Spring work in the field, in the garden, in the garden. Spring work in the garden - patience and work will grind everything down

Lesson topic: "SPRING WORK"

Goals of the teacher's activities: create conditions for familiarization with spring work in the fields, vegetable gardens, orchards, flower beds, promote the development of connected speech.

Planned learning outcomes:

Subject: will learn to observe spring work in the fields, vegetable gardens, orchards, flower beds; will have the opportunity to learn to participate in the work of caring for plants in a corner of nature.


Regulatory: planning-take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the educational material in collaboration with the teacher.

Cognitive: general education- consciously construct messages orally; subject - gets acquainted with spring work in fields, vegetable gardens, orchards, flower beds: cleaning last year's foliage, whitewashing trees, planting vegetables, laying out flower beds and preparing seedlings for planting.

Communicative:interaction - conduct an oral dialogue in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language, listen to the interlocutor.

Personal: moral and ethical orientation - demonstrate cooperation skills in practical activities, the ability not to create conflicts and find a way out of controversial situations when working in groups.


laptop, screen, projector, information and educational environment: slides about spring work.

Materials for practical work: seeds, soil.

During the classes

l . Organizational moment, message of the topic of the lesson.

Teacher (U):

Spring has come. The busy time has come, the time of great worries.

How do you understand the saying: “Spring feeds the year”? slide number 1


- What do you think will be discussed in today's lesson, what is the topic of the lesson?


About spring work.

ll . Learning new material.

Please open the textbook on p. 72, look at the illustrations. Try to tell me what kind of work will be discussed in the lesson?

(Remember that when working in a group you must work together)

D: children's stories

People understand that spring feeds the year. They try not to miss more than one day: they germinate seeds, prepare the soil for sowing, and sow seeds in the ground. In the fields where rye and wheat were sown in the fall, winter crops are rising and turning green, like green velvet . Slide number 2

Why do you think they are called winter crops?

- Winter plants are sown in the fall, they germinate before the onset of winter, and continue their growth in the spring. life cycle and ripen slightly earlier than spring crops - annual crops sown in the spring.

Tractor drivers go out into the field and plow the ground, why do you think? Slide number 3

So that the soil is soft and loose for better seed germination.

U: But after the field is plowed, it needs to be made even softer, for this it is harrowed slide number 4

Guys, how do you think sowing rye or wheat seeds occurs?

Since the fields are very large, a person cannot cope without the help of a seeder; it goes into the fields and scatters grains. Slide number 5

After conducting the experiment, we can tell you what is needed for the seeds to germinate?

Light, air and water

There is always light and air, but what if it rains infrequently and the plants do not have enough moisture?


People come to the aid of plants. They install sprinklers in the fields and irrigate the land. Slide number 6

Irrigate means water, let's repeat this word to remember IRRIGATE.

With proper care, people get a rich harvest from small seeds in the fall.

Guys, what do you think besides fields and vegetable gardens, what other spring work is there?

They remove last year's leaves and whiten the trees. Slide number 7

Who knows why people whiten tree trunks?

Rid them of pests for beauty.

Well done guys, today we will also do some spring work, who can guess what?

lll . Practical work.

Work in groups.

For practical work, a box, soil and seeds are prepared for each group.

Tractors and machines will be working in the fields all spring. But it’s not only in the fields that work is in full swing. All villagers will be able to work in their gardens. IN warm earth asking for vegetable seeds: carrots, beets, cucumbers, radishes, peas, beans. It is very important to properly prepare the seeds for sowing.

While the seed is at rest, the vital processes in it proceed sluggishly and are very difficult to notice, but once the seed gets into favorable conditions, how they are activated, and the seed germinates and gives life to a new plant.

Let's think about how we will act, what to do.

What should you do first?

1.Pour soil into the box;

2. Align it;

3. Water;

4. Make a groove;

5. Place the seeds at a distance of 3 cm from each other;

6. Cover the seeds with a layer of soil.

You have signs on your table, what do you think they are for?

On the plates we will write down the name of the plant, the date of sowing, as well as back side we will write down the names of the group members.

Why do you need to write down the names of the children?

To know who should care for the plants.

That's right, guys, as soon as the plants gain strength and it gets warmer outside, we will transfer our seedlings to the club, something will remain on the windowsills.

lV Summary of the lesson.

What kind of work do people do in the spring?

