Growing and propagating fragrant pelargonium at home. Detailed description of fragrant geranium

Many people loved the fragrant geranium on the window and loggia. I myself adore this luxurious plant, which delights me with colorful lush balls all summer!

The photo on the right is mine pelargonium zonal(geranium) in three shades, but I also want white and bright red!This pellargonium is charming and rather decorative.

But there is also scented geranium, the properties of its leaves are healing,their aroma is sharper and richer. It also blooms, not so magnificently, but brightly and elegantly! Here is a photo for comparison.

ABOUT beneficial properties oh, not everyone knows this unpretentious plant! But this is a real healer, doctor, assistant for various ailments!

Let's consider what ailments geranium will be useful for.

Otitis media or painful tingling in the ear. Take a leaf of fragrant geranium, knead it with your fingers and place it in your ear, in the ear canal. This will relieve you of pain and relieve the inflammatory process.

Toothache. Hold a geranium leaf on your cheek and the pain will soon subside.

Hypertensive pressure . If you suffer from pressure, attach geranium leaves to your wrist with a bandage, in the place where the pulse is. Your blood pressure will soon return to normal and you will feel better.

Nervous disorder, neuroses, stress. Geranium will also help in this case, as it has a sedative effect. Preparing the infusion: 2 tbsp. l. Chop freshly cut geranium leaves and pour into one glass. boiling water Leave for 1 hour. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. It is advisable to use this decoction to treat the throat and colds as a gargle.

For insomnia. It's good to inhale geranium scent . It also neutralizes the state of irritability.

Gout. People suffering from this disease need to take an infusion prepared from the leaves of fragrant geranium.
Preparation: Pick a couple of geranium leaves, chop, then 1 tbsp. l. fill the plants with the 1st glass. boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Now remove from heat, cover the dish with a towel and leave to steep until cool. Strain.
Drink 1st tbsp. l. before lunch.

Itching, swelling with eczema. A bath of decoction of leaves. It will soothe the skin and dry out wounds on damaged skin. Preparation: take a handful of leaves, chop and pour 0.5 liters. boiling water Simmer over low heat for 1 hour. Use the decoction for warm baths (5 minutes), or in the form of lotions (moisten gauze, a napkin with the decoction and apply to the affected areas).

scented geranium even treats pets. Soften the geranium leaves and place them in your animal's ear if he has ear mites.

The smell of geranium is excellent repeller of mosquitoes, flies, moths, ticks and other insect vermin))). Rub yourself a little with the leaves and see the effect))).

Geranium is a talisman flower. She is a talisman for the house.

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Indoor plants make a home more beautiful and cozy. Fragrant pelargonium is a very popular and unpretentious plant, which pleases with its flowering and makes the room brighter. The peculiarity of the plant is the wonderful aroma that it exudes.

Fragrant pelargonium was brought to Europe from the Cape of Good Hope (South Africa). It immediately became very popular among breeders who developed new varieties from this plant.

The difference between fragrant pelargonium and other species and varieties are special glands that release a charming aroma. The remaining species are odorless. The glands resemble small hairs that cover the leaves and stems. The plant may smell:

  • chocolate (Chocolate Peppermint);
  • lemon (Pelargonium Cy’s Sunburst);
  • cinnamon (Ardwick Cinnamon);
  • orange and other citrus fruits (Orange fizz);
  • apple (Fringed apple and Most Fragrant);
  • eucalyptus (Lady Plymouth);
  • lemon/rose (Fragrant frosty);
  • strawberries and strawberries (Scarborough).

In total there are more than 150 species of fragrant pelargonium. The smell appears when you run your hand over the plant or water it.

Another feature is that moths are afraid of this plant. As a rule, in a house where there is fragrant pelargonium, it simply does not exist. In addition, the leaves of the plant are used to arrange winter clothes in order to protect them from pests.

The best varieties

Interesting varieties of fragrant pelargonium:

  • Diamond. Blooms tender in spring pink. Has a pineapple scent.
  • Chocolate mint. It grows like a liana and is often used to decorate arbors and baskets. The leaves have interesting colors.
  • Citronella. Outwardly it looks like a bush that will grow as much as you allow it. In spring it blooms with small white flowers. It smells like citronella.
  • Dr. Livingstone. The leaves look like a Christmas tree. Produces a lemon-pink aroma. Grows up small sizes(20–30 cm), easily propagated.

