Installation of infrared heated floor. Infrared film heated floor

The infrared heated floor system is the latest development that is gaining popularity among consumers.

Having a number of advantages over already known species warm floors, infrared heating deservedly takes a place in the hearts of buyers.Repair and Construction Which floor insulation to choose for your home

However, installation of an infrared floor, as complex technical device, requires knowledge of the theoretical foundations and safety rules, which I will introduce you to in this article.

Features of using infrared heated floors

Infrared heated floor is a system that emits heat through generation infrared radiation. There are two types of infrared floors:

  • Rod infrared floor, consisting of graphite rods with carbon material inside;
  • Film infrared floor, in which strips of carbon paste are covered with heat-resistant polyethylene film.

Film heated floors are more popular due to ease of installation and transportation. The advantages of infrared heated floors include the following factors:

  • The device does not heat the air in the room, but the objects in the room. Thanks to this feature, air quality indicators do not suffer.
  • Infrared rays are safe for humans, animals and plants; they are similar in structure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • A beginner in the construction business can handle laying an infrared floor; it is enough basic knowledge about the device and safety precautions.
  • Infrared flooring can be laid under any type of final finish: linoleum, carpet, laminate and even.

Installation of infrared floor

Let's consider step by step instructions on laying and connecting an infrared floor in your home.

  • Choice of thermal insulation. Thermal insulation layer is necessary to prevent heat leakage through the ground or subfloor. The choice of insulation for an infrared floor depends on the location of the room: in a private house, in which there is only soil under the floors, use expanded polystyrene (foam), if there is a heated room below, foamed foil polyethylene is sufficient.

  • Create a drawing. Draw a schematic diagram of the area covered by the heated floor film, remember that it is necessary to avoid places of constant strong pressure (the legs of cabinets, sofas). The drawing will help you correctly lay the underfloor heating film, as well as calculate the required quantity.
  • Surface cleaning. Sweep or vacuum the base before starting work.
  • Installing a thermostat. At a height of 1-1.5 m from the floor, drill a hole in the wall using a special crown. Make a groove in the wall towards the floor; it is needed for laying the cable. Also, run the cable from the shield to the hole in the wall.

  • Laying thermal insulation. Place a heat-insulating layer on the floor with the foil side up, seal the joints with tape.
  • Installation of infrared floor. Lay the film according to the developed drawing, fixing the thermal film with double-sided tape. Place the temperature sensor 1 m from the wall under the film. Connect the electrical strips with a cable, run the cable from the film to the thermostat, and connect the heated floor.
  • Final coating. Before the beginning finishing works conduct a test run of the heated floor. Between the infrared film and the final coating, a PVC film gasket is required.

Safety precautions

Since infrared heated floor is electrical device, it is necessary to follow the rules of use and safety precautions when installing it to avoid fire and damage to materials. I will list a few of the most common mistakes, which are easier to avoid than to correct the consequences.

  • The heated floor system must be connected directly to the panel using a separate line.
  • Use of RCD and correct selection cable cross-sections based on current values, safety requirements that will not only protect against fire, but also extend the service life of the entire system.

  • As long as the film is rolled up and not spread in one layer on the base of the floor, testing the system is prohibited.
  • Before pouring the cement screed, check the infrared floor for breaks. Use an electrical tester for this task.
  • Consider the placement of furniture in the room before starting work on laying the heated floor. Point loading on the infrared film is prohibited, as it leads to melting of the contacts.

Compliance with the installation rules and further use of infrared film makes the underfloor heating system universal and durable.

Until recently, domestic consumers knew only two types of heated floors: water heated and electric. Today, manufacturers also offer infrared (IR) heated floors. This system has a lot of advantages. Thanks to this, it is becoming more and more popular every day. It should be noted that warm infrared flooring can be installed independently. The article will tell you how to do this.

