Shelf above the school desk. Workplace at home for a schoolchild: organizational features, requirements and recommendations. Sewing workstation

Today, the school curriculum is such that even the youngest students have to sit at home at the table, doing homework for several hours at a time. We are not able to change the education system, but we can help our child, arrange his work area so that his studies at the table are convenient, comfortable and interesting.

Working area by the window in the nursery: photos of design options

Very often, parents are enthusiastically engaged in arranging a children's room, while resorting to implementing a wide variety of options. These options are not always correct in relation to the baby’s health, for example, if the choice of a working area for the child falls on some dark place.

The work area by the window in the nursery, photos and videos of which you will see below, very often seduces parents. They are guided by the fact that natural light is much safer for vision.

No light bulb will provide such high-quality lighting as natural sunlight. At the same time, one must also take into account the fact that daylight It is useful not only for vision, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. And the lack of daylight is especially acute for children.

The main advantages of natural light:

  • Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • Ensures the production of vitamin D in the body;
  • Maintains visual acuity;
  • Activates the body's internal, natural clock;
  • Charges with positive energy.

The location of a child's desk near the window also has a number of disadvantages that will have to be overcome. For example, the presence of radiators near the window, possible drafts, and simply the bustle of street life outside the window will distract your child from doing homework.

A desk by the window in a nursery for two children

If not one, but two schoolchildren are growing up in your home, this task is somewhat more difficult. Firstly, the question is how to arrange two desks in one room so that they look harmonious. Secondly, if this is one table, then what size should it be so that the two children can do homework together without interfering with each other.

A desk by the window in a children's room can be placed even if there are two schoolchildren in the family. Following the rules, make it at least 1.2 meters long.

In order to set up a workspace for two children by the window, you will have to make the necessary calculations and seek help from a furniture company that will help bring the right idea to life. Do not forget that along with the table, the children will need places to store school supplies. Immediately think about the presence of drawers, shelves or bedside tables at the table.

Rules that are worth considering when creating a student work area near the window:

  1. In sunny weather, you will have to use curtains or blinds to regulate the light intensity;
  2. It is better to replace the usual window sill with a tabletop, which will become a continuation of the table and expand the work area;
  3. The battery should not interfere with moving the table to the windowsill; this nuance should be taken into account when making calculations;
  4. If the table is wide enough, it will be difficult to open the window to ventilate the room.

If your children are too active and temperamental, then it is still better to organize separate work areas for them. This will avoid conflicts and improve learning productivity.

When choosing a table, chair and other accessories, in addition to the quality of these products, you simply need to take into account the age, gender, character and preferences of your child. Don't overlook the influence either color range surrounding space on the child's psyche.

The children's desk is equipped taking into account the age of the student. A corner for preschoolers, as a rule, is a short-lived phenomenon. But the design of the school zone opposite requires a careful approach.

First of all, when choosing furniture, consider the gender of the teenager. The school area for a girl and a boy will be strikingly different from the first years of school. Over time, as the child grows rapidly, school furniture may need to be replaced, so choose it according to primary school from the middle price category.

Tips for organizing a student’s work area:

  1. Green color awakens a child's interest in learning. Therefore, when decorating your work area, focus on soft shades of this particular color.
  2. Experts advise placing desk in the northeast area of ​​the room. This is where the sector of wisdom and knowledge is located.
  3. While doing homework, the child’s face should not be against the wall. This will be the personification of a dull obstacle. It is better to place the table along the window.
  4. You can move away from the template rectangular tables and purchase a desk with an original shape, design and color.
  5. A corner school table by the window is the most good option. This will help save space and rationally place shelves and all the necessary accessories, including computer accessories, next to the table.

A design approach to the design of a school work area will help stimulate the desire to acquire new knowledge.

Convenient workplace for a schoolchild: photo of arranging a nursery

The task of parents is to competently and correctly arrange the student’s workspace. Worth your time Special attention quality and environmental friendliness of the selected furniture for children's office. This will help keep your child healthy.

