An unpretentious and fast-growing indoor plant - "Tradescantia Zebrina": care at home. Growing zebrina - what you need to know

Zebrina, it's the same striped tradescantia, but quite often, beginning amateur gardeners consider it a completely separate plant. Some time ago this was the case, zebrins were a separate genus, but then they decided (who and why is shrouded in mystery) to combine them with. This is a very beautiful and useful plant in all respects. Its decorativeness is beyond praise! The long stems are dotted with beautiful striped leaves, as if sprinkled with golden powder.

But besides this, zebrafish is also very useful flower. Since ancient times, zebrina has been used in folk medicine. In terms of its medicinal properties, it is not inferior to such recognized “healers” as “Golden Mustache”. Zebrina leaves can successfully heal wounds and burns, and in the old days they even treated cholera with it. But that's not all! Zebrina, like, is an excellent natural filter that cleanses the surrounding air of all nasties. Fans did not ignore this plant either. alternative medicine and psychology. It is believed that zebrina will not live in places with bad energy. It will turn pale, wither and wither. In positive zones, on the contrary, it will show itself in all its glory. It is also believed that she will bring peace and friendship to the house. In general, no matter which way you look at it, it’s necessary and useful. indoor plant. But the list of its advantages would not be complete without mentioning the unpretentiousness of the zebrafish. In this regard, everything is fine too. Along with chlorophytum and geranium, it is the most suitable plant for the beginning florist.


The plant is light-loving. If the lighting is insufficient, the leaves will lose their attractiveness, or rather their “striations.” The light is desirable bright, but diffused. In the morning and evening, when the sun's rays are not so hot, their contact with the zebra will not cause harm and, on the contrary, will be beneficial. But it must be protected from the burning midday rays. Zebrina is a hanging plant and looks best in a hanging pot. So hang it on the wall near the window, there will be enough light and the sun will not cause harm.


I would like to note right away that this plant prefers fresh air. This means that, at the slightest opportunity, in the warm season, take it outside (balcony, front garden, etc.). But if you still have her in the room, then provide her with a flow of fresh air. Some special ones in winter temperature conditions it does not require, and grows normally with room temperature, but if possible, arrange a more zebrina (minimum temperature +13 degrees).

This is a very young composition of zebrina with chlorophytum. By the end of summer the view will be amazing!

Watering, air humidity, fertilizers

It is believed that tradescantia, and along with them, zebrina, are necessary. But as shown personal experience, it's too much. If you follow these recommendations and maintain constant soil moisture, the leaves become inconspicuous, and rotting of the bases of the shoots is not uncommon. That's why try to be moderate in watering your zebrina. Let the top layer of soil dry slightly. At home, if the air temperature is not higher than +25 degrees, with normal humidity air, two waterings per week are enough. In winter it’s the same, but if the wintering for the zebrina is cool, then watering is reduced.

Dry air cannot harm the plant. She tolerates it well. But wet is still preferable. will really do her good.

Feed the zebrina (like any indoor or garden plant) is necessary, but excess fertilizer can cause more harm to the plant than its lack. You can fertilize zebrina according to traditional scheme- twice a month. But the amount of fertilizer (full mineral fertilizer) should be given half as much as recommended according to the instructions.


As such, the zebra does not particularly need one. The decorative life of the plant is very short. Even if you make every effort, follow all the rules of care, create a plant ideal conditions, anyway, in three years the shoots will become bare, and it will become completely unattractive. It is much more common for gardeners to grow a new plant every year. Labor costs are minimal, but the effect is higher. But if you grew up beautiful plant, and you are sorry to part with it, then you can transplant it. The land for transplantation is the same as for Tradescantia. And it won’t be difficult to prepare it yourself. You just need to mix two parts of leaf and turf soil with one part of sand.

Zebrina breeding

As I have already noted, propagation of this plant is completely labor-intensive and simple, which even a child can handle. It’s easier and more visual to put a zebrina cutting (with two or three pairs of leaves) in a glass of water. The procedure is traditional, this is how it reproduces, and many more indoor plants. After a while, the cutting will give roots (pictured below) and can be planted in a pot with soil.

