House made of vertically placed logs. Houses made of vertical timber: technology features, house designs and prices, photos and videos

There are several technologies wooden house construction, which include the new Austrian Naturi technique. A vertical beam is used to construct the box. Wooden elements are manufactured using special equipment. The complex geometric shape provides for the presence of special cuts located on four sides, tongue-and-groove connections, and holes for dowels. Such buildings differ from classical ones timber options assembly technique, performance characteristics and appearance.

Cottage built using technology vertical beam

Construction technology

Several layers of waterproofing are laid on the finished foundation to prevent moisture from entering the wooden elements. The racks are mounted in a vertical position to the bottom and top harness. The bottom row consists of a backing board laid in 2 rows. Holes are drilled in it for wooden dowels with a round or square section of 25 mm. The top trim made of boards with holes is fixed on timber supports located at some distance from each other. The installed vertical posts are connected to each other using dowels that are located along the length and on both sides - 2 fasteners in the upper part and 2 in the lower part.

The joints are closed on the inside and outside with shaped strips, which are made of different breeds wood For external cladding moisture-resistant and non-rotting larch is used; cedar, which has beneficial properties. The finishing elements are attached using a tongue-and-groove connection. The end result is a massive and especially durable wooden box, resistant to wind and vertical loads.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Features of houses made of vertical timber

Increasingly for assembly wooden houses a vertical beam is used. The new technology of wooden house construction has a number of features:

    Assembly vertical racks is performed similarly to the Lego constructor. The high precision of the manufactured elements guarantees the speed of construction and the correct geometry of the wooden building.

    Naturi technology is based on the use of environmentally friendly materials - no adhesives or artificial insulation are used during the construction of the box and for finishing.

    Wood not only gives off heat, but also creates air inside the room that is saturated essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on the human respiratory organs.

    Elevated thermal insulation characteristics buildings are achieved due to air gaps formed inside the vertical elements. Thanks to the complex shape of the profile and the tight connection of all elements, cold bridges are eliminated.

    Vertically located timber has a low shrinkage rate - 80% less compared to other types of materials. This feature wall material made of wood is explained by the fact that dimensional changes occur along, and not across, the fibers. The walls are not subject to deformation even with seasonal temperature fluctuations.

Minimal shrinkage of the vertical beam allows you to begin finishing work almost immediately after installation

    There is no need to create additional insulation, finishing outside and inside, thereby reducing overall construction costs.

    You can move into a house made of vertical timber immediately after finishing work is completed.

The durability of a house made of vertical timber depends on the quality of the wooden elements. The main thing is not only the absence of defects and knots, but also complete compliance technological process drying. First, the timber is dried naturally under the influence of natural environment, after which it enters a special chamber, where the moisture content of the wood is brought to 14% (not higher). On construction site the material is delivered in thermally insulated packaging. After installation, the beams absorb moisture from the air, swell and adhere to each other tightly, so that they cannot be separated. Wooden houses using Naturi technology cannot be dismantled.

Video description

For a clear overview of the Naturi technology – houses made of vertical timber, see the following video:

There is a large selection of house designs and prices on the construction market

Buildings are built using Austrian technology no higher than 3 floors, more often they are erected two-storey house from timber. Designers offer a wide variety of house shapes made from vertical timber. The designs and prices are so varied that they can satisfy the needs of both large and small families of two people. The best option houses you can choose from the offered finished projects, taking into account the features of the landscape and the size of a particular territory. We offer you to view several options for a house made of timber: projects, photos taken from the websites of construction companies.

Two-story house with attic

Two-story house 9x15 m with attic floor under the roof is made of vertical timber using Naturi technology. Base - strip foundation. External finishing elements made of larch measuring 200x50 mm. Load-bearing walls And internal partitions with a cross section of 200x200 mm made of coniferous trees. The interior decoration is made of cedar planks. The roof is metal tile. The building is warm and spacious, suitable for big family of 5-6 people.