Workplace the schoolboy, whose photo you will see below, is designed taking into account some rules. This approach to planning a nursery will help not to disturb the child’s posture and preserve the child’s vision.

When purchasing furniture for a child, give preference natural materials. Be careful not to let out unpleasant odors. If, nevertheless, you decide to buy a table made of plastic, it would not be superfluous to ask the seller for a certificate for this product to make sure that it is safe for children.

When choosing a desk for a schoolchild, pay attention to the correspondence of the height of the desk to the child’s height:

  • Up to 130 cm height of a child, table top height is 52 cm;
  • From 130 to 145 cm, a tabletop with a height of 58 cm will be correct;
  • If the child’s height is between 145-165 cm, the height of the table top should be 64 cm;
  • A height of 165-175 cm implies a table top height of 70 cm.

When purchasing a table for a child of primary school age, during intensive growth, a big plus will be the ability to adjust the height of the tabletop. The chair can be selected separately, but its height should also be able to change. When the child is sitting, his legs should be free on the floor.

Setting up a work area for a schoolchild near the window (video)

When a child becomes a schoolchild, childhood does not end. When designing a student's work area and following strict rules, do not overdo it. Give him the opportunity to choose the design, the wallpaper of the work area, the mischievous design of the chair and small pleasant things for general work. All this will help the child painlessly get involved in routine school duties and make the learning process bright and exciting.

Natalya Kaptsova - practitioner of integral neuroprogramming, expert psychologist

Reading time: 11 minutes


A desk is the place where a student spends quite a lot of time. Here he does homework, draws, sculpts and plays other educational games. Therefore, his choice must be approached responsibly, because the child’s health and his enthusiasm for learning and other creative processes depend on it.

Types of children's desks

Many people think that choosing a desk for a child is very simple, but this opinion is wrong. And as soon as you get to the furniture store, you will see this. Desks differ from each other according to several criteria:

  • Colors. Today, tables for children are of very high quality, and their color range is simply limitless and has rather strange names, for example, “Milanese Walnut”, “Wenge”, “Italian Walnut” and others. There are also products with combined colors, for example “Wenge and Maple”. Therefore, if you wish, you can choose a desk that will fit perfectly into any interior.
  • Form. Modern market Furniture offers its consumers both classic rectangular tables and more modern ergonomic ones that can be rotated in any direction. This table can easily be placed in the corner of the room. And although this table has a slightly elongated surface, it is still quite compact.
  • Drawers and bedside tables. The more the table has these elements, the more expensive the product is. But do not forget that in the lower grades a student needs to use a variety of auxiliary materials, school and stationery supplies, which should have their place. Some models have drawers or bedside tables that can be locked with a key. Many children really like this, because this way they have a place to keep their little secrets and secrets.
  • Schoolchild's corner– this table model is equipped with cabinets, hanging shelves and drawers. Such a corner represents a single design composition, and relieves parents of the need to buy additional cabinets and shelves.
  • Table transformer. This is a great solution if you decide to buy a table for many years. In these tables you can adjust the angle of the tabletop and the height of the legs. These tables are great for little schoolchildren.

A desk is the most expensive thing that parents will purchase when preparing their child for first grade. Do right choice It is quite difficult for parents, because there is such a wide variety of tables on the market. The last thing parents of a small schoolchild need to do is pay attention to the design delights of this piece of furniture. The main priorities in choosing should be safety, environmental friendliness and convenience.

