Dimensions of concrete floor slabs and their features. Floor slab weight

The durability of the entire building, be it a bathhouse or a residential building, depends on the correct choice of foundation structure. The characteristics of the soil (close occurrence of groundwater, instability of layers, etc.) most often speak in favor of a monolithic slab. The load on the slab is the total weight of all floor walls, interior structures (stairs, fireplaces and other heavy interior items). The mass of each floor with contents depends on the total mass in centimeters.

To determine the load on the foundation of a building, it is necessary to know the weight of all components of the foundation. A special table (below) is used to facilitate the calculation of the volume of required materials.

The preference for a monolithic foundation structure is justified by a combination of several factors environment. This type of foundation has many advantages:

  • ease of manufacture;
  • low cost of materials;
  • versatility of use (all types of soil);
  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • high resistance to frost.

To calculate the thickness of the floor of the building's base, experience and a certain amount of knowledge are required. A specialist, for example, will cope with this task much more efficiently and faster than an amateur. But if you want to master the topic, the builder can independently determine the weight future construction and the load on all floors.

Description of foundation type

Slab foundation type is a type of concrete or reinforced concrete slab, the area of ​​which is completely located under the perimeter of the building. Under such a base, a cushion of bulk inert materials (crushed stone, sand, gravel) is placed.

In this case, the thickness of the slab depends on the total weight of all structural elements of the project on the foundation slab. Calculation of this load - important stage any construction.

Base load calculation

The most common option slab foundation assumes its shallow placement in the ground. Calculation of the foundation involves performing sequential operations:

1) determination of the dimensions of the concrete slab;

2) calculation based on the definition;

3) determination of the required volume of concrete solution;

4) calculation of the required amount of reinforcement.

For example, if one of the parameters is calculated inaccurately, this will inevitably affect the quality of the foundation as a whole. To consider this topic in more detail, it is worth considering specific example: the width and length of the foundation are equal to the dimensions of the building, and the thickness of the base has an average (recommended) value of 25 cm.

Based on the initial data, we will make a detailed calculation of the load on the floors of the house and its support.

Calculation algorithm based on soil bearing capacity

When the dimensions are determined, it is possible to calculate this structure based on the bearing capacity of the soil. The purpose of this operation is to assess the condition of the soil and its ability to withstand the total weight of all floor walls and other elements inside the building.

Example: Strong pressure on the soil will cause excessive settlement foundation slab and displacement of soil layers. All this together will cause catastrophic consequences.

The foundation area is considered reliable if it exceeds the following condition:

  • S > Kn × F / Kр × R,

in which S is the base of the house in sq. cm;

Kn – coefficient determining the reliability of the support (assumed equal to 1.2);

F – total mass of all floor slabs (including operational loads) on the foundation in kg;

Kр – coefficient that determines the working conditions;

R – conditional value of the calculated soil resistance in kg/sq.cm.

Working conditions on each soil take on different values. The type of building being constructed also affects the coefficient Kp. For example, it is necessary to build a heavy house on soil whose base is plastic clay. Kp in this case will be equal to 1. Light clay and fine sandy soils - Kp is equal to 1.2. Light construction on coarse sandy soil determines the Kp value to be 1.4. These coefficient values ​​that determine construction conditions can be taken from special tables. The found figure is substituted into the above calculation.

Table 2. Values ​​of coefficients that determine working conditions during the construction of a foundation on soils with organic components

Soil type and parameters Conditions factor
ground work
Fine-grained sands with high water saturation and degree of peat

0,03 < Ifrom ≤ 0,25
0,25 < Ifrom ≤ 0,40

Silty sands, water-saturated with peat content:
0,03 < Ifrom ≤ 0,25
0,25 < Ifrom ≤ 0,40
Clay soils are water-saturated at a degree
peat content 0.05< Ifrom≤ 0.25 with flow rate:
IL ≤ 0,5
IL > 0,5
The same, with a peat level of 0.25< Ifrom ≤ 0,40
with fluidity index:
IL ≤ 0,5
IL > 0,5

As can be seen from the table, the Kp value is influenced not only by the type of soil, but also by its level of water saturation and porosity of the structure.

So, the calculation has been made and the condition given in the formula is met. This means that the weight of the floor and all supporting structures on the foundation slab guarantees the safe operation of the building. If the calculated data contradict the required condition, it is necessary to increase the area of ​​the concrete support or change some other parameter.

Important: this calculation of the bearing capacity of the soil should carry out the design stage of the future house. Only after completing the calculation data with the foundation can you specifically determine the dimensions of the building.

Base cubic capacity

After determining the total pressure of the floor walls and the ability of the soil to withstand this load, you can proceed to the next stage of calculations - calculating the concrete cubic capacity per slab.

