Wooden window casing. How to finish plastic windows

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Window finishing: 12 pressing issues

What materials can be used to decorate windows outside and inside? What is the technology finishing works in each specific case? In my article I will try to give detailed answers to some questions related to finishing in one way or another.


  1. How moisture resistant should they be? Decoration Materials for windows?

Window exterior finishing can only be done with waterproof materials with low hygroscopicity. In the warm season, external slopes come into contact with precipitation, but during frosts, water absorbed in damp weather crystallizes and contributes to the destruction of the finish.

Interior finishing can be done with materials that are not resistant to dampness, provided that the ventilation of the room is sufficiently effective. It’s worth making a short lyrical digression here.

Most of the country's housing stock consists of Soviet-built houses. The ventilation system in them was designed quite similarly:

  • Ventilation ducts with exhaust grilles in the kitchen, bathroom and;
  • The influx is provided by the gaps of window frames in living rooms.

However, when installing plastic windows the ventilation scheme is disrupted: since the doors are closed hermetically, the flow of fresh air from the street completely stops. And in the absence of normal air exchange, humidity begins to increase in the room: your breathing and any other substance contribute to an increase in the percentage of water vapor in the air. economic activity(laundry, washing floors and dishes, etc.)

At a certain humidity level, excess water begins to precipitate as condensation on the coldest surfaces. First of all, they are glass, frames and... yes, that's right, internal slopes.

Fortunately, there are some simple and effective solutions ventilation problems in living rooms:

  • Installation supply valve into a window frame or into a main wall;
  • The use of fittings with a micro-ventilation system, which allows you to fix the sash slightly open by a few millimeters;
  • Installation of a window retainer that performs the same functions;

  • Finally, supply ventilation can be organized by simply cutting out part of the seal on the sash and frame.

As a rule, a couple of pieces of 3-5 centimeters are cut out. The seal on the frame is cut out at the bottom, and on the sash that opens inward - at the top: in this case, dust carried by the supply air will settle inside the window frame, and not in the room.


External slopes

  1. How are external slopes finished?

Here are the most popular types of exterior finishes:

  • Cement plaster and putty;

Plaster slopes are a time-tested classic.

Along with dry mixtures, you can use a sand-cement mixture for their preparation in the proportion of 1 part M-400 cement to 3 parts sifted sand. To make the solution more mobile, add shampoo or liquid soap at the rate of one tablespoon per bucket.

  • Acrylic facade putties and plasters for mineral substrates;
  • Galvanized or polymer-painted steel. Metal slopes can be equally successfully mounted on window openings of stone, concrete and wooden houses;
  • With the same success, slopes made of polyvinyl chloride can be used in any buildings;
  • IN wooden house Wooden trim is traditionally used to finish the opening. As a rule, there are no full external slopes for windows in a log house: the window is installed flush with the outer surface of the wall;
  • Finally, the window opening is often finished with wild stone or tiles.

To paint plaster external slopes, you can use any facade paint. In my opinion, best material for this purpose - so-called rubber acrylic-latex paint: it is absolutely waterproof, durable and adheres firmly to any mineral substrates.

Internal slopes

  1. What materials can be used if you have to finish plastic windows inside? ?
  • Along with cement building mixtures, gypsum can be used for interior decoration;
  • Drywall allows you to significantly speed up finishing and get a perfectly smooth surface of the slopes, even if you do not have any experience in plastering work;

  • Plastic slopes have become very popular in recent years. For their manufacture, along with insulated sandwich panels (expanded polystyrene, laminated PVC), ordinary wall lining of the appropriate width is used;
  • In this case, wooden houses often stand apart: they use wide planed boards or wooden lining to finish the slopes.


  1. How to finish the exterior of a window opening using cement plaster ?

Here step-by-step instruction for plastering external slopes:

  • The opening is completely cleared of old plaster and dusted with a vacuum cleaner or brush;
  • Then the surface of the slopes is primed with penetrating acrylic primer. The primer will stick to remaining dust and improve adhesion;
  • The plaster solution is applied to the wall with a rectangular spatula. The application technique is intermediate between throwing and spreading: a spatula with a solution applied to it is pressed against the wall with a light blow;

  • Plaster that has dried but not completely set is rubbed with a wooden or polyurethane trowel.

