Growing potatoes wisely without weeding and hilling. We approach growing potatoes wisely: tips on how to get a good harvest without weeding and hilling

For most summer residents, growing potatoes is the longest and most tedious process. After all, you need to prepare the seed material, then the soil. Next comes the grueling planting of tubers. Then - many months painstaking care, including constant weeding, loosening, hilling and watering. But not everyone knows that there is another method of growing potatoes without weeding and hilling. It completely excludes planting potatoes in the ground, but everything needs to be done wisely.

They learned to grow potatoes without planting them in the ground so long ago that it is impossible to say exactly who invented this so simple, but so unique method, impossible. However, there are so many followers and ardent fans of planting potatoes “without planting” that perhaps this method will soon become much more popular than the usual method.

The essence of non-planting cultivation is that a special microclimate is created above the tubers, which contributes to the launch of biological processes: the plant develops much faster. This is achieved due to the thick covering layer that covers the potato seeds.

Agrofibre, film, sheets of cardboard, hay or straw are used as covering. In addition, the tubers are not buried in the ground, but placed on its surface. Potatoes form and ripen on the ground.

Sprouted root vegetables can be placed different ways: some put it in rows, others make nests in the straw, others scatter the seeds in a chaotic manner.

Fact! Using this method, you can get high yields of potatoes by growing them in boxes, boxes or bags.

Mulch creates a microclimate suitable for potatoes - the layer between the soil and the mulch is always warm and humid. The soil nourishes the root crops with all the necessary substances, and the straw reliably maintains both temperature and humidity levels. According to summer residents who have tried this technique of cultivating potatoes, from one bush you can harvest up to 15 large, tasty potatoes weighing 250-300 grams. At the same time, no effort is required to obtain such a harvest.

Advantages and disadvantages

All the advantages of cultivating potatoes without planting and weeding have been appreciated by thousands of summer residents across the country. Agree that without grueling planting of tubers, constant weeding, hilling and treatments against the Colorado potato beetle, the process of growing this crop becomes much easier. Plus, straw mulch has a beneficial effect on the formation of new large tubers.

The advantages of growing potatoes under straw include:

  • Moisture is always retained under the mulch. Therefore, the need for constant watering of plantings is eliminated. And during the heat, the earth, and with it the root crops, will be protected from drying out;
  • wet straw, in contact with the ground, gradually begins to decompose and turn into useful organic fertilizer;
  • Organic matter releases a special type of gas that attracts worms and beneficial microorganisms to the area. They, in turn, contribute to better soil aeration - between the soil and the straw there is natural circulation air, which naturally affects the size of the tubers;
  • the weed does not grow under the mulch, and therefore weeding ceases to be necessary;
  • Small insects breed in the thick straw, which repel the Colorado potato beetle. Therefore, you will not need to spend a lot of money on pest control;
  • potatoes form and ripen not in the ground, but on it, so there is no need to hill them;
  • after harvesting the potatoes, the straw can be left in place until next year - by spring the soil will absorb all the most useful and nutritious things from it;
  • Picking potatoes is simplified, because you don’t need to dig the ground and look for the treasured fruits. In addition, the harvest will be clean.

Meanwhile, there are several disadvantages of the non-stop method:

  • if straw repels the Colorado potato beetle, but, unfortunately, attracts rodents - mice, rats. Animals can spoil part of the harvest;
  • Slugs love to live under the moist, warm, dark straw layer. They can also cause crop failure;
  • straw is not a cheap pleasure. If you have a large potato field, covering it with a 10cm layer of straw will cost a lot of money.

The necessary conditions

There is no need to think that since potatoes do not grow in the ground, then the soil does not need to be fertilized. On the contrary, the area for potatoes should be very well fertilized, because it is from the soil that the tubers will receive all their nutrition with the help of their roots. Potatoes grow well on loose, fertile soil. This can be achieved by mixing the soil with humus or compost. It is also important to fertilize the soil with ash. At first, the sprouts should receive a lot of nitrogen, then phosphorus. There are a lot of these elements in peat, so instead of humus, you can lay moistened peat. From organic matter, you can also use urea.

