Do-it-yourself door frame installation. Door frame assembly. Video

The door frame is mounted in the entrance opening of the wall and is part of the door structure on which the door is hung using hinges, serving as an obstacle to entry into or exit from the room. The box is made of MDF, chipboard or wooden beams with a thickness of 75-85mm. When the wall thickness is more than 85 mm, additional strips are used, which are installed in special grooves of the beams. The door frame has a cutout 1/4 deep equal to the thickness of the leaf.

To install hinges in the box, material is sampled in an amount equal to the thickness of the hinged sash. This is necessary for a tight fit of the door leaf to the frame jambs. installed without insertion.

The door frame is a frame structure. Its vertical components are called jambs, one of which is looped, the other is feigned. The hinge beam carries the main load of the door leaf. The horizontal upper box lintel is called the “lintel”, and the lower one is called the “threshold”. The threshold in the box is not mandatory element. It is installed when it is necessary to eliminate drafts by covering the gap under the door leaf. Doors with thresholds are often installed to keep spilled water from entering adjacent rooms. The gap between the floor and the threshold is hidden by the thickness flooring. Therefore the assembly door frame with a threshold is carried out before laying linoleum, laminate and other materials used for finishing the floor.

Types of connections of door frame elements

The entire procedure for manufacturing a frame structure interior door consists of connecting individual elements of the box together into one product, which has the appearance of a closed or open circuit, depending on the presence of a threshold. There are three types of connecting box beams:

Tools and materials

Accurate assembly of the door frame requires tools and auxiliary materials. You will need the following:

  • Tape measure, pencil, masking tape;
  • A miter box is a device for cutting timber at different angles. Required for baguette connections and preparation of platbands.
  • Hand saw, drill with wood drills, construction knife;
  • Hammer – it is necessary for attaching the interior door frame to a brick or concrete wall;
  • Chisel – will be needed to cut out places in the box for attaching hinges;
  • Polyurethane foam - necessary to seal the space between the door frame and the opening.
  • Acrylic paint for wooden surfaces.

Door frame assembly

Most home craftsmen choose simple diagram assembly, which involves joining the box elements at an angle of 90 degrees. To assemble the door frame for ease of work, it is recommended to lay out all the parts of the future structure in one horizontal level. This can be done on a cardboard floor, a couple of tables pushed together, or four stools. Correct assembly of the door frame implies the following order of work:

From all of the above, it is noticeable that assembling a door frame with your own hands is not particularly difficult. A positive work result can always be obtained by following the rules of the exact sequence of actions.

Stores often sell door frames disassembled, and the home craftsman has to assemble them himself, carefully adjusting them to the dimensions of the doorway. So that the process does not take much time, it is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the assembly technology, purchase necessary tools and then get to work. Every man should know how to assemble a door frame, since this skill is indispensable in construction and renovation, both in an apartment and in a private house.

The door frame consists of several bars different sizes, which need to be connected together, having previously adjusted them to the dimensions of the opening. Two of them are longer - the racks will be made from them, and two are shorter, from which the threshold and crossbar will be made. The size of each element will depend on the height and width of the opening, as well as on the method of connecting the structure.

Methods for connecting beams:

  • Using tenons cut into the posts and cross members;
  • I washed it down at an angle of 45˚;
  • Sawing at an angle of 90˚.

For home craftsmen with experience in carpentry, all of the above methods are suitable, and for beginners - sawing at one of the angles. To cut tenons you will need a jigsaw, to cut at 45˚ you will need a miter box and a hacksaw, and to cut timber at 90˚ you only need a miter saw or a hacksaw with fine teeth.

The tenon joint of the door frame is reinforced with small nails coated with an anti-corrosion coating or glued with wood glue.

To assemble a connection at any of the angles, first drill a hole, and then screw wood screws into it, the length of which is 50 - 60 mm.

Before making cuts at the ends of the beams, you should carefully measure everything and mark it with a pencil, because mistakes made cannot be corrected and you will have to buy new material.