How do you prepare the soil for sowing?

What conditions are necessary for seed germination?

V. Reflection.

The options are written on the board:

· Fast, right

· Correct, but slow

· Correct, but with the help of others

· Fast, but not right

- Guys, you have flowers on your table, evaluate your work, glue the flower next to the line that says how you worked in the lesson.

With the onset of spring, nature wakes up and the time to work in summer cottages and in the garden begins.

With the arrival of spring, nature comes to life

March is the first month of spring and in some regions it may still be frosty for planting to begin. But you can now start cleaning garden area and vegetable garden.

Preparing for the season in March

Spring work in the garden they start with cleaning. It is necessary to remove the entire area from autumn debris and accumulated winter period litter - branches, leaves, grass residues, etc. It is worth taking this event responsibly, since uncollected windfall and other winter debris spoils the impression of appearance area, in piles of such garbage a favorable environment is created for various pests. During the process of clearing the land, remove all weeds remaining from the fall. Now they are easily pulled out along with the root system.

We clean up leaves and grass if we haven’t done it in the fall.

Then you should carefully inspect the garden buildings and determine the need for repairs. A spring cleaning wouldn't hurt garden house– something needs painting, something needs whitewashing. In other words, both the garden area and the house itself must be put in order.

Inspect the tools: clean, lubricate, sharpen

Inspect your garden tools. Some of them probably need sharpening or repair, and some inventory items can already be completely replaced. Pay attention to clothes designed for work in the garden. There is no specific set; it all depends on the local climatic conditions of the region. Make sure that you have clothes that you can wear in hot weather, rain, and windy cool weather. Don't forget about shoes and gloves.

Work directly on the ground

Spring gardening should begin with planning what will be planted and where. Please note that the drop-off points for some garden crops need to be alternated periodically. Decide on the sunny sides of the garden and those that are in the shade almost all day. Trim trees and shrubs surrounding the area.

We prune trees and shrubs if we haven’t done it in the fall.

Plants should be fertilized. This must be done even if the soil is fertile. You need to fertilize the soil with a mixture of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. They influence the growth of roots and shoots and are responsible for the formation good inflorescences and fruits. You can apply such fertilizers while there is snow on the ground. When it finally melts, nutrients will enter the soil along with moisture.

It is important to properly prepare the designated areas of the field for planting seeds. If necessary, dig up the earth, crush large pieces into small earthen clods, etc.

Dig up the ground if you didn’t do it in the fall and mark out the beds, don’t forget about crop rotation

Assess the quality of the land. In the case when it is heavy, you need to add fine gravel and coarse sand to the soil to increase airiness. In such soil, water will not accumulate near the root system and will not cause its rotting process. And, conversely, if the soil is too crumbly, it is necessary to add some soil containing clay to it to delay nutrients and moisture.

Fertilize the soil with fertilizers better in autumn before plowing. In spring, apply 1/3 of the recommended dose

When loosening the soil, remember that you don’t need to dig it up often, because... beneficial substances go deep into the soil. When digging, the soil structure itself suffers. If loosening is required, it should be done to a depth of no more than 10 cm.

Working with seeds

Before planting seeds, they must be prepared for this. The seeds of each plant are prepared differently, but there are general rules. It is necessary to sort through them and select large ones, without signs of damage, disease, or physical damage. In order to separate bad seeds from good ones, you need to heat them on the stove for 2-3 hours. Then in a glass with a solution of 1 tbsp. Drop the heated seeds with a spoon of salt and water. Poor quality ones will float and can be thrown away.

Rejecting seeds before planting

The rest must be placed in cheesecloth before germination. Don't forget about hardening the seeds. To do this, they need to be placed in the refrigerator for several hours. After the seeds germinate, they can be planted in pre-prepared boxes, a greenhouse or greenhouse. The main condition that must be met is that future shoots get as much sunlight as possible.

Using the same principle, seeds of annual flowers are prepared for future planting in open ground. By the way, the area of ​​the field intended for planting flowers also needs to be prepared - apply fertilizer, preferably in the first month of spring, before the ground has completely thawed. The same rule is true for other areas of the garden intended for growing vegetable and garden crops.