Soil fertilizing options:

  1. In the fall for one square meter use 5 kilograms of manure and 1 tablespoon of nitroammophoska.
  2. In spring, 4 kilograms of humus and 300 grams are poured onto one square wood ash.
  3. To protect plantings from wireworms and the Colorado potato beetle, onion peels are scattered around the perimeter of the bed or onion infusion is used.
  4. In autumn, sow the field with oats, rye or mustard. Green manure will make the soil more fertile.

Potato varieties for growing without weeding

Not every potato variety is suitable for such an extraordinary way of growing this crop. Summer residents claim that Dutch hybrids perform best - they are more resistant to temperature changes, productive, and rarely get sick.

However, you should not ignore domestic zoned varieties, which give good results in the central, northern and southern regions of the country. This method is especially good when growing early-ripening potato varieties, since under the straw the soil quickly heats up and the biological process occurring in the tubers proceeds much faster.

Suitable varieties:

Variety Characteristic
A Dutch variety with medium ripening periods - the tubers ripen 75 days after sowing. Yield variety(from one bush you can collect up to 12 tubers). Potatoes are medium-sized, oval-shaped, with small sparse eyes.
Red Scarlett Potatoes with red skin, zoned for southern regions. The shape of the tubers is oval. Tuber weight – 110 grams. Very productive early ripening variety, resistant to many diseases.
Kholmogorsky Domestic early ripening variety for table use. Oblong tubers, 80 grams each. Productivity is average. Marketability is 93%, keeping quality is more than 90%.
Antonina Early variety Russian selection. Tubers are round, yellow color. The peel is slightly rough. Ideal for growing in Siberia, easy to care for, high-yielding.
Condor Dutch hybrid of medium ripening. Large tubers weigh up to 120 grams. There are few eyes; they are all on the surface. The variety is resistant to diseases and easy to care for. Universal purpose.

Preparing Potatoes

For “planting”, small tubers (diameter 3-4 centimeters) with at least 4 eyes are used. If the seed material is large, then each tuber is cut lengthwise, leaving 2-3 eyes on each part.

Proven many years of experience that it is best to plant sprouted potatoes. They begin to prepare it a month before planting.

First, the tubers are disinfected. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is suitable for this, in which the seeds are soaked. Then they begin to germinate. Goal: to achieve greening of the tubers and awakening of the eyes. There are several ways to prepare tubers.

Attention! Tubers that have mechanical damage should be used as seed material it is forbidden.

Drying tubers

This method speeds up germination and mature potatoes can be obtained a couple of weeks earlier. Plant the seeds in a bright and relatively warm room. The tubers are laid out in boxes in one or two layers. If the snow has already melted on the street on the south side of the house, then the potatoes can be kept on a bed of straw or other material. You only need to bring it into the house at night so that it doesn’t freeze. Drying potatoes means waking up your eyes. Within 7-10 days, the beginnings of sprouts will appear. Excessive stretching of the sprouts is unacceptable - this will negatively affect the further growing season of the tubers.

During drying, the tubers lose up to 15% of moisture. It is rapid drying that triggers biological processes and the kidneys wake up. Greened tubers are planted as soon as the soil is sufficiently warmed up.

Dry germination

If they are preparing for planting late varieties potatoes, it is better to use the dry method, which promotes rapid growth - all root crops will have time to form by September.

The technique of dry germination is simple: the tubers are placed in narrow, translucent bags so that each seed receives a sufficient portion of sunlight. Holes with a diameter of up to 1.5 centimeters are made in the film. This promotes good ventilation seed material. The bags are kept for about a month in bright rooms at a temperature of 14-15 degrees.

Wet germination

The seeds are placed in a box filled with damp peat, sawdust or humus soil. The containers are kept in a dark room, the temperature in which remains at 13 degrees. Potatoes in boxes can be folded in several layers, each of them sprinkled with peat. After 18-20 days, the tubers acquire sprouts and a root lobe appears ( root system). After planting the “seedlings”, they will germinate within a week.

