We plant kiwi from seeds at home. The minimum requirement is to apply fertilizer three times. Does kiwi need additional watering?

Exotic plant Kiwi can be grown in a city apartment on a windowsill or in a country house on your own. Actinidia cultivation is very exciting process. By doing simple rules agricultural technology, you can get kiwi from tiny seeds that are inside the fruit. If you meet certain requirements and create necessary conditions, then from a small seed a strong, fruit-bearing vine will grow, even on a windowsill.

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    The process of growing in an apartment

    To grow kiwi at home, you must first choose the right planting material. A well-ripened fruit without any defects is selected for planting. Best time Spring is the time to cultivate this crop at home. You can plant and grow kiwi in an apartment from a seed.

    The fruit is washed well warm water and cut into slices. The pulp is gently kneaded and then placed in a plate of water. The consistency is thoroughly mixed by adding fresh water. Wash the pulp until the seeds separate. As a result, only seeds should float on the surface of the water.

    After this, they are laid out on dry gauze to dry. When the planting material becomes free-flowing, it is transferred to a damp cloth in a plate and covered with a cloth on top. Kiwi seeds must be constantly moistened. To make them hatch faster, the plate can be covered with a transparent film on top.

    In about two weeks the seeds will germinate. Now all that remains is to plant them in the ground. But before this, it is necessary to steam the soil to disinfect it. Growing kiwi indoors from seeds is a rather labor-intensive process, but very exciting.

    Seeds sprouted on damp cloth are planted in pots, planted to a depth of about 5 mm. After sowing, the soil is watered and the pot is covered with transparent film. Pots should be kept warm and bright room. Flowerpots should not be placed in direct sunlight. In just a few days the first shoots will appear. At this moment the kiwi is watered again room temperature and remove all weak shoots, leaving only strong plants.

    When the kiwi sprouts reach a height of 10 cm, they are planted in more spacious individual pots. In just a few years, young seedlings will be able to be grafted with any variety of kiwi.

    Soil requirements

    To grow kiwi indoors, you can buy ready-made soil at a flower shop, or you can make a soil mixture yourself.

    Detailed description of mixing soil for actinidia:

    • part of the humus;
    • part of the turf;
    • part of river sand;
    • part of the peat.

    Subtleties of care

    When growing actinidia in an apartment, a florist should take into account that this plant is dioecious. This means that male and female specimens are needed for fruiting.

    The only exception to this rule is the Jenny variety.


    This vine comes from the humid tropics, so it does not tolerate dry soil at all. That's why main care for the plant - this is timely watering. It is necessary to ensure that the soil in the pot is always moist.

    But when watering the vine, you need to take into account that it does not tolerate excess moisture. If water stagnates at the roots, they will rot and the plant will die.


    In warm regions, the plant thrives in open ground. In the middle zone, actinidia can be taken out to the balcony for the summer. Liana does not tolerate cold weather, so you need to monitor the air temperature. Kiwi grows well at temperatures of about 20-24 degrees.

    A sharp drop in temperature will be detrimental to the vine. Therefore, before the start of the autumn cooling, it must be brought into the house.


    In order for the seedling vine to be strong and healthy, it is necessary to apply fertilizing. Kiwi loves organics very much. You can feed the plant with well-fermented bird droppings or manure.

    Preparation of a solution for fertilizers:

    1. 1. Pour 0.5 liters of dry bird droppings into 10 liters of warm water.
    2. 2. Cover the container with fertilizer and leave for 10 days.
    3. 3. The fertilizer should be mixed every day.
    4. 4. When the droppings have fermented, 0.5 liters of solution is diluted with 10 liters of water.
    5. 5. The resulting liquid fertilizer is fed to the kiwi.

    The first fertilizing is applied in early spring, adding 0.5 liters of solution under the bush. It is enough to do this three times at intervals of two weeks.

    It is very important not to fertilize kiwi while the fruits are setting and ripening, as they may fall off.

    Growing in the garden

    Actinidia can be grown not only indoors, but also in the country or in the garden. Many varieties have long been bred that grow well in open ground and can withstand temperatures as low as -30 degrees. Kiwi can be successfully grown even in the Moscow region.

    The best time to plant kiwi seedlings in open ground is spring and summer. If planting is carried out in the summer, then actinidia needs to be shaded. After planting, the plants are watered abundantly throughout the season.

    Seedlings that have not yet reached the age of three years can be planted in the fall. As a rule, in the Moscow region it is September. It is important that the vine has time to take root in a new place before frost. Kiwis are planted in open ground in such a way that for every 10 female specimens there is one male.