Completing this stage involves knowledge of the laws of geometry. The slab base is a parallelepiped, the volume of which is determined by the formula:

  • V = L × B × H,

where V is the volume of the base slab in cubic meters. cm;

L – length of the structure in cm;

B – width value, cm;

H – foundation thickness in cm.

If you need to perform a more complex cubic capacity calculation geometric figure, it is mentally divided into small ones with simple shapes, after which their volumes are summed up.

Important: if a monolithic base is reinforced with stiffeners, their volume must be calculated separately and added to the volume of the slab itself.

How to calculate reinforcement

Reinforcement is used not only to strengthen the floor elements, it is also required to increase the reliability of the foundation itself.

The key point is that only material with a ribbed surface and a cross-sectional diameter greater than 10 mm is used to reinforce the foundation structure. A composite part of the floor slabs and the base of the house, the reinforcement provides the required stiffness and the reliability of these structures.

To determine the length of the reinforcing bars, they are guided by the design dimensions of the building and the grid spacing of the frame being formed. The average pitch is 200 mm. Based on the initial information, it is easy to determine the volume of the reinforcement and its weight.

Most often, the mass of the reinforcing frame falls within the range of 5 to 10% of the total volume of the monolithic reinforced concrete slab.

Calculation of the foundation slab updated: February 26, 2018 by: zoomfund

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The weight of concrete is a value that is very important both during construction and during dismantling concrete buildings. The design features of the foundation and floors of the house will depend on it. The same indicator is used to determine the number and carrying capacity of vehicles required to remove debris when a building is destroyed. How to determine how much a cube of concrete weighs?

What determines the weight of a cubic meter of concrete?

No one will give a definite answer to this question without first asking several clarifying questions. The weight of concrete is a value that depends on a combination of indicators such as:

  • brand of cement;
  • type of aggregates;
  • the amount of water used for mixing.

Depending on the above factors, the following are distinguished: types of concrete, differing from each other in their specific gravity, that is, mass cubic meter:

Extra light

Most often these are cement mortars, filled with small air bubbles or pieces of perlite, vermiculite and other light minerals. They are used as heat insulators, when sealing various seams, joints, and to eliminate cracks. They are not suitable for the manufacture of load-bearing structures. In this case, the weight of a cube of concrete does not exceed 500 kg.

Lightweight, grade M 100 or 150

They serve as placeholders porous materials, for example, tuff, expanded clay or shell rock. There are types mortars, containing neither heavy nor light stones. Their low weight is explained by the presence of pores in the cement mortar itself. These include foam and aerated concrete.

A cubic meter of such mixtures can have weight from 500 to 1800 kilograms. A significant proportion of them is occupied by sand, of which in a cube ready solution can be up to 600 kg. Such concrete mixtures are used to make wall blocks.

Heavy, grades M 200, 250, 300

These are classic concretes in which the fillers are gravel or crushed stone. They are prepared using the proportion 1:2:4:0.5 or 1:3:5:0.5, where the first number is the volumetric content of the binder component - cement, and the rest are sand, crushed stone and water, respectively.

For example, to prepare a cubic meter of such a concrete solution, it will be necessary to spend from 250 to 400 kg of cement, depending on its brand, 600 - 700 kg of sand, 1200 - 1300 kg of gravel or crushed stone and fill this mixture with 170 - 200 liters of water.

These values inaccurate and can vary widely. However, concrete is produced in large volumes, so a few kilograms lost and added during calculations will not play a significant role.

A cube of such concrete has a mass of 1800 to 2500 kg. The range of areas of its application is very wide. This includes pouring foundations, building monolithic walls, and making iron. concrete slabs and blocks. This solution is suitable for pouring screeds, paths, platforms, making fences and stairs. Concrete of the specified grades - most in demand.

Extra heavy, grades M400 or 500

Here they are used as placeholders metallurgical industry waste(metal scrap), as well as magnetite, barite, hematite. Such concrete is not used in the construction of residential buildings. The main areas of their application are the creation of protective structures at nuclear power plants, in bunkers for storing radioactive waste and other similar structures.

The weight of a cubic meter of such concrete is from 2500 to 3000 kg, most of which is accounted for by large aggregates.

How to calculate the mass of a cubic meter of concrete

All the above parameters are regulated SNiP standards No. II-3, installed back in 1979. This document also provides more precise values ​​for concrete using specific aggregates (all values ​​in kg/cubic meter):

  • reinforced concrete structures - 2500;
  • crushed stone, gravel - 2400;
  • tuff - from 1200 to 1600;
  • pumice and other fractions of volcanic origin - from 800 to 1600;
  • expanded clay - from 500 to 1800;
  • foam and aerated concrete - from 300 to 1000.

You can also determine the mass of a cubic meter of ready-made concrete based on its brand. Quantities specific gravity of concrete in kg/cubic meter are given below:

Table “Specific gravity of concrete (1m3) of various grades”

If you need data specifically for your concrete, and not average indicators, you can make the calculations yourself. To do this, you need to know the content and brand of each component of the mixture.