Methods of planting potatoes

Seeds are planted in different ways - it all depends on the degree of preparedness of the site and the free time of the summer resident.

Planting methods:

  1. Sprouted potatoes are laid out on the ground in rows, at a distance of 25 centimeters from each other. The sprouts should face up. The interval between rows is 60 centimeters. The top of the potatoes is covered with a thick layer of straw. You need to make sure that the “cushion” is loose, otherwise the sprouts will not be able to break through the straw. However, then it will be necessary to ensure that the straw is not blown away by the wind, otherwise the tubers will become bare, turn green and will no longer be suitable for further use. Then, when the sprouts grow, lay out a second layer of straw. Plantings can be watered once every 10-14 days. Harvesting is simple: you rake the straw and collect clean, ripe root crops. To “weight” the straw cap, you can sprinkle it with earth and press it against the edges of the bed with boards.
  2. If potatoes are planted in early dates, it is possible that night frosts may occur. In this case, it is better to plant potatoes in small earthen holes - the earth will retain heat and reliably protect the tubers from freezing. If the soil on the site is fertile, then the potatoes can be lightly sprinkled with earth; if not, then you should immediately lay a thick layer of straw on top (layer thickness up to 25 centimeters). The straw will settle in a couple of weeks, then you will need to add it, covering the potato stems. The height of the straw layer is 20 centimeters. Harvesting is also easy. You just need to push away the mulch with a rake or pitchfork and collect the potatoes.


The beauty of growing potatoes without planting and weeding is that planting requires virtually no maintenance. Since the issue of weeding is eliminated, the summer resident saves his time and effort on care.

There is also no need to hill up the potatoes, because the lower part of the stem is always covered with straw, and this contributes to the growth of adventitious roots and the formation of root crops.

Potatoes need to be watered rarely, as moisture is retained under the straw for a long time. On rainy days, it is recommended to cover the field with film to prevent flooding of plants and the development of fungal diseases.

During the growing season of plants, it is important to ensure that there are no gaps in the straw and that direct sunlight does not fall on the tubers.

Planting potatoes under green manure

Green manure will be an excellent replacement for straw or hay, which can be difficult to obtain. Thus, potatoes can be grown under green manure mulch. What summer residents usually use are legumes - they enrich the soil with nitrogen, rye, oats, mustard, phacelia. By the way, the latter is the best companion for potato crops.

Green manure is planted in the fall, for example, sown with oats or winter rye. Closer to winter, the ears can be cut and covered with them garden plot or leave it in the soil until spring. However, it is important not to miss the timing of the appearance of seeds on the plants, otherwise the field will quickly become overgrown with weeds. Winter rye begins to bloom very early, so already in April you will need to cut it off at the root and leave the stems on the field.

If you haven’t found time to sow green manure in the fall, you can plant them in early spring as soon as the snow melts. The easiest way is to plant phacelia - this crop grows very quickly and by summer the field will be ready to receive potato tubers. Potatoes are sown directly into the phacelia thicket - the tubers are scattered at a certain interval, but not often. Phacelia is a small, heavily leafy bush with a lilac corolla at the end. The lower leaves and stems will reliably cover the tubers from the sun's rays, preventing them from turning green, and during bad weather they will delay excess moisture. When the potato tops outgrow the phacelia, they will need to be cut off and left on the field as mulch.

Growing potatoes under agora fiber

It is not necessary to use straw and hay to cultivate this crop. You can purchase dark agora fiber and cover the planting field with it. The point is that the necessary greenhouse effect is created under the film - the potatoes grow by leaps and bounds. In addition, agrofibre inhibits the growth of weeds and prevents rodents and small insects, which strive to gnaw on juicy root vegetables. The advantages of covering material also include the protection of plants from excessive rainfall and spring frosts.