When choosing a desk for a student in grades 1-5, you need to pay attention to:

  1. Height and width of the table. If it is too high, you will need to purchase a special chair or a chair whose height is adjustable. If the table is low, the child will hunch over it while working, and there will be a risk of developing spinal curvature. According to sanitary standards, the child at the table should sit so that his elbows are freely placed on the tabletop, and his legs reach the floor and bend at an angle of 90 degrees;
  2. The table top should be wide enough so that all the necessary items can be placed there, and there is enough space left for classes;
  3. It is also necessary to remember quality of materials, from which the table is made. Most often, furniture intended for children is made of laminated chipboard, but you can also purchase a table made of solid wood, plastic or glass;
  4. When choosing a desk, pay attention attention to fasteners, since children most often break exactly what at first glance looked quite strong.

10 best models: description, manufacturers, approximate prices

Desk Direct 1200 M

Desk Direct 1200 M is an excellent ergonomic desk, complete with powerful extensions. The basis of this model is a single-pedestal desk, which allows you to evenly distribute the load on the arms and spine. The dimensions of this model are 1200x900/600x1465 mm.

The cost of this model in stores is approx. 11 290 rubles

Desk for schoolchildren COMSTEP-01/BB

A desk for a schoolchild COMSTEP-01/BB is a simplicity of design and a comfortable position for the child. The design of this model makes it easy to adjust the inclination and height of the tabletop relative to the floor, which is very important because small schoolchildren spend quite a lot of time on it. The table top has a recess for storing stationery. The metal structure is very comfortable and lightweight. The dimensions of this model are 110 x 70 x 52-78.5 cm. This desk will grow with your child.

The cost of a desk for a schoolchild COMSTEP-01/BB in stores is approx. 12 200 rubles

Children's orthopedic table Conductor-03/Milk&B

Children's orthopedic desk Conductor-03/Milk&B is an excellent desk for a child to study. The height of the table and the angle of the table top are adjustable, this allows you to maintain good posture and vision of the child. The deep and wide tabletop can accommodate all the necessary school supplies. Under the tabletop there is a drawer for storing office supplies. Above the tabletop there is a shelf with a pull-out book stand. The size of this desk is 105 x 71 x 80.9-101.9 cm.

Cost of children's orthopedic table Conductor-03/Milk&B in stores around 11 200 rubles

Children's desk-transformer moll Champion

The moll Champion children's transforming desk is a wonderful one for a little schoolchild. Its tabletop is divided into functional areas. One part of it can be raised at an angle for writing, reading or drawing. The table is made of chipboard High Quality with melamine coating. This model comes with a folding book stand, a magnetic ruler and a built-in cable channel. The size of this desk is 53-82x72x120 cm.

The cost of the moll Champion children's transforming desk in stores is approx. 34650 rubles

Desk Delta-10

The Delta-10 desk is a traditional desk. The table has a cabinet with four drawers and a large drawer for various little things. This model is made of laminated chipboard. The size of this desk is 1100 x 765 x 600 mm

The cost of a Delta-10 desk in stores is approx. 5 100 rubles

Growing desk DEMI

Growing desk DEMI - perfect for schoolchildren junior classes, and for a high school student. The tilt of the tabletop is adjustable, which allows you to establish the most comfortable position for studying. This hundred is equipped with a rounded plastic cover and a hook for a briefcase. All desks of the Demi brand are made of safe materials and will not cause harm to the child or you. Overall dimensions 750x550x530-815 mm.

The growing desk DEMI in stores costs about 6 700 rubles

Children's table Mealux BD-205

Children's table Mealux BD-205 is a very comfortable and simple table for a child. This model is equipped with a Stabilus lift, with which you can easily adjust the height of the tabletop. The desk has a large drawer for stationery. There is a 270 mm wide shelf along the entire table. The overall dimensions of this table are 1100x725x520-760 mm.

Children's table Mealux BD-205 in stores costs about 14 605 rubles

Desk for schoolchildren “R-304”

The student's desk "R-304" is a classic rectangular desk. This model has two built-in cabinets, one of which consists of four drawers, and the other is equipped with a height-adjustable shelf. The desk is made of laminated chipboard and MDF. A special feature of this model is the tabletop, which has a special cutout in the center that coordinates the sitting position and prevents posture from bending. Overall dimensions of the table: 1370x670x760.

