosaic pieces into the wall.

In this case, it is necessary to ensure that no traces of glue remain on the front part of the tile.

Before proceeding with the remaining steps, you need to wait until the glue has completely dried. Otherwise, the elements may move to the side and the picture will be ruined.

When the glue has dried, you can begin to grout the tile joints. Before this, the protective film must be removed from the mosaic.

The layer is first wetted and wiped. The grout is first applied horizontally. A sponge helps remove excess from the tiles.

After two weeks you can freely use the bathroom. Don’t forget about a good ventilation system and treating seams with special substances every six months. This prevents the appearance of mold and mildew and keeps the mosaic picture looking excellent for a long time.


Modern bathroom design with mosaic tiles gives a lot of room for creativity. For example, you can decorate the entire room with mosaics or make bright accents.

The last option is especially relevant if you want to refresh the interior without expensive repairs.

The real highlight will be one bright wall. It is necessary to select a color, taking into account the prevailing shades in the interior. You can also cover the apron above the sink with mosaics.

Mosaic carpet

The design of the bathroom looks most exclusive with a tiled rug that acts as decoration.

You can make a mosaic border with a fabric carpet inside. For foot massage, you can choose pebble tiles.

Shower room

Many people, saving space, install a shower cabin instead of a bathtub. You can use mosaics on the floor as decoration. It could even be glass. The wider the seams between the small mosaic pieces, the less slippery the floor will be.

Dressing table

For owners of a spacious bathroom, an excellent design solution the decoration will become a mosaic dressing table. This option is good for luxury interiors antique

How to choose a mosaic

When choosing, you must take into account the size of the room and the mosaic elements, since the amount of material purchased depends on this.

However, it is still worth purchasing a little more mosaic in reserve than was calculated (about 10%).

When choosing a color scheme, you must remember that bright hues visually increase the space. The most popular shades of mosaics in bathroom interiors are white and blue. The mint shade looks beautiful.

The type of material is also important. The first grade is the most durable. It is easy to identify: on the packaging with the mosaic it is marked in red. The second grade has a blue mark, and the third has a green mark.

A pattern with a foot on a shaded background means wear resistance, and the image of a bulb indicates the resistance of the tile to aggressive environments.

Photo of mosaic in the bathroom

The combination of tiles and mosaics in the bathroom can completely change the interior of the room, giving it a more expensive look. It is not for nothing that mosaic is becoming increasingly popular both among designers and those owners who do the renovations themselves.

Mosaic tiles Suitable for both small bathrooms in Khrushchev-era buildings and spacious rooms. You can combine mosaics with any materials: vinyl wallpaper, plastic panels, textured paint or plaster. But most often, ceramic tiles with mosaics are used in the bathroom.

Advantages of combining mosaics with tiles

It would seem, why add another finishing material to the bathroom besides ceramics? Why can’t all the walls and floors be decorated with tiles only, since this is the most practical material? Of course you can, but the combination of tiles and mosaics has several advantages:

Firstly, mosaic is one of the “flexible” materials, in the truest sense of the word. It can be used to cover complex shapes, shaped niches and sink countertops. It is also better to design the space under the bathtub with a semicircular shape. plastic material, and mosaic is perfect for this.

Secondly, if in the room for adoption water procedures Since there are many complex protrusions, tiling them is much more difficult: labor and material costs will increase, because the tiles will need to be cut, and there will be more waste.

Thirdly, with mosaics you can adjust the design by adding a vertical or horizontal frieze where necessary. Also, do not forget that from small pixel modules you can create any design or pattern you want, complementing the main tile. This material can also be used for zoning a room.

Well, as for the resistance of mosaic elements to chemical attack and high levels of moisture, most are not inferior to good ceramic tiles. Even the mosaic can withstand temperatures from minus to

Another advantage of mosaics is the variety of materials from which mosaic elements are made: glass, ceramics, acrylic, metal, natural stone, wood.

Mosaics are laid in the same way as tiles - they are glued to most substrates (concrete, plaster, drywall, wood, foam blocks, metal).

