A vortex heat generator is a new source of heat in the house. DIY vortex heat generator. Vortex heat generators

It’s rare that an owner doesn’t try to save on heating or the consumption of other benefits, which become more and more expensive every year. To make the heating system of a residential or production premises, many people resort to help various schemes and methods of obtaining thermal energy. One of the devices suitable for these purposes is a cavitation heat generator.

What is a vortex heat generator

A cavitation vortex heat generator is a simple device that can effectively heat a room while spending a minimum of money. This occurs due to the heating of water during cavitation - the formation of small steam bubbles in places where the liquid pressure decreases, which occurs either during pump operation or during sound vibrations.

A cavitation heater is capable of converting mechanical energy into thermal energy, which is actively used in industry, where heating elements can fail when working with a liquid that has a large temperature difference. Such a cavitator is an alternative for systems operating on solid fuel.

Advantages of vortex cavitation heaters:

  • Economical heating system;
  • High heating efficiency;
  • Availability;
  • Possibility to assemble with your own hands.

Disadvantages of the device:

  • At self-assembly It is quite difficult to find materials to create the device;
  • Too much power for a small room;
  • Noisy operation;
  • Considerable dimensions.

Standard design of a heat generator and its operating principle

The process of cavitation is expressed in the formation of vapor bubbles in a liquid, after which the pressure slowly decreases at high flow rates.

What can cause steam formation:

  • The occurrence of acoustics caused by sound;
  • Radiation of a laser pulse.

The closed air regions mix with water and go to a place with high pressure, where they collapse with the radiation of a shock wave.

Operating principle of the cavitation apparatus:

  • The water jet moves through the cavitator, where the pump creates water pressure, falling into the working chamber;
  • In the chambers, the fluid increases speed and pressure using various tubes of different sizes;
  • In the center of the chamber, the flows mix and cavitation appears;
  • In this case, the steam cavities remain small and do not interact with the electrodes;
  • The liquid moves to the opposite end of the chamber, from where it returns back for the next use;
  • Heating occurs due to the movement and expansion of water at the exit of the nozzle.

This is how a vortex cavitation heater works. Its device is simple, but allows you to quickly and efficiently heat the room.

Cavitation heater and its types

A cavitation heater can be of several types. To understand which generator you need, you need to understand its types.

Types of cavitation heater:

  1. Rotary– the most popular of them is the Griggs apparatus, which operates using a rotary centrifugal pump. Outwardly, it looks like a disk with holes without an exit. One such hole is called: the Griggs cell. The parameters of these cells and their number depend on the type of generator and drive speed. Water is heated between the stator and rotor through its rapid movement along the surface of the disk.
  2. Static– it does not have any rotating elements, and cavitation is created by special nozzles (Laval elements). The pump builds up water pressure, which causes it to move quickly and heat up. The nozzle outlets are narrower than the previous ones and the liquid begins to move even faster. Due to the rapid expansion of water, cavitation occurs, which ultimately produces heat.

If you choose between these two types, you should take into account that the performance of a rotary cavitator is higher and it is not as large as a static one.

True, a static heater wears out less due to the absence of rotating elements. The device can be used for up to 5 years, and if the nozzle fails, it can be easily replaced, spending much less money on it than on a heat generator in a rotary cavitator.

Economical DIY cavitation heat generator

It is quite possible to create a homemade vortex generator with cavitation if you carefully study the drawings and diagrams of the device, and also understand its operating principle. Potapov’s VTG with an efficiency of 93% is considered the easiest to create independently, the circuit of which is suitable for both home and industrial use.

Before you begin assembling the device, you should choose the right pump, based on its type, power, required thermal energy and pressure value.

Basically, all cavitation generators have a nozzle shape, which is considered the simplest and most convenient for such devices.

What is needed to create a cavitator:

  • Pressure gauges;
  • Thermometer for measuring temperature;
  • Output and inlet pipes with taps;
  • Valves for removal air jams from the heating system;
  • Thermometer sleeves.