Particular attention should be paid to the installation of hinges. Their locations must correspond exactly to the location of the fittings on the door leaf.

How to cut a door frame at 45 degrees correctly

Basically, door frames with a round cross-section are sawed at an angle of 45 degrees. If there is a threshold, then cuts will have to be made on all parts. If there is no threshold on the racks, cutting is done only on one side, and on the crossbar - on both sides.

Methods for sawing at 45˚:

  1. Using a miter box. Marks are first made on the timber with a simple pencil, marker or simply squeezed out with a sharp object. Then the beam is installed and fixed in the miter box. You should carefully saw off the block so that there are no chips.
  2. Miter saw with rotating table. A beam is installed on the frame at the desired angle, on which markings are applied. The saw quickly and easily saws off the excess part, leaving a smooth cut without cracks or chips.

It must be taken into account that the distance between the frame and the door (leaf) itself should be three millimeters.

When assembling the structure, the screws are screwed in at an angle. This step is necessary to securely fix the box.

Quick installation of a door frame with your own hands

Immediately after assembling the door frame, you can immediately install it. To do this, there is a certain algorithm of actions that must be carefully followed.

Work order:

  1. The doorway is cleared of remnants of plaster and narrowed or widened if necessary. The distance between the opening and the jamb should be no more than 2.5-3 centimeters.
  2. The box is installed in the opening. To securely fix it, you will need a spacer made of wooden wedges. If there is no threshold, then a wooden plank is installed in its place.
  3. The door frame is attached to the wall with anchor bolts or iron rods. The cavities between the opening and the jamb must be foamed with foam.
  4. To prevent the box from deforming after the foam hardens, additional wooden wedges should be installed. They are pulled out during the process of cutting off excess foam.

In order not to stain the structural elements with construction foam, they should be covered with masking tape.

How to secure a door frame in an opening: detailed instructions

The stronger and more securely the box is fixed in doorway, the longer the door will last without requiring repairs. There won’t be any particular difficulties if you follow all the tips and instructions. When installing an interior door, it should be secured so firmly that you can, for example, attach children's jumpers to it.

How to properly secure a door frame:

  • After the door has been secured with spacers, you need to drill three holes on each support;
  • Drive into the prepared holes anchor bolts or metal rods, the ends of which are flattened;
  • If installation is carried out in concrete wall, then special dowels are driven in;
  • All cavities are carefully filled with polyurethane foam with the expectation that it can double in volume;
  • In a narrow passage, wide metal plates with holes are used to fasten door frames into which self-tapping screws are screwed or anchors are driven in.

Recommendations from the experts: how to install a door with a frame correctly

Not everyone will be able to install the door correctly the first time, especially if the person has never encountered this before. First, he must study the sequence of work in detail. He may need clear and detailed diagram structures and fastenings.

Stages of work:

  • Box assembly;
  • Installation of accessories;
  • Installation and strengthening in the opening;
  • Hanging and adjusting the door leaf;
  • Finishing with platbands.

If the door is made of MDF, then in no case should you plaster the slopes, but it is better to fill the space with additions to match the color of the product.

The fittings can be inserted both before and after the door frame is completely assembled.

It is better to make spacers in the form of wedges to make it easier to level the box.

Polyurethane foam is applied in stages several times. You cannot use the door until it has completely hardened.

How to correctly assemble the door frame of an interior door (video)

Even a novice craftsman can easily install a door on his own if he takes his time and uses the tools correctly. Don't despair when not everything goes smoothly. You need to calm down, think carefully about everything again, or ask for advice from professionals. Using the recommendations given in the article, you can not only install doors yourself, but also control the work of hired builders, who do not always perform it efficiently.

Repair is a costly undertaking, so apartment owners do everything to reduce costs by performing work on our own. For many, installing an MDF door frame does not cause any difficulties. Having prepared a standard tool, you can complete the installation in the shortest possible time.