Breeding rules

Before propagation begins, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil. Pelargonium does not like peat substrates, so garden soil, sand and humus are used for planting. They are mixed in equal proportions.

The choice of pot is also important. Pelargonium cannot absorb nutrients from the soil in a large pot. The products of its vital activity accumulate here and begin to kill the plant.

Geranium propagates in three ways:

  • dividing the bush. In spring, pelargonium is removed from the pot and carefully divided into several parts (each should have a lobe and a root). Then they are transplanted into prepared soil and watered abundantly;
  • cuttings. The cutting (a small branch with 2-3 leaves) is torn from the plant. Place it in water until roots appear. As soon as this happens, you can transplant the cutting into the ground and cover it with a bottle, thereby creating the desired microclimate. Watering is carried out around the bottle. As soon as several new leaves appear on the sprout, the cover is removed. Cut the cuttings in late summer or winter;
  • seeds. The seeds are laid out on the prepared soil at a short distance from each other and covered with oilcloth. At the first shoots, the cover is removed. As soon as a few leaves appear on the sprout, it can be transplanted into a flowerpot.

Advantages and healing properties

The undoubted advantage of fragrant pelargonium is its appearance and the wonderful aroma that it gives to its owners. Geranium blooms long time. She is easy to care for. This plant has practically no disadvantages.

Geranium is one of the plants that have medicinal properties and contraindications.

Fragrant geranium has medicinal properties, thanks to which medicines are made from it that treat infertility, reduce blood pressure, improve mood, treat insomnia, and normalize digestion.

In cosmetology, decoctions and tinctures of pelargonium are used to care for facial skin and hair. But the oil of this plant has gained the greatest popularity in this industry. It is used for oily, sensitive, flaky and irritated skin. After using it, hair falls out less and becomes softer. Simple cosmetics can be bought at a pharmacy or made yourself.

Despite all their advantages, preparations and cosmetics made from pelargonium have their drawbacks. They should not be used by children under 3 years of age and the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who suffer from gastritis, ulcers or thrombophlebitis.

Video “Caring for Fragrant Geraniums”

From this video you will learn how to properly care for fragrant geraniums at home.

Geraniums belong to the herbaceous perennials of the Geraniaceae family, which are widely used in both gardening and indoor floriculture. As a result of active breeding work on breeding hybrids of this plant, numerous varieties were obtained, among which fragrant geranium occupies a special place.

Short description

Fragrant geranium is an unpretentious, quite popular garden and indoor plant with a specific smell. The plant is a branched bush with a well-developed nodal rhizome. The leaves are carved, palmate-lobed in shape. Covered with fibers that, when touched, emit an intense aroma. The flowers are collected in umbels, small, inconspicuous, white and pink in color. It is the peculiarity of spreading the unusual strong smell is business card and the main value of fragrant geranium. Besides, easy care and its exceptional medicinal properties attract the attention of housewives and gardeners.

Varieties and varietal differences

Varieties of fragrant geraniums differ in the color of leaves, flowers and shades of smell. Even with a fleeting touch, the leaves of hybrid varieties emit amazing aromas: apples, nutmeg, lemon, peach, mint and even pine.

  1. "Mabel Gray" (lemon). The properties of the variety are determined by its strong lemon aroma. It has rough, sinewy, pubescent leaves and umbels of lilac-pink flowers. When pruning, parts of the tops of the plants are used for reproduction. "Mabel Gray" is very good for growing at home.
  2. "Pungent Peppermint" A spreading plant with gray-green, lacy leaves and small pale pink flowers. Exudes a strong minty aroma. It responds to careful care with vigorous growth.
  3. "Apple Cider" (apple). It is an attractive compact plant with tiny white flowers and rounded leaves with ruffled edges. Characterized by an unusual apple cider aroma. Loves care and watering.
  4. "Chariti" (lemon pink). This variety is well suited for the garden. Spectacular shrub with large leaves with a golden frame. It has an amazing lemon-pink scent. It grows reluctantly at home.
  5. "Lady Plymouth" (pink). An elegant container plant with light green foliage edged with white. Attracts attention pleasant aroma fresh rose. Special care consists of careful watering.
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Features of development and care at home

Geranium of this type does not require any non-standard attitude towards itself. This is a grateful and unpretentious plant. Timely care and proper maintenance conditions will ensure its full development, growth and flowering, as well as protection from diseases. There are several conditions that, if followed, will allow you to grow a beautiful indoor plant and preserve its inherent properties.

