The schedule and composition of fertilizing vegetables - a gardener's reminder. The best fertilizers for indoor flowers

Hello, dear readers. Many of us have houseplants, they not only add charm to the room, but also benefit people, create an aura of coziness and comfort, delight the soul and eye, especially when there are snowdrifts outside the window. Most of us limit ourselves to the primitive care of indoor plants - regular watering, and replanting them in a less cramped pot. Indoor plants still need to be fertilized regularly and the soil needs to be nourished with useful minerals and substances. And there are no difficulties in this, since you can fertilize indoor plants with simple natural fertilizers.

A small amount of land flower pot does not give the plant the required amount nutrients and microelements, hence the need to regularly fertilize indoor plants. Of course, if you just transplanted the plant into new soil, then for the first time the plant will have enough minerals and elements, but only for two to three months. Over time, the plant will need feeding. Adding fertilizers to the soil contributes to more lush flowering, plant growth, as well as the health of the root system.

How to fertilize indoor plants

banana peel. Banana peel, like the banana itself, is a source of potassium, and potassium is a very important element for the growth and flowering of indoor plants. To fertilize, banana peels are finely chopped and dried, and when replanting, the plants are either laid out in a layer or mixed with soil. Another method of fertilizing banana peels can be used without replanting the plant. Dry the banana peel and grind it in a coffee grinder or blender, you should get a powder that you simply pour into the pot before watering or mix with water for watering.

You can also prepare liquid fertilizer from banana peels. Take liter jar, fill it a third with chopped banana peels and pour boiling water, leave for about a day, strain the infusion, add clean water to a liter and feed your flowers. Flowering indoor plants love banana fertilizer, especially indoor roses, fertilizer promotes abundant flowering.

How to fertilize indoor plants with tangerine or orange peels

You can fertilize indoor flowers tangerines or oranges. To do this, you need to chop the peels of tangerines or oranges, place them in a liter jar, pour boiling water over them and leave for a day, after which you remove the peels and add water until the jar is full and you can water your potted pets.

How to fertilize indoor plants with sugar

To fertilize indoor plants, regular fertilizer is often used. sugar. We have known since school that sugar is broken down into fructose and glucose. It is glucose that will work as a source of energy and nutrition for house plants. Glucose is involved in plant life processes and is the basis and building material for complex organic molecules.

To fertilize a houseplant with sugar, carefully sprinkle 1 teaspoon of sugar on the surface of the ground and simply water the flower or stir two teaspoons of sugar in a glass of water and water the plant with this sweet water. Feeding with sugar is allowed no more than once a month. Sugar is a breeding ground for rot, bacteria and mold, so don’t overdo it.

Sugar can be replaced with regular glucose, which is sold at the pharmacy, such a fertilizer will the best option, because glucose will already arrive in its pure form. To do this, crush one glucose tablet and dissolve it in a liter of water and feel free to water your plants with this fertilizer, but not more than once a month.

Coffee as fertilizer

More precisely coffee grounds as a fertilizer it is often used to feed indoor plants. We need coffee grounds from the grounds. natural coffee, which remains at the bottom of the cup or in the coffee machine. Coffee contains a lot of nitrogen; coffee grounds also make the soil looser, increase its acidity, and specifically increase the amount of oxygen in the soil. Mix the coffee grounds with soil in a pot - this will be our fertilizer. After fertilizing with coffee grounds, do not overwater the plant; allow the nitrogen to be evenly distributed in the soil. All types of roses, gladioli, lilies, and tomato seedlings love coffee.

How to fertilize indoor plants with ash

Ash is one of the most popular and simple fertilizers for indoor plants. Ash is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron and zinc; it disinfects the soil and prevents rotting of the root system. Of course, it will be difficult to get it in an urban environment, but you can take a walk in the forest or park, you will probably find a place there after a picnic with the remains of ash, because we won’t need a lot of it. Mix ash with potting soil when replanting a plant, or dilute one tablespoon of ash with a liter of water and water the plant with this fertilizer, this will make the soil more nutritious.

How else can you fertilize indoor plants?

You can fertilize indoor plants onionhusk, which we simply throw away almost every day after cooking. Onion peels are rich in various microelements that are so necessary for our flowers; onion peels help plants grow, become healthier and more beautiful.