In a word, mosaic tiles have no less advantages than ceramics, but there are features inherent only to this type of finishing material.


However, any building or finishing material has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. In our case, this is the financial side of the issue. This applies both to the material itself and to the work involved in its installation. You will also need more grout in the area where the mosaic is installed.

But, on the other hand, high-quality work and materials that will serve for many years and will please the eye are a profitable investment. After all, after all, we start the day in the bathroom and end it right there.

How to choose a mosaic for tiles

When using two finishing materials, it is necessary to take into account their different properties, even down to size. To rule out choosing a mosaic for a bathroom, consider the following:

  • product material;
  • shape and size of modular elements;
  • shade and compatibility with the main tile.


Depending on the material from which the mosaic is made, you can get a different visual effect. Today, manufacturers produce tiles from the following materials:

  • Plastic. The most economical option, both in price and in appearance. However, even the cheapest mosaic tiles can look better than budget ceramic tiles. So, to save your budget, you can think about combining simple tiles with plastic mosaics. As for strength and hygienic properties, this material is not inferior to tiles. One of practical solutions The use of plastic mosaic is on the floor, as it is less slippery than ceramic tiles.
  • Ceramics. One of the most popular and frequently used for bathrooms. Ceramic mosaics are easiest to match to tiles in terms of thickness and color scheme. Most often, manufacturers produce mosaics that match a specific collection of ceramic tiles. Mosaic ceramics are made from a mixture containing kaolin or clay and then coated with glaze - a process identical to making regular tiles. Ceramic mosaics can have both glossy surface, and rough, matte.
  • Glass. In terms of price, glass mosaics are slightly more expensive than ceramic mosaics, but in appearance the elements look much more expensive and more aesthetically pleasing. Can be matched as clear glass different shades, and with different textures or impurities. To make glass elements, silicon sand is used, which is fired at a very high temperature. Thanks to technology, glass mosaic is much stronger than ordinary glass.
  • Smalt. Artificial colored glass made from special technologies smelting with the addition of metal oxides. Smalt mosaic is much stronger than glass, but also costs an order of magnitude higher due to the long production cycle. But the images laid out in smalted mosaics look especially impressive.
  • A natural stone. One of the most expensive types of mosaics is from natural stone. For production they use: travertine, marble, granite, onyx, jade, lapis lazuli, jasper. This mosaic looks elegant and aesthetically pleasing. Naturally, natural stone is very practical and durable, and choosing a shade is not difficult.
  • Fake diamond. If the budget is strictly limited and does not allow combining tiles with expensive mosaics made of natural stone, then it is quite possible to opt for a mosaic made of acrylic, agglomerate or other artificial stone. Such material can be either plain or with an imitation of some natural material.
  • Mirror. It looks expensive, but also costs more than regular glass mosaic. Manufacturers offer various options mirror elements: sprayed, with the effect of a broken mirror or antiquity. The color scheme can also be different - from regular white to purple or black.
  • Metal. The basis for production is the same plastic, on top of which a metal plate is glued. You can choose a mosaic made from brass, bronze, copper or stainless steel. However, such a mosaic is not practical, since it is designed for use in areas with low moisture concentration. In other words, metal mosaics in the bathroom will quickly take on an unattractive appearance.

Manufacturers also offer types of mosaics that cannot be used in the bathroom, for example, those made of wood. High humidity The premises do not require cladding with wooden elements.

Shape and size of elements

To match the mosaic to the main tile, you need to consider its size and shape. The most popular is the square mosaic, as it can be done Beautiful design A bathroom with mosaic tiles will not be difficult. In addition to square elements, rectangular, diamond-shaped, round, hexagonal or asymmetrical shapes are also produced.

For ease of laying, it is better to select modular elements small size, for example, squares ranging in size from 1x1 cm to 5x5 cm. But, again, it all depends on where the mosaic tiles are installed and on what area.

As for the thickness of the selected material, most often the mosaic is thinner and you have to either use more glue or apply another layer of plaster under the mosaic so that there are no differences in height. To avoid unnecessary labor costs, pay attention to collections of ceramic tiles with mosaics - in this case, both materials will have the same thickness.