Agrofibre is laid on well-fertilized soil. Before planting, the soil must be supplied with organic matter and minerals - this is what the potatoes will feed on. It is best to prepare the soil in the fall - then you can use fresh manure. Over the winter it will rot and will be ready to supply the tubers with the nitrogen they need.

Advice! If you want to plant potatoes earlier, then make low beds in the fall - the snow will melt from them much faster, which means the soil will have time to warm up and accept the potatoes.

Potatoes are not planted deeply, but only slightly sunk in well-loosened soil. A film is laid on top, holes are made in it, through which fresh air will penetrate to the plants. After 7-10 days, the first shoots will appear above the film. They will need to be sprayed against the Colorado potato beetle.

Proper agricultural technology will allow you to get a high harvest in mid-summer. Potatoes grown under straw have a high immunity to disease, are stored for a long time and have an excellent taste. The non-planting method of growing potatoes is an excellent alternative to the conventional cultivation of this crop. Many summer residents have already appreciated this method. Try it too!

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Today, many gardeners use the usual method of planting potatoes: they plow the ground, make holes, apply fertilizers and tubers, and throughout the season they hill up and weed the root crop. But sometimes even such care does not bring the expected harvest. If you approach growing potatoes wisely, you can do it without weeding, hilling and unnecessary hassle. This is the most effective and very simple method for obtaining a potato harvest.

This method was actively used by our ancestors. Its essence lies in the use of straw. Not only will you receive wonderful harvest, but you will also forget about hilling and Colorado potato beetles forever.

Growing potatoes wisely: the essence of the process

It is also important that there is no need to dig up the soil. Preparing potatoes for planting involves detailed selection and germination under the sun. The landing process is quite simple:

  1. Tubers are placed in shallow holes.
Cover the area with straw at least 15 cm

After this, you can simply forget about the potato plot until the fall. Don't worry about bugs eating it or the tops drying out. Straw not only perfectly protects the root crop, but also creates shade. Other advantages of this method include:

  • No watering. Potatoes do not need abundant watering. The soil will be slightly moist even in the most intense heat.

  • When rotting, dry grass attracts beneficial microorganisms and insects. As a result, the plant receives everything it needs for full growth.
  • No weeding or hilling required.

As for harvesting potatoes, for everyone who does not like to dig, this method will be a relief, because the finished crop will lie right on the surface, all that remains is to rake the straw. These potatoes have a wonderful aroma, excellent taste qualities and friability. Few people immediately trust this method, fearing its ineffectiveness, so they use straw only on part of the site. But the next year the whole area becomes covered with thatch.

It is possible to grow potatoes without weeding and hilling. To do this, it is only important to prepare the required amount of dry grass, bring it and scatter it on the site. We hope our tips will help you grow excellent potatoes in your dacha.

Video: Potatoes under the hay

Planting potatoes under straw is a common thing for many gardeners in our country. This agricultural method began to be practiced not so long ago, but has already gained great popularity. With its help you can grow root crops without hilling.

The essence of the technique

A technique based on the use of straw allows you to grow potatoes wisely without hilling and weeding. Let's figure out how to grow potatoes under hay (straw).

Potatoes under straw are grown as follows:

  1. Seed material is laid out over the selected area.
  2. The top of the tubers is covered with dry hay or straw.
  3. An additional layer of mulch is applied near the plants, which serves as hilling.
  4. Harvesting is carried out after the vegetative aerial parts turn yellow.

By resorting to such planting, you can get a rich harvest without unnecessary hassle. The benefits of the described method have been proven by numerous positive reviews from gardeners.

The use of mulch has a beneficial effect on the soil horizon. An important factor in this case is maintaining a certain thickness of the straw layer. It should not exceed 30 centimeters so that the process of rotting the mulch is not hampered.

This can also prevent free germination of weeds. With the help of earthworms and bacterial microorganisms, the mulch used is converted into processed raw materials that enrich the soil with humus.