For fertilizer, take 50 grams of onion peel and fill it with two liters warm water, bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, then leave for about three hours, then cool and strain the broth, now you can spray our plants with it.

Some people advise fertilizing indoor plants water in which the cereals were washed: rice, millet, buckwheat, pearl barley and others. And why not, because such water contains a whole list of useful substances and microelements, such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, silicon.

How to fertilize indoor plants with potato broth

Houseplants require a certain amount of starch, potato water is the water that we drain after boiling potatoes, it is an excellent source of starch for any plants. Just pour this water into any convenient container, cool it and water the flowers with it. Starch accumulates in the roots of the plant, in tubers, in fruits (unripe), seeds, bulbs, in order to become in the future a source of energy for further flowering and reproduction of the plant.

Yeast as fertilizer for indoor plants

Yeast is used not only in cooking and cosmetology, but also to fertilize indoor plants. Yeast contains many vitamins, especially group B, microelements and nutrients. Scientists have proven that yeast has a beneficial effect on plant growth and promotes cell division. After introducing yeast into the soil, the activity of microorganisms increases and the release of carbon dioxide begins.

To prepare yeast dressing, you need to dissolve 10 grams of yeast, 1 tablespoon of sugar in a liter of warm water, leave for at least two hours. If you use dry yeast, the concentration will be different; for 10 liters of warm water, take 3 tablespoons of sugar and 10 grams of dry yeast, and the solution must be left for about two hours. Then dilute the solution with water in a ratio of 1:5 and water the soil in the pot with it.

How to fertilize indoor plants with tooth powder or toothpaste

Tooth powder copes well with the problem of drooping leaves, which is often caused by rot in the ground, problems with the root system of the plant, and watering cold water or drafts. To correct the situation, we will use tooth powder. Tooth powder is a source of calcium for plants and stops root rotting.

Let's prepare fertilizer from tooth powder: dissolve in half a glass of water room temperature 2 tbsp. spoons of tooth powder, 1 tbsp. spoon copper sulfate and 2 tbsp. spoons wood ash, mix everything well. The ash will nourish the plant roots with microelements. Gently water the soil at the roots with this solution. After that, do not water the plant for a week. After a week, water the indoor plant as usual with water at room temperature, but do not overwater it, and you will notice that the rotting will stop and the flower will come to life again.

Toothpaste fertilizer is prepared as follows: For 1 liter of water at room temperature, take a third of a tube of toothpaste, stir thoroughly until the paste is completely dissolved and water the soil in the pot with this solution. Calcium will enrich the soil, nourish the roots and improve the health of the plant.

When is it necessary to fertilize indoor plants?

There is no point in fertilizing indoor plants immediately after transplanting into fresh soil, since the concentration of necessary nutrients and minerals will be normal within two months, and excess minerals and nutrients can harm the plant. After two months it is already necessary additional feeding. Fertilizers are usually applied in spring and summer.

How often to fertilize indoor plants

A month is considered the optimal interval between fertilizing the plant; fertilizing more often is not recommended. Do not fertilize a houseplant when it is at rest, for example, the period of time between flowering, the plant also needs rest.

But if the plant shows signs of wilting, then this is a signal that it is missing something and the soil is depleted. The plant does not bloom for a long time, the foliage has faded, lost its brightness, the stems have become thin, or the leaves have turned yellow, dried out, began to fall off, the plant is unable to resist diseases, atypical spots have appeared on the foliage - all these are signs that it is time to fertilize the plant. Otherwise, when the plant looks healthy, fertilizers are needed in spring and summer, when the growth of young foliage and shoots increases. Now you know how to fertilize indoor plants and can easily solve all problems with potted plants. Let your flowers delight you with their beauty and attractiveness all year round, and if you dream of indoor flowers that bloom all year round, then the next article is for you:. I wish you good luck in growing indoor plants!

The peculiarity of indoor plants is that their space is limited to a small pot; for normal growth and active development they require nutrients. Fertilizers for indoor plants, which come in different compositions: organic, natural, universal, successfully cope with this task.

When to fertilize or feed plants

With regular application of fertilizers to the soil, plants are provided with all the necessary substances: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, calcium; as well as microelements: manganese, boron, magnesium, iron, etc. With their deficiency, weakening, delay or complete absence flowering, susceptibility to disease.