  1. Despite the fact that geraniums are photophilous, they can easily tolerate the absence of bright sunlight, for example, in the back of a room or on a northern windowsill. At home best place placement is the eastern or western side of the room, where the sun's rays shine for half the day.
  2. A special property of geranium is the ability to accumulate water in the stems and leaves. She does not like excess moisture. Therefore, the plant does not need to be sprayed, but only watered room temperature as the soil dries out.
  3. At home, in winter, the plant does not tolerate heat, but it feels great on a cold windowsill (15-18°C), and in warm weather - on an open loggia or balcony.
  4. Lack of necessary nutrients leads to lethargy, dull color and shredding of leaves, and the cessation of flowering. To prevent this from happening, the plant is fed with ready-made complex fertilizers(with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). It is not recommended to introduce fresh organic matter.

Proper care will ensure rapid growth and harmonious development of the plant. You can increase the number of shoots of fragrant geraniums with the help of proper pruning. Old stems are pinched, usually leaving 2-3 leaves. If you do not form a bush in time, the plant can become very stretched and lose decorative properties. And cut cuttings can be used if propagation is required.

A wonderful flower with fragrant foliage

Transplantation and propagation

  1. When replanting, the size of the pot, which is selected in accordance with the size of the plant, is of considerable importance. Young seedlings in growing pots do not develop well and wither away. Even good care won't save. To avoid stagnation of moisture and rotting of the roots, drainage in the form of small pebbles is placed at the bottom of the new pot. A plant with a lump of earth is placed in the center of the container and covered with fertilized soil mixture for indoor plants, filling all the voids with it. Water with settled water.
  2. Reproduction at home is carried out in three ways:
  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • dividing the bush.

Propagation by cuttings is carried out using cut tops, on which at least four leaves must be preserved. The cuttings are placed in water until roots appear. With this method of propagation, the mother plant passes on its own original properties to the children.

Propagation by seeds - painstaking process and not always successful. For sowing, pour into a shallow container earth mixture For flowering plants and spill it disinfectant solution potassium permanganate. The seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil and covered with a film to provide a microclimate, which must be removed at the first shoots. With the appearance of the third and fourth leaves, the plants are planted in different pots and provide thorough care.

The most simple method reproduction is the division of the mother bush into several independent plants. At the beginning of spring, the soil along with the geranium is removed from the pot and divided into parts so that each part has its own root lobe with shoots. All parts are placed in separate pots.

Medicinal properties and uses

The air in the house where fragrant geranium grows is filled with phytoncides and essential substances that have a calming effect on people's condition. Geranium is an excellent antiseptic. The medicinal properties of this species are truly inexhaustible:

  • healing aroma relieves fatigue, irritability and normalizes sleep;
  • a compress of mashed leaves relieves lumbar and joint pain;
  • concentrated geranium juice promotes the healing of wounds and ulcers on the skin;
  • medicinal infusions and decoctions have an effective anti-inflammatory effect for otitis media, sore throat, inflammation of the intestines and stomach;
  • the smell of geranium has antidepressant properties.

What does the most fragrant houseplant look like?

Fragrant geranium is the raw material for the production of geranium oil, which has found extensive use in the perfume industry, cooking and cosmetology. Aroma lamps with geranium oil are widely used in everyday life. In addition, crushed leaves are added to tea mixtures and fruit desserts.

Despite the unique medicinal properties of geranium, preparations based on geranium raw materials have some contraindications, namely:

  • pregnancy, childhood;
  • allergic reactions, individual immunity;
  • stomach ulcer, gastritis, hypotension.

Fragrant geranium is a truly amazing plant, considered a talisman of the home and a guardian family hearth. In a house with this plant, special psychological comfort and a cozy atmosphere are established.

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Fragrant perennial from the Geranium family, it originated in South Africa. The branched bush has a developed nodal rhizome and strong straight stems.

Unlike the geranium that everyone is used to seeing “on grandma’s windowsills,” the flowers of Pelargonium graveolens are inconspicuous and small, but the leaves are very decorative: palmate-lobed, covered with small villi.

With the lightest touch of a leaf, geranium emits a strong, unlike anything else, aroma, thanks to phytoncides that are beneficial to humans.

REFERENCE. Hybrid varieties can emit aromas atypical for geraniums: lemon, apple, nutmeg, mint, and even the aromas of mint and pine.

You can read more about fragrant geranium, and about the use of the plant in folk medicine and about beneficial properties, find out in.