Since it appeared not so long ago, many users do not know what to choose. Each of the designs - infrared cable heated floors - has its own characteristics. And you need to be able to understand the principle of operation, the basic technical parameters of each type of heating system. Then it will be much easier to make the right choice.

Manufacturers claim that IR heated floors have a beneficial effect on human body. Medical research has indeed established that infrared radiation has medicinal properties. It is often used in physiotherapy and gives positive results in the treatment of many diseases. But not every material can transmit these useful radiations.

Infrared electric heated floors have many other advantages:

In general, installing infrared heated floors is recommended if serious repair work. So, you can raise what you already have flooring and just place the film under it. An IR floor is also indispensable when it is not possible to raise the floor level.

As for the cable type of heated floor, it is better to use it on a loggia, in a bathroom or nursery. The waterproofing properties of this system are higher. The design provides excellent electrical safety. And it’s much easier to lay tiles and ceramics on a screed than on an infrared film. But still, infrared flooring is more promising today. And perhaps in the near future it will displace other types of heating floors.


Before considering how to install an infrared heated floor with your own hands, you should understand what types this design can be. There are infrared film and rod heating floors.

IR film floor

In film versions, carbon is most often used. It is placed between two layers of polymer film. A copper current-carrying bus runs along the edges of the film on both sides. It is through this that it gets to the carbon paste. electricity. Which in turn causes the release of thermal energy. As a rule, striped carbon films are most often used. The width of the carbon strips may vary. But regardless of this, all stripes are collected in blocks. There are also infrared film options with continuous carbon coating.

IR rod floor

There is also a rod infrared heated floor, which is represented by many rods connected in parallel using connecting flexible wires. The rods contain copper, carbon and silver. When the current hits the carbon fiber, it begins to intensively generate heat. The main advantage of this type of floor is that the design has the ability to self-regulate. So, if you put something on the floor and it gets hot due to poor heat transfer, it will begin to produce less heat. Accordingly, the temperature will drop.

But this does not mean that a temperature controller is not needed. So a thermostat for a film infrared heated floor is simply a necessary element. But even in a system with heating rods, this element plays an important role - it protects against overheating. Therefore, you cannot do without a thermostat, regardless of the type of infrared floor.

The main disadvantage of the system is that the cost of a rod-type infrared heated floor is quite high. Much higher than that of film analogues, which also cannot be called cheap. Some users also note difficulties in connecting the device.

Installation features

Infrared heated floors are ideal under carpet, carpet, linoleum, parquet, laminate, etc. It goes well with wooden floors. Due to the fact that the heating system creates a uniform flow of heat, there are no zones with different temperatures in the wood. As a result, the material deforms and cracks less.

So there are no problems with the choice of flooring. When laying hard surfaces, such as parquet or tiles, no additional protective layers are required. Many manufacturers advise rolling out plastic film over the heated floor and then laying the tiles on construction adhesive.

Some manufacturers believe that infrared film should be hidden in a screed or under a special tile adhesive. Others do not advise doing this. Most practitioners claim that the film in cement quickly breaks down. But it's probably all about the film. It can be different. And the ways of connecting it are also different.

It should be noted that laying infrared heated floors under linoleum or carpet should be carried out on a sufficiently rigid base. Therefore, it is necessary to lay some kind of sheet material, OSB or plywood, on top of the film. After fixing, you can install the floor covering. Thus, the installation of an infrared heated floor is much faster and easier than the installation of a cable heating structure.

The algorithm for how to install infrared heated floors is given below:

  1. Prepare the floor surface. If necessary, level it. Then put thermal insulation material. If you plan to equip the system under linoleum or carpet, the insulation can be of any type. The main thing is that the thickness of the insulating sheet is 3-5 mm. All joints should be glued with tape. If you plan to lay a ceramic slab, it is advisable to use technical cork material for insulation. In this case, the thickness should be about 2 mm.
  2. Determine the location of the thermostat. Compose detailed diagram installations. This is extremely important to avoid mistakes during installation. It is important to remember that you need to lay the film where you do not plan to install furniture or heavy objects. Next, cut the film into strips required sizes, according to the drawn up diagram.

