Typical project for combined heating of a house. Heating project for a private house - designing the system correctly

Energy is the main product that man has learned to create. It is necessary both for everyday life and for industrial enterprises. In this article we will talk about the norms and rules for the design and construction of external heating networks.

What is a heating network

This is a set of pipelines and devices that are involved in the reproduction, transportation, storage, regulation and provision of all power supply points with heat through hot water or a couple. From the energy source it enters the transmission lines and is then distributed throughout the premises.

What is included in the design:

  • pipes that undergo pre-treatment against corrosion and are also subject to insulation - the sheathing may not be along the entire route, but only in the area that is located on the street;
  • compensators - devices that are responsible for movement, temperature deformations, vibration and displacement of substances inside the pipeline;
  • fastening system - depending on the type of installation, it can be different options, but in any case necessary support mechanisms;
  • trenches for laying - concrete gutters and tunnels are equipped if laying takes place above ground;
  • shut-off or control valves - temporarily stops the pressure or helps to reduce it, blocking the flow.

Also, the building’s heat supply project may contain additional equipment within the heating and hot water supply engineering system. So the design is divided into two parts - external and internal heating networks. The first one can come from the central main pipelines, or maybe from thermal unit, boiler room. There are also systems inside the premises that regulate the amount of heat in individual rooms, workshops - if the issue concerns industrial enterprises.

Classification of heating networks according to basic characteristics and basic design methods

There are several criteria by which the system can differ. This includes the method of their placement, their purpose, the area of ​​heat supply, their power, as well as many additional functions. At the time of designing a heat supply system, the designer must find out from the customer how much energy the line must transport daily, how many outlets it has, what operating conditions will be - climatic, meteorological, and also how not to spoil the urban development.

According to these data, you can choose one of the types of gasket. Let's look at the classifications.

By type of installation

There are:

  • Airborne, they are also aboveground.

This solution is not used very often due to installation difficulties, service, repairs, and also because of the unsightly appearance of such bridges. Unfortunately, the project usually does not include decorative elements. This is due to the fact that boxes and other camouflage structures often prevent access to pipes and also prevent timely detection of a problem, such as a leak or crack.

The decision to design air heating networks is made after engineering surveys for the purpose of surveying areas with seismic activity, as well as high level occurrence of groundwater. In such cases, it is not possible to dig trenches and conduct above-ground installation, as this can be unproductive - natural conditions can damage the casing, humidity will affect accelerated corrosion, and soil mobility will lead to pipe breaks.

Another recommendation for carrying out above-ground structures is in dense residential areas, when it is simply not possible to dig holes, or in the case when one or more lines of existing communications already exist in this place. When carrying out excavation work in this case, there is a high risk of damage. engineering systems cities.

Air heating networks are mounted on metal supports and poles, where they are attached to hoops.

  • Underground.

They are, accordingly, laid underground or on it. There are two options for the design of a heat supply system - when installation is carried out in a duct way and in a non-duct way.

In the first case, a concrete channel or tunnel is laid. The concrete is reinforced, and pre-prepared rings can be used. This protects the pipes, the windings, and also makes inspection and maintenance easier by keeping the entire system clean and dry. Protection occurs simultaneously from moisture, groundwater and flooding, as well as from corrosion. These precautions also help prevent mechanical impact on the line. Channels can be monolithic filling concrete or prefabricated, their second name is tray.

The channelless method is less preferable, but it takes much less time, labor costs and material resources. It's economical effective method, but the pipes themselves are not ordinary, but special ones - with or without a protective shell, but then the material must be made of polyvinyl chloride or with its addition. The process of repair and installation becomes more difficult if it is planned to reconstruct the network or expand the heating network, since it will be necessary to carry out excavation work again.

By coolant type

Two elements can be transported:

  • Hot water.

She transmits thermal energy and can simultaneously serve for water supply purposes. The peculiarity is that such pipelines cannot be laid alone, even main ones. They must be carried out in multiples of two. Typically these are two-pipe and four-pipe systems. This requirement is due to the fact that not only the supply of liquid is needed, but also its removal. Usually the cold flow (return) returns to the heating point. In the boiler room, secondary processing occurs - filtration, and then heating of the water.

These are more difficult to design heating networks - an example of their standard design contains conditions for protecting pipes from super-hot temperatures. The fact is that the vapor carrier is much hotter than the liquid. This gives increased efficiency, but contributes to deformation of the pipeline and its walls. This can be prevented by using high-quality building materials and regularly monitoring possible changes in pressure pressure.