Things to do in April

This month, spring work in the garden becomes more intense. If roses or grapes were covered in the fall, the coverings can now be removed. If the area of ​​the field has not yet warmed up and it is too early to carry out planting work, it is time to start setting up greenhouses or greenhouse structures. Before planting seeds, make sure that the greenhouse in the garden stands on the ground with a closed film for some time. This is necessary to warm the soil in the greenhouse.

In April we install greenhouses and greenhouses, plant seedlings

It is also worth paying attention to fruit and berry plantings. It is necessary to trim dry branches, thin out young shoots, and eliminate those branches that grow inside the crown. In order to prevent damage to trees by pests, it is necessary to treat the stem parts with special preparations. Second month of spring - optimal time for planting new trees and shrubs.

April is the time to plant trees and shrubs

At the same time, strawberries and raspberries are prepared. Dried stems of raspberries are cut out and, if necessary, thinned out. In the strawberry bed, excess tendrils are trimmed and thinning is also carried out.

Garden work in May

May days are the most troublesome and time-consuming days in the garden. And in the same month, numerous pests appear and come to life. That is why it is worth checking the fruit and berry plantings. Inspect the currants for mites. Carefully examine the buds - their large size indicates that they may contain a tick. They must be collected and burned; they cannot simply be thrown away. When the currants bloom, make sure that there are no inflorescences of a dirty pink hue. If they are found, you need to dig up such a bush and burn it.

Active planting of beds begins in May

Inspect seedlings in greenhouses and greenhouses. A sign of its damage by spider mites is the leaflets curling down or the presence of convex spaces on them. If an infestation by mites or aphids is detected, it is necessary to treat with biological products against these pests.

We remove old strawberry leaves and thin out all the remaining berries, if you didn’t do this in the fall, or just dig up the ground

If the seedlings are lethargic, with leaves beginning to turn yellow, then you should feed them. In May, depending on weather conditions and the degree of soil warming, seedlings need to be planted. Why first prepare the place - make a hole, pour water into it. It is best to pre-mulch the soil using peat or dry grass. Pay attention to the thickness of the mulching layer; it should be at least 10 cm to prevent it from being blown away by the wind or washed away by rain. Mulching the soil is done to retain moisture and create a comfortable, cool atmosphere in hot weather. This technology is not used for eggplant and pepper seedlings.

We remove the first weeds

Remove any emerging weeds. When weeding an area with perennial plants, be careful. In order to remove weeds along with the roots, it is best to weed with your hands. Those areas where there are no perennial plants can be treated by special means against weeds.

Planting potatoes

The most favorable time for planting potatoes - the bird cherry flowering period. The soil temperature should be around +12 0 C +15 0 C. Potatoes need to be prepared for planting. Remove tubers that have not sprouted, are rotten or have any other defects. Place the selected potatoes in a warm place to increase the intensity of germination. The potato planting depth should be half a bayonet standard shovel. When planting potatoes, you can immediately add fertilizer to the soil - ash or straw.

Preparing trees and shrubs: protecting them from pests

Fruit and berry trees and shrubs should also be treated. Spraying against pests should be carried out at the beginning of the flowering period, then sprayed again after 14 days.

We graft trees

If you were planning to graft trees, now is the time to do it. There is only one limitation - you cannot vaccinate during the waxing phase of the moon. This is due to the fact that during this period most of the sap is in the branches of trees, and during the waning moon - in the root system.

Work in the garden does not end there, of course, but if you do all the basic types of work, you can be sure that in the fall you will be able to harvest good harvest.

Spring is the period of nature's rebirth from winter hibernation. Everyone is looking forward to her arrival, the appearance of the first emerald greenery on the sun-warmed earth, trees and bushes, the fresh aromas of foliage and the first flowers. For summer residents, this is also the need to prepare their land plots for planting, so it is wrong to say that there is less work in the garden in the spring than in the fall. Now you can see this for yourself.

Stages of spring gardening

This article is a small approximate instruction for the step-by-step implementation of spring activities that guarantee favorable conditions for plant life in the garden. Adapt it to the specific situation in your region, and you will be able to most effectively exploit your land.

The timing of the start of spring work depends on the climatic zone in which the summer cottage is located, taking into account the weather conditions of the current season.


Garden work in early spring, this is the time when the snow begins to melt.