A cutting with a root grown in water. Quite ready to plant in the ground.

But you can skip the process of growing roots in water and plant the cutting directly in the ground. With any method of propagation, it is better to plant not one cutting in one pot, but several (5-6 pieces), around the circumference of the pot, this will be much more beautiful. Or you can create a composition. I really like the combination of zebrina and chlorophytum.

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The bright colors and unusual shape make Tradescantia stand out from other indoor plants. Its foliage is silver and covered with longitudinal stripes. different color. Tradescantia zebrina is grown as a ampel flower. It looks good in flowerpots and on balconies, on cabinets and window sills.

Unpretentious, rarely sick, resilient, she rightfully occupies an honorable place in the cohort of indoor flowers. Even a novice gardener can handle caring for it, but you still need to know some nuances.

Origin and description

The plant belongs to the Tradescantia genus and the Commelinaceae family, its closest relative is the golden mustache. Zebrina is an inhabitant of the humid tropics with many medicinal properties and amazingly beautiful hanging shoots with thick and bright foliage. The ampel got its name precisely from the coloring of the leaf plates.

Tradescantia zebrina - external signs:

  • the stem is long, smooth and dense to the touch, has a cylindrical cross-section;
  • shoots are creeping, branched and cascading, stretching up to 1 meter in length;
  • leaves are oval-shaped, with a pointed end and alternate;
  • leaf color: the underside is bright purple, the outer side is divided by stripes different shades- from dark green to rich crimson;
  • The root system is superficial and penetrates shallowly into the soil.

In the wild, zebrina produces small flower stalks of lilac or Pink colour. But it rarely blooms indoors. After 5-7 years, the flower loses its external attractiveness and beauty; it is grown again with the help of stem cuttings.

Indoor tradescantia purifies the air and saturates it with phytoncides. Its foliage has a bactericidal and disinfectant effect. This flower creates a favorable atmosphere in the house. Pets always feast on this plant.

Varieties and features

The Tradescantia genus is numerous; about 100 species are known, differing in height, shape and foliage. Zebrina was originally a separate genus, which was divided into species, but later botanists added the striped ampel to Tradescantia. Therefore, now it is more correct to talk about the type of zebrin and its varieties. Among them, there are three most suitable for home floriculture:

  • Hanging zebrina, or trailing zebrina (Tradescantia zebrina pendula). Its peculiarity is large bare leaves, hanging stems and medicinal qualities. The bottom of the leaf blade is bright red, along the front side there are two wide silver-white stripes on a lush green background.

  • Zebrina purpusii. This variety has blurred color boundaries on the leaf, from red to green, the lower part is purple. By leaf plate There is a slight, barely noticeable pubescence.

  • Zebrina flocculosa. It has soft and fleecy leaves of a whitish hue. The plant is characterized by a rapid growth rate.

Where to plant

Tradescantia zebrina grows happily at home. Caring for her will not take much time and effort. The plant loves light and moisture, but does not tolerate direct sunlight and overwatering. Zebrina needs space and air, so pots with it are hung or placed higher. On summer season It would be a good idea to plant the flower in open ground - it will wonderfully decorate a flower bed and become a bright addition to any landscape design.

“Miss Clean” magazine draws attention: when planting in a pot, you need to take into account that the roots of Tradescantia do not penetrate deeply and are located close to the surface. Therefore, the capacity required is quite wide.

Location. The ideal place for Tradescantia zebrina is eastern and western windows, where there is a lot of scattered daylight

and there is no extreme heat. A lack of light negatively affects the appearance of the flower - it weakens and withers. The comfortable temperature range for zebrina is from +20 to +25° C. In the autumn-winter period, it can withstand coolness, but not lower than 13 degrees. Tradescantia is a moisture-loving plant; it requires abundant watering and regular spraying. Drying out the soil is not acceptable for it.

Spring and summer are the period of Tradescantia activity; at this time it increases its green mass and grows. The winter season is characterized by dormancy; during this period the plant needs moderate temperatures and less watering. Zebrina willingly lives in open ground, if the air temperature is acceptable for its growth and development.