Using the described technique, gardeners spend less time caring for plants. At the same time, the harvest does not differ in size from that obtained as a result of planting traditional way, and sometimes, on the contrary, it exceeds it. According to experienced summer residents, growing potatoes under hay leads to a constant increase in yield in subsequent years, as the land becomes more fertile after mulch.

Advantages and disadvantages of growing potatoes under straw

Mulching potatoes with cut grass has a number of advantages compared to traditional growing methods. Among them it is worth noting:

  1. Environmental characteristics of the shelter used. When growing potatoes under hay or straw, toxic compounds do not enter the soil, which can enrich it if applied incorrectly mineral fertilizers.
  2. Saving time. If you plant potatoes “in the hay,” you can save gardeners from the annual struggle with weeds that accompany many crops at all stages of their growth.
  3. Moisture retention. Thanks to mulched grass after rain in the soil long time Water necessary for tuber growth is retained. Therefore, it is recommended to plant potatoes under straw on soils with a lack of moisture.
  4. Pest protection. In potato growing, the use of the described mulch is considered effective measure for protecting plants from attacks by the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae. Through a thick layer it is difficult for these insects to get to the bushes, which is why they die of hunger.
  5. Simplify sowing and harvesting. The described method greatly simplifies the process of planting and harvesting potatoes. There is no need to dig deep holes and spend a long time looking for tubers in the ground when digging them. This eliminates the possibility of additional hassle when planting potatoes.
  6. Preventing the appearance of weeds. Another advantage of the described method is the absence of weeds on the site. Their seeds cannot germinate through a thick layer of mulch, which is why the potato field remains clean throughout the summer.

The disadvantages of this method are:

  1. Vulnerability of potatoes to pests. Gardeners note a high percentage of tubers being accessible when planted in straw mulch for slugs and rodents. Evidence is provided by characteristic bites by soil animals. Moreover, even if you increase the amount of straw for mulch, the result will remain the same.
  2. Material costs for purchasing covering material. So that the weeds do not disturb during the summer, and the tubers are larger, the straw layer should be made of a certain thickness. At the same time, costs are required for the purchase of hay or straw, which not every farm has. You can collect dry grass after mowing to use it as mulch. The plots do not need to be additionally fertilized, because the product used contains everything necessary for the growth and development of potatoes.

It is almost impossible to grow a vegetable garden without hassle, but you can reduce their number by planting vegetables in straw. This reduces the need for watering and additional weeding, which saves gardeners time and effort.

Growing potatoes in straw

To grow potatoes under mulch, you must follow the agricultural techniques for cultivating them. When growing potatoes under hay, it is recommended to follow this step by step instructions:

  1. Preparation of straw and seed material. The straw is pre-dried, and the potatoes are germinated by placing them in a warm sunny place for three days.
  2. Planting seeds. With the onset of spring and the soil warming up, the finished tubers are laid out on the surface of pre-moistened soil and covered with mulch of hay or straw. Before planting potatoes, you need to scatter a little wood ash on the site, which can enrich the plants with potassium. This is mandatory and important condition landings.

The described method is quite simple and produces a rich harvest at minimal cost. It is only important to correctly follow the rules of planting and caring for plants.

Preparing the landing site

To grow potatoes in straw, soil preparation measures should be carried out, including:

  • loosening;
  • watering;
  • enrichment with microelements.

Spend a lot of time preparatory work Before sowing, the described method is not required; it is enough to just loosen the soil surface shallowly and moisten it well.

Optimal time for deep loosening of the soil - this is autumn. The work is carried out using fall plowing.

You can enrich the soil horizon with nutritional compounds using green manure plants. Recommended use:

  • rye;
  • oats;
  • alfalfa;
  • mustard.

These plants are the best predecessors for potatoes.

Preparation of planting material

To successfully grow potatoes under straw, you should prepare seed material. To do this, the potatoes undergo a thorough selection with the concomitant elimination of diseased tubers.

Before sowing, sorted potatoes must be grown in the sun until sprouts appear. You can germinate tubers when artificial lighting, placing them in a warm place.