How to decorate a bathroom with mosaics: choosing colors and decor

There are several options for creating a beautiful interior using two materials - tiles combined with mosaics.

Option one- selection of a similar color with minor differences. If a certain color predominates in your bathroom, for example, beige or white, and you do not want to create contrasting inserts, then the shade of mosaic tiles can be chosen close to the main one. It can be any suitable tone.

Option two- a game of contrasts. The next way to transform your bathroom is to make mosaic inserts bright or contrasting with the main color. Color combinations can be completely different: black-white, white-red, gray-yellow, yellow-blue. The main thing is that both colors match each other. Also, the mosaic elements themselves may differ in color from each other.

Creating a drawing or pattern. Using mosaics, you can create all kinds of compositions, not only geometric (for example, stripes, squares), but also floral patterns, wavy lines, zigzags, whole pictures. A mosaic ornament in an oriental style looks incredibly impressive.

You can create an original interior in the bathroom by covering one of the walls with mosaics, for example, above the bathtub, creating a beautiful panel from it. Small pixel elements are selected in a variety of shades, and since the basis of most of the mosaic is a grid, they are cut very easily.

Partial mosaic finishing

A bathroom completely tiled with mosaics looks very impressive. However, this finish is not suitable for every room. You can create the right atmosphere only in a spacious bathroom, and in hygienic rooms in typical apartments you can hardly get a masterpiece.

Therefore, the combination of mosaics and tiles in the bathroom becomes an ideal solution for a cramped bathroom or bathroom. Moreover, small rooms dictate their own rules. Using mosaics, you can veneer some elements or highlight different zones.

Frame for mirror, door, window opening

If you plan to use a mirror canvas mounted flush with the wall, then a frame made of mosaic will help to decorate it beautifully. And so that such a design does not seem lonely, you can put the same frame around the doorway for company. In such cases, the mosaic is selected in shades that contrast with the main tile.

As companions to the mosaic frame, you can also make small inserts on the wall, or line niches, if any, with mosaic elements.

Washbasin countertop

We have already said that mosaic is an ideal material for designing complex and curved shapes. If you decide to install a countertop sink-washbasin in the bathroom, then you will need a countertop under it. The material used for it is very different - from moisture-resistant laminated chipboards to artificial or natural stone. One of budget options— make a tabletop from a metal profile, cover it with plasterboard and finish it with mosaic. In addition, the shape for such a countertop under a washbasin can be very different - from a strict rectangular to a curved one, smoothly flowing onto the wall. At the same time as the tabletop, you can also veneer the apron above it, since this surface requires special care. And the practicality of mosaics is perfect for such a purpose.

Screen for bathtub or tray

The space under the bathtub or shower tray can become a decorative feature rather than a gaping hole. Very often the screen is covered with the same ceramic tiles that were used in the decoration. But who’s stopping you from making a beautiful mosaic screen for your bathtub? This is especially true if the bowl itself has beautiful curved shapes. To create a complete beautiful interior with a mosaic, in combination with the screen, you can decorate the wall above the bathroom with the same mosaic or lay out separate inserts.

Niches, shelves, columns...

There are a lot of options for combining tiles with mosaics. If the bathroom has engineered boxes, niches, racks and shelves for cosmetics and towels, then they can also be highlighted or decorated with mosaics. Usually, when covering complex elements with tiles, you have to spend a lot of time and effort on fitting and cutting them. And mosaics are perfect for decorating difficult places.

It is also quite difficult to veneer round or curved interior elements, such as columns. To decorate such structures, it is better to select mosaics with small elements.

Plumbing cladding

A rather rare, but very successful move is to line the bathtub itself or the washing bowl with a mosaic. It’s rare that a craftsman manages to do everything neatly and aesthetically, however, such use of mosaics also has the right to exist. In addition, if a shower is constructed in the bathroom, then it is more practical to lay out the shower tray with mosaic. To design complex geometric shapes, the elements should be the smallest - such modules are easier to size and glue.