How to care

Tradescantia zebrina is a valuable indoor plant. Its leaves are used in medical purposes— they treat wounds and burns, relieve pain, and make tinctures against gastrointestinal diseases. This plant is air filter- cleans and disinfects the air in the house. Experts say that this flower has a powerful energetic effect on people - it calms, improves mood and gives strength.

Basic care measures:

Watering. The soil in a pot of Tradescantia zebrina should always remain slightly moist, but not wet. Dry soil can cause leaves to wither, and stagnant moisture can cause roots to rot.

Feeding. Fertilize zebrina only at the stage active growth - In spring and summer. Good feeding - This complex fertilizers

twice a week. Autumn and winter are a time of rest for the flower, so it is not fertilized and watered less.

Circumcision. To enhance branching, it is recommended to pinch the tops of side shoots. After pinching, the bushes look well-groomed - lush and compact. Old and dry branches are cut off regularly.
Transplantation and planting of Tradescantia.

At a young age, zebrina is replanted annually; adult plants are replanted every 2-3 years. The plant requires loose soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. The soil must contain humus and sand. The pot for Tradescantia should be shallow and of sufficient width with a good drainage layer at the bottom. Reproduction occurs by cuttings, which quickly take root in the ground.

The plant loves air, so it needs regular loosening and ventilation of the room. The flower does not grow well near smokers; nicotine has a detrimental effect on it.

Problems of growing Tradescantia Tradescantia is distinguished by its high viability and resistance to diseases. It is rarely affected by pests and spoils. If the plant is attacked, you should wash the leaves and stem with soapy water and dry them in the open air. Plaque is removed in the same way.

Negative changes appearance most often associated with errors in caring for the zebra.

Flower shops usually sell small Tradescantia bushes that bloom intensely. At home, it is not recommended to feed the plant for the first time so that it adapts to new conditions. After 1-2 weeks, the flower can be transplanted into another pot.

Difficulties and solutions when growing Tradescantia:

  • leaves fall off when there is a lack of moisture and excessive fertilization of the plant;
  • color brightness is lost as a result of poor lighting;
  • spots on the leaves occur due to lack of moisture;
  • dryness at the tips of the leaves occurs due to insufficient air humidity in the room;
  • the stems have become thinner and elongated - the reason lies in the incorrect location or weakness of the root system;
  • An aged Tradescantia can be rejuvenated by cutting off the shoots to the very base near the soil surface.

Tradescantia zebrina can be revived and improved only by dividing the mother plant. The prepared part is immediately rooted in a new pot, providing moderate illumination and systematic watering. Tradescantia cuttings are kept in water for only a couple of days, after which they are rooted in suitable soil.

Tradescantia zebrina will fit well into any interior of an apartment, home or office. She is also good outdoors - on a flowerbed, lawn, alpine slide or by a pond. Anyone, even a beginner in this business, can raise an unpretentious and life-loving zebrafish. Experienced flower growers Tradescantia is distinguished from other indoor plants due to its variegated foliage, 100% survival rate and excellent adaptation, medicinal qualities and easy care.

Back in the seventeenth century, John Tradescan served as head gardener to King Charles the First of England., part-time researcher and traveler. At that time, the newly discovered continent of America was being actively studied, and a huge number of plants unknown in Europe required classification and naming.

Among this diversity, John's attention was drawn to an inconspicuous, creeping plant from the tropical forests. It didn't have beautiful flowers, but was distinguished by its unpretentiousness and rapid growth.

Tradescan realized that this plant had wonderful prospects and took a serious approach to its cultivation and cultivation.

Among the many indoor plants, few people do not recognize this plant and call it by name, remembering it - gardener Tradescana.

Description of the plant

Anyone who sees this plant will immediately understand why it was called that and what it has in common with this elegant animal.

These are light stripes on a dark background.

The elongated ovate leaf is decorated with silver stripes that go around the central vein and leave a dark edge.

The color of the leaf is unusual, from dark green with a purple tint to violet, through purple. The bottom of the sheet is necessarily colored; green shades appear only on outside with insufficient lighting. Zebrina flowers are lilac or purple, small, axillary, but look very cute.