  3. Connecting the film to the wiring. It should be noted that the connection diagram for an infrared heated floor is completely simple. To do everything correctly, you should read the instructions that come with the product upon purchase. To connect, install contact clamps on the edge of the copper strip. After which you can connect the contact wires to the terminals.

  4. All connections of wires and clamps should be insulated. For this, bitumen insulation is used. The places where the film is cut also need to be insulated with reverse side.
  5. Connect the temperature sensor. This is done from the back side of the infrared film. After that, isolation should also be carried out.
  6. When the floor has been laid and the insulation has been carried out, you can connect the infrared heated floor to the electrical network. It is important to test the design. There should be no heating at the joints, no sparks.
  7. Lay plastic film over the infrared floor. This is necessary to provide additional protection. In addition, the price of film for infrared floor heating is quite reasonable.
    The film reliably protects current-carrying parts of the structure from water ingress. It also prevents damage during installation. If you plan to use a laminate as a covering, instead of a film, you can use a substrate for an infrared heated floor, which is sold in any specialized store and is inexpensive.
  8. Install the finishing coating.

Cost of IR floor

Today there is a wide range of infrared floors on sale from various manufacturers. On average, a purchase costs about 1000-1500 rubles per square meter. You can also find cheaper options. Of course, the price of a film heated floor with infrared radiation depends on a number of factors: type, manufacturer, technical characteristics, quality, power.

When choosing a system, the power of the infrared heated floor is an important parameter.

The required power depends on the room. If the room is already heated, designs with low power would be preferable - about 150 kW. But if there is no additional heating, you can purchase more powerful units - 220 kW.

To choose suitable model infrared system, the following factors should be taken into account:


Thus, despite the fact that infrared flooring appeared on the market not so long ago, it has already gained popularity among domestic consumers. This design has a lot of advantages. In addition, installation is quite simple.

Knowing how to connect an infrared heated floor can save a lot of money.

It is important to select a system of the required power, follow all installation rules, take into account all the features of the installation, and then the heat supply will be of high quality, and an optimal microclimate will be created in the house.

Non-traditional heating systems have recently been widely used in modern construction. They can significantly reduce energy consumption, which has a significant impact on savings family budget. Such innovative solutions include film infrared heating of the room. We will tell you how to do the installation correctly.

Warm infrared is a heat-resistant polyethylene film in which strips of carbon paste are packed. In turn, the paste is connected by copper bars, which are also soldered into the film.

The entire structure is called IR thermal film. If a current of a certain strength and frequency is supplied through the tires, the carbon elements begin to emit infrared radiation with a wavelength of 5 to 20 microns.

It does not cause heating of the surrounding air and drying it out, as traditional radiators and heaters do. Infrared rays heat surrounding objects - flooring, walls, ceilings, furniture.

It is important to know! It should not be confused with electromagnetic radiation, which has a harmful effect on the human body, animals and plants.

Such a heating system has practically no side effects and environmentally friendly. Scientists different countries the world have proven the beneficial effects of infrared rays on living organisms and humans in general.

Infrared heated floor specifications has these:

  • power consumption 1 sq.m. -45-67 W/m.h;
  • Thermal film width -50 cm;
  • maximum permissible length of thermal film strip is 8 meters
  • melting temperature of thermal film – 130 degrees C;
  • power supply -220V / 50 Hz;
  • the share of infrared rays in the radiation spectrum is 95%;
  • IR heating wavelength is 5-20 microns.

The energy consumption of an infrared heated floor directly depends on its area and operating mode. On modern market Many manufacturers present their options for warm film floors. They all have approximately the same characteristics. So which infrared heated floor is best for you to decide.

The thickness of the thermal film is 0.4 mm, which allows it to be installed under any floor covering - ceramic tiles, laminate, parquet board, linoleum and carpet. In addition, this film can be installed on walls and ceilings. In this case, heating will occur throughout the entire volume of the room.

