Spring feeding of currants and gooseberries - tips, recommendations, rules. We apply fertilizers to gooseberries and currants after harvesting

At a certain period of growth and development, each plant needs appropriate feeding. There are cases when, as a result of proper, high-quality care, 35-40-year-old currant bushes bore fruit. In order to properly fertilize, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the soil on which the bushes grow, its acidity level, the degree of fertility and the age of the plant itself.

The first year after planting gooseberries is spent developing the root system. In currants, on the contrary, they first develop aboveground shoots. Currants begin to bear fruit in the second year after planting, gooseberries - in the third.

The growing season of these fruit and berry bushes can be divided into 4 phases:

  • first - beginning intensive growth, appearance of buds, flowering. At this time, the plant uses the nutrients that were added last fall. Therefore, it is important to fertilize, water and feed on time. future harvest. Thanks to this, by autumn all the necessary nutrients accumulate in the soil, which will help the plant endure winter frosts and receive the necessary nutrition in the spring;
  • the second begins in May and ends at the end of June or beginning of July. During this period, the plant gives increased growth, gooseberry and currant buds form fruits, and the crown of the plant grows. At this time, shrubs are especially demanding of nitrogen nutrition. The soil should always be loose and moist. The amount of annual growth and, accordingly, the abundance of the harvest will depend on the addition of minerals during this period;
  • the third is the extinction of growth. This stage continues until the beginning of August. During this period, nitrogen fertilizers are not required, since their excess causes rapid growth of greenery. At this time, feeding should strengthen the shoots and provide the necessary nutrition for future fruits;
  • fourth - preparing shrubs for winter. This phase continues until the first frost. The plant's resistance to cold weather will depend on feeding during this period. flower buds, quantity and quality of next year's harvest. In autumn it is recommended to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

Nitrogen fertilizers

Every summer resident must understand that for full growth and development, any plant requires proper care and food. To get a rich harvest from bushes such as currants, gooseberries or raspberries Special attention It is worth paying attention to timely application of fertilizers. It is the quality of feeding in a certain period that will determine how tasty and healthy their fruits will be.

Before you start fertilizing, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with its effect on plants during a certain growing season. Irregular feeding, inconsistency with the age of the plant - these and many other factors can lead to undesirable results.

Nitrogen fertilizers are aimed at enhancing the growth of shrubs and trees. They stimulate the development of leaves and form the crown of the plant. The most common among them are urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and others.

  1. The first feeding is carried out in early spring(end of April). Dry ammonium nitrate (50-60 grams) is poured under each bush. The strip of applied fertilizer should be equal to the width of the bush crown. Usually the roots do not extend beyond the crown. Then the ground is loosened or dug up.
  2. The second feeding should be at the end of May, after flowering. This time, nitrogen-containing drugs are administered in liquid form. To do this, the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water. The resulting liquid is used with each watering.

Over time, these fertilizers are no longer applied because mature plant begins to devote all its strength to the growth of leaves.

To those who don't trust purchased funds, it will be important to know that nitrogen is contained in bird droppings and peat-based compost humus. To mulch the soil in spring, you can use lupine, clover or sweet clover. They also contain nitrogen.

Potash fertilizers

These fertilizers are sold in the form of sulfate, carbon dioxide and potassium chloride. Nowadays, you can buy two-component potassium nitrate, potash and other fertilizers of this type on the market.

Potassium fertilizers increase the yield, give the berries a richer taste and smell, and extend the shelf life of the fruit. They increase the resistance of gooseberry and currant bushes to diseases and pests, and improve their immunity. Thanks to them, the bushes recover faster after transplantation or damage, and become more resistant to winter frosts and the winds.

Basically, potassium sulfate or other preparations containing potassium are used for feeding:

  • The first time fertilizing is carried out in the spring, during pruning of bushes. A matchbox of the drug is introduced into the soil by loosening, around each bush. If growing season has not yet occurred, the dosage of the drug is reduced by half;
  • the second feeding is carried out in the fall, when the plant is preparing for winter. This period is very important, since it is these fertilizers that the bush will consume with the onset of spring;
  • Spraying with potassium preparations is carried out during the period of fruit formation and ripening of berries. The preparation of the mixture depends on the type of fertilizer chosen. To do this, you need to read the information on the packaging provided by the manufacturer. Treatment should be carried out closer to night or in cloudy weather.

Potassium is found in wood ash. It is added to water for irrigation and spraying, and also poured dry under each bush and dug in with the soil.