Another dangerous phenomenon is the formation of condensation on the walls. It is necessary to make a winding that will remove moisture.

Danger also lurks due to possible injuries during maintenance and breakthrough. Steam burns are very strong, and since the substance is transmitted under pressure, it can lead to significant damage to the skin.

According to design schemes

This classification can also be called by meaning. The following objects are distinguished:

  • Trunk.

They have only one function - transportation over long distances. Typically this is the transfer of energy from the source, the boiler house, to the distribution nodes. There may be heating points here that deal with the branching of routes. The mains have powerful indicators - content temperature is up to 150 degrees, pipe diameter is up to 102 cm.

  • Distribution.

These are smaller lines whose purpose is to deliver hot water or steam to residential buildings and industrial plants. They can be different in cross-section; it is chosen depending on the energy flow per day. For apartment buildings and factories usually use maximum values ​​- they do not exceed 52.5 cm in diameter. While for private properties, residents usually have a small pipeline installed that can satisfy their heating needs. Temperature usually does not exceed 110 degrees.

  • Quarterly.

This is a subtype of distribution. They have the same technical characteristics, but serve the purpose of distributing the substance among the buildings of one residential area or block.

  • Branches.

They are designed to connect the main line and the heating point.

By heat source

There are:

  • Centralized.

The starting point of heat transfer is a large heating station that supplies the entire city or most of it. These can be thermal power plants, large boiler houses, nuclear power plants.

  • Decentralized.

They are engaged in transportation from small sources - autonomous heating points that can only supply a small residential development, one apartment house, specific industrial production. Autonomous power supplies, as a rule, do not require sections of highways, since they are located next to the object or structure.

Stages of drawing up a heating network project

  • Collection of initial data.

The customer provides the technical specifications to the designer and, independently or through third-party organizations, compiles a list of information that will be needed in the work. This is the amount of heat energy required per year and daily, the designation of power points, as well as operating conditions. Here you may also find preferences for the maximum cost of all work and the materials used. First of all, the order must indicate why the heating network is needed - residential premises, production.

  • Engineering survey.

The work is carried out both on site and in laboratories. The engineer then completes the reports. The inspection system includes soil, soil properties, groundwater levels, as well as climatic and meteorological conditions, and seismic characteristics of the area. To work and prepare reports, you will need the + + link. These programs will ensure automation of the entire process, as well as compliance with all norms and standards.

  • Engineering system design.

At this stage, drawings and diagrams of individual components are drawn up, and calculations are performed. A real designer always uses high-quality software, for example, . The software is designed to work with engineering networks. With its help, it is convenient to trace, create wells, indicate the intersections of lines, as well as mark the cross-section of the pipeline and make additional marks.

Regulatory documents that guide the designer - SNiP 41-02-2003 " Heating network" and SNiP 41-03-2003 " Thermal insulation equipment and instruments."

At the same stage, construction and design documentation is drawn up. To comply with all the rules of GOST, SP and SNiP, you must use the program or. They automate the process of filling out papers according to legal standards.

  • Project approval.

First, the layout is offered to the customer. At this point it is convenient to use the 3D visualization function. The three-dimensional model of the pipeline is clearer; it shows all the nodes that are not visible in the drawing to a person who is not familiar with the rules of drawing. And for professionals, a three-dimensional layout is necessary to make adjustments and provide for unwanted intersections. The program has this function. It is convenient to draw up all working and design documentation, draw and perform basic calculations using the built-in calculator.

Then approval must take place in a number of instances of the city government, as well as undergo an expert assessment by an independent representative. It is convenient to use the electronic document management function. This is especially true when the customer and the contractor are in different cities. All ZVSOFT products interact with common engineering, text and graphic formats, so the design team can use this software for processing data obtained from different sources.

Composition of a typical heating network design and example of heating mains

The main elements of the pipeline are mainly produced by manufacturers in finished form, so all that remains is to correctly position and install them.

Let's look at the contents of the parts using the example of a classical system:

  • Pipes. We examined their diameter above in connection with the typology of structures. And the length has standard parameters - 6 and 12 meters. You can order individual cutting at the factory, but it will cost much more.
    It is important to use new products. It is better to use those that are produced immediately with insulation.
  • Connection elements. These are knees at an angle of 90, 75, 60, 45 degrees. This group also includes: bends, tees, transitions and pipe end caps.
  • Shut-off valves. Its purpose is to shut off the water. Locks may be located in special boxes.
  • Compensator. It is required on all corners of the track. They relieve pressure-related processes of expansion and deformation of the pipeline.