At this stage, the main tasks of the gardener are:

  • Try to slow down the flow of melt water from a sloped area as much as possible.. To do this, it is necessary to arrange windrows and furrows located along the slopes along the entire height.
  • In low-lying areas opposite, we clean existing drainage ditches and organize new ones.
  • It is better to free young trees from snow that has dusted their crowns, since when melting, the resulting crust can harm them.
  • Crusts of snow under are loosened using a fork or sprinkled with peat, which speeds up the melting.

For your information!
Many people mistakenly believe that slowing down the melting of snow crust under trees improves the situation.
Not at all, this can only do harm, since the tree crowns, heated by the sun, wake up and require moisture and nutrition from the root system.
But this is difficult, since the ground is still frozen.

In March, you need to make sure how well the trees overwintered. This can be checked in areas that appear visually damaged by making a shallow longitudinal incision. If no blackness is found at the cut site, its shade is close to light green, then everything is in order, wintering was successful.

At the very beginning of spring, there is a danger for trees to get sunburn on the trunks and at the base of the branches. This phenomenon is possible due to the sharp difference between day and night temperatures at this time; whitewashing the trunks and forks of branches will help to avoid such damage.

March ends with pest control by spraying with a solution of copper sulfate.


Basic gardening work in the spring this month should be completed before the buds swell:

  • Dry, inanimate branches are pruned on all sides. The bark around the kidneys is removed.

  • Cleaning of the soil surface in the garden continues. All excess is raked from the dried earth and burned.
  • Next, cleansing and treatment work is performed:
    • If trees or bushes in the garden were previously susceptible to aphids, mites, psyllids or copperheads, they are sprayed with nitrophen just before the buds swell.
    • If there are gnawed areas, hollows and wounds on the trunks and branches of plants, they must first be cleared, then disinfected and covered with petrolatum (garden pitch).
    • Detected egg-laying ringed silkworms are removed along with the branches.

After the completion of preventive pest control measures, it is time to feed the plants:

  • To stimulate active growth and development of shoots on pome trees, 1/2 of the annual norm of nitrogen-containing fertilizers is applied in April.
  • After fertilizing the soil under the trees at the end of April with organic, phosphorus and potassium-containing fertilizers, it is dug up.
    Estimated fertilizer consumption per 1 m2 of soil:
    • 1/2 cup superphosphate.
    • 1/2 cup of potassium sulfate or 1/5 cup of potassium chloride (can be replaced with 2-3 cups of wood ash).
    • One bucket organic fertilizers(when using peat or humus, you don’t have to dig up the soil and leave it on the surface as mulch).

    • Young and fruit-bearing bushes are also fertilized in the last days of April nitrogen fertilizers with loosening the soil underneath to retain moisture and apply top dressing.

Remember that fertilization of mature trees is carried out locally in the area of ​​​​the vertical projection of the plant crown onto the ground with a spades of no more than 50-100 cm.

At the end of April, you can start planting gooseberry and blackcurrant seedlings. In areas prepared in the fall for shrubs, plants are planted, followed by watering and mulching the soil under them. Shrubs planted in the fall are heavily pruned, leaving 2 to 4 well-developed buds on the shoots.

During the same period, they take care of the fruit-bearing trees and plant young raspberry bushes:

  • Pure, healthy seedlings are placed in clean, even grooves with the base of the stem immersed by 2-3 cm. Areas for raspberry seedlings must be properly prepared in the fall and generously fertilized.
  • The soil around the plants is watered and mulched with peat.
  • Then the bushes are pruned, leaving a height of 40 cm.
  • Overwintered raspberry shoots are lifted, untied and cut back to the first living bud untouched by frost.
  • Damaged, diseased, poorly developed, as well as excess shoots should be removed, viable shoots should be tied to a trellis.


Perhaps the most important period for every gardener who grows and cares for plants with his own hands is rightfully considered May.

The price of correctly holding May events is the success of the entire summer season as a whole.

  • Before flowering begins, all trees must be watered in the amount of two buckets multiplied by the age of the plant.
  • If the foliage on the trees is paler than usual, you should additional feeding nitrogen.
  • The end of May is suitable for breeding berry crops layering. To do this, the strongest one-year-old branch is bent and pinned into a groove sprinkled with soil.

