Ammonia, aqueous ammonia, use in the garden. Ammonia for strawberries: application features, reviews. Ammonia for the garden and vegetable garden

Aphids, otherwise known as plant louse, have a very detrimental effect on almost all plantings.

If plants are affected by these sucking pests, they stop growing, become weakened, and often die. For this reason, even if the initial symptoms of damage are detected, it is necessary to take urgent measures to destroy them.

The pests are quite small in size; an adult reaches only 2 mm in length. There are a huge number of their species in nature; pests can live on various crops different colors, from green to black.

Using ammonia in the country

Control pests in country houses and garden plots possible in all possible ways folk ways, one of them is ammonia.

It can significantly improve the life of amateur gardeners, because in addition to its toxic effects on plant lice, it has a beneficial effect on plants in the form of fertilizer.

If necessary, treat with the resulting solution, you can get rid of it, it will not harm them.

Ammonia as a source of nitrogen for plants

It is enough to remember that ammonia is a nitrogen compound, this indicates that it is an excellent source of nitrogen. Everyone knows that when there is a lack of nitrogen, plants' leaves turn yellow and wither; when there is a lack of nitrogen, chlorophyll is not formed.

The fertilizer is prepared in this way: in 10 liters. water diluted with 3 tbsp. l. alcohol and water under the root.

The ammonia solution is perfectly absorbed without exception (the only question is quantity). The ones that most require such fertilizing are onions, cucumbers, different kinds flowers and much more.

Tired of fighting pests?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in your dacha or apartment? We need to fight them! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Powered by mains, no recharging required
  • There is no addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​operation of the device

Pest protection

Ammonia perfectly helps in the fight against various pests.


  • Onion and. It will be enough to dilute just 5 ml of ammonia in a bucket of water and water the beds.
  • Against aphids. Dilute 50 grams of water in a bucket. alcohol, add baby or laundry soap(for better adhesion), apply as a spray. This is an excellent fertilizer for vegetation, but death for aphids.
  • Fighting a mole cricket. You need to take clean water (10 liters), pour 10 grams into it. ammonia. When planting seedlings, mainly cabbage, water each hole (half a liter is enough).
  • Against wireworm. Prepare a solution from a bucket of water and 10 ml of alcohol, ½ l. Pour liquid into each hole when planting tomatoes.
  • in indoor flowers: It is enough to pour them with a weak ammonia solution.

I regularly inspect my site, and I am very pleased with the results! I really liked that it works for solar battery. I recommend this repeller to everyone."

Harm to aphids

Plant louse causes enormous damage to plants. At the very beginning of the spring season, it appears in vegetable gardens and garden plots. All berry and fruit bushes, as well as flowers.

By sucking the juice, the aphid secretes honeydew, which covers the leaves, allowing it to develop sooty fungus which interferes with photosynthesis. If you do not get rid of pests in a timely manner, all vegetation may die.

Features of the fight against aphids

Having chosen a certain method of struggle, one should not forget that a one-time treatment will not bring the desired effect. The fact is that a one-time spraying will not completely destroy all representatives; those that remain will quickly restore the population, and the work done will be reduced to zero.

After the initial treatment, a few days later, it should be repeated. If necessary, treat several more times, in which case the pests will be completely destroyed.

Stories from our readers!
"We have always used fertilizers and fertilizers in our garden. The neighbor said that he soaks the seeds using new fertilizer. The seedlings grow strong and strong.

We ordered and followed the instructions. Wonderful results! We didn't expect this! We harvested a wonderful harvest this year, and now we will always use only this product. I recommend trying it."

Treating vegetation against garden lice with ammonia is one of the most effective methods.

Dissolved in 10 l. water 2 tablespoons of the drug, adding 40 grams before spraying. Any soap must be used not only on damaged plants, but also on other vegetation as a preventive measure. For greater efficiency, the treatment should be repeated several times.

Important! After the plants are sprayed with an ammonia solution, the plants should not be watered for several days.


Treatment with a spray bottle should take place in the evening. During this period, beneficial insects will have finished their work, and aphids will be getting ready for bed. The work should be carried out within 10 days, maintaining a period of 1-2 days between treatments.

Tree processing

Perform processing various trees necessary standard prepared composition. The work is carried out in the evening, when the aphids fall asleep.