Of course, installing this or that infrared coating has its own characteristics. For example, to lay a film floor under carpet or linoleum, plywood should be laid on the heating strips.

In order to install a warm infrared floor under the laminate, it is enough to lay waterproofing film. Placed directly under the tiles cement-sand screed and the top is covered with a layer of tile adhesive and tiles.

How to lay film flooring under laminate yourself

First of all, you need to understand two main rules:

  1. To prevent the infrared film for underfloor heating from overheating, it must be placed in an area that will not be occupied by furniture, a TV and other large household items.
  2. To effectively heat a room, the film floor must cover at least 70% of the area.

Armed with this knowledge, you need to draw a placement plan heating elements. On paper it is necessary to reflect the location of the furniture and heating film.

It is important to know! Laminate flooring is laid on a pre-leveled surface.

The concrete screed should not have a difference exceeding 1 mm per 2 linear meters. To ensure that the heat from the thermal film does not escape through the floor slabs to the neighbors, they place it on the floor thermal insulation substrate. This is foamed polypropylene 3-4 mm thick and has a foil coating on one side.

Thermal insulation strips are laid joint to joint and secured together with thermal insulating tape. The strips are carefully trimmed around the perimeter of the room. Thermal film strips are measured, cut and laid on the floor in accordance with the drawn up plan.

The heating film can only be cut in the places marked on it. They are highlighted with a dotted line and a scissors symbol.

If you cut the film diagonally, it will be damaged. The cut points are located approximately every 18 cm. The heating film should not be closer to the wall than 10 cm.

The heating film strips are laid on the substrate one next to the other with a gap of at least 5 mm, but not more than 1 cm. The heating element cannot be bent at an angle of 90 degrees or more, as it will fail.

The places where the thermal film is cut, where the conductive busbars are cut, must be insulated with strips of bitumen insulation, which is supplied with the heated floor. To install the contact, insert it exactly in the middle of the end of the conductive busbar and press firmly with pliers.

Current-carrying wires are stripped to 5-10 mm with a sharp knife and clamped with pliers in the contact terminal. After this, the entire contact is isolated with a piece of bitumen insulation.

The connection of infrared heated floors (heating strips) is carried out in parallel with copper stranded wires with a cross-section of at least 1.5 mm2. In order for the automatic floor heating thermostat to work correctly, it is necessary to install a temperature sensor.

To do this, at a distance of 20-25 cm from the wall on which the thermostat will be installed, a puncher is used to make a groove 1-2 cm deep. A temperature sensor is placed in it under the heating film.

Note! The sensor must be placed on a heat-insulating substrate. Otherwise it will not show the true floor temperature.

After this, the thermostat is installed and connected. When it is fully installed and connected, the functionality of the IR warm film floor is checked. All thermal films should heat up when turned on. Only after checking the functionality can you begin laying the laminate on the heating elements. A video on installing infrared heated floors can be viewed in this article.

Modern renovation technologies make it possible to create the maximum comfortable conditions. Let's take a closer look at one of these technologies - installation of a warm infrared floor.

This floor can be laid under parquet, tiles or laminate. Moreover, you can do this yourself. To work you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. Ready-made infrared floor kit.
  2. Thermostat.
  3. Winding wires.
  4. Heat-reflecting material that is not an electrical conductor.
  5. Soldering iron.
  6. Pliers.
  7. Sharp knife.

Laying technology

The technology for laying infrared floors consists of several stages.

Stage No. 1 - preparing the base

Before laying the mats, it is necessary to clean the floor from the old finish, repair it and carefully level it. There should be no large irregularities left - only a height difference of up to 3 mm per 1 square meter is acceptable.

Stage No. 2 - floor insulation

Extremely important point- laying heat-insulating material. This will prevent heat loss and reduce electricity costs. It is very important to choose insulation with a foil surface. However, it should not be an electrical conductor.