House with balcony

Project two-story house 8x12 m with a balcony made of vertical timber, made using Austrian technology. Foundation monolithic slab. A larch backing board with a cross-section of 200x50 mm is laid around the perimeter of the 1st floor. The material of the external walls and internal load-bearing partitions consists of coniferous trees. Vertical columns measuring 200x200 mm. The moisture content of the timber is at least 12-14%. Floor beams 100x200 mm with a pitch of 600 mm in the axes. Roofing material metal tiles. The house is intended for a family of 3-4 people. Such a project, for example, is proposed by the White Crane IC - houses made of timber are its specialization. The project price starts from 20,000 rubles; if you order turnkey construction, the design is done free of charge.

Cottage with covered terrace

The original house design is an ideal solution for a plot with a slight slope. Number of floors - 2, total area - 329 sq. m. m., terrace area - 102 sq. m. All external walls made using Naturi technology from 200 mm thick timber. Internal walls - frame design. The project provides 3 bathrooms, a garage, and a shed. The residential building is bright and spacious. A family with 2-3 children and older family members can comfortably live in it.

Two-story house with a covered terrace on a slope

Cottage with a combined roof: flat and pitched

Modern residential building for permanent residence turnkey with large windows with an area of ​​245 sq. m. The terraces cover an area of ​​82 sq. m. m. Ecological and functional housing is distinguished by its original architecture. A residential building can be used for permanent residence or as a summer cottage. Suitable for a family of 2-3 people.

The price for a wall kit is from 3,560,000 rubles.

And if you are planning a very small home, you can build a house from 6x6 timber; such houses are usually chosen for a summer residence, where a house is needed to take a break from the bustle of the city.

Video description

For more information about houses made of vertical timber, watch the following video:

Also on our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.


Residential buildings made of vertical timber are lightweight, highly durable and comfortable for both seasonal and permanent residence. The assembly of the walls is completed in a few weeks. The technology is economical and profitable, which has become the main reason for its popularity among developers.

How to build a house from vertical timber? What is a vertical beam and what are its main advantages?

Posted by sawwood

With your own hands

A real Russian house must be made of wood

The second typical concern of our citizen is the durability of the house. Russian people, as a rule, build not so much for themselves as for their children and grandchildren. This naturally leads to the desire that the family nest does not become dilapidated over the years. Preference is again given to brick, probably thanks to the same modern mythology. In fact, this decision defies logic. Let's not talk about Europe and America again.

The entire Russian outback, where even in cities we often see century-old houses in use, convincingly proves: wooden house lasts a long time. And this despite the fact that the buildings were erected without special treatment of the logs in drying chambers, without impregnation with special compounds, without paint coating, and the foundation was often four stones at the corners of the house. And they are worth it!

According to the general director of the House Institute company, Ekaterina Furman, all building materials are almost equally durable. Historically, the choice of building material was determined not by its durability and strength, but by the availability of resources and climate characteristics. Therefore, in the Mediterranean it was a stone, and in forested Russia - naturally, a tree. And the fact that today one house lasts longer than another is explained not so much by the choice of material, but by what the conditions of its operation were, how competently the building was designed, in accordance with climatic conditions, etc.

Each material has its advantages. But there are also disadvantages. Metal, for example, corrodes, concrete erodes, wood warps. But experts from the Wooden House Construction Association confidently say that wood is still less susceptible to negative impacts environment due to the fact that this is a natural, living material, in constant and harmonious “communication” with this environment.

The tree breathes, and this is not a myth, but the pure truth. It has exceptional vapor and air permeability, so a wooden house seems to ventilate itself, but retains heat. Experts have found that wood accumulates heat and usually has a temperature two degrees higher than everything around it. In addition, the ability of wood to breathe minimizes the risk of it being damaged by mold and putrefactive bacteria, of course, if conditions for breathing are created.

