Useful information about air conditioners. What is the difference between a monoblock and a split system and what is better to choose?

If a person thinks about how to improve the climatic conditions in his home or office, then a dilemma will arise about what is better - an air conditioner or a split system. This happens because each of these types of equipment has both its advantages and disadvantages - that is ideal option No.

But studying the characteristics and features of each of them will help solve the problem of choice.

At their core, air conditioners and split systems are two varieties of the same type of popular climate control equipment. That is, they are designed to solve the same problems, and the principle of their operation is similar.

The only difference is that the air conditioner is monoblock, that is, its body is one block, and each split system offered to customers consists of two parts. Moreover, they are always placed in different places - one of them is installed outside the heated room, and the second inside.

Since the functionality of monoblock models and split systems is similar, they are all capable of effectively cooling the air in living, working and any other relatively small premises. At the same time, the air is dehumidified. It is necessary to ensure sufficient comfort in the room and prevent the development of bacteria.

Wall-mounted indoor split system unit ensures uniform distribution warm air

Also for today important feature air conditioners, split systems have become universal. As a result, heating with accompanying dehumidification may not be the only function available to the user.

Therefore, anyone can purchase a unit that additionally provides ventilation and filtration.

However, you should know that the listed functions for both varieties can be considered no more than additional. Since there are a number of operational restrictions. For example, the ventilation mode is optimally used only in winter period, if warm air accumulates at the top and is cold near the floor.

Filtration often allows you to deal only with dust, but increasingly manufacturers are equipping their products with:

  • ionizers- designed to destroy bacteria, purify the air from odors and other contaminants;
  • filters fine cleaning - they serve to clean the air from various allergens, mold, etc.

But only air conditioners belonging to the most expensive category, which are not affordable for everyone, will still be able to compare in efficiency with air purifiers.

There are most models on the market related to split systems. You can install such equipment in an apartment room multi-storey building, cottage or country estate

And all models related to the specified types of equipment are household ones. That is, they are used for cooling apartments, small shops, restaurants, private houses, offices. For air treatment in large rooms, units of a completely different class are used, which are considered professional.

Types of modern air conditioners

If a potential buyer needs to understand the question of what is better - a monoblock air conditioner or a split system consisting of several parts, then he should start by becoming familiar with the types of this equipment. And quite a lot of them have been created for convenience.

Split systems are further divided into:

  • cassette- mounted in the interceiling space;
  • duct– they are installed between the main and suspended ceilings and allow you to cool the air in several necessary rooms at once;
  • wall-mounted- the name indicates the main feature;
  • floor- unlike all kinds of wall-mounted models, they allow you to avoid exposure to direct air flows on people in the room. In addition, this type of equipment distributes the cooled masses more evenly, which is a significant advantage.

Ducted units owe the peculiarity of their operation to channels distributed in adjacent rooms. These are ordinary corrugated pipes, with the help of which warm masses are selected and cold ones are supplied. The equipment allows air conditioning of a multi-room apartment, large office, etc.

If there is a need to process air in several rooms, then it is logical to use efficient multi-split systems. Their peculiarity is that any number of internal ones are connected to one external unit. Moreover, they can be of different power, brand, and located at different distances from the outer part of the system.

The air duct of the duct split system is circled in red, and the indoor unit itself may be located in the next room

At the same time, there is an important drawback, in the form of the same single external block. So, if it breaks down, then the entire air conditioning system created by the owners of the premises fails.

Monoblock air conditioners are divided into:

  1. Mobile- the most popular equipment of this type.
  2. Window- they have already served their purpose, so this variety is represented in the lines of only a few manufacturers that are not among the top ones. The reasons for its unpopularity are low efficiency and low thermal insulation of the room, where outside air enters through the design of the product.

As a result, the monoblock type today is represented mainly by mobile air conditioners, compact and mounted on wheels. Therefore, they are convenient to move or transport anywhere. This is their main feature.

Comparison of the most important characteristics

Although many have been listed above common features, but constructive nuances have an impact. Therefore, both varieties have a number of characteristics unique to their species, both positive and negative.