Make a heating network project with high quality together with software products from ZVSOFT.


After a country cottage has been built, it is still impossible to live in it, since it is necessary to lay all utilities and create an efficient and reliable heating structure. To ensure comfort, you need to have a professionally completed heating project for a private home. Only taking into account all the nuances and correctly made calculations will make it possible to create a microclimate in the premises that will contribute to a cozy atmosphere.

The design of a heating system for a household requires the presence of a floor plan of the heat supply structure, which indicates all the required dimensions, tolerances and other parameters (read: ""). Design organizations are now drawing up three-dimensional drawings for the heating of country cottages. What do these look like? design solutions, can be seen in the photo.

When it comes to integrated approach, designing a heating system for a private house requires compliance with a number of fundamental points:

  • reasonable location of the building relative to external communications, starting from electrical networks and ending with gas supply;
  • the correct location of the cottage in accordance with the cardinal directions, since it is necessary that as much as possible penetrates inside through the windows solar energy;
  • the use of modern window technologies - heat should not leave the room through cracks in the frames. To do this, it is advisable to install three-chamber plastic windows with ventilation valves;
  • It wouldn’t hurt to use the greenhouse effect – even with reliable large windows in severe frosts on the sunny side of the building, if there is a heat source such as a fireplace, there will be no need for other heating devices, since the temperature in the rooms will not drop below plus 20-22 degrees;
  • it is advisable to install a fireplace in the room, even an electric one, which is an autonomous source of thermal energy and creates comfort;
  • It is imperative to insulate not only external walls, but also internal fences - ceilings, floor coverings, partitions between rooms located on the same floor. It is necessary to pay attention to the insulation of the upper floor;
  • In the rooms you need to put soft, cozy furniture that perfectly conserves heat.

Heating circuit design

If all of the above measures aimed at saving heat are implemented, then the owner of a country property will be able to turn on the main heating system at least two weeks later. heating system and turn it off a couple of weeks earlier.

The design of a heating system for a private house involves the creation of a main heat supply structure, which can be:

  • air– it does not require laying pipelines or installing radiators. IN in this case maintaining the temperature at a constant level is more difficult, and the efficiency constantly changes depending on external conditions, but this one is cheaper compared to other options;
  • electrical- it would be more popular, but many consumers have limited power grids. A heating project for a private home based on the use of electricity is expensive to maintain and operate - the cost of electricity is not cheap;
  • infrared– similar projects correspond modern requirements to heating systems, in addition, there is a tendency for them to become cheaper, since they are based on advanced technologies that are constantly being improved (read also: " ");
  • pipeline- the most common system because it is the cheapest source of heating a home. To equip it, you will need to create a mini-boiler room, where a heating boiler, pumps, and some monitoring sensors will be located.
Which heat supply structure to prefer is ultimately decided by the owner of a private household, but before that it would not hurt to consult with professionals. Creating such a heating system yourself is quite problematic if you lack the appropriate knowledge and experience. Mistakes made during project implementation cost a significant amount of money.

Project of a pipeline heating system for a private house

There are several options for pipeline structures, but they certainly include the following elements:
  • heating device;
  • pipeline;
  • circulation pump;
  • radiators;
  • filters;
  • expansion tank;
  • control and regulating devices;
  • connecting elements.
Professionally drawn up projects certainly take into account the need to carry out a set of works to reduce heat loss in the building. For this purpose, floors, walls, ceilings, window frames and external doors.

Heating boilers

At the heart of the heating structure is a heating unit, on which the source of energy received for heating depends.

Today, manufacturers offer consumers the following types of boilers:

  1. Gas appliances. They are the most popular due to the low cost of operation and the presence of gas mains in many settlements.
  2. Electrical units. Heating using them is expensive.
  3. Solid fuel devices. Popular in those regions where there are problems with gas and electricity supply. A constant supply of coal or firewood is required for several refills per day.
  4. Liquid fuel heating units. For their operation, they use fuel oil and diesel fuel, which are inexpensive. But in this case there are problems: air pollution with waste products and the need to arrange a storage facility for liquid fuel.
  5. Waste oil devices. It is also a cheap source of energy, but currently the market for such fuel is not established.
  6. Warm floor system. Helps solve heating problems, but its cost cannot be called cheap.
You must pay for private home heating system projects because they are not given away for free. This is quite a serious job that requires high qualifications.