Stems are colored, without pubescence, up to 80 centimeters long, cascading. This is its beauty. Among the hanging plants, there are no equals to “Zebrina”. Only popular plants are given folk names, “Tradescantia” also has them, they call it “Woman’s Gossip” and “Mother-in-Law’s Tongue,” and there is nothing wrong with these names, they accurately reflect the size of the cascade.

The video shows detailed description vines "Tradescantia Zebrina":


Home care

Actions after purchase

In the store we buy a young bush, usually actively flowering. In preparation for sale, it was fed with the addition of stimulants to cause abundant flowering.

Important! Overstimulation weakens the plant.

At first, do not feed your Tradescantia. Let her rest and adapt to new conditions.


"Zebrina" tolerates pruning well.

The plant needs it if the shoots are too elongated. Pruning encourages branching.

You can rejuvenate the plant by removing the shoots; the young ones will grow back quickly and can bloom profusely.

Cut parts of the plant are excellent planting material.


Often a plant from a store “sits” in an inconspicuous and small container. A few weeks after purchase it can be transplanted into a more suitable dishes. It should be 2 or 3 centimeters freer than before, wide and shallow.

You can buy soil in the store or prepare from 1 part humus, 2 parts turf or garden soil and 1 part sand. Don't forget about the hole in the bottom of the pot and the drainage layer at the bottom.

Important! Stagnation of water in the pot leads to the death of the plant due to rotting of the roots.

"Zebrina" grows very quickly and ages quickly. At 3 or 4 years the plant begins to lose its appearance, “going bald” at the base of the shoot. It needs to be rejuvenated by cutting it down to the soil level or simply replaced with young ones.


For planting, select a medium-sized pot, wide and shallow - the roots of “Tradescantia” grow close to the surface. Ceramic pots are the best for plants; they conduct air and water well. Plastic pots of these useful qualities

do not have and loosening the soil in them needs to be done more often.

"Tradescantia" is not particularly demanding on soil quality, but prefers light, fertile soils.

Soil can be bought at the store. For homemade

The soil mixture will require 1 part humus, 2 parts garden or turf soil and 1 part sand. Do not exceed the amount of organic matter

, it’s very nice to see “Zebrina” in excellent condition, but if it is overfed with humus, it may become raging and lose color and turn green."Tradescantia" is extremely adaptable , cuttings and tops take root in a few days. You can plant them immediately permanent place 6 or 8 cuttings and tops per pot. After watering, you can cover the plants plastic bag

, creating a greenhouse effect, rooting will be easier, but for “Tradescantia” shading is enough.

The video provides recommendations for planting the plant “Tradescantia Zebrina”:



"Zebrina" reproduces well by seeds. You can sow them in pots of 8-10 pieces at once. The pots can be covered with film or glass until shoots emerge. Young plants do not need to be exposed to direct sunlight - let them get stronger first.


Cuttings and tops of “Tradescantia” take root well. You can plant parts of the plant immediately in a permanent place. After a few days, roots grow from the internodes and the plant begins to actively develop.

Watering and fertilizing"Tradescantia" tolerates drought well, but the leaves become smaller

, it is better to water it in a timely manner, as the top layer of soil in the pot dries. She doesn't like excess.

Watering can be alternated with spraying and loosening."Zebrina" is responsive to feeding

, the shoots grow strong and the leaves become larger. Every 2 weeks, from March to September, “Tradescantia” needs to be fed with complex mineral fertilizers

for indoor plants.

When wintering in a cool room, fertilizing is not done; you have to water Tradescantia less often, as evaporation is reduced.



Everyone knows the unpretentiousness of "Zebrina", she does not need a period of rest. If your house is warm in winter, it is good not only for you, but also for your plant.

More nuances about home care and beneficial properties Find out about the indoor plant "Tradescantia".

Diseases and pests

No diseases were noted in Tradescantia. Unpleasant changes in appearance are associated with errors in content.

Thrips, aphids or scale insects can settle on Zebrina. When watering, inspect the leaves and if pests are found, treat the plants with pesticides for indoor plants, following the instructions for the drug.