In addition to spraying with ammonia, preparatory work should be done on trees in the spring:

  • Collect fallen leaves and burn them. Everyone knows that a huge number of pests overwinter in last year’s leaves.
  • Remove damaged and dry branches.
  • Whitewash tree trunks with lime mortar.
  • Thoroughly treat all parts of the trees with an ammonia solution.

Garden treatment

Process fruit bushes possible by using pesticides, but we should not forget that they, in addition to aphids, will destroy and beneficial insects. For this reason, it is necessary to cultivate the garden completely and at short intervals of several days. Repeat the procedure at least 3 times.

A very important fact is that ants simply adore aphids, protect and protect them. Therefore, before you begin to destroy pests, you need to get rid of the anthills located nearby.

For apply as folk remedies, and chemicals.

Plant treatment

All plants growing in the garden plot should be treated with an ammonia solution. This will not harm them, since ammonia is an excellent source of nitrogen.

When planting seedlings in holes, you need to spill each one with an ammonia solution; this will perfectly fertilize the vegetation and prevent the appearance of aphids on their branches and leaves.

If the aphid does settle on the leaves, it is necessary to pollinate several times with an alcohol solution. Adding soap will enhance the effectiveness of the work.

How does ammonia work on pests?

Ammonia, due to its irritating effect, affects pests at the local level, affects the respiratory system and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In these cases, a dosage that is safe for humans causes respiratory paralysis in pests. Once in the gastric system, it leads to swelling and burns of the mucous membrane, convulsions and, as a result, death.

The drug can be used without fear both during the flowering period and while waiting for fruits, it will not cause harm.

Instructions for using ammonia against aphids

There is no need to be afraid to treat trees and plants with ammonia. The smell of ammonia will evaporate very quickly, and a certain part of the drug that penetrates inside the plant will play the role of additional protection, fertilizer and will be processed quite quickly.

In all folk recipes use ammonia includes the addition of soap, shampoo, dishwashing detergent (for greater adhesion to branches and leaves).

To make a working solution, take a bucket of water and add 2 tbsp. l. ammonia, the same amount of soap or shampoo. Thanks to the soap solution, protection against aphids will last much longer.

Folk remedies

Before treating against aphid infestations, it is necessary to carefully inspect damaged plants and trees. Trim off the affected areas, leaves and burn them. After this work, spray.

There are two most effective ways:

  • Take 60 ml of alcohol into a bucket of water, grate ¼ piece of any soap, mix thoroughly. Fill a spray bottle with the resulting solution and process everything completely.
  • Take an incomplete bucket of water, add 2 tbsp. l. alcohol and a spoonful of laundry detergent. Move and spray plants and trees.

The effectiveness of ammonia

When processing, a huge advantage is that it can be used at any period of development, which cannot be said about pesticides.

The effect of ammonia does not differ from powerful industrial preparations, however, the former will not harm the plant itself and its fruits. Using this drug, any gardener knows that, in addition to killing pests, ammonia will compensate for the lack of nitrogen.

It should be remembered that one-time treatment will not bring the desired effect, it should be repeated several times.

Precautionary measures

When using ammonia for processing, it is necessary, as in all cases, to follow safety regulations. Of course, a weak solution cannot cause negative consequences in a person. And if powerful undiluted vapors are inhaled, this can lead to burns of the mucous membrane and poisoning.

Therefore, you should always wear a protective mask (respirator), gloves and, if possible, goggles when working.


All gardeners are looking forward to spring to start working on their plots. Such a nuisance as a plant louse can significantly darken the mood of a summer resident. Ammonia is the first assistant in their difficult task.

In addition to these recipes, there are others traditional methods: this is an infusion of potato and tomato tops, and use, and purchased chemicals.

But ammonia can not only help get rid of aphids, but also fertilize the soil. The big advantage is that the drug is inexpensive and one bottle will last for several seasons.

Ammonia, sold in pharmacies, is an aqueous solution of ammonia - a substance that is used in agriculture as a nitrogen fertilizer. Experienced gardeners know how to use ammonia on land plots to increase yields and protect plants from pests.

The benefits of ammonia in the garden

Ammonia is a gas with a strong specific odor, consisting of nitrogen and hydrogen. Dissolving in water, it forms a new substance - ammonia.

Aqueous ammonia solution - universal fertilizer, suitable for feeding all crops. It is advisable to use ammonia when plants signal a lack of nitrogen pale color. After adding ammonia to the soil or spraying the leaves, the plants acquire a bright green color.