To obtain a rich harvest when germinating seed potatoes, it is recommended to periodically turn them over. This will allow you to get more strong shoots, which will lead to the appearance of early friendly shoots.

Landing technology

Potatoes are planted under hay when the soil horizon is completely warmed up. Before placing potatoes under the straw, they are laid out individually on the surface of the ground every thirty centimeters. It is recommended to sprinkle tubers planted on the ground with a small amount of wood ash, which contains many microelements necessary for growth.

Mulching is carried out with dry hay or straw no more than thirty centimeters thick. Using the described planting technology, you should increase the amount of mulch above the tubers compared to the area between the rows. After planting potatoes during a dry spring, additional watering of the plants is allowed.

Rules of care

When growing potatoes under hay, it is necessary to provide appropriate care for the plants. Pre-sprouted tubers should be planted under mulch, since in arid climates seedlings may not appear for a long time.

To ensure a rich harvest, without greened roots, small straw mounds are created near the plants as seedlings emerge. Growing potatoes under straw does not require mandatory summer hilling of the bushes, which saves gardeners time and effort.

Mowing and subsequent use of dry plant matter as mulch will prevent the penetration of sun rays to the tubers, which reduces the risk of greening of the latter.

The tubers do not dry out thanks to the use additional watering, which should be uniform and permanent. This will better dissolve the fertilizers present in the soil and form beautiful root crops.

To control pests such as rodents and slugs, it is recommended to use burdock seeds or planting along the rows of blackroot. If dry burrs are scattered near the emerging sprouts, rodents will begin to avoid them, since the latter always cling to their skin.


It is advisable to harvest in dry weather. Usually they place a bucket near the bush and begin to rake out the layer of straw. The grown potatoes are placed in dry containers, and The mulch can be stored away for use next season.

You can harvest it manually, since the seeds do not go deep into the ground when planting. Thick layers of mulch will require the use of a fork or other equipment when cleaning.

If the plants have thick tops, you can mow them first using a trimmer. In winter, the soil should be well plowed so that during a long period of rest its upper layers are saturated with oxygen and moisture.

Combined method

Many gardeners are interested in how to grow potatoes under straw using a combined method. The described plant can be grown without hilling by planting tubers in shallow holes and then covering it with mulch.

This method of growing potatoes is a combination of traditional and modern agricultural technologies. The holes are made shallow, as mulch will certainly lie on top.

Using cardboard

Growing potatoes under straw can be replaced by another method, in which straw and cardboard are used together or separately as covering materials.

It is advisable to take large cardboard shapes. Before use, it should be cleared of adhesive tapes, staples and other unnecessary items.

The finished material is laid out in the area where it is planned to plant potatoes, and X-shaped slits are marked in the places of future holes. It is in them that the seed tubers are placed and covered with straw mulch on top.

The use of cardboard allows you to protect the area from weeds, and potatoes from sunlight. Getting a good harvest is also guaranteed; it is only important to properly prepare the land and observe all agrotechnical details.

Many modern gardeners do not think that it is possible to grow crops without plowing, weeding, hilling and daily watering. But there are also “lazy” gardeners who do without these agricultural procedures - and still reap good harvests! Ivan Boyarintsev from the village of Tyelga is one of them. Read more about the straw farming method that helps him achieve successful results:

Laziness is the engine of progress

“I really am a lazy person myself. In addition, about 15 years ago I had surgery in the abdominal area. So I couldn’t dig with a shovel in the spring. But I didn’t want to leave the garden. Then knowledgeable people told me about unconventional farming. A year later, I had a second operation, so heavy physical activity was completely prohibited. That’s when I began to invent my own “lazy” farming and realized that this is a completely different worldview and a special science,” says Ivan Boyarintsev.

Straw has become the main assistant for the gardener.

“Plants do not eat their own kind, that is, organic ones. Accordingly, manure and straw as such are useless to the plant. They only benefit inorganic compounds, which the plant receives through the roots from the waste products of spider beetles and worms,” notes the gardener. This became the first postulate of his theory.