You also need to monitor the cross-sectional size of the hole between the diffuser and the confuser. It should be approximately 8 - 15 cm, neither narrower nor wider.

Scheme for creating a cavitation generator:

  1. Pump selection– here you need to decide on the necessary parameters. The pump must be able to work with high-temperature liquids, otherwise it will quickly break down. He must also be able to create a working pressure of at least 4 atmospheres.
  2. Creation of a cavitation chamber– the main thing here is to choose the right cross-sectional size of the passage channel. The best option considered 8-15 mm.
  3. Selecting a Nozzle Configuration– it can be in the form of a cone, cylinder, or simply rounded. However, the shape is not as important as the fact that the vortex process begins as soon as the water enters the nozzle.
  4. Making a water circuit– outwardly it is a curved tube leading from the cavitation chamber. It is connected to two sleeves with a thermometer, two pressure gauges, and an air valve, which is placed between the inlet and outlet.

After creating the housing, the heat generator should be tested. To do this, the pump should be connected to electricity and the radiators to the heating system. Next comes connection to the network.

It is especially worth looking at the pressure gauge readings and setting the desired difference between the inlet and outlet of the liquid within 8-12 atmospheres.

DIY heat generator (video)

The cavitation heater is quite interesting and economical way heat the room. It is easily accessible and can be created independently if desired. To do this you need to purchase necessary materials and do everything according to the plans. And the effectiveness of the device will not take long to show itself.

Every year, the rise in heating prices forces us to look for cheaper ways to heat living space in cold season of the year. This especially applies to those houses and apartments that have a large square footage. One such saving method is vortex. It has many advantages and also allows you to save on creation. The simplicity of the design will not make it difficult to assemble even for beginners. Next, we will consider the advantages of this heating method, and also try to draw up a plan for assembling a heat generator with our own hands.

The heat generator is special device, the main purpose of which is to generate heat by burning fuel loaded into it. In this case, heat is generated, which is spent on heating the coolant, which in turn directly performs the function of heating the living space.

The first heat generators appeared on the market back in 1856, thanks to the invention of the British physicist Robert Bunsen, who, during a series of experiments, noticed that the heat generated during combustion could be directed in any direction.

Since then, generators have, of course, been modified and are capable of heating a much larger area than they were 250 years ago.

The main criterion by which generators differ from each other is the fuel they load. Depending on this, they distinguish the following types:

  1. Diesel heat generators – generate heat as a result of the combustion of diesel fuel. They are capable of heating large areas well, but it is better not to use them for the home due to the presence of toxic substances produced as a result of fuel combustion.
  2. Gas heat generators operate on the principle of continuous gas supply, burning in a special chamber which also produces heat. It is considered a completely economical option, but installation requires special permission and increased safety.
  3. Solid fuel generators are designed to resemble a conventional coal furnace, which has a combustion chamber, a compartment for soot and ash, and a heating element. Convenient for use in open areas, since their operation does not depend on weather conditions.
  4. – their operating principle is based on the process of thermal conversion, in which bubbles formed in the liquid provoke a mixed flow of phases, increasing the amount of heat generated.

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Heat installation Potapov

Potapov's heat generator is not known to the general public and has not yet been studied enough from a scientific point of view. For the first time, Yuri Semenovich Potapov dared to try to implement the idea that came to mind towards the end of the eighties of the last century. The research was carried out in the city of Chisinau. The researcher was not mistaken, and the results of the attempts exceeded all his expectations.

The finished heat generator was patented and put into use common use only at the beginning of February 2000.

All existing opinions regarding the heat generator created by Potapov differ quite greatly. Some consider it to be an almost worldwide invention; they attribute to it very high operating efficiency - up to 150%, and in some cases up to 200% energy savings. It is believed that an inexhaustible source of energy has been practically created on Earth without harmful consequences For environment. Others argue the opposite - they say that all this is quackery, and the heat generator, in fact, requires even more resources than when using its standard analogues.

According to some sources, Potapov’s developments are prohibited in Russia, Ukraine and Moldova. According to other sources, at the moment, in our country, thermogenerators of this type are produced by several dozen factories and they are sold all over the world; they have long been in demand and take prizes at various technical exhibitions.