Box and canvas

Preparatory stage

Before starting, carefully measure the parameters of the opening, which are determined after old box completely dismantled.

Attention! The quality of installation depends on how correctly the dimensions are taken.

Determination of geometric parameters

You will need to know:

  • Depth. This parameter is equal to the thickness of the wall. The thickness of the box directly depends on it;
  • The width, on which the dimensions of the box and canvas depend. 8-9 cm are allotted for installing the door. A standard MDF box has an average thickness of 2.5 cm. Considering that it is mounted on both sides, it turns out to be 5 cm. A minimum allowance is provided to ensure free movement of the sash (about 3 mm on each side ). The width of the door leaf depends on the dimensions of the opening. A door with a width of 60 cm is purchased for the bathroom, and 90 cm for residential ones;
  • Height. This is the distance from the floor surface to the top of the doorway. This parameter affects the dimensions of the structure ( standard height 2 m) and design features the box itself. The box can be mounted with or without a threshold. In the first case, the dimensions are calculated by analogy with the calculation of the width of the box. In the absence of a threshold, a 3 mm gap is provided between the upper end of the sash and the frame and 1 mm at the bottom.

When determining dimensions, first check the verticality of the walls. Considering that the thickness of the wall can vary in height, measurements are taken at several points. Based on the obtained dimensions, they make a choice in favor of one or another door design and suitable fittings.

In the most general case, an MDF door frame consists of two vertical beams and at least one horizontal one. If a threshold is installed, then two horizontal bars are provided.

The structure consists of the following elements:

  • Door leaf;
  • Boxes;
  • The narthex slats;
  • Additional strips;
  • Accessories.

How to install the box?

Before proceeding with the installation of the structure, prepare the installation tools:

  • Roulette;
  • Laser level;
  • Pencil;
  • Square;
  • Chisel;
  • Hacksaw.

In addition to the tools, you will need materials, including polyurethane foam and timber for the box itself.

How to assemble a door frame?

To assemble the box correctly, prepare a flat horizontal surface. It is preferable to carry out work on the floor, laying a soft substrate to avoid damage to the box elements during assembly.

When installing an MDF structure with your own hands, first saw off the top crossbar depending on the selected door width. Be sure to provide an allowance for free movement of the sash. Then all the elements of the box are cut off.

In order for the structure to be perfectly smooth, all the elements from which it is made MDF box, laid out on the floor. First, the vertical elements of the trap are placed, next to them is the top crossbar. Between the top rail and vertical beams there must be a right angle. All elements are laid “on edge”. If the angle differs from a straight line to a greater or lesser extent, it will not be possible to install an MDF door frame into the opening.

To prevent accidental displacement of elements relative to each other, counter strips are inserted into the mounting grooves. After all the planks are in place, the door leaf is laid. To ensure an even gap between the frame and the door leaf, cardboard of the same thickness is placed in it.

After the box has been given the required shape, the top crossbar is connected to the vertical posts. For this purpose, special self-tapping screws are used, designed for fastening wooden elements. When choosing a mounting location, you should choose points as close to the center as possible. To connect two adjacent elements, two screws are enough.

Advice! Considering that during the process of fastening individual elements, MDF may split, small diameter holes are pre-drilled into which screws are then screwed.

Having assembled the U-shaped base, control the width of the structure. After this, excess material is cut off to ensure that the height of the mounted structure matches. When determining the height of the box, the presence or absence of a threshold is taken into account. By cutting off the vertical posts of the required height, the spatial position of the box elements relative to each other is fixed.

Box assembly

If a structure with a threshold is mounted, it is placed in in the right place and fastened to vertical posts. If there is no threshold, when assembling the box, use a mounting strip, which will help temporarily fix the relative position of the elements. The frame assembled in this way should fit perfectly into the doorway. Having securely fixed all the elements, you can install it in place.

