Profession: Thermal insulation insulator (4th category) in the Unified Tariff Qualification Directory. Insulator on thermal insulation


Characteristics of the work. Execution of work medium difficulty on thermal insulation of structures, pipelines and process equipment.

1. Insulation of hot surfaces.

Installation finished parts coatings made of metal, duplicated material, basalt fiber, material based on synthetic and natural polymers, mineral materials on curved sections of pipelines, spherical and cylindrical surfaces with fitting and cutting in place. Installation of removable coverings. Insulation with fully prefabricated and complete thermal insulation structures, mastics and piece materials pipelines with a coolant temperature of more than 300 o C. Insulation of surfaces with asbestos mattresses. Plastering flat insulation surfaces. Manufacturing of mattresses from cut asbestos fabric. Construction of complex frames.

2. Insulation of cold surfaces.

Insulation of pipelines with a coolant temperature below -50 o C. Insulation from below of flat surfaces of structures with thermal insulation boards. Vapor barrier of cold equipment and structures using rolled materials. Installation of partitions from thermal insulation boards. Insulation of vertical and cylindrical surfaces. Insulation of pipelines with mineral felt, mats, paper-wrapped bags and gutters based on stone wool. Laying thermal insulation products using special adhesives (iditone, isolite, celgiite, etc.). Construction of frames. Insulation of coatings with hot bitumen mastics. Insulation metal surfaces cork crumbs on mastic. Covering insulated surfaces with fabrics. Cleaning pipes and coating them with primer using a mechanized method. Production of bitumen mats with fabric reinforcement. Manual insulation of fittings and coils. Thermal insulation of flat surfaces of building walls using the “Thermal Fur Coat” method, etc. Finishing of insulated surfaces.

Must know: basic insulating structures and coatings; methods of fastening textured products; rules for performing work with slab materials when insulating floors of vertical and cylindrical surfaces; methods of installation of finished coating parts on curved sections of pipelines; types of connections; properties of special adhesives; methods of applying bitumen mastic and stickers roll materials on vertical and cylindrical surfaces; quality requirements insulating materials and designs.

Note. Issue 3 of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (ETKS), section “Construction, installation and repair and construction work”, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated April 25, 2002 No. 65.

4th category

installation of finished coating parts made of metal, duplicated material, basalt fiber, material based on synthetic and natural polymers, mineral materials on curved sections of pipelines, spherical and cylindrical surfaces with fitting and cutting on site. Installation of removable coverings. Insulation with fully prefabricated and complete thermal insulation structures, mastics and piece materials of pipelines with a coolant temperature of more than 300 °C. Insulation of surfaces with asbestos mats. Plastering flat insulation surfaces. Making mats from cut asbestos fabric. Construction of frames;

insulation of pipelines with a coolant temperature below -50 °C. Insulation from below of flat surfaces of structures with thermal insulation boards. Vapor barrier of cold equipment and structures using rolled materials. Installation of partitions from thermal insulation boards. Insulation of vertical and cylindrical surfaces. Insulation of pipelines with mineral felt and paper-wrapped bags, stone wool gutters. Laying thermal insulation products using special adhesives (iditone, isolite, celgiite, etc.). Construction of frames. Insulation of coatings with hot bitumen mastics. Insulation of metal surfaces with cork chips and mastic. Covering insulated surfaces with fabrics. Cleaning and priming of pipes using a mechanized method. Production of bitumen mats with fabric reinforcement. Manual insulation of fittings and coils.

Must know: basic insulating structures and coatings; methods of fastening surface insulation; methods of performing work when insulating floors of vertical and cylindrical surfaces with thermal insulation boards; methods for installing finished coating parts made of metal and duplicated material on curved sections of pipelines; types and methods of pipeline connections; properties of special adhesives; method of applying bitumen mastic and sticking roll materials on vertical and cylindrical surfaces; requirements for the quality of insulating materials and structures.
5th category
Characteristics of the work. Carrying out work on thermal insulation of structures, pipelines and process equipment:

1) insulation of hot surfaces:

insulation with piece products and mastics of flange connections, valves, smooth spherical and conical surfaces and equipment. Insulation of surfaces with corrugated aluminum foil. Finishing the ends of the insulation. Insulation of curved surfaces with asbestos mats. Making templates for cutting products. Taking measurements of metal coatings on site. Cutting and preparing paintings. Assembly of paintings and installation of metal coverings of complex configuration. Installation of expansion joints and cutting of insulation in places where it interfaces with fixed supports and parts of equipment. Insulation of the combustion chamber and cylindrical part of boilers and steam boilers. Coating of isolated surfaces of various configurations with duplicated materials, materials based on synthetic, natural polymers and mineral materials. Application of insulation by spraying and pouring. Disassembly of insulation;

2) insulation of cold surfaces:

production of templates for cutting segments from insulating boards. Installation of insulating coatings from large blocks and shells. Applying plaster coatings over insulation using a transport insulation machine (TIM). Insulation of shaped parts with cork tiles. Multilayer insulation refrigeration chambers and laboratory premises. Insulation of flange connections of pipelines with asbestos mats with their production on site. Measurements of layer thickness and uniformity of overlaps of insulating coatings of oil and gas product pipelines using a mechanized method of work.

Must know: technology for manufacturing insulating products (including foam plastic) and coating parts made of metal, duplicated material and materials based on synthetic and natural polymers; recipe and composition of bitumen mastics and solutions, as well as adhesives; methods of taking measurements on site, marking and cutting metal paintings; methods for performing insulation work using machines and mechanisms; methods of cutting and making templates and products; design and principle of operation of tools and devices for monitoring the quality of insulation.
6th category
Characteristics of the work. Insulation of hot and cold surfaces of various configurations - double curvature of turbine cylinders and piston machines, U-shaped and lyre-shaped compensators. Drawing up sketches and cutting mats based on them. Assembly and installation of coating parts made of metal, duplicated material, material based on synthetic polymers for insulating fittings. Insulation of vibrating surfaces, control and measuring equipment, gas-air valves, shut-off fittings. Making templates and cutting materials for insulating coatings (ball surfaces, removable coatings on shut-off valves, flange connections, spherical parts of devices made from petals). Checking the quality of insulation of structures, pipelines and process equipment.

Must know: types and methods of insulating hot and cold surfaces of various configurations; properties of the insulating materials, products, mastics and solutions used; methods for checking the quality of insulation; physical and technical properties thermal insulation materials and products.

3rd category
Characteristics of the work. Preparation of special painting compositions on perchlorovinyl and bakelite bases and from solutions of organic resins and copolymers. Surface cleaning, degreasing, dust removal. Applying special putty and painting compounds with a brush to straight surfaces. Covering surfaces with fabrics impregnated with bakelite varnishes.

Must know: types and basic properties of special compounds; rules and methods for preparing surfaces for film coatings; methods for preparing special primer and putty compounds and applying them to straight surfaces.
4th category
Characteristics of the work. Applying special compounds with a brush to the external and internal surfaces of cylindrical and conical equipment, as well as structures. Primer and putty of surfaces of various configurations. Checking film coatings with a detector. Applying special compounds with a brush to the internal surfaces of pipes, crosses and tees. Anti-corrosion painting and coating of embedded parts. Pasting surfaces with fiberglass and chemical fiber-based fabrics on compounds made from synthetic resins. Construction of monolithic self-leveling floors based on polymer binders. Coating surfaces with fire retardants and varnishes.

Must know: requirements for the quality of special compounds; methods of applying putty, primer and painting compositions with a brush on cylindrical and conical surfaces, as well as on the surfaces of building structures; methods of gluing with fiberglass and chemical fiber-based fabrics on compositions made from synthetic resins; methods for constructing monolithic self-leveling floors based on polymer binders.
5th category
Characteristics of the work. Application of special film compositions by mechanized method on the external and internal surfaces of equipment of various configurations, pipes, crosses and tees, as well as building structures. Polymerization of ethylene and hardening of bakelite coatings. Checking the quality of work performed.

Must know: methods of applying special compounds using mechanisms, as well as with a brush, on the surface of equipment of various configurations; polymerization mode of ethylene and hardening mode of bakelite coatings; arrangement of units for applying film compositions; requirements for the quality of film insulation of all types.
2nd category
Characteristics of the work. Carrying out masonry work for laying and repairing stone structures of buildings, bridges, industrial and hydraulic structures. Laying brick columns under floor joists. Preparation of solutions manually. Cleaning bricks from mortar. Punching nests, grooves and holes in brick and rubble masonry by hand. Manual dismantling of rubble foundations, brickwork walls and pillars. Filling channels or boxes with powdery materials or mineral wool. Hooking pallets, containers, reinforced concrete products and other light weight cargo with inventory slings to mounting loops, brackets, hooks, etc.

Must know: main types wall materials; methods for preparing solutions; methods of punching nests and holes in masonry; rules for dismantling masonry foundations, walls and pillars; types of slings and gripping devices; main types of rigging equipment; rules for moving and storing light weight cargo.
3rd category
Characteristics of the work. Carrying out masonry work for laying and repairing stone structures of buildings, bridges, industrial and hydraulic structures. Laying walls made of bricks and small blocks under plaster and with jointing along the masonry. Filling frame walls. Construction of foundations made of rubble stone and crushed brick for the bay. Device cement screed. Device horizontal waterproofing foundation with rolled materials. Sealing grooves, sockets and holes with brick and concrete. Punching openings in brick and rubble walls using mechanized tools. Dismantling the masonry of bridge supports using power tools. Punching sockets, grooves and holes with a power tool. Installation of reinforced concrete lintels over window and doorways and niches. Spreading the heated mortar on the horizontal surfaces of the walls being built during masonry using the freezing method. Laying backfill brick walls.

Must know: the basic properties of wall materials and mortars, as well as waterproofing materials used for insulating foundations and walls; techniques for laying walls and dressing seams; rules and methods of masonry in winter conditions by freezing, artificial heating in greenhouses and in solutions with chemical additives; methods of spreading mortar on the wall, laying out bricks and backfill; rules for working with pneumatic and electrified tools; main types of parts and prefabricated structures used in the construction of stone buildings and structures; requirements for the quality of brickwork and prefabricated reinforced concrete structures.
4th category

laying walls of medium complexity from bricks and small blocks under plaster or with jointing along the masonry. Masonry simple walls with simultaneous cladding. Laying simple walls of lightweight structures. Installation in masonry buildings reinforced concrete beams, floor slabs and coverings, partitions, flights of stairs, platforms, balcony slabs, steps. Installation of window and door balcony frames and blocks, window sill boards and slabs. Installation of partitions made of brick, as well as gypsum and other slabs. Joining the joints of previously laid masonry. Caulking and filling of prefabricated joints reinforced concrete structures floors and coverings. Laying steel elements and parts into masonry. Laying walls and foundations from rubble stone under the blade. Laying wells constant cross section and rectangular section collectors. Disassembly brick vaults all kinds. Repair of brick wall surfaces with the removal of unusable bricks and sealing with new bricks, taking into account the transportation of seams with old masonry. Repair and replacement of individual sections of brick and rubble foundations during the repair and reconstruction of buildings. Replacement of window sill slabs and individual stair steps. Installation of ventilation units. Laying glass block structures. Installation of filling of openings and partitions from glass profiles in stone buildings. Installation asbestos cement pipes for the garbage chute. Construction, rearrangement and disassembly of block and package scaffolds on fingers and retractable rods;

Laying foundations and bridge supports. Laying connecting and cheek walls of supports. Laying of straight overhead walls and cordon stones of port facilities. Installation of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structural elements average weight, used in the construction of stone bridges and hydraulic structures.

Must know: methods of laying walls made of bricks and small blocks; methods of laying walls with simultaneous cladding; methods of laying walls of lightweight structures; glass block masonry methods; methods of installation of prefabricated elements and parts of medium weight; methods of slinging and fastening mounted elements; methods of reinforcing brick walls and partitions.
5th category
Characteristics of the work. Carrying out masonry work when laying and repairing stone structures of buildings, bridges, industrial and hydraulic structures:

1) buildings and industrial structures:

masonry under plaster and with jointing along the masonry complex walls. Laying columns and free-standing rectangular pipes. Laying cornices. Figured brick hew. Laying walls with simultaneous cladding. Laying walls of lightweight structures. Laying wedge lintels. Laying wells of variable cross-section and collectors of round and hip cross-section. Masonry of well walls with insulation and rigid connections. Relaying of wedge lintels with dismantling of old masonry. Masonry with simultaneous cladding with decorative colored bricks according to a given pattern;

2) bridges and hydraulic structures:

masonry of natural stone for the superstructure of strong bridges. Natural stone masonry of pipes, trays and heads. Masonry of cut stone for the outer mileposts of rectilinear bridge piers.

Must know: methods of laying walls under plaster and with jointing; methods of laying walls with simultaneous cladding; methods of laying pipes, trays and heads.
6th category
Characteristics of the work. Carrying out masonry work during masonry, repair and reconstruction of stone structures of buildings, bridges, industrial and hydraulic structures:

1) buildings and industrial structures:

masonry and restoration repair of particularly complex stone structures, vaults, arches and domes (including simultaneous cladding). Laying columns and free-standing pipes of round and variable cross-section. Masonry when strengthening previously erected walls and unfastening new masonry from previously erected ones. Laying the pressure walls of the waterproofing and thermal insulation device;

2) bridges and hydraulic structures:

masonry from natural ashlar ice cut stones with stone selection. Laying cornice and truss stones for bridge supports. Laying heel stones in arches and vaults of stone bridges. Laying vaults and arches.

Must know: methods of laying stone structures, their erection and unwinding; methods for securing masonry when reinforcing the walls of buildings and structures; methods for installing metal waterproofing of foundations, walls and ceilings, lintel structures and vaults.

Average required professional education.
2nd category
Characteristics of the work. Preparation of solutions and dry mixtures according to a given composition. Manually punching sockets into the surface to be coated for fastening the cladding. Cleaning the surface and seams of the cladding. Unpacking and stacking marble slabs. Cleaning slabs and stones after dismantling the cladding. Dismantling of natural stone sidewalks. Sorting of slabs.

Must know: types of basic materials used when facing surfaces with natural stones and artificial slabs; methods for preparing solutions and dry mixtures; methods of preparing surfaces for cladding.

Engineering Company - Kolpino, St. Petersburg - Requirements: secondary vocational education. Work experience of 2 years. Knowledge technical specifications for production and acceptance waterproofing works. Responsibilities: insulator for waterproofing on construction projects ( network engineering). Compliance with safety regulations. Careful handling of work equipment and technical devices. Conditions: Work in a large construction company Full time Official registration Official transportation from the station. m. Kupchino Detailed conditions... labor and salary are discussed at the interview... - Permanent job - Full time

Insulator on thermal insulation

Omsk Region - Thermal insulation insulator, engaged in the repair of boiler and turbine equipment, category 4 Tasks: - Installation of thermal insulation and coating on curved sections of pipelines - Perform dismantling work various types thermal insulation - Execution related work(clearing the area adjacent to the pipelines from overgrowth, debris, excavating the soil manually) Our Requirements: - Knowledge and skills in working with the main types and methods of insulating surfaces of various configurations... - Working at heights - Strict adherence to safety rules We offer: - Full social plastic bag; - Work in a steadily growing company; - Friendly team; - Delivery to work by company transport; - Work on heating mains in the city of Omsk. Viewing contact details of vacancies is available only after logging into the site. You can log in to the site or register a new account. Job posting date March 27, 2019... - Permanent job - Full time

Insulator on thermal insulation 3 categories-4 categories

JSC Energoremont - Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka Territory - Employment: Full-time Work experience: from 1 Work schedule: Full day Requirements: Guaranteed interview Thermal insulation installers Punctuality Responsibility Discipline Initiative Purposefulness Ability to work in a team Job responsibilities: professional, qualification certificate "Thermal insulation insulator", work experience in the specialty for at least 1 year; social guarantees are provided in accordance with the law Working conditions: professional..., availability of a qualification certificate "Insulator for thermal insulation", work experience in the specialty of at least 1 year; social guarantees are provided in accordance with the law... - Permanent work - Full time

Insulator on thermal insulation

KUARTZ Group, Omsk branch - Omsk - Thermal insulation insulator, engaged in the repair of boiler and turbine equipment, category 4 Responsibilities: Installation of thermal insulation and coating on curved sections of pipelines Performing work on dismantling various types of thermal insulation Performing related work (clearing the area adjacent to pipelines from overgrowth, debris, manual soil excavation) Requirements: Knowledge and skills of working with the main types and methods of insulating surfaces of various configurations... Work at height Strict adherence to safety rules Conditions: Full benefits package; Work in a steadily growing company; Friendly team; Delivery to work by company transport; Work on heating mains in the city of Omsk. LLC "QUARTZ Group" is one of the largest energy service companies in Russia, performing work on maintenance, all types of repairs, reconstruction, modernization, installation, design and supply of main and auxiliary energy equipment... - Permanent job - Full time

waterproofing insulator

Naryan-Mar, Arkhangelsk Region - For work on a rotational basis, for the construction of military factories and rotational camps, work is carried out by Gazprom, an insulator for waterproofing is urgently required. Shift 120/30, accommodation in a dormitory, three meals a day in the canteen, payment for travel from the base city at the expense of the company. Official employment, timely payment of wages. Availability of a certificate, work experience of at least 3 years. Salary from 75,000 rubles. To obtain employment in this specialty, you must send a package of... documents by email. mail, or call the specified phone number 8983 206 91 46 8391 205 12 75, 8 999 447 67 71. We work with candidates from all regions of Russia.... - Permanent work - Full time

50 rub

My rules. Listen, Learn, Laugh and Lead

Sir Richard Branson, a world-famous entrepreneur, eccentric and rebel billionaire, has created a huge number of completely disparate businesses united by the Virgin brand. In his new book, with his characteristic frankness and humor, he talks about his principles and rules of life, which allowed the troubled teenager, who dropped out of school at the age of 16, to found dozens of successful companies. Richard Branson's rules help him live at full capacity and run his business phenomenally successfully for decades without feeling tired or losing the excitement of a decision. complex tasks. Quote
"If you believe in choosing your path and following it while having the most fun, then you are already on the right path and no matter what you are told, you are unlikely to deviate more than a few degrees from the course. I can only advise you to listen more than talk, not to be afraid to express your feelings and in moments of doubt to trust your instincts."

Richard Branson

What is this book about
In the book “My Rules,” Richard Branson, with his characteristic frankness and humor, talks about his principles and rules of life, which allowed the troubled teenager, who dropped out of school at the age of 16, to found dozens of successful companies. Richard Branson's rules help him live at his full capacity and run his business phenomenally successfully for decades without feeling tired or losing his passion for solving difficult problems.

This is a book about the rules of doing business by the most famous entrepreneur of our time.
From it you will learn the secrets of Richard Branson's phenomenal success.
You will receive the necessary drive for new achievements.

Who is author
If you try to imagine the best embodiment of the entrepreneurial spirit in one person, only one name comes to mind: Sir Richard Branson. The creator of the unique Virgin brand, which unites a huge number of completely disparate, but at the same time successful businesses, tells how to achieve phenomenal success, while having fun to the fullest.

Review of the book:
“I would call Richard Branson a serial inspiration for entrepreneurs. And his new book is another friendly push to work on oneself. It is clear that behind the external PR shine there is a lot of unsaid, and those who know and want to read between the lines will find a lot of interesting things. And also, how and in “The Expedition”, I am captivated by the honesty of the stories lived by the author and his associates.
Alexander Kravtsov, President of the Ruyan Group of Companies, owner of the Expedition brand

499 rub

Technologies for efficient work. 9 Key Self-Organization Skills

"This book is jam-packed with great ideas for those who want to organize their work so that it becomes significantly more productive" Ken Blanchard, author of the book "The One Minute Manager" "Great book! After reading just this, you will become an organized person and will be able to accomplish much more than you could ever imagine before.” Brian Tracy, author of the book “Change Your Thinking and You Will Change Your Life” Talking about her author’s self-organization technologies, Julia Morgenstern shows how small changes in your own thinking and behavior will help you achieve the impossible: manage to do everything on time and have enough time for yourself. Essentially, this is a book about your attitude to what you do. Having mastered the author’s method of self-organization, you will be able to: control your time and life, parting with the feeling of chronic lack of time; cope with any situation design work so that it matches your inclinations and preferences maintain a balance between work and personal life work successfully in conditions of crisis, lack of time or in an environment of uncertainty significantly reduce workload and stress in the workplace, increase work efficiency in everything You do everything from reviewing documents and sorting correspondence to working with email.

458 rub

Personal Management Art (MP3 audio seminar on 2 CDs)

Any person who has taken place in this life has personal, more or less successful, management skills, knows how to deal with other people, and at the same time, he is characterized by certain shortcomings and managerial flaws. But you can look at them as your untapped opportunities and reserves, by realizing which you can make your life more acceptable and attractive. This audio course will help you master the basic management principles and techniques that will radically increase the effectiveness of your management activities, regardless of who you work with and in what conditions you will have to work. You will receive field-tested technology that will help you solve any management problems. Basic principles of effective management (also known as the “12 principles of the Tallinn School of Managers”): “To be, not to appear”, “Horizontal career”, “The joy of failure”, “Strength in indifference”, “Manage from anywhere”, etc. .Basic management mechanisms: creating, changing and transmitting a picture of the world; information distancing; administration and establishment of order. Basic management techniques; the concept of “empty and solid” in the work of a leader. Working with the team: “inner circle” and the team, functions and structure of the team, development, verification and replacement of the management team.

6401 rub

Personality evolution

“Strangely enough, life becomes cloudless and clear precisely when selfish pleasures and personal success cease to guide a person. When a person dissolves in a transcendental goal - creating beautiful poems or excellent furniture, studying the movement of galaxies or caring for the happiness of a child - he becomes invulnerable for everyday fears and difficulties."

What is this book about
In the first two books - "Flow" and "In Search of Flow" - the most quoted psychologist of our time talks about the state of happiness, the flow into which a person immerses himself while doing what he loves. In this book he outlines the contours of an ideal future. It says that the environmental, economic and relationship crises must be stopped by people living in a state of flow. The future of humanity is possible only if each individual develops and evolves. If a person can get rid of what pulls us back, both from destructive natural instincts and from attempts by society, government and the media to impose their point of view on us. "The Evolution of Personality" is a book about the future of humanity.

Why the book is worth reading
- This book will not help you invest your money profitably or ensure a good retirement.
- It won't help you lose weight, quit smoking, or get ahead in your life. career ladder.
“It won’t give the residents of a Rocky Mountain town precise instructions on how to save trout or conserve water.”
- "The Evolution of Personality" offers a deeper understanding of the direction of development of life on Earth and thereby allows everyone to more clearly understand the possible meaning of their own life.

Who is this book for?
For people of all professions and ages, for everyone who wants to live a full life and have fun every day, and not from time to time.

Who is author
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (b. 1934) is one of the most respected psychologists in the world. In his youth, he immigrated to the United States from Europe, where he was born and raised, and after graduating from the University of Chicago, he engaged in research that brought him worldwide fame. Emeritus Professor and Director of the Center for Quality of Life Research at Claremont Graduate University (USA), member of the American Academy of Education, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Leisure Studies, author of about 20 books, the most famous of which, “Flow,” has been translated into 30 languages.

Key Concepts
Happiness, self-realization, psychology, personality, evolution, flow, future, meaning of life.

539 rub

Rainbow of characters. Psychotypes in business and love

"Rainbow of characters. Psychotypes in Business and Love" is a best-selling book that reveals to the reader the secrets of making the right decisions on the path to business success and family happiness.

The author of the book is a professional coach, practical psychologist and hypnologist Ivan Karnaukh will introduce you to the fascinating world of typology, tell you in detail about the range of technologies that allow you to take control of the management of all areas of business and personal life person.

Knowing your own psychotype and the psychotypes of the people around you will help you successfully find a job and life partners, create an ideal business team, harmonize relationships in any team, understand and eliminate the destructive components of intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts.

249 rub

The first million dollars is the hardest

Do you still doubt that you can start your own business and achieve success?

Have you read a lot of books but still haven't done anything?

Are you tormented by the question: “Where to find clients?”

From this book you will learn how to start your own business with minimal investment (or even without it), as well as how to create financial well-being. In addition, you will create a powerful flow of clients, develop positive thinking and receive investment tools. Why else should you read this book?
The author admits: “If I started now, with my current experience and knowledge, I would fly much higher and faster. I sincerely hope that with the help of this book it will be much easier for you.”

349 rub

Be a business leader. 16 success stories

There are many people in the world who have amassed a fabulous fortune or have reached dizzying heights and gained global fame. But, as a rule, their experience for the majority is more of an interesting and informative story than a guide to action, since exceptional success is mainly achieved under exceptional circumstances.
Therefore, it is very important to learn from those who, being in the same coordinate system as most people, have created effective businesses, built a career, and become a true leader. Their success stories are much closer to real life and have not yet acquired a fair amount of myths. The famous business coach Sergei Filippov collected stories from 16 such leaders, telling how they got to where they are now and how they achieved all this.

376 rub

One win a day. 10 weeks of intensive self-development

Do you want some drive?! Conduct the main experiment of your life! Check how far your reality is from your desires in all areas of life - and, with the help of this training notebook, create your own unique program to upgrade yourself.
In 10 weeks you won't recognize yourself. What will change? You will learn to clearly formulate problems and solve them; fill it up daily life useful habits; significantly increase personal productivity; you will be able to live a full life, in which there is a place for work, sports, creativity, relaxation and self-education; You will learn to set priorities correctly and not sacrifice one area for another.
And also - a reward awaits you for every small victory!
Also published under the title "Don't sleep on your life. 10 weeks of intensive self-development."

Review of the book:
"You are holding a unique publication in your hands, do not release it. Return home, sit down at your desk, sharpen your pencil and go on an exciting journey of personal effectiveness.
Main secret- as you complete all the tasks, you will clearly see what to change in yourself, how to become more effective, how to get drive from your every action, how to set precise priorities, and even how to reach a new financial level.
This “working notebook” or, as they also say, exercise book, touches on all important areas of development modern man. It will help you become an improved version of yourself. Naturally, if you want it yourself. Because here you will need not just to read and think, but to work. Work. And work again.
I've already "pumped up". Now you".
- Denis Kaplunov, copywriter and content marketing expert....

420 rub

4th category

§ 40. Insulator on thermal insulation, 4th category

Characteristics of the work. Carrying out work on thermal insulation of structures, pipelines and process equipment:
1) insulation of hot surfaces:
installation of finished coating parts made of metal, duplicated material, basalt fiber, material based on synthetic and natural polymers, mineral materials on curved sections of pipelines, spherical and cylindrical surfaces with fitting and cutting on site. Installation of removable coverings. Insulation with fully prefabricated and complete thermal insulation structures, mastics and piece materials of pipelines with a coolant temperature of more than 300 °C. Insulation of surfaces with asbestos mats. Plastering flat insulation surfaces. Making mats from cut asbestos fabric. Construction of frames;
2) insulation of cold surfaces:
insulation of pipelines with a coolant temperature below -50 °C. Insulation from below of flat surfaces of structures with thermal insulation boards. Vapor barrier of cold equipment and structures using rolled materials. Installation of partitions from thermal insulation boards. Insulation of vertical and cylindrical surfaces. Insulation of pipelines with mineral felt and paper-wrapped bags, stone wool gutters. Laying thermal insulation products using special adhesives (iditone, isolite, celgiite, etc.). Construction of frames. Insulation of coatings with hot bitumen mastics. Insulation of metal surfaces with cork chips and mastic. Covering insulated surfaces with fabrics. Cleaning and priming of pipes using a mechanized method. Production of bitumen mats with fabric reinforcement. Manual insulation of fittings and coils.
Must know: basic insulating structures and coatings; methods of fastening surface insulation; methods of performing work when insulating floors of vertical and cylindrical surfaces with thermal insulation boards; methods for installing finished coating parts made of metal and duplicated material on curved sections of pipelines; types and methods of pipeline connections; properties of special adhesives; method of applying bitumen mastic and sticking roll materials on vertical and cylindrical surfaces; requirements for the quality of insulating materials and structures.

From July 1, 2016, employers are required to apply professional standards, if the requirements for the qualifications that an employee needs to perform a certain job function are established by the Labor Code, federal laws or other regulations (Federal Law of May 2, 2015 No. 122-FZ).
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use