Schemes / Plans

Wooden houses made of vertical timber
The vertical arrangement of beams or logs eliminates log walls from one of the most important drawbacks - settlement in the first years of operation. This makes it possible to perform Finishing work immediately after the construction of the house. And also the location of the main enclosing elements helps to radically change the architecture of buildings, allowing you to give the building any shape depending on architectural solution. Practice shows that logs or beams installed vertically last much longer than horizontal ones.

Photo House made of vertical timber

There are several solutions for securing the beams in a vertical position. The solution is to construct special groove foundations from monolithic concrete, which allows you to build a house with a basement, the walls of which are a grooved foundation. This is that on plot of land digging a pit required sizes. If necessary, a drainage system is constructed to drain groundwater from the basement. The beams or logs of the walls of the house are installed on waterproofing tires.

The vertical arrangement of logs is possible on both columnar and strip foundations. To do this, install a harness into the grooves of which a vertical beam is inserted. This type of harness is a trim crown. In order to prevent the logs from deflecting in the vertical plane, they are fastened with dowels. Reducing the ventilation of the walls is ensured by connecting the elements into a vertical tongue and groove, followed by caulking of the seams. Vertical beams or logs do not have to be located along the entire perimeter of the house. It is allowed to construct only part of the wall using this method. This allows you to diversify the architecture of the building depending on the chosen option.

Interested because... I’m considering adding a second floor, but working with a full length of timber at a height is difficult. And with this method, the length of the part is the height of the wall.

Fairy tales and myths about a wooden house

Unlike Russia, in the EU countries, USA, Canada and Japan, the lion's share of the low-rise housing construction market belongs to houses made of wood materials. Preference is given to everything natural and environmentally friendly. Healthy image life here is not a fashion, but a conscious need. Surprisingly, in our country, where wood has always been widely used in construction, there are almost more negative tales about a wooden house than stories about its advantages.

As statistics show, today Russian people give preference brick house. Perhaps this happens because our main need is a sense of security, and not at all health and longevity, like, say, a European. Most likely, genetic memory, and even an unfavorable environment, are to blame for this. It is believed that a house made of brick is the most reliable, durable and durable. Is it so? Is the wooden one inferior to it in these parameters? Let's try to figure it out, but first let's define the terms. In the ordinary understanding, a wooden house is a structure made of logs or timber, but experts classify literally all buildings whose load-bearing structures are made of wood into the category of wooden houses. Simply put, if what the roof rests on is made of wood, then the house is considered wooden, regardless of what material the walls are made of.

Likewise, a house with reinforced concrete load-bearing structures, the walls of which are made of brick, is not considered brick. Thanks to new technologies, almost all house-building stereotypes have long been broken. A wooden house can be lined with brick, brick - have a high percentage wooden structures. And what to compare with what is not entirely clear. Maybe the properties of the materials themselves?
However, experts have their own point of view. For example, the vice-president of the Wooden House Construction Association, Vitaly Vladimirovich Begar, believes that a direct comparison of the strength characteristics of wood and other building materials (brick, reinforced concrete, metal) is incorrect. After all, what is important is how each material “works” in the structure of a building, and if you take into account all the operating features, then in most cases wood is no worse than others in terms of reliability. If we talk about new wood materials, for example, about laminated veneer lumber, then in terms of strength and other characteristics it clearly surpasses traditional materials. It’s not for nothing that people abroad love this material so much and willingly use it not only in low-rise construction, but also during the construction of water parks, stadiums, theaters - where long-span structures are needed.

Wood is often said to be soft and flexible. This is true, but this absolutely does not mean that the wood is fragile. If wood did not have a significant margin of safety, it would never have been used as a material for load-bearing structures. Let's not forget that wood is used not only in low-rise construction. Wooden five-story buildings (and we remember that a wooden house is, first of all, a frame) are being built in full swing in many European cities, and in entire ecological neighborhoods.