Nitrogen enters ammonia in the ammonium form NH4, which does not accumulate in plant tissues, unlike nitrates NO3. Fertilizing with ammonia does not contaminate agricultural products and does not increase the nitrate content. Plants take from ammonia as much of the beneficial element as they need. Soil bacteria will convert the rest of the nitrogen into nitrates, which plants will absorb later.

Ammonia is a precursor to most nitrogen fertilizers. In chemical plants, ammonia is oxidized with air, resulting in nitric acid, which is used to produce fertilizers and other nitrogen-containing compounds.

The pharmacy receives ammonia in the form of a 10% solution, packaged in glass containers of 10, 40 and 100 ml. The affordable price of the drug allows it to be used in summer cottages.

To decide whether it is worth using ammonia as a fertilizer, you need to calculate the profitability. In 100 gr. alcohol contains 10 g. active substance. At the same time, in 100 gr. The most popular nitrogen fertilizer - urea - contains almost 50 grams. active substance.

Using ammonia in the garden

The solution should be used immediately after preparation, until the smell of ammonia has dissipated. Plants can be treated with a sprayer or a watering can with a shallow shower head. Ammonia is volatile, so the sprayer cannot be set to the “fog” position - the alcohol will evaporate without getting on the leaves. Treatment with ammonia should take place on a cloudy day or at sunset.

To kill aphids, dilute 50 ml of ammonia in a bucket of water, add a little grated laundry soap, mix and spray the leaves. Soap is needed to make the mixture stick more firmly.

To combat soil pests, water the plants at the roots with 10 ml of alcohol per bucket of water. This treatment is carried out at the beginning of the season. Usually this is enough to clear the soil of mole crickets.

Onions and carrots are treated with ammonia in the 3-4 leaf phase. The solution is made at the rate of 10 ml of product per bucket of water.

Batun and other green onions are annually affected by the secretive proboscis - a worm that settles inside the feathers. Plants infected with this pest have spotted leaves, as if they had been stitched sewing machine. To protect against secretive proboscis, water the beds with onions with the following composition:

  • 25 ml of the drug;
  • a bucket of water.

The smell of ammonia cannot be tolerated by blood-sucking insects: midges, mosquitoes, wasps.

Treatment of the garden against a complex of pests

You will need:

  • 1 teaspoon fir oil;
  • 1 teaspoon iodine;
  • 1/2 teaspoon boric acid, diluted in 1/2 cup boiling water;
  • 2 tablespoons of birch tar;
  • 2 tablespoons of ammonia.

Dilute the ingredients in a bucket of water to create a working solution. To spray, add a glass of working solution to a bucket of water, pour it into the sprayer and treat all plants in the garden at any time, except during flowering. The waiting period after processing is a week.

As a fertilizer

The maximum permissible concentration of fertilizing solution is a teaspoon of ammonia per liter of water. Pour the liquid into a watering can and pour the soil under the tomatoes and flowers. Onions and garlic are especially fond of ammonia fertilizers. Two to three days after watering, the feathers acquire a rich dark green color.

Choose the right fertilizer for your home flowers and garden plants it may not be easy. Often gardeners are faced with the problem of wilting and weak plant resistance to pests and diseases.

Ammonia- a simple and extraordinary solution to this problem. Today we will talk about the use of ammonia in caring for flowers, garden crops and use in gardening. You will learn how to use ammonia and in what proportions.

Ammonia or ammonia a very good nitrogen compound, having the lightest and most accessible form of nitrogen for plants. Sold in pharmacies in 40 ml bottles, a clear liquid with a pungent odor, a concentration of 10% - ordinary medical ammonia (sometimes a concentrated 25% ammonia solution).

The use of ammonia, unlike other nitrogen fertilizers, gives an immediate positive effect, which can be seen 4-5 days after watering; the plants will be transformed and come to life, turning green. Plants begin to grow quickly, pests in the ground die.

Nitrogen is a very important element for plants and promotes photosynthesis. With a lack of nitrogen, plants become sick and chlorophyll production is disrupted. The leaves lose color and begin to turn yellow. Buds and flowers fall off.

Nitrogen is necessary for all plants, without exception, but in different quantities.

The smell of ammonia can repel such pests like onion fly, carrot fly, aphid, secretive proboscis, mole cricket, wireworm, ants, midges living on indoor plants.

Home flowers water, diluting ammonia in the proportion of 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water.

Attention: do not exceed the dose and take breaks of 2 weeks between using ammonia.