The necessary conditions

  • Air. For fragrant geranium, the most comfortable is moderate temperature regime, closer to cool: in spring and summer it is 18-23 °C, in winter – 15-18 °C.

    Pelargonium graveolens needs fresh air, so the room with this plant needs to be well ventilated every day, and with the onset of consistently warm weather, it is recommended to take the pot with the pelargonium bush to the balcony for the whole summer.

  • Light. Geranium loves direct sunlight; it will not die in the shade, but it will not grow well, much less bloom. In an apartment, it would be better to place the plant near a window facing the west or east, where the sun's rays are present for at least half a day.
  • Humidity. Fragrant pelargonium has the ability to accumulate water in its stem and sheet plates. Thanks to this, the plant does not need spraying and does not like excessive humidity soil.
  • The soil. Scented geranium grows best in soil rich in minerals. You can buy it already ready-made composition in a flower shop, or you can prepare it yourself from sand, turf and leaf soil in a ratio of 1:1:3.

    In the latter case, the ground must be disinfected. There should be no peat in the composition! The soil in the pot must be loosened periodically to allow oxygen to flow to the root system.

    IMPORTANT! The pot should be small, since in a pot that is too spacious, the plant will not receive enough of the substances it needs for growth. Drainage from small stones is required.

Planting and propagation

Fragrant geranium can be easily propagated using cuttings throughout the year, but the most favorable periods are considered to be from February to March and from July to August.

  1. A cutting 7-8 cm long is plucked off from the top of the plant. The lower leaves are removed from the cutting and placed in water to give roots.
  2. Another way is for more experienced flower growers: planting for rooting directly into the ground; for this, the cuttings are kept in the air until the wound dries, and then planted in moist soil, covered with a cap for 7 days. After the sprout is well rooted, it is lightly pinched to stimulate branching.

It is theoretically possible to plant Pelargonium graveolens from seeds, but, according to amateur flower growers, this is a very troublesome task and in most cases unsuccessful.

Young plants need to be replanted annually, and adults only when absolutely necessary. Best time for transplantation - spring months. The procedure is simple: first, the bush is pruned, removing excess branches and leaves from it, and then transplanted into a pre-prepared pot with a layer of drainage at the bottom and an earthen mixture.

How to care?

Watering and fertilizing

Pelargonium should be watered very moderately: it will easily tolerate a slight drought, but is very sensitive to excess water: it will die from overwatering root system, leaves wither. The best thing is to water the plant after the top layer of soil has dried to a depth of 2-3 cm. The water should be taken after 30 minutes. After watering, drain the excess from the pan.

Fragrant geranium can be fed with any universal fertilizer, but it should be remembered that “overfeeding” nitrogen will weaken the aroma of the leaves, even if the plant grows well.

Note! In the period from spring to autumn, fertilizing is done once every 3 weeks, and in winter they give a break from fertilizing.

Non-flowering odorous

The care for non-flowering fragrant geraniums (watering, fertilizing, pruning, etc.) is completely similar to the previously discussed care for fragrant geraniums.


The fragrant pelargonium shrub can grow up to 1-1.5 m, and if it is not pruned, the plant will turn into an ugly tree vine. Therefore, from the first weeks of growth of the bush and then every year in the spring (preferably in March), the plant is pinched, the growing points are removed, and it is pruned.

Possible problems

Pests and diseases

The fragrant plant can be damaged by whiteflies, aphids, and sometimes it is affected by rust. Most often, pests settle on young plants, affecting their leaves and shoots.

Special preparations (actellik, keltan, etc.) will help get rid of pests. To prevent rust, stagnant water and frequent watering should be avoided.


In order to all year round pleased her owner with the beauty of carved graceful leaves care should be taken to ensure that the plant receives enough light and cool air, avoid excess moisture and trim the bush in time.

Knowledge of these and other subtleties of home care discussed in the article will allow Pelargonium graveolens to preserve decorative look for many years.

Fragrant geranium or pelargonium is a perennial herbaceous plant, which belongs to the Geraniaceae family. The name of this plant comes from the Greek word, which translates as crane. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the fruits of the plant resemble the beak of these birds. Geranium was discovered in South Africa at the Cape of Good Hope and was then brought to Europe. Fragrant geranium is one of the most common indoor and ornamental plants in our region; very often you can also find the popular name - kalachiki. She gained popularity back in Soviet time, then on almost every windowsill one could find spherical inflorescences of red, white or Pink colour. Recently, popularity has subsided a little, but this did not prevent fragrant geranium from remaining one of the people’s favorite plants. In addition, many new varieties have appeared on the market with all kinds of petal colors and plant heights.