Phosphate fertilizers

Phosphate fertilizers include phosphate rock, phosphate slag, precipitate and others. The most common among them are superphosphate, double or enriched superphosphate.

At each individual moment of their growth and development, plants require certain conditions and have different requirements for composition and quantity. nutrients. The entire growing season of these crops can be divided into approximately four main phases.

The first is the opening of buds, the beginning of growth and flowering. It begins in the Moscow region at the end of April and lasts until mid-May.

During this period, the plant uses mainly nutrients stored last year. Timely application of basic fertilizer, fertilizing and watering throughout the year contribute to the accumulation of reserve nutrients by autumn, and, consequently, to better development of plants in the spring of next year.

The second phase is increased plant growth. It starts in mid-May and lasts until about the end of June. During this period, the plant is most demanding of nutrition (especially nitrogen) and water. From timely deposit necessary fertilizers and irrigation depends on the amount of annual growth, and therefore the size of the harvest.

The third phase is the attenuation of growth. It lasts from the end of June to the end of July.

The fourth phase is the laying of flower buds and preparing the plant for winter. It lasts a long time, until the first frost. Feeding during this period with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus increases the duration of the leaves and affects the formation of flower buds, and therefore the next year’s harvest, as well as increasing the winter hardiness of plants.

Taking all this into account, I take care of my gooseberry and blackcurrant plantings accordingly.

In total for the year I contribute: organic fertilizers(manure, peat) 6-8 kilograms per person square meter squares; in addition, I give mineral fertilizers containing the elements necessary for the plant: phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen, in the following quantities: superphosphate (it contains phosphorus) 60 grams, wood ash (potassium) - 100-120 and ammonium nitrate(nitrogen) - 40 grams.

In early fall, mid to late September, I dig up the soil in the garden and apply basic fertilizer. Before the onset of frost, the root system, partially damaged during digging, is restored, and in early spring, after the snow melts, it immediately begins to supply the plant with water and minerals.

In the fall, when digging, I apply the entire annual norm of organic fertilizers and half the norm of phosphorus and potassium. I apply the second half of them and nitrogen mineral fertilizer during the spring and summer in the form of four feedings.

  • For the first time I feed the plants in early spring during the first spring loosening, approximately in the last ten days of April, with mineral nitrogen fertilizers(10 grams of ammonium nitrate). I apply it dry. Since the bulk of the roots of black currants and gooseberries does not extend beyond the projection of the crown of the bushes and is located at a depth of 40 centimeters, I apply fertilizer in a strip not exceeding the width of the crown.
  • I carry out the second feeding after flowering, at the end of May.
  • The third - during the berry filling period, at the end of June.
  • The fourth - at the end of the second or beginning of the third decade of July, 30-35 days before the start of flower bud formation.

During the second, third and fourth feedings, I add complete mineral fertilizer dissolved in water: 10 grams of ammonium nitrate, 10 grams of superphosphate and 25 grams of wood ash per square meter. I apply liquid fertilizer into wells 30-40 centimeters deep, which I make with a special tool on the tree trunks of plants, up to 10 pieces per square meter.

First I water the plants and only after an hour and a half I give liquid fertilizer. I dilute the entire specified rate of fertilizer in one bucket and apply it per square meter of area under the bush. How many such buckets are required per plant can be easily calculated if the diameter of the trunk circle is considered equal to the diameter of the plant crown.

Pin for making wells.

The tool I use to make holes (see picture) consists of a sharpened iron pin, a foot rest and a wooden handle.

Amateur gardener L. SPASSKY

Proper feeding contributes to a good currant harvest

The berry season is coming to an end. Juicy and delicious fruits currants and gooseberries are collected and processed into compotes, jams, preserves. The time has come to take care of the bushes themselves, which during this period lay fruit buds and need a balanced diet. We will tell you what fertilizers and in what quantities you need to apply to get a rich harvest next year.

How to feed currants

Currants love both organic and mineral fertilizers. Young bushes are not fed for the first 3-4 years if the soil was well fertilized when planting. But when the plants are weak and develop poorly, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied - urea or ammonium sulfate at the rate of 5-10 g per 1 sq.m.

Mature currant bushes that have already begun to bear fruit are fed 3-4 times per season using organic and mineral fertilizers. During the flowering period, it is necessary to add 25-40 grams of urea to each bush.

During the berry filling period, feed with phosphorus and potassium complex fertilizers. Repeat the application of nitrogen-containing urea in the same proportion.

After harvesting, the bushes are watered with a solution containing phosphorus and potassium. To prepare it, 2 tbsp. superphosphate and the same amount of potassium sulfate are diluted in 10 liters of water. The consumption rate per plant is 25-30 l. If the weather is rainy, fertilizers are applied in dry form.

On soils with high acidity (pH above 7), phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are replaced with ash - 3 cups per bush. Starting from the 3rd year of life, fruit-bearing currants are additionally fed with organic matter every 3-4 years - an infusion of bird droppings or mullein, adding 3-4 liters for each plant.

Rules for feeding gooseberries

Gooseberries can bear fruit in one place for 8-10 years, taking many minerals from the soil and depleting it. Therefore, compared to other berry growers, it requires more frequent and abundant fertilizing.

In the first two years of life, young shrubs are fed only with nitrogenous fertilizers - 1 tbsp per 10 liters of water. urea and 2 tbsp. nitrophoska. The solution is applied to a tree trunk circle with a diameter of 80 cm.

Mature shrubs aged 3 to 6 years for good fruiting, are necessary minerals. During the season they are fed 3-4 times: during bud break, before flowering and when fruits begin to set. But the final, August feeding is considered the most important.

After picking the berries, the gooseberry needs to accumulate useful elements in the roots and branches for the formation of fruit buds for the future harvest. For each square meter of planting, add half a bucket of compost, 50 g of superphosphate, 25 g of potassium sulfate and the same amount of ammonium sulfate. For abundantly fruiting bushes, this norm is doubled, or organic matter is added 2-3 liters for each bush.

Fertilizers are incorporated into the soil during loosening. The area located outside the trunk circle is dug up, trying not to damage the roots. On acidic soils sulfate is replaced with phosphate rock, increasing the rate by 25-30%, since it dissolves less well than superphosphate.

Why apply fertilizers in the fall?

Fertilizing applied in summer-autumn will help plants accumulate a supply of nutrients and withstand difficult weather conditions. winter period, and this means frost, and lack of snow cover, and soil freezing, and thaw.

When should you fertilize currant and gooseberry bushes?

The autumn period can be divided into two periods for applying fertilizers. The first - August-end of September, can be used to feed all currant and gooseberry bushes. At this time, some nitrogen is given as part of the fertilizing, but most of it comes from phosphorus and potassium. Roots need nitrogen to absorb phosphorus. After all, the roots continue their work, growth and development. But, if significant nitrogen fertilizers were applied in spring and summer, then you can do without them. You should take a closer look at the bushes themselves. If the growth is good and the leaves are large, then the bushes have received enough nitrogen, and vice versa. In autumn, it is better to apply fertilizers in small doses.

The second feeding is given to currants in late September-early October. At this time, only phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used. Don't forget about microelements. They should also be included in fertilizing.

In early November, rotted manure and organic matter are scattered under the bushes. At least half a bucket is added to each bush. All fertilizers are embedded in the soil to a depth of 8-12 cm around the perimeter of the crown. It should be borne in mind that the trunk circle of currants is much wider than that of gooseberries.

What fertilizers should I use for fertilizing?

Superphosphates are used among phosphorus fertilizers. It is better to give preference to double superphosphate; it contains twice the dose of phosphorus and less waste. Among potassium minerals, you can use potassium sulfate, potassium magnesia, wood ash. But potassium chloride is undesirable for red and white currants. But in the fall you can also feed with potassium chloride, given that chlorine is washed out by precipitation. Gooseberries need potassium more than currants.

From complex fertilizers Apply fertilizer "Autumn", special for shrubs. In the absence of these, even nitrophoska will do.

The amount of fertilizer applied depends on the age, condition of the bushes and yield of the crop. The application rates for the bush indicate the instructions for each fertilizer.

In dry weather, after applying fertilizers, it is necessary to water the plants.

Tip 2: How to feed blackcurrants during fruiting

For getting good harvest Black currants must be regularly fed with fertilizers. One of these feedings is carried out at the time of fruiting of plants. How to feed blackcurrants at this time?

Black currants are mainly fed either in autumn or spring. The first feeding after planting is carried out only for 3-4 years. But black currants most urgently need additional fertilizer at the moment of fruiting, that is, the formation and filling of berries. This period begins in plants at the beginning of summer and lasts until the end of July.

At this point, to feed blackcurrants you need to use a mineral mixture of various microelements, which you can prepare yourself. To do this, dissolve 10 g of potassium permanganate and 2 g of potassium permanganate separately in water. boric acid and 30 g copper sulfate. Then all ingredients are mixed and diluted in 10 liters of water. It is better to water the plants in the evening, when the sun will not allow the moisture to evaporate quickly.

In addition to a mixture of microelements, during fruiting, black currants are fed with infusions of mullein or bird droppings. To do this, mullein is diluted with water 1:3, and bird droppings 1:10. For 1 sq. m of soil is consumed in 1 bucket of any of these organic fertilizers.

Also, during berry filling, fertilizing black currants with mineral fertilizers is no less effective. To do this, dissolve 20 g of any nitrogen and potassium and 30 g of phosphorus fertilizers in 10 liters of water. This amount is enough to feed one adult bush.

All these fertilizer applications can be carried out simultaneously at the time of fruiting with an interval of 10-15 days. This will allow the berries to become larger, and the blackcurrant bushes to be more resistant to damage by various pests, including aphids and spider mite.

Video on the topic

Hello, dear friends!

Ends summer season. The harvest from most crops has been harvested; only late-ripening fruits remain on the trees and bushes. At this time, summer residents are doing their last preparatory work on the site before wintering: cleaning and disposal of plant residues, digging and preparing beds for spring planting, applying mineral and organic fertilizers in the garden, carrots, parsley, onions and other crops.

Today I will tell you about how to feed currant and gooseberry bushes in the fall and other autumn activities in the berry garden.

Feeding berry bushes in the fall is an important agrotechnical technique that helps increase yields. Adding additional doses of phosphorus and potassium not only strengthens root system and enhances the winter hardiness of plants, but also helps to improve the quality and size of fruits for the next season.

But nitrogen mineral fertilizers are contraindicated during the period of preparing shrubs for winter dormancy. It is also undesirable to water plants with infusion of slurry or. Nitrogen substances stimulate the active development of the above-ground parts and activate the growth of young shoots, which do not have time to become lignified before the onset of persistent frosts and die, which provokes a decrease in the plants’ resistance to cold.

What fertilizers are used for black currants?

It is advisable to use simple or double superphosphate as a source of phosphorus, and potassium - potassium sulfate, potassium salt or potassium magnesium. Apply 2 tbsp under each adult currant bush. l. double superphosphate and 1 tbsp. l. potash fertilizer. Complex potassium monophosphate is also suitable, which is added at the rate of 1.5-2 tbsp. l.

Some gardeners prefer ready-made mixtures, specially designed for berry crops. Buy fertilizer labeled "Autumn" that contains no or minimal nitrogen. Use fertilizer according to the rates recommended on the package for black currants or other berry crops.

Instead of mineral fertilizers Ordinary ash (stove or vegetable ash) is also used. In addition to potassium and phosphorus, the ashes contain a whole complex of microelements that have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of berry bushes. Ash is plowed into the top layer of soil before watering at the rate of 1-2 cups for each adult plant.

It is recommended to apply potassium-phosphorus compounds to currants at any time from the moment the berries are harvested from the bush until early to mid-October. In dry weather, granules or fertilizer mixture are evenly scattered in tree trunk circle, then they are plowed to a shallow depth and abundant scheduled watering is carried out.

What fertilizers are used for gooseberries, red and white currants

From mineral compositions under the bushes the same superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. phosphorus fertilizer and 2 tbsp. l. potassium Works for these crops and. Recommendations for plowing and timing of fertilizing are the same as for blackcurrant bushes.

Other autumn events in the berry garden

In the fall, in addition to fertilizing the berry gardens, you should sanitary pruning with the removal of all damaged, thin, weak, broken and dry shoots. Plant debris, usually contaminated with diseases and infested pests, should either be removed from the site.

Watch the video about autumn pruning currants (Andrey Vesnin)

Do not cut the tops of branches from red currant bushes, as fruit buds form on them for the next season. On the remaining berry bushes in the fall, pinching the tops is done, which slows down the growth of the plants.

All berry crops respond well to a layer of mature compost or humus under the bushes, which is carried out after fertilizing, pruning and removing plant debris from under the plants. Organic matter insulates the roots, increases the frost resistance of seedlings, and as it decomposes, it saturates the soil with humic substances and nutritional compounds, which will be indispensable at the beginning of the growing season next spring.