Houses made of laminated timber and their positive features

Any wooden house is subject to deformation and shrinkage due to the building material from which it is built. This is due to changes in the moisture content of the wood. Along with natural shrinkage, the tree also, depending on climatic conditions, either dries out or swells.

That is why the technology for installing doors and windows, which is used in brick construction, is not suitable when it comes to building wooden houses from timber.

Very effective method to avoid problems with shrinkage in the log house - the installation of a skull block and casing.

The technology is as follows:
At the ends of the openings, vertical cuts (grooves) 40-50 mm thick are made.
Skull blocks are inserted into these cuts, to which the casing is attached.
The length of the skull block should be 6-7% less than the groove (estimated shrinkage).
Gaps - mounting on the sides and shrinkage on top - are filled with insulation (linen, jute, mineral wool) or special! foam. Regular polyurethane foam cannot be used.
The thickness of the casing should not be less than 40mm and have sufficient rigidity.
The structure is completed by internal and external platbands. They are attached directly to the casing and give the opening an aesthetic and finished look.

Fire safety of modern wooden houses

Another of the eternal fears is fire. And this is not a phobia, but ours sad reality. Houses sometimes burn. We even set them on fire. Here, as they say, there is nothing you can do about it. But next to this fear, there lives in the Russian soul a persistent conviction that wooden houses they burn like matches, but brick walls after a fire they remain, and then the house can be restored.

Firstly, it is possible to restore not only a stone house, but also a wooden one, if the fire is extinguished quickly and the damage is minor. And secondly, the statement that wood is a more flammable material than others is highly controversial. Even firefighters agree.

Turns out, wooden beam, especially made from laminated timber, is more resistant to fire than metal or reinforced concrete. As the metal melts and changes shape, metal structure collapses quickly. A wooden beam, although it burns out, retains its load-bearing capacity for a long time.

In order for a wooden beam to collapse, it must burn out almost halfway, and this takes quite a long time, because the ash formed around it makes combustion difficult. And wood does not ignite as quickly as we imagine, of course, unless you deliberately douse the house with gasoline. But in such a case, any structure will burst into flames instantly.

And yet wood, even laminated wood, cannot resist fire for as long as, for example, stone. Unlike logs, brick and concrete remain structurally intact during a fire, but experts say that the costs of restoring a stone house after a fire are comparable to the costs of building a new cottage made of wood. In addition, a brick in a fire loses some of its strength properties: it becomes more sensitive to winds, moisture, cold, periodic freezing and thawing. Simply put, brick walls that have gone through fire and water often crumble faster, retain heat less well, and can produce condensation on the walls and other “joys.” There is still a belief among people not to build new house at the scene of the fire. We won’t delve into mysticism, but we shouldn’t forget that a concrete foundation also loses its qualities in a fire, and it’s better to build a new house not on a damaged foundation, but somewhere nearby on a new one.

Wooden houses firmly occupy the construction niche of individual developers due to their environmental friendliness, naturalness, original exterior and low cost of construction and operation. Log houses are one of the promising trends, and vertical timber occupies a special place in the line of recommended lumber. An option for building a house from vertical timber is the naturi technology. What is it, and why is vertical timber preferable to traditional horizontal timber?

Advantages of Naturi technology

  1. In the manufacture of lumber for timber house Only solid wood is used, often northern species, which gives the timber strength and density;
  2. The building's resistance to mechanical and seismic loads ensures safe living and operation of housing;
  3. Excellent sound insulation and wear resistance of building surfaces;
  4. Construction without harmful toxic substances adhesive compositions and thermal insulation layers, environmental friendliness;
  5. Durable installation using the tongue-and-groove method;
  6. The absence of shrinkage when laying timber vertically ensures quick construction and an equally quick start to use the house.