Methods of connecting elements

The vertical and horizontal strips are connected to each other in three different ways:

  • On the thorn;
  • At an angle of 45 degrees;
  • At right angles.

The tenon connection method is the most labor-intensive option of all possible. To implement it, you will need special equipment to mill a groove of the desired shape. But in terms of strength characteristics, the formed connection is the most reliable. Before assembly, spikes and depressions are cut out at the ends of the mating parts, with the help of which they can be ensured to fit tightly together.

Tenon connection

The elements are assembled onto the tenon using glue. To ensure rigidity and strength, additional fasteners are used by screwing self-tapping screws into both parts simultaneously. When choosing this connection method, please note that after connecting the vertical and horizontal parts, their linear parameters will decrease by the thickness of the panel. This nuance is important when adjusting elements.

The option with connecting the crossbar and vertical bar at an angle of 45 degrees is a little simpler. To ensure a tight fit between the horizontal and vertical strips, part of the material is removed at an angle of 45 degrees at the junction. For work, it is better to use a breadboard knife, which allows you to cut even thin layers. The crossbar and vertical post are positioned at right angles and connected with self-tapping screws. As an additional method of connection, glue is used, which allows the elements of the box to be more reliably fastened together.

45 degree connection

The option of connecting the crossbar and vertical slats at right angles is the simplest. For those who are assembling their box for the first time, this connection method fits better Total. In this case, the horizontal bar is attached to the ends of the vertical posts with two or three through screws, having previously drilled holes.

Right angle connection

Door installation

Once the box is ready, installation begins. If it is a swing door, then hinges are screwed to the door leaf. The insertion is carried out as carefully and accurately as possible, otherwise operation installed door will be difficult.

Determining the position of the loops

It is advisable to make the insertion using a special tool. To do this, folded loops are applied to the canvas, departing approximately 25 cm from its ends, and traced along the contour. At this point, excess material is removed to a depth sufficient to ensure that the hinges are flush. When determining the location of the hinges, take into account the direction of opening of the sash and the type of fittings used. Loops are inserted into the prepared sockets and screwed with self-tapping screws.

The prepared box is inserted into the doorway, while necessarily monitoring its spatial position. Even a slight deviation in the vertical or horizontal plane is unacceptable. This will cause the sash to open or close spontaneously. Having decided on the position of the box, it is temporarily fixed using wooden wedges.

Fixation with polyurethane foam

Next, hang the canvas. Control the size of the vertical and horizontal gaps between the canvas and the box. If everything is done correctly, there should be no problems when opening or closing the sash. To prevent accidental displacement of structural elements relative to each other, cardboard of the same thickness is inserted between the canvas and the box. After this, the space between the box and the wall is foamed, and when the foam dries, it is secured with special hardware. After this, all that remains is to install the platbands.

Installation MDF doors can be done in-house. It is enough to prepare the tool, familiarize yourself with the sequence of work, and then perform the installation according to all the rules. In this case, the installed structure will be beautiful and durable.

One of the final stages of renovation is the installation of an interior door. This process is quite complex and requires special attention to detail. After all, even the slightest mistake can render the entire structure unusable. If you follow all the rules, the process of assembling the door frame will not be difficult.

Calculation of doorway parameters

Before installing the door frame, you should prepare the room. The walls must be leveled and plastered. You also need to decide what type of finished floor will be installed in order to cut the box to the desired height. It is important to maintain the verticality of the walls, since after installing the door their curvature will be evident.

Having chosen the doors, you need to figure out the size of the opening. Specialists can adjust the openings by installing a plasterboard partition on the metal profile. However, it is very difficult to match the dimensions of the box with the existing parameters of the opening. And if you do not carry out all the calculations, then the risk that the door block will not fit increases, and then it will be necessary to eliminate large gaps and re-glue the wallpaper.

To assemble the door frame, the following parameters should be determined:

Door width and height;

Width and thickness door block;

Threshold height (if any);

Width of platbands.