    The culture is very fond of soil with an acidic reaction. Not at all suitable for growing actinidia clay soil. It is ideal if the vine is planted on a hill where there is no stagnation of groundwater. A low-lying place is not suitable for planting actinidia.

    It is necessary to follow the agricultural technology of planting kiwi in open ground. First, planting holes are dug on the bayonet of a shovel at a distance of 30 cm in a row. You need to make drainage at the bottom. Vermiculite or crushed red brick or crushed stone can be used as drainage. The seedling is lowered into the hole and covered with earth, compacted and watered. It is imperative to mulch the plantings, which will delay the evaporation of moisture.

    For good growth and rapid development, kiwi should be carefully looked after - watered on time, weeded and loosened the soil around the roots.

    To grow such a vigorous vine as kiwi, you definitely need support. You can plant plants next to a wall or fence. Do not plant on a metal support, as the plant will freeze in winter. The main thing is that the support can support the weight of the vine.

Kiwi can be grown in open ground only in the subtropical zone. The recommendations given in the article will be useful to residents of warm regions, as well as to those who want to settle useful plant in a home greenhouse.

Growing kiwi

In the wild, you can only find the ancestor of the kiwi - the mikhutao liana (actinidia chinensis). It is inferior to its “brainchild” both in the size of the berries and in their taste qualities. Kiwi like the new kind actinidia, was developed by New Zealand amateur gardener Alexander Ellison, who spent no less than 30 years on it. With proper care, kiwi can live for more than forty years, and a properly grafted plant begins to bear fruit already at third-fourth year after planting (peak fruiting occurs in the seventh year).

This is important to know

Like most actinidia, it is a dioecious plant, so it is necessary to correctly select and place pollinating varieties on the site (with mandatory consideration of the varietal composition). In flat areas, it is enough to plant one pollinator plant for every 5-8 “female” plants.

Choosing a site for planting kiwi

When choosing a site for planting kiwi, you should give preference well-lit places protected from the wind. Preference for highly fertile, permeable, loose, drained and non-carbonate soils. Ideal level acidity: pH 4.5-6. Not suitable for growing kiwi clayey and heavy soils, as well as areas of land with a high calcium content.

Preliminary site preparation

Preparing the soil for planting kiwi consists of digging, destroying weeds, and also applying mineral and organic fertilizers. Manure or compost is added for digging at the rate 1 t per hundred square meters. It is highly advisable to think in advance about the placement of supports for vines - trellis wire with a diameter of at least 5 mm is usually stretched even before planting (the number of supports should correspond number of seedlings).

Kiwi propagation methods

Kiwi can be grown from seeds, or can be used for this vegetative method(cuttings, layering, grafting). The seeds are extracted from fully ripened berries - their washed and stratified, keeping in wet sand for 15-20 days at a temperature of +10 ... +20 ° C. After this temperature regime reduced to +4... +5 ° C and left in such conditions for another couple of weeks. Sow seeds mixed with sand in a layer nutrient substrate. The crops are covered with glass and left in a warm, well-lit place. During the germination process, maintain soil moisture and glass daily wipe and turn over. It is worth remembering that plants grown from seeds do not retain varietal properties.

With the vegetative growing method, they most often use green cuttings, prepared from reproductive and vegetative shoots during summer pruning plants. Cuttings with a pair of buds are cut with sharp pruning shears. The bottom cut is made at an angle of 45 degrees, and the upper one (1 cm above the upper bud) is left flat. The cuttings are placed in a bowl filled 4–5 cm with water at room temperature, covered dampened paper and leave for 24 hours.

To root cuttings, use a thirty-centimeter layer of peat (pH 4.0 – 5.6). It is extremely important that the greenhouse is equipped fogging unit. Planting is carried out vertically, planting depth is 1.5-3 cm, a distance of 5-7 cm is left between cuttings. During the rooting period, maintain high humidity air(95-100%). The air temperature should be 3-5 °C lower than the substrate temperature.

Planting kiwi

Kiwi seedlings are planted on permanent place still in early spring. Planting pits They dig them up a couple of days before planting, placing them between pre-installed support posts. The dimensions of the pits directly depend on the type of soil: on light soils they are 40x40x40 cm, and on loamy soils - 60x60x60 cm.