A desk for a schoolchild “R-304” in stores costs about 6 400 rubles

Desk Grifon Style R800

Desk Grifon Style R800 is a modern desk made from environmentally friendly materials. This model has an ergonomic shape, so it is ideal for reading and writing, as well as for working at the computer. Overall dimensions of the table are 100x90x65 cm.

The Grifon Style R800 desk in stores costs about 9 799 rubles

Desk Calimera Pearl

The Calimera Pearl desk is a great example of laconic and quality furniture. This model is equipped with a pull-out shelf for a laptop or keyboard, as well as a spacious cabinet and drawer. If desired, the table can be supplemented with an attachment, which will make it more functional. The table is made of high quality MDF and chipboard. The overall dimensions of this model are 80x111x60 cm.

The Calimera Pear desk in stores costs approx. 13 039 rubles

Once upon a time, about 30 years ago, a desk symbolized a certain status and intelligence of the family. Today, fortunately, almost every family can afford to purchase a desk for a child.

If in your family the schoolboy is growing up, such a table is simply necessary for organizing the convenience of mastering the sciences. In order for a child to have good posture and healthy development, the desk must be comfortable and functional. This is not worth saving on.

Before buying a table, you should decide what functions it will perform. For example, it can be intended for reading, drawing, and other activities, and at the same time it can have additional compartments for storing school supplies.

When determining the functional purpose of the table, you need to understand its optimal size. An important criterion in this matter is the size of the tabletop. It is advisable to think over general design table, the need for bedside tables, doors in them or drawers, and their number.

You can choose a desk in the “classic design”, but in this case, clearly think about making it convenient for the child to get books, notebooks, etc. To do this, there should be shelves nearby on which you can put everything you need.

As a rule, a table bought for a first grader serves him until graduation, or even longer. Therefore, it is necessary to pay due attention to the quality of furniture. A child should not buy a table made of valuable wood, but a table with a polymer coating is not advisable either.

It is unlikely that you should expect special care from children, especially first-graders. Choose something not very expensive so that you don’t feel sorry when the table loses its presentation, but it’s made from quality materials. According to medical recommendations, the table should have a width of at least a meter, a depth of 60 cm, and a space under the tabletop of at least 50x50 cm.

Desk for a schoolchild - organization of work space

It's good to choose a table with the ability adjusting the height of the legs. When heading to the store at your desk, take your child with you. He will be able to try out the table on the spot, check its comfort, and simply evaluate its overall attractiveness, so that long sessions will be enjoyable, which is very important. Don’t try to save money by solving two problems with one purchase: buying a desk for studying and one for a computer. The proximity of the computer and the temptation to play first will prevent the child from concentrating on homework.

Children must immediately be taught the correct organization of work space. To accommodate all school supplies, the table design includes various drawers, bedside tables, and shelves. Take a closer look at them, how they are distributed, how convenient they are to ensure maximum comfortable conditions for a child's activities.

Now there is a huge selection from small tables with individual movable modules to entire sets. There are models of tables with add-ons above the tabletop in the form of shelves, where you can place books and other supplies. This is very convenient for schoolchildren or students: everything will be available at the right time at hand. Very original and convenient option for joint classes of two schoolchildren, the presence of a common long tabletop at the table. The space under the table has zonal divisions with cabinets or partitions.

IN modern variations desks have a variety of shapes: classic rectangular, corner L-shaped, semicircular. The choice will depend on the place where you plan to place the table. Taking into account the overall interior and style of other furniture or, as an independent piece of furniture, the desk should be positioned in such a way as to ensure good illumination of the workplace. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of working conditions if the child is left-handed.

Desk for a schoolchild - materials

The main materials used in the manufacture of desks are chipboard, chipboard, MDF and solid wood.