Before starting design, the property owner will need the following information:

  • floor plan country house;
  • choice of pipe routing option - open or hidden, single or double circuit. It may be that in some rooms there is no need for heating because, for example, a fireplace is used in the living room;
  • measures already taken to insulate the building;
  • the place where the boiler is planned to be installed and the area of ​​the room for its placement.
In a word, all the preferences are the wishes of the owners country houses are reflected in a document called “Technical Specifications”. It is advisable for the customer to record all relationships with design and contracting organizations on paper, formalizing them accordingly.
Creating a reliable and efficient heating structure requires a serious approach, and such work is entrusted to specialist heating engineers.

It is the internal and external layout of the construction of the house that determines the features of the future heating system in it. The fact is that the design of heat supply for a country wooden cottage or a brick building will have significant differences. The heat carrier is usually water heated to a certain temperature by a boiler running on electricity ( natural gas, coal, liquid fuel, etc.). The coolant circulates through pipes installed inside the building.

An example of a heating project for a private house consists of the following stages:
  • development of a preliminary sketch;
  • economic justification and necessary calculations;
  • development of a pipe installation diagram and heating radiators;
  • creation of a working draft. This will allow you to avoid many mistakes that novice builders make during the installation process.

What you should pay special attention to

Every owner country cottage, while a heating design project in his house is being developed and implemented, he must delve into every nuance. Such a meticulous approach is not always liked by those who perform the work. In order to avoid misunderstandings with them in the future, you need to warn them in advance about their active participation in the project.

It has long been known that provided there is good interaction with the craftsmen, there will be no complaints on their part regarding excessive attention to the work they perform. IN project documentation the possibility of making adjustments during installation and startup of the system must be taken into account.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS The heating main design was carried out in accordance with the design assignment, SNiP 41-02-2003, SP 41-105-2002 and the general plan. The source of heat supply is the modular boiler room TKU-4. Design parameters coolant 95-70°C. The heating network is laid underground, ductless, and in concrete trays at road intersections, as well as near the foundations of buildings. Compensation for thermal elongation of pipelines is carried out due to angles of rotation (self-compensation) and U-shaped compensators. Seamless steel pipes are used in accordance with GOST 8732-78, steel grade B20 GOST 1050-88 in polymer-mineral foam (PPM) insulation. The shut-off and drainage valves are made of steel; for Dn 57, ball valves with a handle are used; for Dn 219, with a manual gear drive. Pipeline supports are adopted according to technical catalog LLC NPP "Penopolymer" and meet the requirements for strength calculations when compensating for thermal elongation. The pipes are laid on a sandy base of thickness. 150-200 mm with pipes being sprinkled with sand with a filtration coefficient of at least 5 m3/day, thickness of at least 150 mm with sand compaction (degree of compaction 0.92-0.98). Sections with pipe bends are laid in shock-absorbing gaskets. After hydraulic test pipelines must be covered with a 150 mm layer of sand and compacted soil to the full depth of the trench, then heated with water at a temperature of 70 ° C, from the boiler room. In places where heat pipes pass through the walls of chambers and buildings, install sealing units. There are fittings for draining water and a discharge well, at the lowest points from where water cooled to 40° is pumped out by a mobile pump. At the highest points, air release fittings are provided. The support spacing is selected taking into account the deflection and strength of the pipelines and their load-bearing capacity. Installation, testing and acceptance of the heating network into operation should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.05.03-85 "Heating networks", SP41-105-2002. By doing installation work The following types of hidden work are subject to acceptance with the drawing up of inspection reports in the form given in SNiP 12-01-2004 - preparation of the surface of welded joints for anti-corrosion coating and implementation of anti-corrosion coating of welded joints. Excavation work should be carried out with the written permission of the public utilities department and organizations in charge of underground communications and polygonometric signs and in accordance with SP 41-105-2002, SNiP 3.02.01, SNiP III-42. The waterproofing properties of the outer layer of PPM insulation, according to LLC NPP "Penopolymer" (012.RD-001.002 P3), exclude the possibility of moistening the main thermal insulation layer during operation, therefore, associated drainage of groundwater is not required during channelless installation. Technical solutions adopted in the working drawings comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary, hygienic, fire safety and other standards in force on the territory Russian Federation and ensure safe operation of the facility for the life and health of people, subject to the measures specified in the working drawings. In the case of using new, including imported materials, products, structures and technologies in the construction of this facility, in accordance with the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia N18-23 dated March 27, 1998, they must have a technical certificate from the Gosstroy of Russia confirming the suitability of their use in construction .