If you doubt your ability to make the edges of the opening smooth, use beacons. Lighthouse profiles are attached with building plaster near the frame and at the edge of the opening strictly level. When plastering, a wide spatula, rule or any other suitable object is used to remove the plaster protruding above the beacons.

To putty slopes, I recommend using façade putty on white cement. Its price is slightly higher than that of the gray one, but the opening will remain white even if the paint is damaged.

As a rule, both external and internal slopes are painted in White color. It visually increases the size of the window opening and makes the room brighter.

  1. How to trim the slopes of plastic windows from the outside with plastic ?

Installation is extremely simple: custom-made slopes and ebbs are mounted on foam and screwed to the window frame with galvanized self-tapping screws, after which all seams are filled with silicone sealant. For additional fixation to the wall, dowel screws can be used.

There are few subtleties here:

  • Use sanitary rather than universal sealant. Thanks to antiseptic additives, it is more resistant to mold;
  • Take the time to pre-treat the external slopes with penetrating soil. This will significantly improve the adhesion of the foam and sealant to the mineral base.

  1. How to do the external finishing of plastic windows with metal slopes yourself ?

Their installation is carried out in the following order:

  • The opening is cleared of debris, peeling plaster and old paint, after which it is primed with penetrating primer;
  • The ebb is cut in width with a margin of 4 - 6 centimeters;
  • Its edges are cut and curved upward. The bends will not allow water to flow in at low tide;

  • The lower surface of the ebb is foamed, after which it sits on the window sill shelf and is screwed to the frame with galvanized screws. The step between the attachment points is no more than 60-70 cm. While the foam is setting, the ebb must be loaded or fixed with spacers: the mounting foam noticeably increases in volume and can lift it;
  • The upper slope is also trimmed with a margin; its edges are bent down, after which the slope sits on foam and screws;
  • The junction of the upper slope to the wall is sealed with silicone;

Sealing will become much more reliable if you bend the upper edge of the slope at a right angle to the wall and insert it into the cut made by the grinder in it.

  • The side slopes are installed with an overlap on the curved edges of the ebb and flow and the upper slope, after which all seams are sealed.

  1. How to decorate PVC windows on the outside with tiles or wild stone ?

After the obligatory priming, the tile or other material is placed on ordinary frost-resistant tile adhesive. Instead, you can use silicone sealant, applied pointwise around the perimeter and in the middle of each tile. Grouting of joints is epoxy or silicone.

It is more convenient to cut tiles and porcelain tiles in place not with a tile cutter, but with a grinder with a diamond wheel. It allows you to cut edges of any shape. Unlike an abrasive disc, a diamond disc does not burn itself and does not overheat the edge of the cut.

  1. How to attach wooden trims?

After trimming the foam protruding beyond it, the installation seam is sealed with aluminum tape; then the trim, cut in place, is treated with protective and decorative impregnation (it can, however, be successfully replaced by ordinary drying oil) and nailed with copper nails without heads. When hammering a nail, use a nail hammer that will prevent you from crushing the wood with hammer blows.

It is easy to make a hammer by grinding it off with sandpaper or cutting off the tip of a construction dowel with a grinder.

  1. How to plaster internal slopes?

Exactly the same as external ones. The only difference is that gypsum plaster Can be applied by spreading using a wide spatula. In this case, beacons attached to plaster will help to make plaster slopes even.

It is more convenient to attach them to building plaster rather than to gypsum plaster or putty. If construction gypsum mixtures set for at least half an hour, then pure alabaster hardens within 5 minutes after mixing.

Puttying on plaster can be done with acrylic or gypsum finishing putty. The first material is convenient because it is supplied ready-made, but the second is noticeably cheaper. To obtain a perfectly smooth surface when using a gypsum-based material, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • When preparing putty, the dry gypsum mixture is poured into a container with water, rather than water being poured into the mixture. In the latter case, dry lumps will inevitably remain at the bottom of the container;
  • After pouring the putty into water, let it swell for 5 minutes and only then mix until it reaches a uniform consistency with a spatula or a construction mixer;

  • Prepare at one time the amount of putty that you produce in 20-30 minutes. After half an hour, the mixture begins to thicken and becomes difficult to apply;

Some putties can be diluted with water and work continued. In particular, I successfully used this maneuver with Turkish ABS Saten. It left a pleasant impression and a fairly long life after mixing with water: the mixture remains suitable for application for up to 45 minutes.