Chipboard- the most common material for cabinet furniture. Strength and durability, as well as modern technologies, ensuring quality and harmlessness, make it optimal in terms of price-quality ratio.

laminated chipboard even cheaper, but also more hazardous to health material. It must have a safety certificate of conformity.

MDF is the most expensive and quality material, not inferior to natural wood in terms of environmental safety.

Desk for a schoolchild - photo in the interior

After reading the tips above, draw the right conclusions to choose a table at which your child will be able to work easily and comfortably.


Just 50 years ago, parents did not even think about placing a schoolchild’s desk near a window. Folding desks were placed wherever there was space, but today a work area for a child can be organized even in a one-room apartment.

The location near the window performs several functions at once:

  1. Saves space in the room, especially if the table is corner or.
  2. The walls near the window can be used to place shelves rather than flowerpots.
  3. Protects baby's vision: Sunlight prevents vision problems.

Cabinets are rarely installed near the window - they block the light. The sleeping area also does not belong near the window if cold air comes from the window. But this is a great area to place a desk (or even two).

We offer you a selection of photos that will help you choose and ergonomically place a desk for a schoolchild.

An unusual model that combines two learning spaces and a storage system. You can install a computer near the wall, and make the area near the window a learning area.

British style room with school table located near the window.

The function of a working area is performed by a wide window sill - this technique allows you to save both space and money.

A small desk with a simple design does not take up much space. The downside is the lack of a storage system.

Long corner model, which can combine a study area, an area for working with a computer, and a storage system for textbooks and notebooks. On the window there is translucent tulle with tiebacks, which will not distract the child and interfere with learning.

Desk for two children

In our country, one room is often shared by two or even three children, each of whom needs. In this case, each child should have his own corner where he can store textbooks, do homework, or just draw. If children have shared drawers, conflicts cannot be avoided, but two separate lockers or.

When organizing such places, the ideal solution would be to place the schoolchildren’s study area near the window. Modern manufacturers furniture offer a lot of solutions that allow you to install not only a table, but also cabinets for it. The area above the workspace is reserved for lamps and hanging shelves.

In this pencil-shaped room there are three workplaces at once: two near the window and one near the wall. Each of the children has their own corner.

Table shape

When choosing, first of all you need to rely on the shape of the room in which the child will live. There may be several solutions:

  1. A long table, the surface of which stretches along the entire window sill from wall to wall.
  2. Corner model suitable for non- large rooms irregular shape.
  3. An oval table is the prerogative of large rooms where there is no need to save space.

They help free up space in the room for a closet, bed or equipment. But if, then it is recommended to place a loft bed in the room, and a work area under it.

If you choose a two-tier design for a girl’s room, pay attention to the fact that they will help make the nursery’s interior bright and unusual.

In a child's room with a work area near the window, it is better to use short curtains. In the photo above - roller blinds"day Night". They can be adjusted according to the height and degree of illumination of the room.

And in this room there are Roman blinds - too great option, which will not interfere with the task.

A cabinet with storage drawers can serve as a chair. For the comfort of the child, it can be equipped with a seat cushion.


Furniture that is too bright and exposed to direct sunlight reduces your ability to concentrate. Therefore, it is better for a child to purchase furniture in neutral shades:

  • peach;
  • cream;
  • light brown;
  • white;
  • tea rose shade;
  • mint;
  • models from natural wood.

Let's sum it up

If you are choosing a table that you will install next to a window in the future, then pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Choose models that are height adjustable, which will save you from having to buy a new table in 1-2 years.
  2. For a child under 10 years old, it is better to purchase two tables, one of which will be used for classes, and the second for working at the computer.
  3. If the surface has a slight slope, it will be much easier for the student to complete his homework.
  4. Choose multifunctional models. The learning process will be easier and more enjoyable if the necessary books and notebooks are always within reach of the child’s outstretched arm when he performs homework, sitting at the table.
  5. If your workplace is near a window, do not use long curtains. The best option for a child’s room, depending on the interior style, would be Roman, roller or Austrian curtains.
  6. Direction plays an important role. If the child is right-handed, the lighting should be on the left side, and if the child is left-handed, vice versa.
  7. Select the model of the chair together with the table so as not to provoke the development of scoliosis in the child. In addition, an uncomfortable or too low chair can cause blurred vision.