Descriptive characteristics of the structure of the heat generator

You can imagine what Potapov’s heat generator looks like by carefully studying the diagram of its structure. Moreover, it consists of fairly standard parts, and what we are talking about will not be difficult to understand.

So, the central and most fundamental part of the Potapov heat generator is its body. It occupies a central position in the entire structure and has a cylindrical shape, it is installed vertically. A cyclone is attached to the lower part of the body, its foundation, at the end to generate vortex flows in it and increase the speed of fluid movement. Since the installation is based on high-speed phenomena, its design had to include elements that slow down the entire process for more convenient control.

For such purposes, a special braking device is attached to the body on the opposite side of the cyclone. It is also cylindrical in shape, with an axis installed in the center. Several ribs, no more than two, are attached to the axis along the radii. Following the braking device there is a bottom equipped with an outlet for liquid. Further down the line, the hole is transformed into a pipe.

These are the main elements of the heat generator, all of them are located in a vertical plane and tightly connected. Additionally, the liquid outlet pipe is equipped with a bypass pipe. They are tightly fastened and ensure contact between the two ends of the chain of main elements: that is, the pipe in the upper part is connected to the cyclone in the lower part. An additional small braking device is provided at the junction of the bypass pipe with the cyclone. An injection pipe is attached to the end part of the cyclone at a right angle to the axis of the main chain of elements of the device.

The injection pipe is provided by the design of the device for the purpose of connecting the pump with the cyclone, inlet and outlet pipelines for liquid.

Potapov heat generator prototype

Yuri Semenovich Potapov was inspired to create a heat generator by the Ranque vortex tube. The Ranque tube was invented to separate hot and cold air masses. Later, they began to put water into the Ranka pipe in order to obtain a similar result. The vortex flows originated in the so-called cochlea - the structural part of the device. During the use of the Ranque pipe, it was noticed that the water, after passing through the snail-shaped expansion of the device, changed its temperature in a positive direction.

Potapov drew attention to this unusual phenomenon, not fully substantiated from a scientific point of view, and used it to invent a heat generator with only one slight difference in the result. After the water passed through the vortex, its flows were not sharply divided into hot and cold, as happened with the air in the Ranka pipe, but into warm and hot. As a result of some measurement studies of the new development, Yuri Semenovich Potapov found out that the most energy-consuming part of the entire device - the electric pump - spends much less energy than it is generated as a result of work. This is the principle of efficiency on which the heat generator is based.

Physical phenomena on the basis of which the heat generator operates

In general, there is nothing complicated or unusual in the method of operation of Potapov’s heat generator.

The operating principle of this invention is based on the process of cavitation, hence it is also called a vortex heat generator. Cavitation is based on the formation of air bubbles in the water column, caused by the force of the vortex energy of the water flow. The formation of bubbles is always accompanied by a specific sound and the formation of a certain energy as a result of their impacts at high speed. Bubbles are cavities in water filled with vapors from the water in which they themselves formed. The liquid exerts constant pressure on the bubble; accordingly, it tends to move out of the area high pressure to the low area in order to survive. As a result, it cannot withstand the pressure and sharply contracts or “bursts,” while splashing out energy, forming a wave.

Released "explosive" energy large quantity bubbles have such power that they can destroy impressive metal constructions. It is this energy that serves as additional energy during heating. A completely closed circuit is provided for the heat generator, in which very small bubbles are formed that burst in the water column. They do not have such destructive power, but provide an increase in thermal energy of up to 80%. The circuit maintains an alternating current voltage of up to 220V, while maintaining the integrity of electrons important for the process.

As already mentioned, for the operation of a thermal installation, the formation of a “water vortex” is necessary. The built-in thermal installation a pump that generates the required level of pressure and forcefully directs it into the working container. When turbulence occurs in water, certain changes occur with mechanical energy in the thickness of the liquid. As a result, the same temperature regime. Extra Energy is created, according to Einstein, by the transition of a certain mass into the necessary heat, the whole process is accompanied by cold nuclear fusion.