The material is laid with the foil side up and the individual parts are connected with tape so that they do not move apart.

Stage No. 3 - laying the heating surface

The mats should be laid taking into account some nuances:

  1. The infrared film is not placed on the entire surface, but only on its open areas, where there will be no large-sized furniture.
  2. The distances from the walls must be at least 10 centimeters.
  3. Mats cannot be laid overlapping.
  4. To reduce the length of the wiring, the mats are oriented in the direction of the largest size of the room.
  5. After installing the film, it is necessary to cut off its areas that do not have a graphite layer. If this is not possible, such areas are simply sealed with insulating tape.

Stage No. 4 - connecting the film

If in doubt, it is better to call a specialist for help.

First, install the thermostat. The place for its installation is chosen with special care. It should be located next to the wiring, with one device serving 15 square meters of area.

There are two options for installing a thermostat:

  1. Outer.
  2. Interior.

The first option involves mounting a plastic housing on the wall. The second involves gating. A recess is made in the wall into which a small device is inserted.

The fixed wires are fastened with pliers and laid parallel to the heating mat. The next operation is to place copper clamps on the film cores. The entire structure is tightly connected, and the ends are insulated using silicone sealant.

Now you need to make sure that the assembled and connected circuit works. To do this, the thermostat is activated, and after a few minutes all parts of the film should warm up well. If everything works, check the places where the wires are attached again, and then ground them with foil tape.

Stage No. 5 - installation of a protective layer

After the installation of the infrared floor is completed, you need to protect it from the finishing floor covering. For these purposes it is impossible would be better suited foamed polyethylene. It is laid over the entire surface of the film, and plywood is installed on top of it. And only after this they begin laying the laminate.

Note! When laying laminate flooring, care must be taken not to damage the protective layer of the film.

Basic safety rules when carrying out work

There are strict restrictions that everyone who is taking on the project for the first time must be familiar with in advance. self-installation infrared heated floor.

Insulation of exposed wires


  • It cannot be installed in a room with constant high level humidity.
  • Installation cannot be carried out at room temperatures below 0 degrees.
  • Do not bend the infrared mat at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • It is prohibited to place heavy furniture that does not have ventilation pockets on the heated floor.
  • Do not attach the film to a solid base using nails, metal screws or self-tapping screws.
  • You cannot make any holes in the film yourself.
  • Installation of such a floor without grounding is not allowed.
  • Experts prohibit installing one section of film more than 15 meters in length.
  • You cannot place an infrared heated floor next to other heating devices - installation is prohibited near a fireplace or gas stove.

Generalization on the topic

You can install an infrared floor in any dry room. If installation is done correctly, the system will last a very long time. This option is the most economical way heating among electric analogues. Even those who do not have vocational education. The use of heat-reflecting materials and a thermostat provides greater energy savings.

Infrared floor, its design and types, advantages and disadvantages, necessary materials for manufacturing and installation technology.

The content of the article:

Infrared floor is a heat source designed to maintain a comfortable temperature regime premises. It can be used for heating apartments, cottages and private houses, office and utility buildings. The technology for laying infrared floors came to us from abroad. Today you can familiarize yourself with it by reading this article.

Infrared floor design

The main difference between an infrared floor and other heating is its operating principle. The energy of a warm infrared floor is not used to heat the air in the room, but is spent on heating objects located in its enclosed space. They, in turn, accumulate and release heat into the room, maintaining a natural microclimate in it. Infrared radiation is absolutely safe for the health of living beings and is comparable to solar heat.

The infrared heating system is made on the basis of elastic heating mats or Mylar film. The heating element has the form of conductive strips, which are located in 15 mm increments and are made using Carbon NanoTube technology. The electricity that initiates the heating element is supplied to it through copper-silver contacts. The entire system is sealed on both sides with a polymer, which has increased electrical insulation, fireproof and waterproof properties.