The holes are filling peat manure or straw-manure compost, mixed with topsoil(1:1). A mound 15–20 cm high is made from the resulting soil mixture, the seedlings are removed from the container, the roots are carefully straightened, and the tips of the roots are trimmed, if necessary, with sharp pruning shears. The root collar is left at soil level or raised a couple of centimeters. First they plant male pollinating varieties and then comes the turn female plants. After planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly, avoiding stagnation of moisture. The plants are pruned, leaving a shoot with three well-developed buds, after which they are tied to supports.

Rules for caring for kiwi

Plants are pruned in late autumn, leaving the most powerful and healthy shoots. During the period of plant growth, much attention is paid to getting rid of weeds. Since kiwi bears fruit annually and produces good yields, the plantings should be fed annually, compensating for removal from the soil nutrients. Organic fertilizers most often begin to be applied at second-fourth year life of the plant, and minerals (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) are used immediately. The best organic fertilizer compost is considered - it is prepared 6 months before application, using manure or bird droppings, as well as straw, sawdust, peat, plant residues. Plants are fertilized with organic matter at the end of autumn, applying the fertilizer to a depth of 5-7 cm and mulching with mowed grass. Watering is carried out as needed, avoiding both drying out of the soil and stagnation of water in the tree trunks.

Growing kiwi is not so difficult; the main and almost the only condition for success is the presence of suitable climatic conditions.

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Kiwi or Chinese actinidia (Actinidia chinensis) is tree vine, which is in natural conditions grows in subtropical areas. Fruit of this plant represent quite large berries with thin, slightly pubescent skin. Their flesh is green in color pleasant aroma and sour-sweet taste.

China is considered the birthplace of Actinidia chinensis, and its first cultivars were developed in New Zealand in the second half of the twentieth century. Currently, kiwi cultivation in room conditions It’s not particularly difficult, the main thing is to learn the technology from the beginning.

Features of growing kiwi at home

In order to get a well-developed and abundantly fruiting plant at home, you need to know how to grow kiwi and provide it with comfortable conditions life activity. Planting is recommended in the spring.

The soil

The soil for planting kiwi seeds must have a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. Ready-made substrates include a soil mixture for citrus crops.

If you make the soil yourself, it is recommended to use the following options:

  • turf soil - 2 parts, leaf soil - 1 part, humus - 1 part, coarse sand - 1 part;
  • turf soil - 3 parts, leaf soil - 2 parts, peat - 1 part, perlite - 1 part.

Conditions for flowering

In order for the plant to bloom, you must carefully follow the rules of planting and further care.

Cross-pollination is necessary to obtain fruits.

In this case, in the third or fourth year of growth, white flowers will appear on the kiwi, which gradually turn yellow as they grow. The plants produce female and male specimens, so cross-pollination will be required to obtain fruits indoors.


Kiwi is a light-loving plant. Therefore, for its growth you need to choose a well-lit place, preferably in the southern part of the room. In this case, the plant should be protected from direct sunlight to avoid burns. To do this, it is necessary to create artificial shading in especially hot times.

Important! When choosing a place to grow kiwi, you need to know that when proper care it grows strongly, forming a powerful vine. Therefore, you need to prepare a fairly spacious room for it.

Selection of planting material

To grow kiwi from seeds, you need to choose a large, well-ripened fruit. There should be no traces of rot or any mechanical damage on it. It must be thoroughly washed, dried, cut into two halves and the required number of seeds extracted.

Kiwi seeds are very small

Planting kiwi and care at home

To obtain strong healthy seedlings, you should pay attention Special attention preparing and planting seeds, as well as further proper care of young plants.

Seed preparation

You need to carefully remove the pulp from the cut fruit and place it in a container with water. After this, stir with a spoon or knead with your hands. The water should be changed periodically until the seeds are completely cleaned. After this, they need to be laid out on a dry cloth and dried.

Next, take a small plate and cover it with damp cotton wool, place the seeds on it and cover it with polyethylene on top. The container should be placed in a warm, well-lit place. The film must be removed daily for several hours to ventilate and moisten the seeds. The appearance of sprouts should be expected within a week, after which planting can be done.

Planting germinated seeds

To plant seeds, you need to use shallow pots. A good layer of drainage should be poured onto the bottom, and pre-prepared, sterilized soil should be placed on top of it. Make holes in it no more than 5 millimeters deep, plant seed material, sprinkle it with a thin layer of soil and lightly moisten it.

After emergence of seedlings, the weakest ones need to be removed

Cover the containers with plastic wrap and place them in a warm and bright room. The cover should be removed daily to ventilate the plantings and water if necessary. After the sprouts appear, you need to remove the weakest ones.