We continue to care for the garden, not forgetting about gardening chores, taking into account the principles of crop rotation. The health of all plants, their proper development and a good harvest depend on the correctness and timeliness of doing work in the spring in the garden.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing a plot of land for summer season no, all the actions that need to be taken do not require any monetary or physical costs. But no matter how simple it all may seem, it is necessary to carry out the above actions, if, of course, you want to reap a good harvest and enjoy the fruits of your work in winter.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Ekaterina Fedyakina
Spring work in the field, garden and vegetable garden

Lesson on the topic “ Spring work in the field, V garden and vegetable garden»

Target: activate the dictionary by topic: « Spring work in the field, V garden and vegetable garden»

Tasks: consolidate knowledge about spring work in the field, V garden and vegetable garden; teaching retelling on a topic.

1. Organizational moment

Guys, let's remember what you can do in field, garden and vegetable garden.

Guys, what do you call a person who drives a tractor? (tractor driver)

And the person who working in the garden? V vegetable garden? (gardener, gardener) .

And people who work in the field and plow the land(plowmen).

Guys, what do you call people who grow and harvest bread? (grain growers).

2. Articulation gymnastics:

"Smile - tube"

If our lips smile,

Look - a fence appears.

Well, what if the sponges are a narrow tube,

So we can play the trumpet!

"Brushing our teeth"

With a soft brush in the morning

Cleaning the children's teeth.

Your teeth will be strong,

White, beautiful.


Under a tall pine tree

We found the fungus with you.

So that the boletus grows,

Lift the tongue up.

3. Retelling the text about spring work.

« Work in the garden»

Vitya and his family live in the village. Vitya's mother is a gardener. Dad is a tractor driver. It was warm spring day. The boy Vitya went out to help his grandmother in vegetable garden. The grandmother asked her grandson to bring a shovel and a rake. Vitya brought tools and they began to work. Grandma was digging the ground, and Vitya was loosening it with a rake. They prepared the land for planting, fertilized it and began to plant vegetables. By the evening the work was finished!

Questions about the text: where does Vitya live with his family, who Vitya's mom works, by whom Vitya's dad works, where Vitya helped his grandmother, what the grandmother asked to bring Vitya, what the grandmother did, what Vitya did, when they began to plant vegetables, when it was finished Job?

4. Physical exercise "The flowers grew in field» .

Flowers grew in field.

It's good to grow in freedom! (Stretching - arms to the sides.)

Everyone is trying

Reaching towards the sky, towards the sun. (Stretching - arms up.)

A cheerful wind blew

The stems swayed (Children wave their hands.)

They bent down to the ground. (Bends forward.)

Right, left, back and forth -

This is how the wind bends the flowers. (Tilts left and right, forward and backward.)

He turns them, he turns them.

When will there be a rest? (Rotation of the body.)

5. Clap your hands when you hear the sound R in words: (P sound hard or soft)

Combine operator, Gardener, Grain grower, Gardener, Poultry breeder, Rabbit breeder.

Clap your hands when you hear the sound R words: (P sound is hard or soft)

Plowman, Shepherd, Tractor Driver, Miller.

6. Organizational moment

What did we talk about today? (O work in the garden, V field, V garden)

What can you do in field, garden and vegetable garden(plant, dig, sow, plow, water, clean, furrow).

What professions did you hear today (gardener, tractor driver, plowman, grain grower, gardener, combine operator, etc.)

Who did you listen to a story about today? (about Vita)

Publications on the topic:

Every year, in early spring, my children and I organize a “vegetable garden” on the windowsill. We decorate the window in advance, prepare the seeds, containers and soil.

Summary of a developmental lesson for children 3–5 years old “Spring work in the field” 1. Greeting 2. The world The snow will melt in a clean field, the melt water will subside and will run after the tractor driver towards the blue furrow. The seeders will come out.

Lapbook “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden” Purpose: development of attention, thinking, imagination, perception, speech; acquaintance with the natural world. What you will need:.

Project "In the garden or in the vegetable garden." It all started with the fact that in the Lenta hypermarket they gave a “Promotion - Plantation” set for a certain purchase amount.

Summer is the time to embrace the gentle rays of the sun, a warm light breeze, a cheerful blue sky, fluffy and playful clouds, light and fresh.

Goal: To clarify and expand ideas about people’s work in the spring. Activate dictionary

Spring has come. The first warm rays of the sun give us joy and awaken the first spring flowers, the buds on the trees begin to swell. It’s time to get out of our apartments and go to the dacha, put everything in order so that it will delight us with its colorful flowers and fruits.