  • Be sure to wash the container and spatulas before preparing each new batch of putty. Otherwise, lumps of set gypsum, falling under the spatula, will leave untidy furrows on the surface of the slopes.
  1. What does it look like interior decoration plasterboard windows?

I do it like this:

  • Slopes are cut from gypsum plasterboard with a small margin in width;

  • The opening is cleared of old coatings and primed;
  • Cakes are applied to the slopes gypsum glue or putty. A continuous bead of glue is formed on the side of the frame;
  • The slopes are alternately pressed against the edges of the opening and leveled. The upper slope will have to be fixed while the gypsum sets. For this purpose, you can use dowel screws or supports;
  • The seams between the slopes are reinforced with serpyanka or fiberglass and puttied;
  • The edges of the slopes protruding beyond the plane of the wall are removed with a regular carpenter's plane, after which the cavities between the slopes and the wall are filled with putty;
  • All surfaces are sanded for painting.

To strengthen the edges of the opening, a corner reinforcing profile is usually used, which is placed under the putty. I prefer another way of finishing the corners: after painting, they are finished with a decorative plastic corner glued with silicone sealant.

  1. How to decorate the inside of a window opening with plastic panels?

I'll tell you about the most accessible method- using wall lining.

To finish the slopes you will need:

  • Actually Wall panels sufficient width. It is better to buy a white glossy lining: it will be easier to wash and less dirty. Pay serious attention to the strength of the panels: the corner of the lining should not be crushed with your fingers;

  • Starting profile. It will border the slopes on the side of the frame and at the junction with the window sill;
  • Corner profile for connecting slopes to each other;
  • Decorative outer corner 25 - 30 millimeters wide;
  • Insulation (as a rule, rolled material is used for this purpose) mineral wool 50 mm thick);
  • Silicone sanitary sealant (white or transparent);
  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Galvanized screws measuring 3.5x16 or 4x16 mm.

Installation is carried out in the following order:

  • Along the perimeter of the window, a starting profile is attached to the frame using silicone and self-tapping screws;

Both the panels and the profile are very convenient to cut with a grinder and any abrasive wheel. The cut is perfectly accurate, without deviations from the markings and without burrs. Don't forget to wear a gauze bandage: breathing plastic dust is not good for your health.

  • The slopes are cut to size and inserted into the profile;
  • The space between them and the edges of the window opening is insulated with mineral wool;
  • A corner profile is installed in the corners, and sections of the starting profile are installed at the junction with the window sill;
  • The edges of the slopes are foamed and pressed against the wall with a plastic corner glued to the sealant. While the foam and sealant dry, it can be pressed against the wall and slopes with masking tape.

Window sills

  1. How to install a window sill correctly?

This is usually done like this:

  • The window sill is cleared of debris and primed with a primer;
  • The window sill is leveled on block blocks. The edge of the window sill closest to the frame should fit tightly under the corresponding protrusion of the lower profile. Let's allow a slight slope towards the room: in this case, condensation will not accumulate near the window;
  • A strip of sealant is applied to the edge of the window sill closest to the frame;
  • The window sill sits on the foam and is loaded while it sets;

  • Excess foam after it has dried is cut off with a sharp knife, then the assembly seam is puttied.

Several windows in my house do not have window sills as a class: instead, tiles are laid on the lower part of the opening. He was placed on the leveled cement-sand mortar base; for filling seams in different time I used acrylic facade putty and transparent silicone.


I hope that my experience will be useful to the dear reader. The video in this article will help you learn more about the ways in which window finishing can be done. As always, I would appreciate your contributions and comments. Good luck, comrades!

September 30, 2016

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  • External structures
  • Kinds exterior finishing
    • Plastering
    • Sandwich panel finishing
    • Sheet plastic
    • Rare types of materials

External structures

Polyurethane foam is destroyed under the influence of sunlight, and gaps form between the frame and the walls. As a result, cold air enters the room and drafts form. Also, such external finishing performs a decorative function: it gives an aesthetic appearance. Therefore, external elements must be installed either immediately with the window, or after a short time.

External ones are no less important than internal ones, and their design and decoration should be approached with no less responsibility.

The external slopes of a plastic window affect the durability of the structure and its thermal insulation properties.