Planting dry seeds

In the same way as sprouted seeds, you can plant dry ones. But in this case, seedlings will need to wait a little longer. In the future, similar care is carried out for the emerging sprouts.


After about a month, several true leaves should form on the plants. At this time, you need to pick, planting the seedlings in separate small pots. Since kiwi has a very delicate, superficial root system, seedlings must be removed from a common container very carefully. Damage to the roots can lead to plant death.

Young kiwis should grow in separate containers

Top dressing

When transplanting kiwi into individual containers, it is recommended to add no a large number of compost. In the future, from the beginning of spring until the end of summer, you need to fertilize the plants with complex mineral fertilizers every 2 weeks.


Kiwi is a moisture-loving plant, so during the growing season, watering should be regular and frequent. The soil should remain moist at all times, but avoid overwatering, which can lead to rotting of the root system. . The pot should have drainage holes, and excess water from the trays should be drained regularly. In particularly hot times, in addition to watering, plants require daily spraying.

Important! Starting in autumn, it is necessary to moisten the soil only as needed after its top layer has completely dried.

Why a plant may die - possible reasons

Kiwi needs careful care

Kiwi can die if the rules of care are not followed. The reasons may be:

  • insufficient or excessive watering;
  • low lighting;
  • a lack of nutrients in the soil as a result of lack of timely fertilizing;
  • infection by fungal diseases and pests ( spider mite, scale insects, aphids and others).

In order to prevent the death of plants, you need to follow the rules of their maintenance and regularly carry out preventive inspections.

If fungal diseases are detected that lead to decay of both the root system and the above-ground part, you should:

  • remove affected leaves and parts of the stem;
  • If possible, remove the plants from the pot, wash the roots and cut off the rotten ones;
  • transplant kiwi into clean soil;
  • Spray and shed the soil with a fungicide solution.

If pests appear on kiwi, then you need to:

  • trim off wilted and dried leaves;
  • wash all parts of the plant with a solution of household or;
  • spray the kiwi with an infusion of garlic, onion, tobacco or wormwood; if this does not help, then spray with an insecticide.

Important! Cats love to eat kiwi foliage, and even the roots of the plant. Therefore, if you have pets in the apartment, it is recommended to wrap the pots with netting to avoid its destruction.

Propagation by seedlings and cuttings

Kiwi can be propagated by seeds and cuttings

Kiwi can be grown not only from seeds, but also using cuttings and seedlings. For propagation by cuttings, semi-lignified or lignified cuttings are used, which must have at least 3 buds. The lower edge is cut diagonally under the lower bud, and 1 centimeter is left above the upper one.

Then the planting material is placed in a container of water, to which a growth stimulator is added for at least 12 hours. After this, boxes for seedlings are prepared, a drainage layer is poured onto the bottom, and a mixture of equal parts of peat and sand is placed on it. The cuttings are planted in a container, moistened, covered glass jars and sent to a warm, well-lit room.

Every day the cover is removed and the seedlings are sprayed and watered as necessary. After about a month, the cuttings form a fairly developed root system. At this time, they can be planted in individual pots with a good drainage layer and soil mixture.

Propagation by seedlings is carried out using root suckers. They are simply carefully separated from the mother plant so that the roots remain on them. The resulting planting material is planted in small pots with nutritious soil and water it. As a rule, seedlings take root very quickly.

How to get a good kiwi harvest at home

In order to receive good harvest kiwi, the plant should be provided with comfortable conditions close to those in which it grows in the wild. As mentioned above, he needs good lighting, regular watering and proper fertilizing.

With proper care, kiwi bears fruit well at home

In addition, you need to make supports along which the growing vines will rise up. In order for plants to branch better, it is necessary to carry out regular pinching. And, of course, in order to produce fruits at home, cross-pollination of male and female flowers is required.

Kiwi is exotic tropical plant. Nevertheless, it grows well in ordinary city apartments, and with proper care it even bears not only tasty, but also healthy fruits.

We invite you to get acquainted with the nuances of growing kiwi at home. Enjoy watching!

Almost every gardener, both an ordinary amateur and an experienced professional, one day decides to grow various fruit-bearing crops. These include coffee, citrus fruits, vines, etc. And many of this “caste” are wondering how to grow kiwi in their apartment?

There's really nothing difficult about it. True, you will need to strictly follow certain recommendations. For example, not everyone knows that kiwi is a fruit-bearing vine, otherwise known as Chinese gooseberry. Accordingly, to obtain fruits, the cultivation of 2 varieties of plants (female and male) is required. This is the only way to hope to get results in the form of fragrant, tasty fruits.