Let's give an example

It is necessary to prepare a cube of concrete grade M200 from cement M400 with the following indicators:

  • crushed stone fraction - 4 cm;
  • water-cement ratio - 0.57;
  • sand density - 2.63 g/cm3;
  • cement density - 3.1 g/cm3;
  • crushed stone density - 3.6 kg/l

Cement to prepare a portion of such concrete will be required 325 kg. This parameter is calculated using the tables given in SNiP, by dividing the volume of water required to prepare a solution of the required grade by the water-cement ratio.

Next, we calculate the total volume of sand and crushed stone. To do this, subtract the sum of the volumes of cement and water from the total volume (1 cubic meter or 1000 liters). The volume of water is indicated in the table - 185 liters, the volume of cement is obtained from the school formula, dividing its mass by density. In total we get 1000 - (185 + 325/3.1) = 710 liters.

Knowing percentage sand and crushed stone in the mixture (also presented in the tables), we calculate the volume of each of these components separately. It is not difficult to determine the volume of a part of the whole: multiply the total volume by the percentage of the component and divide the resulting value by one hundred. In total, with a percentage ratio of sand to crushed stone in our mixture equal to 41:59, we obtain: 710 × 0.41/100 = 290 liters of sand and, accordingly, 420 liters of crushed stone.

Knowing the volume and density of the components, multiplying them by each other, we obtain the weight of sand in kilograms: 763, crushed stone - 1092 kg. If we add the mass of cement (325 kg) and water (185 kg), we get the mass of a cubic meter of concrete - 2362 kg/cubic meter. As you can see, the value is close to the table (2430 kg/cubic meter).

There are even more simplified way calculations. To obtain concrete grade M200, the strength of which is sufficient to withstand the load of a private house, the volume ratio of cement, sand and crushed stone should be 1: 3: 5. If we add up all these parts (1+3+5) we get a total of 9 volumetric parts.

Knowing that one cubic meter is 1000 liters, we get one volumetric part equal to 1000/9 = 111 liters or 0.111 cubic meters. Then the mass of cement in the mixture will be 0.111 cubic meters x3100 kg/cubic meter = 344 kg. The masses of the remaining components can be calculated in the same way as the mass of cement or use the first method. In this case, it is permissible to take the water-cement ratio equal to 0.5. The values ​​will be close, but not the same.

For private construction, as mentioned above, this method of calculation is quite acceptable. In other cases, use the values ​​​​given in SNiP. If you are not sure that you can make all the calculations yourself, then it would be wiser to use ready-mixed concrete purchased from a concrete concrete plant.

During construction multi-storey buildings are used different materials. However, an integral element of any such structure are concrete plates. Floors in houses made from them ensure the reliability and safety of the structure of the structure. These products are used not only in the construction of houses. Dimensions of concrete floor slabs allow their use in the construction of road networks and channels for engineering systems.


Concrete is classified according to different criteria. Among them:

  • Type of concrete. Plates can be made from dense, light, heavy, silicate compounds.
  • Internal device. Concrete floor slabs They can be solid (solid) or hollow (multi-hollow).
  • Thickness, width and length. Standard parameters are established in GOSTs.
  • Method of resting on crossbars or load-bearing walls. Concrete floor slabs can be cantilevered (such products are used when arranging canopies and balconies), beamed (on both sides), 3-4-sided.
  • Section profile. According to this criterion, beveled, rectangular, ribbed slabs are divided.
  • Manufacturing method. The slabs are prefabricated and monolithic.
  • Production technology. Products can be manufactured by vibration, casting, or continuous methods.
  • Reinforcement method. The slabs can be pre-stressed, conventional or non-stressed.


It must be said that the cost hollow core concrete floor slabs, reinforced with reinforcement, differs significantly from the price of monolithic products. Despite the fact that hollow slabs can withstand less load, they can be used in the construction of interfloor floors. Due to the voids, the load on the walls is significantly reduced. The foundation of the structure is thus under less stress.

The voids are located along length of the concrete floor slab. However, its indicator may not always be greater than the width. For a slab supported on 4 sides, the length is considered to be the smaller dimension in plan. In other products it will be the side that does not lie on the supporting structures.

Reinforcing mesh

It is used in reinforced concrete products. Reinforcing mesh significantly increases the cost of slabs. The solution provides reliable protection metal rods from aggressive environmental influences, so they are not subject to corrosion.

Metal helps maintain the solidity of concrete. It takes on the tensile load. IN concrete floor slabs there is no metal fittings. Accordingly, they are inferior to reinforced concrete products in terms of strength.

Monolithic slabs

Reinforced concrete products may have different shapes. Their frame is connected to the structure of the house and forms a single whole with it. Thanks to this, the consumption of concrete solution is also reduced. The overall cost of materials is thus reduced. However, monolithic products have a number of disadvantages. They are as follows:

  • The period of concrete strength gain in such products is quite long.
  • For installation monolithic slabs installation of formwork is required.