A plastic window installer rarely provides the service of installing this element from the outside. The only exception is if the client immediately ordered the production of not only internal, but also. At the same time, the cost of window construction and work in general increases significantly. The manufacturer of plastic windows no longer performs finishing from other materials. Therefore, you will have to do it either yourself or hire a specialist finisher. Of course, the process of installing external window elements requires certain dexterity and skills. It is not always possible to do quality work on your own. Therefore, you should decide whether to save and do everything yourself or spend a large amount money, but the work will be done with high quality, in full compliance with manufacturing technology.

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Types of exterior finishing

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For plastering, a special heat and sound insulating material is used. plaster mixture– perlite, vermiculite, perlite-gypsum.

There are several various ways installation of external slopes of plastic windows from various materials. The most popular are slopes made of sandwich panels or plaster. Plaster finishing of windows is the cheapest type. This is where the advantages of such window elements end, and the disadvantages begin. It is difficult to make them carefully on your own; over time, they begin to deteriorate and crack. In addition, plastic windows have weak adhesion to the plaster, which can lead to peeling of the mortar. As a result, this requires external repairs approximately 2-3 times a year.

For plastering you will need the following tools:

  • trowel for applying the solution;
  • fry;
  • wooden or metal caulk;
  • plumb line;
  • containers for solution;
  • wash brush;
  • hammer;
  • foam grater;
  • tow;
  • square for measuring the bevel angle.

First you need to seal the cracks to reduce heat loss. To do this, tow is used, which is hammered in with caulk. For better insulation, the surface can be moistened with gypsum mortar.

With the right approach, you can “kill two birds with one stone” - not only plaster, but also insulate the window slopes.

When plastering, it is necessary to do it with a slight bevel (the angle of the box), which should be the same everywhere. To accurately calculate them, a square is used.

Before applying the solution, the surface should be cleaned of dirt and moistened with water. And after this, the plaster is applied using a trowel. The surface is leveled first with a float, and then with a foam float. After this, the boards are removed and the corners are corrected. At this point the slopes are ready. To give an additional decorative and protective effect, the surface is treated with a paint and varnish material.

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Sandwich panel finishing

Sandwich panels for finishing are two sheets of plastic, between which there is a layer of foamed polyurethane foam.

Sandwich panels for exterior finishing window slopes They consist of two sheets of plastic, between which there is a layer of foamed polyurethane foam. This method has a number of advantages: easy to install, durable, resistant to atmospheric influences, has high thermal insulation properties, easy to clean, wide selection of different colors.

For installation using sandwich panels you will need:

  • knife for cutting sheets;
  • PVC profile U-shaped;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • liquid glue.

Installation is carried out as follows. Initially, dirt and dust are removed. Then PVC profiles are attached to the self-tapping screws. They are starting strips in which the panels are fixed. The profile is attached flush along the entire perimeter of the window frame.

Mineral wool is currently the most popular thermal insulation material in the construction market.

Next, the slopes themselves are installed. First you need to cut panels from a standard sheet measuring 3000x1500 mm required sizes. The first thing you need to do is secure the upper slope. One end is fixed in the profile, and the second is held on the surface using a liquid nail. The side panels are installed in the same way.

If necessary, the structure can be insulated from the outside by placing a layer of insulation between the panels. Mineral wool is most often used for this. During installation, please note that protective film The panels must be removed only after the process is completed.

Many people order the installation of plastic windows, but in order to save money, they postpone their finishing “for later” or they only carry out the interior design and do not pay due attention to the exterior.

However, this approach leads to the fact that the polyurethane foam is destroyed under the influence of the sun and window opening cracks appear. To prevent such a situation, we recommend that you read this article, in which we will look at what and how to finish a plastic window.

So, if you have refused the services of specialists, then it is quite possible to finish the windows yourself. True, there are quite a lot of options, and they are all different performance characteristics, cost and complexity of installation. Therefore, before making a choice, you should familiarize yourself with their features.

Types of window treatments

Today, the following design options are most often used: window openings:

  • Plastering;
  • Using drywall;
  • Plastic;
  • Sandwich panels.

In addition to the options described above, you can use special components for finishing plastic windows, which are plastic corners of the required size.
As a rule, they are used for exterior finishing of window openings.


This option has the most disadvantages, which are associated with the unreliability of the plaster itself, the need for regular cosmetic repairs, lack of proper level of insulation and some other points.

However, windows finished with plaster are quite common. This is due to the fact that this design option is the cheapest.

The technology for making slopes by plastering is as follows:

  • First of all, you should prepare the surface - clean it of dust and debris, level it if necessary, remove sagging and all loose areas.
  • Then a solution, most often gypsum-based, is mixed and applied to the surface.
  • After the starting layer of plaster has dried, apply the finishing layer and rub it thoroughly.
  • Finish by applying a decorative layer of plaster or painting the surface.

The outside of plastic windows is finished in the same way with plaster. However, if you choose this option, keep in mind that the window opening is not immune to the appearance of mold and condensation on it.

Plasterboard finishing

This option is more advanced, however, it is also not without some disadvantages. In particular, plasterboard is not allowed for external window decoration, since the material is susceptible to moisture. In addition, this material allows only a rough finish, but the finishing will have to be regularly updated.

However, the low price of the material and the possibility of applying decorative plaster to it make its use very popular. In addition, the work process itself is much less labor-intensive than plastering and faster.

It looks like this:

  • First of all, a starting rail is mounted around the perimeter of the plastic frame; self-tapping screws should be used for this. At this stage, it is extremely important to ensure the correct horizontal and vertical position of the slats, so installation should be done using a building level.
  • Then from the sheet.
  • Next, one end of the panels is inserted into the starting rail, and the other is glued to the wall with gypsum mortar. In this case, the resulting space must be filled with heat-insulating material, for example, mineral wool.
  • After this, joints and cover the surface decorative plaster or paint.

Plastic panels

Perhaps this finishing for plastic windows is the most optimal, since:

  • Not affected by moisture.
  • Resistant to microorganisms.
  • Does not require periodic repairs.
  • Does not require special care, you can simply remove dirt from the surface with a damp cloth.
  • It is durable and also has some other positive qualities.

Installation instructions plastic panels extremely simple:

  • Along the perimeter of the frame, as in the previous case, a U-shaped starting profile is mounted.
  • An F-shaped profile is mounted around the perimeter of the window opening. Essentially, this is the same U-shaped rail, but with an extended tail, for mounting to the wall.
  • Then the space between the future slope and the wall is filled with heat-insulating material.
  • Next, the panel is inserted into the profiles on the frame and wall. This completes the work.

Sandwich panels

Finishing windows with sandwich panels is not much different from using conventional plastic, except that the material itself consists of two layers of PVC and insulation between them.

The installation of such panels is carried out according to the same principle as described above, the only thing is that the material is fixed to the wall not with a profile, but with the help of liquid nails, i.e. the panel is glued.

In the photo - external window decoration

When decorating windows, it is necessary to observe the unfolded slope angle, otherwise the light distribution in the room will be disrupted.


Having figured out how to finish plastic windows on the outside and inside, you should immediately begin work that will not take much of your time and effort. However, the importance of this work on the level of insulation of the house and its sound insulation is difficult to overestimate. Therefore, the work must be done efficiently, without any deviations from the technology.

For more information on this topic, watch the video in this article.

What finishing options are used to level slopes after installing plastic windows? How is the inside of window slopes finished with plastic? What plaster and putty can be used for exterior finishing of the opening? In my article I will try to answer these and some other questions.

Option 1: plaster

general information

The finishing of window slopes from the outside is traditionally done with plaster. It is also used inside, but not as actively as a couple of decades ago: the use modern materials allows you to improve the quality of surfaces and, what is much more important for builders, significantly speed up finishing.

What is useful to know about plaster slopes?

  • Exterior finishing with plaster and putty strictly prohibited. Gypsum is not resistant to water, and the slopes will “float” in the first prolonged rain. Internal slopes can be finished with gypsum mixtures, but normal ventilation and heating of the window opening must be ensured: it should not freeze, which will cause condensation;

  • External slopes are leveled with mixtures based on Portland cement;

Along with ready-made plaster, a self-prepared cement-sand mixture can be used. M-400 grade cement is mixed with sifted sand in a ratio of 1:3. It makes sense to add a little plasticizer or liquid soap to the solution (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per bucket ready solution): then it will be possible to reduce the amount of water, which will speed up the setting of the mixture.

  • For finishing, it is better to use putties based on white cement. In this case, the base will not show through even if the paint layer is damaged. Acrylic facade putty can be used with the same success on concrete bases.


  1. The opening is cleaned of debris and dust with a brush and primed twice with a penetrating primer. The soil will bind the inevitable dust residues, prevent the wall from crumbling and ensure high-quality adhesion of the plaster to the base;
  2. In my opinion, it is most convenient to apply plaster with a rectangular steel spatula.

A small portion of plaster is applied to its plane with a second spatula or trowel, after which it is pressed into the slope with a light blow. The method guarantees a minimum amount of plaster splashes and high-quality adhesion to the base. Excess plaster is removed with the same spatula; the absence of large irregularities is checked using a rule or a long straight rod;

An important point: if the thickness of the plaster layer is more than 3 cm, it is applied in two stages and with the obligatory sticker of a reinforcing fiberglass mesh. Otherwise shrinkage plaster mortar will lead to cracks.

  1. It is more convenient to putty with a flat steel spatula 30 - 35 cm wide. The putty is applied to it with a narrower spatula, and then applied to the surface of the opening with a sliding movement from the frame to the corner of the slope.

How to paint a plastered opening?

I recommend using both internal and external external slopes water-dispersed "rubber" paint. Don’t be scared by its name: the color and texture of the paint are no different from any other semi-gloss water-based emulsion. However, it is full waterproofing coating and completely prevents slopes from getting wet in the rain.

The photo shows rubber paint produced by Sevastopol Rezel+. Highly recommend.

Option 2: drywall

general information

Finishing slopes inside with plasterboard is noticeably faster than plastering. The main disadvantage of gypsum plasterboard is its limited resistance to water, so I will emphasize once again: the opening must be ventilated and heated. As a rule, in rooms without ventilation ducts the problem is solved by installing a supply valve in plastic frame; heating is provided by a heating radiator under the window.

However: in my house, the thermal curtains in front of the windows are provided by inverter air conditioners installed on the side wall, which are used as the main heating.

For fastening plasterboard slopes the following can be used:

  • In brick or panel house- gypsum glue (for example, Perlfix from Knauf), as well as any gypsum putty or plaster;
  • Inside wooden house The gypsum board is attached with self-tapping screws.

Let me clarify: gypsum board is not The best decision for finishing window openings in a wooden house from an aesthetic point of view. Wooden lining It looks much more harmonious in it.

If the room was covered with wallpaper, after installing the plasterboard slopes, the edges of the opening will look untidy. Instead of re-gluing wallpaper, you can use a simpler and cheaper solution: the opening is trimmed with a plastic corner 25 - 30 mm wide.

A couple of subtleties of corner finishing:

  1. To cut plastic to size, it is most convenient to use a grinder with a cutting disc for metal or stone. It allows you to make the cutting line perfectly smooth and does not leave burrs;
  2. To stick a plastic corner, high-quality silicone sealant or liquid nails can be used. They are applied in two narrow stripes to each inner side of the corner. The easiest way to press the corner while the adhesive is setting is with masking tape.


So, how is the slopes of plastic windows finished with plasterboard?

I do it like this:

  1. The gypsum board is cut to fit the opening with a small margin in width. The excess is easy to remove after the gypsum glue has set with a regular plane;

Cutting with a saw or jigsaw produces a lot of dust. It is better to cut the gypsum board sheet to a quarter of its thickness with a sharp knife, and then break it off at the corner of the table or any other elevation. Lastly, the layer of kraft paper is cut off from the back of the cut.

  1. The opening is cleared of dust and primed twice with penetrating primer. The goal is the same as in the case of a plaster slope: to prevent the surface from crumbling and ensure reliable adhesion of the glue to the base;
  2. Prepare glue or gypsum putty. Their preparation algorithm is the same: pour the dry mixture into a clean, wide container with water and after a few minutes mix thoroughly (with a mixer or with your own hands, using a spatula);
  3. The finished glue is thrown onto the wall or a sheet of gypsum board cut to size with a minimum step between them;
  4. The drywall is pressed against the slope and leveled with light slaps with the palm of your hand. To finally level it, use a level and rule or a straight edge.

The upper slope will have to be secured with supports while the glue sets.

Another option is to fix it with a perforated tape bent onto the wall, which will later be hidden with putty.

The seams in the corners are reinforced with serpyanka or rolled fiberglass, after which the slopes are puttied over the entire area of ​​gypsum or acrylic putty. The tool is a wide steel spatula.

The interior finishing is completed by painting the slopes. And in this case, I advise using a “rubber” water-based emulsion, which provides a waterproof, washable coating. To obtain a uniform color, at least 3 layers are needed, each of which is applied with a brush or narrow roller perpendicular to the previous one.

The last layer should lie across the slopes. This way, inevitable unevenness will be least noticeable in natural light.

Option 3: metal

general information

How to decorate the outside of an opening in a wall lined with metal siding or thermal panels?

One of the most simple solutions- metal slopes. They can either be attached to the profile surrounding the window with roofing screws, or sit on sealant and polyurethane foam.

Here are the obvious advantages of finishing the opening with metal from the outside:

  • Long (at least 30 years) service life, during which the slopes will maintain an impeccable appearance;
  • The ability to hide significant irregularities in the walls of the opening;
  • Extremely easy care. Painted powder paint It is enough to wipe the surface from time to time to remove dust and stains with a damp cloth.

The only downside is the noise of the tide when it rains. At closed windows indoors it is almost inaudible.


Steel profiles with zinc coating and powder painting are manufactured to the size of the window in an industrial environment. The flashing is made with an overlap on the slopes, which ensures tightness in the corners.

There are few subtleties in installing low tides and slopes:

  • The ebb is installed first;
  • The connections to the frame and wall are sealed with silicone;

It is especially important to seal the junction of the upper slope to the wall. During slanting rain, water may flow under it. Constant dampness under the finishing of the opening will lead to the appearance of mold and accelerated destruction of the walls.

  • The cavities under the slopes and ebb tides foam polyurethane foam with low expansion coefficient;

  • The slopes are attracted directly to plastic profile window frame with galvanized self-tapping screws;
  • While the foam is setting, it is better to install spacers in the opening, which will prevent deformation of the thin metal as it expands.

When mounted on a metal frame or wooden sheathing, for fastening the ebbs, as I mentioned above, roofing screws with drill and rubber gasket under the head.

Option 4: plastic

general information

How to decorate the inside of the opening kitchen window near the stove? After all, splashes, inevitable when cooking, will quickly make plaster or drywall slopes untidy, right?

What is used to decorate window openings in walls covered with vinyl siding on the outside?

You've already guessed it, right?

Everything is correct. In both cases they are used PVC panels and profiles.

Of course, their appearance and method of attachment are very different:

  • Interior finishing is done with honeycomb or sandwich panels, including a layer of expanded polystyrene;
  • For exterior finishing a thin single-layer vinyl profile is used for the opening.

External plastic finishing does not require any comments: the profiles quite harmoniously complement the siding. What are the attractive features of internal plastic slopes?

  1. Insulation of the opening. Both sandwich panels and cellular panels equally eliminate the possibility of slopes freezing in cold weather;
  2. Easy to care for. To clean slopes you can use any detergents, except abrasive.


Let's start with how to decorate an opening in a wall lined with siding with plastic.

  1. All around the perimeter window frame protected by a waterproofing apron made of roofing sheet or rolled materials;
  2. A starting profile is attached to each side of the opening to the window frame;
  3. The window profile is cut to size, taking into account the overlap at the corners;
  4. On the upper window profile, cuts are made at both ends and tongues are bent, which will be inserted into the side profiles and will serve to drain water into them;
  5. In the lower profile, windows are cut out for the side window profiles, and in them, in turn, tongues are cut that will be folded onto the lower profile.

Fastening profiles, like vinyl siding, performed with galvanized self-tapping screws. The screw head should be located in the middle of the profile groove and allow it to move freely when linear dimensions change due to heating or cooling.

Now let's move on to finishing the internal slopes with plastic.

This is what the entire slope structure looks like in cross-section:

Installation instructions are not complicated:

  1. The starting profile with silicone sealant applied to it is attached to the window frame with galvanized self-tapping screws 9 mm long in increments of 15 - 20 centimeters;
  2. The side and top slopes are cut to the size of the opening;
  3. Under the side slopes, sections of the starting profile are attached to the window sill in the manner described above;
  4. The panels are inserted into a fixed profile;
  5. The cavities between them and the wall are filled with insulation (usually mineral wool);
  6. In the upper corners, a corner profile cut to size is inserted between the panels. With the same success, however, the connection can be made with a starting profile. To do this, the upper slope should be slightly longer than the opening;

  1. The junction of the slope to the wall is covered with a removable platband or sealed with a plastic corner.

As plastic slopes You can use regular wall panels of sufficient width. I strongly advise you to buy glossy rather than matte panels: they get dirty much less and are easier to clean.


I hope that I was able to comprehensively answer the question of how to finish window slopes. As always, I would appreciate your comments and additions to the article. Good luck, comrades!

September 22, 2016

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