Operating principle of the Potapov heat generator

To fully understand all the subtleties in the nature of the operation of a device such as a heat generator, all stages of the liquid heating process should be considered step by step.

In the heat generator system, the pump creates a pressure of 4 to 6 atm. Under the created pressure, water flows under pressure into the injection pipe connected to the flange of the running centrifugal pump. A stream of liquid rapidly rushes into the cavity of the cochlea, similar to the snail in Ranque's tube. The liquid, as in the experiment done with air, begins to rotate quickly along a curved channel to achieve the cavitation effect.

The next element that contains the heat generator and where the liquid enters is a vortex tube, at this moment the water has already reached the same character and is moving rapidly. In accordance with Potapov’s developments, the length of the vortex tube is several times greater than its width. The opposite edge of the vortex tube is already hot, and the liquid is directed there.

To reach the required point, it travels its way along a helical spiral. The helical spiral is located near the walls of the vortex tube. After a moment, the liquid reaches its destination - the hot spot of the vortex tube. This action completes the movement of liquid through the main body of the device. Next, the main braking device is structurally provided. This device is designed to partially remove hot liquid from its acquired state, that is, the flow is somewhat leveled thanks to radial plates mounted on the sleeve. The sleeve has an internal empty cavity, which is connected to a small braking device following the cyclone in the heat generator structure.

Along the walls of the braking device, the hot liquid moves closer and closer to the outlet of the device. Meanwhile, a vortex flow of withdrawn cold fluid flows through the inner cavity of the main brake device bushing towards the flow of hot liquid.

The contact time of the two flows through the walls of the sleeve is sufficient to heat the cold liquid. And now the warm flow is directed to the exit through a small braking device. Additional heating of the warm flow is carried out during its passage through the braking device under the influence of the phenomenon of cavitation. The well-heated liquid is ready to leave the small braking device through the bypass and pass through the main outlet pipe connecting the two ends of the main circuit of the elements of the thermal device.

The hot coolant is also directed to the outlet, but in the opposite direction. Let us remember that a bottom is attached to the upper part of the braking device; in the central part of the bottom there is a hole with a diameter equal to the diameter of the vortex tube.

The vortex tube, in turn, is connected by a hole in the bottom. Consequently, the hot liquid ends its movement through the vortex tube by passing into the bottom hole. The hot liquid then enters the main outlet pipe, where it mixes with the warm flow. This completes the movement of liquids through the Potapov heat generator system. At the outlet of the heater, water comes from the upper part of the outlet pipe - hot, and from the lower part - warm, in which it is mixed, ready for use. Hot water can be used either in the water supply for household needs, or as a coolant in the heating system. All stages of the heat generator operation take place in the presence of ether.

Features of using the Potapov heat generator for space heating

As you know, heated water in a Potapov thermogenerator can be used for various household purposes. It can be quite profitable and convenient to use a heat generator as a structural unit of a heating system. Based on the indicated economic parameters of the installation, no other device can compare in terms of savings.

So, when using a Potapov heat generator to heat the coolant and put it into the system, the following order is provided: the already used liquid with a lower temperature from the primary circuit again enters centrifugal pump. In turn, the centrifugal pump sends warm water through the pipe directly into the heating system.

Advantages of heat generators when used for heating

The most obvious advantage of heat generators is fairly simple maintenance, despite the possibility of free installation without requiring special permission from power grid employees. It is enough to check the rubbing parts of the device - bearings and seals - once every six months. At the same time, according to suppliers, the average guaranteed service life is up to 15 years or more.

Potapov's heat generator is completely safe and harmless to the environment and the people using it. Environmental friendliness is justified by the fact that during the operation of a cavitation heat generator, emissions of harmful products into the atmosphere from processing are eliminated natural gas, solid fuel materials and diesel fuel. They are simply not used.

The work is powered by the electrical network. The possibility of fire due to lack of contact with open flame is excluded. Additional security The instrument panel provides total control over all processes of temperature and pressure changes in the system.