Types of geraniums

There are about 250 species of this plant.

They are also divided into groups:

  • Zonal.
  • Ivy leaf.
  • Royal.
  • Angel.
  • Unique.
  • Fragrant.
  • Succulent.

One of the most common species both in and in gardening.

  • This plant has straight stems and can grow up to 90 cm in height.
  • The leaves have a rounded shape and are placed on pubescent petioles densely located on the stems. The color of the leaves has different shades of green, located in a semicircle from the center of the leaf to its edge.
  • The colors are separated by peculiar zones, hence the name of this species.
  • Zonal geranium blooms profusely and for a long time, which attracts attention. It can often be found on balconies and window sills of apartments, and in decorative flower beds.
  • The shape and color of the flowers of this species also attract attention; they come in various shades from white to red-crimson, collected in dense inflorescences on a high peduncle.
  • It blooms in room conditions practically whole year, in flower beds and gardens from spring to late autumn.
  • Zonal geranium is very unpretentious and lends itself well to crossing.
  • To date, more than 70,000 varieties of this species have been bred. With different colors and shapes of flowers and leaves.

  • One of the most and most demanding.
  • It blooms very beautiful flowers with wavy edges in a variety of colors and shades.
  • Its leaves are round, toothed and rough, located on pubescent cuttings.
  • For good growth and royal geranium requires constant flowering.
  • She does not like direct sunlight and needs constant high humidity air.
  • This is one of the most favorite types of gardeners and flower growers, so every year new varieties of royal geranium with variegated colors of petals appear.
  • The flowers of this plant are collected in a bunch, which can reach a width of up to 25 cm, and are located on a long peduncle.
  • The plant itself can grow up to 80 cm in height.
  • The flowering of royal geranium differs from the others in that in the lower part of the petal, almost at the center, there is a spot that contrasts in color from the petal itself. This, combined with the terry nature of the petals, makes the plant royally beautiful.

Geranium is fragrant.

  • This type of geranium is very common in indoor floriculture, although they have small and inconspicuous flowers.
  • They differ beautiful leaves, bright green color.
  • The leaves are carved and have a varied pleasant scent.
  • This variety is valued for its antibacterial and viral properties that its leaves have.
  • Very often, such homemade types of geraniums were placed in different rooms, which helped to avoid colds and various infections.

Meadow geranium.

  • This type of geranium is also called meadow crane grass.
  • In nature, this plant is found in vast areas from Spain to China.
  • Its favorite and convenient places to grow are the edge of the forest, meadows, steppe, and clearing of a damp forest.
  • The plant reaches a height of up to 80 cm.
  • The stems of meadow geranium are straight and there are quite a few of them. The stems branch towards the top.
  • The green leaves are round in shape and slightly pubescent. They are kidney-shaped and incised, creating a feather-like shape.
  • The lower leaves are collected in a rosette and have 7 cuts, the leaves on the stems have 5 cuts, and the upper leaves have only 3.
  • Meadow geranium blooms bluish purple, and the flowers open wide. The flowering period takes place throughout the summer months.

Forest geranium.

  • This type of geranium can be very often found in the meadows of Europe and Asia.
  • It can also be found in dense thickets of bushes and in clearings of shady forests.
  • This type of geranium grows in the form of small shrubs, the stems of which grow in different directions.
  • Usually they do not grow alone, but gather in entire clearings.
  • The height of the plant can be up to 80 cm, and it has a powerful root system.
  • The stems are slightly hairy and few in number.
  • The leaves have green color and rounded in shape, grow on long pubescent petioles.
  • Upper and lower leaves differ in the number of shares into which they are divided.
  • Forest geranium blooms with lilac or purple flowers in the middle of summer for 3 weeks.

  • This variety of geranium has large flowers, much larger than other varieties, which is why it is also called large-flowered geranium.
  • It grows in the Himalayas, hence the name. Found in open, well-lit clearings.
  • It grows in the form of a bush, has pubescent stems, and can reach 60 cm in height.
  • The leaves have a round shape, the diameter can reach 10 cm. The leaves are unevenly divided into 5 parts.
  • The flowers are large, up to 5 cm in diameter, have a very beautiful color of blue, blue or purple. The flowering period is very long, which attracts gardeners and landscape designers.