Performance for efficient cooling

Monoblock products are designed for air conditioning rooms with an area of ​​15-35 square meters. m. And models related to split systems are more powerful, which gives them the ability to cope with the same work in rooms reaching 50-80 sq. m. m. Although most of them are also designed to work in small areas.

The monoblock air conditioner fits perfectly into the interior and does not take up much space. But its most sought-after characteristic is mobility.

This leads to the conclusion: monoblock air conditioners should be purchased only for cooling air in small living rooms, kitchens, offices, and commercial premises. Whereas split systems can operate effectively in a wider range of areas. This factor is important to consider when choosing.

Noisiness is the main drawback

The superior performance of split systems occurs because the noisiest part of their design, called the compressor, is located outdoors. Therefore, manufacturers can provide models belonging to this variety with any required power, and without the risk of reducing the comfort of people’s lives.

As for monoblock products, the compressor making noise due to design features is located inside the building, and therefore in a residential or office space. As a result, designers are limited in their ability to increase their productivity, which leads to an increase in noise and sound pressure.

Such discomfort will interfere with living a peaceful life, reading a book, working, and will certainly harm your health. This is a pressing problem, and it is reflected in the legislative acts of all post-Soviet countries.

As a result, monoblock units are inferior to their two-block counterparts not only in power, which is not critical, but also in noise. The last point is fundamental for many potential buyers who make a choice in favor of models of one or another type of air conditioner.

Window air conditioners are also monoblock, but today they are not in demand, so they are rare

But you shouldn’t make a premature decision, since the noise level of monoblock air conditioners is simply slightly higher than that of split systems, but it is within the limits common sense and various regulations.

Therefore, it all depends on the person’s personal perception and it is recommended to simply make a comparison. Although the clear advantage in this matter belongs to two-block units.

Functionality: no clear leader

Split systems are often equipped with various additional equipment, for example, ionizers, effective filters, various control sensors, etc. And they have additional functions that make the work better and less energy-consuming.

Yet, most often, opponents of monoblock air conditioners complained about such inconveniences as the need to drain condensate manually. In some cases this operation had to be performed every 3 hours.

In addition, there was insufficient accuracy in monitoring indoor climate conditions, which led to mediocre quality of implementation of the established program.

But today it is no longer uncommon to find models of monoblock air conditioners that are devoid of the listed disadvantages. They can independently remove moisture to the heat exchanger, so you no longer need to devote time to the air conditioner every few hours.

In a monoblock air conditioner, only the air duct is in contact with the outside air, which adds reliability to the product

And also in recent years, the quality of room temperature control has significantly improved; as a result, the errors of models from leading manufacturers have become insignificant. For example, Electrolux monoblock air conditioners have long had deviations within 1 °C, which is quite decent.

If a potential buyer plans to use the equipment throughout the year, including for heating, then you should pay attention to the availability of such an opportunity. Since heating using split systems is recommended only in spring-autumn period, or more precisely, up to -5 °C.

Therefore, in most cases, an air conditioner will not replace the main types of heating (centralized or autonomous system).

You can ignore the stated rule that in the worst case, everything will end in failure when starting in severe frost. If the outcome is favorable, the unit will be able to survive only 2-3 winters, which is not enough, given the cost of modern air conditioners. The reason for the short service life will be increased wear of the loaded parts of the compressor.

Additional equipment will help to avoid such problems, but even this will not prevent a decrease in power by 3 times in twenty-degree frost. This will make the system ineffective.

Monoblock air conditioners do not have this feature - they are always indoors. And for heating, built-in ceramic heaters are used that do not burn oxygen.

As a conclusion, we can point out that the buyer should take into account the following feature: the clear advantage of split systems appears only in the segment of the most technologically advanced, and, therefore, expensive products. Therefore, if you have the money to buy a unit with self-cleaning functions, climate control and others, then it is better to buy a split system.

If you don’t want to spend money on all the latest features, then the functionality will be of a similar level. Therefore, it will be necessary to make a choice based on other advantages and disadvantages.