! Note to the customer
In this case, combined heating means the integration of a heating system with a supply and exhaust ventilation. The house in the example discussed below is heated with air through in-floor heating convectors. Thus, this project contains elements of an air heating system.

The illustration shows the “skeleton” of the system air heating

In this section we want to show the main documents that are included in the combined heating project being developed by our company (hereinafter referred to as the heating project). The example was used heating project for a private two-story residential building with an area of ​​300 square meters. meters.

This heating project includes general data as well as a set of drawings including:

  • thermal diagram of the boiler room;
  • heating system floor plans;
  • heating system diagram;
  • floor plans for underfloor heating systems.

Heating and heat supply

The general data of the heating project indicates the calculated temperatures of external and internal air, as well as coolant parameters for radiator heating systems and underfloor heating systems.

IN this project heating temperature parameters are as follows:

  • calculated outside air temperature for the heating system t=−28 degrees;
  • calculated internal air temperatures are accepted:
    • for residential premises - + 22 degrees;
    • for bathrooms and bathrooms - + 24 degrees.

The heating system has the following coolant parameters:

  • for a radiator heating system - +80/+60 degrees;
  • for underfloor heating system - +35/+30 degrees.

Boiler room and heating point

The heating project reveals the main characteristics and features of creating a boiler house and heating point.

In this heating project for a private residential building, an individual boiler room was designed with the following characteristics:

The heating project includes a boiler room based on a Buderus Logano G334WS cast iron boiler with a capacity of 73 kW. The combustion products are removed through a built-in insulated chimney from RAAB (Germany).

The coolant is distributed using a main comb made from a VGP pipe DN 50 mm.

Grundfos pumping equipment, shut-off and control equipment are located in the boiler room.

As a boiler room control device for the heating project, it is envisaged to use a complete automation system from Buderus, type Logomatic 4211, for weather-dependent climate control.

Regulation and limitation of the temperature of the heating boiler supply line is carried out by the Logomatic 4211 automatic system.

Hot water is prepared using a 300 liter boiler manufactured by Buderus. Regulation and maintenance of hot water temperature is carried out by controlling the boiler loading pump using a separate unit common system management.

Thermal diagram of the boiler room

The heating project kit includes thermal diagram boiler room Below we give an example of a boiler room diagram made according to a heating project for a private two-story residential building.

Thermal diagram of the boiler room (the illustration can be enlarged)

Radiator heating

The heating project reveals the main characteristics and features of creating a radiator heating system. In particular, the project specifies the type of heating system wiring, the type of heating devices and the method of connecting them to the heating mains, installation locations for in-floor heating ducts, room temperature control devices, and much more.

In that standard project heating system radiator heating has the following characteristics and features:

A private residential building has a two-pipe collector-radiator radiator heating system. Kermi FKV steel panel radiators in valve design were adopted as heating devices for the heating project in accordance with the technical specifications. The connection to the radiators is hidden at the rear. At installation sites balcony doors and stained glass windows, the heating project provides for the installation of heating ducts built into the floor.

For individual temperature control in individual rooms, thermal valves of the AZ series from Oventrop are installed on each supply outlet of floor heating collectors. For possible shutdown and draining of each heating device their connection is designed through locking and connecting units of the Multiflex type from Oventrop.

To remove air from the upper points of the heating system, automatic air vents are provided on the collectors and Mayevsky air valves on each radiator.

All pipelines of the radiator heating system are thermally insulated with Termaflex FR3 insulation 9 mm thick.

In addition to the general data given above, the heating project includes detailed drawings of the radiator heating system on the plans of each floor. In our case, we provide drawings of the heating system on the plans of the first and second floors.

Heating system design on the ground floor plan of the house (the illustration can be enlarged)

Heating system design on the second floor plan of the house (the illustration can be enlarged)

In addition to floor plans, the project contains a diagram of the heating system, which most clearly represents the entire heating system.

Warm floor

In accordance with the technical specifications, the heating project provides for the installation of water heated floors in separate rooms residential building. Design temperature floor surfaces are taken at +27 degrees. The method of laying and fastening heating circuits is adopted for self-leveling concrete floors.

Where expansion joints intersect, heating pipes are laid in protective plastic corrugated sleeves.