Precast concrete and concrete floor slabs significantly reduce the construction time of a building, since they are delivered to the construction site in finished form. In addition, there are significant savings work force. For houses with a simple configuration, it is more advisable to use prefabricated slabs.

Specifics of using metal rods

Concrete floor slabs with stressed reinforcement are produced single- or split-stressed. Before concreting begins, the rods are tensioned different designs: matrices, bench stops, forming trays.

As the solution gains strength, forces are transferred from the reinforcement located in the channels in the body of the structure or in the grooves located on the outside.

The adhesion of the materials is ensured by an injected anti-corrosion coating or solution. are manufactured with intense reinforcement, regardless of their size.

Solid products

Solid slabs used for interfloor floors are produced in accordance with GOST 12767-94.

It is worth saying that such products are used in residential construction extremely rarely, due to their heavy weight. Such slabs are irreplaceable when the structure involves high mechanical loads.


The classification of solid slabs is carried out according to the method of support:

  • On 2 sides - 2PD - 6PD.
  • On 3 sides - 3 PT - 6 PT.
  • On 4 sides - 1P - 6P.

Thickness of the concrete floor slab indicated in digital markings:

  • 100 mm - 1;
  • 120 mm - 2;
  • 140 mm - 3;
  • 160 mm - 4;
  • 180 mm - 5;
  • 200 mm - 6.

The dimensions of the products in plan are:

  • Length - 3-6.6 m;
  • Width - 1.2-6.6 m.

Mandatory requirements

According to state standards, reinforced concrete slabs must contain:

  • Structural elements or embedded parts made in the form of releases of reinforcement bars. They are designed for joining with metal and reinforced concrete frame parts.
  • Through channels. They are used to pass electrical wires or other networks.
  • Mounting loops.

Standards establish standard indicators of frost resistance and water resistance of slabs, quality and strength of materials, including metal rods. There should be no concrete sagging on the embedded elements. To prevent injury, the rod outlets must be protected.

Attention is paid and appearance products. There should be no chips, cracks, or deep holes on the surface of the slab.

Hollow-core products

They are characterized by high noise insulation, low thermal conductivity, relatively low weight and affordable cost. Both surfaces of the plate are front. During installation, one becomes the floor of the upper floor, the second becomes the ceiling of the lower floor.

The production of such plates is carried out according to GOST 9561-91 standards. The state standard provides for the classification of products into the following groups:

  1. With round voids, supported on 2 sides - PC, on 3 sides - PKT, on 4 - PKK.
  2. Manufactured using the method of formless continuous molding - PB.
  3. With pear-shaped voids supported on 2 sides - PG.

The thickness of hollow-core products is 160-300 mm. The most popular size is 220 mm. The holes can be of different diameters (114-203 mm). It depends on the thickness of the slab. The length of the products is 2.4-12 m, width - 1-6.6 m.

These slabs, as well as hollow slabs, must contain additional elements, described above. To strengthen the ends are sealed cement mortar or use another method provided for by the regulations.

Ribbed slabs

They are usually used in the construction of industrial buildings. provide high resistance to mechanical damage. The disadvantage of such products is their unattractive appearance.

Depending on the purpose, the slabs can be mounted with the ribs up or down. As a rule, the second option is common. Slabs are manufactured in accordance with GOST standards. For products with a height of 400 mm, State Standard 27215-87 applies, for prestressed products with a height of 300 mm - standard 21506-87.

Light or heavy concrete can be used to produce ribbed slabs. Products are used:

  • In unheated and heated rooms, outdoors.
  • At temperatures from -40 to +50 degrees. If additional requirements are met, the temperature range can be expanded.
  • In areas with estimated seismicity up to 9 points.
  • In gaseous, slightly, moderately or non-aggressive environments.

The classification of ribbed slabs is carried out depending on the method of support on the crossbars:

  • On the shelves - 1P.
  • On the top of the beam - 2P.

At the same time, 1P slabs have 8 standard sizes, and 2P - one. The length of the products in the first case is 5.05 and 5.55, and the width varies in the range from 0.74 to 2.985 m. 2P ribbed slabs have a standard size of 5.95x1.485 meters.

Prestressed products are available in three standard sizes. They differ in shape and width. All have a standard length of 5.65 meters. Width P1 - 2.985, P2 - 1.485, P3 - 0.935 meters.

The technical regulatory documentation defines the requirements for reinforcement bars, concrete and finished products in general. In addition, possible tolerances are indicated. Manufacturers of concrete slabs must strictly comply with all requirements.


Concrete slabs are currently considered one of the most popular building materials. Manufactured at the factory according to all rules and in accordance with standards, they are reliable, durable, and safe. They are successfully used not only for the construction apartment buildings and industrial buildings. Concrete slabs are often used in the construction of low-rise private houses.