The infrared heated floor is connected to the electrical network through a thermostat in a parallel way. Connection density high quality The materials used and the use of carbon adsorbent spraying ensure the operation of the heaters in an efficient and continuous mode. Thanks to parallel connection, the system will function even if any of its sections fails. Sometimes this happens due to mechanical damage.

Main types of infrared floors

Warm infrared floors are available in two types: film and rod heating systems. They are produced in rolls with a width of 500 and 1000 mm.

Film floors are bimetallic and carbon. In the first option, the base of the floor is polyurethane, and the thermoelement is made of a copper-aluminum alloy. In the second, the carbon strips of the heating element are parallel connection laminated with lavsan film. Its presence protects the system from moisture and electrical breakdown. Film heated floors last about 15 years, their cost is 550-1100 rubles/m2.

In an infrared floor rod system, elastic mats combine flexible conductive bars and rods. The heating elements of the system are made of composite materials. During the entire operating time of the infrared rod floor, electromagnetic radiation is practically absent. This property makes it similar to film heaters. Its difference from them lies in the special design of thermoelements, thanks to which the rod floor has the ability to self-regulate and is not afraid of overheating.

The technical characteristics of such a floor allow it to be installed in a cement screed and in an adhesive layer under ceramic tiles. The rod floor system can be safely used in rooms with humid air and even bulky furniture can be installed on it, which is not recommended when using film floors. The warranty period for the rod floor is 20 years, its cost is about 1,500 rubles/m2.

The infrared floor is powered from a 220 V network. If the room has good thermal insulation, heated floors consume 30-55 W/hour per 1 m 3 of space per day. The most comfortable temperature in a room with an infrared floor is ensured by installing a thermostat.

Advantages and disadvantages of IR floors

By installing an infrared heating system in the floor, you can get a lot of advantages, these are:
  • Energy savings due to low energy consumption due to the high thermal conductivity of floor thermoelements.
  • Possibility of installing an infrared heating system under any finishing floor covering.
  • Easy installation of the heating system. It does not have to be laid in screed or tile adhesive. If necessary, you can install the infrared floor yourself.
  • High reliability of the heating system, ensured by parallel connection its elements. Damage to one area of ​​the floor does not interfere with the proper operation of others.
  • Possibility of quickly transferring the system to another location. This is especially true when remodeling a room or moving.
  • Uniform heating of the entire room due to the heat radiated from objects.
  • The infrared heating system cannot freeze, overheat or cool the room.
  • Independence from central heating mode.
  • Hidden installation. Such a floor is invisible in the interior.
  • Maintaining a natural indoor microclimate.
  • Silent operation of the heating system.
  • The healing effect of infrared radiation. For some diseases it serves as a means of prevention.
This gender has very few disadvantages. First of all, this is the high cost of the models. If used incorrectly or damaged, the base of the infrared heating system may melt.

Materials and tools for installing infrared floors

To install the floor you will need the most simple tools, which are probably available in any home: wire cutters, screwdriver, pliers, scissors and a mounting knife. In addition, you will need materials, the list of which is given below:
  1. Infrared floor film and connecting clips;
  2. Contact clamps;
  3. Electrical wire;
  4. Thermostats equipped with temperature sensors;
  5. Construction tape;
  6. Vinyl mastic insulation;
  7. Thermal insulation material, its basis should be lavsan or polypropylene film, but not foil.
Depending on the type of coating, you can also add to this list: chipboard sheets with a thickness of at least 5 mm or plywood - like linoleum; reinforcing metal grid- under the tiles.

Infrared floor installation technology

Laying an infrared floor is not particularly difficult and is carried out in several stages: preparation of the base, installation of thermal insulation, marking for the location of the heater, installation and connection of the system.

Preparing the subfloor

To make an infrared floor of high quality, you need to install it on a flat and dry base. The old floor covering must be completely removed until the wood or concrete base of the floor is exposed. The horizontality of the resulting surface should be checked with a building level; deviations should not exceed 3 mm.