House projects

The difference between naturi technology and other methods wood construction consists of only three points, but they provide all the benefits mentioned above:

  1. Vertical assembly of structures completely eliminates shrinkage of the building frame;
  2. High precision of factory production of house elements ensures the correct geometry of the object and high speed of building assembly;
  3. Lack of glued parts and layers of timber;
  4. Minimum humidity due to chamber drying timber is the sequential transformation of prefabricated elements into a single structural mass. As it is used, all wood used in construction gains moisture equally, and therefore swells equally, which contributes to a stronger adhesion of elements and structures to each other.

Advantages of assembling from vertical timber over housing from horizontal elements:

  1. Wood shrinks 80 times less along the fibers than in the transverse direction;
  2. Dowels (dowels) are considered the strongest connection of wooden elements, which affects the strength of the house;
  3. Dry timber, collecting moisture during operation finished house, is compacted, which improves sound insulation, wind protection and thermal indicators building;
  4. A house made of vertical timber does not require forced ventilation due to the existing natural air exchange;
  5. Projects of houses made of vertical timber can be of any shape and complexity;
  6. Unified parts allow you to mount the frame several times faster.

The raw material for naturi technology is thin coniferous logs. On sanded logs, the soft outer part of the wood is removed, leaving only the core, and it is cut into boards of standard lengths - 2.5 meters, 3 and 6 meters. Drying of the workpieces is carried out first in a natural way - in the air without exposure to sunlight, and then in a drying chamber. At the output, the moisture content of the lumber should not exceed 12%.

When finishing such a house from vertical timber, you can use larch for the external walls, and cedar for the internal surfaces, which, in addition to its beautiful texture, has medicinal properties thanks to the phytoncides contained in its wood. In any case, house projects made from vertical timber will cost the developer less in the long run due to longer operation, so prices for material and construction are not the main thing in the choice of material and project.

The factory kit of a house using naturi technology includes the following profiled elements:

  1. Milled profiled timber;
  2. Complex milled elements for exterior and interior decoration of buildings;
  3. Board for the lower and upper trim, on which the roof and walls are attached;
  4. Dowels or dowels for connecting timber to each other and to the frame;
  5. Finish profile.

The entire vertical beam new technology wooden house building which is used in naturi - this is a complex milled wooden profile with precisely aligned holes for tongues at the ends and along the length of the element. What it looks like is shown in the first picture.

Wooden elements for finishing a house are flat on the outside and profiled on the inside. Assembly accuracy is ensured by computer programming of all elements followed by 3-D visualization of the assembly process. Therefore, the construction of such a house involves a collection of elements tightly fitted to each other, and there are practically no disadvantages of such installation. The elements are multi-purpose, that is, they can be used to assemble walls of different thicknesses, as well as partitions or horizontal planes.

Double-row timber walls have a thickness of 300 mm, three-row – 400 mm. Typical projects have single-row partitions with a minimum thickness of 100 mm and a maximum thickness of 200 mm.

Wall assembly

Even treated timber requires protection from moisture. And this is done by laying several layers on the foundation waterproofing material. In addition, additional protection of the timber from rotting is provided by backing boards measuring 50 x 250 mm, impregnated with an antiseptic. The first horizontal row of timber with a standard section of 250 x 100 mm is laid on the boards, and this entire multilayer structure is attached to the base with anchors.

The next step in installation is laying two rows of boards for strapping on the timber. The boards, like the beams, have pre-prepared holes for tongues, which are used as a template for further assembly, and in the lower beam, holes must be drilled according to this template, and tongues Ø 25 mm inserted into them. The tongues secured in this way will be the axis for the wall beam. The upper part of the beam is also secured with tongues and strapping. In addition to these elements, support beams are installed, to which the upper trim board will be attached.

Then the beams are put one at a time on the tongues - with the lower end, and its upper part is fixed in place with the same tongue-and-groove dowel in the upper trim. For all these operations, there are factory holes in the elements. All wall beams are equipped with four holes for fastening with tongues. Holes are drilled on the axial edges of the beam.

Therefore, it turns out that all the beams are connected not only at the top and bottom, but also in two places with each other, the design of the prefabricated wall turns out to be quite rigid and dense. Does not require the use of additional fastening and insulation. The facing elements are inserted into factory grooves, which are obtained by connecting two beams.