Ammonia use in the garden

Characteristic signs of nitrogen deficiency in the soil are yellowed and pale leaves, small flowers, lack of fruits.

To eliminate these signs, fertilize plants with an ammonia solution. For 10 liters of water add 3 tbsp. l. ammonia, mix, and water at the roots of plants once a week.

During active growth plants especially need fertilizing with nitrogenous fertilizers.

Noticing yellowed, pale feathers of onions and garlic in the area, this is the result of a lack of nitrogen in the soil or the activity of pests.

For feeding onions and garlic dilute 2 tbsp. l. ammonia per 10 liters of water and produce root feeding. Fertilizing must be carried out on damp soil.

To control pests of onions and garlic– onion fly and secretive proboscis, prepare a solution with ammonia with a proportion of 2 tbsp. l. ammonia per 10 liters of water and water 3 times at intervals of 10 days.

Video - ammonia - a super remedy for garlic and onions

We use ammonia to feed tomatoes after transplanting seedlings to permanent place into the ground. Tomatoes need nitrogen to form green mass and produce flowers.

2 tbsp. l. Dilute 10% ammonia in 10 liters of water, pour the solution under the root of the plant, 1 liter of solution under the bush. This will give the plants an impetus, they will transform before our eyes. Don't forget to water the plants before fertilizing. You can repeat feeding after 7 days.

Before the fruits appear, the cucumbers are fed with ammonia. To prepare the solution, dilute 3 tbsp. l. ammonia in 10 liters of water, perform root feeding. You can repeat this feeding several times every 7-10 days.

When the ovaries begin to form, the cucumbers need to be fed once every 4 days, with a more concentrated solution: 1 tsp. for 1.5 liters of water.

To protect cabbage from pests such as caterpillars, cruciferous flea beetles, snails, cabbage flies and slugs, treat the plants with a solution of ammonia.

Dilute 80 ml of ammonia in 10 liters of water and carry out foliar treatment, on leaves and heads of cabbage, watering the plants abundantly.

By treating cabbage leaves against pests, you will also feed them. Therefore, nitrogen fertilizers should be abandoned during this period.

Using ammonia in the garden

To obtain a good harvest and long-term fruiting, raspberries require a lot of nitrogen.

It is necessary to feed raspberries with ammonia before flowering during the growing season and after harvesting.

Raspberries are susceptible to frequent fungal diseases, so it is necessary to spray the bushes.

When average daily temperature When it gets above +10 degrees, you can start feeding and treating raspberries against pests and diseases.

Prepare a feeding solution: 3 tbsp. l. 10% ammonia per 10 liters of water. Water at the root 5 liters for each bush. Then mulch the soil in any way: grass, straw, etc. Repeat fertilizing 7-10 days before flowering.

Spraying raspberry bushes carry out at the very beginning of the growing season, before flowering and in the fall after the end of fruiting.

Prepare the solution: 2 tbsp. l. ammonia per 10 liters of water and add 2 tbsp. l. liquid soap for the solution to stick (preferably tar).

Ammonia will help protect strawberries from pests and diseases and feed them. Before adding the ammonia solution, the soil must be loosened and the area with strawberries must be watered.

Attention: watering strawberries with ammonia is done before flowering in the spring and after fruiting in the fall.

Prepare the solution: 40 ml of 10% ammonia per 10 liters of water. Stir and pour 0.5 liters of solution under each bush; it’s okay if it gets on the leaves. This way you will destroy strawberry pests such as May beetle larvae, weevils, and all kinds of fungi.

Water every 7-10 days.

Roses, peonies, clematis, dahlias, violets, nasturtiums and zinnias react with riotous color to fertilizing with ammonia.

Video - Ammonia plant protector

In conclusion, I want to say that ammonia is a very useful and universal fertilizer that is suitable for everyone garden crops. It performs several functions at once: protection against pests and fertilizing of plants.

Remember the main rule when using ammonia, do not exceed the concentration when preparing the solution, this will have a detrimental effect on the plants.

Fertilize every 7-10 days, not earlier. For diseased plants, it is better to use low concentrations of solutions, increasing them over time. Use ammonia wisely!

Good luck in your struggle for a high harvest, healthy and strong plants!

The use of ammonia for plants is based on its high nitrogen content (82%) and complete absence ballast substances. In the plant environment, nitrogen can be present in ammonia NH3, amide NH2+, ammonium NH4+, nitrite NO2- and nitrate NO3- chemical forms. In the natural biocycle, the basis of nitrogen nutrition for plants is nitrates, on the left in Fig. More clearly important in in this case part of the nitrogen cycle is given on the right.