We hope that our tips will help you create beautiful interior children's room and successfully position the student's work area near the window.

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Finding a suitable desk for a student is always difficult. Moms and dads often focus only on size and cost, forgetting about other important factors: ease of fit, spaciousness, functionality, safety and compliance with the interior of the nursery. Meanwhile, it is these factors that influence the child’s desire to engage in homework or creativity in his or her workplace.

An unusual and very bold solution for decorating a room. A small, but at the same time quite roomy table, as well as a two-tier shelf create a comfortable workplace, and the bright design of the walls and ceiling emphasizes the uniqueness of the owner’s personality

If you ask a random passerby what it is desk, almost everyone will answer the same thing: a wide horizontal board mounted on four legs. The designation is strict and angry, and not a step aside. At the same time, few people realize that homemade food is actually children's furniture for writing - it’s a blank sheet on which you can graft anything you like: style, shape and size depending on the functional load and free space of the room.

Optimal sizes

Children's desks, or rather their size and design, directly affect the physical development of the child: distribution of the load on the back and neck, formation of posture, vision. Therefore, the first thing you need to focus on when purchasing is the correct fit.

Determining the correct height is very simple:

  • The level of the tabletop should correspond to the line of the solar plexus of the sitting child.
  • If you lower your arm while sitting at your workplace, your elbow should be approximately 5 cm below the plane of the table.
  • Shoulders should be in normal condition (not lower or higher than natural height) if the child, sitting at the table, puts his hands straight in front of him.
  • The distance between the knees and the bottom edge of the tabletop should be 10-15 cm.

The length of the tabletop should not be less than 1 m, the elbows of the student sitting behind it should be completely located on its plane, and in no case hang down.

As for the width of the table, it should be sufficient to accommodate all the necessary items: textbooks and notebooks, writing and stationery. For a first-grader, 60 cm is usually enough, for older children - 80 cm. If there is a computer at the workplace, the monitor should be at a distance of 40 cm from the child’s eyes, take this into account when purchasing. The optimal width of the workplace is 80-100 cm.

The leg compartment should also be spacious: optimally 50 by 50 cm.

When buying a desk, the child must be present, you should make sure that he is comfortable to sit, nothing is in the way, and his body is positioned correctly. The design should please the student, because the child’s desire to use the workplace depends on this. Therefore, it is better to study several models in advance using photos and select all the ones you like.

A wide white table placed by the window will provide excellent lighting while working.

Desk for a schoolchild: shapes and styles

You shouldn’t be tied to standard rectangular desks - experiment, show your imagination, let the desk take on its original shape, color or design.

Diplomats are not born - they are made. By doing homework at a round desk, your child will acquire the skill of smoothing out conflicts and avoiding rough edges. Many furniture manufacturers know: you can never have too many books, especially good ones, which is why they offer built-in books in a set with a writing surface. shelves for textbooks, magazines and disks. A children's table-desk with a bench will help your child get used to the student environment from an early age. Corner desk for schoolchildren, shelf tables or models built into wall, will significantly save space, and the classic version in style minimalism will not distract attention when performing already difficult tasks.

Be sure to give your child the opportunity to choose his own desk, push or direct him to the right choice, but still leave the final word to him.

Rectangular models

Desk rectangular shape- this is a classic that will fit well into any interior. For small rooms It is better to choose models without a superstructure or with a corner arrangement, side drawers on one side, and a bottom shelf. More massive options Suitable for large children's areas.