Concrete slabs can be used at low temperatures and in harsh climatic conditions. One of their undoubted advantages is ease of installation. Prefabricated slabs are installed quickly enough with relatively little labor. Their size makes it possible to cover quite significant areas of the structure in a short time. Difficulties may arise with the delivery of material to the construction site. For transportation, special machines with high load capacity are used. To improve the quality, strength and reliability of products during production, special mixtures are added to the concrete solution.

Reinforced concrete floor slabs do not occupy a dominant place in the overall construction estimate, but in terms of mass indicators this structural element cannot be discounted. At the project development stage, it is necessary to clearly calculate what loads the walls and base of the building can bear, and then make a choice in favor of one or another type of interfloor covering.

Types of reinforced concrete floor slabs

Variety of modifications of this building element relatively small, all of them are standard, as they are produced exclusively in accordance with GOST standards. All existing types of reinforced concrete products meet safety requirements for the construction of high-rise, low-rise or industrial buildings.

  1. A solid floor slab is a monolithic product that does not have large internal voids. The weight of a 120 mm thick slab is from 4300 to 7100 kg. Moreover, the higher the grade of concrete, the greater the strength and weight of the floor element. The weight of a 160 m thick floor slab is up to 8700 kg.

A type of solid floor slabs is additional elements. The length of such products is standard for full-size slabs (1.8 - 5 m), but the width is much smaller, as is the weight (up to 1500 kg).

  1. Hollow (lightweight) floor slabs have less weight, since their body is penetrated with technological holes of a certain shape. These are mainly round chambers with a diameter of 140 to 159 mm (PK1, PK2); there are types of hollow slabs with ellipsoidal chambers (PG) and different shapes (PB).

The presence of voids in the body of the slab allows the weight of standard 6-meter floors to be reduced to 3 tons. The advantage of hollow slabs is their good heat and sound insulation characteristics.

  1. Ribbed reinforced concrete products can be classified as monolithic, since they do not have internal cavities. These are slabs with enhanced load-bearing capacity, which they received thanks to side solid-cast ribs. Standard 6-meter slabs weigh from 1500 to 3000 kg, and industrial 12-meter “giants” reach 7000 kg.
  2. A floor slab made of polystyrene concrete is a lightweight version of a floor slab, where thermal insulation material is used as a filler. The strength of such slabs is slightly lower than classic reinforced concrete products, but is sufficient for loads of 400-500 kgf/cm2. The weight of polystyrene concrete slabs is two times lower than classic solid ones, while the insulating qualities are several times higher than those of conventional reinforced concrete products.

How much do different floor slabs weigh?

The weight of the slabs depends on many factors, in particular on the brand of concrete used, the number of reinforcing elements, samples, voids and other factors.

Average weight table for floor slabs
Type of concrete products Marking Dimensions (m) Weight, kg)
Full-bodied PRTm-3 1600x400x80 85
TP-43-8 4300x800x220 1400
PTP 24-12 2400x1200x120 840
Ribbed 1P7-2 5550x740x400 1500
2PG-5 5970x1490x250 1230
1P3-1 5550x1490x400 2650
Hollow PK26.10-8 2580x990x220 78
PK30.15-8 2980x1490x220 790
PK50.12-8 4980x1190x220 1320
Polystyrene concrete 36.10.3 3600x1000x300 1150
42.12.3 4200x1200x300 1610
51.15.3 5100x1500x300 2450

Reinforced concrete floor slabs are not the most important cost item during construction. But you need to choose them no less carefully than other materials for your home. They are highly durable and durable, but are very heavy. Therefore, even in the project, it is necessary to accurately calculate what load the walls and foundation of the building can withstand, and only then decide on the type and size of the slabs.

Types and their features

The weight of a reinforced concrete floor slab depends to a greater extent on its dimensions, and to a lesser extent on the type and technical characteristics materials. The dimensions of reinforced concrete products are established by GOST, so all panels are standard. There are relatively few individual types, but they fully satisfy the basic requirements for the construction of any objects: from private houses to high-rise buildings and huge industrial buildings.

1. Solid.

Monolithic floor slabs are distinguished by the heaviest weight, since they do not have large voids inside. And their weight will be higher, the stronger the grade of concrete used in production. Such panels are divided into types according to thickness:

  • 1P - have a standard size of 120 mm and an average weight of 4.3 to 7.1 tons;
  • 2P - a little more powerful (160 mm), so they can weigh up to 8.7 tons

The disadvantage of solid products is the complexity of their installation. The reason for this is the rather large dimensions and weight of the slab. But no one lays hollow structures manually, so this minus should not be seriously considered.

Another type of reinforced concrete products for floors is additional elements. They have a standard length, tied to the main parameters of manufactured full-size products (1800-5000 mm), but a small width. Despite its modest dimensions, the weight of a solid slab cannot be called small - up to 1.5 tons, that is, it cannot be lifted and installed without special equipment. But for non-standard buildings their use is quite justified, since it allows you to assemble any ceiling from panels of existing standard sizes.