The combination of tiles and mosaics in the bathroom: beautiful photos

In the interior, you always need to take into account the compatibility of two different materials, be it paint, tiles, wallpaper or plaster. Complementing the main tiles with mosaic tiles in the bathroom can greatly change the appearance of the room and create the right atmosphere. Some types of mosaics can be used not only for beautiful inserts or friezes, but as a basis for decorative panels, patterns or borders. Designers have long appreciated this practical and effective material as a base and complement to tiles. The combination of white tiles with mosaics in the bathroom looks especially elegant, and the basis can be either neutral or contrasting design. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the collection “Tiles and mosaics in the bathroom photo finished interiors”, which can become the basis for your renovation. Enjoy watching!

Mosaic, perhaps, can be called the most ancient type of decoration - it is already more than five thousand years old. It comes into fashion from time to time, like everything well forgotten old.
Nowadays, this type of interior decoration is used only in kitchens and bathrooms. This is due to the fact that the materials from which the mosaic is made are not afraid of moisture.
And there is no need to even talk about the decorative advantages and diversity of the resulting surfaces. In this article we will tell you how to decorate a bathroom with mosaics, what types of this finishing material exist, and what is its essence.

Mosaic is a style of decorating any surface using small fragments to create a pattern or image. The basis for creating a mosaic is various materials: ceramics, glass, stone, mica.
By the way, there is also a wooden mosaic, but it is used in other rooms.
And we will consider options suitable for the bathroom:

  • In ancient times, mosaics were laid out one at a time a small piece, there were no other technologies. This kind of work takes a lot of time, and modern approach Any work process is characterized by the motto: “Time is money.”
  • Manufacturers finishing materials They have long figured out how to speed up and facilitate the technology of mosaic decoration. Individual elements are assembled onto a paper or mesh backing and sold as tiles.
    The price of this option is much cheaper than loose mosaic.

  • The range of typesetting mosaics is quite wide: it can be plain, multi-colored, translucent, with various inclusions, or with a ready-made pattern. Such tiles can be sold as a set that makes up a single image - an aquarium, Starfish or, for example, a dolphin.
  • Finishing a bathroom with small mosaics gives much more possibilities create an original interior.
    Fans of individual design do not want to see typical pictures on the walls. And the cost of this work scares not everyone.
  • There is no point in completely covering the entire room with loose mosaics. It is most often used to finish the outer surface of a bathtub, countertops, mirror frames, panels on the floor or wall.

  • The shapes of an already assembled mosaic are often square and rectangular, sometimes in the shape of a polyhedron. Ceramic options are numerous: they are very popular and inexpensive.

Other types of mosaics


Glass mosaic tiles have a translucent structure, more delicate shades. Its surface, perfectly smooth and shiny, is very durable - it is very difficult to break it.

To achieve aesthetic value, mother-of-pearl and gold plating can be added to glass elements.
The finish looks expensive as in the photo above, and it costs the same. But for any product there will be a buyer.


There is an even more expensive option - smalt mosaic. This material is made from glass, to which metal oxides are added and pressed under the influence of high temperatures.
Smalt is simultaneously similar to metal and glass - shiny, bright and opaque.
Colorful paintings and panels are created from precisely this mosaic. It is simply unique in its aesthetic properties.


As a finishing option, mirror mosaics are sometimes used. Most often this is done to decorate some interior elements, or in combination with other types of mosaics to create a specific pattern.

Continuous covering of the surface with mirror mosaic will look appropriate only on the ceiling.
For visual expansion space, in a small bathroom you can make one wall of such a covering. This will give a feeling of spaciousness.


You can also make a mosaic from pieces of metal. Today it is very fashionable and quite original.
The surface of the metal mosaic can be matte or polished to a mirror finish.

It is made from stainless steel and aluminum, and a mosaic made from these metals can be imitated by anything – even gold.
There are also mosaic hybrids, which are a “hamburger” made of thin foil placed between two pieces of glass. This is the most expensive type of mosaic.