After this, the wooden floor needs to be scraped, and concrete base- polish. The debris that will appear during these procedures must be removed, and then the surface must be cleaned of dust using an industrial vacuum cleaner.

A polyethylene film with a thickness of at least 50 microns must be laid on a clean base to waterproof the floor.

Thermal insulation is laid on top of the waterproofing layer. The heat insulator must be covered with lavsan or polypropylene film.

If you plan to make the final floor covering soft, such as linoleum or carpet, you should use a material with a soft layer, for example, infraflex, as a heat insulator.

If there will be tiles, parquet boards or ceramic granite on the floor, you must choose thermal insulation with a solid layer, for example, technical cork 2mm. After installation, the insulation joints must be secured with tape.

Marking the floor surface

Before marking begins, you need to determine the installation location of the temperature sensor, temperature controller and connection of the infrared film floor to the network. The thermostat is usually installed on the wall 10-15 cm from the floor surface.

When marking the floor for laying the IR heater, you must follow the recommendations below:

  • The infrared film floor must be laid in an area of ​​the room that is free from furniture and household appliances.
  • If a warm floor will be the main source of heating the room, it should cover 75-80% of the room's area. For additional heating, 40% of the area for laying an infrared floor system is sufficient.
  • The heating elements should be laid at a distance of 10-40 cm from the walls.
  • When calculating the required characteristics of a heated floor, one should proceed from the maximum power consumption of the system, which at the time of connection to the electrical network is about 210 W/m2.
  • To separate the heating sections of an infrared floor, the film must be cut along special marking lines and nothing else. Typically, such lines are located in the longitudinal direction at distances of 17.4 cm, and in the transverse direction - 50-80 cm.
  • The base of the core floors must be cut according to the instructions supplied by the manufacturer with this product.

Features of laying infrared flooring

Upon completion preparatory work Let's start laying the IR heating film. It is advisable to do this along the length of the room: in this case, with a larger number of solid strips, you will get fewer connection points. The floor installation procedure is described below.

The heating film must be laid with the copper conductive strip down, the distance between the strips is taken to be at least 5 cm. When installing a heated floor under laminate or linoleum, they can be laid closely, thereby ensuring uniform heating.

The infrared floor strips must be attached to the thermal insulation with construction tape. This ensures the immobility of the elements for the convenience of subsequent actions. Cutting lines located in the area copper conductors, must be treated with bitumen insulation. The same procedure should be performed with silver-plated contacts connecting the heating elements to the tape.

Contact clamps must be mounted on copper conductive strips: one half of them should be inside the film, the other half should be outside on the strip. The contacts are secured with pliers.

Connecting the IR floor system

At the final stage of installing the infrared floor, it is necessary to connect it. The system thermostat can be placed permanently or connected to electrical outlet using a cord. At the same time, it should not interfere with further arrangement household appliances and furniture.

The floor temperature sensor should be located closer to the thermostat under the infrared film. It is secured to the film under the carbon paste with tape.

After installing the clamping contacts on the film, the power wires should be connected to them, and the connection points should be treated with a bitumen insulator.

Then the heating system must be turned on, set to a comfortable temperature and checked for insulation of the film cutting line, heating of all film strips and wire connections (using a test screwdriver).

After checking the operation of the system, we lay the flooring. Some of its types will require additional actions with heated floors.

If the finishing coating is linoleum, you need to lay fiberboard or thick plywood on the infrared film. If tiles are planned as it, a reinforcing mesh with 2 mm cells or fiberglass mesh with 5-20 mm cells will have to be mounted on top of the warm floor. They are attached pointwise with dowels to the base. Then you can lay the screed on top.

Important! Markings for fastening coatings should be done in advance to avoid damage to the heating elements of the system.

How to make an infrared floor - watch the video:

Warm infrared floors have an incomparable advantage over heating that uses the combustion of any materials. In addition to being silent, they also do not emit toxins at all. Therefore, they are actively used in medical and children's institutions.