2. Lightweight.

The weight of hollow core slabs is reduced due to through technological holes. Depending on their shape and quantity, there are three additional types:

  • PC – with standard round chambers with a diameter of 159 or 140 mm (marked 1PK and 2PK, respectively);
  • PB – multi-hollow, with various options technological holes;
  • PG – products of medium thickness (260 mm) with ellipsoidal chambers.

An increase in the total volume of voids in the body reduces the mass and at the same time the load-bearing capacity. However, thanks to the longitudinal air chambers, lightweight concrete products acquire excellent thermal insulation and acoustic properties. So they are ideal for forming basement and interfloor slabs of residential buildings. Hollow-core slabs can replace monolithic products if it is necessary to reduce the weight load on the base of the building. The weight of standard 6-meter floors, depending on the type of concrete, ranges from 2.8-3 tons.

Lightweight ribbed floors are a separate group, although they are classified as solid. These are U-shaped slabs, in which the load-bearing capacity and resistance to bending loads are increased due to solid cast stiffeners. They are widely used for the construction of particularly strong floors and flat roofs.

Ribbed floors are made from any grade of concrete - from light to especially strong. Accordingly, their mass can vary within 20%. Middle plate standard size weighs about 1.5-3 tons, and 12-meter panels for industrial construction reach 4-7 tons.

Not so long ago, lightweight options made of polystyrene concrete began to appear. The use of insulating material as a filler has significantly improved performance characteristics finished products: heat and sound insulation properties, weight, workability. Although the strength has decreased compared to traditional reinforced concrete products, 400-500 kgf/cm2 is quite enough to cover their indicators.

A cubic meter of polystyrene concrete, even taking into account reinforcement, weighs about 1 ton - this is almost half that of standard solid reinforced concrete panels, although it is slightly higher than the same figure for hollow-core products.

Weight and prices

The cost depends not only on the mass, but also on the complexity of the manufacturing technology and the quality of the materials used. Therefore, the difference when purchasing products different manufacturers may be significant. Other factors also play an important role here:

  • price formation system selected at the factory;
  • popularity of certain standard sizes;
  • proximity to sources of raw materials;
  • terms of delivery to the end consumer.

You can save a lot of money on this by familiarizing yourself with the offers of different reinforced concrete manufacturers.

MarkingDimensions (LxWxH), mm Weight, kgPrice, rub/unit
PRTm-31600x400x8085 880
TP-43-84300x800x2201 400 13 300
PTP 24-122400x1200x120840 5 700
1P 7-25550x740x4001 500 8 880
2PG-55970x1490x2501 230 6 680
1P 3-15550x1490x4002 650 14 900
Hollow (H 220 mm)
PC 26.10-82580x99078 3 370
PC 30.15-82980x1490790 4 800
PC 50.12-84980x11901 320 5 050
Polystyrene concrete
36.10.3 3600x1000x3001 150 8 740
42.12.3 4200x1200x3001 610 12 600
51.15.3 5100x1500x3002 450 18 400

For small objects, you can buy substandard or dismantled products - they are reliable enough to withstand basic loads, but at the same time they are much cheaper.


How much does a reinforced concrete floor slab weigh?

Floors made of reinforced concrete slabs have become widespread in the construction of residential, industrial, administrative buildings, heating mains, and other structures. Dimensions and weight of reinforced concrete slabs are determined by their type, purpose, and technical characteristics. Modern reinforced concrete products are strong, durable, fireproof, and environmentally friendly.

  1. Classification and characteristics
  2. Expenses

Types and weight of reinforced concrete slabs

Floors in structures and buildings serve as interfloor partitions and roof foundations. Production is standardized by GOST 23009-78, which provides for special labeling. A set of numbers and letters indicates the type of reinforced concrete products, concrete grade, dimensions, and other parameters. The construction market offers a wide range of floors. In addition to the main functions - horizontal separation and fencing of structures, they provide structural rigidity. The entire range of reinforced concrete slabs is divided into solid and hollow.

1. Monolithic - ceilings of administrative and public facilities. The use of structures with a thickness of 120 mm requires the organization of heat and sound insulation. The weight of a solid slab 3600x400x120 mm is 0.24 tons.

2. With voids (PC) - universal reinforced concrete floors used in low-rise and industrial construction. The presence of air chambers along the entire length provides high noise and heat insulation characteristics. If necessary, cylindrical cells are filled with insulation (mineral wool, cellulose, expanded polystyrene). Depending on the concrete used, the weight of a 6x1.5 m hollow core slab varies from 2.8 to 3.0 tons.