Note: ammonia is an aqueous solution of ammonia, or aqueous ammonia. It is often called ammonia or ammonia. To avoid confusion, remember that Chemical substance ammonia is ammonium nitrate NH4Cl. The use of ammonium nitrate in large-scale agricultural technology is very limited, and it is not used in private farms.

Features of application

Nitrogen is to plants about the same as bread is to us. Plants greedily, in abundance, absorb nitrates and, partially, so to speak, without much appetite, ammonia. This is the first one An important point for not very experienced plant growers: fertilizing with ammonia will not cause the accumulation of nitrogen compounds in plants, because There are no ammonia depots in them. Simply - It is impossible to overfeed plants with ammonia.

Second important point already of general importance - ammonia is an obligatory intermediate product of the natural nitrogen cycle, and partially transforms into the ammonium form simply in air in the presence of moisture vapor, without the participation of destructor microorganisms. Therefore, the use of ammonia in the garden may be more effective than limitedly available organic fertilizers, because For the formation of nitrates from them, an active soil biocenosis is required.

On a small, intensively used and poorly maintained site, e.g. at the dacha, the community of soil microorganisms is usually weakened. Soil can be reclaimed different ways, eg. humus, but this will take several years and may require certain costs. Feeding with ammonia will allow, in general, without risking an outbreak of pests due to the intensification of the crop with chemicals, to survive the recovery period, receiving sufficient yields during it.

Note: aqueous ammonia and ammonium in the form of ions (pure, “metallic” ammonium does not exist) - alkali of medium strength. Therefore, fertilizing with ammonia together with the application of organic fertilizers allows you to avoid acidification of the soil, and liming is carried out only when an acidic reaction occurs.

Not just fertilizer

Ammonia, as you know, is a volatile, caustic, unbearably smelly and toxic substance. As a result, fertilizing with ammonia is also a pest control measure. Treatment with ammonia is also possible as a separate specific procedure against some harmful species, see below, but first it is worth mentioning the use of ammonia in the garden against damage to fruits by ants and wasps.

To protect the harvest fruit and berry crops the smell of ammonia is used; Ants and wasps cannot tolerate it in concentrations that are completely insensitive to us. Fatty acids contained in soap are used to fix ammonia on treated surfaces. To prevent generally useful, but in this case, unwanted delicacies from gnawing on the crop, the fruits are sprayed with a solution. composition:

  • Grate 100-200 g of soap without fragrances, laundry or children's. The best would be 72% laundry soap.
  • Soap crumbs are dissolved in a liter of hot distilled water.
  • Pour the soap solution into a bucket in a thin stream while stirring. tap water until the gray flakes stop falling out and rainbow bubbles appear.
  • The remainder of the soap solution is poured into the water without precautions.
  • A medicine bottle (50 ml) of a 25% ammonia solution is poured into a bucket of soap solution. At a different concentration, the dose is appropriate. corrected.
  • The prepared working solution is used immediately.

The advantage of ammonia as a biocide against food poisoning is that it does not penetrate plant tissue at all. However, fruits processed in this way must be washed before consumption; buyers should be warned about this. However, no sane person would eat store-bought fruit unwashed.

Precautionary measures

Ammonia is a strong poison for humans. It enters the body through the respiratory tract, through mucous membranes and directly through the skin. Ammonia poisoning due to exceeding traffic limits begins suddenly and requires serious treatment. That is, when working with ammonia, you need to use full set PPE: latex gloves, plastic apron, respirator, glasses, plastic cap on the head. If signs of poisoning appear (nausea, vomiting, burning sensation), you should drink warm milk and call a doctor immediately.

Ammonia vapors also damage decorative coverings; they can cause cracking and chipping of wire insulation. Therefore, the use of ammonia for indoor plants should be done on an open balcony or veranda. During work, you need to stand to the wind from the table (rack) with the plants being processed.

Note: You can use ammonia in a greenhouse only in the warm season, opening the frames or raising the canopy for ventilation.