The width of the opening can be calculated by adding 15 mm to the width of the gap on each side. When calculating the height, the threshold value is taken into account. If it is absent, take into account the gap formed between the bottom of the door and the floor.

Door frame assembly

After all the required parameters have been found, we begin to connect the elements of the door frame, which can be done using several methods.

A 45 degree connection involves sawing off pieces on bars at an angle of 45. On the horizontal crossbar, cuts are made on both sides. It is important to ensure that the length of the vertical posts is the same. It can be found as the sum of the width of the door leaf, the thickness of the vertical boards and the gaps between the door block and the leaf. The beams are connected using self-tapping screws, which are screwed in at an angle of 45 degrees. It is recommended to carry out work on a flat surface, such as the floor.

With another method, the beams are connected at right angles. In this case, the boards are simply stacked on top of each other. This method is the easiest, however, before fastening, you should saw off the doorway of the box.

For tenon fastening, tenons are cut out on horizontal and vertical boards. In this case, it must be ensured that the tenons of the racks fit exactly into the grooves of the crossbars.

After the box is assembled, you need to install the hinges. First, mark the locations of the loops. Then the canopies are inserted. Then the loop beam is connected to the lintel beam. It is better to carry out all work on a flat surface, which can be used as a floor. The elements are fastened with self-tapping screws.

Installing an interior door frame

Before installing the box, it is necessary to dismantle the old structure, if any. After this, you should prepare the surface of the opening. Installing the block involves performing the following steps.

To provide reliable basis The boxes are nailed to the corners with wooden planks.

Then the box is placed in the opening, secured with wedges.

When buying a new door, you need to think about the installation process. You can invite specialists; many companies offer this service to their clients for free. If this is not your case, and you don’t want to overpay someone else’s guy, do the installation yourself. Let's talk about the specifics of such work in detail.

Installing a door frame is a critical step. From correct installation The operation of the entire door unit depends.

Special attention requires installation of a door frame. The performance properties of any door depend on this. Let's consider different variants installation of the frame, taking into account the complete set of the door block and the material used for production.

Choosing a new door

In order for the installation of the door block to be successful, everything needs to be carefully thought through, measured, and selected. Examine the opening you plan to close beautiful facade. In old rooms, walls and openings do not have ideal lines. The same can be said about new houses. Measurements of the opening must be careful from all sides.

Depends on the accuracy of measurements right choice door frame and leaf.

If the door is not made to individual sizes, you must select ready-made option, which has certain standards. After taking measurements, you can understand what to do with the doorway, which should not differ much in size from the standard doorway. For example, with a portal width of 900 mm, 800 is possible. The remaining millimeters will be required for the door frame and technological gaps.

Having determined the size of the product, we select the door configuration. On the shelves of construction stores you can find three types of kits:

  • single leaf - you need to purchase the door frame yourself (usually wooden beam without decorative finishing), hinges, lock, extensions, platbands;
  • a leaf with a door frame made of the same material (solid wood, MDF), can be equipped with platbands;
  • a complete set of door block assembled at the factory - installation requires only strength and assistants to level the door.

The choice of product depends on the consumer. The longest and most difficult way to install a frame is to purchase the first version of the door, when all the elements of the block must be purchased and assembled yourself. Therefore, let's look at this option in more detail. After studying our instructions, you will be able to install any door without the involvement of unauthorized persons.

Installing a door frame from the first to the last step

Let's assume that the walls of the doorway are already prepared for installation work, the doors are selected according to the size of the opening. For clarity of the process, a separate canvas and timber for the box was chosen.

Installation of a door frame takes place in several stages, starting with preparing tools and sawing off excess length from the frame strips.

Let's prepare a place to place all the necessary elements. A flat floor covered with cardboard or oilcloth is suitable for this.