Main requirements for cultivation

Despite the simplicity of the process of growing kiwi at home, it is still necessary to follow certain rules, which include patience, care and accuracy. The majority of gardeners use the following options for growing kiwi:

  • seeds;
  • adventitious buds of the rhizome;
  • cuttings.

Each of the listed methods has its own subtleties, pros and cons, which will be discussed below. However, there are basic requirements for growing kiwifruit. Not everyone knows that this plant is a distant relative of grapes. For this reason, an identical growing method is used here.

The plant in question belongs to the light and heat-loving crops. In other words, the kiwi pot should be installed in a place with excellent lighting, where there are absolutely no drafts. At the same time, we must not forget that kiwi leaves can get serious burns from strong sunlight. This means that the light must hit the plant at an angle.

The most optimal thing is artificial lighting, located vertically. At different stages of kiwi development, the plant pot will need to be turned clockwise. This procedure should be done once every 2 weeks. Thanks to this, the crop will become straight, with a uniform and dense crown.
As noted at the very beginning, kiwi is a dioecious plant. In other words, to get fruit you need to have a pair of females and one male plant. When a crop is grown through seeds, about 80% of the plants are male. For this reason, there should be as many seeds as possible.

The process of growing kiwi at home

So how to grow kiwi at home yourself? The optimal process of growing kiwi should begin with the onset of the first days of spring. This moment is perhaps the most crucial; for this reason, you should not delay sowing. We must not forget the fact that the described culture grows in areas with warm, long summers. Therefore, it is necessary to create the most favorable growing conditions for kiwi.

More often experienced flower growers They begin the process of growing kiwifruit with preliminary preparation of the required components. Below we will describe in as much detail as possible the main phases of growing the described plant at home.

Preparing the required components

In order for the process of growing kiwi to start correctly, you need to stock up in advance:

  • one ripe kiwi;
  • neutral or slightly acidic soil, specially used for citrus plants;
  • sifted river sand;
  • mini-greenhouse (replaced with PET film);
  • fine expanded clay as drainage.

Purchased soil can be replaced with a self-prepared soil mixture. It should consist of chernozem soil, sand and peat (in equal quantities). When picking seedlings in a pot, the resulting soil mixture will also be useful, although the volume of peat in it should be reduced.

Seed preparation

Take a well-ripened kiwi and cut it into equal halves. One part can be eaten, while about 20-25 seeds should be extracted from the other. The seeds must be cleared of pulp, otherwise they may rot in the soil. This procedure must be done as carefully as possible, otherwise the seed shell may be damaged.

To somehow simplify the procedure, you can place the seeds in water, stir thoroughly and let it sit for a while. This procedure should be repeated 2-3 times. This will greatly reduce the risk of seed rotting. Then the seeds are laid out on a napkin to dry for 3-4 hours. Below we will continue to consider the question of how to grow a kiwi plant at home.

Germinating kiwi seeds

To obtain seeds High Quality the following sequence should be followed:

  • a piece of cotton wool is placed in the saucer and watered boiled water. The volume of water used should completely saturate a piece of cotton wool, but not fill the entire saucer;
  • the container used is covered with a piece of film, after which it is placed in the most illuminated place in the room;
  • In the evening of each day, the film is removed, and in the morning it is put back in place with the simultaneous addition of a small volume of water. Those. the cotton wool must be damp all the time;
  • After about 1 week, after the first shoots appear, the seeds should be planted in prepared soil.

After this, you can move on to the next phase.

Transplanting seeds into the ground

The composition of the soil should be exactly the same as described in one of the above paragraphs of the article. Ready mix poured into a pot or other container. In this case, the bottom should be covered in advance with fine expanded clay, acting as drainage. It is necessary to make small holes in the ground, no more than 1 centimeter deep. Sprouted seeds are placed in the prepared holes and then covered with soil, without compaction.

The container used must be covered with film or glass and placed in the warmest place. You can also put pots in a mini-greenhouse. Now you need to water the soil every day. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, otherwise the sprouts will die. For watering, you can use a regular spray bottle, or you can simply place the containers on trays with water poured into them.

It should be remembered that after the first sprouts appear, they need to be gradually accustomed to fresh, open air. For this purpose, you should remove the film or glass every day, gradually increasing the ventilation intervals.


After 1 week after planting the seeds, when the seedlings have already acquired several true leaves, it is necessary to pick. This procedure involves transplanting crops into separate containers. During this phase, the soil composition should be represented by a smaller volume of peat, while there should be more black soil.