The second postulate is that you need to interfere with the life of plants and gardens as little as possible so as not to upset the fragile natural balance.

Gradually, Boyarintsev came to the idea that land use and agriculture are essentially opposite activities. Gardening (land use) is a necessary measure for most Russians, a way to survive.

“Gardeners are forced to pull out the maximum harvest from their 4-6 acres, placing a variety of different crops in unacceptable proximity horticultural crops, without thinking about the balance and fertility of the land on the site. Agriculture means the rational, harmonious use of land. Straw farming can be compared to soil management in a forest. Straw maintains soil structure and enriches the soil so that chemical fertilizer is unnecessary. But this effect manifests itself only if the principle of “refusal to plowing” is followed. Soil quality improves every season. This is mainly the result of the fact that everything grown in the garden, with the exception of fruits, was returned to the soil,” notes Ivan.

Prepare straw in the fall

Start straw farming better in autumn. The first step is to buy straw in bales. As a rule, at this time of year it is in abundance for many farmers. This is much more difficult to do in the spring. Next, thinking about straw farming, you need to spend the winter and get to work in the spring.

The main advice that Ivan Boyarintsev gives to beginning gardeners is to agree in the family on a new method: “Before buying straw, I told my wife about my intention to garden in a new way. She supported me. Now it helps me achieve high yields.”

In spring, the ground should be covered with a layer of cardboard or newspapers. If the cardboard is from boxes, it needs to be cleaned of tape. The paper will not allow weeds to break through, at the same time it quickly decomposes and does not harm the earth. Many novice farmers are afraid that this will create an ideal environment for the appearance of slugs and other garden pests- but Boyarintsev is sure that uninvited guests- a temporary phenomenon.

“Within six months, the natural balance in the garden will be established. If slugs or other living creatures appear, then soon those who will eat them will come. In my garden there are mice, hedgehogs, and an owl. And that's okay. Let's say that all the neighbors have a Colorado potato beetle, but I have never had one. It flies in, leaves its offspring, but at night beetles unfamiliar to me, which during the day hide from the sun under the straw, come out of their hiding places and eat the Colorado potato beetle larvae in embryo. For 15 years, not a single leaf eaten and no chemicals,” the farmer shares his experience.

Slugs for balance

The next step is to cover the cardboard sheets with a layer of straw. The easiest way is to roll out the rolls. The height of the straw layer should be at least 20–30 cm. This is necessary so that the plantings feel great all summer. Straw provides protection from the sun. Changes in night and day temperatures provide condensation and the necessary moisture. It is necessary to take into account that the thickness and density of the covering material changes - the straw “sits” after some time to almost half its thickness. If its layer is too thick, the soil warms up slowly in the spring, so you need to calculate experimentally how much hay to put.

If strong winds often blow or the area is in a draft, then it is recommended to lightly sprinkle the straw with earth or immediately wet it thoroughly. Potatoes, strawberries, onions and carrots grow equally well in straw. The easiest way is to plant potatoes in straw.

“They say that the Cossacks used to lay potatoes on the ground and cover them with a good layer of straw. During the first years I made holes in straw. And this year I tried the Cossack style. The difference in germination was only three days, and there was much less hassle, the interlocutor recommends.

Many people are afraid of the dominance of mice. But Boyarintsev is sure that you just need to change your worldview.

“Yes, part of the crop is suffering from mice. But this is no more than 10 percent. You need to get used to sharing. And he takes it for granted. And various hedgehog snakes perfectly regulate the number of mice if they themselves are not driven out of the area, and for this, again, straw is needed so that they have somewhere to hide,” advises Boyarintsev.

To plant small seeds in straw, you need to make a groove in it, pour a row of soil there and place the seeds.

According to him, straw farming is, of course, not a panacea, but it can really save you from gardening duties. For a city person who still doesn’t give up his piece of land, this is just a gift: a huge amount of time saved without loss of productivity.