For installation we will prepare the following items:

  • canvas;
  • timber - 3 pcs.;
  • extensions if the wall is wider than the door frame;
  • platbands;
  • loops - 2 pcs. (for interior door), 3 pcs. (for input);
  • lock;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • dowels;
  • power saw or hacksaw with fine teeth;
  • miter box, square, tape measure;
  • drill with different attachments and drills;
  • screwdriver with attachments;
  • hammer or mallet;
  • any building level;
  • polyurethane foam with or without a gun;
  • masking tape to avoid staining the surface or to secure some elements.

We have listed everything in general. Now let's look at the step-by-step installation of the door frame.

Preparing elements

  1. Unpack the door leaf and door frame elements (if they are included).
  2. Inspect the product and accessories for completeness and absence of defects. Once installed, it will not be possible to return a defective door.
  3. Place the door panel aside, we will need it later.
  4. Lay out the timber for the box on the floor. If the parts for the frame are purchased separately, they must be adjusted to the size of the canvas and the opening.

This is where the process of assembling the box begins. There are several ways to assemble vertical and horizontal door frame pillars:

Assembly in groove

This method involves connecting elements with an overlap. A certain groove must be made in the vertical bar, allowing the vertical bar to be connected flush with the horizontal one.

One way to install a door frame is to assemble the elements into a groove.

Many factory models provide just this assembly option. You can also make a groove with your own hands if the racks are assembled from construction timber, not MDF blanks.

First, let's take measurements to cut the parts to the required length. We measure the doorway at several points. We take the smaller result as a basis, not forgetting to leave a distance for polyurethane foam. It is also necessary to know the dimensions of the door leaf, adding gaps for the free movement of the door in the frame. 3–5 mm on each side is enough. Let's take a door leaf 800 mm wide and 2000 mm high as a basis. The door frame must have the following dimensions:

  • for a door with a threshold - 806x2006 mm;
  • without a threshold, we will take into account a larger gap for opening the door - 806x2010 mm.

The door to the bathroom and toilet is usually installed with a threshold.

Installation of an interior door with a threshold is required only for the bathroom and toilet.

The remaining openings do not require a threshold so that movement is free of obstacles.

How to correctly measure the opening and calculate the size of the vertical and horizontal strips can be seen in the video presented at the end of the article.

  1. In the upper part of the vertical posts we make recesses for installing a horizontal bar, which should stand upright. We calculate the length of the horizontal bar taking into account the thickness of the beam and the recess in it. If the width of the entire box must be 806 mm, the horizontal strip will be smaller. Let's assume that the beam has a thickness of 30 mm. We will make a 10 mm groove in each rack. So, 806-20=786 mm is the length of the horizontal beam installed in the groove.
  2. We mark the size of the groove on the vertical slats of the box, making an indent of 10 mm from the outer edge and 30 mm from the top end.
  3. Carefully remove the marked part of the timber. Do the same with the second stand.
  4. We check the connection of the elements and the correct size.
  5. We connect the elements with self-tapping screws, having previously drilled holes with a drill.

The first method of assembling the door frame is now complete.

The second method of assembling door frame elements.

This method has a slight difference in cutting down the rack elements.

  1. Measurements are carried out using the same method as in the above-described version of assembling the box into a groove. The only difference is the length of the horizontal bar. It should be the entire width, i.e. 806 mm, because the edges will be filed at 45 degrees.
  2. After the timber has been cut to the required length, it is necessary to make cuts at the required angle. To do this, take a miter box, which will become a template. If such a tool is not available, make the cut by eye.
  3. We connect the elements with self-tapping screws, driving them inside at an angle of 45 degrees.
  4. Check the dimensions again.

Perhaps this is the most easy way door frame.

Assembling the box at an angle of 90 degrees is the easiest and affordable way to assemble the box with your own hands.

For self-installation it will suit the best of all options. No special skills or special tools are required here.

  1. Only the horizontal strip needs to be cut to a slightly smaller size, taking into account the thickness of the vertical posts. In our case it is 60 mm, i.e. 806-60 = 746 mm.
  2. Connect all the elements together using self-tapping screws. Use two on each side. Don't forget to drill holes to prevent the timber from cracking. Drive the screw caps inside the timber.