What to do at your summer cottage in March?

March is the beginning of spring, it can still be cold and periodically accompanied by frosts. It’s not yet warm enough to start planting work at the dacha, but you can already safely go and start cleaning and preparing the dacha for summer season.

When we arrive at the dacha, the first thing we do is clean the area, since old leaves could have remained from the fall, and dust and debris have accumulated over the winter.

Inspect your buildings, maybe they require some repairs. It's time to do general cleaning country house. Decide what needs to be painted and whitewashed. Buy the necessary products and put your dacha in order.

Also worry about inventory. Look, maybe something is broken, you need to fix it or buy new tools for the garden. When checking, please note that every dacha must have the following tools: shovel, rake, buckets, hoes, pruning shears, axe.

Also, when arriving at the dacha, keep in mind that you will need things for work. What clothes you will wear is up to you, but spring period it must be warm, since the warmth outside is deceptive. Make sure that things cover your back, because when you bend over, your back may be exposed, and this will lead to illness.

Also buy yourself gloves for working on the site, preferably several pairs. Please note that shoes should be warm and comfortable. Bring rubber boots to the dacha; you will need them for work at the dacha in the spring, as well as in the summer after heavy rain.

Also, be sure to bring personal hygiene products: soap to wash your hands and be sure to take hand cream, since the skin of your hands is summer cottage quickly weathers and requires intensive care.

Decide where and what you will plant. Prepare the area for planting. Maybe somewhere you need to dig up the ground or break up large pieces of earth.

Before planting seedlings, the seeds need to be treated. To do this, sort out the seeds, that is, choose the largest and healthiest ones. Warm them up on a heater for several hours. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of water. spoon of salt and put the seeds there, the bad seeds will float to the top, remove them. Next, place the seeds in cheesecloth on a sprouting plate. The seeds also need to be hardened by placing them in the refrigerator for several hours. Your seeds are now ready to plant. You plant them in a greenhouse or greenhouse, or you collect soil in wooden boxes in advance, dry it, and sow the seeds there. Then place the boxes in a warm room on the window so that they receive sunlight.

Also in March, using the same principle, you can already prepare annual flowers, such as asters, petunia, marigolds, for their future planting in open ground. The soil must first be fertilized. It is better to fertilize it in March, when the ground is still frozen.

If you grow dahlias, begonias, and gladioli on your site, then in March it’s time to take them out to a warm, bright place, check all the roots, sort out the damaged ones, and plant them in prepared soil in boxes for germination and future replanting in open ground.

In March, you must have time to sow seeds, repair and remove outbuildings, repair equipment, prepare and fertilize the land.

Classes for April

In April, it feels like spring outside, and there are no longer major frosts; the plants are awakening from winter hibernation. At this time, you can already begin to remove the covering that you made on the vineyard and roses so that they do not freeze in winter.

The earth has already warmed up a little by the rays of the sun, but not yet enough to begin planting work. But by mid-April, you can already begin to set up greenhouses or greenhouses for sowing seeds and planting seedlings from boxes.

If you grow vegetables, then make a greenhouse. It must stand for several days under a closed film so that the earth warms up in it. Next, you can plant the seeds for seedlings.

In April, you need to tidy up the trees and shrubs, since they have not yet awakened from winter, and you will not harm them. Look through all your yard trees and shrubs. Trim dry branches, cut through the crown with pruners, and remove branches growing inside the crown. Also, in order to neutralize your trees from insects, you need to treat the trunks with special preparations.

April good month for planting trees. If you decide to update your garden, April is the month when you can plant them, and shrubs are also planted.

Along with this, in April, strawberries and raspberries are prepared for the summer season. All strawberries need to be checked, excess tendrils removed, and thinned out. Remove dry stems from the raspberry garden and thin out if the raspberries are growing thickly.

Dacha work action plan for May

May is the most active month for dacha work. Also during this period, insects and garden pests wake up.

Check the currants to ensure they are free of mites. The buds with mites differ from other buds - they are larger in size. Collect them and burn them; under no circumstances throw such buds away. land plot or compost. When the currants begin to bloom, make sure there are no dirty pink flowers. If you find such inflorescences, be sure to dig up and burn the bush, as this disease quickly spreads through the plants and all bushes will die completely.

