Roses in a greenhouse are an excellent solution for the soul and for business. Growing rose seedlings as a business

Forcing flowers in greenhouses is a fairly profitable business. Especially when it comes to roses, the demand for these flowers is not falling all year round. Depending on the climatic conditions of your region, the profitability of such a business can exceed 250–200%.

Roses in the greenhouse

What can most affect the profitability of a flower growing business? That's right - climate. If you live in southern regions, then you will spend much less on heating and lighting your rose garden. In addition, there is a seasonality factor in this business. Produce roses in winter period may turn out to be completely unprofitable due to the high costs of heating and lighting.

To obtain high-quality and abundant products, the following factors are extremely important:

  • correctness of greenhouse equipment;
  • high-quality soil mixture;
  • correctly selected varieties of flowers;
  • good planting material;
  • timeliness of all planting, fertilizing and watering activities;
  • measures to protect plants from pests and bacteria.

If you carry out all care activities correctly and comply with the conditions listed above, then the roses will delight you with stable flowering from April to October - November. If desired and diligent, the harvest can be obtained in the cold season, but roses grown in winter will have a higher cost compared to summer ones.


A greenhouse intended for growing roses must have a high base, be insulated and equipped with a microclimate preservation system. Namely, to have autonomous system maintaining temperature, watering, ventilation and lighting or protection from the sun.

If you are planning big business, on an industrial scale, then you should purchase an industrial greenhouse complex. Such complexes have their own boiler rooms and are fully automated.

Maintaining microclimate

To ensure that the entire volume of the greenhouse has the same humidity and temperature, special fans are used that have the function of spraying water. In winter, such installations make it possible to heat the greenhouse without drying out the air, and in summer they allow the temperature to be reduced. To make the air favorable for photosynthesis, generator sets that synthesize carbon dioxide are used.


The best solution is drip irrigation. This irrigation system allows you to save water and deliver moisture directly to the root system of the bush. This system consists of storage tanks and conductive pipes that deliver water directly to the roots of the plant. Storage tanks filled with water that has been purified. Additional tanks are used to deliver liquid fertilizers.


Since roses are quite capricious and demanding of growing conditions, they need special conditions lighting. With the help of side lighting, it is ensured that the light falls exclusively on the leaves of the plant, without affecting the soil.

The best spectrum of lighting that suits roses is provided by metal halide lamps for plants. Such lamps with diffused light are placed evenly throughout the greenhouse.

No less important is protection from excessive sunlight, for which curtains are used. The curtain system also helps reduce heat loss in winter.

Plant protection

If the greenhouses are large enough, protecting plants from diseases is also automated. This is achieved by installing sulfurators in each greenhouse. These installations emit small doses of sulfur compounds, which make it possible to combat dangerous disease plants - powdery mildew.

If such systems are available in industrial greenhouses, the main care of plants consists of monitoring the parameters of automated installations. Naturally, the work of planting, forming bushes and cutting flowers is carried out manually.

Availability automated systems allows you to reduce labor costs of hired workers, and, accordingly, the cost of production. The disadvantage of such systems is their rather high cost, and accordingly large initial investments.

Selection of varieties

The income that growing roses in a greenhouse for sale will bring will directly depend on how well you can choose the varieties of roses that suit the conditions of your region. You should know that not every variety can be successfully grown in greenhouses. Let's consider the most suitable hybrids and varieties of roses that can be successfully grown in a greenhouse all year round.

You can cultivate roses in a greenhouse all year round, but only from December to February, due to the need for artificial additional lighting of plants, this activity can be very expensive. Therefore, floriculture farms usually begin forcing roses in February, receiving beautiful flowers for nine months - from March until November.

What roses are suitable for greenhouse cultivation?

What a pity that summer flies by quickly, and at best we have the opportunity to enjoy beautiful flowering roses from June to September! For those who do not agree to say goodbye to royal flowers until the next season, there are two options: growing roses at home in pots or growing roses in a greenhouse. The latter option can also become a good source of income if you correctly draw up a business plan and organize sales of roses grown for cutting.

Not every variety of rose will feel great and produce beautiful flowers in a greenhouse.

Successful cultivation roses in a greenhouse is determined by:

  • selected varieties of roses,
  • properties of the substrate,
  • correct planting of seedlings while maintaining the required planting density,
  • sufficient watering,
  • regular application of fertilizers,
  • caring for roses, including timely cutting of shoots and pruning of bushes.

Video about growing roses in greenhouses

Not every variety of rose will feel great and produce beautiful flowers in a greenhouse. Best results flower growers manage to achieve grandiflora, floribunda, miniature and hybrid tea varieties when growing roses. The resulting flowers are different high quality and attractive presentation.

It is advisable to choose varieties that are resistant to powdery mildew and other common diseases of roses. For example, Queen Elizabeth or Rose Gojard. Of the hybrid tea varieties, the most commonly planted in greenhouses are white roses Pascali, golden yellow Casanova, orange-red Baccara and bright pink Carina, and among miniature varieties the most popular are dark orange roses Skarlet Gem, red Beauty Secret and red-yellow Little Flirt. For winter growing Varieties that do not need intense light are well suited: salmon-orange roses Zorina, red Better times and yellow Geheimrat Duisberg.

Both self-rooted and grafted roses are suitable for cultivation in a greenhouse. Roses on their own roots in a greenhouse grow slower than those grafted on high-quality rootstocks, but they produce more flowers.

Both self-rooted and grafted roses are suitable for cultivation in a greenhouse.

Planting roses in pots or greenhouse soil

Traditional growing in pots

The right time to plant roses in buckets or pots is early October. Before planting, the above-ground part of grafted seedlings is cut off by two-thirds. The substrate used is a loamy soil mixture with humus, rich in nutrients. Pots with seedlings are put into storage with a temperature of about 0 degrees until January. At the end of January, the seedlings are brought back into the greenhouse and pruned directly above the grafted bud.

In the first week, the temperature should be at +6 degrees (since a shoot begins to quickly develop from the grafted eye, and root system actively growing). With bud germination, the temperature can be increased to +10 degrees, but if the lighting in the greenhouse is good, then up to +15 degrees. In this case, the plants need to be watered abundantly.

In the first week the temperature should be +6 degrees

When buds form on the cultivated shoots of roses, the temperature will need to be increased to +20, and during the period of coloring the buds, it will be lowered to +16 so that the flower blooms more slowly.

When growing roses in a greenhouse for cutting, it is recommended to remove all side shoots and buds, leaving only one shoot with three to four buds - new shoots form from it. After a month and a half, secondary flowering will begin, and by this time the rose will already be a developed bush with three to four main shoots.

Growing roses in greenhouse soil

Rose seedlings are planted directly into the greenhouse soil, 10 or 25 roses per square meter (in the second case, the next year they are thinned out, leaving half fewer plants). You can arrange the seedlings according to the 25x40 or 30x30 pattern.

If roses are planted too deep, they may become affected by the root collar.

Before planting roses, greenhouse soil is enriched with peat, rotted manure, superphosphate and ammonium sulfate. The seedlings are first dipped in water and planted in the soil so that the grafting site is near the surface of the earth. In very loose soil, roses can be buried a little, then with further shrinkage of the soil they will be at the desired level. Be careful: if roses are planted too deep, they may be affected by the “root collar”, and if they are not deep enough, the plants will wither.

Secrets of success, how to grow roses in a greenhouse

In floriculture farms, when growing roses, vermiculite, perlite, coconut fiber, and mineral wool can be used as a substrate. Rose care is automated - special equipment supplies the plants with nutrient solutions, supports optimal humidity and temperature in the greenhouse.

Automation of care for greenhouse roses is usually not affordable for amateur flower growers. Therefore, we have to devote more time and attention to greenhouse roses.

Video about a rose plantation, how roses are grown

Caring for roses in a greenhouse includes:

  • maintaining optimal microclimate with a humidity of 70% and a suitable temperature (increase before flowering, as described above, and when the buds open, lower slightly);
  • if there is insufficient lighting in winter, use additional lighting; if there is excess sunlight in summer, curtain the greenhouse or whiten the glass;
  • daily ventilation of the greenhouse;
  • keeping the soil loose, moist, free from weeds;
  • monthly fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer and mulching the soil with rotted manure;
  • treating roses with pesticides against diseases and pests;
  • pruning the rootstock of grafted roses;
  • severe pruning of plants before the dormant period;
  • during the dormant period in December, maintaining the temperature in the greenhouse at 0+3 degrees.

From each rose it is possible to obtain from 8 to 12 high-quality beautiful flowers suitable for cutting

When cutting flowers for the first time, try to leave as much green mass as possible on the bush so that the plant grows strong new shoots. Cutting should be done in the morning, when the buds are just beginning to bloom. From each rose it is possible to obtain from 8 to 12 high-quality beautiful flowers suitable for cutting.

For growing roses needed spacious and good equipped greenhouse . B such greenhouse must be ventilation system ,automated watering , devices for controlling temperature and air humidity, sulfurator . A closed drainage system is also required through which it will be removed from the ground. excess moisture. Drainage pipes are laid at a depth of 1 m, with a distance of 4 m. You will also need soil, fertilizers, and means to protect plants from diseases and pests. Growing a large number of flowers in a poorly equipped greenhouse is very difficult, and there is a high risk of suffering significant losses.

For growing roses you can adapt any greenhouse . To maintain a certain microclimate, it must be high enough, the free space above the flowers is more than 2 m.

State-of-the-art farm greenhouse

B modern wide-span greenhouses usually do ventilation top type, which provides good air exchange. To create optimal climatic conditions for plants in the summer and to save energy resources in the winter, greenhouses are screened with various materials.

Horizontal shading system in greenhouses

To save energy, dense fabrics are used that do not allow heat to dissipate outside the room. In summer, fabrics are used that reflect the sun's rays and reduce their penetration into the room by 40-60%. At the same time, shading fabrics should not cause an increase in temperature inside the greenhouse, i.e. should not interfere with air exchange. Reducing light in the summer allows you to grow flowers that are brighter and more saturated in color. Curtain systems are more convenient to use than painting glass with chalk solution.

In greenhouses install carbon dioxide supply systems . The use of this substance helps improve the quality of flowers and yield. When burning 1 m3 natural gas 1.8 kg of carbon dioxide is released. It is distributed evenly throughout the greenhouse. To do this, special pipes are laid under the support frames for plants to supply gas and drain condensate.

CO2 generator for greenhouses

Instruments are also needed to determine the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air. The optimal rate for roses is 0.05-0.07%. If these indicators are higher, then the stomata of all leaves located at a height of up to 2 m close and the processes of photosynthesis are inhibited. If there is insufficient carbon dioxide in the air, photosynthesis processes are also disrupted, which affects the growth and flowering of plants.

Artificial lighting allows you to grow cut roses all year round for 5-6 years.

Most often, greenhouses are equipped with sodium lamps for growing light crops. high pressure power 400 and 600 W. For low-rise greenhouses, lamps of lower wattage are suitable. The current trend is to increase the height of greenhouses and hang stronger lamps at a greater distance from the plants. 600 W lamps are required in less quantity than 400 W lamps to illuminate one area.

600 W lamps are usually suspended 2.5-3 m above the plants. Lamps that widely scatter light are placed lower - at a height of 0.9-1.2 m. The light uniformity coefficient is normally 0.8. No voltage loss allowed electric current in the network more than 2%, since with a loss of even 1% of voltage, the illumination level is significantly reduced - y lamps with a power of 400 W by 3%, and y lamps with a power of 600 W by 5%.

To grow light crops, an illumination of 6000 lux (lux) is required. If you illuminate the plants 19 hours a day, the total illumination will be 114,000 lux/hour. Exist various options illumination of plants, which allow optimizing the processes of photosynthesis in them. It is possible to double the lighting intensity while simultaneously reducing its duration. You can increase the light level at certain hours and make the daylight hours longer for plants.

In roses, the process of photosynthesis begins at a light level of almost 2000 lux. In winter, 5000-6000 lux and a total daily illumination of 100,000-120,000 lux/h are sufficient for them.

Installed in the greenhouse sulfurizer (device for producing sulfur vapor , which are used to combat powdery mildew). The greenhouse is usually fumigated with sulfur vapor for 4 hours at night or in the morning, while there is no bright sunlight. Treatment is carried out once a week.

In a greenhouse with an area of ​​100 m2, it is enough to have one sulfurizer power 100 W.

Sulfurator - a device for producing sulfur vapor

A canopy is installed above it so that the condensation formed on the ceiling does not drip into the molten sulfur. It must be operated in compliance with all established rules, and it is important to prevent direct contact of sulfur on the roses. If the device is used incorrectly, the sulfur does not evaporate, but burns, which leads to the formation of sulfur dioxide, which, when it gets on the leaves, causes burns.

They also use mobile devices to produce sulfur vapor, which work when connected to a gas cylinder.

For steam heating in greenhouses, pipes with a diameter of 51 mm are installed every 6.4 m. There must be at least eight of them in total. You can place them between rows of roses. Pipes with such characteristics ensure uniform heating of the room and do not change the air humidity in the area where the plants are located.

For good growth flower plants A certain air humidity is maintained in the greenhouse. Optimal indicator relative humidity – 70-85%.

At lower humidity, the water content in plant tissues decreases, which leads to a decrease in the intensity of photosynthesis processes. At high humidity When air flows, the plant evaporates little liquid, which means it absorbs less moisture and, with it, nutrients from the soil. In this case, its growth and development are disrupted.

When the humidity of the greenhouse air increases to almost 100%, droplets of released liquid appear on the surface of the plants, and then the leaves fall and the roots die. If high air humidity is combined with a decrease in its temperature, then the condensation formed on the leaves contributes to the development of powdery and downy mildew, gray rot and other diseases. To maintain a favorable microclimate at night, ventilation is turned on and heating is carried out.

For watering and fertilizing, install drip systems with mixer-dosers. Solutions of mineral fertilizers (saltpeter, iron chelate, phosphates, sulfates, etc.) are automatically added to the irrigation water passing through the system and their acidity is adjusted (pH=5). Concentrated solutions are prepared in separate containers and fed into the system drip irrigation selectively.

Fertilizers are supplied in combinations that promote better absorption of nutrients by plants. In a dosing mixer, concentrated solutions are diluted with water 50, 100 and 200 times. Periodically, the irrigation system is washed with solutions of hydrogen peroxide or acids to disinfect and remove salt deposits.

Drip irrigation and plant nutrition systems for industrial greenhouses

Automated drip irrigation systems and fertilization allow you to create in a greenhouse optimal conditions for the growth of roses. With this cultivation, up to 20 flowers can be obtained from each bush during the year, and from small-flowered bushes - up to 35 specimens of good quality.

Plants need water for nutrition, since all substances enter them in dissolved form and are transported through tissues in the same way. Water helps the plant avoid overheating and drying out. It is absorbed depending on the content in the soil or other substrate used for growing roses. This process is also affected by the content of salt vapors in it. By changing air humidity, you can adjust the water consumption of plants. If an insufficient amount of moisture evaporates from the leaves, then they suffer from a lack of calcium and magnesium, which are less absorbed by the roots. The amount of water used for irrigation depends on the light, temperature and humidity in the greenhouse. In winter, the water is heated to 20-23 °C. Every year, approximately 1000 liters are used to water plants per 1 m2. Regularly check the content of calcium, sodium, chlorine and sulfur ions in the water, as well as pH. For irrigation, water with a low content of sodium, chlorine and sulfur ions is preferable.

All our articles from the category: Greenhouses and greenhouses

Unfortunately, the beautiful blooming of roses can only be enjoyed from June to September. However, those who do not agree to say goodbye to the queen of flowers until the next warm season, can start breeding it at home. Another option is roses in a greenhouse. And if you competently and carefully draw up a business plan and establish regular sales, then growing roses in a greenhouse can also become an additional source of income.

Greenhouse conditions allow you to grow this gorgeous flower almost all year round. Only from December to February, due to the need for additional artificial lighting bushes, this activity can be very expensive. That is why floriculture farms begin forcing from February and as a result they receive beautiful stems with buds from March to November.

Secrets of success

Successful cultivation of roses in a greenhouse directly depends on several factors:

From one bush you can cut up to ten flowers for sale

  • selection of certain varieties;
  • using high-quality substrate;
  • impeccable adherence to the rules regarding seedlings, taking into account the required density of all plantings;
  • normalized watering;
  • application of fertilizers;
  • timely cutting of shoots;
  • correct pruning bushes

What varieties of roses to choose

So, first of all, you should decide which roses are suitable for growing in greenhouse conditions. Not all varieties of these flowers feel good in the greenhouse and, as a result, do not form well. correct form buds. Flower growers manage to obtain excellent results when growing miniature roses, hybrid tea varieties, floribunda roses, and grandiflora. All the resulting flowers have an attractive presentation and are of high quality.

The main thing is to choose varieties suitable for planting in the greenhouse.

When choosing a variety, it is advisable to focus on roses that are resistant to common diseases, especially powdery mildew. The varieties Rose Gozhar and Queen Elizabeth have these properties. Among the hybrid tea varieties, bright pink Carina, orange-red Baccara, white Pascali and golden yellow Casanova have proven themselves well. Among the miniature varieties one can highlight the red-yellow roses of the Little Flirt variety, the dark orange flowers of Skarlet Gem, and the rich red roses of Beauty Secret. Today, varieties have already been bred that do not require constant intense lighting - these are reddish-orange roses of the Zorina variety, roses with soft yellow buds Geheimrat Duisberg and red Better times.

It is also important to take into account that both roses with their own well-developed root system and grafted ones are suitable for growing in a greenhouse. On high-quality rootstocks, plants develop much faster than on their own roots, but much fewer flowers are formed.

Features of growing roses in a greenhouse

Immediately before planting, the greenhouse soil is enriched. Rotted manure, ammonium sulfate, peat, and superphosphate are used. In floriculture farms, perlite is used as a substrate, mineral wool, vermiculite, coconut fiber.

In their greenhouse, amateur gardeners can use a substrate that consists of peat, turf soil and fresh mullein (ratio 5:4:1) and was kept in a pile for about a year. Before planting, meat and bone meal (at the rate of 1 kg per square meter) and mineral fertilizers are added to it.

It should be noted that all planting material must be carefully protected from frost. Seedlings can be wrapped or folded in carton boxes, which remain open. If storage should be longer, the bushes are buried in drops, leaving the grafting site open. However, even in this case, the plant should be protected from high temperatures or frost. To prevent the bushes from losing moisture, they need to be regularly sprayed and moistened.

The greenhouse allows you to grow roses almost all year round

Before planting, the prepared seedlings are kept in a container with clean, settled water, cut to 10-20 cm (above the graft) and planted in soil heated to 12 °C so that the grafting site is at the very surface of the earth. Weakened side shoots must be removed. If the greenhouse soil is too loose, the planting material needs to be deepened a little. As soon as the soil shrinks, the seedlings will be at the desired height. During planting, you need to be very careful: if the planting is not deep enough, the roses will simply wither, and if planted too deep, they can be affected by “root rot” and die very soon.

Number of seedlings per one square meter greenhouse soil can vary from 10 to 25 pieces. When planting a large number of roses in the second year, they are thinned out. Seedlings can be arranged according to 25x40 or 30x30 patterns.

After planting, it is necessary to carry out thorough watering, due to which the roots will settle well in the ground. For this purpose, it is better to use a hose, since in the process of sprinkling from nozzles it is impossible to achieve the desired result.

Rules for caring for shoots

It is imperative to ensure that the air temperature in the greenhouse does not exceed 10 °C. Otherwise, the rooting of seedlings will be uneven and some of them will die almost immediately.

The green part of the bush should be strong, it is not recommended to cut off the leaves

Since it is impossible to avoid slight fluctuations in temperature and humidity in conventional greenhouses, you should be prepared for uneven emergence of shoots. Moreover, even healthy, strong eyes can remain silent. That is why pre-treatment of rose seedlings prepared for planting will not be superfluous.

The shoots are kept in water for almost a day, after which they are deepened up to the eye into a heated bed with pre-moistened peat. After this, everything is covered with film. As soon as the air temperature rises to 18 °C, the shoots will grow very quickly. When the height reaches 2 cm, the film will need to be removed. They remain open for several days, and only after that can they be planted. permanent place in a greenhouse, preferably so that the main eye rises two fingers above the surface of the greenhouse soil.

If there is a need to obtain a finished cut rose at a temperature significantly higher than 10 °C, the seedlings in this case must be covered with film directly in the greenhouse and left in this state until all the stems rise evenly above the ground. Only after this the shoots are revealed.

Grafting a rose on a rosehip

In closed ground conditions, not only self-rooted species can develop well. Roses also reproduce well by grafting. For this purpose, you can use ordinary rose hips. Those seedlings that have a well-branched root system are suitable. In the fall, they need to be planted in pots with a specially prepared mixture: 1 part of humus is mixed with 4 parts of turf soil. Seedlings in pots should be stored all winter in the basement or in a greenhouse. From mid-December until April you can start grafting. To do this, rosehip seedlings are brought into the greenhouse, where the temperature is maintained at 8-10 °C. After two weeks, they will begin to have intensive sap flow. At this stage, it’s time to plant prepared rose cuttings (those that already have two buds are best suited).

The neck of the rootstock is cleared of clods of earth, then cut off aboveground part. An incision is made on the root collar (2-3 cm), and then the edges of the bark are carefully folded back. The cutting is inserted into the cut. The grafting site is tightly wrapped with polyethylene film.

It is advisable to dig pots with already grafted roses into boxes with peat and cover them with sawdust. You can install frames on top of the boxes or stretch the film, the main thing is to maintain the temperature at 22-25 ° C. Cuttings should be regularly sprayed with water. From the moment the shoots and first leaves appear, the pots with scions can be transferred from the boxes to the shelves in the greenhouse.

Basic rules of care

Proper care, care and attention will help the amateur gardener achieve positive results.

This photo shows how roses grow in a greenhouse

It remains only to find out what is the care of roses grown in greenhouse conditions.

  • Greenhouse maintenance optimal temperature throughout growing season planted plants: before the flowering period - an increase in degrees, and during the blooming of buds, on the contrary, a slight decrease;
  • maintaining the humidity level at 70%;
  • with excess sunlight in summer period– curtain the greenhouse, and if there is insufficient autumn-winter light, use additional daylight;
  • regular ventilation of the greenhouse;
  • implementation of monthly feedings with complex mineral fertilizers;
  • mulching the soil with a sprinkle of rotted manure;
  • cleaning greenhouse soil from weeds;
  • keeping areas loose and sufficiently moist;
  • timely treatment of rose bushes with special pesticides against pests and fungal diseases;
  • pruning the rootstock and all plants before a long dormant period;
  • Maintaining temperatures between 0 and +3 °C throughout December.

Lighting and feeding

Since roses are quite light-loving plants, they cannot tolerate it when the sun's rays are distributed not over the leaf cover, but over the soil surface. That is why one of the most important tasks of a gardener is to grow bushes with abundant leaf mass in the shortest possible time. It should be remembered that the stems and leaves are very closely interconnected with the root system. Therefore, if you carry out pinching or pruning the above-ground part, it means reducing the entire root system. It follows from this that the leaf mass should be subject to any damage as little as possible. The stronger the bush, the more flowering shoots it will produce.

Rose bushes require ongoing care

The florist must take care of supplying the greenhouse for growing roses all year round with a system of high-quality artificial lighting, with the help of which it will be possible to cover the missing five to six hours of daylight time autumn-winter period .

In addition to the need for lighting, roses also require constant feeding throughout the growing season.

So, from May to September the bushes need additional potassium nutrition. During intensive growth shoots require feeding with solution ammonium nitrate. Flowers also need mineral fertilizers such as potassium nitrate and calcium carbonate.

Periodic feeding is also carried out after cutting the buds. In this case, mullein infusion (in a ratio of 1:10) is alternated with mineral fertilizers (7 grams of ammonium nitrate, 12 grams of potassium nitrate and 15 grams of superphosphate are added per 1 square meter).

Pruning greenhouse roses

During the growing process, it is recommended to remove all side buds and shoots. You should leave only one shoot with 3-4 buds, which will produce new shoots. Within a month and a half after such pruning, the rose bushes will be well-formed plants with three or even four strong main shoots, ready for secondary flowering.

Proper cutting of roses is essential

When making the first cut, you need to make sure that a significant amount of green mass remains on the bush. This stimulates the rapid formation of new strong shoots. It is advisable to carry out cutting in the morning, when the flower buds are just beginning to open.

At proper care the buds will be beautiful and strong

With proper and high-quality care, from each rose bush grown in a greenhouse, you can get from 8 to 10-12 beautiful flowers, suitable for cutting.

IN winter time It is difficult to grow roses, so the main period falls in spring, summer and autumn. It is especially good to get a rich harvest of flowers by March 8, when the demand for them is extremely high. In addition, their cost increases noticeably, so it is profitable to prepare roses for sale at this time.

In winter, it is difficult to care for and preserve flowers; you need to maintain certain growing conditions, air temperature and amount of lighting. It is difficult for beginners to cope with this; caring for flowers requires a lot of time and financial investment. Care must be impeccable, therefore, when growing roses on an industrial scale, you have to hire workers to ensure greenhouse plants proper care.

Choosing varieties

Not all varieties of roses grow well in greenhouses, and first you need to select only those varieties that will benefit from greenhouse cultivation. If you plant roses that do not do well in greenhouse conditions, you can confidently expect that there will not be beautiful and healthy flowers. This is immediately noticeable by the irregularly shaped bud.

It is most convenient to grow miniature roses in greenhouses. They turn out beautiful and neat; they are easier to put up for sale and sell. Business on such roses is always booming, as well as on varieties like floribunda. Hybrid roses also take root well and look interesting.

In greenhouses, some varieties begin to get sick; they easily spoil if grown all year round without giving required lighting. You should purchase only seedlings that are most resistant to such things. There are varieties for which daylight is not prerequisite for growth. For example, the variety Zorina or Better Times.

Beginning gardeners should stop at unpretentious variety hybrid tea roses Rose Gozhar. They bloom very well, require minimal care and take root instantly in the greenhouse.

You can also not plant seedlings in the ground, but graft them. This is a common practice among gardeners. The grafted plant develops quickly and better tolerates diseases or unfavorable growing conditions. The only negative is the smaller number of buds during the flowering period.

How to grow?

Roses cannot be planted in ordinary soil, because seedlings require a lot of nutrients and additives. The soil in the greenhouse must be prepared in advance, fertilized with manure, peat and superphosphate. In greenhouses where flowers are grown for business, vermiculite can be used. No need to ignore mineral supplements before planting seedlings. Make a solution and water the soil where the future bush will be grown.

Since roses can grow in a greenhouse all year round, they should be carefully stored from frost. Even before you plant them in the ground, protect the seedlings from drafts and low temperatures.

  • Protect seedlings from temperature changes, frost and drafts;
  • Moisten and spray the bushes in a timely manner to avoid dehydration;
  • Plant only in prepared soil;
  • Remove weakened shoots;
  • After planting, water.

The soil temperature should be at least 12 degrees, and the roses themselves should be kept in water before planting. Moreover, this water must first be defended. When digging bushes into the soil, make sure that the grafting sites are on the surface. The quality of the soil can also affect the result of growing, so if the soil turns out to be loose, be sure to bury the roses deeper. If this is not done, the plants will not be able to receive the necessary nutrients and will die. However, when planting bushes in a greenhouse, the opposite situation is also dangerous: the roots can begin to rot if the plant is fixed very deeply.

It is important to place the seedlings correctly in the greenhouse. So, no more than 25 bushes are planted per 1 sq.m., in addition, they must be thinned out next year. Once you have planted your roses in the greenhouse, be sure to water them. How the bush settles depends on watering. The roots should be saturated with moisture and firmly anchored in the ground.

Shoot care

The quality of the roses you grow for sale depends on the care of the shoots. If you want your business to grow, don't lose sight of anything. Of course, the main condition is a favorable microclimate inside the greenhouse. With year-round operation, the air temperature may drop to unacceptable levels. If its level is below 12 degrees, the shoots may die and not bear flowers.

It is not always possible to regulate the required level of humidity and temperature in a greenhouse if you have to use it all year round, which is why the shoots begin to grow at different times. It is difficult to determine which ones are healthy and which ones have problems. Sometimes shoots refuse to grow for no apparent reason.

To avoid such situations during the growing process, you need to prepare the plants in advance. Firstly, you should not immediately plant them in a permanent place. Try growing in pots or individual beds. After planting, you can additionally cover them with film, increasing the temperature. But do not keep rose shoots under film for a long time. As soon as the plant begins to actively grow, transplant it to a permanent place in the greenhouse. Usually at this moment the length of the shoots reaches a couple of centimeters.

The rose business requires a constant harvest of beautiful flowers, but if conditions are difficult, don't be afraid to use film to rapid growth shoots. This method is suitable for all varieties, you just need to do it right. Wait until the stems are level before cutting roses for sale.

Grafting a rose on a rosehip

Roses in a greenhouse are obtained not only by growing seedlings in the ground, but also by grafting. Most often, cuttings are grafted onto rosehips, which are brought to the greenhouse for these purposes. Propagating roses by grafting develops your business, because as a result you can get stronger flowers with larger buds at any time of the year.

It is better to do the grafting when the rootstock begins to rapidly flow sap. This is due to the need to easily separate the wood from the bark. The suitable period is the end of summer. This procedure can also be performed at the end of spring, before the buds open. In winter, it is not necessary to refuse to graft roses; you just need to prepare rosehip bushes in advance and keep them cool, like rose shoots.

Roses can be grafted using various methods:

  • Budding. This is one of the most common methods of grafting roses onto rose hips in a greenhouse;
  • Splice. Splicing is also a simple and convenient way. To carry it out, you need to select a grafting site in the rosehip bark, make an incision and place the cutting in it. Then be sure to secure it so that the plant takes root;
  • Copulation. This is a joining along an oblique cut of a cutting and a shoot. The plants are pressed against each other where the grafting site is and wrapped. You need to fasten from bottom to top.

There are several recommendations regarding plant grafting. For example, you should only use resistant varieties roses and rose hips. The only problem may be that the hardiest roses are very prickly. It is difficult to choose a grafting site on them because the thorns are located everywhere. But there are varieties with fewer thorns, although they tolerate cold and are perfectly grafted onto rose hips.

It is necessary to properly grow and care for roses in a greenhouse, only then will the flower business bear fruit. The main requirements that must be met when growing roses are proper care for them. This is maintenance permissible temperature air and soil all year round, depending on the stage of growth. The fact is that bushes at different stages need different conditions.

Humidity should always be at least 70%, you need to control lighting and direct sunlight through the greenhouse onto the buds. On the one hand, the plants must receive enough light, but on the other hand, they can dry out. Therefore, you need to have special screens and use them when the sun is too active.

The greenhouse must be properly ventilated. For this purpose, entire ventilation systems. They are needed so that the air inside does not stagnate and the humidity level does not change.

The plan for growing roses in a greenhouse must take into account their feeding and the condition of the closed ground. This is necessary at the very beginning, even before planting the seedlings, but even after the bushes begin to actively grow, fertilizing is necessary. Remove weeds and weakened shoots in a timely manner, check the soil and thin out the beds.


Pruning of roses is necessary for better growth this culture. Be sure to remove all shoots from the side. Buds should not be left either. You can only leave a shoot with several strong buds, from which new stems will appear in the future. The shoots will be able to bloom a second time soon; it usually takes about 45 days before the pruned bushes are completely formed.

When pruning, do not remove leaves in large quantities. Thanks to their presence, new shoots will develop more intensively. Best time for pruning - morning. During this period, the buds are still closed, and the procedure is easier. You can collect a lot of flowers in a greenhouse, given that one bush produces about 10 flowers on average. But for this you need to take good care of your plants, properly care for them, from the moment of harvesting seedlings to cutting and storage.