Harm and benefit

Tradescantia Zebrina can't cause any trouble, the plant is not poisonous and does not have thorns or thorns.

Thanks to its decorative effect, “Zebrina” is able to elevate any interior.

Not every indoor plant will fit so well into landscape design.

In winter the street dies, but it reproduces very easily and grows so quickly that already in May you can see its lush lashes in flower beds and various figured design incarnations.

Separately, it should be noted healing properties"Zebrin's Tradescantia". Traditional healers America widely uses this plant along with the legendary aloe. They share most of their medicinal properties, but aloe does not contain insulin-substituting substances, and Zebrina has enough of them to treat diabetes.

“Tradescantia Zebrina” has long been known everywhere. It has become so firmly established in homes and loved by flower growers that it is no longer possible to imagine houses and parks without it.

: will become pale, lethargic and soon dry up. They say that this plant has “serious” powers and can not only bring peace and tranquility to the house, but also establish friendly relations between people. It’s not surprising, since the plant is from the oldest “doctor’s” family, and its close relatives (tradescantia and golden mustache) have long been used in alternative medicine!

It is very good when not only aloe, Kalanchoe, or, but also other “healers” live in the house. Although there is something to fall in love with zebrina: its original striped leaves are worthy of attention! They come in narrow and wide, gray and brown, pink and green... Breeders even joke: “The zebra is striped more than a zebra and a mattress.” Previously a plant often confused with Tradescantia, I have heard the expression “Tradescantia-zebrina” more than once, but this is just a misconception.

Zebrina species

Zebrina came to us from the humid tropics, where only 5 species are found. Only two got along: the “hanging zebra” and the “purple zebra”.

Zebrina hanging: the leaves are reddish-green on top, their back side is purple-red. There are two silver stripes on the front side. The flowers of this species are small, pink, violet or purple.

Zebrina purpusa: It is difficult for a non-professional to distinguish them, since the stripes of the “purpusa” are not so clear, but slightly blurred. The leaf itself is reddish-olive in color, the flowers are lavender.

Both zebrins are unpretentious, their care is identical, so I don’t advise you to bother identifying the species: what’s the difference?

Zebrina care

Selecting a location. If you have previously grown tradescantia, then you can handle zebrina. The plants are similar, but zebrina, thanks to its bizarre stripes, looks more interesting. Perhaps the only difficulty is choosing the right lighting (location). If you put it in the sun, the leaves will burn, in the shadow the stripes disappear somewhere... Optimally - diffused sunlight. Place it next to orchids, you can't go wrong!

Nutrition . From March to August every two weeks. BUT! Add fertilizing carefully; too much of it will cause the zebra leaves to lose their richness.

In the warm season, the flower actively increases its vegetative mass. At first, the zebrina grows upward, but then, gradually, begins to hang down, forming hanging plant. In addition, the flower is ground cover, that is, it gradually fills the entire pot, the stems intertwine, and a whole bush grows from a small sprout.

Soil, planting container. The soil is commercially suitable, drainage is required. If you can, buy a wider pot, the zebra loves it and creates a whole green fountain!

Watering, air humidity. You need to water moderately, but do not dry out the soil. The frequency is approximately the same as when watering, and. The plant simply needs moist air, feel free to spray it. - (in the shade), let it breathe freshness!

Reproduction. It's very, very easy! Just break it off apical stalk(or whichever one you liked) and root in water. Without a root, this is unnecessary: ​​the roots will appear anyway.

Transfer. According to the rules, it is needed once every 2 years. But I don’t do this, because I don’t see the point: after a year or two, the zebrina stretches out and all the “beauty” remains only on the lower shoots, while the roots lose their attractiveness. In general, it needs to be rejuvenated. Haircut, pruning or rooting new cuttings are the main methods.

Pestsand diseases. It is subject to both the first and the second. React in a timely manner and such a fate will not befall you! And one more thing... Cats love zebrafish very much! They simply eat its leaves, so take care of the flower from the “mustachioed-striped” apartment dwellers.

Botanical characteristics

Tradescantia zebrina, translated as Tradescantia zebrina, is an indoor plant with sharp leaves, oval shape, leaves about five centimeters in size, they are located on hanging stems. On top, their color is pale greenish with some silvery sheen, and there are longitudinal purple stripes. The flowers are small and white or reddish-pink.


The plant is an indoor plant; it can be seen in the apartments of many gardeners. It is valued for its beauty and abundant trailing foliage.

Growing zebrina

In winter, the plant needs a cool temperature, but not lower than seven degrees. It should be occasionally moistened by regular spraying from a special container in the form of a spray bottle with irrigation.

The lighting should not be intense, but weak light is also unacceptable, in this case the striped pattern on the leaves will not be so pronounced, it will become faded and pale. In winter, moderate watering is needed, unlike in summer. Feeding with fertilizers must be carried out from the beginning of spring until autumn inclusive.

Zebrina should be cared for in a timely manner, since with unlimited growth it becomes untidy, the leaves may turn brown, and if bad conditions As they grow, they will shrink and dry out. They should be trimmed, unattractive and deformed shoots removed, as a result, new strong stems will begin to form from the base.

Part used

Zebrina uses grass, that is, stems together with leaves. They are cut and prepared into potions that are considered medicinal.

Applications of Tradescantia zebrina

Tradescantia uses shoots and leaves for treatment. The prepared preparations have antimicrobial, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, and hemostatic effects; in addition, they are used if diabetes mellitus.

Infusion recipe for diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is common, it affects many people, in this case, first of all, you should visit an endocrinologist, and if he approves, then you can use Tradescantia zebrina and prepare a healing infusion from it.

Preparing the infusion will not take much time, and also, this procedure is not particularly complicated. You will need boiling water and raw materials for this medicinal herb. Pour 30 grams of chopped fresh herb into a clean bowl; it is better to grind it in a mortar until smooth.

Next, pour a glass of boiling water into the prepared herbal gruel, stir the contents, then cover the container, leave for an hour, then strain the solution. Use gauze, you can filter the infusion well through it, after which the cake can be removed.

Take a healing infusion of Tradescantia, one-third of a glass three times a day; it is recommended to use the drug half an hour before meals. The course of such treatment is two weeks, then a seven-day break, and repeat the therapy again.

Let me remind you once again about the need to visit an endocrinologist; I warn you against self-treatment.

Recipe for flatulence

Tradescantia zebrina can help with intestinal bloating, namely, an infusion prepared from it. Try this recipe and see how it works for yourself. So, stock up on fresh herbs of this plant, first grind it into a homogeneous pulp, then put it in a thermos.

Next, boil water and take 200 milliliters of it. Pour boiling water into a thermos, tightly close the container with the lid supplied, shake the container, and leave to steep for at least 120 minutes. Then strain the solution through a sieve, or use a gauze cloth and squeeze out the settled raw materials.

Take the resulting infusion a third of a glass when there is bloating in the intestines, do not forget to warm the drug to a slightly warm state, drink it three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Juice recipe

For periodontal disease, you can use juice from Tradescantia zebrina. Pick a few stems of the plant and grind them in a meat grinder, you can do this twice, which will yield more juice. Next, rub it into your gums two or three times a day, but first visit your dentist; you may need medications, which should not be neglected.

Zebrina juice does not last long in the refrigerator, no more than two days, then you should prepare a fresh potion and use it, since an expired product will not have a positive effect.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis

You will need fresh zebrina leaves, wash them, then dry them thoroughly, and only then mash them not very finely. Apply the resulting healing mass to the damaged surface of the skin, then cover with a layer of gauze, and after three or four hours, wash off the composition.

Before carrying out this procedure, consult a vascular surgeon; after his consent, you can begin to use zebrina and prepare a drug from it.


Tradescantia zebrina can only be used after consultation with a competent doctor; you should not prepare the medicine yourself, as it can harm your health. Remember about complex treatment, it is necessary to use both medications and medicinal herbs.

With the right approach to the disease, with the participation of a qualified doctor, you can count on successful treatment for existing diseases.