Ammonia as fertilizer

Ammonia as a fertilizer is applied by spraying or watering with a working solution. Resp. Dosages also vary:

  • 1 tbsp. l. 25% solution per 1 liter of water is the maximum dose for emergency watering when signs of nitrogen starvation appear;
  • 3 tbsp. l. the same solution per 10 liters of water - for watering under the roots of fruits and vegetables;
  • 25 ml per 10 liters of water - for watering flower crops and bulbous vegetables;
  • 50 ml per 10 liters of water – for spraying garden crops;
  • 1 tsp. per 1 liter of water - for seedlings and foliar feeding of flowers.

How to spray and water

Due to the volatility of ammonia, it is better to spray plants with ammonia from a watering can that produces streams with visible splashes (on the left in the figure) along general rules: at sunset after watering or, in cloudy weather, in the morning immediately after dawn. To treat fruits or large areas, the sprayer must be switched from mist to spray. If you use a “steep” watering can that produces drizzle (on the right in the figure), then most of the active substance will be lost in the air.

Correct and incorrect spraying of plants with ammonia

Watering seedlings and indoor flowers should be done using a watering can without a sprinkler, see next. rice. below. Water with a weak stream from a low height directly under the roots, avoiding the solution getting on the green parts of the plants. To prevent chemical burns, it is useful to spray the plants with a misty stream of clean water after watering with ammonia.

Who will benefit?

Plants vary significantly in their ability to assimilate ammonia nitrogen, regardless of their overall need for it. Ammonia is well consumed by any seedlings, and from adult plants - onions, garlic, cucumbers, tomatoes, and vegetable (sweet) peppers. Fertilizing flowers with ammonia is effective for any bulbs, dahlias, clematis, nasturtiums, peonies, roses, garden violets (pansies), zinnia. Strawberries stand apart; they need ammonia more as a preventative against ants and slugs; Strawberries absorb ammonia nitrogen poorly.


Containers for seedlings are washed with a solution of ammonia to remove ants and wasps to prevent diseases and fungi. Water with ammonia solution No. 5 (see above) once, 2 weeks after picking or unrolling the 4th true leaf.

Onion and garlic

Feeding onions and garlic with ammonia is done first with solution No. 2 once during planting, 0.5 liters per hole. A week after the plants sprout, weekly spraying with solution No. 4 begins. Suddenly signs of nitrogen overnutrition appear (dark green glossy foliage), spraying is stopped. If the onion is not on the feather, but on the head, after 2-3 sprayings they are stopped and weekly watering with solution No. 3 begins.

Cucumbers and nightshades

Solution No. 2 is watered 3-4 days after planting. At the beginning of budding and flowering, feed the leaves with solution No. 4.


Ammonia for flowers is used in the form of solutions No. 1, 3 and 5. The flowers are watered first after the leaves bloom (perennials) or planting 0.5 liters per hole (annuals). Then, before budding begins, spray with solution No. 5 once every 2 weeks. If the bud formation is weak, water it once or, after a week, again, with solution No. 3. When signs of nitrogen starvation appear during flowering, water with solution No. 1 into soil that has been well-diluted with clean water in advance.


Ammonia for strawberries is used once, after the leaves bloom, in the form of solution No. 2, and then, at intervals of 2 weeks, solution No. 3. Both rows are watered in the evening.

From pests

In conclusion, we give well-known recipes for using ammonia against insect pests:

  • Weevil - 50 ml of 25% solution per bucket of water. Water at the roots weekly until the pest disappears.
  • Drosophila (fruit fly, often found on indoor flowers) - single watering with solution No. 5.
  • Medvedka - preventive watering of cabbage seedlings with a solution of 10 ml of ammonia per bucket of water. Water 0.5 liters per hole when planting.
  • Onion and carrot flies - 5 ml of 25% ammonia solution per bucket of water. Single watering between rows.
  • Wireworm on nightshades - 10 ml of 25% ammonia solution per bucket of water. Water 0.5 liters per bush when planting.
  • Secretive proboscis on a bow - medicine bottle (25 ml) in a bucket. The first watering is when the plants shoot arrows; 2 weeks later another one.
  • Aphids - one-time spraying with a solution of wasps and ants with soap. If necessary, repeat after 2 weeks.

Video: using ammonia in the country and in the garden

The use of ammonia in the garden is very justified, because it is a cheap fertilizer, as well as an insecticidal agent against insect pests. It is necessary to use ammonia with caution, because not all crops require this element in large quantities.

In addition, the wrong concentration can burn the leaves and stem. The basic rules for using ammonia on your site, as well as the proportions of solutions for fertilizing and pest control, are given in our information.