On a rectangular tabletop it is easy to create a place for writing and placing a monitor or laptop without interfering with each other.

Computer desk

Full-fledged computer desk not suitable for a schoolchild, since such models do not provide space for writing. It is worth choosing options that combine a classic desk with computer elements: a niche for a monitor with bookshelves, a compartment for a system unit with adjacent drawers, a retractable writing panel, etc.

Advice! When purchasing a computer desk for a student, remember that the child may be distracted from studying by playing games, so if possible, still delimit the space by equipping a separate place for work.

Corner table

Corner models are a priority option for a small children's area (up to 10-12 sq. m), since they occupy the most non-functional place in the room (corner), freeing up space. It can be simply a tabletop with drawers or shelves located underneath, as well as a functional corner with an add-on, spacious drawers, or elements of a computer desk.

Even such compact, at first glance, dimensions allow you to rationally place everything you need. The corner itself can be used to mount a monitor or bookshelf, leaving quite large space for work.

Various pieces of furniture can be adjacent to both sides of the corner table: a bed, a wardrobe, a sofa, etc.

Advice! If space allows, you can install a corner L-shaped table, each half of which will perform its own function, for example, one for study, the other for play or creativity.

Table transformer

If the workplace is being set up for a first-grader, but the use is planned until adolescence, then it is wiser to purchase a transforming table. This model allows you to change the size of the tabletop, its height and inclination. You can purchase an option with an add-on designed as a rack with adjustable shelves.

It is best to buy such a model made of durable wood or MDF, these are the materials that best match the functionality of the transforming table.

Folding tabletop

Another solution for a small nursery or room in which someone else lives besides the schoolchild. This option is a console required sizes, one side of which is attached to a wall, cabinet or rack, and the other side has folding legs or other support attached. In terms of functionality folding table cannot be full-fledged, but it can be used as an additional workplace, for creativity or working on a laptop.

Advice! It is easy to make a folding tabletop yourself from a wide board, providing it with the necessary fixation and support.

Built-in table

Today, built-in and modular furniture is popular, performing several functions at once. For example, a kind of multi-tiered island can be installed in a student’s room, the different elements of which perform their own functions. There can be a play or work area below, and a bed on top. The desk is placed either in the center of the lower tier or in its side wall, and the second is made in the form of a bookcase.

There are quite a few options for such built-in tables; in the photo you can see how such designs fit into the interior and even become its basis.

The volumetric design allows you to easily organize the space by placing the required number of niches, shelves or cabinets under the lower tier, and does not limit the size of the tabletop.


When purchasing a desk for a schoolchild, you should be guided by safety, the degree of wear resistance of the material from which it is made, as well as ease of maintenance.

  1. Chipboard is a strong, fairly durable material used for the production of cabinet furniture. It is the most suitable option, allowing you to inexpensively purchase a quality item. The abundance of colors and shapes makes it easy to choose the right model.
  2. Laminated chipboard - unlike chipboard, is cheaper, but after a couple of years of use, the material can begin to release toxic substances, and the furniture quickly loses its presentable appearance. It is better not to consider it as a material for a children's workplace.
  3. MDF - you can buy a table from this material at a much lower price than from solid wood, while maintaining the quality and appearance it will be little inferior to the latter. Durable, durable, easy to clean, safe material can be any color, imitate a wooden or smooth surface. The best option for a schoolchild's workplace.

  4. Solid - it is better to buy tables made of natural wood for older schoolchildren, so as not to regret the traces of a pen or felt-tip pen left on the expensive tabletop. This option is the most uneconomical, heaviest, although more presentable, durable and environmentally friendly.

  5. Plastic is rarely used for the production of desks, but if you choose such a model, then make sure of the quality of the material and its compliance with safety standards. The plastic model will not last long, scratches and other signs of use quickly appear on the tabletop, so it is better to purchase this option for the first time for a child going to 1st grade, and then choose a more suitable one.

Advice! The color and shape of the child’s desk should match the style of the interior. Too bright a finish will be distracting; it is better to choose muted natural wood tones, white, beige, gray.

Equipment and functionality

The dimensions and shape of the desk are just the basis. Only a functional workplace will be truly comfortable, so make sure that the chosen model has drawers in which it is convenient to store school supplies (under the tabletop, on the sides on one or both sides), as well as a shelf located at the bottom on which you can put a briefcase , comfortable footrest.

Additional advantages will be the presence of a desktop compartment for a system unit, a corner niche for a laptop or monitor, and a built-in bookcase. Such storage systems will save space and help you use it more rationally. work surface. Their presence will allow you to save on the purchase of additional furniture without cluttering the children's room.

The table with the add-on must be positioned correctly in the room. It is best if it is a corner or semi-corner model, in which the shelves are concentrated at one edge. Additional structures should not block or limit natural light. Additionally, you need to place 1-2 height-adjustable lamps in the work area so that nothing interferes with your evening activities.

Advice! When buying a table, do not forget to choose right chair, which will maintain the natural curve of the spine. It must have an anatomically shaped back and adjustable height. It is better to avoid models with armrests; they can negatively affect your posture.

Shelves, drawers and cabinets should be within easy reach of the student so that they can be easily reached. For a left-handed child, select an appropriate desk model so that operation does not cause problems.

Table for two

Two school-age children living in the same room should each have their own separate workspace. In this case you can:

  • Create a symmetrical interior with paired pieces of furniture. Two corner or rectangular tables on opposite sides of the room will help each child do their own thing, but this solution is suitable for a large children’s area.

  • An elongated rectangular table located along one of the walls is suitable for two students, if they do not interfere with each other, and half of each of them is separated using a built-on rack or shelf.
  • Built-in long (2 m) tabletop, divided from below using a partition, cabinet, etc. It is worth installing hanging shelves on both sides of the tabletop for each child.
  • A tabletop dividing the room from the window in half. The width of such a structure should be at least 1.6 m so that schoolchildren do not interfere with each other. This option is suitable for a wide room.
  • An L-shaped table is suitable for two, if it is long enough, the children do not interfere with each other, and everyone’s work area has sufficient lighting.

Advice! In parallel with one table, use a wide window sill if it is located at the height of the tabletop. Place books and stationery stands on it.

Creativity of desks

Study surrounded by interesting things - creative furniture, comfortable chairs and comfort will fuel the thirst for knowledge of every little schoolchild.

White table with drawers in a teenage girl's room. Such tables, especially double-sided ones, are popular among customers in Ikea stores

The section of the wall to which the table adjoins can be decorated in an original and functional way by installing a magnetic or chalk board or a fiberboard panel. Such an element will help you easily change the design of your workplace, complementing it with drawings, motivational inscriptions, calendars, funny magnets or other little things.

One of the most modern environmentally friendly options made of wood. The shape of the “K desk” table from the Dutch company Rafa-Kids is simple, but at the same time eye-catching

If, in addition to closed drawers, the desk has open shelves, then in addition to books and textbooks, they can be used to store small items, placing the latter in bright boxes or baskets, decorated in the same style or color as the textiles used in the nursery.

The space around the work area can be decorated in a children's color scheme different from the rest of the design. And to make it more interesting for the child to study, you can install several hooks, brackets or stretch fishing lines above the workplace (at different levels), to which he can attach some of his pictures, notes, photos, etc. using clothespins.

On top of the table you can put thick glass cut to the size of the tabletop. It will not only protect the surface from external damage, but will also allow you to place under it the student’s memorable drawings, study materials, and clippings, always leaving them in sight.

Whatever the desk for a schoolchild, it should stimulate the child’s desire to study and work at it, so pay due attention to the choice of this item. Choose a convenient, functional and beautiful table, and then your child will certainly enjoy success in his studies and creativity.