One of the varieties of solid concrete products is ribbed. Essentially, these are systems of beams intersecting each other, filled concrete mortar. The main area of ​​application is the construction of industrial facilities with high load-bearing capacity requirements horizontal structures. At same sizes, for example, 5550x2985 mm, ribbed floor slabs can have a weight of: 3.8 tons - from light concrete, 4.73 - from heavy concrete. Installation of solid and hollow concrete products is carried out on 2–4 walls or on columns, using specialized heavy equipment, secured to special metal ears.

Low-rise construction except slabs, uses beam floors. Wooden, metal or reinforced concrete beams installed on walls. They are covered with plasterboard from below, clapboard - the ceiling, boards are laid on top of the joists, sheets of chipboard or plywood are laid on the floor. The space between the skin is filled thermal insulation materials. New construction technology involves the use of large-format hollow blocks laid on reinforced concrete-ceramic beams. The porous structure ensures the low weight of the ceiling and its high sound, heat and noise insulation properties.


The price of reinforced concrete products is determined by weight, dimensions, quality characteristics materials used, delivery conditions, location of the manufacturer’s plant, the facility being constructed. For large order volumes and regular deliveries, discounts are provided. Also, the cost of floor slabs of various weights is influenced by the availability of current promotions and bonus programs. Average prices of Moscow companies:

Name Size, mm Weight, kg Price, rubles
PIK ARTStroyInvest JBI StroyGroup LLC LLC TD Pro Concrete Products


PRTm-3 1600×400×80 85 1 080 750 850
PRTm-4 1800×400×120 100 1260 830 930
PRTm-5 2000×400×120 130 1590 1120 1250
PRTm-6 2200×400×120 140 1720 1230 1380
PRTm-7 2400×400×120 155 1960 1420 1600


PK-26-10-8 2580×990×220 78 4250 4470 4490
PK-27-10-8 2680×990×220 83 4600 4510
PK-28-10-8 2780×990×220 85 4510 4790 4680
PK-29-10-8 2880×990×220 88 4850 4910 4810
PK-30-10-8 2980×990×220 92 5080 4570

You can save on the purchase of reinforced concrete floors in several ways: compare prices from different manufacturers, familiarize yourself with the terms of current promotions, purchase immediately full set Precast concrete products required for construction. It is possible to replace conventional hollow core slabs with lightweight ones - the same dimensions, but less weight. Sometimes managers offer to purchase substandard products. Durability, high degree of strength and reliability provide the possibility of recycling reinforced concrete products. Each option is considered taking into account the requirements of a specific project.


How to calculate the weight of a concrete slab in St. Petersburg? We will help you calculate and determine the weight of the slab | Blog of Concrete Products Plant No. 1

Everyone faces the need to find out the weight of a concrete slab or any other reinforced concrete product. construction companies at one stage or another of construction. This question arises when it is necessary to transport concrete slabs, as well as directly during the construction of a building.

Concrete slabs with identical external parameters can differ significantly in their weight. The weight of the product is influenced by factors such as manufacturing technology, composition concrete mixture, what fillers were used by the manufacturer.

Features of the weight of concrete slabs

First of all, it should be noted that there are two values ​​for the weight of a reinforced concrete slab - its specific and volumetric weight.

Specific gravity of a concrete slab. Speaking of specific gravity, ideally we mean a one-component material with 100% density, with complete absence por. However, concrete products are created from several components, including various fillers, giving the slab structure and heterogeneity. Therefore, the calculation of the specific gravity in in this case is produced by adding together the specific gravity of the individual ingredients of the mixture, including the water that took part in the preparation of concrete.

Volumetric weight of the slab. Most often, it is the volumetric weight of the product that matters, since this indicator reflects physical properties concrete slab. The importance of calculated data is difficult to overestimate. So, the lower the volumetric weight of a concrete slab, the less energy required for its installation, and the lower the cost of its transportation. At the same time, the indicator should not be less than the permissible minimum value so that the slab can perform the load-bearing functions assigned to it.

You can order concrete slabs from St. Petersburg from our company by choosing the type of product that suits the characteristics of your project.

Calculation of the weight of a concrete product can be done by in a simple way, by weighing a sample of, for example, one cubic meter. However, in the case of a finished concrete slab, this option is not relevant, so you can find out the weight based on data on the type of concrete and the filler used.

There are several types of concrete:

  • Ultralight - porous modern material, which serves as the basis for the production of aerated concrete slabs and blocks. The volumetric weight of the material is no more than 500 kg.
  • Light - in the range from 500 to 1200 kg, the weight depends on what kind of filler was used.
  • Moderately heavy - weight up to 1800 kg, chosen in the manufacture of various concrete structures.
  • Heavy - up to 2500 kg, made with the addition of coarse crushed stone.
  • Extra heavy – 2500-3500 kg, used in the production of objects with high level radiation protection.

Contrary to popular belief, it should be noted that the weight of a concrete slab does not directly affect its strength - this indicator depends more on the grade of concrete. With the same brand, different fillers may be included in the composition, therefore, the weight categories may vary.