The effect of ammonia

The pungent odor and concentrated composition can repel and even destroy various types of insects. Ammonia is mainly used to attack aphids and ants, but when used wisely, it can also scare off more serious “opponents” - mole crickets and wireworms.

In addition, spraying with ammonia will help preserve the crop from birds and small rodents, which is successfully used to protect garden crops.

The use of ammonia as a fertilizer is also very justified, because it contains - a large number of easily digestible nitrogen. E This element is vital for all plants, especially at the growth stage. Depending on the type, each crop needs nitrogen to a greater or lesser extent. This is why concentration nutrient solution should be selected individually and taking into account the existing level of soil acidity. It should be noted that excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers (including ammonia) significantly oxidizes the soil, which adversely affects the further growth of plantings.

Besides, acidic soil - favorable conditions for the appearance of late blight and other types of fungus, which is also unacceptable for a good harvest.

But you can learn how to use it correctly from the article at the link.

What can it be used for?

Nitrogen is one of the most essential elements for the life of plants, but the need for it is different cultures not the same. In addition, you should not take into account the soil composition of the area where you grow vegetables and fruits. Ideally, it is necessary to measure the acid level annually and, depending on the indications, plant certain crops, as well as use mineral supplements.

Signs of a lack of nitrogen in the soil:

  • Shredding of leaves, delayed development of stem.
  • Change in color and blanching of the plant.
  • Insufficient flowering and ovary formation.
  • For some crops - the formation of barren flowers.
  • The ovaries do not form, dry out and fall off.

It will also be useful to learn about and what results can be achieved from such actions.

On the video - what can be watered with ammonia in the garden:

The following crops need nitrogen fertilizing the most: peppers, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant and rhubarb. In the garden, such fertilizers will help to obtain good harvest cherries, plums, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries. Among the flowers, roses, lilies, dahlias, peonies and clematis are most “dependent” on nitrogen fertilizing.

Plants of the following groups need an average concentration of nitrogen fertilizers. These are tomatoes, beets, corn, cucumbers, garlic, gooseberries, currants, greens, apple trees and annual flowers. Should be used in small quantities nitrogen fertilizers for cabbage, radishes, onions and pears. It will also be interesting to learn about how carrots are treated with ammonia.

It is this classification that allows you to correctly use ammonia for feeding plants in the garden. If nitrogen is used excessively, the plant can receive a large increase in green mass without fruiting. In addition, exceeding a comfortable dosage will cause a chemical burn to the leaves, which is also unacceptable.

How to breed and use for feeding

The three most commonly used feeding solutions can be divided into different concentrations. You should also separate root feeding and spraying. In the second case, there is a high risk of chemical burns to the leaves, so spraying is carried out to prevent and destroy insects, after which after a few hours the solution is washed off the leaves with clean water.

How to prepare a fertilizer solution:

  1. Standard dosage: Use about 10 ml of ammonia per bucket of water. This solution is suitable for use as root feeding for crops that require moderate amounts of nitrogen. Use at least three times per season, usually at the beginning of the growing season, during the formation of buds and ovaries, as well as active fruiting. And here is how onions are treated with ammonia from onion flies, it is indicated
  2. To actively introduce nitrogen into the soil, the following dosage is used. For 4 liters of water, take 50 ml of ammonia. Fertilize in the root area, and also sprinkle on the above-ground part. Alternate at intervals of 7–10 days.
  3. Spraying the aboveground part can also be carried out based on the standard dosage: a tablespoon per bucket of water. This solution can be treated horticultural crops In addition to feeding, this will protect them from pests. But how to get rid of ants in the beds using ammonia will help you understand this

The video shows how to dilute and use ammonia for feeding:

If your site also suffers from an invasion of birds, such a solution will scare them away from the harvest. The smell of ammonia quickly dissipates in the open air, but insects and birds will remain noticeable for a long time.

Application proportions for pest control

To prevent attacks by common pests, solutions of varying concentrations are used. Preventive spraying works best with low concentration solutions, which will also help foliar feeding. Here's how to fight weevils on strawberries with ammonia, and how effective this remedy is. stated in the article

Basic methods of pest control and prevention:

Ammonia is a real helper for a skilled gardener. It is effective for feeding, because absorption occurs very quickly and in full. In addition, such spraying helps rid the garden of pests. It is necessary to adhere to strict dosages so as not to get a negative result. Basic recipes and dosage of the required composition are given in our information. We also recommend that you read our article which will tell you.