Economic efficiency when heating a room with heat generators is expressed in several advantages. Firstly, there is no need to worry about the quality of water when it plays the role of a coolant. There is no need to think that it will harm the entire system just because of its poor quality. Secondly, there is no need to make financial investments in the arrangement, laying and maintenance of heating routes. Thirdly, heating water using physical laws and the use of cavitation and vortex flows completely eliminates the appearance of calcium stones on the internal walls of the installation. Fourthly, spending money on transportation, storage and purchase of previously necessary fuel materials (natural coal, solid fuel materials, petroleum products) is eliminated.

The undeniable advantage of heat generators for home use lies in their exceptional versatility. The range of applications of heat generators in everyday life is very wide:

  • as a result of passing through the system, water is transformed, structured, and pathogenic microbes die under such conditions;
  • You can water the plants with water from the heat generator, which will promote their rapid growth;
  • the heat generator is capable of heating water to a temperature above the boiling point;
  • the heat generator can work in conjunction with existing systems or be built into a new heating system;
  • the heat generator has long been used by people aware of it as the main element of the heating system in homes;
  • heat generator easily and without special costs prepares hot water for use for household needs;
  • The heat generator can heat liquids used for various purposes.

A completely unexpected advantage is that the heat generator can even be used for oil refining. Due to the uniqueness of the development, the vortex installation is capable of liquefying heavy oil samples and carrying out preparatory measures before transportation to oil refineries. All of these processes are carried out at minimal cost.

It should be noted that heat generators are capable of completely autonomous operation. That is, the intensity mode of its operation can be set independently. In addition, all designs of the Potapov heat generator are very simple to install. There is no need to involve service workers; all installation operations can be done independently.

Self-installation of a Potapov heat generator

To install a Potapov vortex heat generator with your own hands as the main element of the heating system, you need quite a few tools and materials. This is provided that the wiring of the heating system itself is already ready, that is, the registers are suspended under the windows and connected to each other by pipes. All that remains is to connect the device that supplies hot coolant. You need to prepare:

  • clamps - for a tight connection between the system pipes and the heat generator pipes, the types of connections will depend on the pipe materials used;
  • tools for cold or hot welding- when using pipes on both sides;
  • sealant for sealing joints;
  • pliers for tightening clamps.

When installing the heat generator, diagonal pipe routing is provided, that is, in the direction of travel, the hot coolant will be supplied to the upper branch pipe of the battery, pass through it, and the cooling coolant will come out of the opposite lower branch pipe.

Immediately before installing the heat generator, you must ensure that all its elements are intact and in good working order. Then, using the chosen method, you need to connect the water supply pipe to the supply pipe to the system. Do the same with the outlet pipes - connect the corresponding ones. Then you should take care of connecting the necessary control devices to the heating system:

  • safety valve to maintain normal system pressure;
  • circulation pump to force fluid movement through the system.

Afterwards, the heat generator is connected to a 220V power supply, and the system is filled with water with the air valves open.

To heat private houses and apartments, autonomous generators are often used. We propose to consider what an induction vortex heat generator is, its operating principle, how to make a device with your own hands, as well as drawings of the devices.

Description of the generator

Exist different types vortex heat generators are mainly distinguished by their shape. Previously, only tubular models were used; now round, asymmetrical or oval ones are actively used. It should be noted that this small device can provide completely heating system, and with the right approach also hot water supply.

Photo – Vortex type mini heat generator

Vortex and hydro-vortex heat generator is a mechanical device, which separates the compressed gas from its hot and cold streams. The air coming out of the “hot” end can reach a temperature of 200 ° C, and from the cold end it can reach -50. It should be noted that the main advantage of such a generator is that it electrical device has no moving parts, everything is permanently fixed. Pipes are most often made of stainless alloy steel, which has excellent resistance to high temperatures and external destructive factors (pressure, corrosion, shock loads).

Photo – Vortex heat generator

The compressed gas is blown tangentially into the vortex chamber, after which it is accelerated to high speed rotation. Due to the conical nozzle at the end of the outlet pipe, only the "incoming" portion of the compressed gas is allowed to flow in a given direction. The rest is forced to return to the internal vortex, which is smaller in diameter than the outer one.