When performing the described action, you need to work as carefully as possible, since the root system of the plant is very fragile. In addition, the roots are located close to the surface, which can lead to damage. Continuing to consider the topic of how to grow kiwi at home, we will answer a logical question - why do you need to replant the plant?

This is due to the fact that the described culture has rather wide leaves, which can subsequently shade each other. All this can negatively affect the further growth and fruiting of the crop.

Further care

In order to create conditions more similar to natural ones, several rules should be followed. These include:

  • Uniform watering of the kiwi must be ensured, because the earth should not dry out;
  • the upper part of the kiwi should be pinched periodically to stimulate the formation of lateral shoots;
  • ensuring long-term daylight hours by placing a pot with a plant on the south side of the room or by artificial lighting;
  • you need to feed the crop annually. For this purpose, you can use vermicompost or compost.

In addition to all of the above, in summer period should be entered mineral fertilizers complex type. This procedure needs to be carried out every 7-10 days.

Specifics of the vegetative propagation method

To obtain kiwi seedlings, you must use the method described above. True, there is one nuance here. Seeds should be sown in January. After 2 years, a kiwi of some kind is grafted onto the grown and strengthened seedling.

Vaccination can be done in the following ways:

  • budding;
  • splitting using a green cutting;
  • splitting by means of a lignified cutting.

After this, the plant is planted in previously prepared soil. If grown at home, the container for planting should be spacious and deep. This is necessary for the full development of the root system.

In addition to the described method, seedlings can be obtained from shortened cuttings. True, there is only one such option significant drawback- at home growing very low germination percentage. Otherwise, caring for the crop is the same when growing it from seeds.

Increasing kiwi yield

In conclusion, considering the topic of how to grow kiwi culture yourself, it is necessary to add - in order final result pleased a bountiful harvest, first you need to correctly place the kiwi in the room. Since the plant needs large space, it is best to grow it on an insulated balcony. In addition, you need to install supports that will allow the plant to rise.

To get any fruit at all, you need to take care of the pollination process. Under natural conditions, this function is performed by insects. At home, this procedure falls on the shoulders of the grower.
In autumn you need to prune old shoots, i.e. Fruiting branches are best removed. This will not only make room for new shoots, but will also allow the crop to bear fruit for several years.

How to grow kiwi at home. Master class + video

The best time to sow kiwi is from March to May. You need to choose the most ripe kiwi in the store. The fruit should be soft, smooth and without blemishes.

Wash the fruit and cut it into several parts. Gently mash the kiwi pulp. Throw the resulting slurry into a glass of warm water, stir, and let it sit for a while.

Rinse repeatedly - and then the pulp will go away, and the seeds will remain floating on the surface. Kiwi seeds should be placed on a napkin. After 2-4 hours they will already dry out. Wrap the seeds in cotton wool or cloth and place in a saucer. Add some hot water- it should saturate the material well, but not spill out when the container is tilted. Cover the seeds with film and place in a warm place. sunny place. At night, it is better to open the film slightly or remove it altogether. In the morning, add the required amount of water. After 7-10 days, the kiwi seeds should hatch.

Take flower pot and pour a little expanded clay onto its bottom. It is better to take ready-made soil, intended for tropical vines. Keep it in a water bath for two hours. Place 2-3 seeds in holes 5-10 mm deep. Lightly sprinkle them with soil, pour water at room temperature and cover tightly with film. Place the tray in a warm, sunny place. In 3-6 days the first shoots will appear. It is better to start getting rid of unpromising and unnecessary sprouts already at this stage. Water moderately and only with settled water. In winter, the growth of kiwi shoots slows down, and it is enough to water them 2-3 times a month. During the growing season (spring and summer), plants require more moisture, so you need to water more often - 2 times a week. In addition, in the hot summer, kiwi needs to be sprayed.

Don't forget to thin out the plants, otherwise they will interfere with each other. In the early stages, you can simply pull them out of the ground. A little later, this will no longer be possible, since the root system of kiwi develops quite quickly. The most the right option there will be cutting off of unnecessary sprouts. When the plants reach a height of 10-12 cm, transplant them into separate trays. If this is not done, their development will slow down. IN favorable conditions Kiwi from seeds begins to bloom and bear fruit in the third or fourth year.

It turns out that kiwi can already be grown not only in an apartment, but also in your dacha. Domestic breeders, having grown frost-resistant varieties, are already doing this, getting, by the way, good harvest. There are several videos about this