Reliability and mobility of devices

It would seem that structurally similar and equally functional products should have similar reliability. This is true, but the external units of absolutely all split systems operate in a more aggressive environment, which significantly reduces the durability of these products. Still, this is a natural process and there is nothing to complain about.

The external block of any model is rigidly attached to the external wall, and the internal block to the wall or floor. It turns out that every product belonging to this type is purely stationary.

This is a significant difference from most monoblock air conditioners, which designers install on rollers. As a result, the owner can always move it to the desired corner or even another room, if there is a possibility of exhausting hot air there. This will help not only to obtain high-quality cooling, but also to save money.

For example, split systems can make the climate comfortable in only one room. If you need to cool the air in adjacent parts of the building, you need to buy additional air conditioners.

But monoblock products can be transported from the kitchen to the bedroom and other rooms. True, this is not entirely convenient - it is only suitable as an economy option.

This is how heat is removed from the room when a monoblock air conditioner is operating. These temporary inconveniences should be taken into account when allocating space

Monoblock air conditioners also have a significant limitation in the form of a flexible hose leading into a slightly open window or a hole in the wall. It is impossible to do without this element, since it is designed to remove hot air outside the room.

As a result, monoblock products, according to many users, are considered only conditionally mobile. However, this is not an obstacle to transporting them to the dacha, when transporting them to another rented apartment.

Split systems are also mobile, but the insignificant volumes of their sales, as well as the reluctance of most manufacturers to develop such equipment, indicate its unpopularity.

About the cost of installation work

Today, installing a split system is not a cheap pleasure. Even when there are no particular difficulties for performing this operation, you will have to part with an impressive sum, equal to 20-30% of the cost of the purchased product.

You can save money by entrusting the work to non-professionals, but this is fraught, since durability depends on the correct installation, and significantly.

Installation of the external unit of a split system is a complicated and therefore expensive procedure. But you shouldn’t save on it - it can turn into big problems

Owners of monoblock air conditioners do not have installation problems. Since it will work anywhere it is installed. But with one limitation - it is necessary to ensure that the flexible pipe through which hot air is transported is removed outside the home or office.

To do this, they make a hole in the wall or window, which is also an additional expense, although in this case everything is simpler and cheaper.

These works can be replaced with a cover made of dense polyester fabrics, such as polyester. It is quickly and easily placed between the window frame and any of its sash installed for ventilation. Then a hose is attached to the hole to remove air.

This is what the room looks like where the indoor unit of any split system is installed. Therefore, it is advisable to plan the installation at the same time as the repair

Often, owners of monoblock air conditioners get out of the situation by leading the pipe directly into a slightly open window. Such a solution can only be considered as temporary, because it will significantly cool the air, but at a significantly higher cost of electricity, which is unprofitable.

For comparison: this is often how a monoblock mobile air conditioner is “mounted”, although this is not the most economical way

In this category, despite all the limitations and difficulties, monoblock air conditioners clearly have an advantage. This means that owners of such products significantly save money at the stage of purchasing and installing the selected unit.

The importance of design when choosing a device

A monoblock air conditioner is most often a structure with a height of within 70 cm, the width of most models does not exceed 40 cm.

The design of the internal units of a split system is very diverse, as they come in different thicknesses and lengths. If necessary, you can even hide such a device. Manufacturers offer a wide range of body colors.

The design of the internal units of split systems is much more diverse; this design element can even be hidden

In practice, buyers do not have any special requirements - most often they purchase classic white products that easily fit into any home, office, or store environment.

Still, a person with a special taste is better off choosing a split system due to the greater variety of design solutions.

When Vandals Cause Problems

People living or working on the lower floors of buildings should take into account that external units located within the reach of vandals often suffer from their actions.

To prevent damage to the equipment, it should be placed as high as possible if the neighbors do not mind this. It is possible to provide for protective structures. Which means additional costs.

How to decide on equipment?

When it is difficult for the future owner of an air conditioner to make a choice climate control technology, then you need to take a sheet of paper and indicate on it all the necessary parameters.

And then choose the most suitable type of equipment for them. Then select the model that belongs to the desired type.

The procedure may take several steps. First you need to determine the exact area of ​​the room in which the air conditioner will cool the air. If it is up to 35-40 sq. m, then the right type you will have to choose further.

If the area is larger then optimal solution There will only be a split system, since it is unlikely that a person will find a monoblock air conditioner with the required power.

Residents of the lower floors will need to protect their property from vandals and thieves. Damage to equipment is not uncommon

Secondly, the issue of noise needs to be resolved - it is relevant for most buyers, so it is not advisable to put it off. Why do you have to go to retail stores, to friends and compare sound pressure indicators? different models to understand whether noisier monoblock products are suitable or opt for quiet split systems.

If the final choice has not been made at this point, then you need to pay attention to the desired functionality air conditioner When it comes to premium characteristics, you will need a split system.

If you don’t want to spend money on installation, anti-vandalism, or canopies that protect the air conditioner from moisture, you should choose a monoblock model.

When the choice is still not made, additional arguments will have to be used. For example, it may be a suitable design. You need to understand that in the case when the model must be mobile, then the question of choice should only end with the acquisition of a suitable monoblock model. This applies to buyers renting housing, commercial premises, and summer residents.

There is no alternative to people living in buildings classified as historical heritage by the authorities who will have to refuse to purchase a split system. Since spoiling their facades and other walls is not the best idea.

The possible complexity of choice indicates that no one type of equipment has clear advantages over another. This is confirmed by statistics: more often people buy split systems, but this advantage is far from overwhelming.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video attached below will help potential buyers quickly figure out which type of air conditioner will be preferable for them.

The video provides an overview of the capabilities of a compact split system:

Today, mobile monoblock air conditioners, like split systems, are effective equipment that can cool the required volume of air and perform a number of additional functions. And if necessary, it will do all this automatically. But each of these types has a number of advantages and disadvantages, taking into account which potential buyers should choose the optimal model.

The principle of operation, like a split system or a monoblock, is the same - it is air conditioning in the room. Their job is to pump refrigerant from one unit to another using a compressor.

In the first block (evaporator), freon becomes gaseous, and the air is cooled, and in the other block, called the condenser, the refrigerant freon again turns into liquid, giving away what was previously obtained from indoor unit warm.

It is they, monoblock or multiblock air conditioners, that is, split systems, that are most in demand among the population today. We’ll talk about them in our article: which one should you give preference to, which air conditioner should you choose and why?

About split air conditioning systems.

A split system is a unit consisting of two separate blocks connected to each other by means of sealed copper tubes with freon refrigerant circulating through them.

The external unit of the split system is installed using a bracket on the external facade of the house and includes a fan, compressor and condenser.

The internal unit of the system is hung on the wall inside the room. As a rule, he small sizes, With good design and fits into the interior of any room.

The indoor unit is structurally ceiling, floor and wall. It is the wall-mounted version of split systems that consumers most often love. Modern split systems can both heat and cool the air, and also use special filters to clean it from dust and dirt.

Functionally, they can even maintain a certain humidity in the room, specified by the consumer, using their dehumidification mode. This mode is adjustable for humidity within 30 - 60%. Modern split systems do not even disturb sleep, having the “night mode” function, when the noise level of the indoor unit is minimal, and, accordingly, the energy consumption is minimal.

The split system is controlled using a remote control, which is very practical and profitable.

The price range of modern split systems depends on the area of ​​the room that they can cool. Their cheapest options are designed for an area of ​​15 - 20 square meters. meters with a power of about 2 kW cost approximately 10 thousand rubles. More powerful and functionally richer split systems are designed for a room area of ​​about 40 square meters. meters. You are unlikely to be able to purchase them for less than 30 thousand rubles. Now let's move on to the characteristics of monoblock air conditioners.

Monoblock air conditioners.

Regarding the designs, this is a block with a base of 49x49 cm and a height of about 70 cm. The composition of the monoblock filling is approximately the same as that of two split system blocks combined. A monoblock air conditioner, except for a window one, which is built into the window opening, does not hang anywhere and, having wheels, can be moved by the owner in Right place its location. Warm air from it is removed through a special plume (pipe with a diameter of 10 - 15 cm) outside the room through a window or a specially made hole in the wall.

Functionally, monoblock air conditioners are almost no different from split systems. They also have appropriate incoming air filters and a remote control remote control. A mode of dehumidification or humidification of the air is also possible, and accordingly there is also a container for water, and there is also a night (quiet) mode for the functioning of the monoblock. Monoblock air conditioners can also heat rooms during the cold season.

The main and most significant difference between a monoblock air conditioner and a split system is that the maximum allowable air conditioning area of ​​a monoblock is up to 35 sq. meters. The production line of monoblock air conditioners according to the possible air-conditioning area of ​​rooms is 35, 30, 25, 20 and 15 square meters. meters.

Literally now the production of a hybrid split system and monoblock has begun. This hybrid is a mobile air conditioner on wheels with the difference that instead of a hose for removing hot air outside the room, there is another small compact external “unit”, usually installed on brackets or belts, outside the window.

Structurally, something similar to a mini split air conditioning system was created. Hybrid air conditioners are already capable of operating efficiently in rooms up to 60 square meters. meters.

Regarding the cost, the price range of monoblock air conditioners is in the range of 15 - 35 thousand rubles.

If we talk about noise, then the noise of the monoblock is higher than that of a split system, since the fan of the split system is located in its external unit on the street.

The main disadvantage of split systems, besides their slightly higher price range than monoblocks, is the complexity of their installation. By the way, regarding the cost of installing split systems, the price for their installation reaches almost a third of their price and can even reach 7 - 8 thousand rubles.


So what is preferable, a split system or a monoblock, what should you choose, constancy or mobility? Even experts cannot give a definitive answer. Each design of this type of indoor climate control equipment is good in its own way, and what you choose is up to you and only you!!!

Should you choose a classic monoblock air conditioner or a split system? Let's understand all the features of these devices and their functionality.


Monoblock air conditioners are equipment in which everything technical elements(evaporator, condenser) are located in one housing. This makes the design of the device simple and inexpensive. It is also important that installation of monoblocks is inexpensive and quite simple.

The following types of air conditioners are distinguished:

  1. Window models mounted on a wall or in a window. Such devices are capable of introducing air from outside. The disadvantages of monoblocks window type include a reduction in the transparent area of ​​the window and, as a result, the illumination of the premises.
  1. Mobile devices great for country houses and dachas. They are convenient to transport by car and can be installed in any room. At the same time, you always save on installation. The mobile air conditioner purifies the air in two streams. Cold air remains in the room, and hot air is expelled outside. Periodically (every few hours) it is necessary to empty the container with condensate that forms during cooling. It is also worth noting that the efficiency of mobile air conditioners is less than that of split systems.

  1. Rooftop air conditioners classified as industrial installations. They are designed to maintain a comfortable temperature in large rooms. The main advantages of such devices include:

· no need to lay additional freon routes;

· low noise characteristics;

· remote control;

· full-fledged automation systems.

The impressive weight imposes some restrictions on the installation of these air conditioners.

Monoblock and split system refer to air conditioning devices in enclosed spaces in the mode automatic control parameters of the internal atmosphere: cleanliness, relative humidity and temperature.

Types and principles of operation of air conditioners

The main task of an air conditioner is to cool the atmosphere of the room; other functions are designed to create additional favorable conditions.

Floor-standing monoblock works on the principle of evaporation

Monoblock (from one module). All elements are located in a single housing. Depending on their location, there are window, wall and mobile air conditioners. Window worked on the principle of evaporation, they were installed in the window opening. With the advent plastic windows this equipment was no longer used.

Wall The monoblock is of the compression type: it consists of an evaporator and an air blower. For installation, you need to punch two holes outward - for the influx of fresh air and the removal of hot air from the condenser.

Mobile or floor standing Compression air conditioners and chillers operate on the principle of evaporation. No installation is required: the heated air exhaust hose is directed into a window or hole in the wall.

Split systems according to the method of action, compression. Divided into 2 modules connected to each other by an electrical cable and pipes for refrigerant flow. The external unit serves to discharge heat to the street and is located on the outside of the wall. It contains a freon cooling condenser, fan and compressor. The internal part of the split system can be wall-mounted, floor-mounted, ceiling-mounted or mobile – the first option is in greatest demand.

The functionality of the air conditioner allows you to cool and heat the air, clean it of dust and street gases, and maintain humidity in a set range. The design is controlled by a remote control.

The principle of operation of a monoblock and a split system is the same - bringing the air in the apartment to condition. The process involves pumping freon from one chamber to another.

Cold by evaporation

Principle of operation:

  • air penetrates through the cartridge;
  • heat from the incoming flow is directed to the working grids;
  • drops of water evaporate from the heated element, the temperature drops, and the air leaving the air conditioner becomes cold.

Simple coolers operate on the principle of evaporation; their power is determined by the humidity of the incoming flow: in a dry environment, water evaporates more easily and the device operates more efficiently. Hot summer with high humidity The performance of the evaporative air conditioner drops to almost zero.

Compression temperature reduction

The principle of temperature reduction is identical to the processes occurring in refrigeration chamber. Main elements: compressor, condenser, evaporator.

The entire system operates in a closed mode - freon circulates through copper or aluminum tubes between the functional parts, which transfers heat from room air out. The principle is based on the property of a liquid refrigerant to boil and turn into gas at a temperature of 10–20ºС, depending on the pressure in the system.

Principle of operation:

  • the evaporator is under low pressure, freon is transferred from the liquid phase to a gaseous state and takes heat from the incoming air stream;
  • the heated refrigerant vapor enters the compressor through the tubes, pressure is built up, due to which the boiling point of freon increases, the gas passes into the initial liquid state;
  • the evaporator receives the condensed heat carrier of the second circle, hot air is pumped outside by means of a fan.

By cyclically changing the refrigerant pressure in the tubes, the temperature of the freon and the room air through it is controlled. The efficiency of this cooling method is higher than evaporative cooling.

Air Conditioner Differences

The difference between a split system and a monoblock:

  • Number of execution modules. A monoblock has one unit, a split system has two, internal and external.
  • Noise level. The split system is almost inaudible in the room, since the energy-intensive unit is located on the outside of the wall, and the internal module is much quieter than an air conditioner with a single housing.
  • Removing condensation. The split system independently drains water to the street through a drainage pipe. In a monoblock, moisture accumulates in a container inside the device; it must be dried manually.

The range of functions of air conditioners is practically the same: cooling, heating, and air filtration are provided.


The split system allows you to regulate the temperature with an accuracy of 1 degree

Air conditioners are constantly being improved. In addition to adjusting the temperature in the room, there are new possibilities for increasing comfort. Additional functions:

  • Auto mode. The device itself controls the mode selection and maintains the temperature at a comfortable level.
  • Ventilation. Only the indoor unit fan works, the compressor is turned off. There is a uniform distribution of air masses in the room.
  • Setting the temperature. Control accuracy ±1ºС in the range of 16–30ºС. The sensor is installed in the indoor unit or in the remote control.
  • The rotation speed of the fan impeller changes the amount of flow passing through the internal module and determines the performance of the air conditioner in m3/h. The minimum flow rate for room coolers is 5 m3 per hour, the maximum is up to 60 m3 per hour.
  • The air flow direction can be adjusted vertically using horizontal blinds. The plates are fixed in several positions or automatically swing, distributing the air evenly.

When purchasing an air conditioner, the consumer selects the optimal number of functions to create the most suitable climate and level of comfort.

What to consider when choosing

It is impossible to answer unequivocally which is better, a split system or a monoblock. The determining factor is usually the price of the product: monoblocks are much cheaper. Be sure to take into account the conditions in which the climate control equipment will operate:

  • number of windows, their material and sizes;
  • purpose of the room - a common room or a children's room;
  • condition of heating devices, location;
  • the side facing the windows.

When choosing an air conditioner, you should consider the floor. The final cost of installing the device depends on this: the higher, the more complex the installation and the more expensive the work.


In this review, we will look at best models monoblock air conditioners. Let's get acquainted with their characteristics, find out how much they cost, consider their positive and negative sides. We will select the optimal models in terms of price/quality ratio.

Make sure that in separate parts buildings installed domestic air conditioners, not difficult at all. Just look at its façade. External blocks are massive units located in close proximity to the windows. In general, they spoil the appearance of the building and negatively affect the architectural attractiveness. In buildings of historical value, it is prohibited by law to display such devices on public display. In such conditions, monoblock air conditioners come to the aid of those wishing to create a favorable microclimate inside.

What is a monoblock air conditioner?

This is climate control equipment, where the compressor, condenser, and air cooler are located in a single unit housing. According to the type of execution, they are divided into stationary and mobile. The first ones are installed in a window opening or mounted on the wall next to the window, bringing out the air intake tubes included in the kit. The latter are equipped with wheels and they can move around the room, limited in distance by the length of communications. To exhaust warm air into the external environment, a flexible corrugated pipe is used, the usual length of which is no more than 2 m.

How to choose

Modern manufacturers produce climate control equipment with elegant design. They do not spoil the interior and do not “take away” the space of the room.

When choosing a monoblock air conditioner, pay attention to the power. It must correspond to the area of ​​the room. Additional heat is generated by electrical appliances, as well as people. If the device is purchased for a company office with a large number of employees, the power of the air conditioner should be increased.

There is a peculiarity in installing a monoblock air conditioner: it is necessary to drill holes for the air duct pipes (if the unit is not planned to be mounted in a window opening). The holes are made by diamond drilling. Subsequent installation of the air conditioner on the wall above or below the window is carried out using a mounting plate, which is also included in the kit. This achieves a compact built-in arrangement that will be unnoticeable from outside building.

General advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of a monoblock air conditioner:

  • Absence of a block on the facade;
  • Installation in a room with already installed major repairs;
  • Possibility of installation in places where it is impossible to install a split system;
  • There are no communications with the refrigerant;
  • Easy installation;
  • Electronic control and monitoring.

Air conditioners are equipped with basic cleaning filters that must be replaced from time to time.

The main disadvantage of the monoblock is considered to be the increased noise level compared to other types of models, where the external unit along with the engine is moved outside. However, manufacturers manage to maintain parameters of no more than 50 dB, which is quite comfortable for others.

My rating of the best monoblocks

  1. Zanussi ZACM-07 MP-III/N1.
  2. Ballu BPAC-09 CM.
  3. Electrolux EACM-10HR/N3.

Mobile monoblock air conditioner: Zanussi ZACM-07 MP-III/N1

Characteristics of Zanussi ZACM-07 MP-III/N1

Serviced area 20 sq. m
Energy class A
Basic modes cooling
Maximum air flow 5.5 cu. m/min
Power in cooling mode 2050 W
780 W
Power Supply indoor unit
Mode supply ventilation No
Additional modes ventilation mode (without cooling and heating), automatic temperature maintenance, self-diagnosis of faults, night mode
Drying mode There is
There is
On/off timer There is
no data / 46 dB
Refrigerant type R 410A
Phase single-phase
There is
Other functions and features ability to adjust air flow direction, memory function, motion sensor
35.4x69.8x34 cm
Indoor unit weight 20 kg

Pros and cons of Zanussi ZACM-07 MP-III/N1


  1. compact monoblock.
  2. powerful.
  3. Installs easily.


  1. At maximum mode it is a little noisy.

Video review of Zanussi ZACM-07 MP-III/N1

Review from YaM about Zanussi ZACM-07 MP-III/N1

The year before last I bought an air conditioner to use at the dacha. A practical device that fully meets my needs. Does not require additional maintenance due to automatic evaporation of condensate. The settings are saved, there is a night mode and a timer.

Mobile monoblock air conditioner: Ballu BPAC-09 CM

Characteristics of Ballu BPAC-09 CM

Type air conditioner: mobile monoblock
Energy class A
Basic modes cooling
Maximum air flow 5.5 cu. m/min
Cooling capacity 9000 BTU
Power in cooling mode 2638 W
Cooling power consumption 950 W
Power Supply indoor unit
Supply ventilation mode No
Additional modes ventilation mode (without cooling and heating)
Remote control No
On/off timer No
Indoor unit noise level (min/max) 45 / 51 dB
Refrigerant type R 410A
Phase single-phase
Fine air filters No
Fan speed adjustment There is
Other functions and features possibility of adjusting the direction of air flow, function of remembering settings
Additional Information “easy window” system (fixing the warm air outlet to any windows, without purchasing additional accessories); mechanical control; weight 26 kg
Indoor unit of a split system or mobile air conditioner (WxHxD) 27x69.5x48 cm
Outdoor unit of split system or window air conditioner (WxHxD) No

Pros and cons of Ballu BPAC-09 CM


  1. price.
  2. 4 ventilation modes.
  3. automatic adjustment of air flow direction.


  1. cooling ability is low.
  2. only two airflow modes.

Video review of Ballu BPAC-09 CM

Review from Yam about Ballu BPAC-09 CM

I bought it for 12,000 including delivery and tips to the courier.
They brought it.
I took it out, installed it, and had to tinker with the corrugation to insert it into the adapters. 15 minutes.
Turned it on - it works.
It must be borne in mind that the compressor does not turn on immediately for cooling. This model does not have a remote control, mechanical control - 4 buttons: fan + cold strong / fan + cold weak / fan strong / fan weak.
Plus tank full indicator. Now it’s 25 C outside, but the room cooled down a little in half an hour.
The kit includes an adapter for the window, but it is for sliding types. But it might come in handy. It makes sense to cut out an insert for the window from cardboard and have a hole in it for the corrugation. Conclusion: the model is worthy for its money.
Yes, this is not a split, but for rented apartments and in order to put it in a certain place for a certain time, it’s just right.
PS: I also looked into the possibility of buying an air conditioner - don’t be fooled, they humidify and clean the air, but they won’t provide cooling.

Mobile monoblock air conditioner: Electrolux EACM-10HR/N3

Characteristics Electrolux EACM-10HR/N3

Type air conditioner: mobile monoblock
Serviced area 25 sq. m
Energy class A
Basic modes cooling/heating
Maximum air flow 6.83 cc m/min
Cooling capacity 10000 BTU
Power in cooling/heating mode 2930 / 2780 W
Heating/Cooling Power Consumption 840 / 1080 W
Power Supply indoor unit
Supply ventilation mode No
Additional modes ventilation (without cooling and heating), automatic temperature maintenance, self-diagnosis of faults, night
Drying mode yes, up to 1.25 l/h
Remote control There is
On/off timer There is
Phase single-phase
Fine air filters No
Fan speed adjustment yes, number of speeds - 3
Other functions and features settings memory function
Indoor unit of a split system or mobile air conditioner (WxHxD) 48x79.5x40 cm
Outdoor unit of split system or window air conditioner (WxHxD) No
Indoor unit weight 27 kg

Pros and cons of Electrolux EACM-10HR/N3


  1. powerful monoblock.
  2. long corrugation.
  3. price.
  4. low energy consumption.
  5. Automatic condensate removal.


  1. The compressor noise is very loud.

Video review of Electrolux EACM-10HR/N3

Review from Yam about Electrolux EACM-10HR/N3

Saved a lot of time, because there was no need to select a location, do installation, or clean up after work. It is convenient that depending on the weather it works for heating or cooling. In spring and autumn, a dehumidification function is not superfluous. There are several fan speeds, but when switching them the device is also quiet.

Comparison of monoblock air conditioners

Zanussi ZACM-07 MP-III/N1 Ballu BPAC-09 CM Electrolux EACM-10HR/N3
Price from 14,000 rubles from 13,000 rubles from 16,500 rubles
Cooling/heating cooling cooling cooling/heating
Automatic temperature maintenance -
Night mode -
Cooling Power (W) 2050 2638 2930
Heating power (W) - - 2780
Dehumidification mode -
Maximum air flow (m³/min) 5.5 5.5 6.83
Self-diagnosis -
Cooling power consumption (W) 780 950 1080
Heating power consumption (W) - - 840
Remote control -
On/off timer -
Adjusting the air flow direction -
Minimum noise level (dB) - 45 44
Maximum noise level (dB) 46 51 -