NATURI technology allows you to create house designs up to three floors high, and such buildings will be assembled without additional hardware and fastenings, but will be just as strong.

Also, the vertical beam provides such nuances as stove heating what is important for country house. In this case, all necessary changes are made to the project on initial stage its development.

Vertical beam How construction material for houses has a beautiful aesthetic appearance, and also has a significant practical advantage, thanks to which this construction technology has widely spread from Austria throughout the globe, including in Russia.

To calculate the number of cubes of profiled timber for building a house, you can use the timber calculator.

The main advantages of houses made of vertical timber.

1) As you know, houses made of wood have their main drawback - long-term shrinkage of the timber, due to which construction must be stopped after the walls are erected for at least a year. With vertical construction technology, shrinkage does not occur, which means there is no need to stop construction, and therefore installers can erect the roof and do interior finishing work immediately after the walls are erected. That is why the Austrian vertical timber construction technology It is also profitable in terms of construction costs, since the house is built in the shortest possible time with minimal cash costs.

2) Vertical timber provides a high degree of energy saving. Experts have calculated that when the beam is installed perpendicular to the direction of the wind, this prevents heat loss and eliminates the possibility of drafts in the room.

3) The vertical beam allows you to position the tree as it grows in nature, as a result of which you can take advantage of all the benefits of the tree. In this case, there is no need to use a synthetic sealant or glue, there is no need to lay inter-crown insulation, which are used in construction from logs. If a house is built from larch or cedar, then house made of vertical timber there will also be a healthy and pleasant atmosphere for health.

4) The vertical beam is very easy to install and has a very high assembly speed. Thanks to this, installers can assemble a large house in a couple of months. Lightness in weight ensures convenient transportation and delivery of timber to the construction site.

In addition, the vertical beam provides the house with strength and reliability. This timber arrangement technology protects the material from moisture and also helps to withstand heavy snow loads.

It is for this reason that this technology was developed for the Austrian mountainous area, whose winter climatic conditions are as harsh as those in Russia. This new technology of wooden house construction will probably be widely used in construction in the near future.

Use of material for the construction of houses from vertical timber.

The technology for constructing buildings from vertical timber is called Naturi, and it has its own requirements and characteristics for the quality of the material used. When choosing timber, you should pay attention to its quality, since it is not subjected to chemical treatment or impregnation.

Experts often use larch as a material for construction; this material is frost-resistant, has increased strength, is not afraid of dampness, and even in very high level moisture will not swell. Also good material Cedar is used for the construction of premises. This material is very durable and also has a great advantage - healing properties, which has a positive effect on the residents living in it.

The material must meet the following requirements:

  • The vertical beam must be free of defects and knots, as they reduce the strength of the walls being built;
  • The timber must be perfectly dry. The humidity of the material should not exceed 12%. Vertical beam dried naturally and then placed in a special chamber.

Such material has a high price, but in return you will receive a comfortable and warm house, and at the same time save on interior decoration, which will be minimal.

Due to vertical arrangement, the timber preserves the natural beauty of the tree, which provides a beautiful appearance and internal view. At the same time, ideally dried material is light in weight, so the construction of buildings requires a minimum of equipment involved.

It is quite possible to build a house from vertical timber in one season using minimal costs for the services of professional installers. The most difficult thing in this process is preparing the timber for construction, since it is almost impossible to do this yourself.

The vertical beam is given a rounded shape using a special planing and milling machine, then special grooves are machined, with which the structural elements of the building are fastened together.

Preparation of a building project made of vertical timber.

Vertical timber allows the construction of buildings with great design diversity, since the timber can be placed in any direction and quantity. The length of the beam can also be adjusted, while determining the height of the ceilings. Having decided to build a house from a vertical beam, you can choose an existing project, or order and create your own individual unique building, unlike others, which will become the pride of the owner and a decoration of the street.

The height of the walls from a vertical beam can reach 3 meters. The diameter of the wood must be at least 180 mm, the thickness of the house wall can be 300 mm. Such a wall will reliably protect against wind and cold penetration. And when all the elements for assembling the structure are ready, they can be transported to the site for the construction of the building.

Pouring the foundation of a building from vertical timber.

Perhaps the main and most difficult stage is pouring the foundation of the building. Due to the light weight of the house, there is no need to lay a strong foundation. Traditionally, a strip foundation is poured, which allows you to make basement. You can also use the columnar version, in which the pillars are connected to each other with a strapping, on which it is then installed vertical beam. First, a pit is dug, after which a concrete strip foundation with special grooves is poured, and a vertical beam is then installed on these grooves. The timber is placed only on a completely dry foundation, on a strong layer of waterproofing, so that there is no contact of the material with moisture.

The construction of a building using a vertical beam is similar in principle to a construction set, since the beams are interconnected with grooves into a durable system in exact accordance with the building plan. To avoid deviation of the logs from the vertical plane at the beginning of construction, they must be leveled and secured with dowels. High speed work on assembling the structure is ensured by the fact that the timber is placed next to each other and connected by grooves.

In this case, the corners become monolithic, and there are no unique parts during assembly. The structure is assembled very quickly, as it consists of identical elements. Small air cavities inside the structure increase the thermal insulation of the building. After erecting the walls, we proceed to arranging the roof and floor, and then finishing the house.

Conclusion: Vertical beam allows the construction of light, durable and comfortable buildings. The timber does not require fastening elements, so robots to erect the building will take literally several months. Due to its convenience and benefits, this technology will soon be widely used in construction.

The construction market offers us ever new, diverse and versatile materials. This is how a new technology of wooden house construction recently appeared, which is gaining momentum in Russia. more revolutions. What is it about? This is the construction of a house from vertical timber.

What kind of material is this? What makes it special and what are its positive aspects? This information will help you know if this technology is worth considering for your home construction.

The concept of a vertical beam

It becomes clear that a vertical beam is a material laid vertically. However, not all so simple. We are used to wooden houses being built with horizontal logs. Vertical beam technology, or “Naturi” as it is called, involves construction in a vertical position. The material looks quite unusual. Look at the photo to see this.

It is larch and cedar that are most often used to create vertical beams. The thing is that larch is a frost-resistant species, durable and does not swell when exposed to heat. high humidity. Dampness is also not scary for her. Cedar is also very durable and has healing properties who positively influence others.

The material is manufactured taking into account the following requirements:

  1. No knots or defects are allowed, because they reduce the strength of the structure being built.
  2. The tree must be completely dry. Its humidity should be no more than 12%.

Note! The drying process of vertical timber occurs naturally. After which it is placed in a drying chamber. This promotes maximum drying.

It is logical that the cost of the material is quite high. But you pay for a very warm one, comfortable home, which does not need finishing, as it looks gorgeous without it. In addition, your home will be very different from others.

Due to the fact that the material is located in a vertical position, the natural beauty of the wood is preserved, thanks to which the house receives a noble appearance and natural beauty. On top of that, vertical beams are lightweight, so you don’t need to resort to using heavy equipment to build a house.

The homeland of such timber is Austria. There in the mountains the climate is more than harsh. Therefore, there is no doubt about the heat-saving properties of the material. The timber itself has an unusual shape with interlocking grooves and tongues. It resembles a puzzle, which after assembly forms a single picture. Why is the technology of building houses from vertical timber so good?

Material advantages

It is with these indicators in mind that many decide whether they should pay attention to this material or not. Why timber vertical type began to conquer the Russian market so quickly? There are several reasons for this, which we will consider.

This is why such houses have become very popular. Many are even willing to pay more, but get a warm, durable, beautiful and durable home. And that's reasonable. It is safe to say that this technology will replace old methods in the future.