Geranium is magnificent.

  • This is one of the hybrid species, obtained by crossing two varieties of geranium, Georgian and flat-petaled.
  • This variety is a perennial plant.
  • It grows quickly, the plant height can reach 50 cm.
  • The leaves are green, round, toothed, divided into 5 parts, leaf petioles are pubescent.
  • The big advantage of this variety of geranium is that in the fall the leaves turn orange or brick red; it looks very beautiful in any flower bed.
  • Blooms light purple from mid-summer.
  • Prefers sunny, open places and well-drained soil.

Geranium is blood red.

  • it's the same perennial variety geraniums
  • It grows in clearings in light forests, in thickets of bushes and on southern slopes.
  • The stems of the plant are straight and slightly branched, with a red color at the base.
  • It can reach 70 cm in height.
  • The leaves are rounded on pubescent stems.
  • It blooms with red flowers from early to mid-summer.
  • The fruits ripen in the form of a capsule, which is then divided into single seeds.
  • In autumn, the lower leaves turn red while the upper leaves remain green, creating a unique pattern that looks spectacular in any garden.
  • This variety of geranium can live with annual flowering for 15 years.

Ash geranium.

  • Grows in southern Europe and the Caucasus, also in southeast Asia.
  • This is a low perennial plant. The height of the stems can reach only 15 cm.
  • This is one of the low-grade geranium species. The leaves are rounded, up to 6 cm in diameter on petioles.
  • Divided into 3–7 lobes with jagged edges. The color of the leaves is an unusual gray-green color.
  • Blooms lilac-pink from mid to late summer.
  • Ash geranium prefers well-lit places, soil that is well drained and rich in lime.
  • The place where it grows in winter should not have an excess of moisture, otherwise the plant will disappear.

Here are presented that are used both as medicines and as ornamental plants. There is no need to talk about the popularity of the flower, because many people have heard about geranium, or, as it is more often called, kalachik, and almost everyone has such a plant at home.

In indoor conditions, fragrant geranium can grow on windowsills even on the north side, the main thing is that the lighting is good, without additional shadow.

Since shading the plant will slow down its growth and flowering may not occur, and the shoots, tending towards the sun, will be very long, which will spoil the decorative appearance of the flower. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a sufficiently bright place.

Tips for caring for the plant:

  • Geranium is not afraid of direct sunlight and, on the contrary, will feel great in the sun.
  • Also, do not move the pot from room to room, as this can cause plant disease. And if you have a balcony or terrace, then in the summer it is better to take the flower pot out into the open air.
  • Temperature for summer period 25–30 degrees, but in winter it is better to keep the flower in a cool place so that the temperature does not rise above 15 degrees, this regime will have a beneficial effect on flowering.
  • as the soil dries, and preferably after 3 days have passed after the top layer has dried. This is due to the fact that geraniums are able to accumulate moisture and excessive watering can cause rotting of the roots.
  • The main types of geranium do not need high air humidity, so they do not require constant spraying. But if the summer temperature is very high, or dried edges appear on the leaves, then you can sometimes humidify the air around the flower.
  • It is necessary to feed the plant a couple of months after transplantation. For good dense flowering, the plant can be fed with phosphate fertilizers. Geranium treats organic geraniums poorly and practically does not absorb them.
  • The flower also requires annual pruning. After trimming appears a large number of new shoots, which forms a beautiful lush bush.
  • Dry leaves are also trimmed as they appear. It is very important to do this with a sharp object and under no circumstances break or tear off the leaves. Ragged edges on the stem can begin to rot, causing the entire flower to die. When cutting off a leaf, leave a piece of the petiole on the stem and sprinkle the cut edge with charcoal.

Geranium propagates very well by cuttings.

At the end of summer or winter, the upper parts are cut off. There should be at least 3 nodes left on the cutting for good rooting. The plant can also be propagated using seeds, but many varieties, especially hybrid ones, may lose their varietal characteristics.

Fragrant geranium has many beneficial properties. Just being in a room with this plant and inhaling the aroma of the leaves, you involuntarily protect yourself from viruses and colds. In folk medicine, scented geranium leaves are used to treat diabetes.

Essential oils are used in many medicines.

There are also many recipes for treating a variety of viral and infectious diseases with the help of this plant. When the plant blooms, it emits an aroma that promotes good sleep, relieves fatigue. So keeping a pot of geraniums in your bedroom is very beneficial for your health.

More information can be found in the video.