It is impossible not to mention natural stone, which has been used for mosaic decoration since ancient times. There is a mosaic of the most different types stone - both ordinary pebbles and expensive options: marble, onyx, jasper and even malachite.

Naturally, the cost of such a mosaic directly depends on the value of the material used. Decorating a bathroom with mosaics made of natural stone is most often limited to only some interior elements.
This could be a frame around a mirror, a section of the wall near the bathtub, a panel on the floor or wall.

Pebble panel on the floor

As for pebbles, they serve not only as excellent decoration. A panel of sea pebbles is laid out on the bathroom floor so that the stones remain convex and do not sink into the surface.
In this way, the feet can be massaged, which greatly stimulates blood circulation.

Laying mosaic tiles

Of course, to create a panel with a complex pattern from loose mosaics, you will have to turn to specialists. If you need to tiling your bathroom with mosaic tiles, you can easily do it yourself, and our short instructions will help you with this.

  • In order to get quality decorative coating, all surfaces must be pre-leveled. Do it yourself using plaster mortar, not everyone can. The easiest way would be to sheathe the walls with cement-bonded particle boards (CSB).
  • It's environmentally friendly construction material, which has fairly high bending strength. DSP is made from a mixture of wood shavings, wood chips and cement, without using any substances harmful to humans.
    The mixture is pressed and subjected to industrial drying, as a result of which it hardens and gains strength.

  • The slabs are easy to cut and mounted on a wooden sheathing. You can watch the video on how to do this correctly.
    Cement particle boards are much cheaper than waterproof plasterboard, they are not afraid of moisture or mold, and are an ideal base for any finish.

What you will need

Before you get started, you need to be sure that you have everything you need. In addition to the mosaic itself, you need to immediately buy a primer (concrete contact), dry glue and grout for the joints.
All this is usually sold in the same place where ceramic tiles are sold.

  • For tiling work, you will also need some tools: notched and rubber spatulas, a mallet, and a construction mixer for mixing glue. If you need to split the mosaic chip into pieces, you will have to use wire cutters.

  • Treat the prepared surface of the walls with a primer using a brush or roller. This is necessary in order to improve the adhesion of the adhesive solution to the base surface.
    If this is not done, after a while your mosaic will simply begin to fall off.
  • The primer must dry completely, only then can you begin gluing the tiles. If it is plain, without a pattern, its installation is much easier - just glue it in even rows.

  • The tiles that are to make up an ornament or any image must be laid according to preliminary markings. To do this, you need to lay it out on the floor in the order in which it should make up the image; measure it as accurately as possible and transfer the measurement to the wall.
  • Having finished with preparatory work, dilute glue in a container. You need to gradually add water to the dry composition in the ratio indicated on the packaging, stirring the solution with a construction mixer.

  • Apply the finished product using a notched trowel. adhesive composition on a small section of the wall, and a little on the tile itself. Press it to the surface and make sure that the mosaic sheets lie flat and do not slip.
    All subsequent work will depend on how the first row is laid.
  • Now you will need the help of a rubber mallet. Lightly tapping the tile with a mallet, press the tile into the mortar, and remove any excess that comes out with a rubber spatula.
  • Having finished the row, the glue needs to be allowed to set - twenty minutes will be enough. Then you need to remove the protective paper layer by moistening it with a wet sponge.
    If you notice that any seam has come apart, straighten the tiles until the glue is completely dry.

  • You can start grouting the joints no earlier than two days later. The dry grout mixture is diluted according to the same principle as glue.
    Using a rubber spatula, spread the composition over the seams, removing excess grout, about an hour after its application. After another fifteen minutes, the mosaic surface is polished with a dry cloth.
  • Having finished decorating the smooth sections of the walls, you can begin finishing the slopes, countertops, and the outer surface of the bathtub. Fortunately, mosaic tiles are easily divided into the necessary fragments.

Finishing a bathroom with mosaics is quite a painstaking job. The main thing is not to rush, carefully maintaining the time required for the glue to set.
If you did everything correctly, the result will reward you for your patience and efforts: your bathroom will delight you with a beautiful and original interior for many years.