The main need for fertilizer for most plants increases during the period of greatest growth activity (spring - autumn). To replenish the supply of nutrients, you periodically need to replant the plant into a new substrate, but only a temporary measure, since the soil is depleted after about a few months. The plant is yours appearance signals the need for additional feeding:

the stems are weakened and too elongated;

growth is slow;

the foliage has an uncharacteristic color and spotting;

crushed, drooping leaves;

the flowers are small, poorly developed or completely absent;

loss of immunity to diseases and pests;

Organic fertilizers

Humus, manure, bird droppings are organic fertilizers for indoor plants. They contain many useful nutrients that can improve the structure of the soil and normalize its microflora. In most cases, they are used to make various infusions for fertilizing watering of plants.

Cow dung (rotted) – 0.5 kg – 5 liters of water;

Poultry droppings – 0.5 kg – 12-13 liters of water;

Natural fertilizers

Using natural fertilizers For indoor plants, you can achieve excellent results, because at first glance, such products that are common to us are a storehouse of useful substances and microelements.

Coffee grounds– used as a fertilizer for indoor flowers, and also perfectly loosens the soil. Most The best way using grounds - when replanting a plant, thereby the soil receives the necessary nourishment and becomes light and airy. A special feature of coffee grounds is that they neutralize the acidity of the soil.

Tea brewing– used mainly for feeding; for this, the flower is watered with a weak brew (without sugar).

Citrus peels(tangerines, oranges) – an infusion of citrus zest is the best fertilizer for indoor plants. It is prepared in this way: put the crushed crusts into a liter jar and fill the jar with boiling water. You need to infuse this fertilizer for about a day, then strain, add water to the original volume and water the flowers.

Banana skins - natural fertilizers for indoor plants. Crushed skins are added to the substrate during plant transplantation. As they rot, they will become a kind of fertilizer for home flowers.

Yeast, as fertilizers for indoor plants, they are an excellent means for preparing a solution that stimulates plant growth. Thanks to a number of substances found in yeast, the mineralization of organic matter increases and the release of carbon dioxide in the soil is activated. To prepare the solution, mix 10 g of yeast + 1 tbsp. granulated sugar + 1 liter of water. After steeping for 2 hours, dilute with water 1:5 and water the plants.

Onion peel - rich in microelements. To prepare onion broth, take 50 g of peel and pour 2 liters of boiling water over it, boil for 10 minutes, then wait 3 hours for cooling and necessary infusion. Before spraying or watering, the decoction is first filtered.

Ash – an indispensable fertilizer for indoor plants contains a large number of microelements. Ash is used when replanting plants, mixing a small amount with the soil. This method protects root system from rotting, and also helps disinfect the soil. You can also make a tincture from the ash, which will serve excellent feeding for flowers (1 tbsp. wood ash / 1 liter of water).

Nettle – an excellent remedy for restoring depleted soil . Fresh nettle (100 g) is poured into 1 liter of water, covered with a lid and left for 24 hours. After straining, dilute 1:10.

Mineral fertilizers

There are many varieties of forms of release of mineral fertilizers: liquid concentrates, which are used by adding a certain amount to water for irrigation; tablets or powders that dissolve in water; or in the form of sticks - they should simply be stuck into the substrate; when watered, they will gradually begin to transfer nutrients to the plants.

What fertilizers are best to use in caring for indoor flowers?

It should be noted that it is impossible to name a specific substance or fertilizer that will suit all plants. Each plant is special, and therefore has its own needs and preferences for certain substances.


Frequent replanting is unacceptable for the plant, so for normal development and growth requires additional nutrition. For ficus, fertilizer is simply necessary, especially during the main growth period (spring, summer).

Almost all varieties of ficus require nitrogen-containing fertilizers. After all, nitrogen allows the flower to grow actively. This element can be replenished with the help of organic substances, as well as using mineral supplements.

For full development, ficus plants also need phosphorus, calcium, potassium and other microelements, which are usually contained in complex mixtures. For ficus plants, it is recommended to use fertilizers designed specifically for them, but if they are not available, you can use universal fertilizers for indoor plants.

Marked good results when fertilizing ficus with preparations: “Giant”, “Ideal”, “Kemira”, “Palma”, “Rainbow”, “Gumisol”


From March to September (during active growth) the plant should be fed regularly; for spathiphyllum, the fertilizer is prepared in a not very high concentration (1-1.5 g per 1 liter of water).