Seedlings in greenhouses and greenhouses also require inspection; if upon inspection you see that the leaves are curled down, or there are strongly convex spaces on the leaves, this means that the seedlings have spider mite. Please note that aphids may appear on peppers. If the seedlings are damaged, treat them with biological preparations against mites and aphids.

In May, you also need to feed the seedlings; if the seedlings look lethargic and their leaves turn yellow, feed them with special means.

In mid-May you can start planting seedlings on the ground. Before planting, prepare the place and holes for seedlings, pour water into it. Since in summer moisture quickly erodes and leaves the soil, in order to water the plants less often and the moisture remains longer, you need to mulch the soil. To do this, use high-moor peat, or you can lay it with dry grass, or even newspaper. Keep in mind that tomatoes will like this coating, as they grow better (if moisture goes deep, they root system is improving). Eggplants and peppers do not like this technology; they need daily watering, but moderate, since they grow better when the soil surface is moist.

It's also time to plant in the ground. annual plants: parsley and dill. Be sure to water the seedlings before planting so as not to disturb the root system.

It is best to plant potatoes at the moment when the bird cherry blossoms. Before planting, potatoes need to be prepared two weeks in advance: sorted and placed in a warm place for germination. When planting, keep in mind that the ground should already be 12-15 degrees. Do not plant potatoes deep, about half a spade deep. When planting, you can immediately fertilize the potatoes by placing wood ash or straw in the hole, which will provide warmth and fertilizer to the potatoes throughout the spring.

This is how you need to treat trees and shrubs against pests. Spraying against pests should be done at the beginning of flowering and repeated after two weeks.

May is also a good month for tree grafting. If you planned to graft trees, do it in May. When grafting, make sure that the moon is not growing, as the trees come under the influence of the moon. When the moon grows, the sap in the trees is more in the branches; when the moon decreases, the sap comes to the root system.

Ants are also the main pest of gardens and vegetable gardens. If you find ants on the bushes, place a rag soaked in kerosene next to the bush, this smell will drive the ants away from the bush. How to remove an anthill? You can treat it with special anti-ant agents, preferably those that are added to ant food. Since the ant shares its food with all the ants, it will not only die itself, but also its fellows.

Let's talk about working in the garden

Throughout the spring, you need to maintain the garden and help the plants to ripen better. When working in spring, follow these steps:
  1. Feed the plants. Even if the soil is good and fertile, be sure to feed the trees and shrubs. Fertilizer consists of a mixture nutrients for growth: potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Phosphorus promotes the growth of the root system and shoots, nitrogen is responsible for the richness of greenery, potassium is important for the formation of flowers and fruits. When fertilizing plants, it is better to use a complex content of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. They are sold in gardening stores and are usually distributed in granules. Scatter this fertilizer near the plants during the period when there is still snow or when it melts, thanks to this, nutrients will flow smoothly into the ground.

  2. Weed removal. Don't forget that many weeds grow faster than cultivated plants. Be sure to water the area, but be careful if you have perennial plants that have not yet sprouted. Better weed do it with your hands to pull out the weeds by the roots so they don’t grow back. If you have a place where there are no perennial plants, then you can treat it with weed killers.

  3. Mulch the soil. When planting plants, mulch the soil. Can be used for mulching different types mulching: from old leaves or straw. The main thing is that the layer should be thick, about ten centimeters, so that it is not blown away by rain and wind. Mulching will help the soil retain moisture better and create cool conditions for plant roots in the summer.

  4. Check the soil for empty spaces. In spring, you can immediately see in which places the plants died after winter. It is possible to decide what can be planted in empty spaces. Or make compositions of annual flowers in combination with perennial flowers.

  5. You also need to clear paths and paths of leaves and moss remaining from last year. It is advisable to wash the paths with water from a hose or a wire brush.

  6. Check the flowerpots; they may have been slightly damaged over the winter. Seal the cracks with external putty. Next, you need to change the soil in the flowerpots with new one. If it was wintered there perennial, you need to pull it out and dry the roots a little, since after winter a lot of water forms in the flowerpot.

  7. If there is a pond or swimming pool on the territory of your dacha, be sure to clean it and check the serviceability of the water supply and drainage equipment, and especially the filters.

After you worked at the dacha in the spring, you prepared it for summer period, all that remains is to monitor your plants, fertilize them on time, water them and enjoy delicious fruits, growing on your site.