You can buy slabs in St. Petersburg from our company by placing an order in any way convenient for you. The concrete slabs presented by us are durable and low in price. high quality execution. Contact us for more detailed information regarding slabs and other concrete products.


How much do floor slabs weigh?

During the construction of residential and administrative buildings, production complexes, heating mains widely use reinforced concrete floors. Their popularity is explained by their strength, reliability, fire resistance, and environmental safety.

Types of plates and their features

The ceiling in the structure serves to separate floors from each other horizontally, as well as living spaces from attics and basements, and to block access to communications. In addition to the separating and enclosing function, it plays a protective role, giving rigidity to structures. Production is regulated by GOST 23009-78, which also establishes a system of alphanumeric designations. Indicate the type of product, brand of solution, linear parameters and additional information. Weight is not included in the marking; it is determined to a lesser extent by the type of concrete and to a greater extent by the dimensions.

1. Monolithic.

This type of ceiling has a high specific gravity, since there are no cavities inside it. Standard ones are most often cast from heavy concrete. They will be much more massive when using a high grade. The weight of floor slabs is also affected by linear dimensions. Depending on the thickness they are divided into two types:

  • 1P - 120 mm, weight varies from 4.3 to 7.1 tons;
  • 2P - this option is more powerful (160 mm), up to 8.7 tons.

A lightweight 120 mm slab requires thermal and sound insulation. After carrying out the appropriate work, the ceiling will weigh slightly more (the weight of the product, insulation, and sound insulator is added up).

According to GOST 19570-74, solid panels for indoors can be made from autoclaved cellular concrete (strength grade 25-150, volumetric weight - 800-1200 kg/m3) and used at a humidity of no more than 75%. Length - from 0.6 to 6.0 m, width - up to 1.5 m with a thickness of 200 or 250 mm. The standard ceiling of this group, brand P60.12-3.5Ya (6x1.12x0.25 m from M35) weighs 1.1 tons.

A separate type is additional elements that allow you to assemble structures of non-standard size. These reinforced concrete products are selected according to length, it is equal to the corresponding parameter regular stove(1.8-5 m). The width is small and the weight is no more than 1.5 tons.

2. Void.

Thanks to special technological holes, the weight load exerted by the hollow panel on the foundation and walls is less significant. Depending on the number and configuration of cells, there are three types:

  • PC - the ceiling contains round chambers; diameter 159 mm corresponds to the marking 1PK, 140 mm – 2PK;
  • PB – this is the designation for hollow core slabs with different cell options;
  • PG – 260 mm thick with ellipsoidal voids.

Due to the holes, the working cross-sectional area, volume and weight are reduced, and the load-bearing capacity is reduced. Among the advantages, it is worth noting improved heat and sound insulation properties. A product with internal chambers is usually used to form a basement or interfloor ceiling. The weight of hollow core slabs 6 m long, depending on the strength grade of concrete, is 2.8-3 tons. To enhance the thermal insulation effect and not increase the weight too much, you can stuff it with cellulose, mineral wool, foam plastic.

3. Plates with a ribbed surface.

They represent beams connected to each other and filled with concrete. They have a U-shaped cross-section and are characterized by high load-bearing capacity and resistance to bending stresses. Not only solid cast ribs work for bending, but also reinforcing ones metal elements. Powerful reinforced concrete floor Suitable for attics, industrial buildings, especially hot shops and chemical production. They are rarely used in residential buildings: in this case, the panel will have to be covered with cladding, and this requires additional costs.

The weight of a standard size slab (3x6 m) may vary. It depends on the material from which it is made:

  • lightweight concrete – 3.8 t;
  • heavy - 4.73 tons;
  • dense silicate – 4.0 t.

4. Made from polystyrene concrete.

Lightweight types manufactured directly on site construction site made from a mixture of foamed polystyrene, Portland cement and quartz sand. The ceiling provides high-quality thermal insulation and fire protection, absorbs noise, and has a high frost resistance index. Throughout its entire service life, the material retains its structure unchanged. Compared to reinforced concrete, they are less durable, although with standard strength indicators of 400-500 kgf/cm2 they cope with their functions quite well.

Flooring with a polymer additive helps solve the problem of reducing the load on load-bearing walls and foundations. A cube of reinforced polystyrene concrete weighs approximately 1 ton - this is approximately 2 times less than the specific weight of classic monolithic slabs made of heavy concrete (although somewhat more than hollow ones). Polystyrene panels are useful for reconstruction and overhaul of buildings with weak foundations.

Cost and weight

The price depends on the quality of the materials used in production and the distance of the manufacturer from the construction site. When purchasing massive products, you can try to reduce costs: find out the terms of wholesale deliveries, get acquainted with promotional and bonus programs. To save money, they buy lightweight hollow options. Prices for floors in the Moscow region.