Where are they used? vortex heat generators energy:

  1. In refrigeration units;
  2. To provide heating for residential buildings;
  3. For heating industrial premises;

It must be taken into account that the vortex gas and hydraulic generator has lower efficiency than traditional air conditioning equipment. They are widely used for low-cost spot cooling when compressed air from a local heating network is available.

Video: studying vortex heat generators

Operating principle

There are various explanations for the causes vortex effect rotation at complete absence movement and magnetic fields.

Photo – Scheme of a vortex heat generator

IN in this case, the gas acts as a body of rotation due to its rapid movement inside the device. This operating principle differs from the generally accepted standard, where cold and hot air flow separately, because when flows are combined, according to the laws of physics, different pressures are formed, which in our case causes a vortex movement of gases.

Due to the presence of centrifugal force, the air temperature at the outlet is much higher than its inlet temperature, this allows the devices to be used both for heat generation and for effective cooling.

There is another theory of the principle of operation of the heat generator, due to the fact that both vortices rotate with the same angular velocity and direction, the internal vortex angle loses its angular momentum. The decrease in torque transfers kinetic energy to the external vortex, resulting in the formation of separated flows of hot and cold gas. This operating principle is a complete analogue of the Peltier effect, in which the device uses electrical energy pressure (voltage) to move heat to one side of a dissimilar metal junction, causing the other side to cool and the energy consumed to return to the source.

Photo - Operating principle of the hydrotype generator

Advantages of a vortex heat generator:

  • Provides a significant (up to 200 º C) temperature difference between “cold” and “hot” gas, works even at low inlet pressure;
  • Operates with efficiency up to 92%, does not require forced cooling;
  • Converts the entire inlet flow into one cooling flow. Thanks to this, the possibility of overheating of heating systems is practically eliminated
  • The energy generated in a vortex tube in a single flow is used, which contributes to the efficient heating of natural gas with minimal heat loss;
  • Provides effective separation of the vortex temperature of the inlet gas at atmospheric pressure and outlet gas at negative pressure.

This alternative heating at almost zero cost, the volt perfectly heats the room from 100 square meters(depending on modification). Main disadvantages: This is high cost and rarely used in practice.

How to make a heat generator with your own hands

Vortex heat generators are very complex devices; in practice, you can make an automatic Potapov VTG, the circuit of which is suitable for both home and industrial work.

Photo – Potapov vortex heat generator

This is how Potapov’s mechanical heat generator (efficiency 93%) appeared, the diagram of which is shown in the figure. Despite the fact that Nikolai Petrakov was the first to receive a patent, it is Potapov’s device that enjoys particular success among home craftsmen.

This diagram shows the design of a vortex generator. Mixing pipe 1 is connected to the pressure pump by a flange, which in turn supplies liquid with a pressure of 4 to 6 atmospheres. When water enters the collector, in drawing 2, a vortex is formed and it is fed into a special vortex tube (3), which is designed so that the length is 10 times greater than the diameter. A vortex of water moves along a spiral pipe near the walls to the hot nozzle. This end ends with bottom 4, in the center of which there is a special hole for exit hot water.

To control the flow, a special braking device, or water flow straightener 5, is located in front of the bottom; it consists of several rows of plates that are welded to the sleeve in the center. The sleeve is coaxial with tube 3. At the moment when water moves through the pipe to the rectifier along the walls, a countercurrent flow is formed in the axial section. Here the water moves towards fitting 6, which is embedded in the wall of the volute and the liquid supply pipe. Here the manufacturer installed another 7 disk flow straightener to control the flow cold water. If heat comes out of the liquid, it is directed through a special bypass 8 to the hot end 9, where the water is mixed with the heated water using the mixer 5.

Directly from the hot water pipe, the liquid flows into the radiators, after which it makes a “circle” and returns to the coolant for reheating. Next, the source heats the liquid, the pump repeats the circle.