Choose any method of assembling the door frame you like.

  • installing only the box in the opening, and then hanging the canvas;
  • installation of the entire kit.

Usually the second option is used, because hanging the canvas after installing the box in the opening is quite difficult and can only be done by specialists.

Installation of fittings and door leaf into the frame

The hinges must be screwed to the assembled frame. The hinges may be different, but despite this, the installation of hinges is not much different:

  1. We make markings on the vertical post, taking into account the opening side of the door leaf. Step back 200 mm from the top edge and attach the hinge strip to the beam. Using a pencil, outline the outline along which we will make a notch to secure the loop. Make the same markings for the bottom loop.
  2. Using a chisel, chisel and hammer, remove the excess wood to create the desired groove.
  3. Try on the loop, if everything is fine, fasten it into the seat.
  4. We will do the same manipulations with the canvas.
  5. After installing the hinge, we lay the panel inside the door frame.
  6. We check for the presence of the necessary gaps, place cardboard so that the canvas does not move while installing the block in the opening.

The most crucial moment comes - installing the kit in the doorway.

Installing the box in the doorway

At this stage you need to call an assistant.

The stage of installing the box in the interior opening is the most difficult moment. Be patient, attentive, careful.

The door block is quite heavy, and the work must be done with maximum precision.

  1. Lift the product to a vertical position and move it to the opening.
  2. Install in the opening, moving it to the extreme point of the wall. If the width of the box beam is not enough to cover the entire wall, it is necessary to install door trims at this stage.
  3. Using any convenient level, we position the door block in the opening. For fixation, take wedges, which can be removed after securing the box to the walls.
  4. Place spacers on all sides, adjusting the level of vertical and horizontal planes.
  5. After making sure that the door block is installed correctly, secure the frame to the wall with self-tapping screws. To do this, drill holes in vertical racks and the wall. It is better to attach the metal box to anchors in pre-installed dowels.
  6. It is also necessary to secure the horizontal bar. It is enough to use two self-tapping screws for each rack. They will securely pull the door frame to the walls.
  7. Check the operation of the door leaf. It should not touch any rack.
  8. We move on to inserting the lock into the door. We have already talked about how to do this in one of our articles.
  9. The last stage of installing the door frame with the leaf begins - foaming all the gaps. Don't rush to squeeze out a large number of foam. It has the property of swelling, which can lead to deformation of the rack elements. Do this in small portions, moving from bottom to top. The foam should fill all gaps, providing thermal and noise insulation for any door. Before you start blowing foam, cover the uprights of the box with masking tape to prevent damage to the surface.
  10. After drying, remove any excess foam with a utility knife.
  11. All that remains is to install the platbands.

The installation of the door block is now complete. You can do all the work yourself, because it is not difficult if you have such a guide.

How much can you save by installing any door yourself?

Not all door manufacturers or sellers offer free installation. The price for installing a door frame and door leaf sometimes reaches high levels. On average, prices for specialist services vary depending on the cost of the product and the complexity of the work. The figure can reach half the price of a door block. Cheapest door in complete set will cost at least 6,000 rubles. This means that installation will cost around 3,000 rubles. We took the average value for the installation service. The price can reach high levels. Therefore, the savings when installing a door frame with your own hands are significant. What if you bought not just one door, but all of them? You can calculate the result yourself.

A double-leaf door is installed in the same way as a single-leaf door, requiring only more time and hanging two leaves.

There are no difficulties. Using the installation example discussed in our article, you can install an MDF door frame with your own hands. It usually corresponds to the size of the selected product and there should be no problems.

If you still have questions about how to install a door frame, we recommend watching the detailed recommendations in the video story:

Video of installing the door frame in the opening along with the leaf:

Leave comments, suggestions, ask questions. Our experts will be happy to help with any questions.