You can use fertilizers for indoor plants that do not contain lime to feed spathiphyllum: Flower, Azalea.

From organic fertilizers quite effective use of rotted cow dung(1:15; 1:20). In this case, it is necessary to water the plant abundantly before and after fertilizing.


For zamioculcas, fertilizer is applied periodically from mid-March until September (once every 14-20 days).

Zamioculcas responds well to the use of fertilizers intended for succulents and cacti, which contain no or minimal amounts of nitrogen.

You can also use fertilizers for ornamental foliage plants, but they need to be diluted several times stronger. Too concentrated or nitrogen fertilizers can lead to burns of the root system or the formation of rot.


Bamboo is one of the few plants that can feel comfortable growing only in water. Undoubtedly, the plant looks very impressive in various vases made of transparent glass. But without nutrients, the plant cannot exist for a long time, so for bamboo in water, fertilizers with a mineral composition are used, which are designed to preserve green leaves.

Mineral fertilizers specialized for dracaenas are suitable for bamboo. It is recommended to fertilize once every three months, this will provide the plant with green stems and succulent leaves.

Growing indoor flowers is a favorite pastime for many. This is good for your health, and you have a natural decoration for your home. But in order to have a real flower garden in your apartment, you need to carefully care for it. Moreover, care must certainly include not only regular watering, lighting and replanting, but also high-quality fertilizers colors. Knowing how to feed indoor flowers at home, you can take care of your favorite greenery at the proper level.

Some gardeners are convinced that there is no need to purchase nutritional compounds too often for indoor plants at home. It would seem that you water them often, and the lighting in the apartment is not bad. However, in reality homemade greens much more in need of feeding than you might think at first glance.

Feeding indoor plants should be done from time to time. And all because the flower grows in a limited space. It gradually absorbs everything useful that it finds in the soil, thereby depleting it. Sooner or later, the supply of nutrients in the substrate becomes very scarce, and the plants no longer have enough of it. That's when you need to feed the soil. Remember: even if your home shrub or other ornamental plant planted in a large spacious pot, one day he won’t have enough minerals. And this deficiency must be filled by you.

There are also other experts who believe that indoor plants are quite simple sometimes, and feeding is not necessary. Perhaps, for the first time, this procedure will be able to prolong the active life of the flower. However, it still will not give the desired result if you neglect the need to apply fertilizer.

Make sure that home flower already suffering from low supplies nutrients in the ground, you can use the following signs:

  • the plant develops too slowly or its growth has slowed down;
  • flower stems become weak;
  • leaves lose color and elasticity;
  • the flowering process stops;
  • the plant turns yellow and becomes much more susceptible to pest invasion.

Watering your houseplants with nutrient mixtures is essential if you want to keep them alive.

When not to feed flowers

It would seem that any fertilizing is always useful and necessary for your indoor flower garden. But provided that you apply fertilizer at the right time. If you feed home flowers at the wrong time, you can get the opposite effect. That is, you will only harm your indoor plants. In what situations is it recommended to delay recharging? home flower garden? First of all, forget about fertilizers for a while when the plant is damaged or simply sick. First, you need to rid it of such a scourge, and only after that begin to restore the weakened greenery.

Immediately after purchasing a new flower specimen, it is also worth postponing the addition of nutrient mixtures to the soil for a while. The thing is that in the store the plant is abundantly watered with various growth stimulants and other compounds. Therefore, the flower first needs to “digest” the existing beneficial substances.

Another period during which it is undesirable to fertilize is immediately after transplantation. By updating the soil mixture, you have already supplied the plant with vitamins.

Homemade recipes for natural fertilizers

Feeding home flowers folk remedies- This The best decision for any gardener. Firstly, it is much cheaper than purchasing store-bought nutritional mixtures. Secondly, home methods will bring much more benefits. That is why domestic flower growers for the most part prefer to supplement indoor plants with proven homemade decoctions and mashes.

It's time to consider what folk remedies can quickly stimulate development and growth indoor flower. Among effective fertilizing prepared for indoor flowers at home, it is worth highlighting the following possible options:

  • dry yeast and cigarette ash. Yeast is generally considered a useful organic product, ideal for feeding almost any plant, indoor or garden. As for cigarette ash, it is simply scattered at the root of the flower. It is not only able to saturate greens with vitamins, but also perfectly protects against the appearance of various ailments. Domestic flower growers appreciate both the effectiveness of using cigarette ash and the ease of its use. To feed the plant, it is not necessary to dilute the powder with liquid or mix it with other ingredients. It is enough just to sprinkle the substrate in the pot with ash from time to time and then water on top;

  • sugar and banana peel. Fertilizing plants with folk remedies is always simple and inexpensive. But the result is what is needed. Since sugar contains a huge amount of glucose, it is very beneficial for indoor flowers. This product stimulates the formation of molecules and has a beneficial effect on plant development. It is not difficult to use. Simply sprinkle sugar on the top layer of soil and then water thoroughly. - Another useful fertilizer for flowers. It contains potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. A tincture can be prepared from this product. To do this, fill the peel with water and leave until foam appears. Ready solution can be used for irrigation;
  • . Another useful remedy for flower growth. Succinic acid obtained by processing fossilized resin. It is enough to take one gram of the substance and mix it with five liters of water. Prepare such a solution at home, and you can not only water the plant with it, but also spray its leaves and stems.

Houseplants should be fed in accordance with basic rules. Only in this case can you count on full results.

Video “Natural fertilizers for indoor plants”

In this video you will learn about some of the best natural supplements for indoor plants.

Floriculture in apartments and houses has been and remains one of the most popular, interesting and exciting hobbies. For some, this is even a profitable business. Lovers of house plants include, first of all, summer residents, but ordinary housewives and even housewives, who are becoming more and more numerous, are not far behind them.

Demand, as we know, creates supply, and therefore the shelves of flower shops are now full of all kinds of fertilizers for indoor plants. But do not forget that previously there was no well-established production of fertilizers, and our mothers and grandmothers fertilized flowers with improvised means, which is much more profitable and convenient than using purchased fertilizers. There are many time-tested plant food recipes. It's time to learn about them!

Many novice flower growers ask the question: “Why fertilize indoor flowers at all?” The answer is simple: the flowers that live in our apartments sit in pots or cache-pots, in the soil, in which, over time, the reserves of substances necessary for flowers are very quickly depleted. As a result, plants begin to experience a deficiency important elements and begin to grow more slowly, wither, turn yellow and may die. Therefore, if you want to see vibrant, green and dense, brightly flowering plants on your window, then you must fertilize them.

Basic rules for fertilizing indoor flowers

When feeding flowers, gardeners have the following rule: “Do no harm!”, since excess fertilizer or incorrectly applied fertilizer can cause great harm to the plant. There are basic rules for how to feed plants:

  1. Apply fertilizers to the soil only for plants that are healthy. Make sure there are no pests on the bush.
  2. During the dormant period, that is, from the first days of autumn to the beginning of spring, avoid frequently feeding the plants. Do this no more than once every 1-1.5 months, with the exception of some types of crops.
  3. Avoid fertilizing flowers immediately after transplanting into a new soil or pot: firstly, there is still a supply of nutrients in the fresh soil, and secondly, the plant has already suffered stress, after transplantation it needs peace, not active growth.
  4. Do not forget to water the plant thoroughly before feeding: if you do not do this, the roots of the flower may get severely burned. Water the flowers with plain water, and then, after 2-3 hours, add nutrients.

If you bought a flowering plant in a store, do not fertilize it at first - the soil should contain the required amount of minerals. Wait about a month before the first feeding.

Do-it-yourself fertilizer for home flowers

Behind good fertilizer there is no need to run to the store - look carefully around you. Our house is always full of things from which fertilizers for indoor plants can be prepared independently, without any “chemistry”.

From our table

In the process of daily cooking, we, without noticing it ourselves, send substances that are very useful and necessary for plants to the trash bin or drain. This includes water from washing cereals, eggshells, waste from fruit peeling and much more. But when correct use With this waste you can create very nutritious fertilizers from virtually nothing.

Of whatWhat givesHow to prepare fertilizer
Shells from boiled or raw eggs and even the water in which you boiled your eggs for breakfast is a natural source of calcium for houseplants. All flowers love her, with the exception of fans of acidic soilYou can water flowers with the water in which you just boiled eggs without any special preparation - just let it cool. And from the shells, prepare a useful infusion: rinse with water and thoroughly crush the shells and fill them with water (the shells of 4 eggs are based on 3 liters of water), then infuse this mixture for 2 weeks, placing the container with it in a dark place. Do not close the lid of the container tightly. The characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide and cloudiness of the water will tell you that the fertilizer is ready.
Good source of potassium and organic matterThe preparation of banana fertilizer is carried out in two ways: the skins can be thoroughly dried and crushed, and then the resulting powder can be used when watering once every 7 days (1 tsp per glass of water). Second option: pour fresh banana peels with water, wait one day, strain and, diluting twice with water, water the flowers
This fertilizer stimulates plant growth and repels pestsGrind the peels of lemons, oranges or tangerines, then place the pulp in a jar (a liter jar is filled one-third full) and pour boiling water over it. You need to steep the mixture for about a day, then strain it and add water. Use diluted 1:10 once every 1-2 months
Helps fight diseases, stimulates flower growth, repels midgesA handful of husks is poured with boiling water (1 liter). Then, after holding it on the fire for 8 minutes, let it cool and leave for about 3 hours. Now the solution needs to be filtered and used for spraying once every 8 weeks (this product cannot be stored long time, so always prepare a fresh solution). To get rid of midges, you can water the soil
A source of glucose and a growth stimulator of young shoots. Suitable for succulents: ficus and cactiDilute a spoonful of sugar in 1 liter of water and use the solution to water the plant
The grounds from the coffee maker and from your cup are a source of nitrogen. It also gives the soil airiness and looseness. Plants that prefer acidic soil love thick leaves.Everything is simple here: the grounds are mixed with soil and mixed into pots
Good soil loosener. Suitable for use as drainageCollect tea leaves from tea bags or a teapot and mix into the ground
Source of nutritional componentsCollect the water that was spilled on the cereals and water the flowers with it

Video - Do-it-yourself fertilizers for indoor plants

Your own helpers

Flowers themselves can be an excellent source of nutrients. For example, the juice of one of the most popular home flowers - aloe. This is a great helper for other flowers: it accelerates development and improves immunity.

  1. Rip it off bottom sheets aloe, which is about 4 years old.
  2. Place the leaves in a plastic bag and place it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the leaves.
  4. Dissolve the juice in water at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1.5 liters of settled water for irrigation.
  5. Water the plants once every 14 days.
  6. Plants can also be sprayed with this solution.

It’s good if you place a little chopped fern at the bottom of the pot - such measures will help improve the condition of the soil and increase the acidity of the soil.

Aloe is a great helper for other flowers

Pets are fertilizer producers

It’s rare that an apartment doesn’t have pets: people have birds, fish, hamsters, cats and dogs. But if cat waste is dangerous for flowers, then waste from other animals can be very useful.

A good source of elements necessary for flower growth can be the water in which aquarium fish live. I use it for watering in the spring or in the first half of summer - during the active development of plants. Use this water once a month to prevent soil acidification.

Aquarium water is a good source of flowers needed for growth.

You can also fertilize indoor flowers with the droppings of dogs, birds, and guinea pigs. An infusion is prepared from it: the droppings are collected and poured warm water, then wait for the fermentation process to begin (from 3 days (rodent droppings) to 2 weeks). Dilute the product 1:25 and use it to water house plants.


Ash has long been known among gardeners and summer residents as a source of minerals for plants. The soil is enriched mineral elements, including potassium and phosphorus, and crops on such fertilized soil begin to grow faster.

If you grilled kebabs at the dacha or just lit a fire, pick up some wood ash and bring it home. Dilute 1 tablespoon of the brought fertilizer in 2 liters hot water, let it brew for one day, strain and water the plants.

Not bad mineral fertilizer- ash from cigarettes. Just pour it a little into the pots of your flowers.

A first aid kit is also helpful

Every home medicine cabinet contains potassium permanganate, aspirin and castor oil. These preparations are excellent sources of nutrients for indoor flowers.

Potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate will help get rid of house flies, and will also become a source of microelements for plants. Dilute a few grains of potassium permanganate in settled water, giving it a pale pink color, and water your flowers.

Aspirin has long been renowned as an excellent treatment for cut flowers, increasing their life in the vase. Why not try feeding ordinary indoor plants with this drug? Prepare the solution as follows: in 1 liter. of settled water, dilute 1 tablet. drug. Plants that are flowering or forming buds are watered with this product.

Castor oil will benefit indoor flowers that are forming buds or are already blooming. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of this drug in a liter of water and water the flowers.