According to this theory, there are even modifications of the heat generator for serial production low pressure. Unfortunately, the projects are only good on paper; in reality, few people use them, especially considering that the calculation is carried out using the Virial theorem, which must take into account the energy of the Sun (a non-constant value) and the centrifugal force in the pipe.

The formula is as follows:

Epot = – 2 Ekin

Where Ekin = mV2/2 is the kinetic movement of the Sun;

The mass of the planet is m, kg.

A household vortex-type heat generator for Potapov water may have the following specifications:

Photo – Modifications of vortex heat generators

Price overview

Despite their relative simplicity, it is often easier to buy vortex cavitation heat generators than to assemble them yourself homemade device. Sales of new generation generators are carried out in many large cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Let's look at the price list from open sources (mini-devices will be cheaper), how much the Mustafaev, Bolotov and Potapov generator costs:

Most low price for a vortex energy heat generator of the brands Akoil, Vita, Graviton, Must, Euroalliance, Yusmar, NTK, in Izhevsk, for example, about 700,000 rubles. When purchasing, be sure to check the device passport and quality certificates.

When it comes to heating systems and devices for heating a residential building, many opinions immediately arise.

Some say it's better gas heating nothing exists, others prove its effectiveness, others cannot get enough of it. Undoubtedly, all types of heating have their advantages, but we would like to draw attention to heating a home with electricity.

The main advantage of this type of heating is ease of use: there is no need to store fuel and constantly clean the equipment from combustion products. Some skeptics, reading these lines, may reasonably remark: what about the constant rise in price of electricity? Where does the efficiency go then? electrical equipment for heating?

We can safely answer: recently the vortex induction heater, which is created on the basis of advanced modern technologies. It is also worth noting that the costs of this type electric heating significantly reduced. (Read about the features of induction heating).

Therefore, in this article we will describe in detail what a vortex induction heater (abbreviated as VIN) is, and also describe all its advantages and disadvantages.


A vortex induction heater is a device that uses the energy of an electromagnetic field to heat the coolant.

In other words, VIN converts this type of energy into heat.

This type of induction boiler consists of the following structural parts:

  1. The heating element is usually presented in the form metal pipe, which is placed in an electromagnetic field.
  2. An inductor, which is a generator of an electromagnetic field. It is usually presented in the form of a cylinder consisting of turns copper wire.
  3. Alternator. This node is responsible for converting conventional electricity into high-frequency current.

Working principle of VIN

The principle of induction heating Algorithm for the functioning of the vortex induction heater consists of the following sequential actions:

  • the generator generates a high-frequency current and supplies it to the inductor;
  • the inductor, receiving this current, creates an electromagnetic field near the cylindrical coil;
  • the heating element, which is located inside a coil of copper wire, is heated by eddy currents that are created by an electromagnetic field;
  • coolant that is inside heating element, simultaneously heats up and is directly supplied to the heating radiators.

Important fact: the entire VIN operation process occurs with virtually no energy losses.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to reviews from VIN owners, the use of a heater of this type has whole line advantages, which include the following important points:

To make the advantages of this type of boiler more convincing, let us give as an example the technical characteristics of the heater model VIN-15:

It’s hard not to agree that these are quite positive characteristics of the boiler of this model.

The main negative aspects of using a vortex induction heater include the following:

  • the electromagnetic field heats not only the heat exchanger, but also all surrounding objects, including human tissue;
  • Important point: A person should not stay near an induction heater for a long time!

  • if a ferromagnetic product is in the field of action of the electromagnetic field, this will inevitably lead to overheating of the boiler due to additional magnetization;
  • a high level of heat transfer creates a risk of VIN detonation due to overheating.

Expert advice: To prevent detonation, you can additionally install a pressure sensor.

As you can see, the disadvantages of an induction boiler are much less than the advantages. They can be reduced if you follow the above recommendations. In this article, we have detailed all aspects of using a vortex induction heater. We hope that our information will help you when installing VIN in your home.

Watch the video, which shows the operating features of the VIN vortex induction heater, as well as reviews of this equipment: